Note. Before using this information and the product it supports, read the
information in “Notices” on page 92. This edition applies to version 10, release 2,
IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.2
CAD Integrator for AutoCAD User Guide
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 92.
This edition applies to version 10, release 2, modification 0 of IBM® TRIRIGA® and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2011. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Contents ABOUT THIS GUIDE........................................................................................................... 1 Intended Audience ............................................................................................................................................................. 1 Prerequisites....................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Support ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1
ABOUT CAD INTEGRATOR ...................................................................................... 2
CAD Integrator Features .................................................................................................................................................. 2 1 - Editing ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2 2 – Querying .................................................................................................................................................................... 3 3 – Publishing .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 4 – Managing ................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Preparing to Use CAD Integrator .................................................................................................................................... 3 User Guidelines .................................................................................................................................................................. 7 CAD Integrator Boundaries ............................................................................................................................................. 8 Region Type .................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Group Type...................................................................................................................................................................... 8 CAD Integrator Security .................................................................................................................................................. 9
GETTING STARTED ................................................................................................ 10
How do I install the CAD Integrator software? ............................................................................................................ 10 How do I troubleshoot the CAD Integrator configuration? ........................................................................................ 12 How do I configure the AutoCAD Search Path? ........................................................................................................... 12 How do I load the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu? ........................................................................................... 12 How do I add the CAD Integrator Plug-In to the Startup Suite? ................................................................................... 13 What happens to the AutoCAD display screen? ........................................................................................................... 14 How do I log in to CAD Integrator? .............................................................................................................................. 14 How do I log out of CAD Integrator? ............................................................................................................................ 15 How do I open the About CAD Integrator dialog box? ............................................................................................... 15 How do I view the Drawing Information? ..................................................................................................................... 16 How do I launch IBM TRIRIGA from within CAD Integrator? ................................................................................ 17
LOCATIONS ............................................................................................................. 18
Overview: How do I attach locations? ........................................................................................................................... 18
How do I attach a drawing to a location? ...................................................................................................................... 19 How do I attach a gross boundary? ............................................................................................................................... 21 How do I attach a measured gross boundary? .............................................................................................................. 21 How do I attach a location? ............................................................................................................................................ 22 How do I view object details? ......................................................................................................................................... 23 How do I create locations? .............................................................................................................................................. 23 How do I change business object fields? ........................................................................................................................ 25 How do I open a drawing from the Property Explorer? .............................................................................................. 27 How do I create a Planned Floor drawing?................................................................................................................... 28 How do I prepare a Planned Floor in the IBM TRIRIGA Application? ........................................................................ 28 How do I create a Planned Drawing in CAD Integrator? .............................................................................................. 28 What is Planning Mode in CAD Integrator? ................................................................................................................. 30
PEOPLE ................................................................................................................... 31
How do I insert a person? ............................................................................................................................................... 31 How do I move a person? ................................................................................................................................................ 32
ASSETS.................................................................................................................... 33
How do I attach an asset? ............................................................................................................................................... 33 How do I insert an asset? ................................................................................................................................................ 34 How do I move an asset? ................................................................................................................................................. 34 What are asset crates?..................................................................................................................................................... 35 How do I display asset crates? ....................................................................................................................................... 35 How do I turn off or hide asset crates? .......................................................................................................................... 35 How do I unpack asset crates? ....................................................................................................................................... 36
ORGANIZATIONS .................................................................................................... 37
How do I attach organizations? ...................................................................................................................................... 37 How do I assign space allocations? ................................................................................................................................ 38 How do I attach area overlays? ...................................................................................................................................... 39
ASSOCIATE, EDIT & FIND TOOLS ......................................................................... 40
How do I use the Associate tool? .................................................................................................................................... 40 How do I use the Edit tool? ............................................................................................................................................. 41 How do I use the Find tool? ............................................................................................................................................ 42
QUERY ..................................................................................................................... 43
How do I perform a query? ............................................................................................................................................ 43 How do I define the query view? .................................................................................................................................... 46
PUBLISHING THE DRAWING ................................................................................. 47
How do I publish a drawing?.......................................................................................................................................... 47
OPTIONS .................................................................................................................. 48
How do I access the Options dialog box?....................................................................................................................... 49 Can you describe the General tab? ................................................................................................................................ 50 Can you describe the Assignment/Filters tab? .............................................................................................................. 52 Can you describe the Legend tab? ................................................................................................................................. 53 Can you describe the Commands tab? .......................................................................................................................... 54
LABEL MANAGER .................................................................................................. 55
How do I access the Label Manager? ............................................................................................................................ 55 How do I add a new label style? ..................................................................................................................................... 56 How do I set a default label style? .................................................................................................................................. 58 How do I edit a label style? ............................................................................................................................................. 58 How do I delete a label style? ......................................................................................................................................... 59 How do I change a label? ................................................................................................................................................ 59 How do I refresh a label? ................................................................................................................................................ 60 How do I filter a label? .................................................................................................................................................... 60 How do I apply a label filter? ......................................................................................................................................... 62
FILL STYLE MANAGER .......................................................................................... 63
How do I access the Fill Style Manager? ....................................................................................................................... 63 How do I edit the fill criteria? ........................................................................................................................................ 64 How do I refresh the fills? ............................................................................................................................................... 65 How do I refresh the legend? .......................................................................................................................................... 65
THEME MANAGER .................................................................................................. 66
How do I create a theme? ............................................................................................................................................... 66
How do I apply a theme? ................................................................................................................................................ 67
CAD INTEGRATOR TOOLS .................................................................................... 68
What is the Sync (Synchronize) tool? ............................................................................................................................ 68 What is the Layer Manager tool? .................................................................................................................................. 69 What is the Asset Mapper tool? ..................................................................................................................................... 70 What is the Upload Locations tool? ............................................................................................................................... 71 How do I upload locations via the Text Method? .......................................................................................................... 72 How do I upload locations via the X-Y Coordinate Method? ....................................................................................... 74 How do I upload locations via the Grid Method? .......................................................................................................... 75 What is the Batch Process tool? ..................................................................................................................................... 76 What is the Remove Attachment tool? .......................................................................................................................... 80 How do I remove an Object Attachment? ..................................................................................................................... 80 How do I remove a Drawing Attachment? .................................................................................................................... 80 What is the Application Manager tool? ......................................................................................................................... 81 What is the Batch Keyin tool? ........................................................................................................................................ 86 Commands ..................................................................................................................................................................... 86 Example Command Set ................................................................................................................................................. 88
INDEX ................................................................................................................................ 89 NOTICES ........................................................................................................................... 92
About This Guide IBM® TRIRIGA® CAD Integrator provides many enhanced tools to visually manage locations, assets, persons, and organizations. The ability to visualize facilities, equipment, and people brings clarity to complex facilities management issues, illustrating problems and highlighting opportunities. CAD Integrator takes CAD and graphics incorporation to a new level, providing bi-directional CAD tools that are integrated with the IBM TRIRIGA Web environment. The CAD Integrator functionality provides the flexibility of working on facility management activities either directly in the CAD application or in the IBM TRIRIGA Web portal. The Web portal provides a user-friendly interface that protects the integrity of important drawings while still allowing access to team members who can benefit from the database information. This guide focuses on those features specific to IBM TRIRIGA and CAD Integrator. This guide is not a replacement for a standard AutoCAD manual. While this guide describes the enhanced AutoCAD features included in CAD Integrator, users must still be familiar with AutoCAD commands and selection techniques. Users are strongly encouraged to become familiar with AutoCAD basics before using CAD Integrator. This guide also includes installation instructions and instructions on the use of the CAD Integrator.
Intended Audience The target audience for this guide is CAD Integrator users. If you use Bentley Systems MicroStation instead of Autodesk AutoCAD, see the IBM TRIRIGA 10 CAD Integrator for MicroStation User Guide.
Prerequisites CAD Integrator users must be familiar with both their CAD application and IBM TRIRIGA applications.
Support IBM Software Support provides assistance with product defects, answering FAQs, and performing rediscovery. View the IBM Software Support site at
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
1. About CAD Integrator The CAD Integrator provides a bidirectional link between CAD and IBM TRIRIGA. Changes made in CAD drawings update the associated objects in the IBM TRIRIGA database and, conversely, changes in the database update the associated CAD drawings. CAD Integrator directly interacts with the IBM TRIRIGA business objects via IBM TRIRIGA Connector for Business Applications, which is a standard Web services interface. The CAD Integrator was developed for use with the Autodesk AutoCAD and Bentley Systems MicroStation CAD environments. The CAD Integrator directly interacts with the business objects via a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) interface. IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator 2011, Version 2 only works with IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform version 3.0 or later. If you use Bentley Systems MicroStation instead of Autodesk AutoCAD, see the IBM TRIRIGA 10 CAD Integrator for MicroStation User Guide.
CAD Integrator Features The CAD Integrator consists of four main functional areas:
1 - Editing
Attach – Enables attachment of metadata to CAD entities, linking the entity to a record in IBM TRIRIGA.
Associate – Enables association of multiple graphics in a drawing (e.g., floors, spaces) with multiple records in a single process.
Create Location – Enables creation of location records in the IBM TRIRIGA database from CAD Integrator.
Edit – Enables editing of database information directly within the CAD interface.
Insert Person and Asset – Enables addition of drawing objects of type people or asset directly into the CAD drawing.
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2 – Querying The scope of a query can be a single drawing file or a series of user-specified drawing files.
Find – Enables searching for records in drawings, which is useful in large drawings.
Query – Enables querying of the database, showing the results graphically and through a legend in CAD.
Create – Enables creation of query groups as well as define individual queries.
3 – Publishing
Allows you to turn the CAD drawing into a DXF graphic, making the drawing available to all IBM TRIRIGA users.
4 – Managing Managing provides a wide spectrum of functions to manage the look and feel of drawings and make them intelligent.
Upload Locations – Allows you to make a drawing intelligent, that is, upload locations to the database and attach all locations in a single operation.
Label Management – Enables you to change multiple drawing label names as well as change their color, style, etc. in one single process.
Label Filter Management – Allows you to create filter criteria for displaying specific label styles.
Theme Management – Lets you create a theme based off of specific filter, fill, or query criteria.
Fill Style Management – Provides you with the ability to change the look and feel of drawing fills as well as legend colors that explain the value indicated by the color.
Asset Mapper – Enables you to specify the mapping of Asset specifications to specific AutoCAD blocks.
Preparing to Use CAD Integrator Prior to using the CAD Integrator, follow these steps to ensure you are familiar with the AutoCAD and IBM TRIRIGA applications and that your drawings are prepared for use with CAD Integrator.
Step 1: Identify Drawing Readiness Lead Drawing cleanup and CAFM-readiness preparation is a complex task, with multiple skills required. A lead person who has overall responsibility for the cleanup process, quality, and schedule must be identified. Frequently drawing “ownership” is scattered. The person designated in this role must be communicated to all involved in order to ensure full cooperation. The lead must have an excellent knowledge of CAD and your organization’s specific CAD standards, and be an excellent communicator and project manager.
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CAD Integrator requires a technical understanding of AutoCAD functionality as well as an understanding of the IBM TRIRIGA applications that are linked to CAD Integrator. As such, the CAD Lead plays a vital role in the transition of properties and their respective drawings into the IBM TRIRIGA application.
Step 2: Identify Drawing Quality “Owner” Going Forward After the drawing cleanup, polylining, and attachment process is complete it is important that the gains in drawing quality and organization not be lost. To ensure this, a position, person, or similar entity must be designated as the drawing quality “owner.” The responsibilities for this role include defining drawing standards and developing procedures to ensure that all modifications to drawings meet the quality standard.
Step 3: Define Goal Often, frustration can result if the drawing cleanup process becomes iterative and when the finish line appears to move. It is important, at an early stage, to clearly define the goal, prepare example drawings, prepare detailed project plans, designate roles, and determine the degree of cleanup that is required. There are three basic approaches:
Big Bang. First is a “big bang” approach. With this approach, a perfect drawing set is defined and presented as the model for all facility floors. The end state of this project undertaking is for each and every facility floor drawing set to be brought up to this perfect state in one largescale project.
As They are Touched. The incremental “as-they-are-touched” approach is a less resourceintensive model. In this approach, drawings are upgraded over time, often years, as they are modified or needed for other purposes. The drawback to this approach is that a complete space management picture may not be available for years.
Mixed. A better option is often a mixed approach. Prioritize facilities to determine which benefit most from space management and updated drawings. The high-priority drawings are updated all-at-once, and the lower priority ones are updated as-they-are-touched for other purposes.
Step 4: Review Plan and Develop Detailed Project Plan to Achieve End Result Step 5: Identify and Designate Resources Step 6: Become Familiar with AutoCAD Basics CAD Integrator enables you to use standard AutoCAD functions and performs many commands in standard AutoCAD fashion, by prompting you to select objects and by entering information at the command line. CAD Integrator enhances the functionality of AutoCAD; it does not eliminate or change standard AutoCAD functions.
Step 7: Become Familiar with the CAD Integrator Application Learn what database information is available and obtain a background in the IBM TRIRIGA applications that are linked to CAD Integrator. This manual is an excellent resource.
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Step 8: Inventory “As Is” Drawing Status Often multiple drawings exist for the same facility and no drawings exist for some facilities. Investigate which facilities have drawings, which are the most current, and assess the quality.
Step 9: Develop Evaluation and Prioritization Decision Criteria for Drawings The best return is to update the drawings for mixed-use, multi-tenant, or high-churn facilities first. Facilities with an organizational tenant or very low rates of turnover are less critical to update right away. It is essential that management establish a detailed questionnaire, scorecard, or decision tree to ensure consistent determinations of high-priority versus low-priority facilities.
Step 10: Establish Drawing, Layer, Contract, and Symbol Standards and Guidelines Before the drawing cleanup process actually begins it is essential that drawing, layer, and symbol standards be clearly established and communicated to all involved. Otherwise, the cleanup efforts further complicates problems.
At a minimum, for CAFM space management purposes, one single-line polyline drawing for each floor of each facility is required. However, a better practice is to have one as-built structural/architectural background drawing set, along with separate drawings for each specialty (e.g., electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire/life-safety, cabling/IT, facilities/furniture/equipment).
Drawings should be organized such that each major building discipline has their own independent set of drawings with security and access rights appropriately assigned. For example, there should be one set of structural and architectural background drawings to which all users have read-only access. Only major architectural modifications to the facility should be allowed read-write access to these drawings. All other users should cross-reference this base drawing into their working drawings as a background.
Similarly, the group responsible for mechanical and plumbing systems should have full access to drawings which contain only mechanical layers. They should be cross-referenced in the structural/architectural background.
The facilities group should have read-write access to two types of drawings. The first should be a drawing with layers that contain all of the non-structural walls, systems, furniture, and other equipment that the facilities group is responsible for. The second drawing set should be the polyline drawings. The polyline drawings should contain only polylines which designate each and every separately assignable space. All other drawings should be read-only to the facilities group and cross-referenced in as backgrounds.
Similarly, other groups should have read-only access to all drawings except those which contain information for which they are responsible.
In addition, drawing layer standards must be established, communicated, and used. The standards should clearly segregate information of different types, owned by different parties on separate layers. The AIA publishes a useful CAD layer standard.
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Prepare standard contract language for inclusion in all contracts that require drawings as deliverables or modification of existing drawings. The language must stipulate that the facility owner is provided with a copy of the standards documents, and prepares or modifies all drawings in accordance with those standards. In addition, the language should indicate that if any walls or systems furniture are to be changed, the contractor is to deliver an updated polyline drawing to reflect the new conditions.
Step 11: Gather, Assemble, Organize, and Lock-Down Drawings The complete set of structural, architectural, facilities, utility, and other drawings must be gathered, assembled, and locked-down in a central, but accessible location. The central drawing library must enforce the access rights, and provide wide read-only access to all those who may need to see the drawings. Drawings newly checked in to the library must be reviewed by the drawing quality owner for standards compliance.
Step 12: Prepare Updated As-Built Facilities Drawings After the plan is established, roles designated, the goal defined, standards established, and the drawings collected, it is now time to begin actually modifying drawings. Before polylining, verify that the architectural background drawings are current and correct. Verify that the systems, furniture, and equipment designated in the drawings actually exist and are located as shown. Update both drawing sets first, before polylining.
Step 13: Polyline the Drawings Polylines and tracked asset symbols should be drawn on their own separate drawing, which cross-references the architectural background. Drafters should review the BOMA/ASTM standard for measuring floor area in office buildings before proceeding. Polylines must complete closed polygons that do not overlap. Use the ‘close’ or ‘endp’ command to ensure point-to-point closure. Overlapping polylines are not permitted. Polylines must include:
One line around the exterior face of the exterior wall, known as the “Gross Boundary”.
One line around the interior face of the exterior wall, known as the “Measured Gross Boundary”. For issues regarding bay windows, sloped walls, and engaged columns, see the BOMA standard document.
One line should be drawn around all primary circulation corridors and fire exit corridors. This line should include the boundary wall within the polylined area.
One line should be drawn around each individual hard-walled room. Lines should be drawn at the wall centerline, unless the room bounds a primary circulation corridor or exterior wall.
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One line should be drawn around each separately assignable workspace or system furniture cube. Lines may be drawn in the centerline or a consistently designated side. For example, if the choice is made to polyline cubes along their exterior edge, ensure that the choice is consistently applied and that all cubes of the same type are assigned the same size, regardless of position in the middle or end of the row. It is a good practice to build the polyline into a nested cube symbol block for future placement.
The only remaining area on the floor that is not yet polylined is the “secondary circulation” area. Polyline this remaining space.
As a check on the accuracy and completeness of polyline work, the drafter should run a report and add up the area contained within all polylines spaces and ensure that it equals the area contained within the Measured Gross Boundary polyline. If there is a difference, overlaps or gaps may exist. Boundaries automatically calculate the amount of space within them. When you are prompted to attach floor or room areas to the database in CAD Integrator, it is these boundaries you must select in AutoCAD. After a boundary is attached, square footage totals are automatically calculated and saved in the database. Without boundaries, you cannot attach locations or square footage totals to the database or use the database-specific features of CAD Integrator.
Step 14: Attach Polylines to Database When attaching polylines, carefully select from the predetermined list of area types and designate each polylined area from among the different types of assignable, common, or circulation areas.
Step 15: Establish Procedures to Keep Drawings Standard, Current, and Attached
User Guidelines When you use the CAD Integrator, keep the following guidelines in mind:
Do not manipulate CAD Integrator entities or attached entities while not signed in to the IBM TRIRIGA application.
Because changes may occur on the server, the CAD Integrator does not support an undo feature.
Do not copy and paste CAD Integrator entities or attached entities. Because copying maintains the same attachment data, CAD Integrator cannot distinguish between the two items, and intermittent issues can occur.
The text displayed in the CAD Integrator installer and on the CAD Integrator menu is not translatable.
CAD Integrator supports double-byte character sets in drawings and IBM TRIRIGA data. o
While characters are supported in the IBM TRIRIGA system data, the forms and dialogs are not translatable.
CAD Integrator-specific lists do not acquire values from the IBM TRIRIGA server, and so are not translatable. These lists are used in the following dialog boxes:
Attach Drawing dialog box – Drawing Units and Display Units.
Attach Drawing, Insert Person, Insert Asset, Attach Asset, and Open Location Search dialog boxes – Record Type selection.
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CAD Integrator Boundaries CAD Integrator recognizes five boundary types:
These boundaries are formed using the standard AutoCAD commands for these objects. Boundaries cannot have a width. Circles, ellipses, and polylines require no special handling. Regions and groups have certain operational considerations that you should be aware of.
Region Type Within AutoCAD, regions can be modified with the union, subtract, and intersect operations. When using the subtract operation upon overlapping regions, the inner boundary area is subtracted from the outer boundary area, leaving a region with a hole. A region cannot be selected by clicking inside this hole. To account for the area of this hole within CAD Integrator, a boundary (typically a polyline) should be drawn around the hole. The boundary can then be assigned as required.
Group Type When grouping objects, the total area of the grouped objects is subtracted from the area of the largest boundary. Groups must be formed from circles, ellipses, or polylines: they cannot consist of other groups or regions. Groups cannot be created from attached objects and must be created prior to attaching. If objects must be added to, or removed from, an attached group, that group must first be detached and ungrouped. Objects then can be added or removed as required and a new group created. Remember to ungroup the group you are modifying. When adding objects, it is possible to mistakenly group an object with an existing group, thereby creating a group composed of the old group and the new object. This is not allowed in CAD Integrator. The creation of a group using the "group" AutoCAD command results in a discrepancy when the gross areas are calculated upon sync with the IBM TRIRIGA application. When you have one element grouped inside of another, the CAD Integrator calculates the difference between the two because it thinks you are attempting to make a donut shape (like a region with subtracted area). If you are not attempting to make a donut, do not use the AutoCAD group command. This function can be eliminated completely for CAD Integrator boundaries because all area can be accounted for with individual polyline elements, which is preferable for individual attachment and area modification.
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CAD Integrator Security Security access to the database provided through the CAD Integrator uses the security provisions built into the IBM TRIRIGA application. Users of CAD Integrator can access only the modules, business objects, and records based on the permissions and licenses granted by your company’s IBM TRIRIGA system administrator.
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2. Getting Started To implement the CAD Integrator software, each user assigned a CAD Integrator license must install the software, which is an overlay on your existing CAD application. A user must be logged into his or her account when installing, or the system administrator must log in as that user, as CAD Integrator installs settings to the current user in the registry. Using the query and association modules does not require CAD software.
How do I install the CAD Integrator software? Before you begin the installation process, ensure that:
Your system has a supported version of AutoCAD installed.
You back up the \apps folder before you upgrade your CAD Integrator software. The default installation directory is \IBM Tririga\ci. The apps folder contains user-defined data for Fill, Label, Queries, Themes, etc. Backing it up before an upgrade ensures the custom settings are not lost during upgrade.
You are an admin user. You can install for admin or non-admin users. In Windows 7, non-admin users cannot write to an installation directory in the directory. If CAD Integrator is installed in the directory, non-admin users cannot access the full functionality of the program.
For Windows 7 64-bit client machines, you do not install the CAD Integrator for AutoCAD on the same machine with CAD Integrator for MicroStation.
Use the following procedure to install CAD Integrator. The first step for an installation is to insert IBM TRIRIGA Installation Disk into the CD or CD/DVD drive. To Install the CAD Integrator Software Step 1
Open the installation folder.
Step 2
Double-click the InstallCI.exe file. Select I accept both the IBM and the non-IBM terms and click Next.
Step 3
In the Welcome dialog box, click Next.
Step 4
Choose the option with which to install CAD Integrator. Choose Install for all users only if you are installing on behalf of one or more non-admin users. Each user must manually load the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, as described in How do I troubleshoot the CAD Integrator configuration? of the Getting Started chapter.
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To Install the CAD Integrator Software Step 5
Select the default destination folder location or click Browse to select a different location. If you intend to have non-admin users run CAD Integrator on a Windows 7 client, browse and select a folder outside of the default Program Files folder as the Destination Folder in the CAD Integrator install screens.
Step 6
Click Next.
Step 7
From the list of AutoCAD applications, select the installed version of AutoCAD that you want the CAD Integrator to work with, and click Next:
For a 64-bit operating system, the installer creates a list of all supported AutoCAD versions.
For a 32-bit operating system, the installer lists only the locally installed AutoCAD versions.
Step 8
Review the settings and click Next. If you need to adjust the settings, click Back.
Step 9
Click Next. The installation begins.
Step 10 When the installation completes, click Finish. If the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu is not displayed when you start AutoCAD, see How do I troubleshoot the CAD Integrator configuration? If you are upgrading CAD Integrator, you may need to unload and reload the triAcad.cuix file to reflect the most recent menu changes. For more information, see How do I load the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu?. Step 11 If you installed for a non-admin user, use Windows Explorer to change the security of the Destination Folder (the folder where CAD Integrator is installed). Provide Read/Write permission for the folder to CAD Integrator users logged in to the Windows 7 client.
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How do I troubleshoot the CAD Integrator configuration? In some cases, after installing the CAD Integrator software, AutoCAD is not properly configured for CAD Integrator to run. If the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu does not display when you start AutoCAD, use the following procedures to configure the search path, load the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, and optionally display the CAD Integrator toolbars.
How do I configure the AutoCAD Search Path? Use the following procedure to configure the AutoCAD search path. To Configure the AutoCAD Search Path Step 1
From the AutoCAD Menu Browser, click Options.
Step 2
In the Files tab, expand Support File Search Path.
Step 3
If the install path to CAD Integrator (e.g., C:\Program Files\IBM Tririga\ci) is not listed, click Add.
Step 4
Type the full path to the CAD Integrator installation, or click Browse to locate and select the path.
Step 5
Click OK to save the information and close the dialog box.
How do I load the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu? Use the following procedure to load the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu. To Load the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu Step 1
Enter the menuload command.
Step 2
To locate and select the file name of the menu, click Browse.
Step 3
Browse to the installation directory of your CAD Integrator software (e.g., C:\Program Files\IBM Tririga\ci) and select the TriAcad.cuix file.
Step 4
Click Open.
Step 5
Click Load.
Step 6
Click Close to exit the Load/Unload Customizations dialog box. The CAD Integrator is now properly configured and the menu is displayed in the AutoCAD menu list.
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To Load the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu Step 7
Return to AutoCAD and review the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu in the AutoCAD menu list. If the Menu Bar is not displayed, go to the Quick Access toolbar and choose the Show Menu Bar option.
How do I add the CAD Integrator Plug-In to the Startup Suite? It is possible to have the menu correctly loaded, but not have the plug-in loaded. In such a case, no menu items are disabled. Additionally, when the Login menu item is selected, the following message appears: “Unknown Command TRI_LOGIN. Press F1 for help.” If your IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu does not appear to function correctly when starting up AutoCAD, a similar “Unknown Command” message may also be displayed at runtime. Consequently, the .arx file may not be loading correctly for every AutoCAD session initiated. In this case, adding your CADIntegratorAcad****.arx file to the Startup Suite should ensure that the .arx file is loaded every time a new AutoCAD session is initiated. Use the following procedure to add the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu to the Startup Suite. To Add the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu to the Startup Suite Step 1
Enter the appload command.
Step 2
At the bottom of the dialog box, in the Startup Suite panel, click Contents.
Step 3
Click Add.
Step 4
Locate and select your CADIntegratorAcad****.arx file as follows:
Step 5
CADIntegratorAcad2010.arx: For 32-bit operating systems
CADIntegratorAcad201064.arx: For 64-bit operating systems
Click Add to add the file and close the Add File to Startup Suite dialog box. The file is listed in the Startup Suite dialog box.
Step 6
Click Close.
Step 7
Click Close. This process should ensure that the .arx file is loaded every time a new AutoCAD session is initiated. If this is not successful, reinstall CAD Integrator. But this time, choose the “Current User” option, not the “All Users” option. This will make sure that the registry keys for CAD Integrator are written to the correct location.
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What happens to the AutoCAD display screen? After you install the CAD Integrator software, the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu displays.
How do I log in to CAD Integrator? Before you can login to CAD Integrator, your System Administrator assigns a user name and password for you to login to the IBM TRIRIGA server. Your System Administrator also provides the Internet address of the server. The user name and password specified on the CAD Integrator login window are not used when a user specifies an SSO-enabled URL. When the URL is SSO enabled, the user name used for CI login is the network user login name. To Login to CAD Integrator Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Login. Command: TRI_LOGIN
Step 2
In the Name text box, type your sign in name.
Step 3
In the Password text box, type your password.
Step 4
To specify the URL, Platform, and Applications parameters, click Advanced.
Step 5
In the URL text box, type the Internet address of the IBM TRIRIGA server. The URL drop-down menu retains the five most recently used URLs.
Step 6
Select your Platform from the drop-down list.
Step 7
Select your application from the Applications drop-down list.
Step 8
Select any additional functions:
Log: Enables log mode for debugging purposes.
SiteMinder Web Single Sign On: Select if your implementation is using this feature.
Refresh local cache: Refreshes the local cache files if Local Cache is enabled in Options.
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To Login to CAD Integrator Step 9
Click OK. Following login, CAD Integrator automatically uses IBM TRIRIGA Business Connector for Business Applications. If your IBM TRIRIGA application URL contains “index.html” remove it from inside the URL text box before attempt to log in. Make sure the user you are trying to log in with has a CAD Integrator license.
How do I log out of CAD Integrator? When you log out of CAD Integrator, you still remain in the AutoCAD application, but the connection to the IBM TRIRIGA server closes. To Log Out of CAD Integrator Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Logout. Command: TRI_LOGOUT
How do I open the About CAD Integrator dialog box? The About CAD Integrator dialog box displays the version of the CAD Integrator installed on your computer. To Open the About CAD Integrator Dialog Box Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click About. Command: TRI_ABOUT The About CAD Integrator dialog box appears, displaying information about the current version of CAD Integrator installed on your computer.
Step 2
Scroll down to view the current login information.
Step 3
Click OK.
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How do I view the Drawing Information? The Drawing Information dialog box provides the name of the current drawing and the hierarchical location after the drawing has been assigned. It also allows you to perform certain actions to the list of child locations under the attached Floor record. The Preferences tab allows you to make drawing-specific option changes. Changes made in the Preferences tab of the Drawing Information dialog box override the global settings the drawing received. Global settings are discussed in the Options chapter. To View the Drawing Information Dialog Box Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Drawing Information. Command: TRI_DWG_INFO The name of the current drawing, and the location hierarchy where it is assigned, are displayed.
Step 2
Review this dialog box for any discrepancies between the drawing and the database. If the values shown for Gross Area and Measured Gross are 0, your drawing is not attached correctly. Red icons in the space list indicate spaces that do not exist on the server.
Step 3
If necessary, take the following actions:
Activate: Activates all records (IBM TRIRIGA applications only).
Retire Unattached: Retires any spaces that are not currently attached to an element of the drawing.
Set Unattached to 0: Zeros out the area field values for any spaces not currently attached in the drawing.
Detach Orphans: Detaches any graphic elements that are links to a retired or deleted record.
Step 4
Click Apply.
Step 5
Click OK.
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How do I launch IBM TRIRIGA from within CAD Integrator? You can launch IBM TRIRIGA from the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu. If you have an IBM TRIRIGA session open, that session ends when you launch IBM TRIRIGA from the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu. To Launch IBM TRIRIGA from within CAD Integrator Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Launch IBM TRIRIGA. Command: TRI_LAUNCH_TRIRIGA The IBM TRIRIGA application appears in a separate window. You are directly logged into the application and your Home portal is displayed.
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3. Locations Locations are the fundamental objects in a CAD Integrator drawing file. After locations are defined, the relationships between the locations and assets, people, and organizations can be defined and managed through the CAD Integrator. A drawing file in CAD Integrator represents a location that exists in the IBM TRIRIGA database. A drawing can represent any location defined in the database, such as land, property, building, or floor. When a drawing attached to a location in the database is displayed in AutoCAD, the drawing links to the attached location in the database. The type of data that you can work with is determined by the location assignment in the database. For example, if the drawing file is attached to a floor in the database, the type of data is associated with that floor or with children of that floor such as rooms. For information about accessing and editing specific location business object records, creating secondary associations, and finding attached locations in your drawing file, see the Associate, Edit & Find Tools chapter.
Overview: How do I attach locations? When attaching locations, you must perform the following steps in sequence. To Attach Locations Step 1
Attach the drawing to a location.
Step 2
Attach the floor gross boundary that represents the location where the drawing is attached. This is the parent boundary.
Step 3
Attach the floor measured gross boundary.
Step 4
Attach the children boundaries (for example: rooms, cubicles) located inside the parent boundary. The menu items are available or unavailable depending on the previous attachment. For example, after you have attached the drawing to a Floor object, the Attach > Gross Boundary menu option is available. When you have completed that step, the Attach > Measured Gross Boundary menu option is available.
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How do I attach a drawing to a location? Attach enables you to establish the links to the database. After creating a link, data is shared between the drawing and the database. You can attach a drawing to any pre-defined level in the Location hierarchy. After attaching a drawing, its area information overwrites any previously defined area information in the database. Any changes you make to the drawing also change the information in the database. For example, if you increase the square footage of the floor plan, the new area is included in the database and overwrites any existing area. After a drawing is assigned to a specific location, all other objects in the drawing become children of the assigned location. The initial drawing assignment determines the CAD Integrator functionality. To Attach a Drawing to a Location Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Attach, and click Drawing. Command: TRI_ATTACH_DWG
Step 2
If you want to browse records that are not at the Company level, click Project and select a project. Only projects to which you have access display in the selection dialog box. To search for known locations in the hierarchy by Business Object, click Search. The results display as a hierarchy inclusive of the locations’ parents. To disable the initial display of the Location hierarchy, deselect the Display Initial Location Hierarchy in the Options.
Step 3
From the drop-down menu, select an Application Type to use for this drawing attachment. For more information, see What is the Application Manager tool?.
Step 4
To expand the tree-view to locate and select the location to attach the drawing, double-click the icon. The Previous and Next buttons (in the Attach Location dialog box) are available when the setting for Maximum Query Results (in the Options command) is less than the total root level locations retrieved. You can specify whether you want area values to roll up at level 1 or level 2 (if working with sub-levels of Space) by checking the appropriate box at the bottom of the dialog box.
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To Attach a Drawing to a Location Step 5
Take note that as you expand the tree-view, locations that have drawings attached are not available for selection and include “(Attached)” after their name. In the example, “First Floor” is attached and is unavailable for selection.
Attached (unavailable) drawings are displayed in gray.
Unattached (available) drawings are displayed in green.
When a hierarchy is expanded, you can right-click in the hierarchy panel of the dialog box to display a pop-up menu that provides access to the same functionality represented by the dialog box buttons. The right-click menu provides the ability to detach a drawing from a Floor, allowing you to attach a new drawing. This removes the attachment on the server, but not on whatever drawing was attached. If the originally attached drawing is lost, this is the only way to detach a drawing. The right-click menu also provides the ability to create a location. For information about using the Create Location dialog box, see How do I create locations?. Step 6
To view the details of the selected location, click Details.
Step 7
To access the database record of the selected location, click Edit.
Step 8
Optional: Edit the record information.
Step 9
Click Attach.
Step 10 Click OK. After attaching a drawing, the Attach > Drawing menu option becomes unavailable for selection.
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How do I attach a gross boundary? Attach Gross Boundary enables you to assign a boundary that represents the gross square footage of the floor to the database. Floor gross is the total area, calculated from the outside face of the exterior wall. The boundary you designate to represent the floor gross must be an AutoCAD circle, ellipse, polyline, region, or group. If it is not one of these, CAD Integrator does not attach the boundary. To Attach a (Floor) Gross Boundary Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Attach, and click Gross Boundary. Command: TRI_ATTACH_FLOOR_GROSS
Step 2
At the prompt, select the boundary you want to attach to designate the floor gross. After attaching the floor gross, the Attach > Gross Boundary menu option becomes unavailable for selection when using the default options.
How do I attach a measured gross boundary? Attach Measured Gross Boundary enables you to assign a boundary that represents the measured gross square footage of the floor to the database. Measured floor gross boundaries are typically located at the interior face of the exterior wall in a building. To Attach a (Floor) Measured Gross Boundary Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Attach, and click Measured Gross Boundary. Command: TRI_ATTACH_FLOOR_MEASURED_GROSS
Step 2
At the prompt, select the boundary representing the measured gross area of the floor.
Step 3
If you select a boundary that was already attached as the measured gross boundary, the attachment data is replaced with the new attachment data. After attaching the measured floor gross, the Attach > Measured Gross Boundary menu option becomes unavailable for selection when using the default options.
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How do I attach a location? Attach Location enables you to assign a boundary to a space location (e.g., room, cubicle, office) defined in the database. Spaces are an important part of the core data in a drawing and its associated database. It is necessary to identify spaces to track personnel, assets, maintenance activities, and space chargebacks. Because of the importance of spaces, ensure that you carefully define all spaces and verify their location information when attaching or creating them in a drawing. It is important that location boundaries adjoin or intersect one another exactly. If they do not, then areas do not add up to the measured floor gross boundaries for square footages. Location boundaries must be placed along the same outlines as the measured floor gross boundaries for area to remain accurate. To Attach a Location Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Attach, and then click Location. Command: TRI_ATTACH_LOC
Step 2
Locate and select the location you want to attach and click OK.
Step 3
At the prompt, select the boundary representing the space location. When the boundary is attached, the label is inserted. After the location is attached, the Select Location displays the next location in the list. Selected locations appear gray and are not available for selection.
Step 4
Click Cancel. The Select Location dialog box closes. For information about detaching a location, see the CAD Integrator Tools chapter.
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How do I view object details? Object Details enables you to view the detailed information defined in the tabs of a Business Object record. To View Object Details Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Object Details. Command: TRI_DETAILS
Step 2
At the prompt, select the boundary, asset object, or person object.
Step 3
Review the dialog box. The business object tabs for the selected object are displayed in a tree-view.
Step 4
To view the detail contents of a tab, expand the tab. To open or close a hierarchy level, double-click the parent level.
Step 5
Click OK.
How do I create locations? You can use the CAD Integrator to create locations in the IBM TRIRIGA database after the drawing, floor gross boundary, and floor measured gross boundary are attached. The Location Numbering functionality enables you to quickly create locations that have a common numbering scheme. You can create locations one at a time, or you can create a series of locations using the Bulk Upload functionality. Based on a user-defined step, the location numbering is incremented automatically each time a location is created. When Create Location is used to access the Create Location dialog box, the location Business Objects that can be created depend on the attachment of the drawing. You also can create locations using the right-click pop-up menu within any dialog box that contains a location hierarchy. Locations created using Create Location are created and published in the TRIRIGA database for FacilityCenter 8.4 applications. For IBM TRIRIGA 10 and later applications, they are put into a Draft state. To Create Locations Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Create Location. Command: TRI_CREATE_LOC
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To Create Locations Step 2
From this dialog box, you can create locations several ways. Create your locations as follows:
To create a single location, continue to Step 4.
To create locations using Location Numbering, skip to Step 10.
To create multiple locations using Bulk Upload, skip to Step 14.
Step 3
To create a single location, verify that the Single option is selected.
Step 4
From the Business Object drop-down list, select the type of location you want to create. The entry in the Business Object drop-down list is specified by the system depending on the drawing file assignment. For example, when the drawing file is attached to a Floor Business Object, the available selections are Space or Vertical Circulation.
Step 5
In the Name text box, type a name for the new location. For example: “Office132”.
Step 6
Click Create.
Step 7
When the location is successfully created in the database, a confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Step 8
Click OK. The new location can now be assigned in the drawing file.
Step 9
To create locations using Location Numbering, select the Location Numbering option.
Step 10 If your numbering scheme uses a prefix, in the Prefix text box, type the prefix. The entry in the Step text box determines if the Prefix increments numerically or alphabetically as each location is created. In the example, “Office” is used as the prefix for the numbering scheme. Step 11 In the Number text box, type the first location number to be assigned. The entry in the Step text box determines the value of the next number. A step of one creates numbers sequentially. A step of five creates numbers in multiples of five.
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To Create Locations Step 12 If your numbering scheme uses a suffix, in the Suffix text box, type the suffix. The entry in the Step text box determines if the Suffix increments numerically or alphabetically as each location is created. The values specified in the Prefix, Number, and Suffix fields comprise the name of the new location and appear in the Name field on the left side of the dialog box. Step 13 To create multiple locations using Bulk Upload, select the Bulk (Upload) option. When the Bulk Upload option is selected, one or more locations are created based on the values specified in the Prefix, Number, and Suffix fields. When the Bulk Upload option is not selected, a single location is created. When creating single locations, after you click Create, the Create Location dialog box closes and you are prompted to Select a Boundary. After the boundary is selected, the Create Location dialog box appears and automatically increments to the next location number. To close the dialog box, click Cancel. Step 14 In the # (Number) box, type the total number of locations you want to create. Step 15 Click Create. When multiple locations are successfully created using Bulk Upload, a confirmation dialog box appears. Step 16 Click OK.
How do I change business object fields? The Change BO Fields command enables you to set values for fields in the corresponding business objects for the selected group of graphics. To Change Business Object Fields Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Change BO Fields. Command: TRI_CHANGE_BOFIELDS If you previously Changed BO Fields for the Business Objects, right-click and select Repeat Change BO Fields in the right-click menu.
Step 2
At the prompt, select your graphic objects.
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To Change Business Object Fields Step 3
If your selection encompassed more than one business object, select which business object to change.
Step 4
Click OK. If there is a saved preference that matches the selected Business Object, CAD Integrator displays a list of the selected fields and their current values.
Step 5
To select the field for the business object listed in the dialog title bar, click Select next to Field.
Step 6
Drill-down to select a Tab, a Section and a Field.
Step 7
Click OK.
Step 8
To specify the value for the selected Field, click Select next to Value.
Step 9
Specify the field value as follows:
Classification – If the field is a Classification field, the dialog box shows the values defined in the Classification hierarchy. Click the new value.
Text – For a Text data type, the current value is displayed in an editable field. Key in the new value.
Check Box - For a check box, the values TRUE and FALSE are shown. Select the new value.
Date – For a Date data type, a calendar is shown. Select the new date.
Step 10 Click OK. Step 11 If you want to save the currently displayed Field and Value when you click OK, select the Save Current Criteria check box. This information appears the next time you Change BO Fields for this Business Object. The criteria saved are Business Object type, BO Section, BO Field, and Value. The settings are saved in a file in the apps\100 or apps\84 folder of your CAD Integrator installation (e.g., C:\Program Files\IBM Tririga\ci\apps\90). Step 12 When the Field and Value are the way you want them, click Upload Values. CAD Integrator updates the Fields in the business object to the Values. Then CAD Integrator displays a list of the selected graphics and the current value to indicate that the new value was uploaded for each list member. Step 13 To save the current settings, make sure that the Save Current Criteria check box is checked.
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To Change Business Object Fields Step 14 Click OK. Step 15 If you have established the Change BO Fields command, right-click to select Repeat Change BO Fields, and select graphics. If you select a business object that matches the saved preferences, the Field and Value are populated with these preferences.
How do I open a drawing from the Property Explorer? Open Location enables you to find locations that have drawings attached and open the attached drawing in AutoCAD. To Open a Drawing from the Property Explorer Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Open Location. Command: TRI_OPEN_DWG
Step 2
Review the dialog box. The Locations defined in the IBM TRIRIGA database are displayed in a tree-view.
Step 3
Expand the tree-view to locate and select a Location with an attached drawing. When you expand the tree-view, locations that have drawings attached are available for selection and include “(Attached)” after their names. You can right-click in the hierarchy panel of the dialog box to display a pop-up menu that provides access to the same functionality represented by the dialog box buttons. To search for known locations in the hierarchy by Business Object, click Search. The results display as a hierarchy inclusive of the locations’ parents. To disable the initial display of the Location hierarchy, deselect the Display Initial Location Hierarchy in the Options.
Step 4
Click Open. The drawing is displayed in the AutoCAD window and links to the database.
Step 5
Review the attached drawing.
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How do I create a Planned Floor drawing? To view a Planned Floor request in CAD Integrator, from which to create a Planned Floor drawing, several pieces must first be set up in the IBM TRIRIGA Application.
How do I prepare a Planned Floor in the IBM TRIRIGA Application? The IBM TRIRIGA Application prepares the Planned Floor, from which CAD Integrator creates the Planned Drawing. Before the Planning Drawing Creation process can be initiated, the Move Planner role must establish a Planned Floor and its corresponding Planned Spaces in the IBM TRIRIGA Application, as well as the associations between the Planned Floor and the corresponding Standard Floor, and between all Planned Spaces and their corresponding Standard Spaces. All Planned Floors utilize an object in the Location module, such as Planned Building or Move Project, as their parent Business Object, similar to the standard Location hierarchy. To create Planned Floors and Spaces in the IBM TRIRIGA Application, the Move Planner role must first create a Design Change Request record. Then, on the Design Options tab of that request, a Design Option must also be created. This option creates the Planned Floor and Spaces. For more information about Design Change Requests, see the “Move Management” chapter of the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Space and Move Management User Guide.
How do I create a Planned Drawing in CAD Integrator? After the proper planning and design change information is established in the IBM TRIRIGA application, the Planning Drawing Creation process can begin in CAD Integrator.
Planning Drawing Creation – The Planning Drawing Creation process in CAD Integrator is initiated from a menu command or typed command. All further input is accomplished in the Create Planning Drawing Location dialog box.
Planning Mode - The Planning Mode in CAD Integrator is a limited capability mode which enables a subset of the full features for use with Planned Drawings. The Planning Drawing Creation process cannot translate any Person or Asset attachments into the new drawing, since the associated functions are disabled in the Planning Mode. Standard Drawings (Standard Mode) and Planned Drawings (Planning Mode) cannot be open at the same time, due to Application Definition conflicts.
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Use the following procedure to view a Planned Floor request, from which to create a Planned Floor drawing. To View a Planned Floor Request and Create a Planned Floor Drawing Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Tools, and click Create Planning Drawing. Command: TRI_CREATE_PLAN
Step 2
Review the dialog box. The dialog box is similar to the Attach Location dialog box, displaying the Planned Floors based on the currently active drawing.
Step 3
Review the Planned Floors associated to the currently active drawing.
Attached (unavailable) Planned Floors are displayed in gray.
Unattached (available) Planned Floors are displayed in green.
As an alternative, click Search to retrieve a set of Floors meeting certain search criteria. Step 4
Select an unattached Planned Floor from the list.
Step 5
For the File Name, type a name for the Planned Drawing CAD file to be created. Or, to select a file name, click Browse.
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To View a Planned Floor Request and Create a Planned Floor Drawing Step 6
Click Create to initiate the Planning Drawing Creation process. The other buttons work as they currently do for the standard Attach Location dialog box: Previous, Next, Reset View, Project, Edit and Cancel. However, additional buttons available on the standard Attach Location dialog box are not available on this Create Planning Drawing Location dialog box. After you click Create, CAD Integrator creates a copy of the currently active drawing in the directory you specified (or in the same directory, if unspecified), with the file name you specified. This is the new Planned Drawing. Any referenced files in the drawing are maintained as references to the original files. Since references to the original reference files are maintained when creating a Planning Drawing, care should be taken to adjust the references before making any modifications to the reference files. Before making any changes, make copies of the reference files and adjust the references in the Planning Drawing to point to the copies. The attachment data in the Planning Drawing is modified to correspond to the proper Planning Floor and Planning Spaces. However, Asset and People attachment data and icons are removed from the Planning Drawing. Finally, the active drawing is closed, the Planning Drawing becomes the currently active drawing, and CAD Integrator shifts from Standard Mode to Planning Mode.
Step 7
In Planning Mode, attach any Floors or Spaces as necessary.
Step 8
Click Publish.
What is Planning Mode in CAD Integrator? The Planning Mode for CAD Integrator is a limited capability mode which enables a subset of the full features for use with Planning Drawings. When in Planning Mode, many of the menu items are unavailable. Likewise, the associated commands or keyins are also disabled. Furthermore, the commands associated with Persons, Assets, Space Allocations, and Area Overlays are disabled. Meanwhile, the remaining active commands still enable the attachment of Spaces and Floors. When in Planning Mode, CAD Integrator utilizes a Planning Application Definition. This application definition appears in the Application Manager with the prefix “Plan -”. For more information, see What is the Application Manager tool?
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4. People Personnel management is an important function for many IBM TRIRIGA users. CAD Integrator enables you to perform many personnel management functions directly in CAD drawings. CAD Integrator provides you the ability to track and manage personnel movement by assigning, creating, editing, and removing employees from different locations in the drawings and database. While these functions can be performed using the IBM TRIRIGA application, it is often easier to assign or move employees within drawings, using CAD Integrator. For information about accessing and editing specific People Business Object records, creating secondary associations, and finding persons in your drawing file, see the Associate, Edit & Find Tools chapter.
How do I insert a person? Insert Person enables you to assign personnel to any attached location boundary in a drawing. To Insert a Person Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Insert Person. Command: TRI_INSERT_PERSON
Step 2
At the prompt, select the boundary of the space where you want to insert the person.
Step 3
From the Business Object drop-down list, select the business object of the person you want to insert.
Step 4
Use the scroll bar to locate and select the person you want to insert.
Step 5
Click OK. A Person icon and the name of the person are displayed within the selected boundary.
Step 6
Review the inserted person.
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How do I move a person? Employees are constantly moving and changing locations within organizations as they change jobs, are affected by corporate downsizing, or receive promotions. In addition, entire organizations are often moved due to construction projects, space requirements, or corporate reorganizations. To help you track these moves, you need a quick way to reassign employees in CAD drawings. CAD Integrator enables you to select a Person icon that is already assigned to a location and to move it to another location within the drawing. The database reflects the change in location for that person. To Move a Person Step 1
Select the Person icon of the person you want to move.
Step 2
Drag-and-drop the icon from the current location (e.g., “Office 102”) to the new location (e.g., “Office 101”). The selected person is now attached to the new location (e.g., “Office 101”) and the information is updated in the database.
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5. Assets CAD Integrator enables you to track and manage assets by assigning, moving, and removing assets from different locations in the drawing. For information about removing an asset, see What is the Remove Attachment tool? in the CAD Integrator Tools chapter. There are two ways you can assign assets to a location in a drawing:
Attach Asset – This links a block in a drawing to an asset. Blocks in the drawing can represent tagged assets such as computers and printers.
Insert Asset – This links an asset to a location boundary in a drawing.
CAD Integrator also provides you with some automatic asset update features. When you first open a drawing, CAD Integrator automatically searches for assets that have been moved, deleted, or otherwise modified since the last time you worked with the drawing. The appropriate changes are then made to the drawing, such as asset crates to indicate assets that are assigned to a location in the database, but that are not represented by a symbol in the drawing file. When working with assets, create and turn on a layer that contains the asset symbols and room layers. This makes it easier to view and to work with assets, while turning off all extraneous layers. For information about accessing and editing specific Asset Business Object records, creating secondary associations, and finding assets in your drawing file, see the Associate, Edit & Find Tools chapter.
How do I attach an asset? The Attach Asset function links a block in the drawing that is not associated with a database record to an asset, creating the association in the database. To Attach an Asset Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Attach, and click Asset. Command: TRI_ATTACH_ASSET
Step 2
Select the block where you want to attach the asset.
Step 3
From the Business Object drop-down list, select the business object.
Step 4
Locate and select the asset you want to attach.
Step 5
Click OK.
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How do I insert an asset? The Insert Asset function enables you to select an asset from the database and link it with a specific location in the drawing attached to a location in the database. To Insert an Asset Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Insert Asset. Command: TRI_INSERT_ASSET
Step 2
At the prompt, select the boundary of the space where you want to insert the asset.
Step 3
From the Business Object drop-down list, select the business object of the asset you want to insert.
Step 4
Select the asset you want to insert.
Step 5
Click OK.
Step 6
At the prompt, select the point where you want to place the asset. The asset label and symbol display in the selected location.
How do I move an asset? CAD Integrator enables you to select an asset symbol already assigned to a location and move it to another location within the drawing. The database reflects the change in location for that asset. To Move an Asset Step 1
Select the asset symbol of the asset you want to move.
Step 2
Drag-and-drop the symbol from the current location (e.g., “Office 101”) to the new location (e.g., “Office 102”). The selected asset is now attached to the new location (e.g., “Office 102”) and the information is updated in the database.
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What are asset crates? Asset Crates enables you to quickly view all the locations that have assigned assets. The crates appear in each location where there is no actual symbol represented and assigned to the asset. CAD Integrator uses three Asset Crate commands:
Asset Crates – Turns on Asset Crate mode to view locations that have assigned assets.
Hide Crates – Turns off Asset Crate mode.
Unpack Crate – Attaches included assets to automatically placed blocks in the drawing file. You cannot edit asset crates or use them to move assets to another location.
How do I display asset crates? Use the following procedure to turn on Asset Crates mode. To Display Asset Crates Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Asset Crates. Command: TRI_CRATE_MODE When Asset Crates is on, all locations that have an asset assigned but not represented by a symbol in the drawing file displays an asset crate. A system message informs you to synchronize the drawing with IBM TRIRIGA before Asset Crates can display.
How do I turn off or hide asset crates? When you do not want to view asset crates on the drawing, you can use Hide Crates to hide the asset crates in the drawing file. To Hide Asset Crates Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Hide Crates. Command: TRI_NONE_MODE The asset crates are no longer displayed in the drawing file.
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How do I unpack asset crates? Assets may be assigned to a location in the database that has not been attached to a symbol in the drawing file. When Asset Crates is on, a crate representing assets assigned to location is displayed in the associated location in the drawing file. You must uncrate the assets to associate them with the location in the drawing file. When assets are uncrated, the asset crate is removed and the assets are attached to blocks that are automatically placed in the drawing file. To Unpack Asset Crates Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Unpack Crate. Command: TRI_UNPACK_ASSETCRATE
Step 2
At the prompt, select the asset crate to unpack. The asset crate is no longer displayed, and the asset labels and symbols are displayed within the location. You are prompted to select another asset crate to unpack until you cancel the command.
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6. Organizations CAD Integrator enables you to manage and track organizational moves by assigning, editing, and removing organizations in drawings. You also are able to define organizational hatch settings; these settings are used when performing database queries and creating graphical reports. For information about defining hatch settings, see the Fill Style Manager chapter. The first step in using Organizational Management functions is to define where organizations are located in the drawing. To do this, organizations are attached to drawing boundaries that indicate their locations and square footage allotments. Organizations can be assigned to each room, or they can be assigned to larger spaces, using larger boundaries. In addition, multiple organizations can be assigned to the same location. By doing this, you can track those situations where different organizations share space. When you use boundaries to define where organizations are located, you can create boundaries, or you can use those boundaries that were created for the rooms. By using the existing room boundaries, when room information changes or a square footage adjustment is made, the organizational boundary is changed as well. Otherwise, to maintain accurate space chargeback information, you would have to edit the organizational boundary at the same time you edit a room boundary. You have the ability to assign multiple organizations via Space Level Allocation.
How do I attach organizations? Attach Organization enables you to specify the locations of organizations in the drawing. You do this by creating boundaries in the drawing and then attaching organizations to these boundaries. Using Attach Organization, you can designate where organizations are located on a room-by-room basis or using larger organizational boundaries. In addition, different organizations can be attached to the same location, to show which organizations share space in a floor. The Attach Organization tool is not supported in the TRIRIGA 9 or IBM TRIRIGA 10 application, as the Primary Organization field does not exist. Use the Space Level Allocations command explained in How do I assign space allocations? To Attach Organizations Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Attach, and click Organization. Command: TRI_ATTACH_ORG The Select Organization dialog box displays all of the organizations defined in the database.
Step 2
Select the organization you want to attach.
Step 3
Click OK.
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To Attach Organizations Step 4
At the prompt, select the boundary where you want to attach the organization. You can continue to select all of the objects to which you want to attach the selected organization.
Step 5
At the prompt, press [Enter] on your keyboard. The selected organization is attached to the locations and the Select Organization dialog box is displayed again, enabling you to continue to attach organizations.
Step 6
Click Cancel.
How do I assign space allocations? The Assign Space Allocation function allows you to work with the Allocations tab of the Space object and assign multiple Organizations to multiple Spaces at the same time via CAD Integrator. The calculations for percentage and area, however, are done server-side via workflow, so after an Organization has been added, you must wait momentarily and refresh the list to view the results from the server. Space Allocations allows the selection and removal of multiple organizations per single or multiple Spaces. You can remove multiple allocations at once, including when multiple spaces are selected. CAD Integrator only removes the association from the Space to the Organization; standard workflows then handle the retirement of the linked Space Allocation record. To Assign Space Allocations Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Space Allocation. Command: TRI_SPACE_ALLOCATION
Step 2
Select the Space from the drawing.
Step 3
Right-click the Space.
Step 4
In the Locations panel, select the Spaces where you want to attach an Organization.
Step 5
Click Select.
Step 6
Select the Organization.
Step 7
Click OK.
Step 8
Repeat steps 5 – 7 for each organization to add to the Space Allocation.
Step 9
In the Assign Space Allocations dialog box, click Apply Add/Remove to upload the change to the server.
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To Assign Space Allocations Step 10 After this, wait momentarily and click Refresh List to view the updated values. Selecting Display Manual Values shows the Manual Percentage and Area fields from the Allocation record. To sort the data in the Assign Space Allocations dialog box, click the column heading (Organization, Space Name, Percent, or Area).
How do I attach area overlays? The Area Overlay tool works with the IBM TRIRIGA concept of an Area object that can be assigned to a Floor record for the purposes of creating organization allocations for each Area. This functionality is not available in FacilityCenter 8.4 application versions.
To Attach Area Overlays Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, navigate to Area Overlay, and click Attach. Command: TRI_AREA_OVERLAY
Step 2
At the prompt, click within the boundary that represents your Area Overlay.
Step 3
Select or create an Area Overlay.
Step 4
Click OK. This action attaches the Area Overlay record to the boundary, uploading the area value of the polyline.
Step 5
Attach organizations and create allocation records as follows. From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, select Area Overlay, and click Edit. Command: TRI_EDIT_AREA_OVERLAY
Step 6
For information about using this dialog box to create allocations, see the How do I assign space allocations? section.
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7. Associate, Edit & Find Tools CAD Integrator enables you to create associations between drawing objects and other business object records in the IBM TRIRIGA database, edit specific business object records directly in the IBM TRIRIGA application interface, and find all attached locations, assets, or persons within the drawing file. To perform these functions, an effective set of tools are provided.
How do I use the Associate tool? Attaching objects to database records creates a primary association. Secondary associations also can be created for an object in the CAD drawing file. Using the Associate command, you can select one object or multiple objects in the CAD drawing file and associate them to another business object. For example, you can select multiple room (Space) objects and create an association between the selected objects and an Organization business object. To Use the Associate Tool Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Associate. Command: TRI_ASSOCIATE
Step 2
Select the objects you want to associate with another Business Object record. The objects you select must all be the same business object. For example, all Space business objects.
Step 3
When you have selected all the objects you want, press [Enter] on your keyboard.
Step 4
From the Module drop-down list, select the module of the Business Object record you want to associate to the selected objects.
Step 5
From the Business Object drop-down list, select the business object you want to associate to the selected objects.
Step 6
From the Association drop-down list, select the association type.
Step 7
Click Search. All Business Object records for the selected module and business object display in the Available Associations panel.
Step 8
If you want to view all the current associations for the selected objects, select the Show all associations check box. The current associations for the selected objects are displayed in a tree-view in the Selected Objects panel.
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To Use the Associate Tool Step 9
In the Available Associations panel, select the Business Object record you want to associate to the objects listed in the Selected Objects panel.
Step 10 Click Add to Selected Objects. The association hierarchy is displayed for each of the Business Object records in the Selected Objects panel. Step 11 Click Apply to complete the association. Step 12 After you have created the association, you can use the Edit command to open one of the drawing file objects in the browser window. The association you created through CAD Integrator is displayed in the Association tab of the business object record.
How do I use the Edit tool? The Edit Tool enables you to access the business object record for a selected object in the drawing file. The record is displayed in a browser window where you can make changes to the record and save those changes directly to the database. To Use the Edit Tool Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Edit. Command: TRI_EDIT
Step 2
At the prompt, select the object in the drawing file that you want to edit. The business object record for the selected object appears in a browser window.
Step 3
Modify the record. Because you are accessing the database record through the IBM TRIRIGA interface, the only limitations to the changes you can make in the Business Object record are the permissions and licenses assigned by your System Administrator.
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How do I use the Find tool? The Find Tool lets you quickly locate a specific location, asset, or person within the drawing file. To Use the Find Tool Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Find. Command: TRI_FIND
Step 2
From the Module drop-down list, select the module of the object you want to find.
Step 3
From the displayed list, select the object you want to find.
Step 4
Click OK.
Step 5
Review the result.
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8. Query The Query function enables you to perform queries on data in the database, related to locations. CAD Integrator includes a set of pre-defined queries. You can define additional queries in CAD Integrator through the IBM TRIRIGA Query Manager. Queries are useful in locating specific objects (persons, assets) or in finding locations associated with specific information (organizations, occupancy). After drawing information has been located, CAD Integrator hatches or colors the specific area on the drawing that relates to the information, and creates a legend based on the query results.
How do I perform a query? Queries are defined and run using the Query Manager. The Query Manager window includes a Query tab and a Results tab. The queries are defined and run in the Query tab. Then the results of the query are displayed in the Results tab. When defining or modifying a query you must specify the query statements, indicating the specific search parameters. Each statement consists of the field name, operators, and user-defined values. To Perform a Query Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Query. Command: TRI_QUERY
Step 2
Review the dialog box. The Scope panel defines the scope of the query.
Step 3
When a CAD drawing file is opened, the Current Drawing option is selected. The Select Scope option is not available. To use the Current Drawing option, continue to Step 3.
When an empty, new CAD drawing file is opened, the Select Scope option is selected. The Select Scope option enables you to run queries across multiple drawings. For example, you can run a query across all the floors in a specified building. To use the Select Scope option, skip to Step 15.
When the Current Drawing option button is selected, go to the Predefined Queries panel. Expand the hierarchy to locate and select the query you want to run. Or right-click to create a query group or new query. When a query is selected, the Description field and the Query Definition are displayed on the right side of the dialog box. The Edit query check box enables you to edit the query definition.
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To Perform a Query Step 4
To edit a query definition, select the Edit query check box. A new panel appears at the bottom of the dialog box.
Step 5
Select whether you want the field to be inclusive or exclusive with other fields in the query by selecting the and or or logical operator in the drop-down list. The first query definition entry has no logical operator. However, logical operators are applied with subsequent definition entries. In other words, the results for the first definition entry are considered until they are filtered by subsequent definition entries and logical operators. The logical operator drop-down list is disabled for a new query and for an existing query with no definitions.
Step 6
Click Field. The Business Object Structure dialog box appears, where you can choose the field your query is based against. You can drill down directly into the Space business object, or go through its Associations.
Step 7
Expand the structure hierarchy to locate and select the field name you want to add to the query. If you went through Associations, double-click the Business Object Relationship and specify the string that associates the selected object to Space. You can use “contains %” as a wildcard query to find all data for a field. You also can use “equals $$RUNTIME$$” to invoke a runtime query.
Step 8
Click OK.
Step 9
After your field is specified, you can select criteria to query for in that field. You can manually specify a value, or in some cases (like a classification field) you can click Select to pick from a list.
Step 10 After you have created a definition, click Add to Query Definition to add the field to the query. If you have two levels of space in your hierarchy, you can toggle the depth of your queries using the Query depth drop-down list. Step 11 Click Query. Step 12 Review the Results tab. You can select the fill style (hatch pattern) for your query with the settings on the right, or select the box to Use predefined patterns to use your settings from the Fill Style Manager.
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To Perform a Query Step 13 Click OK. The CAD drawing file is updated, showing the query results. Step 14 If you do not have a legend in the drawing, you might be prompted: “Would you like to pick a location for the legend?” If the message box appears:
To select a location for the legend, click Yes. The legend is placed at the selected location.
To accept the default location for the legend, click No.
By default, the legend is placed in the lower-left corner of the CAD drawing file. Step 15 When an empty CAD drawing file is opened, and the Select Scope option is selected, click Select. Step 16 Expand the location hierarchy to locate and select the location you want to query. Step 17 Click OK. Step 18 In the Predefined Queries panel, confirm that the query is selected. Step 19 Click Query. A summary of the query and the query results are displayed in the Results tab. Step 20 Review the Results tab. Step 21 Click OK. You can use the Query View command to define the way you want the results displayed in the drawing file. See How do I define the query view?. Step 22 You are prompted: “Would you like to pick a location for the legend?” When the message box appears:
To select a location for the legend, click Yes. The legend is placed at the selected location.
To accept the default location for the legend, click No.
By default, the legend is placed in the lower-left corner of the CAD drawing file.
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How do I define the query view? The Query View tool enables you to define how you want to view queries that span multiple drawings. For example, a query can be created that provides visibility to all of the floors in a specified building. After a query is run and the results are displayed in a CAD drawing file, you can initiate the Query View tool to define the parameters you want to use to view the query results. The Query View tool is only available for queries using the Select Scope option.
To Define the Query View Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Query View. Command: TRI_QUERYVIEW You can determine the view and spacing parameters you require for displaying the query results.
Step 2
To view the query results from the top, click Top
The currently selected View is stated at the bottom of the dialog box. Step 3
To view the query results as an isometric, click Isometric
Step 4
In the Spacing panel, define the distance you want between the X, Y, and Z coordinates for the displayed drawing.
Step 5
Click OK.
The CAD drawing file updates the displayed query view to reflect your selections in the Query Views dialog box.
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9. Publishing the Drawing The Publish command uploads a DXF Web graphic of the CAD drawing to the server.
How do I publish a drawing? The Publish command allows you to upload a DXF representation of the CAD drawing to the server, where it is then processed for display as a Web graphic. Following publication, you can view the Web graphic directly through the IBM TRIRIGA Web interface and perform various reporting functions against it. For more information, see the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3 Graphics User Guide. Additional options for publish, such as where the DXF is stored locally prior to upload and whether or not external reference files should be included, are available in the General tab of the CAD Integrator Options dialog The CAD drawing must be attached to a Location for the publish command to be enabled. For more information, see the Locations chapter. If you have several drawings to publish, consider using the bulk publish feature of the Batch Process. See What is the Batch Process tool? in the CAD Integrator Tools chapter. To Publish a Drawing Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Publish. Command: TRI_EXPORT The appropriate graphic of the drawing is uploaded to the server.
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10. Options The Options command enables you to customize the way that many of the CAD Integrator commands work. You can determine what gets displayed on the drawing (person symbols, fills, and labels), what gets calculated during the sync process, label default settings, and the like. Both existing and new drawing files use the options set with the Options command, since these are global, unless the settings have been changed for an individual drawing with the Drawing Information command, Preferences tab. When you change the settings in the Options dialog box, all newly attached drawings take on those settings as a default. To change options for individual drawings, use the Preferences tab in the Drawing Information command. For more information, see
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How do I view the Drawing Information? in the Getting Started chapter.
How do I access the Options dialog box? Use the following procedure to access the Options dialog box. To Access the Options Dialog Box Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Options. Command: TRI_PREFERENCES
Step 2
Review the dialog box.
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Can you describe the General tab? The General tab provides information about the symbol file locations and enables you to specify Sync options and general options for your CAD drawing files. Field Name
File Locations
The File Locations panel displays the system paths for each of the symbol options installed on your local computer. IBM TRIRIGA does not provide a symbols directory; you need to point to your own symbols directory. Publish Directory specifies the location where the DXF file will be stored locally when published.
Sync Options
The Sync panel options determine what data is synchronized when the Sync command is executed. Select the options you want synchronized.
Publish Reference Files
When checked, the system includes external references files as part of the publish process.
Request Timeout (seconds)
The number of seconds the system waits after a request is sent for a response from the IBM TRIRIGA application before timing out.
Maximum query results
This option determines the maximum number of entries provided in the list of results from a query. If your drawing has 1000 child spaces for example, you want at least 1000 in your query results field. The Previous and Next buttons (in the Attach Location dialog box) are available when the setting for Maximum query results (in the Options command) is less than the total root level locations retrieved. If the setting for Maximum query results is less than the number of spaces in your drawing, then fills, labels, and queries will not work on all rooms.
Login with attached drawing
Decides whether or not to display the login dialog automatically if the drawing file being opened has intelligent data.
Use fills in location boundaries
When this check box is deselected, fills are suppressed and the Fill command is inactive.
Validate Application Definition on startup
When this option is selected, CAD Integrator checks the Application Definition (the Business Objects, Actions, Fields, and the like that are defined in Tools > Application Setup Manager in IBM TRIRIGA) to make sure it is valid on the current server.
Display Initial Location Hierarchy
This is specific to the Attach Drawing and Open Location dialogs. When this check box is deselected, CAD Integrator does not display the Location hierarchy when the dialog box appears. Instead, you must Search. This saves time when your Location hierarchy is so large that it is faster not to load it and just Search.
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Field Name
Fill depth
Defines the fill depth relative to the drawing. Values are:
1 = The first child level.
2 = The second child level.
The default value is 1. Association depth
Defines the number of associations displayed for expansion in the Fill Style Manager and Label Style Manager. Queries, labels, and fill styles with a higher association depth run significantly slower.
Units display precision
Specifies the decimal level to display numeric values on the drawing.
Log mode
Creates a log file named ci.log.
Local cache
Checking this option generates a local cache of modules, business object structures, and field data that is stored on the client machine in xml files. When unchecked, CAD Integrator downloads an updated business object structure from your IBM TRIRIGA server every time you re-open AutoCAD and log in. Checking this option can improve performance, but it should only be checked if you know that the modules, business object structures, and field names on your server remain unchanged. However, if checked, you can manually refresh your local cache by checking the appropriate box in the Advanced options of the Login screen.
Update Areas in IBM TRIRIGA for
Spaces at level 1 = When checked, sends area values for Spaces at level 1 (direct children of Floor) to the Area field of the record. When unchecked, the value goes to the Gross Area field, which does not roll up. Spaces at level 2 = When checked, sends area values for Spaces at level 2 (grandchildren of Floor) to the Area field of the record. When unchecked, the value goes to the Gross Area field, which does not roll up.
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Can you describe the Assignment/Filters tab? The Assignment/Filters tab enables you to specify asset and person assignment options. Field Name
Asset/Person Assignment Support drag and drop
This option determines whether drag-and-drop functionality is supported when moving assets and persons to another location. By default, this check box is selected.
Asset/Person Assignment Remove assets on unattach of locations
This option determines whether assets are removed when a location is unattached in the drawing.
Selection Filters
This panel displays the default settings and values for assets and persons.
By default, this check box is deselected.
To change a default value, double-click the value. Use person symbol on personnel assignments
This option determines whether person symbols display in the drawing.
Allow Multiple Floor Boundaries
Normally, you could assign a gross area and a measured gross area. If changed to Append on assignment, you can assign multiple gross and measured boundaries. Think of it for a building that has two towers right next to each other; they count as one building to the owner, but when you take a cross-section to look at a floor, there are two gross boundaries. In these cases, you must assign more than one boundary. When you change the choice to Append on assignment, the menu does not grey out Attach Gross or Measured after you do them once. You can do it more than once, and it appends the area value to the appropriate field.
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Can you describe the Legend tab? The Legend tab enables you to specify whether legends are displayed, what is displayed in the legend, and how the legend text is formatted. Field Name
Enable legend
This option determines whether a legend is displayed in the drawing file.
This option enables you to select the layer for the legend. The default layer is Tri_Legend.
The Display panel options determine what is displayed in the legend. Select each of the options you want to display in the legend. By default, all options are selected.
The Formatting panel enables you to define the text height, text style, and text color for the following components of the legend:
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Can you describe the Commands tab? The Commands tab enables you to define the commands that you want to run when a drawing is opened and when a drawing is closed, and it enables you to select the commands you want to access from the right-click menu. Field Name
Right-click commands (maximum of 5)
Although the panel appears, right-click commands are no longer supported.
Sync drawing on startup
Decides if a drawing does an initial sync when first logging in. Some functions may force a sync either way to work properly, as data from the server may be needed.
Publish drawing on close
Runs a publish with the saved settings upon a drawing closing.
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11. Label Manager Using the Label Manager, you can add label styles, set a new default label style, modify existing label styles, and delete label styles. You also can change labels or refresh labels in your drawing file. Label styles are associated with database fields and consist of label definitions that include text alignment, text style, height, and color. CAD Integrator provides a default set of label styles for location, asset, and people objects. The Label Manager enables you to set a new default label style. Labels are placed in the drawing file in a default position relative to the object. You can manually move the label. When the Change Labels or Refresh Labels command is initiated, the labels maintain their current position in the drawing file.
How do I access the Label Manager? Use the following procedure to access the Label Manager. To Access the Label Manager Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Labels, and click Label Style Manager. Command: TRI_LABEL_MGR
Step 2
Review the dialog box. The Label Styles dialog box consists of the label style hierarchy (in the left panel) and the label style details (in the right panel) when a field is selected in the hierarchy.
Step 3
Step 4
You can expand the hierarchy to access the Business Objects that can use label styles. The hierarchy displays the labels defined for the Asset, Location, and People objects.
This icon
represents a module.
This icon
represents a Business Object.
This icon
represents a label style.
Select one of the label styles in the hierarchy to view the label definitions in the right panel. A label definition can include more than one line. Each line represents a field in the Business Object.
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Label Definition Column Name
The name of the Business Object field.
The text information that precedes the field information. For example: Room, Office, or Floor.
The text information that follows the field information. For example: Square Feet or Organization.
Text Style
The text font to use for the label.
The height of the text line.
The color used for the text line.
The value (Y or N) that determines whether the field information text is placed on a new line or on the same line as the previous field.
How do I add a new label style? Use the following procedure to add a label style. To Add a New Label Style Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Labels, and click Label Style Manager. Command: TRI_LABEL_MGR
Step 2
Expand the hierarchy and select the business object where you want to add a label style.
Step 3
Right-click the business object, and from the shortcut menu, select New. A label style icon labeled New Label Style is displayed in the hierarchy. You can change the name of the label style. You can rename the label style by clicking on the name so that it is highlighted, and click again so that the name is editable. You can then type the new name.
Step 4
To add label definitions, in the right panel, right-click a blank line. Select Add.
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To Add a New Label Style Step 5
The Module and Business Object text boxes are read-only. To select a field for entry in the Field text box, click Select.
Step 6
Expand the hierarchy of tabs and sections to locate and select the field. You also can get field data from objects Associated to your Space record by selecting Associations. You must specify the Association string at the bottom for this to work.
Step 7
Click OK.
Step 8
In the Prefix and Suffix text boxes, specify the values you want to use in this label definition.
Step 9
For the Color text box, click (…) to select the label (text) color.
Step 10 In the Height text box, type the height of the text for this label style. Step 11 If you want to move to a new line before displaying new field information, select the “New line after this field” check box. Step 12 Click OK. Step 13 Continue to add label definitions to this new label style. Step 14 Click Save. Step 15 Continue to add label styles or edit existing label styles. Step 16 When you right-click an existing label definition, the following options are available:
Add – Displays the Label Element dialog box, enabling you to create a label definition.
Insert – Displays the Label Element dialog box. After a new label definition is created, it is inserted above the selected line.
Edit – Displays the Label Element dialog box.
Delete – Deletes the currently selected label definition.
Step 17 Click Save. Step 18 Click OK.
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How do I set a default label style? CAD Integrator provides a default label set for each business object. Using the Label Manager, you can create your own labels and set them as the default label styles. Use the following procedure to define a default label style. To Set a Default Label Style Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Labels, and click Label Style Manager. Command: TRI_LABEL_MGR
Step 2
From the Text Style drop-down list, select the text style for the label.
Step 3
From the Text Alignment drop-down list, select the text alignment to set as the default.
Step 4
Click Set Defaults.
Step 5
For the Color text box, click (…) to select the label (text) color.
Step 6
In the Height text box, type the height of the text for this label style.
Step 7
If you want to move to a new line before displaying new field information, select the New line after this field check box.
Step 8
Click OK.
How do I edit a label style? Editing label styles does not automatically or directly update the labels in your drawing file. To update the labels to the new label style, see How do I change a label? and How do I refresh a label?. To Edit a Label Style Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Labels, and click Label Style Manager. Command: TRI_LABEL_MGR
Step 2
Expand the hierarchy and select the label style that you want to edit.
Step 3
In the right-side panel of the dialog box, right-click the label definition you want to edit, and from the shortcut menu, select Edit. Double-clicking the label definition also displays the Label Element dialog box.
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To Edit a Label Style Step 4
In the text boxes provided, make any necessary changes.
Step 5
Click OK.
Step 6
Click OK.
How do I delete a label style? Use the following procedure to delete a label style. To Delete a Label Style Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Labels, and click Label Style Manager. Command: TRI_LABEL_MGR
Step 2
Expand the hierarchy.
Step 3
Right-click the label style you want to delete, and from the shortcut menu, select Delete.
Step 4
To confirm the delete, click Yes. To cancel the delete process, click No.
How do I change a label? The Change Labels command enables you to directly modify existing label styles and create new label styles. To Change a Label Style Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Labels, and click Change Labels. Command: TRI_LABEL_CHANGE
Step 2
Select the labels using standard AutoCAD functionality. Press [Enter] on your keyboard.
Step 3
To change the text alignment, from the Text Alignment drop-down list, select the new value.
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To Change a Label Style Step 4
Right-click the label definition you want to change, and from the shortcut menu, select Edit. Double-clicking the label definition also displays the Label Element dialog box.
Step 5
Change any values in the Prefix, Suffix, Color, and Height text boxes.
Step 6
Click OK.
Step 7
Click OK. The changes are reflected in the drawing file, and the AutoCAD command line displays a message verifying the total number of labels that were changed to the updated label style.
How do I refresh a label? After making a change to a label definition or after making changes to the database, use the Refresh Labels command. To Refresh a Label Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Labels, and click Refresh Labels. Command: TRI_LABEL_UPDATE The AutoCAD command line displays a message verifying the total number of labels that were refreshed.
How do I filter a label? The Label Filter functionality allows you to create filter criteria that decide which label styles are displayed. To Filter a Label Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Labels, and click Label Filter Manager. Command: TRI_LABELFILTER_MGR
Step 2
In the left-side panel, expand the tree (double-click the entries) and navigate to select the business object for which you are creating the filter.
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To Filter a Label Step 3
Click New.
Step 4
Name your new filter, and select your new filter.
Step 5
Click the right-side panel, and click New Rule. You also can right-click the right-side, and from the shortcut menu, select New Rule.
Step 6
Click Style. If you do not want a label to display for the given criteria, select the “or do not apply a label when” check box instead of selecting a style.
Step 7
From the list, select the Label Style you want to apply.
Step 8
To set your criteria, click Field.
Step 9
From the Business Object Structure, select a field.
Step 10 Click Select. Step 11 Select the value you want the filter to look for in that field. Step 12 Click OK. Step 13 In the Label Filter dialog box, you can set up further criteria. To set a label style for every label that does not meet the filter criteria, click Set Default. Step 14 Click Apply. Step 15 Click OK.
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How do I apply a label filter? Use the following procedure to apply a label filter. To Apply a Label Filter Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Labels, and click Apply Label Filter. Command: TRI_LABELFILTER_APPLY
Step 2
Select your label filter.
Step 3
Click OK. This applies the changes to the drawing, refreshing the appropriate labels as long as data is synched.
Step 4
Review the drawing. This filter remains applied until you either apply another filter that overwrites it, or use the Change Labels command to manually change the label.
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12. Fill Style Manager CAD Integrator fills or hatches locations based on the settings in the Fill Style Manager. Fills and their associated legends represent fields and their values in the database. You can set the fill pattern and color to define the way field values appear in your drawing file. The fills can be based off of fields within the space object, or any object associated to it. A legend is also displayed, based on the current data defined in the Fill Style Manager. The Fill Style Manager determines the current fill represented in your drawing. Using the Fill Style Manager, you can edit the fill criteria for a drawing or set new default fill criteria that are used for all drawings.
How do I access the Fill Style Manager? Use the following procedure to access the Fill Style Manager. To Access the Fill Style Manager Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Fills, and click Fill Style Manager. Command: TRI_FILL_MGR
Step 2
Review the dialog box.
Step 3
In the left-side panel, the hierarchy displays the current default fill criteria. In the right-side panel, the fill definitions are listed. At the bottom, the Selected Fill Criteria, the Current Default Fill Criteria and their Data Types are displayed.
Step 4
You can expand the hierarchy to access the fields used for the fill criteria. The hierarchy displays the fills defined for the Location Business Objects.
Step 5
This icon
represents a Location Business Object.
This icon
represents a tab in the Business Object.
This icon
represents a section in the tab.
This icon
represents a field in the section.
From the hierarchy, select a field (in the left panel) to view the fill definitions (in the right panel).
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Fill Definition Column Name
The name of a fill definition.
The name of an AutoCAD hatch pattern.
The color of the fill pattern for the fill definition.
The size of the fill pattern.
The angle of the fill pattern.
How do I edit the fill criteria? Use the following procedure to edit the fill criteria. To Edit the Fill Criteria Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Fills, and click Fill Style Manager. Command: TRI_FILL_MGR
Step 2
From the hierarchy (in the left panel), select the field that contains the fill definition you want to edit. When you expand the hierarchy via the Associations to another Business Object, rather than select a field directly under the Space, the Association button becomes active. To select the appropriate association string, click Association. To view only the values for the current drawing, select Display only values in current drawing.
Step 3
Right-click the field definition you want to change, and from the shortcut menu, select Edit.
Step 4
Make any necessary changes to the fill definition.
Step 5
Click OK.
Step 6
In the Fill Styles dialog box, if you want to change the default fill criteria, select the field from the hierarchy.
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Step 7
Click Set as Default.
Step 8
Click OK.
How do I refresh the fills? You may need to refresh the fills in your drawing after running a query or when fills have been erased. Use the following procedure to refresh the fills. The Refresh Fills command also refreshes the legend. To Refresh the Fills Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Fills, and click Refresh Fills. Command: TRI_FILL_REFRESH The fills are updated in the CAD drawing file.
How do I refresh the legend? The CAD Integrator legend is displayed for the current Fill or Query, depending on the last command you initiated. The legend information is not updated automatically as changes are made to the drawing. You must use the Refresh Legend command to update the legend to reflect the most current information. The Refresh Fills command also refreshes the legend. To Refresh the Legend Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Fills, and click Refresh Legend. Command: TRI_LEGEND_REFRESH The legend is updated in the CAD drawing file.
Step 2
If the legend was previously erased, you are prompted: “Would you like to pick a location for the legend?” When the message box appears:
To select a location for the legend, click Yes. The legend is placed at the selected location.
To skip the legend display, click No.
By default, the legend is placed in the lower-left corner of the CAD drawing file.
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13. Theme Manager CAD Integrator offers the concept of “themes”. Themes created in the Theme Manager can serve as a form of report from within CAD Integrator. With each theme you create, you can define label criteria; fill criteria, and/or queries that are applied to the drawing when that particular theme is activated.
How do I create a theme? Use the following procedure to access the Theme Manager and create a theme. To Create a Theme Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Themes, and click Theme Manager. Command: TRI_THEME_MGR
Step 2
Click New.
Step 3
Name your new theme and then select it.
Step 4
Review the right side of the dialog box.
Step 5
In the Apply Labels by panel, select how to apply the labels for your theme:
If you want to use a predefined Label Style or Label Filter, select the respective option.
Then click Select to choose from the list.
If you want to leave the labels alone, select the As-is option.
Step 6
If you would like something to be done with the remaining labels that are not a part of your query, select Labels applied for Locations not included in query result set.
Step 7
Then define how you want to display the remaining labels as you did with the query result labels in the previous steps:
If you want to use a predefined Label Style or Label Filter, select the respective option.
From the list, click Select.
If you want to leave the labels as they currently exist in the drawing, select As-is.
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To Create a Theme Step 8
Step 9
In the Apply Fills by panel, select how to apply the fills for your theme:
If you want to apply fills by Fill Style, select that option. Then, to choose a Fill Style from the Fill Style Manager, click Select.
If you want to apply fills by Query, select that option. Then, to add a query from the Query Manager, click Add.
If you want to leave the fills as they currently exist in the drawing, select As-is.
Click Save.
Step 10 Click OK.
How do I apply a theme? Use the following method to apply an existing theme to your drawing. Sync the drawing before you apply a theme. This confirms that CAD Integrator has all the data it needs. To Apply a Theme Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Themes, and click Apply Theme. Command: TRI_THEME_APPLY
Step 2
Select the theme you want to apply.
Step 3
Click OK.
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14. CAD Integrator Tools The CAD Integrator Tools commands enable you to sync to the database, access the Layer Manager to view and change layer settings, map symbols to assets, upload locations, initiate batch processing, remove attachments, set the types of objects that CAD Integrator can use, and set up 7.x drawing migrations.
What is the Sync (Synchronize) tool? Each time a drawing file is opened, the drawing file is automatically synchronized to database information so that the drawing file reflects the current database information associated with the drawing file. Likewise, as changes are made in a drawing file, the changes are reflected immediately in the database. However, when changes are made in the database, the changes are not immediately reflected in the associated drawings. The Sync command enables you to synchronize the drawing file to the database to ensure that any changes made to the IBM TRIRIGA database during your current drawing session are immediately reflected in the drawing file. When you make changes using the IBM TRIRIGA browser window from within the CAD Integrator, these changes are not immediately reflected in the CAD drawing file. After completing the changes, use the Sync command to synchronize the drawing to the database. To Synchronize a Drawing File to the Database (Sync Tool) Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Tools, and click Sync. Command: TRI_SYNC The current database information is reflected in the drawing file.
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What is the Layer Manager tool? The Layer Manager defines the default layer settings which specify the layers used for certain CAD Integrator objects, such as floor or organizational boundaries, asset symbols, asset crates, doors, windows, labels, and legends. When CAD Integrator objects are drawn, attached, or inserted in the drawing, they are automatically placed on the layers specified in the Layer Manager. The Layer Filter specifies the layer on which CAD Integrator objects should be placed, as well as their color and line type settings. You can use the Layer Filter command to view or change the layer settings defined in the Layer Manager. When you change layer settings, you can refresh the drawing so that all objects affected by the change are reset or redrawn using the new settings. CAD Integrator layer settings affect only those objects that are linked to the IBM TRIRIGA database, such as organizational boundaries, area boundaries, furniture, equipment, and asset symbols. For standard AutoCAD objects, use standard AutoCAD commands, such as LAYER, to designate layer settings. To Edit a Layer Definition (Layer Manager Tool) Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Tools, and click Layer Manager. Command: TRI_LAYER_MGR
Step 2
Review the dialog box. The dialog box lists all CAD Integrator objects that can be drawn or inserted in the drawing, the object layer name, the object layer, the line type, and the label layer name.
Step 3
If you want to edit a layer definition, double-click the layer row.
Step 4
In the Object layer name text box, type the new object layer name to change the name.
Step 5
In the Label layer name text box, type the new label layer name to change the name.
Step 6
For the Object color, to change the object color or label color, click (…).
Step 7
Select the color you want to use from the Standard Colors, Gray Shades, or Full Color Palette panels.
Step 8
Click OK.
Step 9
Click OK.
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What is the Asset Mapper tool? CAD Integrator provides a default symbol that is used for all assets in a drawing file. IBM TRIRIGA does not provide a symbols directory; you must provide your own symbols directory. There are a variety of asset object types that can be included in your drawing file. The Asset Mapper enables you to assign a different symbol to each of the asset object types (Specification Business Objects), so you can visually determine what type of assets are associated with a specific location in the drawing. Use the following procedure to assign a symbol to an asset object type. By default, the Asset Mapper searches the Symbols directory in the CAD Integrator installation directory, and by default, this directory is empty. You can copy your own symbols into this directory, or you can set the Asset Symbol directory to a different directory that contains your symbols. Use the following procedure to set the Asset Symbol directory. To Set the Asset Symbol Directory Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, click Options. Key-in: TRI_PREFERENCES
Step 2
In the General tab, File Locations panel, click the Asset symbol directory.
Step 3
Navigate to and select the Asset symbol directory.
Step 4
Click OK.
Step 5
Click OK.
Step 6
Assign a symbol to an asset object type.
Use the following procedure to assign a symbol to an asset object type. To Assign a Symbol to an Asset Object Type (Asset Mapper Tool) Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Tools, and click Asset Mapper. Command: TRI_ASSET_MAPPER
Step 2
Review the dialog box. The Asset Specs panel is on the left side of the dialog box. The Blocks panel is on the right side.
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To Assign a Symbol to an Asset Object Type (Asset Mapper Tool) Step 3
In the Asset Specs panel, expand the hierarchy to locate and select the asset specification you want to map to a new symbol. To expand the tree-view, double-click an icon.
Step 4
In the Blocks panel, expand the symbols tree-view to locate and select the symbol you want to use. To expand the tree-view, double-click an icon.
Step 5
To assign the symbol selected in the Blocks panel to the asset specification selected in the Asset Specs panel, click Assign.
Step 6
If necessary, continue to assign symbols to additional asset specifications.
Step 7
Click OK.
What is the Upload Locations tool? When locations are defined in the drawing file without corresponding Location records in IBM TRIRIGA, you may want to upload all the locations found in the drawing to the database. Uploading the locations to the database performs the attach functionality in the drawing and creates a Location record in the database for each room and cubicle boundary (polyline), populating the Name, Current Use Space Class, and Area fields. It also updates spaces that currently exist within the database as long as the names being uploaded match those in the IBM TRIRIGA application. There are three methods of uploading locations:
Text – This option is selected by default. This allows you to upload locations based off of pre-existing text labels within your polyline boundaries.
X-Y Coordinates – The second option allows you to create labels on the fly based off the median x and y coordinates of your polyline boundaries.
Grid – The final option allows you to create labels on the fly using a pre-existing grid from your drawing.
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How do I upload locations via the Text Method? To Upload Locations via the Text Method Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Tools, and click Upload Locations. Command: TRI_UPLOAD_LOCATIONS
Step 2
Review the dialog box. The Selection settings panel is in the upper-left portion of the dialog box. The Default data settings panel is in the lower-left portion. The Names to upload panel is on the right side.
Step 3
In the Selection settings panel, the Names Layer provides the system with the layer where the text or room and cubicle names reside. Select how to choose the layer:
To select the layer directly from the drawing using standard CAD functionality, click Pick.
To open a dialog box where you can select the layer, click List.
Step 4
The Polylines Layer provides the system with the layer where all the polylines reside. Click Pick or List.
Step 5
If you want this upload to create Space Allocation records within the IBM TRIRIGA application, select Associate Organizations.
Step 6
The Organizations Layer provides the system with the layer where the Organizations reside. Click Pick or List. You must have text entities within space polyline boundaries on the drawing representing Organization names already in the system.
Step 7
Specify how to select the text you want to upload:
To select the text directly from the drawing using standard CAD functionality, click Select Name, and select the text.
To open a dialog box where you can select the names, click Search For Names, and select the names.
If you have two levels of space, meaning a polyline within a polyline, Upload Locations creates them in a hierarchy accordingly.
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To Upload Locations via the Text Method Step 8
Step 9
In the Names to upload panel, specify which entries to upload:
To select all of the entries from the list, click Select All.
To select specific entries, hold down the [Ctrl] or [Shift] key on your keyboard and select the entries.
In the Default data settings panel, select the business object from the Business Object drop-down list. The Field column entry returns required fields for that business object.
Step 10 If you have pre-existing data in your Spaces and are only uploading the area, deselect Update Existing Space Data. Step 11 The fields currently populated in your Spaces keep their values. Step 12 If there are polylines within polylines, the upload retains the parent-child relationship. If you do not want this, or if you know you have a flat structure (no polylines within polylines), select Flat Upload. The upload produces a flat structure. Step 13 To select the field value for entry in the Value column, double-click the field entry. Step 14 Select a value from the list. Step 15 Click OK. Step 16 In the Name format, Prefix and Suffix fields, type the prefix and suffix you want to use for each location that is uploaded. Step 17 When you have completed the entries, click Upload. A dialog box appears showing you the number of locations being uploaded and an estimated time of completion based on past upload times. When the upload is complete, the Upload Locations Report dialog box appears. Step 18 If there are errors, the View Errors button becomes active. To view the errors, click View Errors. Step 19 Click OK. The Upload Locations process results in the creation of Space records. If you associated Organizations, the Space Allocations appear within the Space records.
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How do I upload locations via the X-Y Coordinate Method? The X-Y Coordinate method is similar to the Text method, but instead of choosing pre-existing text, CAD Integrator automatically generates text values based on an X-Y coordinate grid. By default, it uses (0,0) as the origin, then takes the centroid of each polyline and divides it by the number specified in the X and Y fields. This number defines the size of your grid, and is set to 48 units by default. To Upload Locations via the X-Y Coordinate Method Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Tools, and click Upload Locations. Command: TRI_UPLOAD_LOCATIONS
Step 2
At the bottom of the Selection settings panel, select the X-Y coords option.
Step 3
For the Polylines Layer, click Pick or List to select your layer.
Step 4
Click Search For Names. This populates your Spaces with X-Y coordinate labels, and also populates the list in the Names to upload panel of the dialog box.
Step 5
Step 6
Select which entries to upload:
To select all of the entries from the list, in the Names to upload panel, click Select All.
To select specific entries, hold down the [Ctrl] or [Shift] key on your keyboard and select the entries.
To identify the specific boundaries you want to upload, in the Selection settings panel, click Select Boundaries.
For more information about finalizing the upload process, see How do I upload locations via the Text Method?.
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How do I upload locations via the Grid Method? The Grid method is the final method for uploading locations. This is similar to the X-Y coordinate upload. To Upload Locations via the Grid Method Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Tools, and click Upload Locations. Command: TRI_UPLOAD_LOCATIONS
Step 2
At the bottom of the Selection settings panel, select the Grid option.
Step 3
For the Grid Layer, to select your level, click Pick or List.
Step 4
For the Polylines Layer, to select your level, click Pick or List.
Step 5
Click Search For Names. This populates your spaces with grid coordinate labels, and also populates the list in the Names to upload panel of the dialog box.
Step 6
Step 7
Select which entries to upload:
To select all of the entries from the list, In the Names to upload panel, click Select All.
To select specific entries, hold down the [Ctrl] or [Shift] key on your keyboard, and select the entries.
To identify the specific boundaries you want to upload, in the Selection settings panel, click Select Boundaries.
For more information about finalizing the upload process, see How do I upload locations via the Text Method?.
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What is the Batch Process tool? The Batch Process tool enables you to quickly attach your CAD drawing files to locations in the database, upload the locations, and publish the drawing files to create a DXF file. The following four processes are performed during batch processing:
Attach the drawing to a location.
Attach the Gross and Measured Gross boundaries.
Upload the locations, creating child records in the database.
Publish to the server. When using bulk processing, the path to the files being operated on must not contain special characters such as &.
To Perform Batch Processing Step 1
Open a new drawing file.
Step 2
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Tools, and click Batch Process. Command: TRI_BATCH_PROCESS
Step 3
Review the dialog box. The Files panel is in the upper-left portion of the dialog box. The Location Hierarchy panel is in the upper-right portion. The Processes panel appears as a horizontal strip along the center. The Default data panel is in the bottom portion.
Step 4
In the Location Hierarchy panel, the locations defined in the IBM TRIRIGA database are displayed. To select the directory location of the CAD drawing files you want to process, click Select.
Step 5
Locate and select the directory that contains your CAD drawing files.
Step 6
Click OK.
Step 7
Review the dialog box. The selected directory is displayed in the Parent directory text box at the top of the dialog box. Meanwhile, a list of the drawing files in the selected directory is displayed in the Files panel on the left side of the dialog box.
Step 8
In the Location Hierarchy panel, expand the hierarchy to locate and select the location you want to attach to a CAD drawing file.
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To Perform Batch Processing Step 9
In the Files panel, select the drawing file for the selected location.
Step 10 At the top of the dialog box, click Attach location to file. You also can right-click in the Location Hierarchy. Step 11 Repeat Steps 8-10 (selecting the location and the drawing file) for each drawing file you want to attach to a location. All location attachments to a drawing file must be of the same Location Business Object. For example, if you attach a Floor, all other selections in the Location Hierarchy must be Floors. If you attach a Building, all other selections must be Buildings. Step 12 Review the results. The location to be attached to the drawing file is appended to the name of the drawing file. Step 13 If you want to back up your CAD drawing files before processing, confirm that the “Backup files before processing” check box is selected. By default, the “Backup files before processing” check box is selected. When this check box is selected, the drawing files are backed up to a subdirectory to maintain the integrity of the original CAD drawing files. The files are backed up the first time you initiate batch processing. If for any reason you must initiate the process again, the backup files process is not performed again. This ensures that a second backup does not overwrite the original files. Step 14 Go to the Processes panel. Step 15 Select one or more of the processes you want performed during batch processing.
Attach Drawings – To attach the drawings to the locations, select the Attach Drawings check box. If the Attach Drawings check box is not selected, the system does a bulk publish.
Upload locations - To upload the locations to the IBM TRIRIGA database, select the Upload locations check box. For more information, see What is the Upload Locations tool?.
Publish to server - To publish the CAD drawing file, select the Publish to server check box. Publishing the files creates DXF files that can be used in the IBM TRIRIGA application. For more information see the Publishing the Drawing chapter.
By default, all three check boxes, the Attach Drawings, Upload locations and Publish to server check boxes are selected.
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To Perform Batch Processing Step 16 Follow the steps to attach drawings or bulk publish:
If you decided to deselect the Attach Drawings check box, continue to bulk publish in the next Step 17.
However, if you decided to keep the Attach Drawings check box checked, skip to the Default data panel in Step 19.
Step 17 If you decided to deselect the Attach Drawings check box, the system does a bulk publish of the selected files. Bulk publish uses the options selected previously in the Publish script. Select which files to bulk publish:
To publish all of the files listed in the Files panel, at the top of the dialog box, click Mark all files.
To select individual files to publish from the Files panel, click Mark file for processing.
Step 18 In the upper-right corner of the dialog box, click Process. Go to Step 30. Step 19 If you decided to keep the Attach Drawings check box selected, the Default data panel provides fields for selecting the default drawing information for layers, wall height, drawing units, display units, and child business objects. For the Gross layer, type the name of the layer for the floor gross. Step 20 For the Measured gross layer, type the name of the layer for the measured floor gross. Step 21 For the Polyline layers, type the names of the layers that contain the Polylines. You can type more than one layer name in the Polyline layers text box by typing the text as a comma-delimited list. Step 22 For the Text layers, type the names of the layers that contain text. You can type more than one layer name in the Text layers text box by typing the text as a comma-delimited list. Step 23 For the Default Wall Height, if the default wall height is different from “96”, type that value. Step 24 From the Drawing Units drop-down list, select the drawing units. Step 25 From the Display Units drop-down list, select the display units.
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To Perform Batch Processing Step 26 From the Child Business Objects drop-down list, select the child business object. The values in the list depend upon the selections you made in the Location Hierarchy panel. For example, if Floors are selected in the Location Hierarchy, the Child Business Objects list values are Space and Vertical Shaft. When you select an entry from the Child Business Objects drop-down list, a field (classification) is displayed in the Field column. This field is populated in the child records created through the batch processing. Step 27 Double-click the field in the Field column. Step 28 Select the value for this field. Step 29 In the upper-right corner of the dialog box, click Process. Step 30 Wait for the process to complete. As processing begins, the CAD drawing files open and process, one at a time, in AutoCAD. The process attaches the drawing, attaches the gross and measured gross, uploads the locations, and publishes the drawing. A progress information dialog box is displayed as each drawing is processed. After all of the drawings are processed, the TriCiMgr dialog box appears. Step 31 Review the dialog box. The message displays the location of the results file. Step 32 Click OK. Step 33 Open and review the results file to confirm that all processing completed successfully.
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What is the Remove Attachment tool? The Remove Attachment tool has two options:
These Remove Attachment command options enable you to sever the link between the object or drawing from the assigned location. Reassign the object or drawing after removing the attachment. Removing an attachment does not delete the object information from the database.
How do I remove an Object Attachment? The Remove (Detach) Object command enables you to detach or sever the link between an object and the database. This command is used to remove the attachments of location, person, asset, or organization objects. To Remove an Object Attachment Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Tools, point to Remove Attachment, and click Object. Command: TRI_DETACH_OBJECT
Step 2
Using standard AutoCAD functionality, select the object you want to detach. This action removes the link between the selected object and the database.
How do I remove a Drawing Attachment? The Remove (Detach) Drawing command enables you to detach or sever the links between a drawing and the IBM TRIRIGA database. This means that changes you make to a drawing after it is detached do not affect the database. After a link is broken, the drawing must be reattached if the data is to be shared between the drawing and the database. The square footage information that was entered at the time the drawing was detached is maintained by IBM TRIRIGA. When a drawing is detached, the square footage information is not deleted from the database. However, you can override the information when necessary. To Remove a Drawing Attachment Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Tools, point to Remove Attachment, and click Drawing. Command: TRI_DETACH_DWG
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To Remove a Drawing Attachment Step 2
To confirm that you want to detach the drawing, click Yes.
Step 3
To confirm that you want to remove all XData from the graphics, click Yes. Selecting Yes severs all connections between the drawing objects and the database objects.
Step 4
Review the message that informs you that the drawing was successfully detached.
Step 5
Click OK.
What is the Application Manager tool? The IBM TRIRIGA Platform provides full customizability for you to edit pre-existing modules and business objects, as well as create your own from scratch. However, CAD Integrator is a client-side application and in order to work with the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform, it must have some constants defined. The Application Manager provides the ability to identify all of your customized data for CAD Integrator to work with. For example, if you have changed the name of the as-delivered Space object to Room, this must be identified in the Application Manager for CAD Integrator to function properly. The Application Manager allows you to build various “apps” to be used on a per-drawing basis that contain the module and business object definitions you desire. For example, you may use the default primary app for attaching a drawing to Floor objects with child Spaces. You also can have a secondary app that allows you to attach to a Property with child Land or Parcel objects. The Application Manager enables CAD Integrator to be as flexible as your IBM TRIRIGA applications suite. To Manage Application Definitions Step 1
From the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator menu, point to Tools, and click Application Manager. Command: TRI_BOMAPPING
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To Manage Application Definitions Step 2
From the Application drop-down box, select from the current Application Definitions and server applications. If you previously used a pre-9.1.1 version of CAD Integrator, logging in with a later version automatically creates an Application Definition based on your current configuration file. See How do I log in to CAD Integrator? The system displays tree-views for Identification, the Root Application Object (for example, “Floor”), and Other Objects.
Step 3
Identification – The description of the Application Definition.
Root Application Object – The object to which the drawing is attached.
Other Objects – A list of other objects used by CAD Integrator.
Expand the Identification tree-view by clicking the plus (+) symbol. Five pieces of information are displayed for the selected Application Definition:
Name – The Application Definition name. The default is “Facilities Management-Primary”.
Filename - The name of the file where this Application Definition is saved. Typically this is the same as Name.
Platform - A non-editable field set when an Application Definition is created. Values are “IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform” or “FacilityCenter 8.4.x”.
Applications - A non-editable field set when an Application Definition is created. It is the Application Server. Values are “TRIRIGA 9/IBM TRIRIGA 10” or “FacilityCenter 8.4”.
Last Patch Applied - A non-editable field set when an Application Definition is created. It is the version of CAD Integrator software.
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To Manage Application Definitions Step 4
Expand the Root Application Object tree-view by clicking the plus (+) symbol. There can be only one Root Application Object for an Application Definition. Name Field is the Name of this object. The object is shown as a label which you can modify (for example, “Floor”), followed by the [Module\Business Object] path in IBM TRIRIGA. The items below the Root Application Object include the following:
Step 5
Fields - A user-defined list of fields.
Actions - A list of possible State Transitions that can be executed.
Query Filters – A user-defined list of filters that are used when querying for this particular object.
Child Objects – A user-defined list of other objects that are associated to this object. Only objects that are of the same IBM TRIRIGA module type as the parent are included in this list. If shown, Association to Parent is the default Parent-Child association name that is used when querying for this object.
Associated Objects – A user-defined list of other objects that are associated to this object. These are objects that are not the same IBM TRIRIGA module type as the parent.
Expand the Fields tree-view by clicking the plus (+) symbol. Each Field has the following values:
Field Item - The Label and the Section\FieldName for the Field. For example, for “Gross Area: Floor Measurements\Gross Area”, the Label is “Gross Area” while the Section\FieldName is “Floor Measurements\Gross Area”.
Area Field – This specifies whether this Field is an Area field. This information is used by CAD Integrator for uploading area information into IBM TRIRIGA.
Step 6
To edit the Field, select the specific Field and click Edit.
Step 7
For the Label text box, type the name for this Field. In some cases, the pre-existing fields are considered core fields and the label is not editable (because CAD Integrator requires certain Labels to exist).
Step 8
For the Value text box, click Select. Choose the IBM TRIRIGA Section\FieldName for this Label.
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To Manage Application Definitions Step 9
If you want the Validation functionality to ignore this Field, select the Not Used check box.
Step 10 For example, if there is no valid field that can be used or if you do not want to use a particular core field, you might want to select the Not Used check box. Step 11 Click OK. Step 12 A Query Filter is used to filter the data with which the CAD Integrator works. Each type of object that CAD Integrator supports can have unique filters to apply when requesting data from the IBM TRIRIGA application. Step 13 Choose whether to add or edit a Query Filter:
If filters are available, expand the Query Filters tree-view by clicking the plus (+) symbol. Select the specific Query Filter and click Edit.
If no filters are available, select the Query Filters folder. Click Add to add a new filter.
Step 14 For the Label text box, type the name for this Query Filter. Step 15 Below the Label text box, click Field. Select the IBM TRIRIGA Field used for this Query Filter. Step 16 From the drop-down box, select the appropriate operator. Step 17 The data type of the selected Field determines whether or not the Select button is enabled. If enabled, click Select. Choose from the list of data, or type a value to use with this filter. Step 18 Click OK. Step 19 Review the Application Definition. In general, whether or not a button or right-click menu is enabled depends on the selected item. Moreover, a right-click menu only displays options that are valid for the currently selected item or panel.
Application-Related Button Name
Set as Default
Sets the currently displayed Application Definition to be the default.
New App
Creates a new Application Definition.
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Application-Related Button Name
Copy App
Creates a new Application Definition that is a copy of the currently displayed Application Definition.
Delete App
Deletes the currently displayed Application Definition. You are prompted with: “Are you sure you want to delete the current application”. Only by clicking Yes is the Application Definition deleted. If you must restore this Application Definition, this file is backed up. Just change the extension on the file from .bak to .ciapp.
Reset App
Resets the currently displayed Application Definition to the default values.
Verifies that the currently displayed Application Definition is fully defined and ensures that the following are valid for all objects:
All IBM TRIRIGA moduleName\objectNames are real.
A name field is specified and it is a real field of that object.
Each field included for an object is a real field.
The Association to Parent value is specified.
Saves the currently displayed Application Definition. The Identification information determines the application name and the file name to which it is saved. This button is only enabled if a change has been made to the currently displayed Application Definition.
Object-Related Button Name
Edits the currently selected item in the tree-view.
Adds a new Field Child/Associated Object.
Removes a Field or Child/Associated Object.
Makes a copy. This button is only enabled if the currently selected item is a Child or Associated Object.
Closes the dialog box. If changes have been made but not saved, you are prompted to save.
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All objects that can be found at the Root Application Object level, and all other children and associated objects to that Root Application Object, are synched on drawing startup. To make the Sync functionality efficient, include in the list only objects that are relevant to what you are working on. For example, even though there are over a dozen Asset types of objects in IBM TRIRIGA, objects such as Vehicles and Software are not typically managed in a Facilities Manager-based application and thus would not normally be included as an Association of something like a Space. However, if your company is tracking such an object, be sure to include it. A child object can be any supported IBM TRIRIGA object except for the one that is the same as the parent. For example, a Space object cannot be a child of a Space. The Sync functionality automatically queries for child objects of the same Business Object.
What is the Batch Keyin tool? The Batch Keyin tool lets you do a bulk upload of several drawings from the CAD Integrator to the IBM TRIRIGA database. Instead of running individual commands in the CAD Integrator, you can create a script file of commands using a text editor like Notepad, and run the script file from the CAD Integrator. When using the Batch Keyin tool, keep the following guidelines in mind:
All keyin commands require parentheses around the command name + parameters. Each parameter must have double quotes around it. Commands themselves are not case sensitive but the parameters are. You can use commands separately, or in sequence to achieve batch processing.
Some Parameters require the user to supply RecordIds for the Floor, and BoIds for Space. You can find this information by using the undocumented keyin “cidatamgr” that displays the common cache.
In general, messages that are normally Alert Boxes that require the user to click OK to close are re-directed to output to the command console. Wait dialogs that require no user action still appear and disappear as usual. When you use the OpenDrawing command in batch mode, be sure to set FILEDA at . This setting prevents the Open window from opening during batch processing.
Commands OPEN DRAWING COMMAND Format: (c:CiOpenDrawing “”) Example: (c:CiOpenDrawing "C:\\Program Files\\TRIRIGA\\ci\\batchTest.dwg") If the drawing is already attached, the Login dialog is not suppressed, as this may be useful to the user.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
ATTACH DRAWING COMMAND Format: (c:CiOpenDrawing “” “”) Example: (c:CiAttachDrawing "C:\\Program Files\\TRIRIGA\\ci\\batchTest.dwg" "3081892") Settings currently in the Registry for Area Filter, Sync, Fills, Units, depth, syncSpaces, etc. are applied to the drawing. After attach drawing, the user can examine the document attach information by using the undocumented keyin command tri_docdata. The default Application Definition is Facilities Management-Primary.ciapp. The default Project is "Company Level".
ATTACH GROSS COMMAND Format: (c:CiAttachGross “” “”“”) Examples: (c:CiAttachGross "3081892" "true" "gross") (c:CiAttachGross "3081892" "false" "gross") The trueFalse parameter values represent:
True: Attach the Gross area boundary.
False: Attach the Measured Gross area boundary.
The command scans for the largest unattached boundary on the specified layer. Use this command twice to attach the Gross and the Measured Gross area boundaries. The drawing must be already attached.
UPLOAD LOCATIONS COMMAND Format: (c:CiUploadLocs “” “” “” “” “” “”) Example: (c:CiUploadLocs "3081892" "10002873" "text" "plines" "orgtext" "triCurrentSpaceClass,triNameTX,General Office") The parameter for required fields for UploadLocs must be predetermined by the user. The format for the required fields string can also be determined from the cache and by observing the displayed values in the UploadLocs dialog ahead of time. Required field format for a space with 2 required fields: “,,,,, ”.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
For a Space Allocation upload, make sure that the Organization “Name” field is set to the correct field prior to upload. For example, if using the Organization ID, change the “Name” field for the Organization object to “General\ID”.
PUBLISH COMMAND Format: (c:CiPublish) Example: (c:CiPublish) Publish the drawing to DXF format.
CLOSE DRAWING COMMAND Format: (c:CiCloseDrawing “”) Example: (c:ciCloseDrawing "C:\\Program Files\\TRIRIGA\\ci\\batchTest.dwg") Close the drawing in AutoCAD if it is currently open.
Example Command Set The following is an example of BatchUpload Process set of commands. (c:CiOpenDrawing "C:\\Program Files\\TRIRIGA\\ci\\batchTest.dwg" ) (c:CiAttachDrawing "C:\\Program Files\\TRIRIGA\\ci\\batchTest.dwg" "3081892") (c:CiAttachGross "3081892" "true" "gross") (c:CiAttachGross "3081892" "false" "gross") (c:CiUploadLocs "3081892" "10002873" "text" "plines" "orgtext" "triCurrentSpaceClass,triNameTX,General Office") (c:CiPublish) (c:ciCloseDrawing "C:\\Program Files\\TRIRIGA\\ci\\batchTest.dwg" )
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
INDEX About CAD Integrator, 15 Access Options Dialog Box, 49 Application Manager, 81 Apply Label Filter, 62 Apply Theme, 67 Area Overlays Attaching, 39 Asset Crates, 35 Displaying, 35 Hiding, 35 Unpacking, 36 Asset Mapper, 70 Asset Symbol, 34 Asset/Person Assignment, 52 Assets Default Symbols, 70 Assign Space Allocations, 38 Assignment/Filters Tab Options Dialog Box, 52 Associate, 40 Association Depth, 51 Associations Viewing, 40 Attach Area Overlay, 39 Attach Asset, 33 Attach Drawing, 19 Attach Drawings, 77 Attach Floor Gross, 21 Attach Floor Measured Gross, 21 Attach Gross Boundary, 21 Attach Location, 18, 22 Attach Measured Gross Boundary, 21 Attach Organization, 37 Attachment Removing, 80 Batch Keyin tool, 86 Batch Keyin tool commands, 86 Batch Process, 76 BO Fields Changing, 25 Boundaries, 38 Boundary, 21, 22 Boundary Types, 8 Bulk Publish, 78 Bulk Upload, 25 CAD Integrator Configuration, 12 Change BO Fields, 25 Change Labels, 59 Commands TRI_ABOUT, 15 TRI_AREA_OVERLAY, 39
Detach Object, 80 Display, 53 Display Asset Crates, 35 Display Initial Location Hierarchy, 50 Display Screen, 14 Drawing Attaching, 19 Opening, 27 Planned Floor, 28 Publishing, 47 Synchronize to Database, 68 Drawing Information, 16 Edit, 41 Edit Queries, 43 Enable Legend, 53 File Locations, 50 Fill Criteria, 64 Fill Definition, 63 Angle, 64 Color, 64 Pattern, 64 Scale, 64 Value, 64 Fill Depth, 51 Fill Style Manager, 63, 64 Fills Refreshing, 65 Find, 42 Flat Upload, 73 Floor Gross Attaching, 21 Definition, 21 Floor Measured Gross Attaching, 21 Definition, 21 Formatting, 53 General Tab Options Dialog Box, 50 Grid Method, 75 Gross Boundary Attaching, 21 Group Type, 8 Hide Crates, 35 Insert Asset, 34 Insert Person, 31 Key-in CIMS OPTIONS, 70 Label Definition, 55 Color, 56 Field, 56 Height, 56
New Line, 56 Prefix, 56 Suffix, 56 Text Style, 56 Label Elements, 58 Label Filter Manager, 60 Label Filters Applying, 62 Label Manager, 55 Label Style Manager, 56, 58, 59 Label Styles Adding, 56 Default, 58 Deleting, 59 Editing, 58 Labels Changing, 59 Filtering, 60 Refreshing, 60 Launch IBM TRIRIGA, 17 Layer Filter, 69 Layer Manager, 69 Layer Name, 53 Layer Settings, 69 Legend Refreshing, 65 Legend Tab Options Dialog Box, 53 Local Cache, 51 Location Attaching, 22 Location Numbering, 23, 24 Locations, 18 Creating, 23 Log Mode, 51 Log Out, 15 Login, 14 Login with Attached Drawing, 50 Mark all files, 78 Mark file for processing, 78 Maximum Query Results, 50 Measured Gross Boundary Attaching, 21 Menu, 12, 13 Move Asset, 34 Move Person, 32 Move Planning, 28 Multiple Floor Boundaries, 52 Object Details Viewing, 23 Open Drawing, 27 Open Location, 27 Options, 49 Options Dialog Box Accessing, 49 Assignment/Filters Tab, 52
Commands Tab, 54 General Tab, 50 Legend Tab, 53 Organizations Layer, 72 Planned Drawing Prepare, 28 Planned Floor, 28 Planning Drawing Create, 28 Planning Mode, 30 Polylining, 72, 74, 75 Predefined Queries, 43 Property Explorer, 27 Publish, 47 Publish Reference Files, 50 Publish to server, 77 Queries Editing, 43 Predefined, 43 Query, 43 Query Manager, 43 Query View, 46 Defining, 46 Refresh Fills, 65 Refresh Labels, 60 Refresh Labels, 60 Refresh Legend, 65 Region Type, 8 Remove Attachment, 80 Repeat Change BO Fields, 25 Request Timeout (seconds), 50 Right Click Commands, 54 Save Current Criteria, 26 Search Path, 12 Security, 9
Selection Filters, 52 Space Allocation, 38 Space Allocations Assigning, 38 Symbol File Locations, 50 Symbol Standards, 5 Symbols Default Asset, 70 Sync, 68 Sync Options, 50 Synchronize, 68 Text Method, 72 Theme Manager, 66 Themes Applying, 67 Creating, 66 Tools, 68 TriCiMgr, 79 Troubleshooting, 12 Units Display Precision, 51 Unpack Crate, 36 Unpacking Asset Crates, 36 Update Areas in IBM TRIRIGA for Spaces at Level 1, 51 Update Areas in IBM TRIRIGA for Spaces at Level 2, 51 Upload locations, 77 Upload Locations, 71, 73, 74, 75 Use Fills in Location Boundaries, 50 Use Person Symbol, 52 Validate Application Definition on Startup, 50 View Associations, 40 View Errors, 73 View Object Details, 23 X-Y Coordinate Method, 74
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