A fact checker will ensure submissions are original ideas, are authored by the .... not limited to media release, websit
OVERVIEW IDC’s Design Research Award is awarded annually to candidates who demonstrate excellence and innovation through research relevant to the interior design profession. The Interior Design Research Award is presented by Milliken and administered by Interior Designers of Canada.
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Accepted research includes: • Thesis research at the masters or doctorate level by registered, intern, or educator members • Research conducted by interior design educators at an IDC recognized institution • Third-party or interdependent research conducted by a registered, intern, or educator member; or • Major Research Projects (MRP's) conducted by final-year students.
GENERAL ELIGIBILITY • Applicants can study full- or part-time, or can be employed in a full-time or adjunct position. • Appropriate ethics committee clearance or approvals must have been granted prior to submission. • Applicants must declare if research is funded and the funding source. • Published research is eligible. • The research must be the primary effort of the applicant • Research must be completed within two years preceding the call for submissions. Research previously submitted to the Interior Design Research Award will not be judged • Previous recipients of the Interior Design Research Award are not eligible to apply • Only one applicant per category is eligible to win. Applicants must submit in one of the following two categories:
EDUCATOR/PRACTITIONER CATEGORY • The applicant is a current educator of interior design at any IDC recognized institution • An educator member of a provincial interior design association in good standing at the time of submission • A registered intern, or educator practitioner member of a provincial interior design association in good standing at the time of submission who is completing graduate studies at the masters or doctorate level (studying full-or part-time), • An interior design practitioner or educator conducting independent or third-party research.
STUDENT CATEGORY • The applicant must be a final-year student academically enrolled in an interior design program at an IDC recognized institution. Applicant must be a student member or their provincial interior design association at the time of submission.
JUDGING CRITERIA Applications will be judged by a jury of three to five representatives from the interior design community, including practitioners, educators, and industry professionals. Jurors may be practising or retired. A fact checker will ensure submissions are original ideas, are authored by the applicant, and have not previously been submitted to, or won the Interior Design Research Award. All entries must exhibit innovative and creative thinking. Applicant’s personal information is confidential and will be withheld from jurors. Entries will be judged on the following criteria: • Innovative topic/subject and approach to research (20 points) • Scope and methodology of research (20 points) • Impact or potential measurable impact on the interior design profession, or the human experience (50 points) • Judge's interpretation (10 points) Jury decisions are final, including the determination of project eligibility. Phone interviews may be conducted if the committee has specific questions for the candidate.
AWARD DETAILS Award-winners will receive: • $5,000 cash prize for winner in the Educator/Practitioner Category • $2,500 cash prize for winner in the final-year Student Category • A framed certificate and/or trophy presented at the IDC Annual Meeting in September • Flight and accommodation to Annual Meeting location, if applicable The winning candidate of the 2015 Interior Design Research Award will be notified in early July.
Applicants in the Educator/Practitioner category must submit a well-organized and completed electronic package that includes his/her: Application Form, Curriculum Vitae, Abstract, Full Research Paper, and a Photo/Headshot (high resolution preferred). One hard copy of this package must also be submitted (excludes Photo/Headshot). Applicants in the Student category must submit a well-organized and completed electronic package that includes his/her: Application Form, Curriculum Vitae, Summary of Major Research Project, Full Major Research Project and Photo/Headshot (high resolution preferred). One hard copy of this package must also be submitted (excludes Photo/Headshot).
PART 1: CURRICULUM VITAE The candidate will provide a curriculum vitae between 1-2 pages that is well organized and thorough, but summarizes their academic and professional career, which may include his/her: Professional Experience Education Lectures and Presentations Research and Publication Professional Affiliations Other interior design related activities Scholarships, Honours, Awards Community and Volunteer Leadership PLEASE ALSO INCLUDE AN ELECTRONIC 5”X7” PHOTO OR HEADSHOT in jpeg format no larger than 72 dpi with a maximum resolution of 1024x768 pixels.
PART 2: ABSTRACT The applicant must submit a 500 to 800 word maximum abstract that details the focus of his/her research, how the research was conducted, the purpose of the research, main research findings or conclusions, and the meaning of the findings. If the research is about a new method or apparatus, he/she may also want to address the advantages of the method/apparatus, and how well it works. Your abstract: • Should be 500 to 800 words typed double space in 11 point font • The title page should contain your name and the title of your research only • All pages should be numbered, except the title page. Please use the following order: title page, abstract, table of contents, list of tables/figures if applicable), list of appendices (if applicable), full research paper • Your full research paper will be used for reference only. Ensure your points are emphasized proportionally in the abstract to the emphasis they receive in the body of the document • You may refer to specific pages in your full document • To save space, avoid if possible, trade names, acronyms, abbreviations, or symbols Please stay within the allotted guidelines. The judges strictly enforce these guidelines and will not consider additional information.
SUBMISSION CHECKLIST The candidate’s application must be sent to the attention of Interior Designers of Canada, (C536-43 Hanna Avenue, Toronto, ON M6K 1X1) no later than 3 PM Eastern Time on Friday, May 22, 2015. Please submit digital copies on a jump drive. Hard copies should be submitted in the correct order and fastened only by a clip. No staples or binders, please. Jump drives will not be returned. • An electronic copy of the completed application form, signed and dated with complete contact information (pdf) • One hard copy of candidate’s Curriculum Vitae, Abstract/Summary, and Research • An electronic copy of candidate’s Curriculum Vitae (pdf) • An electronic copy of candidate’s Abstract (pdf) • An electronic copy of the candidate’s Research (pdf) • An electronic copy of a photo/headshot (jpeg, 72dpi preferred)
Q U E S T I O N S ? Contact Jennifer Armel at
[email protected], or call 877.443.4425 x 4441 / 416.649.4441.
Application Form
First Name
Last Name
Mailing Address
Provincial Association
Employer (if applicable)
Position (if applicable)
Name of Institution
Degree Sought
Degree Obtained (if applicable)
Research Focus
Obtained ethics clearance? (if applicable)
Is this scholarly research?
Was your research funded?
Was your research published?
If yes, by what organization?
Funding source (if applicable)
If yes, what publication?
I accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information submitted. I certify that the submitted research/project was executed by myself and the other parties credited and meets all eligibility requirements. I confirm that the submitted project was completed no more than two years preceding the date of the original call for entries. I understand that any entry that fails to meet submission requirements may be disqualified. I understand that all winning entries become the property of IDC and will not be returned. I understand that IDC will not be held responsible for any inaccuracies in the contents of the entry, and I will indemnify and hold harmless IDC for any and all claims, demands, losses, causes of action, damages, lawsuits, judgments, to the extent caused by inaccuracies, omissions, and/or misrepresentations in the contents of the entry. I understand that the monies awarded are non-transferable and will be awarded only to the selected recipient(s) in the year he/she is awarded. I understand that all jury decisions are final. I understand that IDC will use my biography and photo for promotional purposes associated with the award including but not limited to media release, website, e-blast to members, next year’s entry kit, social media formats including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn. I understand that the portion of the prize package related to travel to the annual meeting is subject to my availability to attend the date and location established by IDC for their Annual meeting. I understand that travel arrangements for the meeting will be booked by IDC in accordance with their travel policy.