Textbook: "Chemistry, The Central Science", Brown, LeMay, Bursten, Murphy, ...
The 12th edition of the textbook is recommended because of differences ...
Dr. Michael Lufaso
[email protected] Phone: 904-620-2226 Building 50, Room 2716
Honors General Chemistry II CHM 2046H Syllabus Spring 2013
Lecture TR 1:40-2:55 pm Bldg 50, Rm 1404 Office Hours MT 9-10:30 am, R 3-5 pm
Course Information and Requirements Purposes and Objectives: Know the World. • Demonstrate knowledge of the natural sciences • Apply knowledge to real-world situations. • Recognize the inevitable limits of your own perception and understanding. Think Critically. • Read, analyze, and understand complex texts or quantitative information. Solve Problems. • Locate, evaluate, and/or use research sources • Formulate and/or apply models to evaluate problems and draw conclusions.
Required Materials: In pursuit of the objective outlined above, the course has been structured to utilize the following: Textbook: "Chemistry, The Central Science", Brown, LeMay, Bursten, Murphy, Woodward (12th Edition) Choose one of the following options. Option 1 Hardback version: Hardback textbook with MasteringChemistry (ISBN 13) 978-1-256-13252-3 Option 2 Paperback version: Paperback textbook Volume II with MasteringChemistry Homework: MasteringChemistry (M.C.) online tutorial and homework companion student access kit or code by Prentice Hall, either with a new textbook or purchased separately at www.masteringchemistry.com/. Enter a Student ID that is the same as your UNF N# to receive homework credit. The access code is valid for 24 months from the date of redemption, so you may not need to repurchase if you have a code from a previous semester and are using the same textbook. Calculator: A scientific or graphing calculator is required for the examinations. The use communications and programming is prohibited. The calculator should be capable of scientific notation, log, and exponential functions. If a graphing calculator is used, you must clear the memory before receiving the exam. On a typical TI-XX graphing calculator, the sequence is to press 2nd then ‘+’ (MEM), then Reset, All RAM, Reset. A message will be displayed as RAM Cleared. I will randomly ask for calculators and inspect the memory during the exams. Prerequisite: CHM 2045 and CHM2045L with a grade of C or better. Laboratory: CHM2046L is separate and does not influence the grade in the lecture, but if you withdraw from the lecture you should withdraw from the laboratory course.
Homework: Specific graded homework problems will be assigned on the website http://www.masteringchemistry.com with the course ID “LUFASOCHEM2046HSP13“. Graded homework will contribute towards your overall course grade. The 12th edition of the textbook is recommended because of differences between questions in previous editions of the textbook.
Honors Activities: Honors groupwork on multicomponent problems will be conducted.
Tentative Schedule and Lecture Topic Coverage: Lecture Topic intermolecular forces, phase changes, H-bonding phase diagrams, solids solution processes, concentration, colligative properties Kinetics, Integrated rate laws, activation energy, catalysts Reaction quotient, calculating equilibrium constant Le Chatelier's principle, acids and bases Autoionization of water, pH, acid and base dissociation constants, Ka and Kb, Lewis acid and base 8 Feb. 26, 28 Common ion effect, buffers 9 Mar. 5, 7 Titrations, solubility equilibria 10 Mar. 12, 14 solubility equilibria, 11 Mar. 19, 21 Spring Break 12 Mar. 26, 28* Entropy, laws of thermodynamics, Gibbs free energy 13 Apr. 2, 4 Balancing redox reactions , Voltaic, galvanic cells, cell EMFs, Nernst equation, electrolysis 14 Apr. 9, 11 Electrolytic cells, free energy 15 Apr. 16, 18 nuclear equations, nuclear stability, nuclear kinetics, fission, fusion, radiation health and safety, metal complexes E Finals Final Exam: Tuesday, April 23, 2013. (1:00 - 2:50 pm) *Last day to withdraw is Friday, March 29, 2013. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Week of Jan. 8, 10 Jan.15, 17 Jan. 22, 24 Jan. 29, 31 Feb. 5, 7 Feb. 12, 14 Feb. 19, 21
Reading 11 11,12 13 14 15 15, 16 16 16, 17 17 17, 19 19 19,20 20 21 21,23
Websites for Additional Information: http://www.unf.edu/~michael.lufaso/chem2046H/ http://www.masteringchemistry.com/ and http://blackboard.unf.edu/
Exams: Term exams (3) are tentatively scheduled on February 5, March 7, and April 11, 2013. The final exam is scheduled on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 (1:00 - 2:50 pm). UNF ID cards may be requested at an exam. Bring an approved calculator to all exams – no exceptions. No make-up midterm or final exams will be given. If you miss an exam for reasons beyond your control, it must be documented within 5 days by official documentation (e.g. police report, emergency room receipt), and you may receive a grade that is the average of your other exams. Absences for other reasons are not excused and result in a grade of 0.
Grading and Evaluation: The final grade is evaluated on the basis of total points earned. Honors Activities 50 pts. Homework 250 pts. Term Exam I 150 pts. Term Exam II 150 pts. Term Exam III 150 pts. Final Exam 250 pts. Total 1000 pts. The course will be graded so that A: 92 - 100%; A-: 89 – 92%; B+: 87 - 89%; B: 80 – 87; B-: 78-80; C+: 76 - 78%; C: 68 – 76%; D: 55 - 68%. +/- final grades will be assigned. Retain all graded papers so that you can present them if you become aware of a grade recording error.
Accommodations: Students with disabilities who seek reasonable accommodations regarding their coursework must first be registered with the UNF Disability Resource Center (DRC). The DRC will work with the student to obtain required documentation of disability and to partner with the student to determine accommodations as required under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). When all required documentation is received, the student will deliver a letter from the DRC that advises faculty about approved accommodations. If students registered with the DRC do not receive approved accommodations, they should immediately contact the DRC.
Course Format: It is assumed all students will be in class on time and remain until dismissed. If you are late, do not enter at the front of the classroom. Use the doors at the back of the lecture hall. Avoid disruptive behavior such as using cell phones, PDA, or laptops. Students that are caught texting or have a cell phone or electronic device that makes noise during class may receive a 1% penalty, per occurrence, to their overall course score.
Policy on Academic Integrity: A zero tolerance policy will be in effect. If you haven’t already done so, you should familiarize yourself with UNF’s academic policies and regulations, especially those dealing with academic integrity. The UNF undergraduate catalog and the student handbook contain more details regarding the Academic Integrity Code and possible faculty actions in a case of suspected academic misconduct.
Helpful Suggestions: The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) offers tutoring for students in Science, Math and Statistics, Humanities and Accounting. ACE is located in Building 2, Room 1200. For more information please visit http://www.unf.edu/ace/ or call 620-1012 or e-mail
[email protected]. It is recommended that reading of the pertinent chapter sections is completed prior to each class meeting time. Chemistry, in particular, is a cumulative subject in which new material builds upon a series of linked concepts. Practice is critical. Keep up in chapter reading and homework problems and don’t fall behind. Procrastination, following by “all-nighters” often lead to lack of success. Consistent effort will likely yield the best results. The lecture class and textbook are intended to complement each other and you are responsible for everything that is covered during the lecture class period. Lectures may utilize PowerPoint slides, but please note that merely watching and copying what is on the slides is not sufficient as class notes – you should also take notes on verbal explanations which accompany the slides. Take quality notes and review them periodically in the context of the textbook. Plan to spend at least 3 hours outside of class for every 1 hour lecture; some students may need more or less time. Make sure you understand the material and can do the problems independently, then consider study groups to learn difficult subject material. Learn from each other, but remember that you will not be taking exams or working on graded homework as a group. In order to be highly successful in General Chemistry II, you should also do the majority of the practice homework problems at the end of each chapter. Attempt the problems first, before looking at the solutions. More practice and study of the problems, concepts, and material will help you on exams - since you will be able to answer questions more rapidly and have time to check your answers and calculations. Consider going to the library to obtain other general chemistry books for additional practice problems. I will also gladly provide additional problems for practice. When appropriate, ask lab instructors about content that overlaps with the lecture. Students who feel they are not achieving their highest level of success in this course are also encouraged to seek help during office hours. I desire to have each of you learn chemistry according to your ability and also enjoy the course. Your success in this course will largely depend on your own effort and motivation!