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Jul 5, 2012 - Pattern of acute poisoning in makkah region saudi arabia, 2009 - 2011. ..... Forensic identification on erectile dysfunction for rape cases.
Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division

Presentations from the


Prof. Dr. Mete Korkut Gülmen


International Proceedings

© Copyright 2013 by MEDIMOND s.r.l. Via G. Verdi 15/1, 40065 Pianoro (Bologna), Italy www.medimond.com • [email protected] All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission, in writing, from the publisher. Printed in April 2013 by Editografica • Bologna (Italy) ISBN 978-88-7587-676-0

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International Proceedings Division is a registered trademark owned by Medimond s.r.l.

Foreword Dear Colleagues; The 22nd IALM Congress had took place in Istanbul from 5 to 8 July 2012.  The congress had given an excellent opportunity to the forensic scientists to learn about the latest doctrinal, scientific, and technological advances in legal medicine and forensic sciences with its workshops, advanced courses, seminars, panels and lectures as well as oral and poster presentations. The most prestigious professionals from the international forensic community will contribute and be a part of this important scientific event.  There had been over 1200 poster and oral presentations, with an attendance over than 1300. There had been workshops, symposiums, panels, conferences, lectures and business meetings that held during the congress. You will find some of the free communications in this book. These presentations are the ones that authors preferred their studies to be published as it is in this book. We sincerely hope that you do enjoy these presentations.  We are very happy that we had the chance to host most of you in Istanbul. We hope to host you once again in that truly world city where the continents meet with its’ enchanting blend of Eastern and Western culture, a vibrant, modern city, with a unique identity, a city which everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime.  With our best wishes and regards to you all. On Behalf of the Organizing Committee Prof. Dr. Mete Korkut Gülmen IALM 2012 Congress President 



Index Wound pattern simulations on mobile devices – augmented reality enhanced experiences for medical students

Albrecht UV, Häussermann B, Matthies HK, von Jan U ....................................................................................................... 1

Genetic variation in an immigrant population (british pakistanis) and its comparison with the origin pakistani population by using str dna profiling

Ali N., Coulson-Thomas Yvette M., DR. Islam Saima, Dixon Ron A. and Ross Williams D. ............................................... 3

Young Woman Self Poisoning With Massive Ingestion Of Paracetamol: Autopsy And Histological Highlights

Andrello L., Re L., Mazzuca A., Osculati A.M.M. ................................................................................................................. 11

Anatomy Of A Mystification

Basso P., Andrello L., Congiu T., Osculati A.M.M. ............................................................................................................... 19

Immunohistochemical Study Of Haemoglobin Alpha Chain For Wounds Vitality Evaluation

Andrello L., Castelli F., Sozzi M., Chiaravalli A.M., Osculati A.M.M. ................................................................................. 25

Fatal Haemorrhage: The Dark Side Of Varicose Vein Rupture

Aquila I., Di Nunzio C., Boca S., De Gennaro U., Pepe F., Ricci P. ....................................................................................... 31

The role of post-mortem multislice computer tomography in suicidal single gunshot injury: autopsy and virtopsy

Aquila I., Falcone C., Di Nunzio C., Boca S., Tamburrini O., Ricci P. .................................................................................. 37

Retrospective analysis of suicides in bulgaria For the period 2000-2009

Baltov M. Bulgaria R. .............................................................................................................................................................. 43

Suicide with a hand grenade in post-conflict Kosovo

Barbu C., Gashi M., Schillaci D.R. .......................................................................................................................................... 49

Personal identification on human remains through an holistic approach involving 3D morphometric analysis: a case report

Beltempo P., De Donno A., Lubelli S., Bruno V., Ronco V., Innamorato L., Introna F. ...................................................... 55

Is there apple cider or malpractice? (a case report)

Yasar Teke H., Bilge Y., Birincioglu I. ..................................................................................................................................... 59




Presentations from the 22nd Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine

Macroscopic characteristics of hanging mark correlated with the suspension ligatures employed: results of a preliminary study

Boca S., Aquila I., Pepe F., Di Nunzio C., Chiarelli M., Ricci P. ............................................................................................ 63

Inundation in Genoa: case report of six deaths

Candosin S., Fossati F., Vallega Bernucci L., Portunato F., Ventura F. ................................................................................ 69

0BSelf-ignition: a suicidal method between demonstrative gesture an psychopathological problems

Cascino F.P., Savì T., Mazzola C., Grillo M., Milone L. .......................................................................................................... 71

Morphological Examination of photographs for Establishing Identity

Bhatia Sashi, ChattopadhyayP.K. .......................................................................................................................................... 75

Domestic physical and sexual child abuse by the father of the infant - Case Report

Chatzinikolaou F., Zagelidou E., Voultsos P., Leodari R., Mastrogianni O., Raikos N., Florou C., Kalyva E. ................... 87

Multi child abuse and neglect (a case report)

Chatzinikolaou F., Zagelidou E., Leodari R., Kravaritis C., Florou C., Kalyva E. ................................................................ 93

Infant neglect – a forensic and legal emergency

Enache A., Chatzinikolaou F., Mercescu A., Ciocan V., Enache B., Florou C., Kalyva E. .................................................... 97

Post Partum Abortion as an extreme expression of the Bioethical views that are dangerous to human life

Voultsos P., Chatzinikolaou F., Enache A. ............................................................................................................................ 101

Morphological analysis of sharp force trauma using high resolution casts

Donnellan S.M. K., Chatzinikolaou F., Kranioti E.F .............................................................................................................. 107

Suicide by cutting the electrical cable of left ventricular assist device (A case report)

Zagelidou E., Chatzinikolaou F., Enache A., Paliouras D., Leodari R. ................................................................................. 115

Suicide during detention time

Petcu M., Chatzinikolaou F., Ciocan V., Voultsos P., Zagelidou E., Florou C., Enache A. .................................................. 119

The involvement of external contusive traumatic shock in thanatogenesis: case reports

Ciocan V., Chatzinikolaou F., Muresan C.O., Enache A. ...................................................................................................... 123

Rare Fentanyl related death in northern Greece

Mastrogianni O., Chatzinikolaou F., Zagelidou E., Kalyva E., Deliligka A., Theodoridis G., Raikos N. ........................... 129

Lethal Intoxication With Metamizole in a Patient With Acute Myocardial Infarction and Renal Impairment

Enache A., Petcu M., Sturz V., Muresan C., Enache F., Chatzinikolaou F. ........................................................................... 131

Perimortem Cesarean Section on an Ambulance: case report and bioethical considerations

Chiaravalli M., Guzzetti L., Gatti F., Picozzi M. ..................................................................................................................... 137

Istanbul, Turkey, 5-8 July, 2012


The responsibilities of a health volunteer rescuer: ethical and medical­legal considerations

Chiaravalli M., Guzzetti L., Zocchi G., Birkhoff J. .................................................................................................................. 141

Medico-legal Aspects in a Case of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy with Concomitant Biliary, Venous and Arterial Iatrogenic Lesions.

Cirielli V. MD, Montagna O. MD, Galassi A. MD, Turrina S. PhD, De Leo D. MD, Professor, Director ............................ 145

Evaluation of Sexual Violence in Movies

Cömert I.T., Yükseloglu E.H., Erkan I. ................................................................................................................................... 151

Contamination of physicians` stethoscopes who works in hospital areas: medicalforensic implications

de Carvalho L.D., e Silva L.R., Brum Paiva C.B., Viana A.R., Amaro W.L. .......................................................................... 155

Robber’s Personal Identification by Morphometric Comparison Between Recorded Images and 3D Avatar of the Suspect

De Donno A., Lubelli S., Beltempo P., Ronco V., Bruno V., Lavecchia F., Percoco G., Galantucci L. M., Introna F., Introna F. ................................................................................................................................................................................. 161

The PMSI in marine environment: a multidisciplinary approach

De Donno A., M.D., Ph.D.; Leonardi S., M.D. and Introna F., M.D. .................................................................................... 165

Reconstruction of a Motorcycle-car Accident and Analysis of Injury Manners

Zou D., Liu N., Li Z., Zhang X., Chen J. , Huang P., Chen Y. ................................................................................................. 171

“Causes” of obscure death

El Zentani O.E.S. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 175

PP-536 A proposal for the development of the medico-legal institute

Elghazali A.M. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 179

Disadaptative responses derived from violence towards teachers and health care workers.

Gascón S., García-Campayo J., Albesa A., Masluk B., Pereira J., Cunha M., Montero J. .................................................... 183

The role of forensic nursing in evaluating and diagnosing child abuse and neglect in Italy

Grattagliano I., Solarino B., Barber Duvall J., Sullivan M., Nuzzolese E., Perrone S., Di Vella G. ...................................... 189

Between magic and history: an unusual case of incest

Grattagliano I., Di Vella G., Solarino B., Barber Duvall J., Sullivan M., Catanesi R. ............................................................ 193

Case of misjudgment at the medico-legal examination

Hadjiev R.T., Grozeva M.M.,Gegova A.T., Petrov P.B., Gatev T. N. .................................................................................... 197

Varese hospital accident assessment committee. Legal medicine activity in medical malpractice claims analysis from 2007 to 2011

Guzzetti L., Chiaravalli M., Sigurtà C., Tavani M. ................................................................................................................. 201


Presentations from the 22nd Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine

Pattern of acute poisoning in makkah region saudi arabia, 2009 - 2011.

Hegazy R., Almalki W.H. ........................................................................................................................................................ 207

The Control Region Data Of Mitochondrial DNA In Chinese Population In Sichuan Province Of China

Yang Y.Y., Song F., Ren Z., Hou Y.P. ....................................................................................................................................... 221

Time-Dependent FTIR Spectral Changes in Rats of Massive Hemorrhage Death during the Later Postmortem Period

Huang P., Pang H., Li S., Shao Y., Li Z., Li L., Chen Y., Chen Y. ............................................................................................ 227

CYP2D6 Polymorphism in Suicide Cases – Preliminary Results

Riccardi L.N., Lanzellotto R., Ceccardi S., Bini C., Fersini F., Govi A., Mazzotti M.C., Ingravallo F., Pelotti S. ................ 231

Demostrative suicides by fire in economic crisis time. Report of two cases.

Innamorato L. M.D., Pentone A. M.D., Introna F. ................................................................................................................. 235

Ethical and forensic psychiatric contributions to living organ donors’ evaluation

Jung H., Egyed-Zsigmond I., Ardelean M., Brânzaniuc K. ................................................................................................... 239

Here’s looking at you, Fordisc®…

Jurda M., Dvorak M., Urbanova P. ......................................................................................................................................... 243

Homicide-suicide During The Past 16 Years In The Southern Half Of Osaka City And Surrounding Areas

Kawamoto O., Ishikawa T., Michiue T., Maeda H. ............................................................................................................... 249

A Pilot Study On The Levels Of Awareness Of The Convention On The Rights Of The Child And Its Contents

Kolburan G., Cömert I.T., Narter M. , Polat O. ..................................................................................................................... 255

Determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in human plasma by hplcms-ms

Lee X.P., Kumazawa T., Nittono S., Hasegawa C., Sato K. ................................................................................................... 261

Evaluation of Methods to Process Bone Evidence for Forensic DNA Analysis

Li R., Klempner S., Carter D., Saenz Y. .................................................................................................................................. 265

Relationship between landing distance and degree of craniocerebral injury in accidental falls

Liu N., Zhao H., Xu J., Li Z., Zheng J., Chen J. ........................................................................................................................ 269

“The sleep of reason produces monsters”-psychiatric, medico-legal and psychosocial aspects of child abuse

Malinescu B., Costea G., Gheorghiu V., Ghebauer L. .......................................................................................................... 273

Personal characteristics of drivers in traffic accidents resulting in death and injury in Mashhad: a study from Iran

Mohsen S. Nouzadi S., Moghadam M.D., Taghvaee M.E., Tabrizi A.A., Jarahi L. .............................................................. 279

Istanbul, Turkey, 5-8 July, 2012


A case of disputed parentage with two incompatibility at str loci solved with traditional markers

Di Nunzio C., Corradi F., Gramegna M., Stangalini D., Cosentini E., Aquila I., Garofano L., Ricci P. ............................... 283

Geometric morphometric analysis of sexual dimorphism in the mandible from panoramic scanning x-ray images

Randolph-Quinney P., Nuzzolese E., Di Vella G. ................................................................................................................. 289

Dental autopsy for the identification of missing persons: case report

Nuzzolese E., Di Nunzio C., Aquila I., Ricci P. ....................................................................................................................... 301

Bitemarks analysis in foods caused by partial dentures

Marques JAM, Musse, JO, Oliveira C, Silva R., Costa GS, Galvão LCC, Vieira DN, Corte Real AT .................................. 307

Postmortem Molecular Testing to Sudden Death from Unknown Causes: Variable Single C Repetitive Tract in KCNQ1

Osawa M., Inaoka Y., Satoh F. ................................................................................................................................................ 313

Forensic Medicine in Lebanon: An Update

Oueidat D., Abdallah Hajj Hussein I., Bou Assi T., Daouk H. and Jurjus A. R ................................................................... 319

Sexual Dimorphisms Of The Shape And Measurements Of Foramen Magnum By 128-Slices CT Scan Among The Indonesian

Panuntun M.A., Pandelaki J., Atmadja D.S., Prihartono J. ................................................................................................... 323

Death by ingestion of caustic substances: case report and review of literature

Pepe F., Aquila I., Di Nunzio C., Serra A., Ausania F., Ricci P. ............................................................................................. 329

Age estimation in an adoptive girl with precocious puberty

De Donno A., Roca R., Introna F., Santoro V. ....................................................................................................................... 333

Targeted post-mortem computed angiography; preliminary results from the Leicester PMCT angiography study

Rutty G., Saunders S., Raj V., McGregor A., West K., Richards C., Brown L., Hew R., Harrison R., Jeffery A., Visser T., Amoroso J., Morgan B. ........................................................................................................................................................... 339

Pulmonary silicosis in a handicraft worker – case report

Rodrigues R.P., Saad L., Nóra A.R., HummelgenLeitis L., Santiago L.H. ........................................................................... 345

Accuracy Of Age Estimation Of Radiographic Methods On An Italian Sample Population

Santoro V., Roca R., De Donno A., Fiandaca C., Pinto G., Tafuri S., Introna F. .................................................................. 349

The suicide in prison: the experiences of the last ten years in our department

Savì T., Grillo M., Cascino F.M., Mazzola C., Milone L. ........................................................................................................ 353

Y-Chromosomal STR Haplotype Profiling in Yousafzai’s living in Swat Valley Pakistan

Ilyas M., Shahzad M.S., Israr M., Jafri S.S., Shafeeq M., Zar M.S., Ali A, Rahman Z. and Husnain T. ............................... 357


Presentations from the 22nd Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine

Knowledge About Forensic Nursing In Students And Nurses

Simlot R., Ph.D., Allen-Robinson T., B.A., and Lester D., Ph.D. .......................................................................................... 365

Study on diagnosis limits, thanatogenesis and traumatic models in traffic accidents

Stan C.A. .................................................................................................................................................................................. 369

Patient responsibility and forensic evidences in malpractice accusations

Stan C.A., Stan C.I. .................................................................................................................................................................. 375

Stability of Carboxyhemoglobin (CO-Hb) in Postmortem Blood Samples.

Tanaka N., Ameno K., Jamal M., Kumihashi M., Kinoshita H. ............................................................................................. 379

Institutions of forensic medicine and sciences in latvia

Ojars Teteris ........................................................................................................................................................................... 383

The Use of Hand-Held Laser Scanning in the Assessment of Femoral Anthroposcopic Features in Sex Determination

Timonov P., Fusova A., Doychinov I., Sivkov S., Petleshkova Ts., Paunov L. ...................................................................... 387

Forensic identification on erectile dysfunction for rape cases.

Wang F.X. ,Zhu G.Y.,Shen Y. ................................................................................................................................................... 391

Application of Thin Layer Computed Tomography Scan and Image Reconstruction for Sternal End of Clavicle in Bone Age Estimation

Wang Y., Ying C.-i., Wan L., Wei H., Xia W.-t., Zhu G.-y. ..................................................................................................... 399

A Confusing Extensive Postmortem Abdominal Hemorrhage In A Drowning Victim. Homicidal or Accidental? A Case Study

Zaki M. K. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 403

Forensic Autopsy: Awareness and Acceptance of Saudi Medical Student

Hamdi D.-A., Zaki M. KL. ....................................................................................................................................................... 407

Knowledge, attitude and behavior among drivers of vehicles on traffic rules in the city of Shiraz, southwest of Iran: a cross-sectional study

Zarenezhad M., Gharghi N., Hedjazi A. ................................................................................................................................ 411

Comparative study between PSSR and PSEP in evaluating erectile dysfunction caused by pelvic fracture associated with posterior urethral disruption

Wang F.X., Zhang L.L., Shen Y., Zhu G.Y. .............................................................................................................................. 415

Teaching and Learning in Forensic Medicine: Effective Pedagogies

Samarji A. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 425 Author Index ........................................................................................................................................................................... 433

Author Index Abdallah Hajj Hussein I., 319 Albesa A., 183 Albrecht UV, 1 Ali A, 357 Ali N., 3 Allen-Robinson T., B.A., 365 Almalki W.H., 207 Amaro W.L., 155 Ameno K., 379 Amoroso J., 339 Andrello L., 11, 19, 25 Aquila I., 31, 37, 63, 283, 301, 329 Ardelean M., 239 Atmadja D.S., 323 Ausania F., 329 Baltov M., 43 Barber Duvall J., 189, 193 Barbu C., 49 Basso P., 19 Beltempo P., 55, 161 Bhatia Sashi, 75 Bilge Y., 59 Bini C., 231 Birincioglu I., 59 Birkhoff J., 141 Boca S., 31, 37, 63 Bou Assi T., 319 Brânzaniuc K., 239 Brown L., 339 Brum Paiva C.B., 155 Bruno V., 55, 161 Bulgaria R., 43 Candosin S., 69 Carter D., 265 Cascino F.M., 353 Cascino F.P., 71 Castelli F., 25 Catanesi R., 193 Ceccardi S., 231 Chattopadhyay P.K., 75 Chatzinikolaou F., 87, 93, 97, 101, 107, 115, 119, 123, 129, 131 Chen J., 171, 269 Chen Y., 171, 227 Chiaravalli A.M., 25 Chiaravalli M., 137, 141, 201 Chiarelli M., 63 Ciocan V., 97, 119, 123 Cirielli V., 145 Cömert I.T., 151, 255 Congiu T., 19

©2012 by MEDIMOND s.r.l.

Corradi F., 283 Corte Real AT, 307 Cosentini E., 283 Costa GS, 307 Costea G., 273 Coulson-Thomas Yvette M., 3 Cunha M., 183 Daouk H., 319 de Carvalho L.D., 155 De Donno A., 55, 161, 165, 333, 349 De Gennaro U., 31 De Leo D., 145 Deliligka A., 129 Di Nunzio C., 31, 37, 63, 283, 301, 329 Di Vella G., 189, 193, 289 Dixon Ron A., 3 Donnellan S.M. K., 107 Doychinov I., 387 Dvorak M., 243 Egyed-Zsigmond I., 239 El Zentani O.E.S., 175 Elghazali A.M., 179 Enache A., 97, 101, 115, 119, 123, 131 Enache B., 97 Enache F., 131 Erkan I., 151 Falcone C., 37 Fersini F., 231 Fiandaca C., 349 Florou C., 87, 93, 97, 119 Fossati F., 69 Fusova A., 387 Galantucci L. M., 161 Galassi A., 145 Galvão LCC, 307 García-Campayo J., 183 Garofano L., 283 Gascón S., 183 Gashi M., 49 Gatev T. N., 197 Gatti F., 137 Gegova A.T., 197 Gharghi N., 411 Ghebauer L., 273 Gheorghiu V., 273 Govi A., 231 Gramegna M., 283 Grattagliano I., 189, 193 Grillo M., 71, 353 Grozeva M.M., 197 Guzzetti L., 137, 141, 201



Hadjiev R.T., 197 Hamdi D.-A., 407 Harrison R., 339 Hasegawa C., 261 Häussermann B, 1 Hedjazi A., 411 Hegazy R., 207 Hew R., 339 Hou Y.P., 221 Huang P., 171, 227 HummelgenLeitis L., 345 Husnain T., 357 Ilyas M., 357 Inaoka Y., 313 Ingravallo F., 231 Innamorato L., 55, 235 Introna F., 55, 161, 165, 235, 333, 349 Ishikawa T., 249 Islam Saima, 3 Israr M., 357 Jafri S.S., 357 Jamal M., 379 Jarahi L., 279 Jeffery A., 339 Jung H., 239 Jurda M., 243 Jurjus A. R, 319 Kalyva E., 87, 93, 97, 129 Kawamoto O., 249 Kinoshita H., 379 Klempner S., 265 Kolburan G., 255 Kranioti E.F, 107 Kravaritis C., 93 Kumazawa T., 261 Kumihashi M., 379 Lanzellotto R., 231 Lavecchia F., 161 Lee X.P., 261 Leodari R., 87, 93, 115 Leonardi S., 165 Lester D., 365 Li L., 227 Li R., 265 Li S., 227 Li Z., 171, 227, 269 Liu N., 171, 269 Lubelli S., 55, 161 Maeda H., 249 Malinescu B., 273 Marques JAM, 307 Masluk B., 183 Mastrogianni O., 87, 129 Matthies HK, 1 Mazzola C., 71, 353 Mazzotti M.C., 231 Mazzuca A., 11 McGregor A., 339 Mercescu A., 97 Michiue T., 249 Milone L., 71, 353

Presentations from the 22nd Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine

Moghadam M.D., 279 Mohsen S. 279 Montagna O., 145 Montero J., 183 Morgan B., 339 Muresan C., 131 Muresan C.O., 123 Musse, JO, 307 Narter M., 255 Nittono S., 261 Nóra A.R., 345 Nouzadi S., 279 Nuzzolese E., 189, 289, 301 Ojars Teteris, 383 Oliveira C, 307 Osawa M., 313 Osculati A.M.M., 11, 19, 25 Oueidat D., 319 Paliouras D., 115 Pandelaki J., 323 Pang H., 227 Panuntun M.A., 323 Paunov L., 387 Pelotti S., 231 Pentone A., 235 Pepe F., 31, 63, 329 Percoco G., 161 Pereira J., 183 Perrone S., 189 Petcu M., 119, 131 Petleshkova Ts., 387 Petrov P.B., 197 Picozzi M., 137 Pinto G., 349 Polat O., 255 Portunato F., 69 Prihartono J., 323 Rahman Z., 357 Raikos N., 87, 129 Raj V., 339 Randolph-Quinney P., 289 Re L., 11 Ren Z., 221 Riccardi L.N., 231 Ricci P., 31, 37, 63, 283, 301, 329 Richards C., 339 Roca R., 333, 349 Rodrigues R.P., 345 Ronco V., 55, 161 Ross Williams D., 3 Rutty G., 339 Saad L., 345 Saenz Y., 265 Samarji A., 425 Santiago L.H., 345 Santoro V., 333, 349 Sato K., 261 Satoh F., 313 Saunders S., 339 Savì T., 71, 353 Schillaci D.R., 49


Author Index

Serra A., 329 Shafeeq M., 357 Shahzad M.S., 357 Shao Y., 227 Shen Y., 391, 415 Sigurtà C., 201 Silva L.R., 155 Silva R., 307 Simlot R., 365 Sivkov S., 387 Solarino B., 189, 193 Song F., 221 Sozzi M., 25 Stan C.A., 369, 375 Stan C.I., 375 Stangalini D., 283 Sturz V., 131 Sullivan M., 189, 193 Tabrizi A.A., 279 Tafuri S., 349 Taghvaee M.E., 279 Tamburrini O., 37 Tanaka N., 379 Tavani M., 201 Theodoridis G., 129 Timonov P., 387 Turrina S., 145 Urbanova P., 243 Vallega Bernucci L., 69

Ventura F., 69 Viana A.R., 155 Vieira DN, 307 Visser T., 339 von Jan U, 1 Voultsos P., 87, 101, 119 Wan L., 399 Wang F.X., 391, 415 Wang Y., 399 Wei H., 399 West K., 339 Xia W.-t., 399 Xu J., 269 Yang Y.Y., 221 Yasar Teke H., 59 Ying C.-i., 399 Yükseloglu E.H., 151 Zagelidou E., 87, 93, 115, 119, 129 Zaki M. K., 403 Zaki M. KL., 407 Zar M.S., 357 Zarenezhad M., 411 Zhang L.L., 415 Zhang X., 171 Zhao H., 269 Zheng J., 269 Zhu G.Y., 391, 399, 415 Zocchi G., 141 Zou D., 171