Identifying Key Features in Programs for the Gifted

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e the maxi11111111 nUJllher of program fea rures ranked ll\· anv .... Key feature E: Staff orientation. In order to ... Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill,. 1961.

Identifying Key Features in Programs for the Gifted Abstract: A study was undertilken to determine which ft11tures tmd cbaTacteristics of programs for the gifted are considered by autbtwities in the field to be the most necessary and sufficient f()f' comprehensive provaming. The seven features tht1t were considered to be relatively 'I'JU)Ye essential than others have been designated as key features of differenti41 progTittiU for the gifted. Discussion includes a description of the importmtt dimensions of these key features.


recent years renewed attention and ef­

could be used for program development wd

fon have been directed toward the develop­

evaluation. The concept of key features repre­

ment of special program$ for gifted a.;d talented

sents an essential part of the rationale upon

students. Evidence of heightened interest in this

which the study was based. Reflection upon the

area is found in the rapidly increasing number

entire· span of characteristics which any educa­

of states which have taken legislative action

tional program might possibly include, from the

dealing with special provisions for the gifted.