how to fill the online application form -

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STEP BY STEP PROCESS TO FILL ONLINE APPLICATION FORM ... h) A facility to take Printout of the Challan Form in case maki
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ) 18, Institutional Area ,Saheed Jeet Singh Marg New Delhi-110016


GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Candidates are required to apply online through KVS’s website or Entries in the application form shall be required to be filled only in English.


STEP 5: Download the admit card for the Written Test

STEP 2: Essential documents to be made ready

STEP 4: Dispatch of Online Application Form

STEP 3: Registered Candidate to Login to perform following actions to complete the process of filling online application form Action 1: Fill application form Action 2: Uploading image (Optional) Action 3: Make Payment and/or Submit Application Action 4: Print application

STEP 1 : Registration (New Candidate to Register) New Candidate to visit the website website : and click : Click here to Register Fill the details to register for any one subject. You must have a valid email ID for applying online. Press the button “Submit”. Once the information filled here will not be changed. The confirmation for the registration will also be sent on your email entered. Note: Kindly note that the Email-ID and Date of birth as filled by you will be used to login to the website to fill the online application form.

STEP 2: Essential documents to be made ready Before starting to fill up the on-line application, keep ready with you the following details / documents / Information a) Valid Email ID (the Email Id should remain valid for atleast 1 year) b) Personal details c) Educational qualification details d) Caste / Tribe/ Class certificate (for SC / ST/ OBC candidate) e) Disability Certificate for Persons with Disabilities f) Image of scanned photograph in jpg / jpeg format and size should not exceed 50 KB (Optional) g) Image of scanned signature in jpg / jpeg format and size should not exceed 50 KB (Optional) h) A facility to take Printout of the Challan Form in case making payment through Indian Bank Cash challan i) Debit / Credit Card details in case making online payment. Contd.

STEP 3 : Registered Candidate to Login to perform following actions to complete the process of filling online application form Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 Action 4

Fill application form Uploading image (Optional) Make Payment and/or Submit Application Print final application form

Registered Candidate to visit the website : and login by clicking Login (To Apply Online) On clicking Login (To Apply Online) page will appear which will have buttons indication 4 actions which are to be completed for submission of online application form: Action1 : Fill Application Action 2 : Uploading image (Optional) Action 3 : Make Payment Action 4 : Print Application Form

Action 1: Fill Application (Click on the button to fill application form)  Fill the details on the online application form. Since your eligibility will be screened based on the information furnished by you, you are required to exercise sufficient care to correctly furnish the details of your Qualification, etc.  While filling the application form online, please save the information by clicking the button “SAVE”.  In case you wish to edit any information you can do so by logging again using Email-ID and Date of birth. After editing the information, make sure to save the information by clicking the button “SAVE”.

Action 2 : Uploading images (Optional)  Upload Photograph - Photograph must be a recent passport size colour picture. Make sure that the picture is in colour, taken against a light-coloured, preferably white background, and has no harsh shadows. If you wear glasses make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly seen. Also, ensure that both ears are visible in the picture. Caps, hats and dark glasses are not acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed but it must not cover your face. The image should only be in .jpg or .jpeg format. Size of file should not be more than 50 kb.  Upload Scan of Signature - Sign on white paper with Black ink pen and scan it. Please scan the signature area only and not the entire page and ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50 kb. Please note that this signature would appear on the Admit Card, and if it does not match the signature on the answer sheet at the time of the written test and at the time of Interview, the candidature will be cancelled. The image should only be in .jpg or .jpeg format. Size of file should not be more than 50 kb. Note : Candidates who are not uploading their photograph & signatures, are required to affix their recent photograph on the print version of the online application form and put their signatures in the space provided on the application form

Action 3 : Make Payment and/or Submit Application As SC/ST and Persons with disability candidates are not required to pay fees; SC/ST and Persons with disability candidates have to submit the application There are three options available for payment of admission fee as given below: 1. Cash Challan 2. Debit / Credit Card On selection of any option click button “Submit”. On clicking button “Submit” the information about Name, Category, Examination fees will be displayed. NOTE: Once the payment has been made through Debit/Credit Card or Cash Challan has been generated; you will not be allowed to change/modify any information. Contd.

Payment through Debit Card / Credit Card: Keep the Debit Card / Credit Card Details handy. In case you wish to change the category, click button “Home” and then click button “Action 1: Fill Application” so that the application form will be opened. After editing the information, make sure to save the information by clicking the button “SAVE”. Now click button “Home” and then click button “Action 3 : Make Payment” and proceed for the payment.  On successful transaction of the payment through payment gateway, auto generated application number will be issued. Candidate has to take the print out of the Application Form containing the auto generated application number.  The print out of completed application and self-attested copies of testimonials is to be sent in an envelope after affixing the address label generated alongwith the application print out to "Post Box No. 3076, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003" by ordinary post only. Payment through Cash Challan: In case payment option selected is Cash Challan then follow the procedure given below:  Select option “Cash Challan” and click button “Submit”  Your information about category and amount will be displayed. Now click button “Generate Cash Challan”.  In case you wish to change the category, click button “Home” and then click button “Action 1: Fill Application” so that the application form will be opened. After editing the information, make sure to save the information by clicking the button “SAVE”. Now click button “Home” and then click button “Action 3 : Make Payment” and proceed for the payment.  Three copies of Cash Challan will be generated.  Take print out of three copies of cash challan and approach to nearby Indian Bank branch on next or subsequent days of filling application form with a printout of the system generated “Bank Challan”. Candidates who fill up application form on 28.08.2013 have to deposit application fee in the Indian Bank on the same day, i.e., on 28.08.2013 during banking hours.  On receipt of the money, the concerned branch of Indian Bank will issue a unique Journal Number and a CBS Branch Code of the branch collecting the money.  Indian Bank branch will retain Bank’s copy of the challan and return back two copies to the candidate after filling in the unique Journal Number and a CBS Branch Code of the branch.  Candidates are advised to keep with them the Candidate’s Copy as a token of remittance of fee for future reference.  Candidate can verify their Payment Receipt Status after 3 days of deposit of fees from the website. Once the fee is paid and confirmed on the website candidate has to take the print out of the Application Form containing the auto generated application number.  The print out of completed application and self-attested copies of testimonials is to be sent in an envelope after affixing the address label generated alongwith the application print out to "Post Box No. 3076, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003" by ordinary post only.  Verify your Payment Receipt Status after 3 days of deposit of fees at Indian Bank Branch: A candidate can go to the website: and check the payment status by clicking Login (To Apply Online) using your Email ID and Date of Birth. a. If you find that the payment made by you is shown as received, your online application form has been submitted. This completes the process of filling the online application form. b. If you find that the payment made by you is not shown as received, kindly refer your case to KVS on email id along with the scan copy of the bank challan.

Action 4 : Print Application  Registered Candidate to visit the website : and login by clicking Login (To Apply Online)  Take the print out of Online application form

STEP 4 : Dispatch of your application.  The print out of completed application, along with original KVS’s Bank Challan copy (if payment is made through Bank Challan) and self-attested copies of testimonials, is to be sent in an envelope after affixing the address label generated alongwith the application print out to "Post Box No. 3076, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003" by ordinary post only. STEP 5 : Download the admit card for the written test On the basis of information given in the KVS Application Form, Admit Card of provisionally eligible candidates will be available for download from website: as per schedule given on the website. Download Admit Card – On the due date for Admit Card, re-login to the website: A link for downloading Admit Card for written test, containing the details of the centre/venue for the examination, etc., will be available. Download the Admit Card. Print Admit Card - Take a printout of the admit card. Candidates will not be allowed to enter the Written Test Venue without a valid Admit Card.

NOTE: The admit card for written test will NOT be sent by post or email. Candidates are advised to regularly check KVS website for updates.