Page 1 of 4 ... on social media. Page 2 of 4 ... 3 of 4. HOW CREATE EFFECTIVE SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT - digital marketing c
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People make snap decisions. They take not more than a second decide whether to stay on your page or not. In this situation first impression could be the last impression. In order to make our first impression as the best, we need to ensure that our content is visually appealing. We can create our own social media content rather than searching for images a online. The following are some of the tools that enable you to create your social media content easily using different methods to convey the content.
Represent the content using slides: Slideshare: Some people feel tedious to read an elaborate content. Presentations are great solution for such people. The content could be broken into slides and can be presented in a pictorial form too. LinkedIn’s Slideshare gives you a platform to build, upload and edit presentations and share them on social media.
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Represent the content using Video: Video is the most important medium for sharing and presenting content online.79% of internet traffic will be video content by 2018. Content with video are attracting more than 3 times than plain text posts on Social media. PowToon: PowToon is a user-friendly presentation interface and minimalist design. You can use it to create a branded video using PowToon’s readymade templates and it is as easy as making a Power point presentation.
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Represent the content using Infographics: Give your content a huge boost with infographics. Infographic encourages engagement. It is 30 times more likely to be read than a purely text article. There are easy and affordable ways to stand out visually on social media. One of the top infographic website is Using Canva, you can quickly create infographics along with presentation covers, social media images, online advertisements, flyers and many more. You can share your work on Facebook and Twitter using Canva.
To learn more about mastering Digital marketing join Digital marketing course at Digital nest.
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