HougHton Mifflin Harcourt is global leader in education Pr. Since 1832,
HougHton Mifflin Harcourt HaS Man traditional textbookS and digital learning too.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is the Global Leader in Education Products
Houghton Mifflin Ha Global Leader in Edu
Since 1832, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt traditional textbooks and digital lear WRITTEN By Nadia Ibanez Produced BY Seth Lull
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
arcourt is the ucation Products
t has manufactured rning tools
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
The Global Le
oughton educationa the world. as a traditio students utilize Houg entered the digital wo and solutions that inc learning outcomes n “We focus on deliv teacher effectiveness Vice President and C
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
While the company’s has evolved to becom “We look at three di master the learning technology and serv interactive forms and Muldowney also s
eader in Education Products
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n Mifflin Harcourt is the global leader in the al product and service industry to the pre K-12 sector in The company has roots dating back to 1832 and began ional text book manufacturer; now more than 57 million ghton Mifflin Harcourt’s products. Today, the company has world and focuses on creating hybrid educational products corporate interactive technologies that create results-driven not only for students, but also teacher achievement. vering interactive and results-driven solutions that advance s and student outcome,” Michael Muldowney, Executive CFO of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt says.
’s roots are in publishing, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt me a broader learning company with a focus in education. ifferent areas that help educators, parents and students process,” Muldowney says. “We’re focused on products, vices while offering educational content in digital/ d traditional print versions.” says that this is the first time that customers and school
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Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
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Education products
districts have the opportunity to purchase a complete digital path for learning. “They have the option to purchase the complete digital path of a traditional print product or a combination of a blended learning hybrid program that combines the technology and print product.” “We’ve taken the technologies and competencies and instilled those into the core part of our business,” he continues. “We also focus on all of the elements that improve student outcomes. It’s not just the content
her your requirements are in the cloud, dedicated servers or e a complex IT environment, we have the experience and how to meet your needs.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
1,000 customers have made the decision to let Connectria host and ge their IT infrastructure, while they focus upon their business.
The Global Le
out what they already know and give us a look.
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of the material but it’s also s training, effectiveness and
In order to keep up with th ever-growing trend for stud from the Internet and othe Houghton Mifflin Harcourt its capital in innovation in e a $100 million Innovation to develop and implement education,” Muldowney say to hone in on its own emplo related suggestions, as well with the best ideas in edu Additionally, the compan the business more technolo Donnelley for printing and Lea for sourcing and logisti com to manage the sales pi
eader in Education Products
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services related to teacher school improvement.”
he digital age and the dents gathering information er web-based platforms, is focusing on investing education. “We launched Fund where the focus is the next great ideas in Going digital s. The company is looking oyees and their technologyl as funding third-party ideas and venture capitalists ucation innovation. ny’s vendors and suppliers have also assisted in making ogically-based. Some of these vendors include RR binding services, International Paper, Oracle, Williams ics services, ADP for human capital systems, Salesforce. ipelines and SAP as its ERP system.
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Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
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TV advert
HMH even introduced the first ever Algebra app for iPad, called FUSE, which is now being piloted throughout schools in California. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS
In order to remain the lead in the industry for capital investments, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt plans to invest more than $200 million on technological and content development just this year. The company is currently leveraging social media as another avenue to reach students
Houghton Mifflin Harc
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and parents and have also ass games as “The Oregon Trail” Carmen San Diego” back into HMH even introduced th iPad, called HMH FUSE, wh throughout schools in Califo “We’re evolving from pri and will eventually evolve i Schuman, Executive Vice Pr Education Group of Hought “In order to evolve our platf have to think of ourselves d be interactive and we have provide an environment tha want to learn.” SUSTAINABLE INITIATIVES
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt text book, which was introd is made from 100 percent re
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sisted in launching such and “Where in the World is o current gaming trends. he first ever Algebra app for hich is now being piloted ornia. int into a hybrid model into a tech business,” Eric resident and COO for the ton Mifflin Harcourt says. form and solutions, we Educational reading differently. Content has to to give students content beyond the digital form and at they’re familiar with so that they’re engaged and
is the first education company to produce a fully green duced last year in Florida. The Go Math! Textbook series ecycled materials and received certification that the
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
The Global Le
company used environmentally responsible manufacturing and distribution processes. “With these books, we’ve saved 40,000 trees and eight million gallons of water, while also reducing air emissions by 3.8 million pounds and eliminating one million pounds of solid waste,” Muldowney says. PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE
The biggest opportunity Muldowney sees for growth of the business is in global expansion, specifically in A the Middle East. “There are a billion people around the world and we believe it’s driven by the Internet. In order for people Internet, we’ll focus on English-language training on a global “In school districts around the U.S. and classrooms all are partnering with HMH to see unprecedented and tran Muldowney. “These public and private partnerships are force behind so many success stories. We’re investing in of-the-art technology, teacher training, school turnaroun the best investment that a society can make.”
eader in Education Products
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Name: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Educational apps
Asia, Latin America and d wanting to learn English e to leverage content on the l basis,” Muldowney says. over the world, educators nsformative results,” said proving to be the driving our students with statend, and much more. It is
Country: USA Employees: 4,000+ Est: 1832 Revenue: Not disclosed Industry: Manufacturing Premiere service: Educational products and services provider CEO: Barry O’Callaghan Website: www.hmhpub.com
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 222 Berkeley St., Boston, MA 02116 T: 617-351-3314 E:
[email protected] www.hmhpub.com
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