mathematics and numbers, touching on the acceptance of different kinds of
numbers throughout history. .... mathematical system (Asimov, p. 103) of real ...
Prepared for Dr. David Fowler Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education University of Nebraska–Lincoln by Brian Hirt
April 20, 2006
Introduction The question “What is i?” has a simple response: “That’s very poor grammar! The correct way to say it is, ‘What am I?’”1 Clearly, one must depart the world of everyday language to even entertain this as a question of mathematics rather than as possible philosophical musing of Aristotle or Sartre. This paper will investigate i (written in lower case and in italic script) not as a pronoun but as a number, one with an interesting history, novel properties, and of many uses despite the intuition of many people that i does not have any meaning in the physical world. In the process, the paper will delve into a discussion of abstraction in mathematics and numbers, touching on the acceptance of different kinds of numbers throughout history. This paper is written for an audience of adults that has general knowledge of mathematics through college (up to but not including calculus), but with a complete ignorance of imaginary numbers. The Unsolvable Equation Knowledge of high school-level algebra gives an adult the tools to solve the following equation: (1)
x2 = 9
There are two solutions: x is equal to 3 or –3, as one recognizes that both 3 2 = 9 and (− 3)2 = 9 . Generally, the properties of multiplication describe that the product of two positive numbers is positive, and that the product of two negative numbers is also positive. So any non-zero number multiplied by itself can only result in a positive product. In contrast, high school algebra shows the next equation to be intractable: (2)
x 2 = −9
Clearly, no such number can exist while satisfying the multiplication rules stated above. The answer to an equation such as this is typically given as “no solutions exist,” and this is arguably a satisfactory way to handle the dilemma. Without any numbers on the real number line to satisfy this equation, there is little motivation to go looking further. One might (as this paper later does) develop a novel number system to solve equation (2), but there would be little motivation for a high school student to do so.
The author credits and thanks his brother, Kenneth Gerber, Ph.D. of Mathematics, for this rejoinder.
Indeed, historically the quandary of x 2 = −k (for some positive number k) for centuries did not provoke mathematicians to seek out new ways to think about math in order to solve them. The earliest known appearance of such a problem is presented in Nahin (pp. 3-4), where the story of the engineer Heron of Alexandria of the first century AD is presented. Heron used the following equation to find the height of a truncated square pyramid based on several of its measurable parameters: (3)
h = c2 − 2 where:
a−b 2
h is the height of the frustum, c is the slant edge length of the frustum, a is the side length of the bottom base, and b is the side length of the top base.
Heron applied this problem to a theoretical frustum of slant edge c = 15 units, and side lengths a = 28 and b = 4. Using equation (3): 28 − 4 h = 15 − 2 2
h = 225 − 2(12 )
h = 225 − 288 h = − 63
Heron was at an impasse. Since the number − 63 was meaningless to him given the rules stated above, he completed the solution by removing the “ –” sign and concluded (incorrectly) that the answer was 63 . A more revealing approach would have been a diagram (as created in Figure 1) showing that the pyramid in question was an impossible one. Some simple algebra and geometry is suppressed in developing Figure 1 below:
2 2
4 15 h h
12 2 14 2 Figure 1. Heron’ s impossible frustum (not drawn to scale for obvious reasons) As shown in Figure 1, the parameters given require a right triangle ABC with hypotenuse of length 15 and with one leg of length 12 2 . Since 12 2 > 15 and the hypotenuse must be the longest side of a right triangle, the parameters are physically meaningless, and it not unexpected that equation (3) fails to produce a meaningful answer. In fact, rather than “ fudging” his arithmetic (Nahin, p. 4), Heron might have instead concluded that the nonsensical answer of − 63 in fact supported that this was a nonsensical problem. Returning, then, to equation (2), the conclusion that x 2 = −9 has “ no solutions” in fact may be a useful insight depending on the context of the question. Inventing a Number
However, it is possible to invent a number outside of what are considered the real numbers that makes solving equation (2) possible. To this end, a wholly new kind of number, called i, can be used, where i has the property: (4)
i 2 ≡ −1
All of the existing operational rules of algebra that apply to real numbers, such as distribution and commutivity, are allowed to be applicable to i as well. Further, since the existence of i does not contradict the use of any operators in the pre-existing mathematical system (Asimov, p. 103) of real numbers, it may be considered a number that simply extends the existing mathematical system. Solving equation (2) now becomes possible as follows:
x 2 = −9 x 2 = 9 ⋅ −1 x2 = 9 ⋅ i2 x = ±3i The number i was first used conceptually by Girolamo Cardano in the first half of the sixteenth century (Reid, p. 108) precisely for solving abstract polynomial equations such as the one above, although he did not use today’ s notation. The letter “ i” “ ...was first used by Leonhard Euler in a memoir presented in 1777” (Miller) and was selected to reflect the idea that the number represented something that Cardano had called “ imaginary” (Reid, p. 108) since it does not represent any quantity in the real world. Expanding beyond this one imaginary number i, it is possible to create an entire number line of numbers that behave like i (i.e., which when squared yield negative numbers). Such an imaginary number line may be drawn in a manner analogous to the real number line. Where on the real number line one may find 5, –2.7, or π, on the imaginary number line one may similarly find 5i, –2.7i, or πi. i itself is the number analogous to 1 on the real number line, and it is called the imaginary unit. This is illustrated in Figure 2.
5 Real
5i Imaginary
Figure 2. The real and imaginary number lines The question remains why such an undertaking—the development of this new kind of number—is even desirable. To find the answer, one may look first to another class of numbers that was once considered outside the realm of understanding: the negative numbers. The Greeks at the time of Pythagoras, the 6th century BCE, did not accept numbers smaller than zero (Reid, p. 104, Ifrah p. 596). To them, equation (2) would be no less solvable than: (5)
x+7 = 4
Clearly, no positive number could be added to 7 to get a smaller result. From the standpoint of geometry, a number like –3 (which is today considered the solution to equation (5)) was meaningless, since polygons and polyhedra never have side lengths of –3 units.
However, negative numbers, if abstract, can be extraordinarily useful in real-world applications. For the purposes of accounting, surpluses may be thought of as positive numbers, and shortfalls may be thought of as negative numbers. So even if a debtor never physically carries bills totaling –$54 in his pocket, the number is a useful representation of the fact that he owes his creditors $54 dollars. The parallel may be drawn back to imaginary numbers. Indeed, nobody carries $54i dollars in his or her pocket either, yet there are instances where i may have enormous practical applications. From a historical perspective, it is unsurprising that it was through pursuit of making practical math problems easier that i was fully developed and accepted as a useful and necessary number. Making Use of i Credit for pioneering imaginary numbers beyond the wholly abstract studies of Cardano and Euler is credited to Caspar Wessel, a Norwegian surveyor (Nahin, ch. 3). In 1797 he presented a paper in which he sought to explain how two-dimensional vectors (arrows drawn on a coordinate plane with their tails on the origin) may be easily manipulated, such as multiplied or taken to powers. Such tasks were essential to his profession of surveying and were considered to be very cumbersome using the traditional mathematics of his day. For his purposes, Wessel found it useful to draw his two-dimensional grid and to represent one of the directional axes (such as the east-west axis) with the real number line, but the other (north-south) with the imaginary number line. Wessel could draw any vector as an arrow whose tail was at zero (the intersection of the axes) and whose head was at some point that had a real component and/or an imaginary component. Such a point is called a complex number. This is shown in Figure 3. Imaginary
+ a + bi
b r N –
θ 0
– Figure 3. Wessel’ s geometry of complex numbers
Using algebra and trigonometry, the general complex number a + bi shown above may be equivalently expressed as r∠θ , r = a 2 + b 2 , the magnitude of the vector in Figure 3, and b θ = arctan , the angle between the vector and the positive real axis. a
a + bi is called the binary form of a complex number, and r∠θ is called the polar form. The payoff behind this elaborate setup is found in the uncomplicated arithmetical properties that result when one attempts to raise a vector to a power or to multiply or divide it by another vector. Given complex numbers z1 = r1∠θ1 and z 2 = r2 ∠θ 2 (which can represent vectors drawn on a real-world north-east-south-west plane as in Figure 3): (6a)
z1 = r1 ∠nθ 1
z1 ⋅ z 2 = (r1r2 )∠(θ1 + θ 2 )
z1 z 2 = (r1 r2 )∠(θ1 − θ 2 )
These three formulae are elegant and easy to use, yet they require considerable algebra and trigonometry to develop from the rectangular (a + bi) form of each complex number. The derivations of these formulae are not presented here, but may be found in detail in Usiskin (pp. 56-59). Usiskin shows that these properties are developed given the critical property that i 2 = −1 . In this manner, the number i, whether existent or not, has proved itself to be extremely useful.
Other examples of the uses of complex numbers abound in the sciences and engineering. One such is in the area of AC electrical circuits (Hambley, pp. 188-190). When these circuits involve capacitors and inductors, and when voltage is given as a sinusoidal function of time, finding a simple function for circuit current requires combining multiple sine expressions. Using only real number-based mathematics, intensive use of trigonometric identities is required to achieve the desired result. However, representing the voltage as a polar complex number whose angle θ is a function of time makes the problem a far easier one. In this manner, the function for current may be quickly found using only arithmetic on complex numbers. This is called the phasor method for circuit analysis, and it is a key tool in modern electrical engineering. Given the alternative, no engineering student would deny the importance of i.
Conclusion: “Does or does not i exist?” Invariably, though, the question returns to whether i and the family of complex numbers actually exist. The answer may lie in the idea of context, and whether any number can be said to exist. Consider a foot race. Certainly, negative numbers, though populating the real number line, do not have any meaning and could be said to be nonexistent in the context of timing runners in a 50-meter dash (who can run it in –10 seconds?). Moreover, non-integer rational numbers, such as 3/2 (equivalently 1 1/2), do not have any meaning and are nonexistent in the context of counting votes on the floor of the U.S. Senate (how can a senator cast half a vote?). One might even go so far as to say that the most basic kind of number, the counting number, is merely an abstraction that exists outside the realm of the physical world. While the reader may have one heart and two lungs, what are the numbers 1 and 2 by themselves? What is the physical manifestation of the counting numbers under circumstances where they aren’ t actually counting anything? From this perspective, one is hard-pressed to back up the assertion that the number 1 exists any more or less than the number i does. For its key role in solving difficult math problems, an argument for the acceptance of i seems well justified, even if its existence remains a debatable issue. In this light, the question “ What is i?” — like the question “ What am I?” — is perhaps best left to the likes of Sartre as well.
Works Cited
Asimov, Isaac. Asimov on Numbers. Garden City: Doubleday, 1977. Hambley, Allan R. Electrical Engineering. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2002. Ifrah, Georges. The Universal History of Numbers. New York: Wiley, 2000. Miller, Jeff. “ Earliest Uses of Symbols for Constants.” 29 Dec. 2001. Gulf High School, New Port Richey, Florida. 2 Apr. 2006 . Nahin, Paul J. An Imaginary Tale: The Story of –1. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998. Reid, Constance. A Long Way from Euclid. New York: Crowell, 1963. Usiskin, Zalman, et. al. Mathematics for High School Teachers. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, 2003.