ICSE Sample Paper History & Civics - Target ICSE

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ICSE Sample Paper. History & Civics. Full Marks 80. Time 2 Hrs. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading.
Target ICSE Sample Papers 2011

ICSE Sample Paper History & Civics Full Marks 80

Time 2 Hrs

You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt seven questions in all. Part I is Compulsory. Answer two questions from Section A and three questions from Section B of Part II.

Part I [30 Marks] All questions are Compulsory Question 1 Answer the Following Questions [1 X 10= 10] a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

How does a State manifest itself in modern times? Name the three organs of the Central and State Governments in India. How many members are nominated by the President to the Rajya Sabha? Who is the chairman of the Rajya Sabha? State two privileges enjoyed by the members of both the Houses of the Parliament. Which is the permanent House of the Parliament? State two points of difference between India and USA in terms of their judicial set up. What is the Habeas Corpus writ? Which is the highest authority in the field of Revenue of a State? When and where was the first Lok Adalat inaugurated?

Question 2 Answer the Following Questions [2 X 10= 20] a. By what other name is the Revolt of 1857 known as and why? b. State two factors that led to the political unity of the Indians under the British in the nineteenth Century. c. Which phase of the Indian National Movement is known as the Moderate phase and why? d. Which three leaders constitute the “extremist trio”? Why were they called extremists? e. How were the territories divided amongst India and Pakistan according to the provision of the Indian Independence Act? f. Why was the First World War different from all the previous wars? g. What is Fascism? Why did Mussolini take recourse to Fascism? Copyright: http://www.targeticse.co.in Ph: +91 8013130928 Email: [email protected]

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Target ICSE Sample Papers 2011 h. State the two most important reasons for the establishment of the UNO. i. What is Apartheid? Which country practiced Apartheid as a state imposed system and how? j. What is NAM?

Part II [50 Marks] Section A Attempt any two questions Question 3 With Reference to the Union and State Legislature of India, state: a. The qualifications essential to be a member of the Vidhan Sabha. [3] b. Three points of difference between the Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Speaker of the Vidhan Sabha. [3] c. The important powers or duties of the State Legislature? Describe any two powers in detail. [4]

Question 4 “The President of India is a titular head and bound by the Constitution of India to accept the advice of the Council of Ministers.” In this context state: a. The manner of election of the President [4] b. The reason why the President is elected indirectly [3] c. The situation in which the President can declare a State of Emergency [3] Question 5 With reference to the Indian Judiciary answer the following questions: a. Discuss the composition of the Supreme Court [4] b. What are the qualifications required to be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court? [4] c. What is meant by “independence of judiciary”? What is its significance? [4]

Section B Attempt any three questions Copyright: http://www.targeticse.co.in Ph: +91 8013130928 Email: [email protected]

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Target ICSE Sample Papers 2011 Question 6 The Great Rising of 1857 was not the result of any one particular cause. In this context state the role played by the following causes in leading to the Revolt: a) Policy of annexation followed by Lord Dalhousie [4] b) Exploitation of the Economic Resources of India [3] c) Ill treatment of Indian Sepoys [3]

Question 7 When the Indian youth saw that the constitutional means had little response from the British Government, they took to terrorism. Thus were born revolutionaries such as Savarkar, Prafulla Chaki and Khudi Ram. In this answer the following questions: a. State the methods and activities of the revolutionaries. What was the British Reaction to the Revolutionaries? [4] b. State the impact of the revolutionaries on the National Movement. [3] c. Identify the national leader whose picture is given along side and briefly state his contributions to the National Movement. [3]

Question 8 With the end of the Second World War, the British attitude towards India underwent a great change. In this context, discuss the following: a. Reasons for the change in attitude of the British towards India after 1945 [3] b. Arrival of the Cabinet Mission Plan and its main provisions [3] c. The reaction of the Congress and the Muslim League to the Cabinet Mission Plan [4]

Question 9 The strained relations which steadily developed between these two countries after the war and made them stand forth as rivals and brought the world on the edge of a Third World War is known as the Cold War. In this context, state the role played by the following factors in causing the Cold War: a. Loss of mutual understanding between USA and USSR Copyright: http://www.targeticse.co.in Ph: +91 8013130928 Email: [email protected]

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Target ICSE Sample Papers 2011 b. Race for Nuclear Arms c. The Truman Doctrine Question 10 The UNO formed many Special Agencies for the economic and social development of the backward countries. They are working in economic, social, cultural and scientific spheres and are making efforts to make life peaceful and prosperous. In this context, answer the following questions: a. State four important functions of the UNICEF. [3] b. State how WHO helps different countries to reinforce their health system and promote research. [3] c. State how UNESCO promotes peace and security through education, science culture and communication. [4]

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Target ICSE Sample Papers 2011 Answers: Question 1 a. Through a government. b. Executive, Legislature, Judiciary c. men of repute in various fields of life: Arts, Science, Social Service d. Vice President of India is the ex officio chairman of the Rajya Sabha. e. a) Freedom of Speech b) Freedom of Movement f.

Rajya Sabha

g. a) India has single judicial hierarchy while USA has a double judicial set up b) in Usa the provision for judicial review of laws are automatic while in India it is on the request of a citizen or group of citizens that the Supreme Court takes up the task of Judicial Review. h. It means “to have a body”. By issuing this writ the Supreme Court can get the body of any person released if it has been unlawfully captured by any person or group of persons or the State. It is a great safeguard for personal freedom. i.

Board of Revenue


The first Lok Adalat was inaugurated in Delhi on 6th October 1985 by Justice P. N. Bhagwati.

Question 2 a. First War of Independence. This was the first time in British dominated India that there was a mass rebellion against the British. This was the inauguration of India’s struggle for independence. b. Introduction of English language, Development of Telegraph and Railways c. The period from 1885 to 1905 is known as the Moderate Phase because during this period the affairs of the Cngress and the reins of the National Movement remained in the hands of Moderate leaders such as Dadabhai Naoroji, Surendra Nath Banerjee, Gopal Krishna Gokhale etc who concerned themselves with demands for reforms and adopted constitutional and peaceful means to achieve their objectives. d. The three leaders are: Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal. They were known as extremists as they believed in a militant form of nationalism and adopted revolutionary means to achieve their goal of Swaraj.

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Target ICSE Sample Papers 2011 e. According to the provisions of the Indian Independence Act, two independent dominions namely India and Pakistan were set up. Pakistan comprised of Sindh, Baluchistan, N.W.F.P, the West Punjab and East Bengal. Rest of the territories were to be included in India. f.

The First World War was different from all the previous wars in many respects: • It was fought on a worldwide scale and influenced all countries. • New sophisticated methods of destruction and defence were used in it. • It caused great disaster and sowed the seed for future discord.

g. The word Fascism has its roots in the Roman word Fascio which means “a bundle of royal sticks”. Fascism means autocracy or dictatorship where the whole power of the state is vested in one person only and it is obligatory for all the people to carry out his orders. Mussolini took recourse to Fascism in a bid to recuperate the economic crisis and lawlessness faced by Italy in the wake of the atrocities committed by the Communists.

h. The two most important reasons for the establishment of the UNO are: 1. To maintain international peace and security 2. To encourage international cooperation in the sphere of social economic and cultural development of the world. i.

Apartheid is a policy of state sanctioned racial discrimination. Apartheid (separateness) was a system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party government in South Africa between 1948 and 1994, under which the rights of the majority black inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and minority rule by whites was maintained.


NAM refers to Non Aligned Movement. The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is an intergovernmental organization of states considering themselves not aligned formally with or against any major power bloc. As of 2010, the organization has 118 members and 18 observer countries.

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