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Motorcycle Project PPT. .... Note: CAD drawings for Desk Fan, Motorcycle Project and Burglar Alarm are available .... rendered in Solid Works. ..... V. /F orm ing. 4 Moulds per sheet. 3a. 1. B rass S trip 164 x 30 x 1m m ..... and robotic machines.
Leaving Certificate


Classroom Project Ideas

Contents Desk Fan Desk Fan PPT ...................................................................................................... 1 Vacuum Forming PPT ......................................................................................... 4 Design for Manufacture ....................................................................................... 6

Motorcycle Project Motorcycle Project PPT....................................................................................... 15 Manufacturing Instructions.................................................................................. 17

Dragster Project Dragster project PPT............................................................................................ 26 Manufacturing Instructions.................................................................................. 29

Mobile Phone Holder Mobile Phone Holder PPT ................................................................................... 37 Inspire and Create PPT ........................................................................................ 41 Manufacturing Instructions.................................................................................. 45 Presentation Notes ............................................................................................... 49

Burglar Alarm Burglar Alarm PPT .............................................................................................. 58 Alarm Circuit ....................................................................................................... 60 Manufacturing Instructions.................................................................................. 61

JC Technology Computer Desk Lamp .......................................................................................... 63 Remote Control Hovercraft.................................................................................. 67

Note: CAD drawings for Desk Fan, Motorcycle Project and Burglar Alarm are available on RD6 Technology Resource CD.

Project Ideas

Design Design and and Manufacturing Manufacturing

Manufacturing & Vacuum Forming Design for Manufacturing Design Brief:

Design and Manufacture a Working Model Electric Fan

Project Option 1

Project Option 2

Projects Projects 1 1& &2 2 -- Desk Desk Fan Fan These are Integrated projects covering a range of processes and manufacturing skills including Design, Mechanisms, Electronics control, CNC machining, Vacuum Forming etc.

Manufacturing & Vacuum Forming

Manufacturing & Vacuum Forming Mould Manufacture – 1 Design Variations

Design for Manufacturing. - Project Option 1

Given an MDF block 125 x 75 x 20 mm design a basic shape to encapsulate the components, support the mechanisms and house the electronic controls.

The design must be manufactured using the materials supplied and incorporate the following: •

Have a vacuum formed base that will support the fan and house the Electronic circuit, Switch & 3 Volt battery

Have a 8Ø brass support bracket that will locate the motor, and the support base in appropriate position.

The fan must have a variable Electronic Speed control circuit.

All electrical connections must be soldered.

Each student should endeavor to individualize her/his design.

The rational behind this Project is that it will allow the teacher to Manage the Design & Manufacturing Process within the constraints of the Classroom/Workshop environment. E.g., Materials, Cost, Machines & Equipment, Time, Reduced Waste & Health & Safety.

Manufacturing & Vacuum Forming

Manufacturing & Vacuum Forming

Mould Manufacture - 2

Wood Plane used to get Draft

Without proper draft the mould cannot be removed from the vacuum formed case without damaging it. Tilting the table on a Scroll saw or Band saw will give the necessary angle but will require finishing by a sanding block.

Examples of six Pattern Designs from the MDF blank

Mould Manufacture - 3

A most important requirement in mould design is DRAFT which must be al least 3 to 5 º.

Table set to 5º on Belt Sander

Refinement to the mould may be by achieved using readily available components in the workshop e.g. coins, washers, rivets, expanded polystyrene shapes, badges etc.

Internal holes or cavities in a mould must have 2Ø mm drilled holes through to the base of the mould so as all air can be removed by the vacuum pump.

Wood chisel used to get Draft

The base of the mould may be drilled and treaded M6 to allow a handle to be attached to assist in pull the mould from the formed shape.

A mould may be dusted with talcum powder to assist in releasing them from the formed shape.

VACUUM FORMING MACHINE Turn on the Vacuum Forming at least 30min before use. Set outside Temperature Zones set to full power Set centre Temperature Zones set to 75% power. Do not over heat the Polyester sheet asit will sag.

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Project Ideas

Manufacturing & Vacuum Forming

Manufacturing & Vacuum Forming

Finishing a Vacuum Formed Object

Desk Fan 2

Finished base made from 2 mm Polystyrenes is trimmed to shape using: • A band-saw. •Tin snips. • GERBIL cutter. •(A Gerbil is a multi-purpose Vacuum Forming cutting & Finishing Machine).

Vacuum Formed Base

Supplied Parts

Speed control circuit & Motor

Parts and Dimensioned drawings for Desk Fan 2

•A Tungsten Carbide cutting tool is used for creating a 10 mm flange around the edge of vacuum forms. This add considerable strength to the Form. •A belt sander, a file or a sanding block may also be used to finish Forms.

The finished fan base is then drilled to accommodate Switches, Variable resistor, LED and pulley mechanism support etc.

Base Dimensions

Manufacturing & Vacuum Forming

Brass washer

Fan Stand & Alternative Design

Manufacturing & Vacuum Forming

Making the Brass support Bar

Assembled Project 2 Completed Variable speed Model Fan A PCB mounted electronic circuit using a TIP 121 chip is used to provide a range of speeds. Note that motor holder has been spray painted. Model Fan has been drawn up and fully rendered in Solid Works.

Facing in the Lathe

Centre Drilling in the Lathe

Accurate Tapping in the Lathe

Advanced design options may include: •Allow the fan direction to be adjustable. •A mechanism that will make the fan oscillate

Manufacturing & Vacuum Forming

Manufacturing & Vacuum Forming

Completed Project 1.

Manufacture of the bracket Project 1

Assembled fixed speed Model Fan assembled using parts provided.

•Bracket is marked out, shaped, drilled, then polished before bending. •The Bracket must be accurately bent using a Bending Machine or Folding Bars Dimensions for Vacuum Form for Base.

Model Fan has been drawn up and fully rendered in Solid Works. A larger diameter Propeller and Solar Motor will change this project to a Generator. Add two LED to indicate current Output

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Project Ideas

Manufacturing & Vacuum Forming

Manufacturing & Vacuum Forming

Bracket Design - Project 2

Advanced option 3 for this Project. •

Design and make a brass fan rotor.

The cone may be made on the made on a CNC lathe.

The fan is soldered to a brass cone.

Brass Cone is Screwed & Tapped M5.

Given a Brass strip 30 x 165 x 1 mm design alternative of support brackets that will; 1.

Support the drive shaft.


Hold the motor in position.


Provide for the bracket to be attached to the base.

•Gear or chain drive may be used. •A mechanism designed to allow the fan to oscillate. •Reversible DPDT Centre “Off” Switch is fitted. •Red/Green LED fitted to indicate Forward/Reverse.

Brass Cone soldered to Rotor

•The speed control may be recycled for use in any motorized project

Manufacturing & Vacuum Forming Summary Most or all of the following headings with associated theory may be integrated into the overall design project. 1.

Design theory and practice


Appropriate material selection


Marking out and fitting skills


Assembly and joining processes


Electronic circuit design theory and practice


PCB Wizard & Solid Works


Mould making theory and practice


Finishes, polishing, spray painting of surface.


Project Management

10. Workshop Safety considerations

Remember “Design is not always about Inspiration and Genius” It is mostly about “Perspiration and Hard Work”

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Project Ideas

Design Design and and Manufacturing Manufacturing

Manufacturing – Vacuum Forming Process A sheet of thermoplastic material is clamped around its edges and heated until flexible. A heat-proof mould of the required shape is raised into the softened plastic. The air between the sheet and the mould is evacuated by a vacuum pump. Atmospheric pressure then forces the plastic sheet tightly over the mould.

Vacuum Vacuum Forming Forming


1. First, a former is made from a material such as a soft wood. The edges or sides are shaped at an angle/draft of 3º so that when the plastic is formed over it, the former can be removed easily. 2. The finished former is placed in a vacuum forming machine. 3. A sheet of plastic e.g. polystyrene is clamped in position above the mould

Manufacturing – Vacuum Forming COMPLETED MOULD 7. The 'vacuum' is turned on and this pumps out all the air beneath the plastic sheet. Atmospheric pressure above the plastic sheet forces it down on the mould. The shape of the mould can now be clearly seen through the plastic sheet. When the plastic has cooled the vacuum pump is switched off. 8. The plastic sheet is removed from the vacuum former. The sheet has the shape of the former pressed into its surface. 9. The excess plastic is trimmed so that only the plastic bowl remains An enlarged view of the final dish is seen opposite.

Materials High Impact Polystyrene sheets from 1mm to 3mm in range of colours are available Including clear sheet used for bubble packaging in presentation boxes.

Manufacturing – Vacuum Forming MOULDING PROCESS

4. The heating elements are then turned on and the plastic slowly becomes soft and pliable as it heats up. The plastic can be seen to ‘sag’ and as the surface expands 5. After a few minutes the plastic is ready for ‘forming’ as it becomes very flexible or rubbery.

6. The heater is turned off and the mould is moved upwards by lifting the lever until it locks in position.

Manufacturing – Vacuum Forming Mould Manufacture To achieve the desired shape moulds may be made by gluing layers of material together and then shaping using a variety of hand and machine tools such as CNC Routers, Laser Cutting, Scroll Saws, Spindle molding table and Belt sanders . Materials used in mould construction may be MDF, Balsa wood, Modelling clay. MDF is usually used in school and cast aluminum or epoxy resin in industry. Mould strength and rigidity may increased by designing in recesses, grooves or steps. Example of trays or bubble or blister packaging produced by vacuum forming Web site link to commercial blister vacuum forming & packaging

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Project Ideas

Manufacturing – Vacuum Forming

Manufacturing – Vacuum Forming


Commercial examples of Vacuum Forming

By using light plywood, aluminum or Perspex sheet as a base layer on your mould, it may be attached using two sided tape so that it may be easily removed and used as the base for your completed project. See example of car mould opposite. When designing a mould it is most important to considering the removal of the vacuum formed shell. No overhanging lips or negative angles. A draft angles of 3° to 5° must be provided on all surfaces of the mould. The formed plastic and the mold is very difficult to seperate and may split or crack. A wooden mould may be dusted with Talcuum powder to aid removal.

Manufacturing – Vacuum Forming

Manufacturing – Vacuum Forming Mould Manufacture

Tips & Tricks 1. MDF & 3mm plywood sheet are cheap and suitable materials used for manufacturing Moulds. 2. Complex shapes can be built up in layers.


1. MDF block basic shaped to encapsulate the components and support the mechanism.

3. Two sided tape, coins, dowels, metal crests, car badges, superglue, wood fillers, matches may be used to enhance or personalize a mould.

2. MDF block design refined to hold 9V battery and provide ergonomically designed profiles for Switches, LED & Variable resistors

4. Hole saws, counter sinking bits, counter boring bits, sanding blocks. 5. Existing shapes may be filled with patching plaster to make a mould. 6. Internal holes cavities in a mould must have 2 Ø mm holes drilled through to the base of the mould to all the cavity to emptied by the vacuum pump. 7. Large or complicated shape may be dusted with talcum powder to assist in releasing them from the mould.

3. Finished 2 mm Polystyrenes mould ready for motor drilling and fitting of electronic components and pulley mechanism support.

8. The base of the mould may be drilled and treaded M6 to allow a handle to be attached to pull the mould from the formed shape.

Manufacturing – Vacuum Forming

Manufacturing – Vacuum Forming FOUR COMPLETED MOULDS

Examples of six Pattern Designs made from the MDF blank

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Remember “Design is not always about inspiration and genius” is more about “Perspiration and hard work”

The rational behind this project is to present a plan that may assist the teacher in managing the manufacturing and design process in a Technology Room. The constraints placed on the teacher will be material available and cost, the machines and tools available and time allocated to manufacturing the project. All students should experience a successful outcome to their project and the better student has scope to develop further enhancements to their design.

All electrical connections should be soldered. Each student should individualise his/her design.

The student may be given the following materials. 1. Diameter 8mm x 100mm brass rod or Brass Strip 164 x 30 x 1mm. 2. MDF board 140 x 70 x 24mm. 3. Electronic / mechanical components for their design.

A vacuum formed secure base that will support the fan and house: • A switch & 3 volt battery • Associated speed control and a power on/off LED indicator. • Have a means of supporting the motor or a brass support bracket that will position the motor, drive pulleys and drive shaft in appropriate positions securely to accommodate a speed reduction.

Design and Manufacture a Working model Electric Fan. Your design must be manufactured using the materials supplied and incorporate the following:

Design for Manufacture


Project Ideas

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N.B. The speed control circuit / drive may be recycled for use in any motorised project.

• Red/Green LED fitted to indicate forward / reverse operation.

• Reversible DPDT ‘Centre Off’ switch is fitted.

• A mechanism designed to allow the fan to oscillate.

• Gear or chain drive may be used.

• The fan is soldered to the brass cone.

• The Brass Cone is Screwed & Tapped M5.

• The brass cone may be made on the made on a CNC lathe.

• Design and make a brass fan rotor to replace the “bought in option”.

Further advanced Design Options for this Project

• The student must measuring the motor to establish distances and drill hole diameters before marking out the bracket. • The bracket shape and method of attaching it to the base also gives the student the opportunity to personalize their design - see sketch page for possible solutions. • The bracket should be de-burred and polished before bending. • To further develop the project for the better student the rotor may also be designed and made from brass.

From the Brass strip the student must design a support bracket to hold the motor and drive mechanism in the appropriate positions;

The student should be required to make a “mock-up” model of their design as a homework exercise to test proportion & function. Light cardboard sheet and tube, masking tape, thumb-tacks, cocktail sticks and Blue-tack may be used. This provides the opportunity for the student to refine or modified their design before moving on to expensive materials and wasting valuable time on a shape that may not have a successful outcome. Each piece of material used in a design should serve at least two functions to reduce the number of parts required.


Project Ideas

Quantity 1 1 1 1 (optional) 1 (optional) 1 1 of each 1 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Description MDF board 140 x 70 x 24mm Polystyrene sheet x 2mm V/Forming Brass Strip 164 x 30 x 1mm Brass bar Dia. 8mm x 100mm Motor mount 20mm clip to suit 1.5 – 4.5V motor Steel bar 50 x 2Ømm chromed. Pulley black Polystyrenes 12Ø & 25Ø Polythene Fan 60 Ø mm Steel self tapping screws No 4 x 6.5 4 Flat steel washers to suit M3. S/Steel Pan Head M3 x 8. S/Steel nuts M3. Miniature Switch SPDT Miniature high torque Motor 3Volt Red & Green LED per packet of 100 Led bezel to suit 5Ø Led 150 or 220 Ω fixed resistor Knob to match resistor spindle 6 Ø mm 22KΩ variable resistor. Battery Holder 2 x AA = 3Volts Battery Clip PP3 Length Pulley drive belt

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Bending Machine, Drill with Stand, Vacuum Forming Machine, Height Gauge Drill bits 2, 2.5, 3.5 & 4 Ø, Fine water paper, Hand Clamp, Phillips screwdriver, Pliers, Metal polish & cloth, Soldering Iron, Solder, Red & Black link wire, Wire Stripers, Super Glue, Stanley knife.

Additional Tools & Equipment Required

Item 1 2 3a 3b 3c 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 16 17 18

Materials may be purchased from; Miko Metals;  021-4966907 Central Technology Ltd;  01-8223355 Rapid Electronics Ltd;  0044 -1206 751166

4 Moulds per sheet. Miko Metals Miko Metals 37-0360 37-0350 per pk of 50 37-0375 & 37-0380 Pk of 10 06- 0690 or 06-0692 per unit 33-3150 33-1760 33-4115 33-4305 75-0211 37-0144 55-1776 & 55-1772 55-0260 62-0350 & 62-0354 per 100 32-1200 65-0502 18-0125 18-0092 52- 5082

Rapid Electronics Ref Code

Desk top Fan Project - Material List


Project Ideas

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Suitable materials for use in vacuum forming are conventionally thermoplastics, the most common and easiest being High Impact Polystyrene Sheeting (HIPS). This is molded around a wood, structural foam or cast/machined aluminum mold and can form to almost any shape. Vacuum forming is also appropriate for transparent materials such as acrylic which are widely used in applications for aerospace such as PCW (passenger cabin windows) canopies for military fixed wing aircraft and "bubbles" for rotary wing aircraft.

Relatively deep parts can be formed if the form-able sheet is mechanically or pneumatically stretched prior to bringing it in contact with the mold surface and before vacuum is applied.

Vacuum forming is usually – but not always – restricted to forming plastic parts that are rather shallow in depth. A thin sheet is formed into rigid cavities for unit doses of pharmaceuticals and for loose objects that are carded or presented as point-of-purchase items. Thick sheet is formed into permanent objects such as turnpike signs and protective covers.

Normally, draft angles must be present in the design on the mold (a recommended minimum of 3°), otherwise release of the formed plastic and the mold is very difficult.

The vacuum forming process can be used to make product packaging, speaker casings and even car dashboards.

A sheet of thermoplastic material is clamped around its edges and heated until flexible. A heat-proof mould of the required shape is raised into the softened plastic. The air between the sheet and the mould is evacuated by a vacuum pump. Atmospheric pressure then forces the plastic sheet tightly over the mould. A permanently 3-D shape is formed.


Vacuum Forming


Project Ideas

Steps in the Vacuum Forming Process

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1. MDF & 3mm plywood sheet are cheap and suitable materials used for manufacturing Moulds. 2. Complex shapes can be built up in layers. 3. Two sided tape, coins, dowels, metal crests, car badges, superglue, wood fillers, matches may be used to enhance or personalize a mould. 4. Hole saws, counter sinking bits, counter boring bits, sanding blocks. 5. Existing shapes may be filled with patching plaster to make a mould. 6. Internal holes cavities in a mould must have 2 Ø mm holes drilled through to the base of the mould to all the cavity to emptied by the vacuum pump. 7. Large or complicated shape may be dusted with talcum powder to assist in releasing them from the mould. 8. The base of the mould may be drilled and treaded M6 to allow a handle to be attached to pull the mould from the formed shape. 9. Do not over heated the plastic sheet as it will sags and this increases the like-hood of webs between moulds. 10.Well designed pattern with smooth finish are easily removed from the finished vacuum form.

Vacuum Forming Tips & Tricks


Project Ideas

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Examples of Student Projects - Vacuum Forms used to house Electronic Projects.


Project Ideas

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Project Ideas

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Project Ideas

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Project Ideas

Project Ideas

Motorcycle Project

Motorcycle Project

Design and make a project of simple construction,suitable for a Leaving Certificate Technology class.

The Main body or frame: Body profile made from sheet Aluminium 1mm, Blank size shown in the diagram.

Three part design: 1. Main body

Finished outline is Symmetrical.

2. Front forks Profile marked out, holes drilled and then cut from given blank according to accompanying dimensioned drawing

3. Handlebars

Additional components required: • 3 Wheels

1 Gears Wheel

Finished part.

• 1 Motor

1 Worm gear

• 2 Battery Holders

The finished profile is then bent to shape as shown.

1 Seat & Petrol Tank

• 1 Switch

4 AA Batteries

Motorcycle Project

Motorcycle Project Handlebars

Front forks:

Mark out and drill the blank. Cut out the profile and finally bend as required.

Mark out the desired profile according to the given dimensions. Then drill the three Ø 4mm holes and cut out the profile.

Now bend both sides at right angles to produce the final design as shown.

Completed Handlebars shown opposite.

Motorcycle Project

Motorcycle Project Handlebars

Main parts assembled:

Finishing Methods As with all projects there are a number of possible finishes.

Assembled view of the three main parts of the Motorcycle


Front forks


Polishing Mops & soaps Mottling

Finished Motorcycle: The additional components are then added to give the final assembled Motorcycle project shown.

Fine grade emery cloth Graded Steel Wool

Main body

Chemical Polishes:

Brasso, Silvo, Peek.

Plastic Coating:

Dip coating

Painting: Metal Spraying:

Standard colours & specialist paints Cold spray able Metal coatings.

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Project Ideas

Motorcycle Project

Motorcycle Project Project Enhancements:

Metal Dyes: These are special chemical that react with the metal to produce a range of finishes. Antiquing solutions Cupric Nitrate

Introduce Timing circuits:

Travel set distance forward / reverse

Flashing LED’s:

Astable circuit

Sound Chip:

Motor Cycle Sound when switched on.


Cobalt Nitrate Copper Sulphate Silver Nitrate Sample of special Chemical finishes:

Rusty Brown

Tilt Switches:

Turn off the Drive should the Motor Cycle fall over.

Finally design and make a suitable Seat and Fuel Tank for the project. Flemish Violet Tri Colour

Motorcycle Project Some typical Technology room sheet metalworking tools:

Tin Snips

Hand Nibbler

Sheetmetal Clamp

Conical drill

Folding Bars

Simple vice jaw folders

Rollers Folders

Bench vice folders

Combined bench mounted, hand operated rollers, folders and shears.


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Project Ideas

Motor Cycle Project Design and make a project of simple construction, suitable for a Leaving Certificate Technology class. Introduction: This project was designed in 1mm sheet Aluminium. It could just as well be made from Mild Steel, Brass, Copper or Acrylic. It consists of three main parts:

Main body.

Front Forks.

Handle Bars.

It uses a unique double back wheel design for stability and a switch that keeps the assembly together without the need for screws.

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Project Ideas

All dimensions on the project are interdependent; if the thickness of the Aluminium is altered then the switch would have to be altered as the neck of the switch will be too short to assemble the three main parts. Likewise if the size of the gear wheel or the worm gear are altered then the position of the axle hole would also have to be altered to correspond. All the other components used are attached with double sided adhesive pads. The motor and holder fit neatly to the underside of the main body and the two battery holders attach to the sides to replicate the exhausts for design purposes.

The Main Body: When you get the blank piece of Aluminium the first thing you need to do is check for a straight true edge. The edge of the Rule or the back of the Try Square may be used for this purpose. Having satisfied yourself that you have one true edge, you now take the Try Square and proceed to mark out, cut and file a further edge at right angles to the first edge. This gives two good edges from which to mark out the Body profile according to the given dimensions.

A scriber would be normally be used to mark out but if you don’t want to mark the surface a standard pencil will do. Having marked out the profile from the given dimensions, the next step is to centre punch the position of the three 4mm holes for drilling.

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Project Ideas

The drilling may be done on the Bench drill or with a portable drill. Particular care is needed in this operation. A piece of wood is required to support the Aluminium profile and it needs to be clamped to the profile before being drilled. It may also be held with a Hand vice and drilled on the Bench drill or Pillar drill provided it has adequate support.

Now the profile has to be cut from the blank and filed to size. In light gauge aluminium a Tin Snips or Hand Shears would be used. Accuracy in cutting out at this stage reduces the amount of filing required. Really you should only have to remove the burrs after cutting. The next operation is the Bending or Folding of the profile. Again accuracy is important, because if one side is slightly longer than the other the axle and therefore back wheels will be out of alignment. Methods of bending or folding will depend on the equipment available. The best option is a floor or Bench folding press as these produce the most accurate results, if this is not available there are a number of small vice folders available.

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Project Ideas

Failing that you may have a folding bars, and finally reasonable results are possible with blocks of hardwood cut to the required sizes.

Hardwood blocks are also very useful as formers and while bending to protect the blank from hammer damage. Hit the hardwood block with the Hammer and not the Aluminium.

The remaining parts are produced in the same manner according to the dimensioned drawings. When the three profiles are completed they are assembled or joined together using the switch supplied. Again this removes the need for any screws in the project. Next the worm gear is pushed on to the 2mm Motor shaft. The Motor is placed in its holder and it is then mounted to the underside of the main body as shown in the earlier diagrams. Assemble the rear wheels and the 38tooth gear wheel on the 4mm Axle shaft provided. Locate the Axle assembly in the 4mm holes in the Main body. Mount the front wheel in the Front forks in a similar manner. The battery holders are now attached to the side of the Main body with double sided sticky pads to resemble exhaust pipes.

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Project Ideas

The project is now wired and soldered according to the given circuit diagram.

The battery may be connected in either series or parallel. In series you have 6 Volts and only 3 Volts in parallel but with a greater torque. Finally the design is finished with the inclusion of a Petrol Tank and seat. These may be moulded and or vacuum formed to a design of your own choosing.

Front Forks:

Handle Bars:

The approach and methods of manufacturing the Front Forks and the Handle Bars are exactly the same as for the main body described previously.

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Project Ideas

Completed Project

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Project Ideas

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Project Ideas

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Project Ideas

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Project Ideas


Dragster Dragster Project: Project: emphasis emphasis on on control control

• The dragster project focuses on control • Controlling electric motors is the basis for many applications in industry Examples of applications include: standard power tools and machines – (most electric drills will reverse direction) automated machines, CNC machines, and robotic machines • Control of motors is primary – desired motion is secondary

What is a dragster?

Shirley Muldowney NY won the Top Fuel Championship in 1977, 1980, and 1982 – ranked 5th in all time speed driver list. Muldowney is Irish American – Don’t forget Tracey!

Dragster Theme Expandable design

- Body based on inter fitting aluminium channels. Two simple gearboxes and motors are used to drive large rear wheels. Each wheel may be controlled separately. Prototype vehicle:

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Project Ideas

Dragster Theme

Dragster Theme Simple design - one piece frame or body to support additional components -

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Project Ideas


Dragster Project

Castor in a car steering

Integration of Topics: Project Management Body/Frame design:

Assembly Techniques

Drive Systems

Allocation of resources, Time, Materials, Equipment, Costs, etc

Sketching of idea’s, dimensioning, selection of suitable materials, exercises in SolidWorks Screwing and Tapping, and Soldering, and consideration of other methods

Gear boxes ,Both bought and constructed, Bevel gears, Worm Gears, Pulley Systems, Belt & Chain Drives, Drive reversal, etc.


Components, Circuit design, Board layout, Timing circuits, Electronic theory.


Polishing, Painting, Vacuum forming of body shell.

Dragster project Summary Some or all of the following areas may be integrated and incorporated into the final project:


Design theory and practice


Appropriate material selection


Marking out and fitting skills


Assembly and joining processes


Electronic circuit design theory and practice


Mould making theory and practice


Finishes, surface and other


Project Management


Safety considerations, general and project specific.

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Project Ideas

Dragster Project: emphasis on control of two motors This is a simple project which uses 2 electric motors coupled to worm and gear axle assemblies. Each motor system axle drives 1 rear wheel of the three-wheeled vehicle. The front wheel is a castor wheel. The prototype in the photograph shows the main parts and structure of the project

The two motors are controlled by Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) sliding switches mounted on a prepared PCB board to which the ribbon wires are conned.

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Project Ideas

M4 Cheese head screws

Attach the 2 plastic motor housings to the cross member by drilling holes and tapping M4. The cross member is attached in a similar manner.

Cut the axles as required and fit them as shown.

The motors are then placed and secured in position. Make sure that each assembly works well and that the worm and gears are neither too tight, nor too loose.

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Project Ideas

Length of dragster adjusting screw

Top view of switch PCB on the left with copper side view on the right

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Project Ideas

The concept of castor and its part in centre point steering in most road vehicles is often misunderstood. There are some simple examples such as the furniture castor and then bicycle forks might be examined: why can a bike rider ride with no hands?

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Project Ideas


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Project Ideas

Castor for reverse movement of dragster


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Project Ideas

Dragster Project Material and component list Each Project: 2 of Clunk Click Gearboxes with 3mm shafts (Rapid: - code 37-0310) 2 of Spiked Tyres dia 75 (Rapid: - code 06-0656 or TEP: - code CS7 032)) 4 of inserts for Spiked tyres (TEP: - code CW3 027) 1 of Forward Reverse control board to include switches (TEP: - code EW2 030) 1 of 4 x AA battery holder 4 of AA batteries 1 of PP3 Battery Clip 1 of Castor wheel dia. 38mm (TEP: - code CW3 027)

Materials for fabrication: Aluminium channel 20mm x 20mm x 2mm wall x 240mm long Aluminium channel 15mm x 15mm x 2mm wall x 220 long Aluminium unequal angle 35mm or 40mm x 20mm x 1.5mm wall x 25mm long Aluminium bar 25mm or 30mm x 3mm x 85mm long

Machine screws: 5 only M4 cheese hd x 8 or x 10 long 1 only M5 cheese hd x or 25 long 1 only M3 cheese hd x 15 or 20 long 2 only M5 flat washers M3, M4, M5 nuts Sticky pads to stick down battery holder 6 way ribbon cable (Rapid: - code 37-0310)

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Project Ideas

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Project Ideas

Mobile Phone Holder Project

Design for Manufacture

Mobile Phone Holder 1




Variety of Processes and Manufacturing Techniques

Press Forming using ‘Foamex’

Production of Artifacts

Solutions to Real Life Design Situations

Enhance Problem Soving and Design Capabilities

Development of Individualised Products 3



Objectives Students will Develop: •A Range of Manufacturing Skills: - Heat forming

•Thematic Approach

- The use of jigs and formers

•Encourage Integration of Topics

- Marking out, cutting, drilling, finishing and assembly of materials.

•Adapt Projects to meet individual Circumstances

•An Understanding of The Characteristics of Thermoplastics Materials 5

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Project Ideas


Presentation Theme:

•Research Skills using ICT

Mobile phones are a worldwide phenomenon that have revolutionised the way we communicate with one another. They are both desirable and essential to our everyday lives.

•Product Analysis Techniques and Design Specifications

The ways in which we carry, protect and secure our mobile phones can be based on fashion, practicality and function.

•Graphics/Design skills and techniques

•Ability to Design according to User Requirements

Design Brief: Design and make a functional mobile phone holder suitable for personal or desktop use 7




•Work within student skills range

•Designers need stimulation

•Manufacturing Processes:

•Provision of stimulation

- Press forming - Vacuum Forming

•Personal Research – How did it influence the thought process

•Functionality and Ease of Use •High Standard of Finish – Use of Graphics

•See accompanying presentation on Research – Add to it

•Individualised Product 9



Making the Formers



•3mm expanded foam sheet (Foamex)

•Oven •Vacuum former

•1.5mm Vacuum forming plastic •18mm MDF or suitable material for production of moulds and formers

•A range of hole saws or forstner bits •Scroll saw

•Male and Female Formers – 18mm MDF

•Wet and dry paper

•Grip range press fit nylon click fasteners

•Simple Shapes

•Tie wraps

•Male – Fixed to Base (Allignment)

•Female – Larger by thickness of casing material

•Acrylic cement or solvent

•Taper – Not necessary, Radius top edge 11

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Project Ideas

Heating and Forming


Material is placed in preheated oven (See Temperature chart ) Heated material is draped over male former Locate female former over male former

Material can be trimmed to leave a 10mm lip

Force together and hold until material cools

File and finish to shape with wet and dry paper 13

Support Bracket


Assembly Assembly may need to be supported with masking tape during the gluing process

Cut casing material in half using a scroll saw and file to finish

Support bracket can be marked from casing but its profile is cut 5mm smaller all round and filed to finish

Casing is affixed to support bracket using tensol solvent/cement or a glue gun 15



Finished Project

Support Bracket can be bent using a Strip Heater


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Project Ideas

Design Variations

Extension Concepts

A number of design variations are possible using this process

•Survival Kit •Swimming Holidays •Jewellery •Power Pod •CD Storage •Camping •Pamper Pod •Baby Gear •Handsets/Remote Control •Pencil Case


Times & Temperatures

•Personal Alarm •Mouse House •IT accessories •Desk Tidy •Radio Housing •Instrument Case •Toolbox •Robot Shell •Money Box •Paintbox Store


Links TEP International Manufacturing Centre University of Warwick


Oven Temp. °C

Time (Seconds)


3mm Foamex



3mm Plastazote



6mm Plastazote



If plastic becomes mishapen, it can be returned to the oven and reheated.

Coventry CV4 7AL

Middlesex University Teaching Resources Unit 10, IO Centre Waltham Cross Herts EN9 1AS

Click Here to view instructional video


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Project Ideas

Inspire and Create

Mobile Phone Holder 1






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Project Ideas



Cut angled ?



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Project Ideas







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Project Ideas





Special Thanks to: •Technology Education Centre, Omagh •Mr. R.A. Moffatt, Western Education and Library Board


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Project Ideas

Press Forming – Mobile Phone Holder Manufacturing Instructions

Male and female formers are manufactured from 18mm MDF

A piece of 120x200x3mm Foamex is placed in pre heated oven

Female former is larger than male former by thickness of casing material

The material is heated for approximately 30 secs. At 140°C

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Project Ideas

The heated material is draped over the male former

The female former is located over the male former

Force is applied to sandwich the two together and held for 2 mins.

The material can then be released from the male former

Using a pencil a line can be marked around 10mm from the case edge

The material can be trimmed using a scroll saw or a gerbil cutter

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Project Ideas

Cut the formed casing in half and draw file to finish

Mark the casing profile on a different colour piece of Foamex

Cut the profile approx. 10mm smaller than the casing

Support both materials in position using masking tape

Affix both materials using tensol solvent/cement or a glue gun

Bend the support bracket using a strip heater

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Project Ideas

The finished project can be enhanced in order to individualize its appearance

A variety of solutions can be achieved using the Plug and Yoke method of Press Forming © t4 Galway Education Centre


Project Ideas

Design for Manufacture – Press Forming Mobile Phone Holder Presentation Notes

No 2-4 Introduction


The Leaving Certificate Technology syllabus encourages students to investigate a variety of manufacturing techniques in order to produce artifacts as solutions to specific problems. Students need to be exposed to a variety of processes and materials in the classroom in order to enhance their problem solving and design capabilities. The unit introduces students to the process of Press Forming using ‘plug and yoke’ moulds, working with a number of materials including ‘Foamex’ – a rigid foam PVC sheet and encourages students to explore a range of techniques in the realization of real life design situations culmination in the development of individualized products. The unit can be presented using a thematic approach, which can encompass a range of topics in an integrated manner. Teachers are encouraged to adapt and develop the projects to meet their own individual circumstances in order to provide design opportunities for their students.

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Project Ideas

No 5-6 Objectives


• The students will develop: • A range of manufacturing skills through a series of workshop processes: • Heat forming • The use of jigs and formers • Marking out, cutting, drilling, finishing and assembly of materials. • An understanding of the characteristics of a range of thermoplastics materials • Basic graphics and design skills and techniques • Research skills using ICT • Communication skills such as product analysis techniques and design specifications • The ability to design an artifact according to user requirements

No 7



Theme: Mobile phones are a worldwide phenomenon that have revolutionised the way we communicate with one another. They are both desirable and essential to our everyday lives. The ways in which we carry, protect and secure our mobile phones can be based on fashion, practicality and function.

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Project Ideas

Design Brief: Design and make a functional mobile phone holder suitable for personal or desktop use

No 8



• Expectations will be constrained by the design, communication and manufacturing skills of the target group • Project should be manufactured using the heat forming process of Press forming (Vacuum Forming can be utilised to enhance the project) • Emphasis should be placed on functionality and ease of use of product • The completed product should be finished to a high standard and the use of graphics to enhance its appearance should be encouraged • Products can be individualized to suit particular models of phone.

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Project Ideas

No 9



• Remember the majority of students need stimuli in order to come up with ideas • Present plenty of examples in order to provide opportunities for stimulation, investigation and research • Encourage personal research to show how existing solutions influenced students thought processes • Refer to accompanying Research presentation (Add to this according to the needs of the group)

No 10 Resources


The resource list suggests a range of materials and equipment that can be used in the unit:

Materials: • 3mm expanded foam sheet (Foamex) • 1.5mm Vacuum forming plastic • 18mm MDF or suitable material for production of moulds and formers • Grip range press fit nylon click fasteners • Tie wraps • Acrylic cement or solvent

Equipment: • Oven • Vacuum former • A range of hole saws or forstner bits

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Project Ideas

• Scroll saw • Wet and dry paper

No 11 Making the Formers


• Two formers, a male and a female are required for both sides of the casing • These can be made from MDF (suggested size: 18mm). • Keep shapes simple and ensure that contour changes are gradual. • The female former needs to be larger than the male former by the thickness of the casing material. This will avoid distortion to the shape of the casing. • The male former needs to be fixed to a flat wooden base. To ensure alignment of formers, dowel guides, former clamps or pen marks can be used. • Tapered sides are not necessary, but a small radius along the top edge of the male former will ease removal.

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Project Ideas

No 12 Heating and Forming


• The material is placed in a pre heated oven and heated for the appropriate time (Approx. 30 secs. at 140°C for 3mm Foamex). • Heated material is then draped over the male former. • The female former is then located over the male former. Force is applied to sandwich the two together. • Both formers are held in place until the material cools. This can be done by hand or by using a simple clamp. • Release the plastic from the male former and repeat the process for the second side of the casing if necessary. `

No 13 Cutting and Assembly


• Using a pencil, mark a line around the outside of the casing approximately 10mm from the case edge in order to create a lip. • Trim the edge using a coping saw or a scroll saw. • Alternatively, the casing can be trimmed using a Gerbil cutter and filed to shape. • Use wet and dry paper to finish edges.

No 14 Support Bracket


• The formed material for the casing can be now be cut in half using a scroll saw or a conventional hacksaw. It is then draw filed to finish. • The support bracket can be made from a similar size piece of foamex of different colour.

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Project Ideas

• The profile of the casing can be marked out using the casing as a template. • The profile itself is cut approximately 5mm smaller than the casing and then filed to finish.

No 15 Assembly


• Both the material for the casing and the support can be positioned and supported using masking tape in preparation for gluing. • Both materials are then affixed using tensol solvent, tensol cement or a glue gun. • Make sure the assembly is not disturbed during the curing process.

No 16 Bending


• Using a strip heater, bend the support bracket to an appropriate angle. • The material will become plastic a lot quicker than similarly dimensioned HIPS.

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Project Ideas

No 17 Finished Project


• Students should be encouraged to investigate a variety of assembly methods and finishing techniques in order to enhance the overall appearance and to individualize the finished project.

No 18 Design Variations


• Using the ‘Plug and Yoke’ method of Press Forming, a variety of solutions can be achieved. • Joints can be glued or or joined with plastic fixings.

No 19 Extension Concepts


• Included is a list of suggested projects that can be incorporated into the classroom and which can be used to extend students use of the Press Forming technique.

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Project Ideas

No 20 Times and Temperatures


• Shown are the suggested heating times and oven temperatures for a number of Press Forming materials. • If plastic becomes misshapen during the forming process, it can be returned to the oven and reheated until it returns to its original shape. • Minor scratches on the surface can be removed using a hair dryer.

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Project Ideas

Burglar Alarm

Parts List

Leaving Certificate Technology

Stage 1

Stage 2

A 2mm trim will be removed once the glue is dry

Part 3 is over sized by 4mm in length and width

•Use liquid solvent cement to join, Part 1 and Part 2 at 900 to make a corner of the box. • Repeat procedure for the other 3 corners

Stage 3

•Place the 4 sides on the bottom (3) and use the liquid solvent cement to glue on the bottom •Repeat for top of box

Stage 4 Top fits on and off over the trim

45deg side is again over sized in length and width.

Top edge corners are cut at 45deg using band saw

Fix part 5 and 6 inside box with liquid solvent cement.

•Use the band saw to cut along each line so to remove the two corners . •The 45deg sides are fixed on using liquid solvent cement.

•Use the band saw to cut along the 18mm line so you get the top and bottom of the box •Glue the trim to the inside of the four side of the bottom half of the box.

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Project Ideas


PCB Thyristor

Toggle Switch

Reed Switch





a g

Power Supply



2k2 Resistor 1M Resistor Circuit is created in circuit wizard. The circuit is then converted into a PCB and manufactured.

PCB with electronic components Thyristor is a lathing device. Once it is switched on by a small voltage at the gate it stays on.

Reed Switch Buzzer Toggle Switch

Buzzer is fixed to Alarm Housing using M3 Bolts


Toggle Switch is fixed to the top of the alarm housing

Power Supply

The Reed Switch will be fixed to the side of the Alarm Housing. How this is done will depend on the type of Reed Switch

Circuit Activation

The Alarm hangs on a door with a magnet on the door frame so when the door opens the Reed Switch is activated by the magnet.

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Project Ideas

Burglar Alarm Circuit

Alarm Circuit • • • • • • •

Power Supply 9V Battery SW1 – Toggle switch SW2 – Reed Switch R1 – 1M Resistor R2 – 2k2 Resistor Buzzer Thysistor

PCB Layout

PCB with Electronic Components

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Project Ideas

Burglar Alarm: Manufacturing Instructions

Stage 1: 1. Use liquid solvent cement to join, Part 1 and Part 2 at 900 to make a corner of the box. 2. To help hold Part 1 and Part 2 at 900 use 2 try squares in inside and the other out side the corner. 3. Place a drop of liquid solvent cement in the corner and capillary action will allow the liquid to flow into the joint. 4. Repeat process for the other 3 corners Stage 2: 1. 2. 3. 4.

In this stage the top and bottom are joined onto the box When cutting out the top and bottom they can be over size by 4mm in length and width Place the 4 sides on the bottom and use the liquid solvent cement to glue on the bottom Then place the 4 sides and bottom on the top and glue it on with liquid solvent cement, so that you end up with a sealed box.

Stage 3: 1. Mark a line along both sides 33mm up from the base 2. Setup the Band saw at 450. 3. Use the band saw to cut along each line so to remove the two corners as in diagram for stage 3 4. The 450 side are again over size by 4mm in length and width by 4mm. 5. Glue on the 450 side so there is 2mm trim all round. 6. Using wet emery paper to remove all the trim around the box so that all sides are flush with each other. Stage 4: 1. Mark a line 18mm up from the base of the box. 2. Use the band saw to cut along the 18mm line so you get the top and bottom of the box. 3. Glue the trim to the inside of the four side of the bottom half of the box. The trim acts as the catch for the box as the top can slide on and off over it. Stage 5: 1. Make and solder the PCB for the Burglar Alarm. 2. Fix the PCB in the base of the box and position the reed switch close to the side of the box.

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Project Ideas


• • • • • • •

9V Battery Toggle switch Reed Switch 1M Resistor 2k2 Resistor Buzzer Thyristor

The Burglar Alarm circuit works by using a reed switch and thyristor. The Thyristor is a latch device, once it is triggered by a small voltage at the gate leg, the buzzer will stay on until the circuit is switched off by the main switch and stopping the power to the anode. The reed switch is used to trigger the Thyristor, this happens when the reed switch passes the magnet. Once the thyristor is triggered the buzzer stays on no matter if the reed switch is on or off.

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Project Ideas

Design Brief: Design and manufacture a Computer Desk Lamp. Specification: 1. The Lamp must be a simple design which is attractive to look at 2. The project must incorporate a simple on off switch/bulb circuit 3. It must be suitable for a computer/study desk. Investigation & Research: Strength

Colour Shape Size

Materials Base/Boom Electronics Components


Safety Factors

Circuit Design

Computer Desk Lamp

Finish Detail


Cost Manufacture Procedures

Time Practical

Freehand Sketching:

Example of Vacuum forming mould made from MDF

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Project Ideas


Possible Solution

This solution includes: 1. Base to house electronics 2. Back Support 3. Brass tube 4. Shade Bracket 5. Vacuum Formed Shade Manufacturing Process: Part 1. Base

Material MDF 12mm

2. Back Support

5mm Acrylic

3. Tubing 4. Shade Bracket 5. Shade

8mm Brass Tube 3mm Acrylic Vacuum Forming sheet Labelling

6. Extras

Manufacture Electronics housing cut out using the scroll saw. Centre removed to make space for electronic components. Trovicel plastics used as a veneer to top and bottom of MDF Countersunk holes to base. Bending to required angle. Drilling holes to fit U bolt Cut to length and slight bend if required Marking out, drilling and bending Vacuum Forming Process

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Project Ideas

Tips: A U bolt can be a useful item to help join round material to flat acrylic.

Circuit Diagram:

Shown is a simple bulb circuit which uses a battery, switch and bulb. A 6.5V 300mA Bulb is used to obtain a greater light output. A good idea is to use a Variable power supply and jack socket (as shown) as this eliminates the need for an expensive 9V PP3 battery. This power supply can be used to power other Technology projects. Miniature Jack Socket Bulb Holder

Variable Power Supply Factors to Consider: Working with plastics/wood, drilling, bending, filing, gluing/adhesives, vacuum forming process, soldering process, electronics and general assembly.

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Project Ideas

Other possible solutions:

This solution has an ash base with centre removed to house electronics. A 5mm bracket is used to support the boom. The boom has holes drilled to adjust the length of the boom. A wind nut is able to hold the shade in place at an angle. The shade is vacuum formed from MDF.

This solution again has an ash base with centre removed to house electronics. A 5mm acrylic bracket is used to support the boom. The boom is screwed to the bracket for permanent positioning. A wind nut is again used. The shade is vacuum formed from an MDF mould.

Applications for Leaving Certificate Technology: Another circuit which could be used in this design is a dark sensor - Darlington or op amp circuit. This circuit could be used to detect a small change in light level thus tuning on the bulb. A touch sensitive circuit could also be incorporate into another design. Another application might be computer table lamp to incorporate a study aid like a 555 timer circuit

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Project Ideas

Design Brief: Design and manufacture a Remote Control Hovercraft. Specification: 1. The Hovercraft must be a simple design which is attractive to look at 2. The project must incorporate a remote control - forward/reverse circuit 3. It must be suitable to travel on land and water. Investigation & Research: Remote Control DPDT

Colour Shape Size

Materials Base Bracket Float Options

Materials Pipe Wrap

Safety Factors

Circuit Design


Ergonomics Aesthetics

Finish Detail Cost Budget

Manufacture Procedures

Time Practical

Freehand Sketching:

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Project Ideas

Solution: The solution includes: 1. Base with pipe wrap 2. Back Motor Support 3. Remote Control Box 4. Two motors and Fan

Manufacturing Process: Part 1. Base 2. Back Motor Support 3. Pipe wrap 4. Control Box

Material 3mm Trovicel Plastic 3mm Trovicel Plastic 20mm Inside centre pipe wrap Vacuum Forming sheet

5. Electronics 6. Extra


Manufacture Marking out, drilling and cutting large hole using the Scroll saw. Marking out, drilling and bending to required angle - 90˚. Attaching motor. Cut to length and attached by glue – Impact Adhesive – See Below Vacuum Forming Process and drill required holes for DPDT switch. Soldering Process MM28 High Torque

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Project Ideas

Circuit Diagram:

PCB Layout

Shown is a circuit which uses a 6V battery, DPDT slide switch with centre off, and a motor. This circuit will rotate the motor turns clockwise and anti-clockwise. A second motor can easily be added to the circuit.

MM28 Motor

DPDTCO Slide switch

3 Blade Propeller Fan Factors to consider: Working with plastics, drilling, bending, filing, gluing/adhesives, vacuum forming process, soldering, electronics and general assembly.

Hint: Pipe Wrap can be used to aid buoyancy of the hovercraft

Impact adhesive is great glue for joining different materials together.

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Project Ideas

Another possible solution:

This solution has a perspex base with a camping mat used as the buoyancy aid. An aluminum 1.5mm bracket is used to support the motor.

The fan, seat and steering column can be designed to each student’s requirements. A purpose build vacuum formed mould is used to house the electronic DPDT circuit.

Applications for Leaving Certificate Technology: Design and make a hovercraft with radio control. Another possible circuit which could be used in a different design is a DPDTCO slide switch with speed control and directional indicators circuit. This circuit could be used to speed up or slow down the lift and rear fans. A rear rudder could also be used to steer.

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