Hypnotherapy Certification. Course Content ... which offers a carefully selected
assortment of books and tapes ... Liability insurance as a certified hypnotherapist.
Hypnotherapy Certification October 14-18, 2013 • Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm The course is taught at The Creative Center • 900 16th Street • Greensboro, NC 27405 • 336-617-3328
Course Content This well established course will train you in techniques that induce deeper states of consciousness and show you how to use them safely and ethically to help yourself and others. This intensive training is designed to move you from study to application. Rated at 100 hours (approximately 40 hours in class and 60 hours of outside study), it teaches beginning, intermediate, and advanced skills. Both the entry-level student and the seasoned professional will benefit from its unique, effective, professional, and personal change methods. Training includes lectures, demonstrations, group and individual experiential exercises, video and independent study. It is appropriate for anyone in the healing professions including counselors, therapists, RNs, MDs, LPCs, psychologists and psychiatrists. DURING THIS EXCEPTIONAL WEEK, YOU WILL... Learn the hypnotherapy induction process from a holistic foundation and apply it safely to other participants Explore self-hypnosis as a tool for memory/comprehension enhancement and sports/fitness attainment as two of many self-help tools Discover ways you can use hypnosis for yourself and others to address such common psychosomatic problems as weight control, smoking and other addictions, phobias, stress, pain management, and improving self-image Experience the value of hypnosis for past-life therapy as you learn introductory regression skills Examine the importance of setting ideals and other concepts from the Cayce material when working with hypnosis
Course Outline • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Cayce’s categories of mind Mind process model Cayce effect and the super conscious mind Psychophysical mixed induction methods Deepening to somnambulism Client interview methods using neurolinguistic programming Smoking cessation techniques Weight reduction techniques Hypnoanesthesia techniques, scripts applications Suggestive therapies Directive therapies Conducting a hypnotic regression Past life exploration and therapy Professional ethics and policies Marketing a private practice
Tuition & Materials TUITION • Tuition is only $1,095 – a $200 savings off the day-of-conference price! • You must pre-register and pay a minimum deposit of $395 in order to receive the discount. • Tuition includes one-year membership in the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (NATH) and a Certificate indicating that you are a NATH Registered and Certified Hypnotherapist practicing with a mind-body-spirit approach (awarded at the completion of all course requirements).
Tuition includes a NATH Membership (a $70 value!)
ADDITIONAL NATH MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS INCLUDE • Subscription to the NATH newsletter, featuring up-to-the-minute developments in clinical, transpersonal hypnotherapy • Discount on NATH’s annual conference held in Virginia Beach, Virginia, worth at least 15 continuing education units (CEUs) • 10% discount on NATH’s Resource Department, which offers a carefully selected assortment of books and tapes • National registry to include the listing of your practice for incoming NATH referrals • The opportunity to form or join regional chapters • Liability insurance as a certified hypnotherapist BOOKS REQUIRED FOR THIS COURSE • Clinical Hypnotherapy: A Transpersonal Approach by Dr. Allen Chips: $31.97* • Script Magic: A Hypnotherapist’s Desk Reference by Dr. Allen Chips: $42.65* • Both are available at Merlin Centre and can be mailed to your home * Book prices include NC sales tax.