Instructions to Submit a Revised Manuscript. Ensure you have all the revised files
ready before you begin submitting your revision. 1. Preparing your revised ...
Instructions to Submit a Revised Manuscript Ensure you have all the revised files ready before you begin submitting your revision. 1. Preparing your revised manuscript In Word you can use Track Changes, then Highlight Changes, or simply Underline your changes in Word. Type as a separate file an itemised list of revisions containing (a) all changes that have been made to the submission in response to the reviewers’ comments and (b) any other changes. If you do not agree with any of the reviewers’ comments, give reasons for disagreeing with them.
1. Log in to Editorial Manager as an Author using your Username and Password. This will take you to the Author Main Menu. 2. DO NOT CLICK “Submit New Manuscript”. 3. Your submission needing revision can be found in the “Submissions Needing Revision” folder. 4. Do not click the “Submit Revision” link until all of your revised files are ready to be submitted. (However, if you do start your revision, and get interrupted/have a problem, your paper will move into your “Incomplete Submissions Being Revised” folder.) 5. When you click the “Submit Revision” link it will take you to a similar interface to that you used when submitting the original manuscript. You can revise any of the data (i.e. Title, Article Type, etc.) and you can attach revised files. You may either click through each page using the ‘Next’ button to decide whether any changes are required, or you can navigate more quickly by clicking the relevant menu item on the left-hand side of the screen, i.e. if no other data require changing, you can quickly move to ‘Attach Files’ by clicking this item on the left-hand menu. 6. Once you have reached the Attach Files step you will see all the items currently associated with your original manuscript. 7. You may remove any items that are not required or that will be changed for the revision. Any files that will be changed/removed should be unchecked. Once you have selected the files to be included, click the ‘Next’ button to proceed to the next step, where you can attach revised/new files. 8. Upload any new or revised files in the same way that you attached your original files. Click the Item in the drop-down box, browse for your revised/new file and click ‘Attach This File’. Please name all your revised files with the suffix ‘revised’, e.g. Manuscript revised.doc, Figure 1 - revised.tiff, Figure 3 revised.jpeg. 9. You must also submit an ‘Itemised List of Revisions’ with your revised submission (see above).
10. After attaching your files, click ‘Next’ at the bottom of the page. If everything that you wish to submit for the revised submission is now listed on the next page, click ‘Build PDF for my Approval’. 11. Once the PDF is built, check your revised submission in your ‘Revisions Waiting for Author’s Approval” folder. If eveything is OK, click “Approve Revision” for it to be sent it to the Editorial Office. Reinstate a Declined Revision Some Authors accidentally remove a submission they intended to revise, by clicking on Decline to Revise or the Remove link. Instead of submitting a “New Manuscript”, the proper course is to “Reinstate” the submission so you can continue with the revision process.