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Application Form Internal Audit Committee 1718

Profile of Internal Audit Committee In general, Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance, and consulting activity which is designed to add value and improve an organization operation (bringing systematic, improve effectiveness of risk management, controlling and governance process). The internal auditor of AIESEC Indonesia entity can be divide into two kinds: MC Internal Auditor who audits MC operation and financial management which it called Entity Audit Committee that consist of Supervisory Group and Head of Internal Auditor, and National Internal Auditor who audits all LC’s operation and financial management. The Head of Internal Audit is accountable to Supervisory Group and Member Committee President. The Head of Internal Audit candidate have to have the following criteria: 1. He/She is an undergraduate student of accounting/fiscal administration/financial management/business administration major or has graduated with accounting/fiscal administration/financial management/business administration bachelor degree. 2. He/she/they cannot be assigned as a member in any LC. 3. He/she/they has (have) the experience as an Executive Board (in any functional) or management board (finance background) in local entity. 4. He/she/they has (have the experience as an Internal in company/organization/association or External Auditor in Accounting firm giving letter of proof towards his/her previous experience.

Internal Audit Committee Selection Process A. Head of Internal Audit is chosen through selection process and will be selected by Internal Audit selection board (Internal Audit Committee, Supervisory Group and MCP). Criteria Head of Internal Audit: 1. The applicant must be a full member of AIESEC. 2. The applicant must have been in AIESEC for at least 2 years and already having a leadership experience. 3. For local applicant, the applicant must submit along with the application, 1 recommendation letter from 1 home LC of the applicant and 1 recommendation letter from one of current internal audit committee member. 4. For international applicant, the applicants must submit along with the application, 2 recommendation letter, from at least 1 recommendation letter from the membership country MC of the applicant and 1 full recommendation letter from one of current internal audit committee member. 5. The applicant must submit the proof (certificate/statement letter of his/her audit experience from his/her organization/association/company/NGO/any other) type of organization. 6. The applicant must submit his/her official academic transcript. 7. Curriculum vitae. B. Internal Auditor for Local Operation is chosen through selection process and will be selected by Head of Internal Audit. Criteria for Internal Auditor for local operations: 1. The applicant must be a full member of AIESEC. 2. The applicant must have been in AIESEC for at least 1 year and already having a leadership experience.

3. For local applicant, the applicant must submit along with the application, 1 recommendation letter from 1 home LC of the applicant and recommendation letter from one of current internal audit committee member. 4. For international applicant, the applicant must submit along with the application, 2 recommendation letter, from at least 1 recommendation letter from the membership country MC of the applicant and 1 full recommendation letter from one of current internal audit committee member. 5. The applicant must submit the proof (certificate/statement letter of his/her previous project audit experience) 6. The applicant must submit his/her official academic transcript. 7. Curriculum vitae.

Obligation of Head of Internal Audit 1. General Transition* *transportation will only be covered based on current financial condition 2. Internal Audit Summit* *to be announced

Additional Information for Head of Internal Auditor Criteria


Time Commitment Seasonal Full Timer (during peak season) Salary Will be adjusted with legislated budget for IAC 1718 Lunch benefit Will be adjusted with legislated budget for IAC 1718 Dormitory Will be adjusted with legislated budget for IAC 1718 Other Benefit Meals provided for every Internal Audit Fieldwork Working Time Minimum 40 hours (weekdays), up to 48 hours in the audit field Period 1st August 2017 – 31th July 2018

Additional Information for Internal Auditor Member Criteria Period Benefit Working Time

Detail 1st August 2017 – 31st July 2018 Meals and Transportation provided for every Internal Audit Fieldwork Minimum 40 hours (weekdays), up to 48 hours in the audit field

Application Process 25th September

Application Released

1th October

Submission Deadline


3rd – 9th October



TO be valid in the application, please send the application form (in PDF format) with the title: Position – Full Name – Home LC For Example: Head of Internal Audit Application – Herlin Surti Wahyuni – LC Surabaya Internal Audit Team Member Application – Ronaldy Kaesmetan – LC UPNVY

Send the file to [email protected] and [email protected] with the subject: “[Application Package] Head of Internal Audit – Full Name – Home LC or [Application Package] Internal Auditor Team Member – Full Name – Home LC” For example: [Application Package] Head of Internal Audit – Herlin Surti Wahyuni – LC Surabaya [Application Package] Internal Auditor Team Member – Ronaldy Kaesmetan – LC UPNVY

DEADLINE : 1st October 2017, 11.59 PM GMT+7

Spesific Question 1. What is the strongest point in you to apply as part of Internal Audit Committee? 2. What is internal auditing and how can it impact the system of AIESEC in Indonesia (what is the urgency of AIESEC in Indonesia to have internal auditors)? 3. Please, briefly explain about the workflow each department in Local Committee! 4. How can you describe your possible flow regarding the changes in time period of Local Entities 1718 ? 5. What do you know about current internal audit process and the change of internal audit system in AIESEC Indonesia? (since we established the first ever chief of Internal Audit in 1314) 6. What is the different with the concept of Internal Auditor for LC and MC?

Any Question? Don’t hesitate to ask Herlin Surti Wahyuni [email protected] Wa : +6283830800711