Kumar, & Hasenstaub, 1998; Leigh, 2004; van Schaik & Deaner, 2003). ..... have higher levels of prolactin than first-time fathers (Ziegler & Snowdon, 1997).
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Hormones and the Human Family MARK V. FLINN, CAROL V. WARD, and ROBERT J. NOONE
ORMONES AND NEUROTRANSMITTERS help shape important aspects of our lives, including growth, differentiation, sexuality, physiology, emotion, and cognition. From romantic thoughts to jealous rage, from the release of gametes to lactation and parent-offspring bonding, the extraordinary molecules produced and released by tiny and otherwise seemingly insignificant cells and glands orchestrate our reproductive strategies. A key research objective is to understand the evolutionary functions of this chemical language. Endocrine and neuroendocrine systems may be viewed as complex sets of mechanisms designed by natural selection to communicate information among cells and tissues. This chapter focuses on an area of particular importance for evolutionary psychology: the behavioral endocrinology of the human family. Steroid and peptide hormones, associated neurotransmitters, and other chemical messengers guide mating and parental behaviors of mammals in many important ways (Curtis & Wang, 2003; Rosenblatt, 2003; Young & Insel, 2002). Cross-species comparisons among primates require careful analysis (Bercovitch & Ziegler, 2002) because of the apparent rapid evolutionary changes in patterns of reproductive behaviors and increased phenotypic flexibility involving intricate mental processes. Homo sapiens presents special problems in these regards (Fisher, 2004; Maestripieri, 1999; Marler, Bester-Meredith, & Trainor, 2003; Wynne-Edwards, 2001, 2003). Here we first provide a theoretical scenario for the evolution of human patterns of mating and parenting behaviors. We test our model by examining the phylogenetic trajectories of associated traits such as sexual dimorphism and life history stages from the hominin fossil record. We then turn to a description and functional analysis of the endocrine mechanisms that may influence these remarkable reproductive behavioral characteristics of our species.
E VO L U T I O N O F T H E H U M A N FA M I LY The human family is extraordinary and unique in many respects (Alexander, 1990b; Geary & Flinn, 2001). Humans are the only species to live in multimale groups with complex coalitions and extensive paternal care. Humans have concealed (or “cryptic”) ovulation, physically altricial but mentally precocial infants, 552
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lengthy child development, female orgasm, and menopause. Hormones are involved in the development (ontogeny) and regulation of these and other components of reproduction, including the neurobiology that underpins the associated psychological competencies (e.g., Bartels & Zeki, 2004). Understanding the proximate causes, phylogenetic relations, and adaptive functions of the hormonal and neurotransmitter mechanisms may provide important steps toward reconstructing the evolutionary history of our (human) unusual patterns of mating and parenting and their variability in different environmental contexts. The altricial (helpless) infant is indicative of a protective environment provided by intense parental and alloparental care in the context of kin groups (Alexander, 1987; Chisholm, 1999; Flinn, 2004a, 2004b; Flinn & Ward, 2004; Hrdy, 1999, 2004). The human baby does not need to be physically precocial. Rather than investing in the development of locomotion, defense, and food acquisition systems that function early in ontogeny, the infant can work instead toward building a more effective adult phenotype. The brain continues rapid growth, and the corresponding cognitive competencies largely direct attention toward the social environment. Plastic neural systems enable adaptation to the nuances of the local community, such as its language (Alexander, 1990a; Bjorklund & Pellegrini, 2002; Bloom, 2000; Geary & Bjorklund, 2000; Geary & Huffman, 2002; Small, 1998, 2001). In contrast to the slow development of ecological skills of movement, fighting, and foraging, the human infant rapidly acquires skill with the complex communication system of human language (Pinker, 1994) and other social competencies such as facial recognition (de Haan, Johnson, & Halit, 2003), eye contact (Farroni, Mansfield, Lai, & Johnson, 2003), and smiling (Bornstein & Arterberry, 2003). The extraordinary information-transfer abilities enabled by linguistic competency provide a conduit to the knowledge available in other human minds. This emergent capability for intensive and extensive communication potentiates the social dynamics characteristic of human groups (Dunbar, 1997, 2004) and provides a new mechanism for social learning and culture. The recursive pattern recognition and abstract symbolic representation central to linguistic competencies may facilitate the open-ended, creative, and flexible information processing characteristic of humans—especially of children (Flinn & Ward, 2004; cf. Ranganath & Rainer, 2003). The advantages of intensive parenting, including paternal protection and other care, require a most unusual pattern of mating relationships: moderately exclusive pair bonding in multiple-male groups. No other primate (or mammal) that lives in large, cooperative multiple-reproductive-male groups has extensive male parental care, although some protection by males is evident in multimale troops of baboons (Buchan, Alberts, Silk, & Altmann, 2003), and extensive care is provided by males in small monogamous family groups in indris, marmosets, tamarins, night monkeys, titi monkeys, and, to a lesser degree, gibbons. Although some group-living species of birds have paternal care, there appear to be special mechanisms enhancing confidence of paternity (e.g., mate guarding and the lack of long gestation periods), and they lack the coalitionary cooperation characteristic of humans (for reviews, see LeBlanc, 2003; Wrangham & Peterson, 1996). Among primates, competition for females in multiple-male groups usually results in low confidence of paternity (e.g., chimpanzees). Males and females forming exclusive pair bonds in multiple-male primate groups would provide cues of nonpaternity for other males and hence place their offspring at higher risk
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for infanticide (Hrdy, 1999). Paternal care is most likely to be favored by natural selection in conditions where males can identify their offspring with sufficient probability to offset the costs of investment (Alexander, 1974; Flinn, 1981), although reciprocity with potential mates is also likely to be involved (Buss, 1994; Flinn, 1988; Smuts, 1985). Humans exhibit a unique “nested family” social structure, involving complex reciprocity among males and females embedded in kin networks that restricts direct competition for mates among group members. It is difficult to imagine how this system could be maintained in the absence of another unusual human trait: concealed or “cryptic” ovulation (Alexander, 1990b; Alexander & Noonan, 1979). Although many other primates lack estrus swellings and other obvious visual signals of female reproductive condition (Pawlowski, 1999; Sillen-Tullberg & Møller, 1993), humans appear especially oblivious to the timing of ovulation, although frequency of intercourse (Wilcox et al., 2004), mateguarding activities (Flinn, 1988), and mate choice discrimination (Gangestad, Simpson, Cousins, Garver-Apgar, & Christensen, 2004) may be higher during midcycle in some conditions. Human groups tend to be male philopatric (men reside in the group in which they were born, although they may also emigrate), resulting in extensive male kin alliances, useful for competing against other groups of male kin (Chagnon, 1988; LeBlanc, 2003; Wagner, Flinn, & England, 2002; Wrangham & Peterson, 1996). Patterns of kinship residence, however, are variable (Murdock, 1949) and associated with different aspects of mating and marriage systems (Flinn & Low, 1986; Rohner & Veneziano, 2001). Females also have complex social networks, but usually are not involved directly in the overt physical aggression and alliances characteristic of intergroup relations (Campbell, 2002; Geary & Flinn, 2002; for an insightful case of indirect competitive activities by females, see Biella, Chagnon, & Seaman, 1997). Across extant primates, a long developmental period and intensive parenting are associated with a long life span (Allman & Hasenstaub, 1999; Allman, Rosin, Kumar, & Hasenstaub, 1998; Leigh, 2004; van Schaik & Deaner, 2003). One unique feature of the life history and long life span of women is menopause. Menopause results in an extended period during which women can invest in the well-being of their later born children as part of a potential adaptation that enables the longterm investment in a smaller number of children and other relatives such as grandchildren. It allows them to focus on children they have already produced, avoiding the costs of additional pregnancies at a time when their health and the likelihood of their survival to the end of later born children’s dependency are diminishing (Alexander, 1974; Hawkes, 2003; Williams, 1957). The increasing probability of mother’s death with age has especially significant effects on the reproductive value of later born children if long-term maternal investment is important. Orphans have low reproductive value in many societies. A parallel is found in some preindustrial societies, whereby parents sometimes commit infanticide to reduce the risks to their older children (Daly & Wilson, 1988; Hill & Hurtado, 1996). Infanticide, as well as reduced fertility associated with breastfeeding and increasing age (Ellison, 2001), enables parents to reduce the number of dependent offspring and direct more parental investment to older children. When this pattern is combined with a substantial increase in the length of the developmental period, menopause follows as a logical evolutionary adaptation that serves the same function, that is, to reduce the number of dependent children and thus free parental resources that can be invested in a smaller number of children
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and other kin. Empirical tests demonstrating such advantages, however, have proven difficult (Hill & Hurtado, 1991, 1996; Hill & Kaplan, 1999; cf. Hawkes, 2003; Hawkes, O’Connell, Blurton Jones, Alvarez, & Charnov, 1998). Men, with different, less risky parental activities, would not have been subject to the same selective pressures for terminating reproductive potential, although they, too, may have been selected to adjust reproductive behavior from mating to parenting with increased age (Draper & Harpending, 1988). From this perspective, older females may have had important effects on the success of their developing children, perhaps in part because of the importance of their accumulated knowledge for negotiating the social environment. Socially skilled and wellconnected older mothers and grandmothers may have been especially valuable teachers of social and political wisdom, with associated reproductive benefits (Alexander, 1990b; Caspari & Lee, 2004; Coe, 2003; cf. O’Connell, Hawkes, & Blurton Jones, 1999). In short, the doubling of the maximum life span of humans, involving an increased period of prereproductive development on the one hand and an increased period of postreproductive parental and kin investment on the other, suggests the importance of parent-offspring relationships for acquiring and mastering sociocompetitive information (Bjorklund & Pellegrini, 2002; Flinn & Ward, 2004; Geary, 2005). These characteristics of the human family—extensive biparental and kin care, physically altricial but linguistically and cognitively precocial infants, lengthy childhood and adolescence, concealed ovulation, variably exclusive pair bonds in multiple-male coalitionary groups, and menopause—are a unique combination of traits with associated morphological, physiological, and psychological mechanisms (Flinn, Geary, & Ward, 2005). In the following section, we review the paleontological evidence of the selective pressures that produced this complex set of adaptations. T H E F O S S I L R E C OR D The temporal sequence of changes in hominin anatomy documented in the fossil record provides evidence of the sequence of morphological changes that occurred in human evolution. Unfortunately, it is difficult to directly infer hominin social structures and associated neurobiological and endocrinological mechanisms from fossils. Some evidence comes from changes in the pattern of human sexual dimorphism and shifts in life history strategies that would impact social interactions, in particular, reduction in the magnitude of body size sexual dimorphism, threefold increase in brain volume, near doubling of the length of the developmental period, and disappearance of related species of hominins. Covariation among these variables and social and ecological differences across living primates provide data from which inferences can be made about the nature of social dynamics in human evolution (Alexander, Hoogland, Howard, Noonan, & Sherman, 1979; Clutton-Brock, 1977; Dunbar, 1998; Foley, 1999; Plavcan, van Schaik, & Kappeler, 1995), although associated models may not be definitive (Plavcan, 2000). The best indicators of the increasing stability of male-female pair bonds and associated male coalitionary behavior in the fossil record are sexual dimorphism and life history patterns. Reduced body size dimorphism is associated with both monogamy (Plavcan, 2000, 2001) and male coalitionary behavior (Pawlowski, Lowen, & Dunbar, 1998; Plavcan & van Schaik, 1997; Plavcan et al., 1995) in extant primates. Although the large canine size dimorphism that characterizes all living
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and fossil great apes had greatly diminished in Australopithecus (Ward, Leakey, & Walker, 2001; Ward, Walker, & Leakey, 1999), the reduced body mass dimorphism typical of modern humans did not occur until sometime during the evolution of Homo erectus (McHenry, 1992a, 1992b, 1994; cf. Reno, Meindl, McCollum, & Lovejoy, 2003). It is tempting to assume that the behavioral characteristics of the ancestor common to the australopithecine species and humans were similar to those observed in modern chimpanzees or bonobos (de Waal & Lanting, 1997; Kano, 1992; Wrangham, 1999; Wrangham & Peterson, 1996; Zihlman, Cronin, Cramer, & Sarich, 1978). This appears a reasonable assumption in some respects, as relative brain sizes of chimpanzees, bonobos, and australopithecines are very similar (McHenry, 1992a, 1992b). In addition, sexual dimorphism in body weight is about 20% for chimpanzees and bonobos (Goodall, 1986; Kano, 1992), as it is in humans. Thus, it might appear that the large multimale, multifemale group structures characterizing all three species would have been found in the last common ancestor and thus in earliest hominins. Chimpanzees and humans display coalitional aggression (Wrangham, 1999), and although this is not documented for the less studied bonobos, it has been hypothesized to be a homologous trait shared with the common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans (Wrangham & Peterson, 1996). Size dimorphism was substantially greater in Australopithecus than in Pan or Homo, although less than in gorillas and orangutans (McHenry, 1992b; Ward et al., 1999, 2001; but see Reno et al., 2003). The contrast suggests that reproductive strategies of australopithecines may have differed in important respects from that of male chimpanzees, bonobos, and humans. Australopithecus body mass dimorphism suggests that these early hominins were polygynous, as significant mass dimorphism is not associated with monogamy in any extant primate (Plavcan, 2001). Body mass dimorphism is inconsistent with both monogamy and extensive coalitionary behaviors in extant primates (Plavcan, 2000; Plavcan & van Schaik, 1997). Therefore, the social structure of Australopithecus was unlikely to have been characterized by either monogamy or extensive male coalitions. At some point during the evolution of Homo erectus, body size sexual dimorphism became reduced to near-modern human levels. The reduction in sexual dimorphism resulted in spite of a slight increase in male size, because of an even more substantial increase in female body size (McHenry, 1994). Body mass dimorphism in early H. erectus is difficult to estimate accurately, but disparities in size and robusticity among even early H. erectus crania are less than in australopithecine species, signaling a reduction in body size sexual dimorphism. By the early mid-Pleistocene (approximately 800 k), body mass dimorphism was similar to that found in modern humans (McHenry, 1994; Ruff, Trinkaus, & Holliday, 1997), consistent with either an increase in pair bonding and/or male coalitionary behaviors. Changes in social behavior accompanying the shift in mating and parenting strategies are likely to have presented novel cognitive challenges involving complex reciprocity among coalition members. Unlike gorillas, with one-male breeding groups, and chimps, with promiscuous mating and little male parental behavior, at some point the evolving hominids were faced with the difficulties of managing increasingly exclusive pair bonds in the midst of increasingly large coalitions of potential mate competitors. These behavioral changes would be consistent with the documented decreases in dimorphism.
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Prolongation of childhood, including secondarily altricial infants born early in their ontogenies coupled with extended juvenile periods, an adolescent growth spurt, and delayed maturation relative to apes (Bogin, 1991, 1999), seems to have broadly coevolved with changes in sexual dimorphism and reproductive behaviors. The first major changes in hominin infant altriciality probably occurred in Homo erectus, concurrent or slightly behind changes in sexual dimorphism and cranial capacity—that is, more recently than 1.5 mya (Antòn & Leigh, 2003; Nelson, Thompson, & Krovitz, 2003). Female pelvic dimensions are constrained by mechanical-locomotor as well as thermoregulatory constraints, so birth canal size was not greatly expanded over australopithecine levels (Begun & Walker, 1993; Ruff, 1995), yet adult brain sizes were nearly doubled. This means that to have appropriate neonatal proportions relative to the size of the mother’s pelvic inlet, infants must have been born at a relatively small size and were relatively altricial early (Martin, 1990; Portman, 1941; Rosenberg & Trevathan, 1996) with rapid rates of brain growth (Antòn & Leigh, 2003; Martin, 1983). They do not appear to have attained large adult brain size simply by prolonging overall growth (Deacon, 1997; Dean et al., 2001; Leigh, 2004). Increasingly altricial infants would have required more intensive parenting by the mother, and, given the decrease in sexual dimorphism occurring at this time, which may indicate pair bonding, perhaps parental care by the father and/or alloparents (Flinn & Ward, 2004; Rosenberg, 1992; Rosenberg & Trevathan, 1996). Despite these ontogenetic shifts associated with the timing of birth, delayed maturation does not appear to have occurred until later in human evolution (summary in Nelson et al., 2003). Dental development is coupled to life history variables such as age at sexual maturity, and thus can be used to infer the timing of important life history stages. Early Homo erectus appears to have had relatively rapid development, similar in rate to Australopithecus and great apes, whereas that of modern humans is much slower (Dean et al., 2001). Coincident with its rapid rate of development, early H. erectus is predicted to have lacked a humanlike adolescent growth spurt, based on the fact that the single known juvenile skeleton, KNM-WT 15000, appears to have had a more rapid rate of dental development than that of his postcranial skeleton when compared with humans (Antòn & Leigh, 2003; Smith, 1993). There are no comprehensive data on rates of child development for hominins between 1.6 mya and 60 k, but the single Neandertal specimen examined by Dean and colleagues (2001) was modern in its developmental trajectory, indicating a humanlike extended childhood had occurred by this time. A modern human pattern of dental development was present by 800 k (Bermudez de Castro et al., 1999, 2003), but this may or may not imply a similar rate (Dean et al., 2001). Relatively large brains in some Neandertals compared to their dental development stages (Dean, Stringer, & Bromage, 1986) may reflect the overall larger brains of at least some individuals, rather than significant maturational differences. If it does, it might be reasonable to hypothesize that the human adolescent growth spurt was already in place by this time as well (Bermudez de Castro et al., 2003). Neandertals and modern humans probably shared similar stages of development, including an adolescent growth spurt, that would have been present in their mutual ancestry, perhaps by 500 kya (Krovitz, 2003). Longevity appears to have gradually increased from Australopithecus to modern humans with a higher proportion of individuals living to old age in the last 50 k (Caspari & Lee, 2004). If ecological dominance reduced mortality from extrinsic causes, this would allow for selection for delayed reproduction and extended life histories (Chisholm, 1999; Stearns, 1992; Williams, 1957).
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Taking all the data together, it appears that the evolution of altriciality may have begun after the initial brain expansion but that delayed maturation and an adolescent growth spurt may have evolved later in human evolution, perhaps as brain size increase continued throughout the Pleistocene. Thus, it appears that modern human social structures, and likely human family structures, developed gradually during the early to mid-Pleistocene. Integrated adaptations included more altricial infants, delayed maturation, increasingly stable mating relationships between males and females, increasing paternal and alloparental care of offspring, and more significant nonkin coalitionary behaviors. All of these changes roughly cooccurred with brain size expansion, which began increasing with early Homo and continued through the mid-Pleistocene where it reached modern human levels (Lee & Wolpoff, 2003). Evidence for coevolution among all of these variables broadly supports a model in which increasing social
Figure 19.1 Bar Graphs Depicting Mean Cranial Capacity (dark gray with sample ranges). Data from “The Pattern of Evolution in Pleistocene Human Brain Size,” by S. H. Lee and M. H. Wolpoff, 2003. Paleobiology 29, pp. 186–196. Also includes estimated body size sexual dimorphism for each group of hominins. Data from “Body Size and Proportions in Early Hominids,” by H. M. McHenry 1992a, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 87, pp. 407–431. Time of first appearance for evidence of changes in maturation and development rates indicated below. Crania illustrations modified from Primate Evolution and Adaptations, by J. G. Fleagle, 1999, New York: Academic Press.
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complexity favored sociocognitive competencies, necessitating a longer childhood and more parental care of children (Figure 19.1). In the following sections, we examine the hormonal mechanisms that may be involved with the ontogeny and regulation of this unique combination of life history, reproductive, and social traits suggested by the fossil and comparative primate evidence. H OR MO NA L A N D N E U RO T R A N S M I T T E R M E C H A N I S M S The constellation of behaviors associated with the human family and the dynamics of social competition described in previous sections require complex regulatory systems. In this section, we first briefly review the potential mechanisms for human pair bonding, maternal and paternal attachment to offspring, kin attachment, and male coalitions. Much of the research on the basic mechanisms has been done with nonhuman models and is not easily applied directly to some aspects of human psychology. We then turn to a more detailed analysis of how the neuroendocrine stress response system functions to enable acquisition of social competencies during childhood in the context of the human family environment. The chemical messenger systems that orchestrate the ontogeny and regulation of sexual differentiation, metabolism, neurogenesis, immune function, growth, and other complex somatic processes tend to be evolutionarily conservative among primates and more generally among mammals. Hence rodent and nonhuman primate models provide important comparative information about the functions of specific human neuroendocrine systems, for which we often have little direct empirical research. It is the particular balance of human mechanisms and abilities that is unique and reflects the history of selection for complex social interactions that shaped the human lineage. THE CHEMISTRY OF AFFECTION Some of the most precious of all our human feelings are stimulated by close social relationships: a mother holding her newborn infant for the first time, brothers reunited after a long absence, or lovers entangled in each other’s arms. Natural selection has designed our neurobiological mechanisms, in concert with our endocrine systems, to generate potent sensations in our interactions with these most evolutionarily significant individuals. We share with our primate relatives the same basic hormones and neurotransmitters that underlie these mental gifts. But our unique evolutionary history has modified us to respond to different circumstances and situations; we are rewarded and punished for somewhat different stimuli than our phylogenetic cousins. Chimpanzees and humans delight in biting into a ripe, juicy mango. But the endocrine, neurological, and associated emotional responses of a human father to the birth of his child (e.g., Storey, Walsh, Quinton, & Wynne-Edwards, 2000) are likely to be quite different from the responses of a chimpanzee male. Happiness for a human (Buss, 2000) has many unique designs, such as romantic love (Fisher et al., 2002), that involve shared endogenous messengers from our phylogenetic heritage. Attachments are central in the lives of the social mammals. Basic to survival and reproduction, these interdependent relationships are the fabric of the social networks that permit individuals to maintain cooperative relationships over
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time. Although attachments can provide security and relief from stress, close relationships also exert pressures on individuals to which they continuously respond. It should not be surprising, therefore, that the neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying attachment and stress are intimately related to one another. And although at the present time a good deal more is known about the stress response systems than the affiliative systems, some of the pieces of the puzzle are beginning to fall into place. The mother-offspring relationship is at the core of mammalian life, and it appears that the biochemistry at play in the regulation of this intimate bond was also selected to serve in primary mechanisms regulating bonds between mates, paternal care, the family group, and even larger social networks (Fisher et al., 2002; Hrdy, 1999). Although a number of hormones and neurotransmitters are involved in attachment and other components of relationships, the two peptide hormones, oxytocin (OT) and arginine-vasopressin (AVP), appear to be primary (Carter, 2002; Curtis & Wang, 2003; Lim et al., 2004; Young & Insel, 2002), with dopamine, cortisol, and other hormones and neurotransmitters having mediating effects. The hypothalamus is the major brain site where OT and AVP, closely related chains of nine amino acids, are produced. From there they are released into the central nervous system (CNS) as well as transported to the pituitary where they are stored until secreted into the bloodstream. OT and AVP act on a wide range of neurological systems, and their influence varies among mammalian species and stage of development. The neurological effects of OT and AVP appear to be key mechanisms (e.g., Bartels & Zeki, 2004) involved in the evolution of human family behaviors. The effects of OT and AVP in humans are likely to be especially context dependent, because of the variable and complex nature of family relationships. PARENTAL CARE Along with OT and AVP, prolactin, estrogen, and progesterone are involved in parental care among mammals (Insel & Young, 2001). The involvement of these hormones varies across species and between males and females. The effects of these hormones are influenced by experience and context. Among rats, for example, estrogen and progesterone appear to prime the brain during pregnancy for parental behavior. Estrogen has been found to activate the expression of genes that increase the receptor density for OT and prolactin, thus increasing their influence (Young & Insel, 2002). OT is most well known for its role in regulating birth and lactation, but along with AVP, it has also been found to play a central role in maternal care and attachment (Carter, 2002; Fleming, O’Day, & Kraemer, 1999). Just prior to birth, an increase in OT occurs, which is seen as priming maternal care. An injection of OT to virgin rats has been found to induce maternal care, while an OT antagonist administered to pregnant rats interferes with the development of maternal care (Carter, 2002). The new rat mother seems to require hormonal activation to stimulate maternal behavior. Once she has begun to care for her pups, however, hormones are not required for maternal behavior to continue. Olfactory and somatosensory stimulation from interactions between pups and mother are, however, required for the parental care to continue (Fleming et al., 1999). The stimulation from suckling
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raises OT levels in rodents and breastfeeding women, which then results in not only milk letdown but also a decrease in limbic hypothalamic-anterior pituitaryadrenal cortex system (HPA) activity and a shift in the autonomic nervous system (ANS) from a sympathetic tone to a parasympathetic tone (Uvnas-Moberg, 1998). This results in a calmness seen as conducive to remaining in contact with the infant. It also results in a shift from external-directed energy toward the internal activity of nutrient storage and growth (Uvnas-Moberg, 1998). Experience also influences parental behavior and the hormonal activity associated with it. In animal studies, a significant body of evidence demonstrates that early life experience influences later parental behavior (Champagne & Meaney, 2001; Fairbanks, 1989). And a number of studies demonstrate that this experience influences the neurohormonal biology involved in the expression of maternal care (Champagne & Meaney, 2001; Fleming et al., 1999). The HPA system of offspring during development is influenced by variation in maternal care, which then influences their maternal behavior as adults. Such changes involve the production of, and receptor density for, stress hormones and OT. HPA-modulated hormones and maternal behavior are related in humans during the postpartum period (Fleming, Steiner, & Corter, 1997). During this time, cortisol appears to have an arousal effect, focusing attention on infant bonding. Mothers with higher cortisol levels were found to be more affectionate, more attracted to their infant’s odor, and better at recognizing their infant’s cry during the postpartum period. FMRI studies of brain activity involved in maternal attachment in humans indicate that the activated regions are part of the reward system and contain a high density of receptors for OT and AVP (Bartels & Zeki, 2004; Fisher, 2004). These studies also demonstrate that the neural regions involved in attachment activated in humans are similar to those activated in nonhuman animals. Among humans, however, neural regions associated with social judgment and assessment of the intentions and emotions of others exhibited some deactivation during attachment activities, suggesting possible links between psychological mechanisms for attachment and management of social relationships. Falling in love with a mate and offspring may involve temporary deactivation of psychological mechanisms for maintaining an individual’s social “guard” in the complex reciprocity of human social networks. Dopamine levels are likely to be important for both types of relationship but may involve some distinct neural sites. It will be interesting to see what fMRI studies of attachment in human males indicate because that is where the most substantial differences from other mammals would be expected. Similarly, fMRI studies of attachment to mothers, fathers, and alloparental caretakers in human children may provide important insights into the other side of parent-offspring bonding. Paternal Care Paternal care is not common among mammals. For evolutionary reasons noted earlier, it is found among some rodent and primate species, including humans. The extent and types of paternal care vary among species. The hormonal influence in parental care among males appears to differ somewhat from that found among females. Vasopressin appears to function as the male counterpart to OT (Young & Insel, 2002). Along with prolactin and OT, vasopressin prepares the male to be receptive to and care for infants (Bales, Kim, Lewis-Reese, & Carter, 2004).
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Paternal care is more common in monogamous than polygamous mammals and is often related to hormonal and behavioral stimuli from the female. In the monogamous California mouse, disruption of the pair bond does not affect maternal care but does diminish paternal care (Gubernick, 1996). In other species with biparental care, however, paternal care is not as dependent on the presence of the female (Young & Insel, 2002). Experience also plays a role in influencing hormonal activation and paternal behavior. Among tamarins, experienced fathers have higher levels of prolactin than first-time fathers (Ziegler & Snowdon, 1997). Pair Bonding Like male parental care, bonding between mates is also uncommon among mammals but has been selected for when it has reproductive advantages for both parents (Carter, 2002; Clutton-Brock, 1991; Young, Wang, & Insel, 2002). Monogamy is found across many mammalian taxa, but most of the current knowledge related to the neuroendocrine basis of this phenomenon has been obtained from the comparative study of two closely related rodent species. The prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster) mating pair nest together and provide prolonged biparental care, while their close relatives, the meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus), do not exhibit these behaviors (Young et al., 2002). As with other social behaviors in rodents, OT and AVP have been found to be central in the differences these related species exhibit with respect to pair bonding. Pair bonding occurs for the prairie vole following mating. Vagino-cervical stimulation results in a release of OT and the development of a partner preference for the female (Carter, 2002; Young et al., 2002). For the male, it is an increase in AVP following mating and not just OT that results in partner preference. Exogenous OT injected in the female and exogenous AVP in the male prairie vole result in mate preference even without mating. This does not occur with meadow voles (Young et al., 2002). The receptor density for OT and AVP in specific brain regions might provide the basis for mechanisms underlying other social behaviors. Other neurotransmitters, hormones, and social cues also are likely to be involved, but slight changes in gene expression for receptor density, such as those found between the meadow and prairie voles in the ventral palladium (located near the nucleus accumbens, an important component of the brain’s reward system), might demonstrate how such mechanisms could be modified by selection (Lim et al., 2004). The dopamine D2 receptors in the nucleus accumbens appear to link the affiliative OT and AVP pair-bonding mechanisms with positive rewarding mental states (Aragona, Liu, Curtis, Stephan, & Wang, 2003; Wang et al., 1999). The combination results in the powerful addiction that parents have for their offspring. Given the adaptive value of extensive biparental care and prolonged attachment found in the mating pair and larger family network, it is not surprising that similar neurohormonal mechanisms active in the maternal-offspring bond would also be selected to underlie these other attachments. Though there is some variation among species and between males and females, the same general neurohormonal systems active in pair bonding in other species are found in the human (Wynne-Edwards, 2003). The challenge before evolutionary psychologists is to understand how the general systems have been modified and linked with other special human cognitive systems (e.g., Allman, Hakeem, Erwin, Nimchinsky, & Hof, 2001; Blakemore, Winston, & Frith, 2004) to produce the unique suite of human family behaviors.
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T H E C H E M I S T RY O F S T R E S S , FA M I LY, AND THE SOCIAL MI ND The evolutionary scenario proposed in previous sections posits that the family is of paramount importance in a child’s world. Throughout human evolutionary history, parents and close relatives provided calories, protection, and information necessary for survival, growth, health, social success, and eventual reproduction. The human mind, therefore, is likely to have evolved special sensitivity to interactions with family caretakers, particularly during infancy and early childhood (Baumeister & Leary, 1995; Belsky, 1997, 1999; Bowlby, 1969; Daly & Wilson, 1995; Geary & Flinn, 2001). The family and other kin provide important cognitive “landmarks” for the development of a child’s understanding of the social environment. The reproductive interests of a child overlap with those of its parents more than with any other individuals. Information (including advice, training, and incidental observation) provided by parents is important for situating oneself in the social milieu and developing a mental model of its operations. A child’s family environment may be an especially important source and mediator of stress, with consequent effects on health. Psychosocial stressors are associated with increased risk of infectious disease (Cohen, Doyle, Turner, Alper, & Skoner, 2003) and a variety of other illnesses (Ader, Felten, & Cohen, 2001). Physiological stress responses regulate the allocation of energetic and other somatic resources to different bodily functions via a complex assortment of neuroendocrine mechanisms. Changing, unpredictable environments require adjustment of priorities. Digestion, growth, immunity, and sex are irrelevant while being chased by a predator (Sapolsky, 1994). Stress hormones help shunt blood, glucose, and so on to tissues necessary for the task at hand. Chronic and traumatic stress can diminish health, evidently because resources are diverted away from important health functions. Such diversions may have special significance during childhood because of the additional demands of physical and mental growth and development and possible long-term ontogenetic consequences.
STRESS RESPONSE MECHANISMS AND THEORY Physiological response to environmental stimuli perceived as stressful is modulated by the limbic system (amygdala and hippocampus) and basal ganglia. These components of the CNS interact with the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and two neuroendocrine axes, the sympathetic—adrenal medullary system (SAM) and the HPA. The SAM and HPA systems affect a wide range of physiological functions in concert with other neuroendocrine mechanisms and involve complex feedback regulation. The SAM system controls the catecholamines norepinephrine and epinephrine (adrenalin). The HPA system regulates glucocorticoids, primarily cortisol (for reviews, see McEwen, 1995; Sapolsky, Romero, & Munck, 2000; Weiner, 1992). Cortisol is a key hormone produced in response to physical and psychosocial stressors (Mason, 1968; Selye, 1976). It is produced and stored in the adrenal cortex. Release into the plasma is primarily under the control of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). The free or unbound portion of the circulating
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cortisol may pass through the cell membrane and bind to a specific cytosolic glucocorticoid receptor. This complex may induce genes coding for at least 26 different enzymes involved with carbohydrate, fat, and amino acid metabolism in brain, liver, muscle, and adipose tissue (Yuwiler, 1982). Cortisol modulates a wide range of somatic functions, including: (1) energy release (e.g., stimulation of hepatic gluconeogenesis in concert with glucagon and inhibition of the effects of insulin), (2) immune activity (e.g., regulation of inflammatory response and the cytokine cascade), (3) mental activity (e.g., alertness, memory, and learning), (4) growth (e.g., inhibition of growth hormone and somatomedins), and (5) reproductive function (e.g., inhibition of gonadal steroids, including testosterone). These complex multiple effects of cortisol muddle understanding of its adaptive functions. The demands of energy regulation must orchestrate with those of immune function, attachment bonding, and so forth. Mechanisms for localized targeting (e.g., glucose uptake by active versus inactive muscle tissues and neuropeptide-directed immune response) provide fine-tuning of the preceding general physiological effects. Cortisol regulation allows the body to respond to changing environmental conditions by preparing for specific short-term demands (Mason, 1971; Munck, Guyre, & Holbrook, 1984; Weiner, 1992). These temporary beneficial effects of glucocorticoid stress response, however, are not without costs. Persistent activation of the HPA system is associated with immune deficiency, cognitive impairment, inhibited growth, delayed sexual maturity, damage to the hippocampus, and psychological maladjustment (Ader, Felten, & Cohen, 2001; Dunn, 1995; Glaser & Kiecolt-Glaser, 1994). Chronic stress may diminish metabolic energy (Ivanovici & Wiebe, 1981; Sapolsky, 1991, 1992b) and produce complications from autoimmune protection (Munck & Guyre, 1991). Stressful life events—such as divorce, death of a family member, change of residence, or loss of a job—are associated with infectious disease and other health problems (Herbert & Cohen, 1993; Maier, Watkins, & Fleschner, 1994). Current psychosocial stress research suggests that cortisol response is stimulated by uncertainty that is perceived as significant and for which behavioral responses will have unknown effects (Kirschbaum & Hellhammer, 1994; Weiner, 1992). That is, important events are going to happen; the child does not know how to react but is highly motivated to figure out what should be done. Cortisol release is associated with unpredictable, uncontrollable events that require full alert readiness and mental anticipation. In appropriate circumstances, temporary moderate increases in stress hormones (and associated neuropeptides) may enhance mental activity for short periods in localized areas, potentially improving cognitive processes for responding to social challenges (Beylin & Shors, 2003; cf. Breier et al., 1987). Other mental processes may be inhibited, perhaps to reduce external and internal “noise” (Servan-Schreiber, Printz, & Cohen, 1990; cf. Kirschbaum, Wolf, May, Wippich, & Hellhammer, 1996; Newcomer, Craft, Hershey, Askins, & Bardgett, 1994). Relations between cortisol production and emotional distress, however, are difficult to assess because of temporal and interindividual variation in HPA response (Kagan, 1992; Nachmias, Gunnar, Mangelsdorf, Parritz, & Buss, 1996). Habituation may occur to repeated events for which a child acquires an effective mental model. Attenuation and below-normal levels of cortisol may follow a day or more after emotionally charged events. Chronically stressed children may de-
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velop abnormal cortisol response, possibly via changes in binding globulin levels and/or reduced affinity or density of glucocorticoid or corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH)/vasopressin receptors in the brain (Fuchs & Flugge, 1995). Early experience—such as perinatal stimulation of rats (Meaney et al., 1991), prenatal stress of rhesus macaques (Clarke, 1993; Schneider, Coe, & Lubach, 1992), and sexual abuse among humans (de Bellis et al., 1994; Heim et al., 2000)—may permanently alter HPA response. And personality may affect HPA response (and vice versa) because children with inhibited temperaments tend to have higher cortisol levels than extroverted children (Kagan, Resnick, & Snidman, 1988; cf. Gunnar, Porter, Wolf, Rigatuso, & Larson, 1995; Hertsgaard, Gunnar, Erickson, & Nachmias, 1995; Nachmias et al., 1996). Further complications arise from interaction between HPA stress response and a wide variety of other neuroendocrine activities, including modulation of catecholamines, melatonin, testosterone, serotonin, ß-endorphins, cytokines, and enkephalins (de Kloet, 1991; Saphier et al., 1994; Sapolsky, 1992a). Changes in cortisol for energy allocation and modulation of immune function may be confused with effects of psychosocial stress. As reviewed in the previous section, OT and vasopressin intracerebral binding sites are associated with familial attachment in mammals and may influence distress involving caretaker-child relationships. Other components of the HPA axis such as CRH and melanocyte stimulating hormone have effects that are distinct from cortisol. STRESS RESPONSE AND FAMILY ENVIRONMENT Composition of the family or caretaking household may have important effects on child development (Kagan, 1984; Whiting & Edwards, 1988). For example, in Western cultures, children with divorced parents may experience more emotional tension or “stress” than children living in a stable two-parent family (Gottman & Katz, 1989; Pearlin & Turner, 1987; Wallerstein, 1983). Investigation of physiological stress responses in the human family environment has been hampered by the lack of noninvasive techniques for measurement of stress hormones. Frequent collection of plasma samples to assess temporal changes in endocrine function is not feasible in nonclinical settings. The development of saliva immunoassay techniques, however, presents new opportunities for stress research. Saliva is relatively easy to collect and store, especially under adverse field conditions faced by anthropologists (Ellison, 1988). In this section we review results from a longitudinal, 17-year study of child stress and health in a rural community on the island of Dominica (for reviews see Flinn, 1999, 2005; Flinn & England, 1995, 1997, 2003). The research design uses concomitant monitoring of a child’s daily activities, stress hormones, and psychological conditions to investigate the effects of naturally occurring psychosocial events in the family environment (Figure 19.2). Associations between average cortisol levels of children and household composition are presented in Figure 19.3 on page 567. Children living with nonrelatives, stepfathers and half-siblings (stepfather has children by the stepchild’s mother), or single parents without kin support had higher average levels of cortisol than children living with both parents, single mothers with kin support, or grandparents. A further test of this hypothesis is provided by comparison of step- and genetic children residing in the same households (Figure 19.4 on p. 567).
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Cortisol (g/dl)
9:20 – 10:07 Aug. 8, 1992 Child carries 15kg loads of wood
0 6:00
(a) Cortisol (Standardized)
July 18, 1992 Grandmother leaves home for a week
2 1 0 -1 24
26 June
18 19 July
Cortisol (Standardized)
Summer 1994 Father working out of village
2 1 0 -1 -2 1989
Figure 19.2 Longitudinal Monitoring of Cortisol Levels as a Tool for Investigating Stress Response among Children in a Caribbean Village. (A) Hourly sampling of a 12 year-old male demonstrating elevation of cortisol levels associated with carrying heavy loads of wood; (B) Twice-daily sampling of a 13 year-old girl demonstrating change in pattern of cortisol levels associated with temporary absence of caretaking grandmother; (C) Twice-daily sampling over a seven-year period of a male born in 1985 demonstrating the change in pattern of cortisol levels associated with the absence of his father.
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1 Cortisol (Standardized)
-.5 Nuclear
Nuclear Father absent >50%
Single Mother
Single Mother + Kin
Grandparents Stepfather
Stepfather Half-Sibs
Distant Relatives
Household Composition
Figure 19.3 Household Composition and Cortisol. Vertical bars represent 95% confidence intervals (1.96 SE). Sample sizes (N of children, N of cortisol saliva assays) are 89, 6905; 28, 2234; 30, 2296; 31, 2581; 32, 2645; 16, 1341; 5, 279; 24, 1870; 9, 482. Adapted from “Childhood Stress: Endocrine and Immune Responses to Psychosocial Events” (pp. 107–147), by M. V. Flinn and B. G. England, in J. M. Wilce (Ed.), Social and Cultural Lives of Immune Systems, 2003, London: Routledge Press.
Stepchildren had higher average cortisol levels than their half-siblings residing in the same household who were genetic offspring of both parents. Several caveats need emphasis. First, not all children in difficult family environments have elevated cortisol levels. Second, household composition is not a uniform indicator of family environment. Some single-mother households, for example, appear more stable, affectionate, and supportive than some two-parent households. Third, children appear differentially sensitive to different aspects of their caretaking environments, reflecting temperamental and other individual differences. 1 Cortisol (Standardized)
-1 Genetic Offspring (N = 25)
Stepoffspring (N = 27)
Figure 19.4 Average (Mean) Cortisol Levels of Step and Genetic Children Residing in the Same Household. In 38 of 43 dyads, stepchildren had higher mean cortisol levels than their co-resident half-siblings who are genetic offspring of both resident parents. Average age of stepchildren is 11.3 years, genetic children 8.4 years. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals are shown by vertical lines. Adapted from “Social Economics of Childhood Glucocorticoid Stress Response and Health,” by M. V. Flinn and B. G. England, 1997, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 102(1), pp. 33–53.
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These caveats, however, do not invalidate the general association between household composition and childhood stress. There are several possible reasons underlying this result. Children in difficult caretaking environments may experience chronic stress resulting in moderate-high levels of cortisol (i.e., a child has cortisol levels that are above average day after day). They may experience more acute stressors that substantially raise cortisol for short periods of time. They may experience more frequent stressful events (e.g., parental chastisement or marital quarreling—see Finkelhor & Dzuiba-Leatherman, 1994; Flinn, 1988; Wilson, Daly, & Weghorst, 1980) that temporarily raise cortisol. There may be a lack of reconciliation between parent and child. And they may have inadequate coping abilities, perhaps resulting from difficult experiences in early development. The following case examples present temporal analyses of family relations and cortisol levels that illustrate some of these possibilities. Case 1: Acute Stress Response “Jenny” was a 12-year-old girl who lived with her grandparents, aunt, and uncle. Her mother had lived in Guadeloupe for the past 10 years. At 9:17 A.M. on July 17, 1994, MVF observed the following events: “Wayonne,” a 6-year-old male cousin who was visiting for the week, threw a stone at Jenny, who was sweeping in front of the house. She responded by scolding Wayonne, who pouted and retreated behind a mango tree. Wayonne found a mango pit and lobbed it toward Jenny but missed and hit a dress hanging on a clothesline, marking it with a streak of red dirt. Jenny ran to Wayonne and struck him on the legs with her broom. He began 3 9:17 July 17 Reprimanded by mother
Cortisol (Standardized)
17:15 July 20 Feels sick, oral temp = 99.9˚F
-1 -2 24 25 26 27 28 June
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 July
Figure 19.5 Morning and Af ternoon Cortisol Levels of “Jenny ” during Summer 1994. Late June cortisol levels are normal, but af ter being reprimanded by her grandmother on the morning of July 17, she has elevated cortisol levels for one day, followed by depressed cortisol levels for two days. Jenny exhibits symptoms of an upper respiratory infection with slight fever (common cold, probably rhinovirus) on the af ternoon of July 20. Adapted from “Family Environment, Stress, and Health during Childhood” (pp. 105–138), by M. V. Flinn, in Hormones, Health, and Behavior, C. Panter-Brick and C. Worthman (Eds.), 1999, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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to cry, arousing the interest of “granny Ninee,” who emerged from the cooking room asking what happened. Upon hearing the story, granny Ninee scolded Jenny for “beating” Wayonne. Jenny argued that she was in the right, but granny Ninee would not hear of it and sent her into the house. Jenny appeared frustrated but looked down and kept quiet despite a quivering lip. Jenny’s cortisol levels were substantially elevated that afternoon, followed by subnormal levels the next day (a possible recovery period?). Three days after the incident, she reported feeling ill and had a runny nose and oral temperature of 99.9˚F (Figure 19.5). Case 2: On June 28, 1992, a serious marital conflict erupted in the “Franklin” household. “Amanda” was a 34-year-old mother of six children, five of whom (ages 2, 3, 5, 8, and 14) were living with her and their father/stepfather, “Pierre Franklin.” Amanda was angry with Pierre for spending money on rum. Pierre was vexed with Amanda for “shaming” him in front of his friends. He left the village for several weeks, staying with a relative in town. His three genetic children (ages 2, 3, and 5) showed abnormal cortisol levels (in this case, elevated) for a prolonged period following their father’s departure (Figure 19.6). This pattern is typical: children usually became habituated to stressful events, but absence of a parent
Cortisol (Standardized)
Family Conflict
Father Returns
-1 24 25 26 27 28 29 June
19 20 21 22 July
Figure 19.6 Marital Conflict and Cortisol Levels in the “Franklin” Family. Three genetic children (2-, 3-, and 5-year-old males) are represented by triangles and two stepchildren (8- and 14-year-old females) are represented by dots respectively. Cortisol levels of three genetic children are normal before the conflict, rise during the conflict and during father ’s absence, briefly rise upon his return, and return to normal (lower) levels. The younger of the two stepchildren has a pattern of abnormally high cortisol, although her levels are moderate during stepfather ’s absence. The older stepdaughter has a similar, but more normal pattern of cortisol levels. Adapted from “Social Economics of Childhood Glucocorticoid Stress Response and Health,” by M. V. Flinn and B. G. England, 1997, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 102(1), pp. 33–53.
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often resulted in abnormal patterns of elevated and/or subnormal cortisol levels. Following the return of their father, the Franklin children’s cortisol levels resumed a more normal profile. Again, this pattern is typical: children living in families with high levels of marital conflict (observed and reported serious quarreling, fighting, residence absence) were more likely to have abnormal cortisol profiles than children living in more amiable families were. The events in children’s lives that are associated with elevated cortisol are not always traumatic or even “negative.” Eating meals; hard physical work; routine competitive play such as cricket, basketball, and “king of the mountain” on ocean rocks; and return of a family member that was temporarily absent (e.g., father returning from a job in town for the weekend) were associated with temporary moderate increases (about 10% to 100%) in cortisol among healthy children. These moderate stressors usually had rapid attenuation (< one hour) of cortisol levels (some stressors had characteristic temporal “signatures” of cortisol level and duration). High-stress events (cortisol increases from 100% to 2000%), however, most commonly involved trauma from family conflict or change (Flinn & England, 2003; Flinn, Quinlan, Turner, Decker, & England, 1996). Punishment, quarreling, and residence change substantially increased cortisol levels, whereas calm, affectionate contact was associated with diminished (−10% to −50%) cortisol levels. Of all cortisol values that were more than two standard deviations above mean levels (i.e., indicative of substantial stress), 19.2% were temporally associated with traumatic family events (residence change of child or parent/caretaker, punishment, “shame,” serious quarreling, and/or fighting) within a 24-hour period. In addition, 42.1% of traumatic family events were temporally associated with substantially elevated cortisol (i.e., at least one of the saliva samples collected within 24 hours was > 2 SD above mean levels). Chronic elevations of cortisol levels, as in the example of the Franklin family (case #2), may also occur, but are more difficult to assess quantitatively. There was considerable variability among children in cortisol response to family disturbances. Not all individuals had detectable changes in cortisol levels associated with family trauma. Some children had significantly elevated cortisol levels during some episodes of family trauma but not during others. Cortisol response is not a simple or uniform phenomenon. Numerous factors, including preceding events, habituation, specific individual histories, context, and temperament, might affect how children respond to particular situations. Nonetheless, traumatic family events were associated with elevated cortisol levels for all ages of children more than any other factor that we examined. These results suggest that family interactions were a critical psychosocial stressor in most children’s lives, although the sample collection during periods of intense family interaction (early morning and late afternoon) may have exaggerated this association. Although elevated cortisol levels are associated with traumatic events such as family conflict, long-term stress may result in diminished cortisol response. In some cases, chronically stressed children had blunted response to physical activities that normally evoked cortisol elevation. Comparison of cortisol levels during “nonstressful” periods (no reported or observed crying, punishment, anxiety, residence change, family conflict, or health problem during 24-hour period before saliva collection) indicates a striking reduction and, in many cases, reversal
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of the family environment-stress association (Flinn & England, 2003). Chronically stressed children sometimes had subnormal cortisol levels when they were not in stressful situations. For example, cortisol levels immediately after school (walking home from school) and during noncompetitive play were lower among some chronically stressed children (cf. Long, Ungpakorn, & Harrison, 1993). Some chronically stressed children appeared socially “tough” or withdrawn and exhibited little or no arousal to the novelty of the first few days of the saliva collection procedure. Glucocorticoid stress response may be viewed as an adaptive mechanism that allocates energy resources to different bodily functions, including immunity, growth, muscle action, and cognition (Maier et al., 1994; McEwen, 1995; Sapolsky, 1994). Understanding the algorithms for stress response allocation decisions is important because of consequences for health and psychological development (Tinbergen, 1974). Release of cortisol and other stress hormones in response to traumatic family events may modulate energy and mental activity to resolve perceived psychosocial problems but may diminish immunity and other health functions. Relations between family environment and cortisol stress response appear to result from a combination of factors including frequency of traumatic events, frequency of positive “affectionate” interactions, frequency of negative interactions such as irrational punishment, frequency of residence change, security of “attachment,” development of coping abilities, and availability or intensity of caretaking attention. Probably the most important correlate of household composition that affects childhood stress is maternal care. Mothers in socially “secure” households (i.e., permanent amiable coresidence with mate and/or other kin) appeared more able and more motivated to provide physical, social, and psychological care for their children. Mothers without mate or kin support were likely to exert effort attracting potential mates and may have viewed dependent children as impediments to this. Hence coresidence of father may provide not only direct benefits from paternal care but also may affect maternal care (Belsky, Steinberg, & Draper, 1991; Flinn, 1992; Hurtado & Hill, 1992; Lamb, Pleck, Charnov, & Levine, 1987; Scheper-Hughes, 1988). Young mothers without mate support usually relied extensively on their parents or other kin for help with child care. Children born and raised in household environments in which mothers have little or no mate or kin support were at greatest risk for abnormal cortisol profiles and associated health problems. Because socioeconomic conditions influence family environment, they have consequences for child health that extend beyond direct material effects. And because health in turn may affect an individual’s social and economic opportunities, a cycle of poor health and poverty may be perpetuated generation after generation. CONCLUSIONS People in difficult social environments tend to be less healthy in comparison with their more fortunate peers (e.g., Cohen et al., 2003; Dressler & Bindon, 2000; Flinn, 1999; Wilkinson, 2001). Social support has reproductive consequences (e.g., Silk, Alberts, & Altmann, 2003). If the brain evolved as a social tool, then the expenditure of somatic resources to resolve psychosocial problems makes sense. Relationships, especially family relationships, are of paramount importance. They have
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been a key factor affecting human reproductive success at least for over half a million years, and selection has shaped our hormonal, neural, and psychological mechanisms to respond to this critical selective pressure. Children elevate their stress hormone (cortisol) levels much more frequently and extensively in response to psychosocial stimuli than to challenges associated with the physical environment. The adaptive effects of the major stress hormones (Huether, 1996, 1998) and affiliative neurotransmitters on neural reorganization are consistent with the observation that children are especially sensitive to their social worlds (Flinn, 1999). Social competence is extraordinarily difficult because the target is constantly changing and similarly equipped with theory of mind and other cognitive abilities. The sensitivity of the stress-response and affiliative systems to the social environment may enable adaptive neural reorganization to this most salient and dynamic puzzle. Childhood is necessary and useful for acquiring the information and practice to build and refine the mental algorithms critical for negotiating the social coalitions that are key to success in our species. The human family provides critical support for the developing child in this regard. Traumatic early environments may result in diminished abilities to acquire social competencies as a consequence of glucocorticoid hypersensitivity disrupting neurogenesis, particularly in the hippocampus (Mirescu, Peters, & Gould, 2004; Weaver et al., 2004). An improved understanding of the hormonal and neurological mechanisms that facilitate the intensive and extensive relationships involved with human families and broader kin coalitions, including comparisons between humans and our close primate relatives, may provide important insights into the selective pressures that shaped human psychology.
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