Mumbai, January 13, 2010: ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund bagged the maximum
number of. 5-Star ratings according to latest Value Research Rating Radar.
ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund bags maximum 5 star Value Research Ratings • •
Eight of its funds bag 5-Star ratings –highest number by any Mutual Fund for Dec 09* 09* Total 13 funds of ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund ranked either 55-Star or 4-Star
Mumbai, January 13 13, 2010: 2010: ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund bagged the maximum number of 5-Star ratings according to latest Value Research Rating Radar. The ratings as on 31st of December, 2009 state that ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund has topped the list of fund houses with maximum of number of 5-Star ratings - 8 funds of ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund are ranked as 55-Star in various categories. categories 13 of its funds ranked either 5-Star or 4-Star in various categories. 5-Stars indicate that a fund is in the top 10 per cent of its category in terms of historical risk-adjusted returns and 4-Star indicate that a fund is in the next 22.5%. (Past performance is no guarantee of future results.)
These ratings are a composite measure of historical risk-adjusted average monthly returns. In case of equity funds, it is based on weighted average monthly returns for the last 3-year and 5-year period. In the case of debt funds this rating is based on the weighted average weekly returns for the last 18 months and 3-year periods and in case of short-term debt funds - weekly returns for the last 18 months.
All rankings are as of December 31, 2009 and there were total 321 funds in various categories in which the Funds of ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund received either 5-Star or 4Star rating. The 55-Star rated rated funds of ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund are as follows: •
ICICI Prudential Infrastructure Fund
ICICI Prudential Index Fund – Retail Option
ICICI Prudential Flexible Income Plan – Premium Option
ICICI Prudential Long-Term Plan – Regular Option
ICICI Prudential Liquid Plan – Institutional I Option
ICICI Prudential Liquid Plan - Super Institutional Option
ICICI Prudential Gilt Fund - Investment Plan - PF Option
ICICI Prudential Gilt Fund – Treasury Plan
* Source –
About ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Ltd. is a joint venture between ICICI Bank, a wellknown and trusted name in financial services in India and Prudential Plc, one of UK’s oldest and largest players in the financial services sector. ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company, in a span of just over ten years, has forged a position of preeminence in the Indian Mutual Fund industry as one of the largest asset management companies in the country with average assets under management of around Rs. 82,432.25 Cr as on December 31, 2009
(Source: The Company manages a comprehensive range of schemes to meet the varying investment needs of its investors.
Detailed Ratings Methodology
Value Research Fund Ratings are a composite measure of historical risk-adjusted returns. In the case of equity and hybrid funds this rating is based on the weighted average monthly returns for the last 3 and 5-year periods. In the case of debt funds this rating is based on the weighted average weekly returns for the last 18 months and 3-year periods and in case of short-term debt funds - weekly returns for the last 18 months. These ratings do not take into consideration any entry or exit load. Among others each category must have a minimum of 10 funds for it to be rated including additional criteria introduced from, July 2008 , whereby a fund with less than Rs 5 crore of average AUM in the past six months will not be eligible for rating. 5-Stars indicate that a fund is in the top 10% of its category in terms of historical risk-adjusted returns. 4-Stars indicate that a fund is in the next 22.5%, middle 35% receive three stars, the next 22.5% are assigned two stars while the bottom 10% receive one star. The number of schemes in each category in which the Funds are ranked: Equity Diversified (153), Equity : Index (19), Debt: Medium-term (37), Gilt: Medium and Long-term (29), Gilt: Short-term (12), Debt: Ultra Short-term Institutional (46), Debt: Liquid Plus Institutional:(25). These Fund Ratings are as on December 31, 2009. The Value Research Ratings are published in Monthly Mutual Fund Performance Report and Mutual Fund Insight. The Ratings are subject to change every month. The Rating is based on primary data provided by respective funds, Value Research does not guarantee the accuracy. For detailed methodology kindly refer to Past performance is no guarantee of future results. .For fund specific disclaimers and scheme information please refer to the ICICI Prudential AMC monthly fact sheet.
Statutory Details: ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund (the Fund) was set up as a Trust sponsored by Prudential plc (through its wholly owned subsidiary namely Prudential Corporation Holdings Ltd) and ICICI Bank Ltd. ICICI Prudential Trust Limited (the Trust Company), a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, is the Trustee to the Fund. ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Ltd (the AMC). a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, is the Investment Manager to the Fund. ICICI Bank Ltd and Prudential Plc (acting through its wholly owned subsidiary namely Prudential Corporation Holdings Ltd) are the promoters of the AMC and the Trust Company. Risk Factors: Mutual Funds and securities investments are subject to market risks and there is no assurance or guarantee that the objectives of the Schemes will be achieved. As with any securities investment, the NAV of the Units issued under the Schemes can go up or down, depending on the factors and forces affecting the capital
markets. Past performance of the Sponsors, AMC/Fund does not indicate the future performance of the Schemes of the Fund. The Sponsors are not responsible or liable for any loss resulting from the operation of the Schemes beyond the contribution of an amount of Rs.22.2 lacs, collectively made by them towards setting up the Fund and such other accretions and additions to the corpus set up by the Sponsors. Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read the Scheme Information Document carefully before investing.
ICICI Prudential Infrastructure Fund (An open-ended equity scheme. Objective is to generate capital appreciation and income distribution to unitholders by investing predominantly in equity/equity related securities of the companies belonging to the infrastructure industries and balance in debt securities and money market instruments) Exit Load on Applicable NAV *$$$ (Exit loads mentioned are from the date of allotment) .
(w.e.f. 24-08-09): (a) If the amount, sought to be redeemed or switched out, is
invested for a period of upto one years– 1%; (b) If the amount, sought to be redeemed or switched out, is invested for a period of more than one year from the date of allotment - Nil. ICICI Prudential Liquid Plan (An open-ended Liquid Income Fund. Objective is to generate reasonable returns while providing high levels of liquidity) Exit Load on Applicable NAV *$$$ (Exit loads mentioned are from the date of allotment) – Nil ICICI Prudential Gilt Fund - Treasury Plan (An open-ended short-term Gilt Fund. Objective is to generate regular returns through investments made in gilts of various maturities. Exit Load on Applicable NAV *$$$ (Exit loads mentioned are from the date of allotment) – Nil ICICI CICI Prudential Gilt Fund Investment Plan - PF Option (An open-ended Medium Term Gilt Fund. Objective is to generate income through investments in Gilts of various maturities) . Exit Load on Applicable NAV *$$$ (Exit loads mentioned are from the date of allotment) – Nil ICICI Prudential Index Fund (An open-ended index linked Growth Scheme. Objective of the scheme is to invest in companies whose securities are included in S & P CNX Nifty, subject to tracking errors, to endeavour to achieve the returns of the index as closely as possible. This would be done by investing in almost all the stocks comprising the index in approximately the same weightage that they represent in the index. Exit Load on Applicable NAV *$$$ (Exit loads mentioned are from the date of allotment) .w.e.f. 24-08-09): (a) If the amount, sought to be redeemed or switched out, isinvested for a period of upto seven days– 0.25%; (b) If the amount, sought to be redeemed or switched out, is invested for a period of more than seven days from the date of allotment - Nil. ICICI Prudential Long Term Plan (An open-ended Income Fund. Objective is to generate income through investment in range of debt and money market instruments while maintaining optimum balance of yield, safety and liquidity), Exit Load on Applicable NAV *$$$ (Exit loads mentioned are from the date of allotment) .w.e.f. 24-08-09): (w.e.f. 18-12-09): (a) If the amount, sought to be redeemed or switched out, is invested for a period of upto six months – 1.50%; (b) If the amount, sought to be redeemed or switched out, is invested for a period of more than six months but upto 12 months from the date of allotment - 1.00%; (c) If the amount, sought to be redeemed or switched out, is invested for a period of more than 12 months but upto 18 months from the date of allotment - 0.50%; else Nil. ICICI Prudential Flexible Income Plan (An open-ended Income Fund. Objective is to generate income through investments in a range of debt instruments and money market instruments of various maturities with a view to maximizing income while maintaining the optimum balance of yield, safety and liquidity). Exit Load on Applicable NAV *$$$ (Exit loads mentioned are from the date of allotment) – Nil ICICI. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. .For fund specific disclaimers and scheme information please refer to the ICICI Prudential AMC monthly fact sheet.