How Far Do the Complaints of Patients with Parkinson's Disease

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Nov 25, 2012 - Ama 200 mg .... bradykinesia: “body bradykinesia and hypokinesia” score, Ama: amantadine, ..... 35 (Figure 4(c)) felt “bad” between 1200 and.
International Scholarly Research Network ISRN Neurology Volume 2012, Article ID 372030, 10 pages doi:10.5402/2012/372030

Research Article How Far Do the Complaints of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Reflect Motor Fluctuation? Quantitative Analysis Using a Portable Gait Rhythmogram Hiroya Utsumi,1 Hiroo Terashi,1 Yohei Ishimura,1 Tomoko Takazawa,1 Yasuyuki Okuma,2 Mitsuru Yoneyama,3 and Hiroshi Mitoma4 1 Department

of Neurology, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan of Neurology, Shizuoka Hospital, Juntendo University, Izunokuni-shi 410-2295, Japan 3 Mitsubishi Chemical Group Science and Technology Research Center, Inc., Yokohama-shi 227-8502, Japan 4 Department of Medical Education, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan 2 Department

Correspondence should be addressed to Hiroshi Mitoma, Received 21 October 2012; Accepted 25 November 2012 Academic Editors: A. Mamelak, A. Martinuzzi, and A. K. Petridis Copyright © 2012 Hiroya Utsumi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In advanced-stage Parkinson’s disease (PD), motor fluctuation is a frequent and disabling problem. Assessment of motor fluctuation depends on patient’s subjective self-statement. We examined whether the subjective fluctuation matched the objective motor fluctuation defined by gait disorders. Using a new device, the portable gait rhythmogram, we recorded gait cadence and acceleration continuously over the 24-hour period in 54 patients with PD and 17 normal controls, for the quantitative evaluation of motor fluctuation. The patients were asked to estimate motor fluctuation every hour. In 44 of 54 patients, changes in the cadence were associated with simultaneous changes in acceleration. We examined the subjective fluctuation in these 44 patients who were confirmed to have motor fluctuation. Nineteen (82.7%) of 23 patients who felt no fluctuation showed distinct gait disorders. During off time, they walked with marked short or bradykinetic stepping. No matching changes were observed in either the cadence or acceleration in 11 (52.4%) of 21 patients who perceived motor fluctuation. No synchronization was noted in 30 (68.2%) of the 44 patients, between the times of subjectively assessed motor fluctuation and those of quantitative analysis of gait disorder. This discrepancy suggests that the objective continuous recording of the cadence and acceleration is necessary to understand motor fluctuation.

1. Introduction Dopamine-replacement therapy at the early stage of Parkinson’s disease (PD) improves motor and nonmotor complications. In the advanced stage, however, motor fluctuation is a frequent and disabling problem. Up to 50% of patients exhibit motor fluctuation and resistance to medication after the first five years of treatment [1–3]. Motor fluctuation is estimated by explanations or patients’ diaries, though they are subjective and not quantitative [4, 5]. How far are the complaints of patients reliable, that is, how far do they reflect the actual motor fluctuation? To address this question, motor fluctuation must be objectively quantified for comparison.

Gait disorders are cardinal symptoms in PD and can be easily quantified since gait movements are defined by three parameters: the cadence (steps/min), the floor reaction force, and stride [6, 7]. Thus, gait disorders can be physiologically a good model for the quantitative analysis of difficulties in motor execution. To examine motor fluctuation, we developed a long-term monitoring portable device, gait rhythmogram (PGR) that measures distinguishably the accelerations induced by gaits [8–11]. The PGR can record continuously the walking pattern of patients during daily life activities. Our previous studies using this new device showed that the range of changes in cadence and gait acceleration was narrow, suggesting that PD patients find it difficult to shift gait

2 parameters in response to varying situations during walking [10, 11]. Furthermore, we reported a decrease in cadence during the off time, when the PD patients manifested bradykinesia or marked instability, and an increase in the cadence while the patients walked with short-stepping, festination, or freezing of gait [8, 9]. The results suggested that various complex pathophysiological changes underlying parkinsonian symptoms can be simply expressed as changes in cadence. Long-term monitoring of changes in gait cadence, therefore, can theoretically be used to provide a quantitative measure of motor fluctuation. Since this method appears to detect deficits in motor execution, it can, therefore, detect motor fluctuation with a higher sensitivity than the examination of movement poverty by monitoring acceleration by various movements [12]. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between complaints of PD patients and true motor fluctuation. For this purpose, daily profiles of motor symptoms must be identified. In the present study, we first improved the analysis method used for PGR. In addition to measuring the cadence, we simultaneously measured changes in the amplitude of gait accelerations, since such amplitude correlates with floor reaction forces and the floor reaction forces are known to decrease during off time [8, 9]. By simultaneously tracing alterations in cadence and acceleration, a better identification of motor fluctuation would be possible. We also compared the changes in these gait parameters with those by subjective fluctuation. Subjective fluctuation was assessed based on diaries written by patients.

2. Methods 2.1. Subjects. Using this PGR, we recorded continuously the daily profiles of 54 patients with PD (age: 71.4 ± 7.0 years, mean ± SD, 30 men and 24 women). They represented all patients admitted to Tokyo Medical University Hospital between June 2009 and May 2010, who could walk unaided and showed no peak-dose dyskinesia during “on” time. They included 4 patients with modified Hoehn and Yahr stage 1.5, 14 with stage 2, 10 with stage 2.5, 24 with stage 3, 1 with stage 3.5, and 1 with stage 4. The clinical status was examined using Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) motor score “on” state [13] (Table 1). We also included 17 height-matched normal control subjects (age: 64.7 ± 4.5 years, 8 men and 9 women). Matching for age and height was based on the finding that gait cycle and floor reaction forces are influenced by these two parameters [9]. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects. All procedures were conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the Ethics Committee of our institution. 2.2. Measurements 2.2.1. Monitoring Gait Accelerations. The PGR is a small device (size, 8 × 6 × 2 cm, weight, 80 g) that measures three dimensionally (ax , a y , and az ) the accelerations accompanied by (1) limb and trunk movements and (2) those induced by step-in and kick-off during gait, as reported previously [8, 9]. The PGR is attached to the waist of the patient and records

ISRN Neurology the above signals at a sampling rate of 10 msec. The data are automatically stored in a micro SD card. When recording is completed, the absolute values of acceleration vectors (a; a2 = a2x + a2y + a2z ) are calculated and graphically displayed on the PC. A fully charged PGR can achieve 40 consecutive hours of recording. 2.2.2. Identification of Acceleration Induced by Gait Motion. The acceleration vectors caused by stepping can be distinguished from those by other limb and trunk movements or by unexpected artifacts, based on the mathematical method of “pattern matching” [8, 9]. Since the acceleration wave induced by gait motion was morphologically similar in each patient, correlation was mathematically tested between the concerned waves and the template. After the identification of gait-induced acceleration, the peak-to-peak interval is automatically detected to calculate the duration of a single gait cycle, in addition to the amplitude of gait accelerations. 2.2.3. Long-Term Monitoring of the Gait Cycle and Acceleration. Changes in gait cadence (steps per minute) and gait acceleration cycle were examined during 24 hrs. Cadences and accelerations represent the mean values recorded every hour. Data were excluded if the number of steps was less than 20 per hour. 2.3. Criteria for Identification of Gait Off and Gait Good. We classified the patients into two groups, the “probable gait off ” group and “probable gait good” group, based on changes in the cadence throughout the day. The validity of the classification was then tested by the changes in acceleration. When corresponding changes were observed between the two gait parameters, we classified these patients into “definite gait off ” group and “definite gait good” group. In patients of the latter two groups, we examined the relationship between the gait findings and subjective complaints. In contrast, if no corresponding change was observed, we reserved the assessment of the gait profile and excluded these patients for comparison between gait and subjective records. 2.3.1. Identification of Gait Off. Gait fluctuation was suspected when patients walked with a large fluctuation of the cadence, that is, deviation from the intersubject mean ± 1SD of the normal controls. The interindividual mean ± SD of the normal controls was 110 ± 12 steps/min. Thus, the cutoff levels set in the present study were 122 steps/min. These candidates were tested by the following two procedures. First, all activity-related changes were excluded. A simultaneous increase in cadence and acceleration was interpreted to be caused by high activities. Second, gait off was considered to occur only when the cadence change was accompanied with a decrease in acceleration under the interindividual mean − 2SD of the normal control. Since the interindividual mean ± SD of the normal control was 2.78 ± 0.42/sec2 , the cut-off level was set