We set the background of this paragraph to be silver. The body tag is 3.where you change the pages background. Now continue the lesson to 4.learn more about adding background colors in your HTML! 5.
6. a e / t 4+ я a body e । Div en 4 block en 8 an 3 a et । +e+e+ e kt Div en a t /।, ' m attributes . 4 । id width height title style , strong visualization e я ' style attribute e H p, 8 .। 1. 2.
eiee L 9\u %u a3 $ ! @ o 3. al ' 4+ div en 4 8 .। beginning and ending e H div en + eiee en H / । 01. 06.
Content Articles
This paragraph would be your content readable material.
paragraph with all of your
p,: HOME | CONTACT | ABOUT Content Articles
This paragraph would be your content paragraph with all of your readable material. 01. 07.
Content Articles
This paragraph would be your content 10.paragraph with all of your readable material.
Content Article Number Two
Here's another content article right here.
p,: HOME | CONTACT | ABOUT | LINKS Content Articles
This paragraph would be your content paragraph with all of your readable material. Content Article Number Two
Here's another content article right here.
eiee 96l e6N i ( HTML Bol d & I t al i c) 2 : E+ E+ %
bold tag 4 % k l / । 1.This text is entirely BOLD!
p,: Bold: This text is entirely BOLD! k highlight bold tag 4 / ।. 1.
Don't touch that!
p,: Don't touch that! dictionary fashion.2 я % bold tag 4 / । 1.
Cardio: Latin word meaning of the heart.
p,: Dictionary Cardio: Latin word meaning of the heart.
HTML - I TALI C( S) The italics tag key word or phrase highlight 4 u। ei tags %/ font face stylize %J k я । Emphasized tag p .i italics tag e । 1.Italic tag! 2.
Emphasized Text! 3.Create a
! 4.Format your addresses!
p,: HTML Italics: Italic tag! Emphasized Text! Create Format your addresses! 1.HTML 2.Hyper Text Markup Language
1.HTML 2.
Hyper Text Markup Language
p,: HTML Dictionary HTML Hyper Text Markup Language or HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
HTML BOLD AND I TALI CS CS and the tags u'.i e+ 3 text format e я 4 8 .। H k I 3 2 । 1.
Phillip M. Rogerson MD
p,: Phillip M. Rogerson MD
a blockquote!
and the tags u'.i k 4 / ' R 8 .। 1.
Include several external 2.links throughout your texts as references to your viewers, 3.we will discuss 4. 5.HTML Links 6. 7.in a later lesson.
p,: Format Links: Include several external links throughout your texts as references to your viewers, we will discuss HTML Links in a later lesson.
eiee 9L e6N pre +# ( HTML Code & Pr e) 2 : E+ E+ %
code tag e H %/ text computer code e 2 / । e + H ' text e font face, size, e letter spacing / , / । 1.This text has been formatted to be computer
p,: Computer Code This text has been formatted to be computer code! Use this tag to separate any computer code you wish to display on your website. It is not always necessary, but the tag exists if you so desire. HTML - CODE LI NKS /J3 link 4+ %/ web page e 2 / । 1.
Feel free to search 2.Google
3. for 4.anything you wish to find on the internet.
p,: Code Links: Feel free to search Google for anything you wish to find on the internet.
PREFORMATTI NG tag e +H 4 HTML coding e +. 8' % i b, s+ , I +' k p, 4।a3, % 8' 2 +' i %u / 2 । 1. 2.Roses are Red,
3.e2 . s+ %!Violets are blue, 4.I may sound crazy, 5.e2 . s+ %!But I love you! 6.
p,: Roses are Red, Violets are blue, I may sound crazy, But I love you!
eiee sA skp, sA skp,a6skp, a6skp,sTi 2 : E+ E+ %
1.This text is superscripted!
p,: Superscript: This text is superscripted!
HTML – EXPONENTS a exponential 4 я tag 4 4.। 1.23 = 8 2.14x
p,: Exponents: 23 = 14x
HTML – C ::
:: u/ + pn 2 8 . 2 reference . я tag 4 4. 8 , । 1."It was a lover's tryst1." 2.
3.1. Secret meeting between lovers
p,: Footnote "It was a lover's tryst1." 1. Secret meeting between lovers HTML - SUBSCRI PT
1.This text is subscripted!
p,: This text is subscripted! 1.H20 - Water 2.
O2 - Oxygen 3.
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
p,: H2O - Water O2 - Oxygen CO2 - Carbon Dioxide HTML – STRI KETHROUGH tag e H 2 k+ o. 8 .। 1.This text is scratched out!
p,: Strikethrough This text is scratched out! HTML - CHECK OFF TASK: 1. 2.- Clean my room
3.Cook Dinner 4.Wash Dishes 5.
p,: 1. Clean my room 2. Cook Dinner 3. Wash Dishes
eiee Cl ( HTML For m) 2 : E+ %
web server 4 3(name, email address, credit card, i ) g4 kt webmaster e я Forms t /, tool 4+ я। %/ 4 a8 .7 form , 4 i/ g4 । %/ e2 3 +. / , order / , 4 7 / +2 я / ,%/ forum e 9 k яs / i । TEXT FI ELDS
' +m, forms 6 7 4. + %/ % я 4। Input fields 4c form sandwich e । tag e ! attributes %! ++ +mn я u । type - ei attribute input field e p ' H, । 8 text, submit, e password । name - ei attribute given field e 8 / , %/ reference % / । size - ei attribute field e horizontal width + । maxlength – ei attribute character e maximum m H, Name:
p,: Input Forms Name: Password: HTML - I NPUT TAGS: Input fields e H 8+ я+ an', k + 4 checkboxes, text fields, radios, e form submission buttons। tag e closing tag p. я i। HTML -Type Attribute: Type attributes e + 4 8 e p input tag , / । input tag . 4 । 1. "text" 2. "password" 3. "checkbox" 4. "radio" 5. "submit" 6. "reset"
HTML – CHECKBOXES: Checkboxes + H 4 7 e single question e a ! i .। Check boxes allow for multiple items to be selected for a certain group of choices. checkbox e name e value attributes 8 radio button e name e value attributes % ।
Select your favorite cartoon characters. Goofy Donald Bugs Bunny Scooby Doo
p,: Checkboxes: Select your favorite cartoon characters. Goofy Donald Bugs Bunny Scooby Doo Email Myself
HTML - SUBMI T BUTTONS: Input type e H "submit" a/ + 6 7 kt ul28 ।specifies a very unique button. 82 % submit button e / 2 , e , activate 4। 84 % submission button 6 7 ! i attribute p. я 4c value attribute। % 8 b value attribute e 4+ , button u/ p, 4। "Submit" or "Continue" b value attribute e 4+ 4 4.। . 1. 2.
p,: Submit Buttons Submit
Continue Please!
HTML - RESET BUTTONS: +,> input type 4 reset button। Setting the type to reset button k H %/ form e +! % /, s ' as . . 8 / ।"start over" button %/ reset button e 4 / । view source print? 1. 2.
p,: Reset Buttons:
Reset Fields
Start Over
eiee 9kk Cl ( HTML Text Fi el d) 2 : E+ %
Text fields 4 ! %. kt 8 %/ k i/ e +i 3 web server / S + 4 8 । e+ 3 scripting language 8 (PHP, PERL, or ASP) e H pk. 4.। HTML - TEXT FI ELD SI ZE: Size attribute e H text area e size .nt 8 .। default size 4 + H 20 characters f,। 1. 2. 3.
p,: Text Fields:
HTML - TEXT FI ELD MAXLENGTH: AXLENGTH: maxlength attribute , s ! @ 4 7 ic characters i/ / e %/ 8 + iя , s o 3 । characters i/ +7 d maxlength attribute 4 4.। size e maxlength ei 4o. p. я। 1. 2. 3.
p,: Maxlength Attribute
HTML - TEXT FI ELD VALUE: value attribute 4 %/ % 3i k l ! 2 2 / 8 + 2 / । view source print?
1. 2. 3.
Text Field Values: 55555 Corndog Tizag Tutorials!
eiee 9kk e ( HTML Text Ar ea) 2 : E+ %
kk e b e e iuя 3 3 % m 4 । Paragraphs, essays, or memos +=4 /` kk e + 8 . e + 8 .। kk e e opening e closing .!। kk e e ' ! 2 o /я e kk e p, 4.। 1.Text Area!
HTML - TEXT AREA COLS AND ROW ROWS: Adjust the of the text area size e appearance I 4 attributes p. я
4 cols androws। p attribute e я +2 4 । 8 @ 4 @ text area 4। 1.Text Area! 2.Text Area! 3.Text Area!
HTML - TEXTAREA WRAP: wrap attribute k 8, / H, 82 textarea text field e 2 2 2 + > %+। Wrap e H + %!।8: 1.soft 2.hard 3.off wrap attribute e Soft word text area ' @. but form + 4. 2 @ word 2 8 . (Line breaks a/ 8 4. ) wrap attribute e Hard word text area ' @. e i e > Line breaks a/ 8 4. । / form + 2 8 . 8' text box e 2 ! I +' 2 c। wrap attribute e Off word text area ' @. e e i a 3 । 1. 2.As you can see many times word wrapping is often the desired 3.look for your textareas. Since it makes everything nice and 4.easy to read. 5.
p,:Text Area Wrapping:
1. 2.As you can see many times word wrapping is often the desired 3.look for your textareas. Since it makes everything nice and 4.easy to read. 5.
p,: No Wrapping
HTML - TEXTAREA READONLY: readonly attribute e value yes no। readonly attribute e yes 3 %/ H textarea e k / / n / , / । 1. 2.As you can see many times word wrapping is often the desired 3.look for your text areas. Since it makes everything nice and 4.easy to read. 5.
HTML – DI SABLED disabled attribute p. textarea 2 highlight 4. , H+ H e e 2 / , / । 1. 2.As you can see many times word wrapping is often the desired 3.look for your text areas. Since it makes everything nice and 4.easy to read. 5.
eiee 9 Lo 96$ ( HTML Radi o but t on)
sowrove-hossain 2 : E+ % Radios 4 e p i/ , 8 4 7 8 e a/ +k । o e I' 4।"multiple choice" ei H kiя e p я Radios 4 +. ' । 1.Italian: 2.Greek: 3.Chinese:
p,: Radios: Italian: Greek: Chinese: ei , e i 'n + o % o u 4 . 4। 1.Italian: 2.Greek: 3.Chinese: 4. 5.Male: 6.Female:
p,: Multiple Radios: Italian: Greek: Chinese: Male: Female: eieeeiee- RADI O CHECKED: checked eu ,e + 4 8 %/ radio a l 4+ Jt % 3 . 2 / । 1.Italian:
2.Greek: 3.Chinese:
p,:Default Italian:
Italian: Greek: Chinese:
eiee \A L ( HTML Upl oad For m) 2 : E+ %
upload form 4 iuя pictures, movies, e я webpages upload / । e upload form 4 e H input form । %/ + H ' type attribute . e 4+ file 2 upload form 6 7 / । 1.
pzHl:: UPLOAD FORM MAX FI LE SI ZE upload i e size e +7 H . %/ %/ webserver e = space k / । e я % hidden input field e % o ! specific attributes 8 । 1. 2.
e2 value 100 file +, c 100kb 4 / । p,:
eiee DALu: s ( HTML Dr op down l i st ) 2 : E+ %
Drop down lists 4 E , forms. %/ internet e 2! Drop down lists 2o k p i %/ 8 s 3 ++ >. d /, 3 । Drop down lists e a a/+ 3 8 %/ ic select / । Drop down lists and tags . 6 7 4.। tag e H Drop down lists
e , 4.। tag e H Drop down lists e 6 7 4.। 1. 2.California -- CA 3.Colorado -- CO 4.Connecticut -- CN 5.
selected attributee + 4 8 % /!n >. select as . p, / । HTML - SELECTI ON FORMS: size attribute 4 %/ drop down list '
/ s p, / । size attribute select 8 options e + 3 p, 4 s scroll /,। selected attributee + 4 8 % /!n >. select as . p, / । 1. 2.California -- CA 3.Colorado -- CO 4.Connecticut -- CN 5.
pzHl:: SELECTI ON FORMS California -- CA Colorado -- CO Connecticut -- CN
HTML - SELECTI NG MULTI PLES: multiple attribute e H %/ e aH >. select / । 1. 2.California -- CA 3.Colorado -- CO 4.Connecticut -- CN 5.
pzHl:: MULTI PLE SELECTI ONS California -- CA Colorado -- CO Connecticut -- CN