How to Break Bad Habits through EFT I know that changing habits is a ...

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You may get mad at the kids for example when they don't behave in the car when you are driving. This triggers a tight fe
How to Break Bad Habits through EFT

I know that changing habits is a difficult thing to do. It requires discipline, determination and perseverance. What is more specific when you want to exchange a bad habit to a new habit is that you take this one step further by building a subconscious bridge. Let us say that your default reaction to a certain trigger event is emotion XXX which you feel in the subconscious mind. You may get mad at the kids for example when they don’t behave in the car when you are driving. This triggers a tight feeling in the gut, tight like a knot, followed by an outburst and you are yelling at the kids with little or no effect more than your own sweat, anger and anxiety. With the EFT choices method, we can build a bridge in the subconscious between: 

XXX, the default emotion to a certain trigger and

YYY, the preferred emotion to that trigger.

Perhaps you would really to be able to continue to feel cool and rational so that you can find the best way of distracting the kids out of their annoying teasing of each other. Let us call cool and rational the YYY, the preferred emotional state. Imagine that you have used EFT to build a subconscious bridge between the default reaction and the preferred reaction. Let’s say your kids start misbehaving in the car again. You may get mad at the kids for example when they don’t behave in the car when you are driving. This triggers a tight feeling in the gut, tight like a knot. At the same time, this triggers another emotion: and emotion of cool rationality or at least the memory of it. The default reaction is no longer always to erupt and yell at the kids. It may more often now be cool rationality.

For the same trigger, the subconscious may now easier remember the preferred emotion. At first it may be that you realize just after it happens that you did the old outburst again. Then you may catch yourself in the midst of it. Then you may see it before your outburst. Finally, you don’t think about it, because the new preferred emotion has become your second nature. Eventually, the old default XXX reaction gives way to the new preferred YYY reaction. So, how do we do this specific EFT choice method? It’s just a little bit different so you can tap along. Let’s say that we take the example of getting mad and want the cool rationality. Tap on the karate chop point on the side of your hand and say after me, and exchange the XXX for the symptom or feeling in your own set up phrase. Even though I STILL feel mad when the kids start yelling in the car, I choose to feel calm and rational. Even though I STILL feel mad at the kids, I choose to feel calm and rational. Even though I STILL feel mad when the kids start yelling in the car, I choose to feel rational. Repeat this 3 times and go to the other tapping points and alternate the reminder phrases. 

On top of your head … “mad”

Inside of the eyebrow … “cool rationality”

Side of the eye, on the bone at the side of the eye … “mad”

Under the eye … “cool rationality”

Under the nose … “mad”

The chin … “cool rationality”

The sore point, or just make your hand big and aim at where you would knot your tie and say: “mad”

Under your arm …“cool rationality”

On your wrist … “mad”

So you see, the difference here is the set up phrase, primarily. That you declare that even if you somewhat have little of this non-preferred behavior left, the default behavior, you choose the preferred behavior. Even if you still have the default feeling, you choose the new feeling. If you want to read more on this and other similar topics; come, check out our blog at