ICSE 2016 First announcement

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Jun 1, 2015 ... ICSE|2016 www.icse2016.com. @ICSE_2016. 2016. 8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion. 12-15 September 2016. Oxford, UK.

First announcement & call for papers

8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion 12-15 September 2016 Oxford, UK



About ICSE 2016 The ICSE conference series was initiated by the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) in 2002 and is currently run by the Technical Committee TC213 (Scour and Erosion). This eighth conference in the series, ICSE 2016, is being organised by HR Wallingford, and will be held in Oxford, UK from 12-15 September 2016. The conference provides a platform for scientists and engineers to exchange ideas and report advances in research and practice on scientific and engineering challenges related to scour and erosion. The broad topics covered in ICSE conferences include fundamental mechanisms of erosion and scour, modelling (both physical and numerical) of erosion and scour processes and engineering applications that involve scour and erosion processes. The ICSE conferences have been well attended by scientists and engineers from broad areas such as Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Coastal and Offshore Engineering. One of the strong features of the ICSE conferences has been the cross disciplinary collaborations and exchanges between geotechnical and hydraulic engineers. ICSE 2016 will endeavour to maintain the traditions of the ICSE conferences and build on the success of the previous ICSE conferences.



Call for abstracts The International Scientific Committee of ICSE 2016 welcomes submissions from all areas with relevence to the following general conference themes:

zz Internal erosion zz Sediment transport: grain scale to continuum scale zz Advanced numerical modelling of scour and erosion zz Terrestrial scour and erosion zz River and estuarine erosion including scour around structures

zz Coastal and offshore scour and erosion zz Management of scour/erosion and sediment, including hazard management and sedimentation in dams and reservoirs.

Papers of a theoretical and practical nature are welcome, including case histories, field observations, analysis and prediction of real life problems, through to the use of advanced numerical methods in all of the above categories. Prospective author can submit abstracts via the conference website, www.icse2016.com/authors, until 1 September 2015. Authors will be noticed of acceptance for either oral or poster presentation by 2 November 2015. Both oral and poster presentations will be published as full-length papers in the book of conference proceedings.



Key dates Abstract submission opens 01 June 2015 Abstract submission closes 01 September 2015 Notification of acceptance 02 November 2015 Full paper submission opens 01 December 2015 Full paper submission closes 05 February 2016 Final paper submission closes 04 April 2016 Conference dates 12-15 September 2016

International Scientific Committee We are grateful to have the support of over 40 internationally respected scientists and engineers who have agreed to join the International Scientific Committee, co-chaired by Prof Richard Whitehouse and Dr John Harris, HR Wallingford, UK Further information is available at www.icse2016.com/committees



Pricing Full conference delegate pass (4 days) Standard registration (before 4 April 2016)


(£834 inc VAT)

Late registration (after 4 April 2016


(£1014 inc VAT)

Student registration (before 4 April 2016)


(£654 inc VAT)

Late student registration (after 4 April 2016)


(£834 inc VAT)

All fees are subject to 20% VAT. The conference website will open for participant registration on 2 November 2015.

Sponsors and exhibitors If you would like more information about the sponsorship or exhibition opportunities available at ICSE 2016, please contact [email protected].

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Mathematical Institute

Main lecture theatre

Venue ICSE 2016 will be held at the Mathematical Institute in Oxford. Opened in 2013, this is home to the first truly international conference venue in Oxford. Located opposite the University parks, the Mathematical Institute is a short stroll away from historic landmarks such as the Bodleian Library and the Sheldonian Theatre, the Randolph Hotel and the Ashmolean Museum. The historic pubs of St Giles and the fashionable restaurants of Little Clarendon Street and Jericho are also close by. A conference welcome reception will be held on Sunday 1`1 September 2016 at Oxford University’s Museum of Natural History, where you will have the opportunity to meet fellow delegates amongst the exhibits. The Conference Dinner will be held in Keble College’s spectacular Victorian Gothic dining hall.

Museum of Natural History

Keble Dining Hall

Contact us Sarah Moxon and Jackie Harrop ICSE 2016 Secretariat c/o HR Wallingford Tel: +44 (0)1491 822364 Email: [email protected]

