Human Resource Management

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"In Bosch, we have a machine called Human Machine Interface which is ..... minimum qualification is Masters degree with specialised knowledge of Technology.
Project on “One Person One Job”

Human Resource Management SUBMITTED TO

Dr. Debashish Sengupta Associate Professor, Alliance School of Business.



Arjun Ajit Pratiksha Mohanty Deeptanshu Singh Padma Yedla Shubham Agarwal

Alliance School of Business Bangalore, Karnataka MBA July 2014-2016 Batch

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are thankful to our prestigious University “Alliance School of Business” for giving us this opportunity and steeping our future towards successes. Apart from the efforts of our group members, the success of any project depends largely on the encouragement and guidelines of many others. We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this project. We would like to show our greatest appreciation to our respective Faculty of Human Resource Management Mr. Debashish Sengupta. We can’t say just thank you, for his tremendous support and help. We feel motivated and encouraged every time we attend his lectures. Without his encouragement and guidance this project would not have materialized. We specially showcase our gratitude to Mr. Mohan Kumar, for giving us his valuable time and guiding us with his experience and knowledge of expertise. The guidance and support received from all the members who contributed and who are contributing to this project, was vital for the success of the project. We are gratefu l for their constant support and help.

SECTION : A Job Analysis Name of the person Interviewed : Mr. Dileep Prabhu Designation ( Job Title ) : Assistant Manager, R&D Organization : Bosch India Limited Name of the interviewers : Arjun, Pratksha, Deeptanshu, Padma, Shubham

1. What are your primary duties in the current job? "My role is of assistant manager, but I do not lead any team as I'm only concerned with technical part and noting to do with managerial part. We have 2 parts in Bosch Ltd. one is managerial part and other one is technical, and technical part as such has no separate designation like team leaders, specialist and all. The only post after they have for promotion is from assistant manager to senior manager. Basically I'm in customer services, where we have to get work done from the team members in the technical manner and I will be assigning different task to different members and hep responsible to see that work is done timely and orderly manner."

2. When there is any technical problem, what is your responsibility, how you manage that problem? "Our responsibility starts from the project time line as we are responsible for executing the project within prescribed time frame along with maintaining the quality of product. We are basically called Calibration engineers and responsible for tuning of engine parts as per the requirement of the customers who are in direct touch with us. There is an another team, who is responsible for sales and marketing and based on their forecast of demand, we will perform technical analysis and fetch whether the requirements can meet in time or not including all critical aspects related to technical field. Both these teams run parallel and they are the friend face as the company representatives where as we are the backbone to the company."

3. Apart from the primary functions, what other secondary functions are performed ? "Management believes that we need to develop some skills like interdisciplinary skills, cross functional tasks. We will be asked to choose our own field that we are interested in, apart from the work we usually do and the part I chose was training and embedded system development because I'm a mechanical engineer and my interest area is automobile engineering related work. Also we are all linked socially with a private network in our company called 'Bosch Call, Bosch connect' and there I publish news letter, make internal groups for technical help and connecting with our global partners by discussing the technological aspects of the product and ensuring the best quality product. This is our cross functional task performed."

4. How is the surveillance done on workers and employees or team members? "In Bosch, we have a machine called Human Machine Interface which is autonomous and it monitors the lead time from every production line and operation. There is no physical or camera surveillance happen, the machine will record the time a worker is taking to perform the task and rate the efficiency depending on the time taken. Everything is automated and linked to central server. From the server itself will get the idea which operation is taking longer time, the down time and lead time of workers and which line workers and fast and which line they are inefficient. Most of the workers are experienced, hence efficient but they never give their best in efficiency as the more they do, the more will be given by the management. This working behaviour of the workers are captured in the software's and this is related to production line only. I work in R&D department where we have to work for ourselves, our own instrumentation for continuous efforts in innovating new technology and product efficiency. We are a team of 6-7 members and I will be training them and define the task each one has to do, but there is no continuous monitoring and will assist them if they have any technical problem. My duty is to see that work is being done properly and timely with standardised quality expected by the customers."

5. Whom do you report to? And under whose supervision? " Usually, in all companies people with a job like mine will report to immediate manager. But, now in Bosch we do some customer oriented work, we work for customers and customers give the our feedback to our manager. Regarding reviews and other works in the company, we will be directly reporting to manager. This is good ideally. Till last year, we used to report to team leader and team leader used to report to manager and because of this there was a communication gap and we were not clearly able to understand the functionalities and the expectations were not always met. But presently, the system is very good and manager is getting to know each and everything very clearly through customers and our personal interaction." Reporting to manager (that is under whose supervision the work will take place) is always best through which the work will be done as expected and the outcomes will be fast without any misunderstandings in communication.

6. What kind of working conditions are provided in Bosch ? "We are supposed to work for 8.5 hrs to 9.3 hrs a day for 5 days(Monday-Friday)a week. We have to complete the task in the given time in a day. We can work for extra hours if wanted but that work will not be appreciated because managers think that, that specific person is working for extra hours because he is not able to finish his task in a given time, inefficient to distribute the work among subordinates and unable to tackle the problem. Extra work will not be given and thus no extra pay. If we want to work on our own project, we can utilize the office at any point of time without any restrictions. When we are working with German clients onsite, sometimes we have to work on Saturdays according their schedule, during that times we will be paid extra called compensation. Sometimes the work differs from client to client onsite. If the work is finished early we can leave early."

Regarding workers, they work for 6 days a week and 8 hrs a day. Their work is physical and thus not encouraged to work more than 8hrs but our work is more like data handling and analysis." Bosch is expecting to complete the work in office hours that is 8.5 to 9.3 hrs. No extra work and thus no extra pay. The working hours differs when dealing with German clients but the number of hours working remain the same in a day.

7. How is the work culture in Bosch? "Regarding work culture I would like to compare with different OM’s because I mostly work onsite with different OM’s like Indian OM’s( Tata, Mahindra etc.) and German OM’s. Compared to them the work culture in Bosch is very good. In Bosch, they give respect and value to person and his work unlike other IT companies they do not treat us like an entity. Their is flexibility in the work. They do not monitor to much which helps us to work freely." Bosch treat people very well and they respect and recognize the work they do, unlike other IT companies. Flexibility is present.

8. Did you face any hazard/harm from your job or company? "If there is any hazard I wouldn’t work. But sometimes the job is very tricky and it makes you involve more and more in it, thus many people will face work life imbalance. When dealing with customers in different places we are supposed to work there for 2-3 months and can come back only when the work is finished. Recently, I got a very good customer in Pune and I used to take 2-3 days leave for every 15days and meet my family and go back to Pune for work. It depends on customer to customer but the main goal is to complete the work in the given time. Management will see how the work flow is happening, if it is going well you can take leave in between." What I feel is, we should not involve in work too much and try to complete the work before we leave office or else we keep thinking about the work in home also which is not really good. And most of the times it happens with the technical people." There is no hazard in Bosch. But one must learn how to deal with work life balance.

9. Are you able to manage work and family? " Presently, I am single and I don’t have much problem and am able to manage myself very well. But, I think I should manage work life balance once I get married."

10. How many years of experience do you require for your job? “Within 6 months to 1 year training we are on board. But what I feel is it's not about years of experience, it’s about the way you see your work and understand the physics behind it.”

11. What is are the difference in your pervious job and current job? “I am working in Bosch since last 5 years. After I completed my graduation, I worked in a small company that makes automotive parts. They even make parts for ISRO. I was impressed with their portfolio and applied for it. In the first months I had received training there. I worked for 6 months there. After a point of time, I felt like going behind brand is good. I had two options Robert Bosch and Bosch Limited. I joined the Bosch limited in the R&D.”

12. Were you directly appointed as the assistant manager or subsequently you were promoted to that post? "I joined as a graduate trainee, all the trainees were allowed to work in different areas for a period of 2 months till one year and then they were asked which department they would like to join. That's the best part as after just finishing their graduation students might not be knowing where they fit in, so only I decided to join Bosch. Out of production, designing, marketing and R&D I picked R&D. I joined as senior engineer an two years later i was promoted as the assistant manager."

13. What level of initiative is required in your job? "We have a lot of things we have developed in past few years, its difficult to convince our seniors at times. I you come up with some innovative idea , you have to give a proper demo in front of the concerned person, Initiative is important, you should always be doing something."

14. What level of physical activity is involved in tour job? "Here we do not have much physical activity, even though we are in a mechanical indus try there is another separate department who takes care of such activities. If at all there is a breakdown it's very difficult for us to dismantle the machines but if the information is not provided to the team in prior then there are chances they might be busy, so in that case we have to get our hands dirty in such situations."

15. What importance does communication skills have in your work? " It's very important. There are 2 kinds of communications here broadly Technical and Formal. If you are communicating with German clients, they give al lot of technical part, they wouldn't be much impressed with how good you approach them, rather by what points you touch upon. We have the sales team who are responsible for the budget and pricing part, and then we have the technical team who communicate with the OM's. For example the Japanese and the Germans are very particular about what they hear, you cannot get away with generic answers. You also get chance to present yourself in various international conferences,, so communication skills hold a great value. I was trained in technical writing and technical training.

16. When you are working for long hours with different people throughout the year, Dose your job require any kind of sensory ability? “We mostly engage ourselves with the work, so the long working hour doesn’t bother much. And every day we have meeting in coffee time and discuss about everything that has happened and what can be done. That’s how we leave out our stress.”

17. Is the work atmosphere good? “Work atmosphere is very good”.

18. Have you anytime felt difficulty in dealing with the people? Yes, In the beginning I had difficulty in dealing with people, there seems to be groupism inside organization. Few of my seniors were not cooperative in answering my question I had with the work. But I feel, from my experience, even if we don’t like anyone, don’t try not talking to them and don’t try judging anyone especially in work place why because if we are not talking to them, they would not talk to us. And big organization is all about how good the team work not the individual work. So if there is no team cohesiveness, it gives a bad impression. So even though you don’t like anyone, keep it outside the work. But in course of time we will learn to deal with people, and it was a good lesson given to us by our seniors.”

19. What kind of accountability do you have in your job? “This is the one of the important problem we face, Our Work could be divided into 3, A-B-C… we do the B part. So when our clients talk to us, tells a complaint which was done by the A part people, we should not tell them that this work is done by not us. Even though it’s not our work but we should take initiative to resolve the problem. So when we had helped the other group in saving their back, some day they also come help us, that’s what happens. Also we are also responsible to bring new technologies to the work place and the company expect us to work up to their standards. ”

20. Does emotions play a role in your job? “No, emotion dose not play role in job actually, In the beginning when our senior staffs were leaving the organization, we used to be emotional. But we need to keep going with it. Sometimes with the subordinates , not being emotional but we need to find the sensitivity part of it and help them when they are facing problems. And when you are dealing with your employees, it is nice if you spend some time with them and talk with them, so they really feel good and feel the entire management is with them.”

21. So being ethical has connection with emotions? "Yes, Absolutely, emotions play an important role and you should identify the sensitivity of it actually."

22. How was your recruitment and selection process you had before getting into Bosch? How you came to know about Bosch? “It was not a campus interview but it was pool campus. About the interview it was published in newspaper and I filled up the form in naukri and we were given a date for the interview. For the interview around 2000-3000 came in, and there were only limited place to attend the interview. People from all over India came to attend the interview. It was 2009, the recession period. so everyone rushed for the job. Luckily I got into the compound and just after guard closed the gate. First we had the written test, after the written test in couple of day we had interview . There were good competitive candidate for the interview. What I noticed is they did not really wanted to see their academic score but they saw their interest to be mechanical field and what they could contribute to the mechanical industry. “

23. So do you know how many people from 2000 got selected during this process? “After first round the 200 people got shortlisted from 2000 and in second round 45 got selected from the 200. This was for the apprentice trainee.”

24. What is the performance management system in Bosch? What method do they use? “We have PREA- Performance Review Evaluation Analysis. They use bell curve analysis. The rating goes up to 1-2, 1 is the minimum and 2 is the highest you get. The different fields that contributes to this rating are cooperativeness, innovativeness, flexibility, work efficiency, imitativeness. One thigh I do not like with the rating is they try to compare yourself with fellow colleague. Suppose there are 5 members in a team and all five are good performers, still they can give highest rating to only to one member. So what happen here is when you train your fellow colleagues and when they become efficient, you rating goes down, so you feel unsecure to train your colleagues. I recommend the rating must for the team as whole, so you feel motivated to train your colleagues.”

25. Does Bosch follow the 360 degree feedback system? “Yes, they follow 360 degree feedback system. They started 3 years back, first year it was a big disaster(laugh) why because there were lot of groupism and misunderstanding in the team. Anyway the feedback was anonymous, and there were lot of bad feedback written on managers. Coming years feedback was good, as when they really accepted what the problem was, the entire group started behaving differently and understood what the people really want. After that the work atmosphere was really good.

26. So you prefer 360 degree feedback system? “Yeah, It is preferred.”

27. Before you got into Bosch, what was your perception about Bosch? Has your perception changed in the course of time? “Before joining Bosch I roughly had an idea what Bosch do. I wanted to work with what I have studies rather than doing some work that is completely different. And I did not change my company till now, I’m working in Bosch since 5 years… What I feel is when you get to know of something which is complicated, after sometimes I feel bored of doing it. So I continuously being changing my areas like, I have experience in design, calibration, production and next assignment I am going for is Software Architecture. “

28. What is the employee turnover ratio? Have you seen people voluntarily resigning from Bosch? What is the reason? “The average turnover I see is every three year people change their job. Reason would be salary. Though Bosch have very good Technical expertise they are not been paid much. What the other companies do is, they buy employees from Bosch and pay high. Here we get to learn a lot. And one thing we have noticed is those people who have left, really misses the Bosch culture now.”

29. If you were allowed to change any management system in Bosch, would you recommend any changes? “Yes I would recommend changes. I see three things which are not good in Bosch, ie. future planning and resource planning of the management. Here what happens is a manager stays in a department for 3 years maximum and their target is to save money for three years and they won't be bothering about what happen after three years. So these kind of perception should change. If they have a very good vision in the department, then the people will feel very good to stay in the company. We should have a small and efficient team rather than big and average performing team. Then the rating system should be changed, rather than individual rating, it should be a group rating to 3 or 4.”

30. Recently we see in the newspaper, there is some strike going on in Bosch by the workers. What do you comment on this? “Actually I do not have a clear idea of what this strike is legal or illegal, but in the newspaper only I read the strike is illegal. Then after seeing this we checked with other colleagues and we spoke with other workers what their demand and what others are doing. So what has happened is the entire production line has been relocated to a place called Bidadi. The place is 30-40 km from Bangalore. All the workers who have been working in Bosch since last 20 years have to relocate their homes. Even their kids have to change their school due to the relocation. So the worker demand is they should be given more hike, they should be given a land to stay…. Their demands are pretty huge.”

31. For the workers how is the working atmosphere in Bosch? "For workers it is very good, very safe and healthy atmosphere because Bosch follow the Japanese way of production concern. And there will be frequent audit happening from Germany and ISO standards, so Bosch is bound to have certain standards. Health wise and safety wise, it is excellent. And the production line if you get to see it like the European standards."

32. What are the benefits you are getting along with your appraisal? “The benefits you get is to roam around the world and you get a extra pay as you had to be away from you family. It is not a benefit actually, it is part of the work. Then we have very frequent outing and team building activities. ”

33. Do you have medical benefits? “We have medical insurance, but we have to be In-patient to get the bill reimbursed. Otherwise we won’t get the reimbursement. “

34. Dose Bosch gives a place to stay for the employees? "They don’t provide a place to stay instead they give the rent allowance. It is same as in any bank or software company do."

Position Analysis Questionnaire Section 1 General Information

Your Name: Mr. Dileep Prabhu Today’s Date (mm/dd/yy) :

11/22/14 Current Job Title (system): Assistant Manager, R&D

Department Name: Research and Development

College/Institute: PES (People's Education Society, Bangalore)

Category: -- Mechanical

Engineering Length of time in current position: 3 years

Section 2 Organizational Relationships In this section, you will identify reporting relationships. The purpose is to state the position that provides work direction, completes performance reviews and provides guidance, counselling and/or corrective/disciplinary action relative to your position. For those positions that report to you, it is in the same context. If you report to more than one position, indicate both and for what purpose.

To whom do you report (title)? Senior Manager

Who reports to you (title)? Team of 5-6 Members who are working under him as a trainee

Please attach a copy of the current department/unit organizational chart.

Managerial Department

Technical Department

Senior Manager

Assistant Managager

Section 3 Essential Functions (Duties/Responsibilities ) Indicate the principle duties and responsibilities performed in this job. Group your job duties into major areas and then list the associated tasks in order of importance, beginning with the most important.

Please also indicate the approximate percentage of time spent on each task. When indicating time spent, please state the time reference (% of day, month, quarter or year) appropriate to that task.

Be as descriptive as possible—indicating the desired outcome (or reason) why a specific task is performed. If additional references or information may assist in understanding the task, please attach at the end of the document. % of Time

Major Area(s) of Responsibility


Technological Services


Research and Development Wing


Assisting the team members


Meeting with the Senior Management


Preparation of Report

Section 4 Additional Job Information Indicate the specific knowledge, skills and abilities your job requires. Think in terms of recruiting to fill a job identical to yours. What background would you expect a successful job applicant to have?

Are there any formal guidelines, regulations, policies or statutes you must follow and understand to perform your job? I need knowledge of:

 Technical and Mechanical Know how  Operating Automated Machines  Operating Computer  Integrating devices and equipments I need skill in:

 Customer Service Orientations  Communication Skills and Expertise  Presentation of Flow chart in systematic way  Technical Follow-up I need the ability to:

 Working affluently with Auto embedded machines  SIEMENS Technological Aida

Section 5 Decision Making/Problem Solving Think about the types of issues your position is held accountable/responsible for completing. What decisions would you consult or notify your supervisor of before taking action? What type of issues, concerns or problems come to you to resolve?

List the formal guidelines, technical manuals, regulations, statutes and other policies with which you must comply to perform your job. Ans : Guide lines specified by the company Bosch Ltd.

What issues would you refer to your supervisor prior to taking action and why? Ans : Issues regarding technical failure in the central database management system as

senior executives has direct link to the central database system.

If you supervise others (provide work direction, responsible for performance evaluations, initiate corrective actions or recommend career actions), what issues, concerns or problems are referred to you and what action do you take? Ans : I only supervise few members of the team and not as a supervisor but we all

work as a team and if they are facing any technical issue, I resolve for them

Are you responsible for a budget? Ans : No

Section 6 Working Environment Describe the physical conditions in which your job is performed on a regular basis (include such items as lifting, pushing, climbing, walking, exposure to different environmental influences as well as estimated percentage of time). Ans : 90 % of job is done indoor (Work area) with no hazards and risk.

How would you describe the mental and emotional environment under which you regularly perform your job? Examples of situations are helpful to put your job in context. Ans : Quite relaxed and no burden of senior management. As most part of work is

based on improving the efficiency, there is no mental burden relied on us. Projects are bounded with time lags and quality standards.

What type of equipment, tools, instruments, machines or other similar objects are used? Please list and provide approximate time spent. Ans : Technical Equipments and Software Embedding

Section 7 Minimum Qualifications Are there any certifications, licenses or registrations required ? Ans : Certificates of Standard Equipments for Service Clients

Indicate the minimum level of education that would prepare someone to perform this job. Ans : As a trainee, Mechanical Engineering and as a Assistant and Senior Management,

minimum qualification is Masters degree with specialised knowledge of Technology background.

Indicate the minimum number of years of prior experience as well as the type of experience needed to be prepared to perform this job. Ans : Minimum 3 years of experience as a technical member is required

Job Description Job title

Assistant Manager

Reports to

Senior Executive

Final Report

Job purpose

 Technical Assistance  Provide satisfaction and service to clients  Developmental Programs

Duties and responsibilities:

    

To assist team members Verification of SERVICE . Check Quality Standards. To work on Innovations and Technology up-gradation. To satisfy the clients requirements.


 Technical Educational Background  Knowledge in current affairs relating to business market and general idea about computer.  Skills in writing and communication the codes of programming.  Ability to work affluently with Software's and Coding and Embedding Programmers Internet.  Working conditions:

 Indoor and time bound Technical Know how

 Must for the service Bosch is providing. Direct reports

Senior Executive The End Thank You.