IB Environmental sys. SL paper 2. IB Physics SL paper 3. IB Physics HL paper 3.
1h. 1h. 1h 15m. Wednesday. May 8. AP Calculus AB/BC. 3h. IB History HL ...
May 2013 examination schedule Riverwood International Charter School IB Testing Site: Temple Sinai 5645 Dupree Dr NW Atlanta, GA 30327
Advanced Placement Late-Testing (due only to IB exam conflicts)
Advanced Placement IB Diploma Program
Week 1 – IB
Date Thursday May 2 Friday May 3
Week 2 – IB and AP
Monday May 6
IB English A1 HL paper 1 IB Economics SL paper 2 IB Environmental sys. SL paper 1 IB Physics SL paper 1 IB Physics SL paper 2 AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science
Time 2h
Wednesday May 8 Thursday May 9
Monday May 13 Tuesday May 14 Wednesday May 15
Thursday May 16
Afternoon 11:30 AP arrival | 12:45 IB arrival Economics SL Paper 1
1h30m 1h 45m 1h15m 3h 3h
Time 1h30m
IB English A1 HL paper 2
AP Psychology
IB Environmental sys. SL paper 2 IB Physics SL paper 3 IB Physics HL paper 3
Tuesday May 7
Friday May 10
Week 3- IB and AP
Morning 7:30 AP arrival | 8:45 IB arrival
1h 1h 1h 15m
IB History HL paper 1 IB History HL paper 2
1h 1h30m
AP English Literature and Composition
2h30m 3h
Mathematics HL paper 1 Mathematics SL paper 1 Mathematical studies SL paper 1
2h 1h30m 1h30m
Mathematics HL paper 2 Mathematics SL paper 2 Mathematical studies SL paper 2
2h 1h30m 1h30m
IB Japanese B HL/SL paper 1 IB Japanese B HL/SL paper 2
1h30m 1h30m
AP Calculus AB/BC IB History HL paper 3
*AP Music Theory AP United States Government and Politics AP United States History
2h 3h
AP Statistics
AP Physics B
AP Comparative Government and Politics
IB Spanish B SL/HL paper 1 IB Spanish B SL/HL paper 2
1h30m 1h30m
AP Macroeconomics *AP World History
1h30m 1h30m
Chemistry HL paper 3 Design technology SL paper 3 *AP Human Geography @ Riverwood
1h15m 1h 3h
IB French B SL/HL paper 1 IB French B SL/HL paper 2
1h30m 1h30m
IB Business management HL paper 2 IB Business management SL paper 2
2h15m 1h45m
Design technology SL paper 1 Design technology SL paper 2 Chemistry HL paper 1 Chemistry HL paper 2
45m 1h 1h 2h15m
AP Microeconomics Friday May 17 Monday May 20
Week 4- IB (AP Make-up)
Tuesday May 21
Week 5 – AP late-test
Wed. 5/22
Thurs. 5/23 Fri. 5/24
AP Macroeconomics AP Statistics AP United States Government and Politics United States History Music Theory
Calculus AB and BC AP English Lit Comp English Literature Physics B Psychology
Business & management HL paper 1 Business & management SL paper 1
Mathematics HL paper 3
2h15m 1h15m
3h 3h
Comparative Government and Politics Environmental Science Microeconomics World History AP Chemistry Human Geography
By signing below, I give permission for my student to attend only the approved AP/IB exams for the assigned date(s) and time(s) at Temple Sinai. My student will be excused from Riverwood International Charter School for the entire school day (8:45am – 3:45pm). My student or I will provide transportation to and from Temple Sinai. If my student decides to attend Riverwood even though excused, I must provide a note and my student will be required to check in through the Riverwood attendance office.
By signing below, I do not wish to excuse my student from classes at Riverwood International Charter School for the remainder of the testing day. I understand that my student will attend class, but will need to check out through attendance and drive to or be picked up by a parent and driven to Temple Sinai.
IB Diploma students taking Economics Paper 2 on the morning of Friday May 3 rd must report to Riverwood no later than 12:45pm to take their US History EOCT. This is not an option as the EOCT is required for graduation!
Students who are testing in the morning need to be present at the testing site by 8:45am for IB exams and 7:30am for AP exams. AP testing will start promptly at 8:00am. IB testing will start promptly at 9:00am. Students taking an afternoon test must report by 12:45pm for IB exams and 11:30am for AP exams. AP Testing will begin promptly at 12:00pm. IB testing will begin promptly at 1:00pm. No latecomers will be admitted!! Please enter and exit the testing site quietly as not to disrupt other tests/events at the site. Parking spaces are available at the testing location on a tiered lot. Please be respectful of all posted speed limit signs, restricted parking spaces, and traffic directional signs. From Riverwood, turn right on Raider Drive, headed southeast across I-285. Turn right at Mt. Vernon Hwy NW. Take a right on Dupree Dr. (at light). Continue on Dupree Drive for ½ mile and entrance onto the testing site is on the right up a long driveway in a wooded area. You cannot see the temple from the street. If you reach Devereux Court- you have gone too far! DRIVE CAREFULLY. DO NOT SPEED. You are representing Riverwood at this facility and we expect you to be on your best behavior.