Email Account. 1. Go to 2. Click on the “
Create New ... For more information, go to
How to Create a Yahoo! Email Account 1. Go to 2. Click on the “Create New Account” button located below the question, “Don’t have a Yahoo! ID? See Figure 1 below.
Figure 1
3. On the registration page, complete the form, as shown in Figure 2, by first entering some of your personal information. Then choose a Yahoo! ID. If the ID you choose is unavailable, Yahoo! will provide a selection of available IDs for you to choose from. In the drop down menu box, you can choose, ymail, or rocketmail as your email server. Note: If this email account is for your business, you may want to create an ID that includes your company name. (Example:
[email protected]) 4. Choose a password that is unique. Use a mixture of uppercase/lowercase letters, symbols and numbers. (Example: Profess_ional^Bus135) 5. Select security questions from the drop down boxes and provide answers for each. This is a security feature that Yahoo! uses in case you forget your account username or password. 6. After you complete the form, click the “Create My Account” button.
Figure 2
Yahoo! also offers customized email packages for small businesses at very affordable prices. For more information, go to