Q IWA Publishing 2008 Water Science & Technology—WST | 57.11 | 2008
Hydraulic performance of sewer pipes with deposited sediments Robert Banasiak
ABSTRACT This paper investigates in-sewer sediment deposit behaviour and its influence on the hydraulic performance of sewer pipes. This evaluation is based on experimental results regarding the mobility of non-cohesive and partly cohesive deposits in a partially full circular pipe. The focus of these tests is on the development of bed forms and friction characteristics. In particular, it is
Robert Banasiak Hydraulics Laboratory, Ghent University, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Ghent, Belgium E-mail:
[email protected]
investigated to what extent the bed forms from the non-cohesive and (partly) cohesive sediments affect a sewer’s discharge capacity. Based on the laboratory study results and on the existing criteria for sewer design, a generic assessment of a sewer’s hydraulic performance is made. The relative discharge factor for a pipe with sediment deposit is analysed in terms of the thickness and roughness of the deposit. Key words
| bed forms, bed roughness, discharge capacity, sediment, sewer pipes
INTRODUCTION The efficiency and economical performance of sewer
designed according to self-cleansing criteria, with an under-
systems is an essential issue in urban drainage engineering.
standing that the conveyance is kept clean from sediment
It is generally known to be strongly affected by the in-sewer
deposits. This concept is defined as “limit deposition” or “no
sediment transport processes, which are considered as the
deposition”. However, designing sewers so as to have
major uncertainties in sewer hydraulics and water quality
velocities that do not maintain sediment (solids) deposition
modelling (Jack et al. 1996).
can impose severe conditions on sewer design, as this would
It has been noted (Skipworth et al. 1999) that many
require large slopes and high flow velocities (Ota & Nalluri
existing combined sewers have a shallow gradient and
2003). On the other hand, a number of studies show that
experience a wide range of hydraulic conditions (i.e. mostly
designing sewers with limited loose bed deposits can lead to
repeated phases of deposition, erosion, and transport). If an
more economical solutions. As a consequence, the former
initially clean sewer, flowing partially full, is subjected to a
criteria for sewer design were evaluated and renewed in the
sediment-laden flow and the conditions are not optimal to
CIRIA report (Ackers et al. 1996). The new definition of self-
prevent deposition, a sediment bed will develop, potentially
cleansing does not require sewers to be designed to operate
with bed forms. This sediment bed may substantially
completely free from sediment deposits:
increase the bed’s resistance, causing the depth of flow to increase and the velocity to decrease. For combined sewers,
“An efficient self-cleansing sewer is one having a
this can lead to the premature operation of combined-sewer
sediment-transporting capacity that is sufficient to
overflows – which is undesirable.
maintain a balance between the amounts of deposition
The influence of the sediment bed on the flow character-
and erosion, with a time-averaged depth of sediment
istics in sewer pipes is particularly interesting in view of a new
deposit that minimises the combined costs of construc-
design approach. To date, most of the sewers have been
tion, operation, and maintenance.”
doi: 10.2166/wst.2008.287
R. Banasiak | Hydraulic performance of sewer pipes with sediments
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Allowing some deposition to occur appears to be a viable alternative, because the presence of the deposited bed can
capacity of the pipe, despite the adverse effect it might
rough flow regime, the friction factor can be determined on the basis of the equivalent roughness height ks: 1 12R pffi ¼ 2:03 log ks f
have on the geometry and hydraulic roughness (Butler Despite the advantage of the friction factor f being
et al. 2003).
dimensionless and conceptually sound, n coefficient in Manning’s formula is widely used in engineering practice. However, one must not forget that the use of a constant
value of n in Manning’s formula is limited to flows in rough channels at moderate velocities and with large hydraulic
When attempting to analyse the hydraulic performance of
radii (conditions that may not be fulfilled in sewer
sewer pipes with sediment deposits, it is important to first
flows). Consequently, the relationship between the Darcy –
recognise the variety of sediment types that can be
Weisbach friction factor and Manning’s coefficient is: sffiffi f R1=6 n¼ pffiffi 8 g
encountered in these systems. The sewer sediments may exhibit a wide range of variation, both in granulometric
composition and organic components. This depends primarily on the drained area from which the sediments are
When a sediment deposit is present in a pipe, the overall
supplied, on the sewer type and on the pipe’s location in the
resistance consists of two components: one determined by
system. According to Butler et al. (2003), in storm sewers,
the roughness of the pipe wall, and the other determined by
sediments are mainly inorganic and non-cohesive. Yet, some
the roughness of the sediment bed. This composite
deposits may be cementitious and become permanent if they
resistance can be calculated by different methods, as
are left undisturbed for a long period. Sediments in sanitary
summarized by Yen (2002). For pipe flows, the geometrical
sewers generally have cohesive-like properties, due to the
features (i.e. the ratio between the deposit depth t, pipe
nature of the particles and the presence of greases and
diameter D, and flow depth H) are essential in an initial
biological slimes. In combined sewers, the sediments tend to
estimate of how the bed may contribute to the overall
be a combination of the first two types.
resistance. Furthermore, the bed’s roughness depends on its composition and can be considerably increased by the presence of bed forms. According to the concept introduced by Einstein & Barbarossa (1952), the total resistance of the
bed is the sum of the grain and form resistances. Using The flow in sewer pipes can be calculated using either the Darcy-Weisbach formula sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffi 8gRS 8 U¼ ¼ u f f *
Manning’s roughness coefficient, this is written as: 0
nb ¼ nb þ nb ð1Þ
where the primed part is to assign for the plane bed resistance and the double-primed part for the bed form part.
or the Manning formula U¼
1 2=3 1=2 R S n
Alternatively, in the same linear way, Equation 5 can be written using the friction factor f. ð2Þ
where U is stream velocity, g is gravitational acceleration, R is hydraulic radius, S is energy slope, up is shear velocity
and f is friction factor, which can be determined by the well
A special feature of flow over a loose sediment bed is the
known Colebrook –White equation. In the turbulent, fully
interaction between the flow and the bed when sediment
R. Banasiak | Hydraulic performance of sewer pipes with sediments
Water Science & Technology—WST | 57.11 | 2008
transport takes place. The flow activity over a non-cohesive sediment is responsible for the occurrence of a variety of bed forms: ripples at low shear stress, progressively developing dunes, washed-out dunes, and flat beds with increasing flow velocities. At upper flow regimes, anti-dunes and standing waves have been reported. This standard classification, based on observation in open channels, also applies to the flow activity in pipes. Moreover, unlike in open channels, in a single sewer pipe carrying sediments, one can expect the full range of mentioned flow regimes with corresponding bed topographies. The equilibrium ripple dimensions are generally accepted to be principally determined by sediment size, insensitive to the depth of the flow. The appearance of
Figure 1
Bed forms for sand (left) and partly cohesive sediment (mixture of sand, clay and organic material) in a semi-circular flume (D ¼ 0.4 m, U ¼ 0.4 m/s, Fr ¼ 0.42).
ripples is restricted to fine sands; coarser sands (larger than
with a mean diameter d50 ¼ 0.19 mm and mixtures of the
, 0.6 mm) are ‘non-rippling’ sediments that form dunes
same sand with kaolinite clay (3– 10% by weight of clay),
(Raudkivi 1990). The equilibrium dune dimensions are
related to the Froude number Fr (Fr ¼ U/(gA/B)0.5, where
primarily a function of flow characteristics (Coleman et al.
A-total water cross-section area, B - free surface width). The
2003). Kleijwegt (1992) suggested that dimensions of ripples
figure also includes a mixture of sand, clay and an organic
and dunes in circular pipes can be successfully predicted,
material (mix s-c-o) that was to mimic real sewer sediment.
using predictors that are derived from open channel
For these mixtures, it has been observed that a drastic
hydraulics. On the other hand, Banasiak & Verhoeven
change in the bed form’s size appears when the clay content
(2007) noted that dunes in pipes appear to be shorter. Torfs
increases from 3 to 6%. This corresponds to a rise in the
et al. (1994) also reported that dunes in the circular cross-
critical shear stress for these mixes with respect to the pure
section are markedly different, compared to flows in a
sand by a factor of about 2. These figures also show that with
rectangular flume. In the circular cross-section, the loose
increasing flow (Fr . 0.5), the transition regime is reached
bed boundary interacts with the side walls, becomes very
and the bed forms flatten; the dunes of sand bed become
irregular, and deeply localized holes appear at points along
longer and lower and the ripples of sand-clay mixtures are
the walls. This was further linked to the specific feature of
washed out.
the shear stress distribution in a circular cross-section (Alvarez-Hermandez 1990). The presence of cohesive particles in the sediment deposit has a considerable effect on the development of bed
forms. The cohesive particles increase the deposit’s resistance
The appearance of different bed forms as the flow changes
against erosion, with a more thinly mobilised (active) bed
results in a variation of the bed roughness. Figure 3 presents
layer as a result. The erosion of partly cohesive sediment
the values of Manning’s roughness coefficient correspond-
deposits features the elutriation of fine particles from the
ing to the data shown above. The roughness coefficient
sediment bed and produces a granular layer on top of it.
increases by some 60% with respect to a flat bed when the
Provided that equilibrium sediment transport is reached, this
ripples and dunes are formed from non-cohesive beds.
layer forms ripples of a few millimetres in height. Dunes are
n decreases later, as dunes are washed out, and approaches
inhibited in such a situation. Figure 1 illustrates the different
the value for a flat bed (nb ¼ 0.01). In the case of partly
bed topographies under the same flow conditions for non-
cohesive beds, the rise in roughness is clearly smaller,
cohesive and partly cohesive sediment beds. In addition,
reaching approximately 20%, also having a narrower band
Figure 2 shows the bed form sizes for beds made of sand
due to higher critical shear stresses for beginning of motion.
R. Banasiak | Hydraulic performance of sewer pipes with sediments
Figure 2
Water Science & Technology—WST | 57.11 | 2008
Relative height (left) and length of the bed forms as a function of the Froude number (dots–average, bars –maximum values).
For the transition regime, when the ripples are washed out,
decrease by a potentially increased deposit roughness
the roughness decreases notably towards the value for a flat
(relative to the roughness of the pipe’s walls). The first
granular bottom, but still remains slightly higher than that
influence can easily be assessed, provided that no distinction
for the sand bed.
is made between the roughness of the bed and the wall. When
The variability in flow resistance with regards to flow
the thickness of the deposit increases, the bed surface
rate and the effect of bed forms can also be illustrated by
contributes to a larger extent to the overall n. The bed
means of the water surface’s slope. Figure 4 shows that for
roughness affects only a part of the flow field, in which the
non-cohesive sediment beds, the slope increases signifi-
flow velocity is reduced, and which increases as the bed
cantly due to the development of bed forms and for certain
roughness increases. It might therefore be interesting to have
flow conditions (U between 0.3 and 0.5 m/s) reaches values
a clear insight in the geometrical flow characteristics in a pipe
nearly twice as large as that for partly cohesive beds.
with deposited beds. These geometrical characteristics are the bed hydraulic radius Rb, related to the flow depth H, and the bed water cross-section area Ab as a fraction of the total
water cross-section area. They are presented in Figure 5 for a deposit thickness t equal to 0.1D. It can be seen that the
The reducing factor for the discharge carrying capacity of
influence of the bed on the total flow characteristics
sewer pipes is primarily related to the sedimentation/erosion
diminishes with increasing flow depth; in the current case
processes. This influence can be divided into two categories.
Ab for a half-full flow is less than 0.5A.
First, the discharge carrying capacity can decrease directly by
An assessment of the potential impact of the sediment
reducing the flow cross-sectional area. Second, it can
bed on the flow capacity from a practical perspective
Figure 3
Manning’s bed roughness factor versus Froude number (sand d50 ¼ 0.19 mm, deposit thickness t ¼ 0.1D).
Figure 4
Water surface slope as a function of mean flow velocity.
R. Banasiak | Hydraulic performance of sewer pipes with sediments
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friction should be less significant. Consequently, the negative effect of the sediment bed on the pipe’s conveyance capacity should be limited. The magnitude of flow reduction in a pipe with deposited beds with varying thickness and deposit roughness is further investigated in Figure 7. In this figure, the relative discharge factor (i.e. the discharge Q for a pipe with deposit related to the discharge for a clean pipe Qt¼0) is plotted against the water depth. The value of pipe wall roughness nw is equal to 0.012 and the bed roughness Figure 5
coefficient is assumed to be 0.012 and 0.018. The lower Hydraulic parameters for a pipe with a sediment deposit: t/D ¼ 0.1 and ks,w /ks,b < 1.5.
value of nb stands for a relatively smooth bed that can be expected for a finely graded, (nearly) flat sediment bed. The
requires the estimates of both the sediment bed thickness
upper value of the bed roughness is to account for the
and the bed form development at design or storm
development of bed forms and/or possibly coarser material
conditions. Therefore, an analysis is made by using the
forming the sediment bed. The ratio between the roughness
minimum design criteria in the literature and combining
for pipe walls and the sediment bed nw:nb is then 1:1 and
them with the presented experimental results. The mini-
1.5, respectively. Obviously, as can be seen in Figure 7, the
mum flow velocities in a function of sewer pipe diameter,
discharge reduction increases with the sediment deposit
and an assumption of 2% allowable deposition depth is
thickness and with the bed roughness. However, this
adopted after Butler et al. (2003). The Froude number for
reduction is less than 5% of the clean pipe discharge
these conditions is then calculated, assuming that the pipe is
when the sediment deposit thickness is up to 0.05D and
run half-full. Figure 6 shows that for these assumptions, the
when the deposit has a relatively low roughness height. One
values of Froude number vary between 0.4 and 0.6,
can conclude that the presence of such deposits does not
indicating possible dunes (for a pipe diameter smaller
affect the discharge capacity of the sewer pipe very much.
than 1.0 m) or a bed at transition regime (for larger pipe
To do this, the sediment deposits would need to be thicker,
diameters) if a sediment bed is present. The friction factor
composed of coarser particles, or they would have to be
may then be increased considerably by the possible bed
in the flow regime, allowing them to develop bed forms.
forms. However, if flow velocities are larger than those
As discussed above, however, this cannot always be the case
minimally required at the design, the bed may be expected
in storm conditions.
to be in a higher bed form regime, so the rise in the bed’s
Figure 6
Design velocities and Froude number for storm sewers with high sediment loading and 2% allowable deposition.
Figure 7
Relative discharge factor for pipe with sediment deposit thickness t ¼ 0.02D, 0.05D and 0.1D (nw ¼ 0.012).
R. Banasiak | Hydraulic performance of sewer pipes with sediments
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discharge capacity reduction may be smaller, in the range
of 5 – 10%.
Sediment transport and deposition, either undesired or
The final conclusion is that it may indeed be rational
allowed, is an integral part of sewer systems. The influence
and appropriate to design sewer pipelines with an allowable
of sediment deposit on the hydraulic performance may
deposit, as has been proposed in recent literature. However,
be significant, and therefore, its assessment is crucial.
the appearance of bed forms should be analysed and, at
However, such an evaluation should be based on thorough
best, avoided.
knowledge of the nature and behaviour of sediments appearing in sewer pipes. The mobility of non-cohesive sediments induces extra friction to flow, due to bed forms appearing during typically widely varying flow conditions in sewer pipes. The presence of fine sediment fraction in the sediment deposit makes the deposit (partly) cohesive and reduces or even inhibits the formation of these bed forms. Therefore, in terms of the bed roughness—not its erodibility—one can conclude that cohesive-like beds are more favourable to the flow than granular ones. An exception may be made for the transition regime, when the washed-out ripples appear slightly rougher than the washed-out dunes. A prediction of the flow capacity of sewer pipes should include an analysis of the flow regime and the bed topography. It has been shown that the transition regime for bed forms starts at Froude number larger than 0.5, with washed-out bed forms and diminishing bed roughness as a result. Therefore, under sufficiently high flow velocities, the bed forms may be of negligible importance. This paper provides a non-dimensional analysis of the influence of sediment deposit on a sewer’s discharge capacity. Under given conditions, a substantial increase in the sediment depth (from 2 to 10%) results in a 10 –20% reduction of the full pipe discharge capacity relative to a clean pipe, and bed forms (dunes) are expected to be developed.
likely to be restricted in many sewers working under storm conditions and carrying cohesive sediments, the
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