Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre Development Economic ...

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economic impact study by Buchan Consulting.1 The major changes have been the removal of the. 1 Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre Development, ...
January 2009

Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre Development Economic Analysis A Report to Huntley Heritage Pty Ltd

January 2009


January 2009

Contents Contents ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Disclaimer............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Executive Summary............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7


The Huntley Development........................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 2.2 2.3


Strategic Validity........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7


The Development................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 The Location ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Information Required ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Annual Lot Release............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Project Staging ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Housing Lots ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Land Supply in a Sub Market............................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Precedents for Other Land Holders ................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Impacts on Other Land Releases ...................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Critical Mass....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Delivery of Community and Housing Outcomes ................................................................................................................................................ 17

Infrastructure and Servicing Test ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18 4.1 Impacts on West Dapto...................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 4.2 Market Take Up and Recoupment of Investment .............................................................................................................................................. 18 4.3 Infrastructure and the Huntley Site .................................................................................................................................................................... 18 4.3.1 Infrastructure Provision ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18 4.3.2 Services.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19


Public Benefits ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7


Investment Certainty ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4


Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20 Contribution to Land........................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Job Creation Impacts ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Overview of Job Impacts.......................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Economic Impacts - Construction Phase ................................................................................................................................................. 23 Economic Impacts - Operations Phase.................................................................................................................................................... 24 Regional Job Impacts of the Huntley Development ................................................................................................................................. 25 Capital Investment Value ................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Social Benefits ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Flow on to Business........................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Uniqueness of the Project.................................................................................................................................................................................. 29 Business Plan .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Project Proceeding............................................................................................................................................................................................. 30 Resourcing of the Proponent ............................................................................................................................................................................. 30 Track Record of the Proponent.......................................................................................................................................................................... 31

Concluding Comments.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 32

Appendix A References ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33

Buchan Consulting


January 2009


This report is for the use only of the party to whom it is addressed and for the specific purposes to which it refers. We disclaim any responsibility to any third party acting upon or using the whole or part of the report and its contents. This report (including appendices) is based on estimates, assumptions and information sourced and referenced by Buchan Consulting. These estimates, assumptions and projections are provided as a basis for the reader’s interpretation and analysis. In the case of projections, they are not presented as results that will actually be achieved. The report has been prepared on the basis of information available at the time of writing. While all possible care has been taken by the authors in preparing the report, no responsibility can be undertaken for errors or inaccuracies that may be in the data used.

Buchan Consulting


January 2009

Executive Summary The Analysis The analysis in this report addresses a number of issues that have been raised by the Department of Planning. These relate to several key areas: strategic planning validity test; infrastructure and servicing test; public benefit; and investment certainty. This analysis has involved a review of the new scope of the project as submitted to Wollongong Council and the Department of Planning. This new project scope involved the removal of the commercial village from the development and the reduction in the number of housing lots from over 600 to 423. The Development The Huntley Development now comprises: •

Development of an 18 hole Greg Norman designed championship standard golf course and associated club house facilities, including a gym and other sports facilities, including tennis courts.

A golf clubhouse which will contain dining and function areas, golf lodge accommodation, and a pro shop catering for residents, club members and local and international visitors.

A biomedical sports centre providing physiotherapy, sports medicine and biomechanical testing.

Golf and tennis teaching facilities linked to the biomedical facility.

An ecotourism facility comprising a hotel, conference facilities, restaurant and pavilion style short stay cabin accommodation, in the upper reaches of the site within and adjacent to the existing mine building.

An interpretative educational centre (discovery centre) to be provided in conjunction with the Illawarra Branch of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. This facility, which will allow for reuse of the existing mine electrical workshop, will contain photographic displays, interpretative exhibits, a student teaching facility and archiving facilities for mining records from the Illawarra region. This facility will link via pathways to the main mine tunnel, providing a valuable educational opportunity for school children and visitors to the Illawarra.

A natural amphitheatre within the bushland setting, providing a venue for open air performances, weddings and teaching.

Pathways and bush walking trails will be provided which will allow for access to heritage areas of the site and access to the Illawarra Escarpment (for hotel guests, tourist visitors, students and residents from the broader region).

A total of 423 residential lots developed around the golf course and on other parts of the site. This will comprise a mixture of housing types. The construction and subdivision of 387 residential allotments within the lower reaches of the site surrounding the golf course and a further 36 rural residential lots on the cleared, foothill areas. The residential development will comprise clusters of development each with their own design theme, but with a common design link through the total Huntley site. The development will comprise a mix of housing types including lightweight pole dwellings in the rural residential areas, more traditional suburban homes adjacent to the golf course and split level housing on sloping areas.

The revised development differs from that proposed in 2007 and which was the subject to the earlier 1 economic impact study by Buchan Consulting. The major changes have been the removal of the

1 Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre Development, Economic Impact Study, April 2007, Buchan Consulting. Buchan Consulting


January 2009

commercial village, the reduction of large rural lots from 136 to 36 and the reduction in the number of lots in the golf course area from 234 to 160. The Huntley Development has some unique features, which means that it delivers a number of major community benefits and complements the development that will be occurring in the West Dapto Area. This has several dimensions: the delivery of privately funded sporting and recreational infrastructure that will be available for community use; the provision of an interpretive education facility for education and tourism use; the creation of direct jobs in the ecotourism facility, golf facilities and biomedical centre; and the provision of controlled and managed access to the escarpment. A major benefit will be the overall contribution that these facilities will make to regional tourism; and the boost to local business and jobs through having a relatively high income group resident in the region. Project Staging The Huntley project is a staged development, with the major facilities of the golf course, the clubhouse and ecotourism facility (hotel, restaurant, conference facilities, cabins), the interpretive education centre and trails being constructed in the period from late 2009 to 2012. The housing construction will occur in the period from 2010 through to 2017. The staging will ensure the deliverability of the project, with the major facilities being completed in advance of the main development of housing. Proposed Staging – Huntley Development Stage

Timing Construction over 18 month period commencing mid to late 2009 (golf course has now been designed). Construction over an 18-month period commencing early 2010 1B (pending sales). Construction over an 18 month period from mid 2010 to mid 1C 2012. Construction over 24 month period commencing early 2011 2A (pending sales). Construction over a 12 month period commencing early 2013 2B Rural residential housing (pending sales). Construction over a 24 month period commencing early 2014 3 Residential development within the West Dapto Release Area (pending sales). Source: Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre, Report to the Minister for Planning, November 2007 TCG. 1A

Component Golf course, club house and associated facilities, water and sewerage facilities Housing surrounding the golf course (Part Area 3) including road upgrading works Hotel and ecotourism cabins/villas, conference and associated facilities, bushwalking trails etc. Further housing surrounding the golf course (Remainder Area 3) including road upgrading works

This is a planned release and construction program, which is well staged to allow for the development of the Huntley site. This focus is on the initial release and construction on the sites that are adjacent to the golf course and to the ecotourism facility. The rural lots then follow from 2013. The houses in the part of the Huntley site, which is within the West Dapto Release Area, are the final release and these will be staged over the period 2015-2018, with 80 houses constructed in each of 2015 and 2016 and 67 in 2017. Meeting Market Demand The Huntley Development is aimed at a shortfall of land supply in several sub-markets. It will: provide a type of residential accommodation and environment that is not available elsewhere in the region; deliver a major recreation and tourism facility - the golf course, club house, facilities and walking trails; and create a new ecotourism facility that is aimed at the conference market and the short stay market. This project comprises a unique combination of residential development, golf estate living and an ecotourism facility (comprising a hotel, restaurant, and conference facilities). It will deliver a high standard of residential accommodation and an asset, which will generate ongoing economic benefits to the region through tourism, and which will provide other facilities for use by the local population. The latter includes the golf course and club facilities, the biomedical centre and the interpretive learning centre and trail access to the Escarpment. This combination means that it differs substantially from other residential developments being proposed in the region. It also has a number of other features that make it different. These include: the size of the site and its location; the rehabilitation process which is restoring mining land to a new economic use; the environmental sensitivity of the land rehabilitation; the advanced planning for the development and its operation; and the fact that the entire development will place few calls on publicly funded infrastructure. The approval of this development would not set a precedent for other land holders in the area, who may propose other residential developments. These other developments will not deliver the combined facilities and ongoing jobs that are associated with the Huntley development.

Buchan Consulting


January 2009

Impacts on Other Land Releases The proposed Huntley releases will not impact on other land releases in the same sub-markets. There are no equivalent releases in the region that are geared to the market being targeted by Huntley. The residential development at Huntley will complement the residential development proposed for West Dapto. The West Dapto Release Area proposes a total of 19,000 new dwellings over a 40 year period, and the 423 lots in the Huntley development represent only around 2% of this housing stock. Meeting Broader Objectives The objectives for West Dapto Release Area emphasise the importance of job self containment as part of the broader goal of achieving an economically sustainable community at West Dapto. The idea of selfcontainment relates to achieving a built form that allows many to live, work, shop and recreate within a community or defined geographic area. 2 The full development of the Huntley residential component will occur over a similar time period to the first phase of the West Dapto Development (Stage 1 Kembla Grange Town Centre). The Huntley Development is consistent with several of these broader objectives in relation to: neighbourhoods and facilities; development of local employment opportunities; protecting the environment; and meeting specific housing supply needs. It will also supply recreational facilities for use by residents of the West Dapto area. Huntley provides for housing that will complement the West Dapto by providing for executive level housing and golf estate housing in a new precinct in a rehabilitated mine area. It will deliver a mix of housing across the site, including some rural lots as buffers. The development and construction of houses is being designed for environmental sustainability, including water and waste treatment. There will be ongoing maintenance of the site and the provision of access to the Escarpment through a system of maintained walking and bicycle trails. Infrastructure Impacts There are several issues in relation to the infrastructure and servicing test. These include: the impacts of the Huntley development on the roll out and market take up of the early stages of the West Dapto release area, and the implications of this for the funding/recouping of investment in infrastructure; and the external infrastructure and investment requirements in relation to servicing the Huntley development. The development of Huntley will not impact on the provision of infrastructure in West Dapto. The development will largely be self contained in terms of key infrastructure (eg. water and waste). It will not place major demands on the provision of external infrastructure, with most of the site infrastructure being privately funded. Huntley is prepared to make contributions to other relevant infrastructure, including road upgrades in the vicinity of the site. Economic Impacts The analysis shows that the regional economic impacts of the project are substantial and that significant benefits will be delivered to the region in terms of higher incomes and ongoing employment opportunities. The regional impacts of the project are substantial due to: the 8 year period for the full construction of the residential component; the scale of the ecotourism facility and golf course development; the higher income levels and expenditure levels of the residents; and the capacity for the hotel, conference facilities, golf lodge and recreational facilities to attract to visitors to the site and to the region. The mix of employment that will be on-site and the broader jobs that will be generated in the region are consistent with the employment growth requirements identified for the West Dapto area. The Huntley Development will create direct jobs in construction, hospitality and recreation and the regional expenditure impacts will generate jobs in retail, restaurants, health and community services and business services. Impacts in Summary: Construction - an average of 157 direct construction jobs (and another 37 indirect jobs) over a 9 year period; Operations - an average of 97 direct jobs on site in the ecotourism facility and 2 West Dapto Draft Local Environmental Study, mg planning March 2006 Page 6.3 Buchan Consulting


January 2009

education centre, and the golf course, club and biomedical centre; resident spending - an average of 158 regional jobs generated by resident spending; and tourism spending - an average of 26 regional jobs generated by spending of tourist visitors to Huntley (golf course and ecotourism hotel and conference use). Investment Value The following table summarises the capital investment value of the Huntley Project. In total it is a $288 million project in terms of construction costs. The major components are the development of housing ($227 million construction in the 8 years to 2017) and the development of facilities on the site ($50 million comprising the golf course, club house, and ecotourism facility). Based on 2009 prices, the values of the residential development (in present value terms) would be: land sales - $275 million and construction cost of $190 million, implying a total present value of $465 million for the residential component of the project. Capital Cost of the Huntley Project Component Golf Course Clubhouse Hotel Sports Clinic Childcare Centre Total Facilities Huntley Road Improvements Rainwater Tanks & Grey Water Tanks Reservoir Sewerage Treatment Plant Pumping Stations (3) Total Infrastructure Housing Construction Total Capital Investment

Timing Mid 2009-2010 Mid 2009-2010 Late 2010- mid 2012

Capital Investment $ m $11.0 million $7.5 million $28.9 million $2.0 million $1.0 million $50.4 million

Subject to developer offsets 2010-2017 2010 2011 2011

$3.2 million $0.8 million $0.4 million $3.8 million $2.1 million $10.3 million


$227 million ($190 million in 2010 $s) average $28 million per year. $288 million

Community Benefits The Huntley development will generate a number of flow on benefits to neighbouring communities and businesses. •

Neighbouring communities – the major benefit for communities will be access to recreation and community facilities, which are privately funded but will be open to the broader community. This includes access to: a range of recreation facilities, including the golf course, tennis courts and the club house; the biomedical sports centre; the restaurants at the ecotourism facility and club house; the interpretative education centre; and the walking and cycling tracks in the precinct, which will link to the Escarpment. In the absence of the Huntley development, these facilities would not be available in the area.

Local jobs - the operation of the commercial facilities at Huntley will create jobs, which will be taken up by residents in the broader area. A total of 97 persons will be employed on the site.

Local businesses - these businesses will receive a boost from the consumption expenditure of residents at Huntley. There will be no retail facilities on site, and local businesses in the West Dapto area will capture this consumer spending, with higher level services demand also impacting on the broader Wollongong area. With Huntley residents’ consumption expenditure being a major long term driver of jobs, many of the jobs created in retail and other services are likely to be in the West Dapto area, with other higher order business services and specialist health services jobs being generated in the Wollongong CBD.

Local businesses will also receive a boost from the off-site expenditure of visitors (including corporate conference participants) to the region, who are attracted to the ecotourism development and the golf course.

This project is unique in the public benefits that it delivers to the region. It is an integrated development, which requires each of the components to be implemented to realise these full benefits.

Buchan Consulting


January 2009

1 Introduction This report provides additional economic analysis of the Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre development. The overall project comprises: an ecotourism development (including a hotel, conference facilities and restaurant/bar); a golf course and clubhouse and related recreational facilities; an interpretative education centre; and residential development in several areas of the site. The analysis in this report addresses a number of issues that have been raised by the Department of Planning. These relate to several key areas: strategic planning validity test; infrastructure and servicing test; public benefit; and investment certainty. This analysis has involved a review of the new scope of the project (as submitted to Wollongong Council and the Department of Planning). This new project scope involved the removal of the commercial village from the development and the reduction in the number of housing lots from over 600 to 423. The economic impact assessment in this report is based on this new structure for the development. While the scaling back of the housing component reduces the overall economic impacts arising from population growth, the economic benefits and public benefits are substantial, as the major tourism related components are maintained (ie. golf course, club house and ecotourism and conference facilities), and the site would still have a population of almost 1000 persons, when fully developed. In modeling the project and measuring the economic impacts, we have made a number of assumptions about the development, including the nature and size of the facilities, the quality of the facilities, the phasing of construction and the ongoing level of use of the golf course, club house and ecotourism development. These assumptions regarding facilities and their level of use are the same as those in the 3 Buchan 2007 assessment. We have modeled both the construction phase for each of the components of the development, and the operations of the facilities over the period to 2020. Using the new master plan, precinct plans, feasibility studies and other inputs, we have modelled the full development at the operational stage covering: ecotourism facility - estimation of visitor numbers, visitor profile, visitor expenditure and employment in the facilities; the golf course and other recreational facilities - estimation of usage, visitor numbers, expenditure and employment in the facilities; and residents - estimation of the resident population, demographic profile, consumption demand patterns and expenditure impacts. The analysis shows that the regional economic impacts of the project are substantial and that significant benefits will be delivered to the region in terms of high quality recreational and ecotourism and conference facilities, managed access to the Escarpment and ongoing employment opportunities. The impacts on regional income are significant, as are the direct jobs and indirect jobs generated at both the construction phase (including residential construction over an eight year period), from the operations of the facilities proposed for the site and from a significant high income population in the residential zone. This development has several unique features, which mean that it delivers a number of community benefits and complements the development that will be occurring in the West Dapto Area. This has several dimensions: the delivery of privately funded sporting and recreational infrastructure that will be available for community use; the creation of direct jobs in the ecotourism facility and in the golf facilities; the contribution that these facilities will make to regional tourism; and the boost to local business and jobs through having a relatively high income group resident in the region.

3 Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre Development, Economic Impact Study, April 2007, Buchan Consulting.

Buchan Consulting


January 2009

2 The Huntley Development 2.1

The Development

The Huntley Development now comprises: •

Development of an 18 hole Greg Norman designed championship standard golf course and associated club house facilities (including a gym and tennis courts).

A golf clubhouse which will contain dining and function areas, golf lodge accommodation, and a pro shop catering for residents, club members and local and international visitors.

A biomedical sports centre providing physiotherapy, sports medicine and biomechanical testing. Golf and tennis teaching facilities linked to the biomedical centre.

An ecotourism facility including a hotel, conference facilities, restaurant and pavilion style short stay cabin accommodation, located in the upper reaches of the site and within and adjacent to the existing mine building.

An interpretative educational centre (discovery centre) to be provided in conjunction with the Illawarra Branch of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. This facility, which will allow for reuse of the existing mine electrical workshop, will contain photographic displays, interpretative exhibits, a student teaching facility and archiving facilities for mining records from the Illawarra region. This facility will link via pathways to the main mine tunnel, providing a valuable educational opportunity for school children and visitors to the Illawarra.

Pathways and bush walking trails will be provided which will allow for access to heritage areas of the site and access to the Illawarra Escarpment (for hotel guests, tourist visitors, students and residents from the broader region).

A natural amphitheatre within the bushland setting, providing a venue for open air performances, weddings and teaching.

A total of 423 residential lots developed around the golf course and on other parts of the site. This will comprise a mixture of housing types: in a subdivision of 387 residential allotments within the lower reaches of the site surrounding the golf course; and a further 36 rural residential lots on the cleared, foothill areas.

Buchan Consulting


January 2009

As part of assessing the economic impacts of the development on the West Dapto area and the Wollongong regional economy, the Huntly Project has been modelled in both the construction phase and the operations phase to 2020. The method that has been used is a bottom up approach, through developing a realistic assessment of the project based on the concepts in the master plan, its timing and development phasing, its key components, construction costs and operational costs and revenues of the facilities. This modelling has been based on the revised concepts for the site, which were included in reports in late 2007 and 2008.4


The Location

Huntley Site

4 Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre, Report to the Minister for Planning, November 2007 TCG Planning Buchan Consulting


January 2009

The following map shows the relationship between the Huntley site and the West Dapto Release Area. The lower eastern reaches of the site (identified as Lot 2 DP549152 and Lot 1 DP 229358) are located within the West Dapto Urban Release Area.


Information Required

The following table shows the questions raised by the Department of Planning. This report provides answers to each of these questions. Area 1. Strategic Planning Validity Test 1.1What is the nominal annual lot release per year from the proposal? 1.2 Does the proposed development meet a shortfall in land supply in a particular sub market? 1.3 Would it set a precedent with other land holders? 1.4 Will release of the land impact unreasonably on other land releases within the same sub-market? 1.5 Will the proposal limit the development of a critical mass required to achieve the full range of land uses that support community development and function within earlier stages of the West Dapto release area? 1.6 Will the proposal negatively impact on the development of centres within earlier of the West Dapto, release area and the use of lands and premises within these centres for commercial, retail and community purposes? 1.7 How will the proposal contribute to the delivery of community and housing outcomes that are key objectives of the West Dapto project? 2. Infrastructure and Servicing Test 2.1 What would be the impact on the roll-out and market take up of lots released within earlier stages of the West Dapto release area necessary to enable public authorities to fund and/or recoup investment in the provision of infrastructure? 3. Public Benefit 3.1 Does the proposed development make a significant contribution to stocks of residential, employment or tourism related land? 3.2 What is the likely job creation from the proposal? 3.3 What is the capital investment value? 3.4 What are the social benefits anticipated from the project, including housing affordability? 3.5 What are the positive flow-on effects to neighbouring communities or businesses? 3.6 Is the project unique in delivering these public benefits? 4. Investment Certainty 4.1 Does the proponent have a sound business plan? 4.2 Is the project likely to proceed? 4.3 Is the proponent sufficiently well resourced to proceed? 4.4 What is the track record of the proponent?

Buchan Consulting


January 2009

3 Strategic Validity 3.1


This section addresses the questions raised under the strategic validity test and these are:


What is the nominal annual release per year from the proposal?

Does the proposed development meet a shortfall in land supply in a particular sub market?

Would it set a precedent with other land holders?

Will release of the land impact unreasonably on other land releases within the same sub-market?

Will the proposal limit the development of a critical mass required to achieve the full range of land uses that support community development and function within earlier stages of the West Dapto release area? Annual Lot Release

1. Strategic Planning Validity Test 1.1 What is the nominal annual lot release per year from the proposal? 3.2.1 Project Staging The revised development differs from that proposed in 2007 and which was the subject to the earlier economic impact study by Buchan Consulting.5 The major changes have been the removal of the commercial village, the reduction of large rural lots from 136 to 36 and the reduction in the number of lots in the golf course area from 234 to 160. The following shows the revisions that were made to the master plan in 2007. Table 1. Concept Plan Changes 2007 – Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre Area Previous Concept Plan Current Concept Plan Quantity Change Hotel and tourist accommodation Provided for Provided for Commercial village Previously proposed Now deleted Large lot rural living 136 36 Reduced by 73.5% Residential - Area A (west of WDURA*) 234 160 Reduced by 31.6% Residential – Area B (within WDURA*) 230 227 Reduced by 1.3% Total residential & rural residential 600 423 Reduced by 29.5% dwellings Source: Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre, Report to the Minister for Planning, November 2007 TCG. P3 * West Dapto Urban Release Area.

The Huntley project is a staged development, with the major facilities of the golf course, the clubhouse, golf lodges and ecotourism centre (hotel, restaurant, conference facilities cabins), the interpretive education centre and trails being constructed in the period from late 2009 to 2012. The housing construction will occur in the period from 2010 through to 2017. The staging will ensure the deliverability of the project, with the major facilities being completed in advance of the main development of housing.

5 Huntley Village and Econtourism Centre Development, Economic Impact Study, April 2007, Buchan Consulting. Buchan Consulting


January 2009

Table 2. Proposed Staging – Huntley Development Sta ge



Construction over 18 month period commencing mid to 1A Golf course, club house and associated facilities, water and sewerage facilities late 2009 (golf course has now been designed). Construction over an 18-month period commencing early 1B Housing surrounding the golf course (Part Area 3) including road upgrading works 2010 (pending sales). Hotel and ecotourism cabins/villas, conference and associated facilities, bushwalking Construction over an 18 month period from mid 2010 to 1C trails, interpretative education centre etc. mid 2012. Further housing surrounding the golf course (Remainder Area 3) including road Construction over 24 month period commencing early 2A upgrading works 2011 (pending sales). Construction over a 12 month period commencing early 2B Rural residential housing 2013 (pending sales). Construction over a 24 month period commencing early 3 Residential development within the West Dapto Release Area 2014 (pending sales). Source: Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre, Report to the Minister for Planning, November 2007 TCG. P27. (The timings have been amended by one year.)


Housing Lots

The following table shows the proposed the staging of the release of lots proposed for the project. Timing has been adjusted for one year from that contained in the recent Master Plan to allow for the current timing of approval processes. The project has a planned release of residential land over a 9 year period from 2009, with construction being staged over an 8 year period from 2010 to 2017. •

Golf course houses: The first phase involves the construction of houses surrounding the golf course (Residential Area A - west of WD Area), with 40 constructed in 2010 and 2011. The second phase of construction of this area occurs from 2012, with a total of 80 houses constructed in the period 2012 to 2014.

Rural Residential: phase 3 involves the construction of housing on the 36 rural lots which will occur over 2013 -2014 period.

Residential development within the West Dapto Release Area: this phase 4 involves a total of 227 lots with building over the period 2015 -2017, with 80 in each of the first two years, and 67 in 2017.

This is a planned release and construction program, which is well staged to allow for the development of the Huntley site. This focus is on the initial release and construction on the sites that are adjacent to the golf course and ecotourism facility. The rural lots then follow from 2013. The houses in the part of the Huntley site, which is within the West Dapto Release Area, are the final release and these will be staged over the period 2015-2018, with 80 houses constructed in each of 2015 and 2016 and 67 in 2017. The residential development will comprise clusters of development each with their own design theme, but with a common design link through the total Huntley site. The development will comprise a mix of housing types, including lightweight pole dwellings in the rural residential areas, more traditional suburban homes adjacent to the golf course and split level housing on sloping areas. Table 3. Proposed Staging of House Construction – Huntley Development Housing Lots Housing surrounding the golf -Area 3

Large Rural Living Residential development within the West Dapto Release Area

Buchan Consulting

Timing and Lots Phase 1 2010:40 2011:40 Phase 2 2012:30 2013:30 2014:20 Total: 160 Phase 3 2013: 18 2014:18 Phase 4 2015:80 2016:80 2017:67 Total Lots

Total 160

36 227



January 2009

The following table shows estimates of the number of houses being constructed each year and this has been the basis of the modeling of construction in this report. Table 4. Housing Construction Each Year- Huntley Development Lot Types Housing lots surrounding the golf course

Tot al 160

Large Rural Living


Residential – area B within WD Area


Construction Staging Housing surrounding the golf course (Part Area 3) S1B: 18 months from early 2010 Further housing surrounding the golf course (Remainder Area 3) S2A: 24 months from 2012 Rural residential housing S2B 12 months from early 2013 Residential development within the West Dapto Release Area S3: Construction over a 24 month period commencing early 2015 (pending sales)
















0 80







Total 423 0 40 40 30 48 48 80 80 67 0 Source: Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre Submission with Reference to the West Dapto Release Area Documents, June 30 2008

From an economic impact perspective, the impacts are reduced (from those in the earlier economic impact assessment by Buchan Consulting6) in two areas: the construction phase impacts due to a reduced number of houses being built (a reduction of 177 or 30%); and the consumer expenditure impacts due to a smaller resident population (973 in 423 houses compared with 1562 in 710 houses). 3.3

Land Supply in a Sub Market

1. Strategic Planning Validity Test 1.2 Does the proposed development meet a shortfall in land supply in a particular sub market? The Huntley Development is aimed at a shortfall of land supply in several sub-markets. It will: provide a type of residential accommodation and environment, which will not be available in the region; deliver a major recreation and tourism facility - the golf course, club house and facilities; and create a new ecotourism facility that is aimed at the conference market and the short stay market. Table 5. Huntley Development – Description of Components Component Residential Golf – course, club house , biomedical centre and sports teaching Ecotourism resort - hotel and ecotourism cabins/villas, conference and associated facilities, bushwalking trails , natural amphitheatre etc.

Delivery Executive style accommodation within an area of high environmental amenity. High quality residential accommodation in a golf estate. Residences with access to the major amenities of the site (areas within the WDRA) Provision of a championship course designed by Greg Norman, combined with clubhouse and other sports facilities, including a biomedical centre. This overall facility will be a major tourism asset for the region and a recreation facility for the West Dapto Region. The hotel will provide a major tourism asset for the region and the associated facilities will also be available to Huntley Village residents and to residents from the West Dapto area. Access will be provided to bushwalking trails and cycling trails and to mining heritage areas of the site.

This type of residential land is in demand, and will not be delivered by the type of residential development proposed for the West Dapto release.

6 Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre Development, Economic Impact Study, April 2007, Buchan Consulting.

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January 2009

Overall demand remains strong for the golf estates and there is a scarcity of product, as land parcels large enough for a golf course/residential development are often reclaimed industrial land (as is the case with Huntley) or are located in environmentally sensitive areas. The estates can be classified into two categories: •

Retreat estates which are designed to be separated from the outside community, are often gated communities with security and limits on access.

Commutable estates which are generally more informal, and are aimed at a working age demographic that chooses to live in the landscaped surrounds of a golf course and commute to work.7 The commutable developments have a number of features including, good access to the major metropolitan centres, proximity to regional commercial and employment centres, access to educational facilities and some existing residential development. They comprised large numbers of residential allotments, a quality golf course, clubhouse facilities, hotel and convention centre, recreational facilities, convenience retail; outdoor activity areas and community open space. Most of these elements are included in the Huntley Development. These estates are usually within commuting distance to a major activity centre and are sought as a principal place residence.8 The Huntley Development is in this latter category, it is likely to attract a broader demographic and not be seen as a retirement location. The Huntley site meets a number of the characteristics of commutable estates: it is in a coastal site, within 2 hours of Sydney; has access to a major regional centre (Wollongong); and is an attractive site for both golf and residential uses. 3.4

Precedents for Other Land Holders

1. Strategic Planning Validity Test 1.3 Would it set a precedent with other land holders? This project comprises a unique combination of residential development, golf estate living, golf club facilities, sports facilities, an ecotourism facility, and an interpretative education centre. It will deliver a high standard of residential accommodation and an asset, which will generate ongoing economic benefits to the region through tourism, and provide other facilities for use by the local population. This combination means that it differs substantially from other residential developments being proposed in the region. It also has a number of other features that make it different. These include: the size of the site and its location; the rehabilitation process, which is restoring mining land to a new economic use; the environmental sensitivity of the land rehabilitation; the advanced planning for the development and its operation; and the fact that the entire development will place few calls on publicly funded infrastructure. The approval of this development would not set a precedent for other land holders in the area, who may propose other residential developments. These other developments will not deliver the facilities and jobs that are associated with the Huntley development. 3.5

Impacts on Other Land Releases

1. Strategic Planning Validity Test 1.4 Will release of the land impact unreasonably on other land releases within the same sub-market? The proposed Huntley releases will not impact on other land releases in the same sub-markets. • There are no equivalent releases in the region that are geared to the market being targeted by Huntley. •

The residential development at Huntley will complement the residential development proposed for West Dapto.

The West Dapto Release Area proposes a total of 19,000 new dwellings over a 40 year period, and the 423 lots in the Huntly development represent around 2% of this housing stock.

The proposed staging for the West Dapto Release Area identifies the subject land and adjacent areas to be developed in “Stage 4”, a later stage of the development of the area. The proposed Huntley 7 Urbecon July 2005 SGS Economics and Planning P6 8 High premiums are found with estates located in commuting distance (40 minutes travelling time) to key activity centres, as these provide a much larger potential market and are generally the principal residence of buyers, rather than a holiday home or retirement place. Urbecon July 2005 SGS Economics and Planning P6 Buchan Consulting


January 2009

development in this segment of the site will precede the other development in the vicinity. However, this will not be detrimental to the general staging of the West Dapto Urban Release Area, as it will be self serviced, have its own identity, and will not be reliant on the development of other parts of West Dapto. In addition, the international golf course and club, and the ecotourism facility will be significant drivers for growth of the area, and encourage visitation and economic development in the locality – all factors that are complementary to the development of the wider West Dapto Urban Area.9 3.6

Critical Mass

1. Strategic Planning Validity Test 1.5 Will the proposal limit the development of a critical mass required to achieve the full range of land uses that support community development and function within earlier stages of the West Dapto release area? The West Dapto Release Area is located to the south of the Wollongong City, and extends from Kembla Grange to Marshall Mount Creek and is adjacent to the Calderwood development area. The proposed development involves 3400 hectares, with 1328 hectares of developable land resulting over 19,000 dwellings and with provision being made for 178 hectares of employment lands (for local employment opportunities), for community and recreational facilities, and for the conservation of sensitive areas.10 The West Dapto development would be staged over 40 years and requires an estimated $1.2 billion in infrastructure. The following map shows the release area. The West Dapto Urban Release Area has a focus on sustainable urban areas. It will create a new area with a population of 50,000 in 19,000 new dwellings located in a series of integrated communities.11 The new housing areas will have an emphasis on villages and walkability. There will also be a focus on local employment opportunities, with an additional 8500 jobs projected. The following map shows the staging of the West Dapto project in terms of both residential development and employment lands. The release has been divided into four (4) sequential stages and two (2) independent precincts (Dapto-Horsley and Yallah-Marshall Mount). • Stage 1 at Kembla Grange will involve the development of a new town centre, 4,816 dwellings and the release of the Kembla Grange Employment Area. It is estimated that this stage will take 11 years to be developed.12 •

Stage 2 involves West Horsley with 4197 dwellings.

Development proceeds in a phased way over time, with each stage commencing at the mid point of development of the previous phase, with Stages 3 -Cleveland adding 3660 dwellings and Stage 4 - Avondale adding 5045 dwellings.

Table 6.

Staging of West Dapto Urban Release Area

Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 First stage development

Location Kembla Grange & Sheaffes/Wongawilli West Horsley Cleveland Avondale Yallah Marshall Mount environmental precinct

Dwellings 4616 4197 3666 5045 1070

9 Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre, Report to the Minister for Planning, November 2007 TCG P20. 10 West Dapto Urban Release Area- Draft Master Plan, Draft Local Environmental Study and Draft Local Environmental Plan. Report of Manager City Strategy (DG) Wollongong City Council 23/03/06 P 1 11 Vision West Dapto Urban Release Area, Wollongong City Council 2007 12 West Dapto Urban Release Area- Draft Master Plan, Draft Local Environmental Study and Draft Local Environmental Plan. Report of Manager City Strategy (DG) Wollongong City Council 23/03/06 P 7-8 Buchan Consulting


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Achieving long term sustainability is the overarching goal for the design and development of West Dapto. The objectives for the urban development of West Dapto are: to develop vibrant, sustainable and liveable neighbourhoods that provide for community well-being and are supported by essential facilities; to maximize the potential for local employment opportunities; to protect and enhance West Dapto’s ecological and cultural features through sustainable urban design and appropriate land management; to achieve cost effective and efficient provision of infrastructure through a collaborative and transparent governance system between Wollongong Council and the New South Wales Government; and to meet housing supply needs and provide a range of housing products. 13 The objectives for West Dapto emphasise the importance of job self containment as part of the broader goal of achieving an economically sustainable community. The idea of self containment relates to achieving a built form that allows many to live, work, shop and recreate within a community or defined geographic area. 14 The full development of the Huntley residential component will occur over a similar time period to the first phase the West Dapto Development (Stage 1 Kembla Grange Town Centre). The Huntley Development is consistent with several of these broader objectives in relation to: neighbourhoods and facilities; development of local employment opportunities; protecting the environment; and meeting specific housing supply needs. It will also supply recreational facilities for use by residents of the West Dapto area.

13 West Dapto Urban Release Area- Draft Master Plan, Draft Local Environmental Study and Draft Local Environmental Plan. Report of Manager City Strategy (DG) 23/03/06 P 3 14 West Dapto Draft Local Environmental Study, mg planning March 2006 Page 6.3 Buchan Consulting


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Delivery of Community and Housing Outcomes

1. Strategic Planning Validity Test 1.6 How will the proposal contribute to the delivery of community and housing outcomes that are key objectives of the West Dapto project? The West Dapto plan provides for a range of housing types clustered in villages and includes affordable housing options. The housing outcomes for the Dapto Release Area comprise: a mixture of densities from high to low; single dwellings and apartments and townhouses. Rural residential lots will be used on the fringe of the development areas to provide a buffer to the Escarpment. This development will be supported by infrastructure and facilities, covering schools, health services, community facilities and recreational facilities. A major focus is providing services locally to minimise car use and allow for walking and cycling. Community services (including childcare, youth centres and recreation facilities) will be clustered in hubs, at or near schools, with some facilities being multi-use and be part of living centres. The first stage of the development comprises Kembla Grange and Sheaffes/Wongawilli in the North. The Yallah Marshall Mount environmental precinct would be also be one of the first developments and would comprise lower density housing in a country style village with a small centre. Huntley provides for housing that will complement the West Dapto by providing for executive level housing and golf estate housing in a new precinct in a rehabilitated mine area. It will deliver a mix of housing across the site, including some rural lots as buffers. The development and construction of houses is being designed for environmental sustainability, including water and waste treatment. There will be ongoing environmental management of the site and the provision of access to the Escarpment. The Huntley project is rehabilitating land, which would otherwise not be developed and is restoring the environmental integrity of the site and its access to the Escarpment. This rehabilitation is occurring without a call on public funding.

Huntley will be a high quality residential product that complements the broader residential community that will be developed in West Dapto. It will provide a quality residential environment and facilities that can be used by future West Dapto residents. These facilities will be delivered by private investment, without a call on public funds.

Buchan Consulting


January 2009


Infrastructure and Servicing Test 4.1

Impacts on West Dapto

This section addresses the questions in relation to the Infrastructure and Servicing Test. 2. Infrastructure and Servicing Test 2.1 What would be the impact on the roll-out and market take up of lots released within earlier stages of the West Dapto release area necessary to enable public authorities to fund and/or recoup investment in the provision of infrastructure? There are several issues in relation to the infrastructure and servicing test. •

The impacts of the Huntley development on the roll out and market take up of the early stages of the West Dapto release area, and the implications of this for the funding/recouping of investment in infrastructure.

The external infrastructure and investment requirements in relation to the Huntley development.

The development of Huntley will not impact on the provision of infrastructure in West Dapto. 4.2

Market Take Up and Recoupment of Investment

For the reasons outlined in section 3 of this report, the development of Huntley will not adversely affect the market take up of early stage lot releases in the West Dapto Area. The housing is largely targeted at different market segments, and only comprises a small component of the total population planned for the West Dapto Urban Release Area. As can be seen in section 4.3 below, Huntley will have little impact on infrastructure requirements in the region. 4.3

Infrastructure and the Huntley Site


Infrastructure Provision

The infrastructure was covered in a 2007 report on by TCG.15 The major requirements are: • Road and intersection upgrading to accommodate increased traffic flows for the residences, golf course, hotel and conference facility. This would be related to Huntley Road improvements ($3.6 million) with potential full funding by Huntley Heritage and signalisation of the Princes Highway/Huntley Road intersection ($200,000) which would be fully funded by Huntley Heritage.16 •

Public Transport - Huntley will develop a bus service to service the golf club and conference facility and for transfers of residents to town centres. This was estimated at a capital cost of $200,000 plus the annual operating cost.

Water - the development is being designed to be water efficient including rainwater collection and onsite reservoirs. There are few requirements for major external infrastructure. Reservoirs, tanks, service mains, and wastewater treatment plants are to be funded by Huntley.

Sewer treatment this will be onsite, with estimated costs of a treatment plant of $3.75 million and 3 pumping stations ($2.1 million)

These components conform to the requirements for sustainable environmental planning for new estates.

15 Huntley Ecotourism Development Supplementary Report on Infrastructure Requirements ,December 2007 TCG 16 Subject to a contribution offset being obtained. Buchan Consulting


January 2009

There are also other areas of infrastructure: •

Power: will be delivered by Integral Energy from one of the new West Dapto substations, and Telstra will be responsible for exchanges.

Recreational facilities: the Huntley project will provide the golf course and club house, 300 ha of natural bushland, tennis courts, walking trails, and mountain bike tracks. These facilities while privately owned will be available for broader community access.

Community facilities: there are several facilities that will be available on the site including a crèche/child care centre ($1.0 million).

Health facilities - Huntley will utilise existing and planned community facilities. The development will include a Sports and Physiotherapy Clinic ($ 2.0 million)

It should be noted that only 227 of the Huntley dwellings (of 423) will be located in the West Dapto area and this will only contribute to a 1% increase in population in this area. As a consequence, Huntley will not have a major impact on requirements for additional infrastructure in the West Dapto area. 4.3.2 Services As we have seen, residents will have relatively high disposable incomes and a demand for a range of services. These service needs will include: convenience retail, supermarkets and other food outlets; other local services, including health and medical services; and restaurants and cafes. There could also be issues in relation to access to education services, particularly where families are attracted to the development. Over time, retail demand is likely to be taken up by the retail facilities in Stage 1 of the West Dapto development and residents would be likely to use supermarkets in Dapto for their weekly shop. Other retail requirements are likely to be picked up by the regional centres and by the Wollongong CBD (eg. clothing, white goods, electrical, household products etc). Medical services would be secured from Dapto and later on in the West Dapto town centres, with specialist services from Wollongong City Centre, which has the hospital and major specialist medical precinct. Transport is a potential issue, with access to the site being essentially by private car. As the population develops on the site and in the adjacent areas of West Dapto, there would be potential for the site to be incorporated in bus routes. The Huntley Management Company plans to introduce its own bus service for guests of the ecotourism facility and for residents.

Buchan Consulting


January 2009

5 Public Benefits 5.1


This section addresses questions in relation to Public Benefit. The Huntly development will deliver a number of public benefits including: the redevelopment of mining land; access to new recreational facilities; and a significant number of direct and indirect jobs in the region. Regional tourism will be boosted and businesses in the West Dapto Release Area will benefit from increased demand from higher income residents and visitors to the golf course and the hotel. Impacts in Summary: Construction - an average of 157 direct construction jobs (and another 37 indirect jobs) over a 9 year period; Operations - an average of 97 direct jobs on site in the ecotourism facility and education centre, and the golf course, club and biomedical centre; resident spending - an average of 158 regional jobs generated by resident spending; and tourism spending - an average of 26 regional jobs generated by spending of tourist visitors to the Huntley site. 5.2

Contribution to Land

3. Public Benefit 3.1 Does the proposed development make a significant contribution to stocks of residential, employment or tourism related land? The development is designed to create an innovative and active use of the site, which is sensitive to the environment that it is located in. It is making a major contribution to the stocks of residential and tourism land. It will be an active precinct, with jobs created in the hospitality and sports sector covering the ecotourism facility (hotel and conference centre) and the golf course/club and other sports and recreation facilities. The project involves a comprehensive development of the site and involves a mix of residential, recreational and tourism uses and includes: •

Tourism: adaptive re-use of the existing mine administration building as an education and ecotourism centre, with associated tourist accommodation, conference facilities, restaurant and walking/cycling trails. The development will provide a 90 room hotel comprising cabins and rooms, conference facilities and a restaurant.

Recreation and tourism: this comprises an international standard 18 hole golf course, club house and other associated recreational facilities in the lower areas of the site.

Residential land: residential development will cover a range of housing options in 423 lots on the site.

As part of the earlier economic impact assessment, extensive modelling was undertaken of the development, including the operations of the business activities on the site. There was also an assessment of the impacts of the construction stage. The construction phase for each component of the project is modelled, as is the operations of the facilities on the site over the period to 2020.17 The project brings on stream the economic assets of the site early in the period. The golf course and club house will be constructed over an 18 month period from late 2009 to the end of 2010, and commence operations in early 2011. The hotel facilities will be built over a 2 year period from mid 2010 to mid 2012, with commencement of operations at the beginning of 2013.

17 The golf club is assumed to commence operations at the beginning of 2011 and the hotel commences operations in 2013. Buchan Consulting


January 2009


Job Creation Impacts

3. Public Benefit 3.2 What is the likely job creation from the proposal? 5.3.1 Overview of Job Impacts The analysis shows that the regional economic impacts of the project are substantial and that significant benefits will be delivered to the region in terms of high quality recreational and tourism and conference facilities, managed access to the Escarpment and ongoing employment opportunities. The regional impacts of the project are substantial due to: the 8 year period for the full construction of the residential component; the scale of the hotel and golf course development; the higher income levels and expenditure levels of the residents; and the quality of the hotel and recreational facilities and their capacity to attract to visitors to the site and to the region. Another major benefit is the regeneration of an industrial site and the private development of recreational and tourism facilities that will benefit the broader community. These facilities will be utilised by the broader community that will emerge in the new West Dapto development, which will be located nearby. The objectives for West Dapto development emphasise the importance of job self containment as part of the broader goal of achieving an economically sustainable community at West Dapto. The idea of selfcontainment relates to achieving a built form that allows many to live, work, shop and recreate within a community or defined geographic area.18 The Huntley Development is consistent with several of these broader objectives in relation to neighbourhoods and facilities, the development of local employment opportunities, protecting the environment and meeting housing supply needs. The development proposed for Huntley and the associated jobs (at the golf course, clubhouse and golf lodges, biomedical centre and sports teaching, ecotourism facility - hotel, conference centre, restaurant and interpretative education centre) are consistent with identified future employment opportunities for the region.19 Residential land sales commence in 2009 with construction over an 8 year period from 2010 to 2017. On this basis, the residential component of the development would be completed by 2018.The development is not a gated community, but is conceived as a residential and recreational precinct providing both active (golf, tennis), and passive recreational activities (eg. walking and cycling) within a site of high restored environmental value. This will provide an attraction to visitors and to residents in the proposed West Dapto development area. The development will have operational business activities on the site, which will create ongoing employment in recreation and accommodation related jobs and which will attract visitors and income to the West Dapto area and to the broader Wollongong region. This will generate the direct jobs located on the site and the indirect jobs elsewhere in the region. This active use of the site is consistent with planning strategies for the region.20 The following table shows the on site jobs in each activity that is proposed for the Huntley Development.

18 West Dapto Draft Local Environmental Study, mg planning March 2006 Page 6.3 19 West Dapto Draft Local Environmental Study, mg planning March 2006 Page 6.3 20 Illawarra Regional Strategy, Department of Planning 2006. The strategy estimates an increase in population of 47,600 and 30,000 new jobs in the Illawarra Region in the period to 2031 Buchan Consulting


January 2009

Table 7. Employment on the Huntley Site Activity Golf Course & Club Bio-medical Centre Sports Teaching Total Ecotourism Facility Centre – hotel, restaurant Education Centre Total Total Employment on Site

Number of Jobs 30 5 4 39 55 3 58 97

Commencement Year 2011 2011 2011 2013 2013

One way of measuring overall regional economic impacts is the direct jobs created by an activity and the indirect multiplier impacts of these jobs in creating other jobs in the broader region.21 This measure is used in this report to measure the regional impacts of the development. The mix of employment that is will be on-site, and the broader jobs that will be generated in the region are consistent with the employment growth requirements identified for West Dapto. The development will create direct jobs in construction, hospitality and recreation and the regional expenditure impacts will generate jobs in retail, restaurants, health and community services and business services. Impacts in Summary: Construction - an average of 157 direct construction jobs (and another 37 indirect jobs) over a 9 year period; Operations - an average of 97 direct jobs on site in the ecotourism facility and education centre, and the golf course, club and biomedical centre; resident spending - an average of 158 regional jobs generated by resident spending; and tourism spending - an average of 26 regional jobs generated by the off-site spending of tourist visitors to the Huntley site.

21 The indirect jobs are generated by the additional regional income and expenditure of the additional persons employed by the activity. Buchan Consulting


January 2009


Economic Impacts - Construction Phase

The construction of the golf course and clubhouse, eecotourism facility, and the residences creates a significant number of jobs over an extended period, due to the scale of construction and the phasing of the residential development (Table 8). •

Direct employment in on-site construction activity is estimated to create 48 direct jobs in 2009, 195 in 2010 (when the golf course, clubhouse, eecotourism facility and first residences are being built). Residential construction extends over an 8 year period and has a major impact with and average of 157 direct full time equivalent jobs being created on site associated with all of the construction activity.

Indirect jobs are created elsewhere in the region from the income and expenditure of these additional construction employees. These indirect jobs are 15 in 2009 and 52 in 2010. With the extended residential construction out to 2017, the indirect jobs generated average 36 per year over the 2009 -2017 period.

The average employment multiplier is 1.23, which means that every additional direct construction job creates another 0.23 indirect jobs elsewhere in the region.

Table 8. Construction Phase - Employment Impacts 2009-2017 Summary Job Impacts Construction Phase Direct Construction Jobs Golf Club Construction Golf Course Construction Ecotourism Facility Construction Residential Construction Total Direct Construction Jobs Construction Phase Indirect Jobs (multiplier) Golf Club Construction Golf Course Construction Ecotourism Facility Construction Residential Construction Total Indirect Jobs Total Regional Jobs Multiplier














20.7 27.3 0 0 47.9

38.4 18.7 56.8 80.8 194.7

0 0 113.6 80.8 194.4

0 0 54.1 63.5 117.6

0 0 0 101.6 101.6

0 0 0 84.2 84.2

0 0 0 177.3 177.3

0 0 0 185.8 185.8

0 0 0 155.6 155.6

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

59.0 46.0 224.4 929.6 1259.0

29.5 23.0 74.8 116.2 157.4

6.5 8.6 0 0 15.1 63.0 1.31

12.1 5.7 17.9 16.5 52.2 246.8 1.27

0 0.0 35.8 16.5 52.2 246.6 1.27

0 0.0 17.0 13.0 30.0 147.5 1.26

0 0.0 0.0 20.7 20.7 122.3 1.20

0 0.0 0.0 17.2 17.2 101.4 1.20

0 0.0 0.0 36.2 36.2 213.5 1.20

0 0.0 0.0 37.9 37.9 223.7 1.20

0 0.0 0.0 31.7 31.7 187.3 1.20

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18.6 14.3 70.7 189.7 293.2 1552.3 1.23

9.3 7.2 23.6 23.7 36.7 194.0 1.23


January 2009


Economic Impacts - Operations Phase

The economic impacts at the operational stage (Table 9) are significant and encompass: •

Direct jobs in the golf course/club, and ecotourism facility hotel - these total 97 jobs (39 Golf Course/Club/ Biomedical/ Centre / Sports teaching and 58 Ecotourism Centre -hotel/conference/restaurant and the Education Centre). All of these jobs are ongoing.

Jobs generated by the off-site expenditure of hotel guests (including conference, golf and short stay visitors), which total around 18-21 jobs.

Jobs generated in the region by the consumption spending of the resident households. These jobs build from 19 jobs in 2011 to 235 jobs in 2018 when the site is fully occupied.22 The consumption expenditure of these residents is the major job generator in the region from the Huntley development.

Indirect jobs are also created elsewhere in the region from the income and expenditure of the additional employees who are employed. •

These indirect jobs increase from 9 in 2011 to 68 in 2020.

The multiplier is close to 1.2, which means that every additional job generated by activity at the Huntley site (and by resident spending) generates another 0.2 jobs elsewhere in the region.

Table 9. Operations Phase - Employment Impacts 2009-2020 Summary Job Impacts Operations Phase - Direct Jobs Golf Course/Club/ Biomedical/ Centre / Sports teaching Ecotourism Centre (hotel/conference) + Education Centre Total Course/Club/ Ecotourism Centre/Education Centre Resident Spending (jobs generated) Visitor Spending outside hotel (jobs generated) Total Direct Operations Jobs Operations Phase Indirect Jobs (multiplier effects) Golf Course/Club/ Biomedical/ Centre / Sports teaching Ecotourism Centre (hotel/conference) + Education Centre Total Course/Club/ Ecotourism Centre/Education Centre Resident Spending Visitor Spending (outside hotel) Total Indirect Jobs Total Regional Jobs Multiplier











































0 0

0 0

39 18.8

39 38.4

97 52.9

97 79.7

97 98.9

97 146.2

97 188.6

97 235.3

97 235.3

97 247.1

854 1341.1

97 134.1

0 0

0 0

0 57.8

0 77.4

18.2 168.1

18.2 194.9

19.1 215

19.1 262.3

20.1 305.7

20.1 352.4

21.1 353.4

21.1 365.2

156.9 2352

19.6 250.7





























0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

5.7 3.4 0 9.1 66.9 1.16

5.7 7.0 0 12.7 90.1 1.16

13.3 9.6 6.5 29.4 197.5 1.17

13.5 14.4 6.5 34.4 229.3 1.18

13.7 17.9 6.8 38.4 253.4 1.18

14.1 26.5 6.8 47.4 309.7 1.18

14.5 34.1 7.2 55.8 361.5 1.18

14.8 42.6 7.2 64.6 417 1.18

15.2 42.6 7.5 65.3 418.7 1.18

15.7 44.7 7.5 67.9 433.1 1.19

126.7 242.6 56.1 425.4 2777.4 1.18

14.3 24.3 7.0 45.6 296.3 1.18

22 When the full 423 houses are built and occupied.


January 2009


Regional Job Impacts of the Huntley Development

The development of Huntley will make a contribution to jobs growth on site, in West Dapto and in the broader Wollongong LGA. This will include direct jobs in construction and hospitality and indirect jobs in retail and other services.

The West Dapto Area will comprise: 19,400 households created over the period 2008-2049; an estimated resident population of 46,450; and the development of associated town centres with retail, business services, and health and community facilities to service this population. Work undertaken by SGS provides some estimates of future employment generated by the new population.23 The target for regional development is one job per household. This comprises population generated jobs through expenditure on retail, services, health, education etc. and regional export jobs. While the aspiration is one job per household, the SGS report shows that under the development scenarios only between 50%60% of jobs generated are “on site” within the West Dapto development area (including Dapto). This emphasises the importance of a regional approach to jobs growth.24 The developments proposed for Huntley (golf course, club, and ecotourism facility) are consistent with identified employment opportunities for the region.25 The Huntley development will contribute to the jobs growth in the immediate region (West Dapto), while also encouraging broader regional growth in services demand. The major jobs growth will be in: construction; retail; accommodation, cafes and restaurants; health and community services; primary and secondary education; cultural and recreational services; and property and business services. The Huntley Development will increase ongoing direct jobs in recreation and hospitality services (97 jobs) and in construction (average of 157 direct jobs over the period 2011-2017). In addition the expenditure impacts of the resident population and tourist visitors attracted will encourage substantial growth in a number of areas including retail and range of services. This spending creates an average of 154 jobs per year over the period to 2020. Due to the high income of residents and their propensity to consume, by 2020 there is almost a 1:1 ratio of jobs generated to households (when both direct jobs and indirect jobs are taken into account.). At the same time the scale of the residential construction over a 9 year period to 2017 period, creates a substantial number of jobs (average of 157 direct jobs per year) over this period.

23 West Dapto Economic and Employment Study SGS November 2005 P5 24 The SGS analysis shows that the West Dapto community will generate a total of 22, 507 jobs. These include: onsite: 1522 jobs in home based businesses, 1833 in retail/commercial 1833, 705 in population driven light industry (total population driven 4060); a total of 4348 other population related jobs elsewhere in the region; in all there is a total for 8408, population driven jobs; external market jobs total 6189; and jobs generate by the multiplier effect of 7734. This approximates, the one job per household target for the region. 25 West Dapto Draft Local Environmental Study, mg planning March 2006 Page 6.3


January 2009


Capital Investment Value

3. Public Benefit 3.3 What is the capital investment value? The following table summarises the capital investment value of the Huntley Project. In total it is a $288 million project in terms of construction costs. The major components are the development of housing ($227 million construction in the 8 years to 2017) and the development of facilities on the site ($50 million comprising the golf course, club house, ecotourism facility (hotel, conference facilities, and restaurant) and other facilities. Based on 2009 prices the values of the residential development (in present value terms) would be: land sales - $275 million and construction cost of $190 million, implying a present value of $465 million for the residential component of the project. Table 10. Capital Cost of the Huntley Project Component Site Rehabilitation Golf Course Clubhouse Hotel Sports Clinic Childcare Centre Total Facilities

Capital Investment $m Mid 2009-2010 Mid 2009-2010 Late 2010- mid 2012

$11.0 million $7.5 million $28.9 million $2.0 million $1.0 million $50.4 million

Huntly Road Improvements Rainwater Tanks & Grey Water Tanks Reservoir Sewerage Treatment Plant Pumping Stations (3) Total Infrastructure

Subject to developer offsets 2010-2017 2010 2011 2011

$3.2 million $0.8 million $0.4 million $3.8 million $2.1 million $10.3 million

Housing Construction


$227 million ($190 million in 2010 $s) average $28 million per year. $288 million

Total Capital Investment

The following describes each of the components of the development. The ecotourism facility comprising the hotel, conference and interpretative education centre is an integral part of the development of the site. The hotel will be sensitive to the environment and will comprise: hotel rooms within a renovated mine administration building; cabins built within proximity of the hotel building; serviced apartments located elsewhere on the site; a restaurant/bar/café facility, conference facilities as part of the hotel; and an education/ information centre. •

The concept is to develop a quality mid-size hotel, with a design that is sensitive to its environmental location adjacent to the Escarpment.

The development will offer both passive and active recreation, within a design which encourages pedestrian movements between the hotel and facilities located in the golf club.

The golf club will provide recreational facilities for hotel use, including a gym, pool and tennis courts.

The hotel facility is aimed at servicing the week day conference market, short breaks and golf tourism.26

26 Given the proximity to Sydney, there is a potential to develop the market for international visitors seeking a golf game, or an overnight stay in an environmental area. Buchan Consulting


January 2009

Table 11. Description of Project Components Component Commercial Facilities Golf Course and Club House (including gym and tennis courts)

Ecotourism facility

Sports biomedical and Physiotherapy Centre. Childcare Centre/Kids Club Residential Housing Construction

Other Facilities Interpretative Education Centre

Walking Trails and Bicycle Trails Natural amphitheatre



Construction Cost

High standard club house similar to the other residential/golf developments (e.g. Sanctuary Cove redevelopment, The Sands Torquay).Comprises: dining and function areas, locker rooms and pro shop, and a gym and indoor swimming pool Quality mid size hotel, with a design sensitive to its environment being adjacent to the Escarpment. Size: 90 rooms 50 single rooms, 10 cabins (3 beds), 30 apartments (2 beds) Includes conference centre and restaurant Clinic based at golf club Based at the Ecotourism facility

Estimated at $18.5 million, comprising the course ($ 11 million) and the clubhouse ($7.5 m). Construction over 18 month period from mid 2009 to end 2010. The estimated total construction cost of the hotel, including fit out, is $28.9 million and comprises: rooms, cabins and serviced apartments - $ 18.2 million; and hotel facilities and fit out - $ 10.7 million. Constructed over 2 year period from mid 2010 to mid 2012 $ 2 million $1 million

A total of 423 houses with average construction cost of $450,000 (in 2010 $s)

$227 million or ($190 million in 2010 $s) Average land cost in 2009 is $650,000 Average construction cost in 2010 is $450,000 All construction phased over period from 2010 to 2017

Located at the summit of the site. To be provided in conjunction with the Illawarra Branch of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Will be for school visits and tourist visitors. Maintained trails on the site which provide access to mine heritage sites and to the Escarpment A facility for the staging of small events and for teaching use for school visits to the education centre.

Constructed in the period from mid 2010 to mid 2012

Constructed in the period from mid 2010 to mid 2012 Constructed in the period from mid 2010 to mid 2012

Social Benefits

3. Public Benefit 3.4 What are the social benefits anticipated from the project, including housing affordability? The project will deliver major benefits to the region. It will offer a major regional asset with the development of a high quality and environmentally sensitive precinct comprising: residences, golf course and club facilities, conference and events facilities, hotel accommodation and day visitor access to these facilities and to the Escarpment. The golf course and club will provide recreation facilities for persons in the residential precinct and for the broader community. The development also has the potential to service a growing golf market involving: Huntley residents, residents located in the proposed West Dapto development, the broader Illawarra population, the weekend golf tour market, the corporate conference and meetings market and international visitors. The golf club, as conceived will offer a family friendly environment for residents and the broader community that develops at West Dapto. The ecotourism facility proposed for the site is targeted at the business conference, short stay and golf visitor market. It will fit a gap in the regional market, and will increase the regional capacity to attract visitors in each of these market segments. Working in tandem, the ecotourism development and the golf course will provide a major asset for the region, with the opportunity to capture a significant share of the market segments that are being targeted by Tourism Wollongong. As a Greg Norman designed course and combined with the quality of accommodation in the ecotourism facility and in the golf lodges, Huntley will have the capacity to attract international visitors. The unique location, adjacent to the Escarpment, combined with the environmental planning for the site, will create an appealing precinct. The access to the proposed golf course and club facilities, sports and recreational facilities and the paths and walkways will add to the attractiveness for corporate conferences and short stay visitors. The development of the interpretative education centre, and the walking trails, bicycle trails will provide managed access to the 400 hectare site – with its mining heritage and access to the Escarpment. The Buchan Consulting


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creation of a natural amphitheatre will provide a facility for the staging of small events and for teaching use for school visits to the education centre. The interpretative educational centre (discovery centre) will be provided in conjunction with the Illawarra Branch of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. This facility will allow for reuse of the existing mine electrical workshop. It will contain photographic displays, interpretative exhibits, a student teaching facility and archiving facilities for mining records from the Illawarra region. The centre will be utilised for school visits and for tourist visitors, will maintain the mining heritage of the site and provide for site tours. This facility will link via pathways to the main mine tunnel, providing a valuable educational opportunity for school children and visitors to the Illawarra. 5.6

Flow on to Business

3. Public Benefit 3.5 What are the positive flow-on effects to neighbouring communities or businesses? The Huntley development will generate a number of flow on benefits to neighbouring communities and businesses. •

Neighbouring communities - the major benefits for communities will be access to recreation and community facilities, which are privately funded but will be open to the broader community. This includes access to: a range of recreation facilities, including the golf course, tennis courts and the club house; the restaurants at the ecotourism facility and clubhouse; the education centre and amphitheatre; and access to walking and cycling tracks in the precinct, which will link to the Escarpment. In the absence of the full Huntley Development, these facilities would not be available to the community.

Local jobs - the operation of the commercial facilities in the precincts will create jobs, which will be taken up by residents in the area. A total of 97 persons will be employed on the site on an ongoing basis.

Local businesses - these businesses will receive a boost from the consumption expenditure of residents at Huntley. There will be no retail facilities on site, and local businesses in the West Dapto area will capture this consumption spending, with higher level service demand impacting on the broader Wollongong area. With Huntley resident consumption expenditure being the major long term driver of jobs, many of the jobs created in retail and other services are likely to be in the West Dapto area, with other higher order business services and specialist health services jobs being generated in the Wollongong CBD.

Local businesses will also receive a boost from the off-site expenditure of visitors to the region, who are attracted to the ecotourism facility and golf course. This will include conference visitors, golf visitors and short stay visitors.

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Uniqueness of the Project

3. Public Benefit 3.6 Is the project unique in delivering these public benefits? This project is unique in the public benefits that it delivers to the region, and it is hard to conceive of other projects that would deliver such a combination of benefits. These are: Housing • A high quality residential development in a rehabilitated area. •

A residential area that does not make major claims on public infrastructure.

A contribution to the diversity of housing types available in the area.

Facilities •

An international standard golf course (designed by Greg Norman) and club house, tennis facilities and golf lodges.

Public access to these sport and recreation facilities , which have been privately developed.

Provision of facilities for recreation including walking track and bicycle track access to the mining heritage areas of the Huntley site and to the Escarpment.

School and visitor access to an education and information centre.

Employment •

A direct contribution to local employment through jobs at the golf course/ club and the ecotourism hotel/conference centre.

A stimulation to regional income and jobs through the effects of resident spending and the attraction of additional visitors to the region.

Environment •

Provision of housing and a public access to facilities on a major rehabilitated site.

A residential development that implements best practice principles in environmental planning and in water management and conservation.

Ongoing environmental management of all areas of the site.

Huntley is an integrated development, which requires each of the components to be implemented. The regional impacts of the project are substantial due to: the 8 year period for the full construction of the residential component; the higher income levels and expenditure levels of the residents, in what will be a quality residential precinct; the quality of the ecotourism facility and the recreational facilities and their capacity to attract to visitors to the site and to the region. The development will have operational business activities on the site, which will create ongoing employment in recreation, accommodation and hospitality jobs, and which will attract visitors and additional expenditure to the broader Wollongong region. This activity will generate the direct jobs located on the site and the indirect jobs located elsewhere in the region. This active use of the site is consistent with the economic development and planning strategies for the region.27 The project also represents the environmental rehabilitation of a mining site and the creation of new facilities. These facilities will be utilised by the larger community that will emerge in the West Dapto Release Area.

27 Illawarra Regional Strategy, Department of Planning 2006. The strategy estimates an increase in population of 47,600 and 30,000 new jobs in the Illawarra Region in the period to 2031 Buchan Consulting


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Investment Certainty This section addresses questions in relation to Investment Certainty. 6.1

Business Plan

4. Investment Certainty 4.1 Does the proponent have a sound business plan? Huntley Heritage has developed detailed plans in relation to the Huntley development, including the activities to be located on the site. This has included: the development and implementation of a detailed plan for site rehabilitation works and for environmental management of the site; the preparation of detailed concepts and a master plan for the site; the design of the golf course by Greg Norman; and the assessment of infrastructure requirements for the site. The concepts for the all of the facilities on the site have been fully developed. Detailed market analysis, demand assessment and financial modeling have been undertaken in relation to the operations of the golf course and golf club and the ecotourism facility. This analysis has demonstrated the viability of the business components of the site and forms the basis of business plans for their implementation. This market analysis has been important in shaping the concepts for the site. Detailed economic impact assessments have been undertaken, which show the positive impacts of the development on jobs and income in the region.28 6.2

Project Proceeding

4. Investment Certainty 4.2 Is the project likely to proceed? Huntley Heritage has a long term commitment to this project, and has already invested considerable resources in the rehabilitation of the site and its environmental management, since 2000. The company has also invested in the development of the concepts for the site, including market assessments and feasibility studies. The group recognises the unique features of the site and the need to deliver high quality facilities and residential development, and this is reflected in the master plan for the site and the concepts for all of the proposed facilities. While the current economic circumstances may lead to an adjustment in the timing of some aspects of the project, Huntley Heritage are fully committed to the project proceeding to completion. 6.3

Resourcing of the Proponent

4. Investment Certainty 4.3 Is the proponent sufficiently well resourced to proceed? Huntley Heritage is well funded and has the resources and experience to implement this project. The Directors of the company have experience as investors, developers and builders of residential and commercial properties, in the Sydney metropolitan area and in the Illawarra Region. The company is in a position to access the necessary funding for the staged development of the project and to the future management of the fully developed site.

28 Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre Development, Economic Impact Study, April 2007, Buchan Consulting, and the analysis in this report of the revised development.

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Track Record of the Proponent

4. Investment Certainty 4.4 What is the track record of the proponent? HTT Huntley Heritage has owned the West Dapto site since 2000. The company has invested in the rehabilitation of the site and in all the necessary studies associated with the planned development of the site. The partners in HTT Huntley Heritage have combined experience in finance, property development and the construction of residential estates, apartments and commercial buildings. The partners have a long term commitment to the development of the site as proposed. The company has the capacity to manage a long term development project of this scale.

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7 Concluding Comments This analysis shows that the regional economic impacts of the development of the Huntley site as proposed are substantial. The Huntley Development will deliver a number of advantages for the region. •

The rehabilitation of a mine site and the delivery of quality new residential and recreational assets to all of the community, in a setting which is sensitive to the environment.

Creation of viable businesses and up to 97 new permanent jobs located on site in the ecotourism facility, golf course and golf club and other on site services (biomedical clinic, sports teaching and interpretative education centre).

Creation of a significant number of construction jobs during the building of the hotel and golf course and houses. Direct employment in on site construction activity is estimated at an average of 157 direct full time equivalent jobs per year (and 37 indirect jobs) over the period 2009-2017.

The creation of a substantial number of jobs due to the spending of the high income residents. This consumption expenditure generates almost 160 jobs on average each year in the period from 2011-2020. The consumption expenditure of residents is the major long term regional job generators of the development and this will be ongoing.

The multipliers mean that every direct job creates on average 0.2 jobs elsewhere in the economy. The major growth in these indirect jobs will be in sectors including retail, restaurants, accommodation, health and community services, business services and recreation.

The ecotourism facility and golf facilities will make a major contribution to securing an increase in tourist visitors to the region. As a Greg Norman designed golf course, it will have the capacity to attract golf visitors (domestic and international) and the ecotourism facility will provide conference space that can attract a corporate market. This combination will ensure the viability of the Huntley facilities and will provide a boost to tourism related jobs in the region.

The activities proposed for the site and the jobs that it will deliver (direct and indirect jobs) are consistent with the broader development and employment creation objectives for the Wollongong region. It will make a major contribution to the achievement of regional jobs growth targets, which are included in recent regional development strategies.

Due to the unique nature of this project (combining facilities and residential development) it will not adversely affect the development in the West Dapto Release Area. Indeed the development will complement the housing proposed for the Release Area and will contribute to this area by providing jobs for local residents and by increasing the demand for services from local businesses. It will also deliver a range of recreational facilities that will be accessed by future residents in the West Dapto area. The project is an integrated one and requires the residential development to go ahead for the new facilities to be built. The Huntley Heritage Group has the experience and the capacity to deliver a major project of this scale and complexity. The group has extensive experience in finance, property development, the construction of residential estates, apartments and commercial buildings and business management. The company has a long term commitment to this development and has been involved in the environmental rehabilitation of the site since 2000. It is committed to the success of this significant regional project.

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Appendix A References Action Plan 2002 – 2005, Tourism Wollongong Data Card 4.7 Construction Costs Sydney Napier & Blakeley July 2005 Golf Tourism Plan 2003-2006 Tourism Victoria 2003 Heritage Golf & Country Club Case Study Resorting to Profitability - Making Tourist Resorts Work in Australia, Tourism Australia Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre Development, Economic Impact Study, April 2007, Buchan Consulting. Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre, Report to the Minister for Planning, November 2007 TCG Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre Submission with Reference to the West Dapto Release Area Documents, TCG June 30 2008 Huntley Ecotourism Development Supplementary Report on Infrastructure Requirements, TCG December 2007 Illawarra and South Coast Regional Strategies – Background Paper, Department of Planning September 2005 Illawarra Regional Strategy, Department of Planning 2006 Master Plan Huntley Colliery Site, EDAW December 2006. Private Sector Construction Industry Australia 2002-03 ABS 8772.0 Rocket Science: Golf Courses: When enough isn’t enough! Planning News August 2004 Essential Economics State and Regional Population Projections 2001-2051 Department of Planning NSW Table 5.1 P22 Sydney’s Economic Geography Drivers Trends and Drivers Department of Planning June 2004 The Back of the Cup Issue 1 Ernst & Young February 2004 Urbecon July 2005 SGS Economics and Planning Vision for the Future, Huntley Village and Ecotourism Centre, Concept Plan and Planning Study, Dickson Rothschild February 9 2004 West Dapto Economic and Employment Study SGS November 2005 P5 West Dapto Draft Local Environmental Study, mg planning March 2006 West Dapto Urban Release Area - Draft Master Plan, Draft Local Environmental Study and Draft Local Environmental Plan. Report of Manager City Strategy (DG) 23/03/06 What’s Driving Australian Golfers Australian Golfer Survey 2003 Ernst & Young Wollongong Local Government Area Economic Development Strategy Volume 1 Strategy Report, A Report to Wollongong City Council Buchan Consulting February 2006

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