Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council ... - City of Berkeley

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Sep 27, 2011 - citizens to learn about, celebrate and promote the great importance of all citizens exercising their ....
09 Berkeley City Council

CONSENT CALENDAR September 27, 2011 To:

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council


Councilmembers Linda Maio, Susan Wengraf and Laurie Capitelli


Proclamation Recognizing The 100th Anniversary of Women’s Vote in California

RECOMMENDATION 1. Approve the attached proclamation honoring both the 100th anniversary of California women obtaining the right to vote, and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the League of Women Voters of Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville (LWVBAE); 2. The Mayor of Berkeley present the proclamation to representatives from the LWVBAE at the Council’s regular meeting of October 11, 2011; and 3. Adopt a Resolution co-sponsoring the October 2011 “Berkeley Women Vote” events as listed on the attached flyer. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS None. BACKGROUND In October we celebrate the 100th anniversary for both California women obtaining the right to vote, and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the League of Women Voters of Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville (LWVBAE). This proclamation and co-sponsorship provide the Berkeley City Council opportunities to recognize and honor both anniversaries. CONTACT PERSON Councilmember Linda Maio, District 1 Councilmemer Susan Wengraf, District 6 Councilmember Laurie Capitelli, District 5

981-7110 981-7160 981-7150

ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proclamation Recognizing and Celebrating The 100th Anniversary Of Women In California Winning The Right To Vote. 2. Resolution co-sponsoring the October 2011 “Berkeley Women Vote” Events: Celebrating California Suffrage 1911-2011 Exhibit A: Berkeley Women Vote Brochure Aug-Oct






the women of California and the City of Berkeley won the right to vote after a decade-long effort culminating on October 10, 1911, when a majority of California men voted for political equality and passed the woman suffrage amendment to the state Constitution; and Tom Bates, Mayor of the City of Berkeley, proclaimed March 2011 Women’s History Month in honor of the 100th Anniversary of Women Suffrage in California and he and the City Council wish to encourage citizens to learn about, celebrate and promote the great importance of all citizens exercising their right to vote; and the City of Berkeley was the only city in the Bay Area to pass the suffrage amendment and did so thanks to the remarkable leadership of Mrs. Hester Harland working with Mary McHenry Keith and many other women and men whose work is recognized in the Berkeley Historical Center exhibit Berkeley Women Vote: Celebrating California Suffrage 1911-2011, co sponsored by the Berkeley Historical Society, the American Association of University Women, Berkeley, the Friends of the Berkeley Public Library and the League of Women Voters Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville; and the League of Women Voters of Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville was founded 100 years ago on October 30, 1911 as the Berkeley Center of the California Civic League and proceeded to use the new voting power of women for improvement of the city and the schools and the centennial will be celebrated in this historic City Council Chamber on the 100th anniversary, on Sunday, October 30, 2011; and this successful, historic effort by courageous and resolute citizens of all races and origins dedicated to the ideal of true democracy is cause for celebration, education and promotion.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BERKELEY CITY COUNCIL recognizes October 10, 2011 as the 100th Anniversary of Woman Suffrage in California and October 30, 2011 as the 100th Anniversary of the League of Women Voters Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville and encourages all members of the Berkeley community to join in this observance.

RESOLUTION NO. –N.S. CO-SPONSORING THE OCTOBER 2011 “BERKELEY WOMEN VOTE” EVENTS: CELEBRATING CALIFORNIA SUFFRAGE 1911-2011 WHEREAS, October 2011 includes the 100th Anniversary for both California women having the right to vote and the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the League of Women Voters of Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville (LWVBAE); and WHEREAS, these anniversaries remind us that this successful, historic effort by courageous and resolute citizens of all races and origins dedicated to the ideal of true democracy is cause for celebration, education and promotion; and WHEREAS, the League of Women Voters of Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville (LWVBAE) in collaboration with the Berkeley Historical Society, the American Association of University Women - Berkeley Branch, and the Friends of the Berkeley Public Library are coordinating and sponsoring a wide variety of community events to recognize and celebrate these anniversaries (Exhibit A). NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Berkeley that the City of Berkeley hereby co-sponsors the October 2011 “Berkeley Women Vote” events, and the event sponsors have the City’s permission to use the City’s name and logo in the event’s promotional materials and signage naming the City of Berkeley as a co-sponsor solely for the purpose of the City indicating its policy endorsement of the event. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this co-sponsorship does not: (1) authorize financial support, whether in the form of fee waivers, a grant or provision of City services for free; (2) constitute the acceptance of any liability, management, or control on the part of the City for or over “Berkeley Women Vote” events; or (3) constitute regulatory approval of the “Berkeley Women Vote” events. Exhibit A: Berkeley Women Vote Brochure Aug-Oct


Berkeley Women Vote: Celebrating California Suffrage 19112011 An Exhibit at the Berkeley History Center September 18, 2011 through March 30, 2012 1931 Center Street - Berkeley, CA

“Berkeley Women Vote” opens at 3:00 pm at the Berkeley History Center. Key Note Speaker: Robert P.J. Cooney, Jr., author, Winning the Vote: The Triumph of th A i W S ff M t A Pi k T t California Digital Newspaper Collection, Center for Bibliographic Studies and Research “Women of California Ask for Justice”; San Francisco Call; October 9, 1911. University of California, Riverside, http://cdnc.ucr.edu.

Berkeley Women Vote Events Calendar

“A Centennial Celebration: California Women and the  8/15/2011‐  Vote” in the Bancroft Library display cases; walk past the    Rotunda, through the hall to the crossing hall, University of  California, Berkeley   Solano Stroll: Berkeley Women Vote Suffragist Unit  marches in Parade at 10:00 am and the exhibit booth  9/11/2011  opens near Ensenada Ave from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. To  join the parade, contact us at [email protected]  “Women at Cal: 1910­1915: When California Passed the  10/07/2011 Women’s Suffrage Amendment” in the Bancroft Library  ‐   display cases in the corridor past the Rotunda, University of  3/30/2012  California, Berkeley  At 10:30 am in the Central Community Meeting Room ­  Berkeley’s Public Library ­ Claire Rudolf Murphy and  illustrator Stacey Schuett will speak and read from  their new picture book “Marching With Aunt Susan,”  10/8/2011  the story of a real Berkeley girl who works with Susan B.  Anthony and her Aunt Mary McHenry Keith on the suffrage  campaign of 1896. For children of all ages, 2090 Kittredge  Street Berkeley, Info: www.berkeleyhistoricalsociety.org  Celebration of the California Suffrage Centennial 1911­ 10/9‐ 2011 at the Sacramento Capitol. For more information:   10/2011  www.californiasuffragecentennial.com  10/14/2011  “Women at Cal” public  opening with music, time TBD   10/25/201‐  “Berkeley Women Vote” exhibit expands to the  11/24/2011  Berkeley Central Public Library display cases.  League of Women Voters, Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville  Celebration of its 100th anniversary; 2:00‐3:15 pm in  10/30/2011  City Council Chambers, Old City Hall, for music and  speeches; then on to the Veteran’s Memorial Building for  lemonade & cookies  & tour of “Berkeley Women Vote”   Exhibit  The Berkeley Historical Society (BHS) will offer a series of  Speakers  suffrage related talks during the exhibit.  Follow updates at  Series  the BHS website:  http://www.berkeleyhistoricalsociety.org  10/1/2011 UC Berkeley campus tour of sites associated  with prominent UC benefactor and suffrage supporter  Phoebe Hearst. 10/22/2011, Visits to four historic early  women’s club houses in the south campus area.  11/12/2011 A West Berkeley walk remembering the  community institutions Berkeley women created.   3 BHS Fall  Walking  Tours  Related to  Exhibit 

Sponsosred by the Berkeley Historical Society, League of Women Voters, Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville, American Association of University Women, Berkeley Branch, and the Friends of the Berkeley Public Library. ( 8/16/2011)