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How to connect and configure a platform for gameplay Connect an Xbox 360 to an output device:Step 1: To connect an Xbox 360 to an output device such as a television you will need either a:    

Xbox Xbox Xbox Xbox

360 360 360 360

HD cable component AV cable VGA HD cable composite AV cable

Step 2: For this step you need to connect the AV connector to the Xbox and then connect the yellow, red and white cables to the TV these cables support different things which why they are colour coded.   

YELLOW = Composite video RED = right-channel analogue audio WHITE = left-channel analogue audio

Step 3: Now turn on the TV and console and switch your TV’s source to AV.

Chris Gardner

Configure an Xbox 360:The Xbox 360 will include in the box:        

Console AV cable Power supply Power cord Wireless controller 2 AA batteries User manual Wired headset

Step 1: Once you unboxed the console you have to position it correctly to do this either lay it down or stand it up, do not stack up items against the console as it can over heat and break, make sure you keep the console stable, well ventilated and uncluttered.

Step 2: Next you plug in the power supply, but connect it to the console first, then plug the cord into the power pack and then plug the other cord into the electrical outlet.

Chris Gardner

Step 3: For this step you need to connect the AV connector to the Xbox and then connect the yellow, red and white cables to the TV these cables support different things which why they are colour coded.   

YELLOW = Composite video RED = right-channel analogue audio WHITE = left-channel analogue audio

Step 4: Now you need to connect your controller to your console you will either have a wired controller or a wireless controller. Step 5: For the wired controller you plug it in there are two USB sockets on your console and you plug the controller into one of them. Step 6: For a wireless controller you need to turn on the console, and insert the two AA batteries on the detachable bottom of the controller.

Chris Gardner

Step 7: Once the batteries are in the correct position turn on your console by pressed the green X button in the middle of your controller. Step 8: Next you have to press and release a small connect button on the console and on the controller this will sync

up the controller to the console roughly within 20 seconds. Step 9: Once the ring around the power button on the console stops flashing your controller is connected and ready to use. Step 10: The first time you start up the console you will be asked to select your language, create a profile and set up a network connection to connect to Xbox live.

Chris Gardner

Install a game on Xbox 360:Step 1: To install a game on the Xbox 360 you need to turn it on and open the disk tray Step 2: Once you have put the disk in the disk tray and closed it the game will power up and then start the installation process automatically. Step 3: Next you will need to wait for this process to finish and at the end your Xbox may require an update. Step 4: Accept the update and let your Xbox install it this may take some time. Step 5: Once this update is installed, go onto to the Xbox dashboard sign in to your account, and then load the game, if installed correctly the game should start properly.

Connect to a LAN and/or WAN:Step 1: To connect an Xbox to LAN you need to use an Ethernet cable, you can get these from any computer hardware shop. Chris Gardner

Step 2: Connecting the Xbox 360 to LAN means it can connect to another Xbox 360 as the Ethernet cable will plug into the back of each console, now 8 people can play online with each other in one place because of this LAN connectivity.

Step 3: To connect three or more Xbox 360’s together on a network you will need to set up a hub device with multiple Ethernet connection ports. Step 4: To do this turn your hub device off and connect each console to the hub using an Ethernet cable.

Chris Gardner

Step 5: Turn the hub on and the multiple consoles are now set up for LAN play. You can also set up LAN wirelessly by using a network adapter.

Step 6: To connect the Xbox 360 up to LAN wirelessly you will need a wireless network adapter, although the newer Xbox 360’s include Wi-Fi. Step 7: Next you connect an adapter to each Xbox 360 by plugging it into the USB port at the back of the console. Step 8: Once you have turned on all the consoles your connecting together wirelessly you will need to go to network setting and configure a network. Step 9: Next go to the basic tab in the configure network menu and then choose wireless mode.

Chris Gardner

Step 10: Then scan for networks and once some results appear choose create ad hoc network, this will let your console broadcast the wireless signal, which in turn let’s all the consoles with a wireless adapter to connect together. Install PC game:Step 1:  First of all turn your PC on once it has booted up insert a disc into the optical drive on the front of your computer tower, the computer will read the disc automatically and you will get a window popup on your screen.

Step 2:  Once the setup wizard window pops up you need to choose which language you’re going to use and click next.

Chris Gardner

Step 3:  Then you need to make sure the program folder is filed in for this example we will use EA games. Then click next.

Step 4:  Once you have clicked next, you will have to choose what type of user you are a typical user or an advanced user so click on the user you are. Then click next.

Step 5:  Now all you will have to do is wait for the game to install, once this is done it will be ready to launch and play.

Install a PC device driver:Step 1:  When you buy your PC it should

Chris Gardner

come with a windows recovery disc, insert this disc into the optical drive on the front of the PC tower. Step 2:  An installation menu will appear, from this menu click on drivers, this will then display a list of installed drivers on your system for example sound, video. Step 3:  To begin the device driver installation on the list that is displayed you will need to click on the driver name and follow the on screen instructions. Step 4:  Once this is complete, you will have to restart the system for the rest of the driver to be installed. Step 5:  To install the rest of drivers if you have to refer back to step 3 and step 4. Step 6:  If you do not own a recovery disc from the manufacture you can alternatively download the drivers from the manufactures website here the manufacture will have all recent drivers for your system. Step 7:  So load up the internet search for the manufactures website and once the site open click on the support page, then click on download drivers which will give you a list of all drivers or the most recent drivers and then click on the driver name to download it and save it to your local drive usually C:/drive.

Step 8:  Once it’s downloaded go to your C:/drive and find the file and double click it to start the installation process. Chris Gardner

Step 9:  As of before when the installation is almost complete you will be asked to restart your system so it can finish the installation.

Chris Gardner