Identity Standards - Portland State University

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Sep 19, 2011 - and Adobe Garamond Pro (Serif). These fonts are ... Adobe Garamond is used for longer body copy and ....
Portland State University Identity Standards

Table of Contents 3



Key Messages


Identity Basics


Minimum Clear Space


Size Requirements


Logo Usage


Logo File Names


Contrast Recommendations


Background Guidelines


Unacceptable Uses


Color Palette


Approved PSU Seals and Logos


Typographic Style


Image Style


Publications Guidelines


Advertising Guidelines


PowerPoint Guidelines


Website Guidelines


E-Newsletter Guidelines


Electronic Signature Guidelines


Stationery System


Letterhead Guidelines


Style Matters


Affirmative Action Statement



Introduction This guide is a reference tool for applying a consistent look, feel, voice, and tone for all Portland State University communications. Graphic identity standards enhance communication with our constituents. They distinguish Portland State from other institutions by conveying a look that is professional, unique, and memorable. Consistent communication helps build and sustain Portland State University’s reputation in the region and around the world. Graphic standards include elements such as messaging, logo usage, color, photography, and typefaces. You will also find guidance for organizing the elements through sample layouts, templates, and guidelines. Although the standards need to be applied consistently, the system is designed to provide enough flexibility to speak to a wide variety of audiences. This guide provides variations that allow individual units across campus to tell their own stories while collectively building a stronger identity for the University.

What’s new > Updated school/college logo treatments (page 19) > Additional palette colors (page 15) > Updated trademark and licensing information (page 6) > Single logomark usage (page 7)


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Key Messages W h at s e t s P o r t l a n d S tat e U n i v e r s i t y A pa r t ?


Portland State University is respected, engaged, and connected. It links intentional academic engagement with the Portland urban area to provide exceptional opportunities for learning, service, research, and achievement.

Boilerplate for press releases:

W h at a r e P o rt l a n d S tat e U n i v e r s i t y ’ s u n i q ue at t r i b u t e s ? Urban. Sustainable. Combines involvement and expertise in all things urban with a passion for cultivating all things “green.” Diverse. Attracts creative and motivated students and faculty who teach and learn in a diverse community of all ages, nationalities, and ethnicities. Opportunity for all. Provides opportunity to all who demonstrate a genuine commitment to achieve. Research. Partner. Conducts research and service critical to the economic development and quality of life of the region and beyond. International. Surrounded by beauty. Embodies and contributes to the vision and character that make Portland a progressive, entrepreneurial city with growing international connections.

H o w d o I i n c o r p o r at e t h e s e m e s s a g e s ? The attributes above should serve as a basis for crafting external communications rather than as exact language—note that these messages do not constitute a new slogan or tagline, nor do they replace the motto “Let Knowledge Serve the City.” Audience-appropriate communication can tell a consistent University story in different ways to different people. These key messages will help to achieve that.

Portland State University serves as a center of opportunity for over 28,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Located in Portland, Oregon, one of the nation’s most livable cities, the University’s innovative approach to education combines academic rigor in the classroom with field-based experiences through internships and classroom projects with community partners. The University’s 49-acre downtown campus exhibits Portland State’s commitment to sustainability with five LEED certified buildings, while many of the 213 bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees incorporate sustainability into the curriculum. PSU’s motto, “Let Knowledge Serve the City,” inspires the teaching and research of an accomplished faculty whose work and students span the globe.

PS U Qu i c k f a c t s Snapshot-of-Portland-State Re f e r e n c e s


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Identity Basics The following basic elements should be a part of any Portland State communication and will help you convey a tone, look, and feel that distinguishes it as part of the Portland State family. See the following pages for specific details.


Frutiger Adobe Garamond

The horizontal version of the Portland State University logo should appear on all University communications, generally in the bottom right corner on the cover of printed publications. Any unit that is supported by the University must use the University logo or appropriate school/college logo treatment. The logo should appear alone in a clear space, and should not be combined with other type or design elements. The logo size varies depending on the size of the publication. It should appear at a width of 2.25” on a typical rack brochure and 2.5” on a larger 8.5” x 11” publication. It should not appear smaller than 1.75” in width.


The logomark should appear in PSU Green (PMS 7496 or process equivalent) and black on 4-color publications and in black only on two-color publications, even where PSU Green is used as a second color. A reverse version of the logo is available for use on photos or darker backgrounds.

PSU Sienna Pantone 1675 U C:3 M:70 Y:100 K:20

Fonts Portland State University typographic style consists of two typefaces: Frutiger (sans Serif) and Adobe Garamond Pro (Serif). These fonts are used in communications to ensure continuity in the visual image of the University. Frutiger is generally used for titles, headlines, subheads, and headers. Adobe Garamond is used for longer body copy and select headlines. Email [email protected] for information on purchasing these fonts. Verdana and regular Garamond my be substituted for Frutiger and Adobe Garamond in online publications or instances when the primary fonts are not available.

Color Palette Portland State University’s official green is PMS 7496. PSU Green should be used as the dominant color on the first or main publication for a department or school. Other colors in the palette can be used as accent colors on the primary piece or as primary colors on related collateral.

Photography and illustration Portland State photographs should feature dynamic cropping, natural lighting, and be candid and spontaneous rather than posed or contrived. Illustration should be clean and artistic. Generic clip art should be avoided.



PSU Green Pantone 7496U C:40 M:0 Y:100 K:38 PSU Accent Green Pantone 583 U C:23 M:2 Y:98 K:12 PSU Brown Pantone 469 U C:0 M:52 Y:100 K:62

PSU Red Pantone 173U C:0 M:72 Y:94 K:4 PSU Orange Pantone 7408U C:0 M:31 Y:95 K:0 PSU Yellow Pantone 460U C:4 M:5 Y:44 K:0 PSU Tan Pantone 7502U C:0 M:8 Y:35 K:10 PSU Gray Pantone 7497 U C:40 M:30 Y:60 K:28 PSU Purple Pantone 261U C:48 M:100 Y:0 K:40


PSU Blue Pantone 7468 U C:95 M:10 Y:1 K:25

All advertising and any publications intended for external distribution to a broad audience must be approved by the Office of University Communications. Email [email protected] for questions or approvals.

PSU Light Blue Pantone 629U C:32 M:0 Y:10 K:0

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Trademark and Licensing Portland State authorizes the use of the University’s name, logo, and athletic marks on merchandise through a formal licensing and trademark program administered in partnership with the Collegiate Licensing Company.

VENDORS Vendors interested in producing merchandise with the University’s trademark must become a licensed vendor through the Collegiate Licensing Company.

UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS AND STUDENT GROUPS University departments and student groups who intend to sell trademarked merchandise are required to order products from a licensed vendor or through either the PSU Bookstore or the Smith Union Market. Merchandise produced by departments and student groups for promotional purposes also royalty need to order products through a licensed vendor, however University Communications will grant approval for specialty vendors upon request. For more information contact: Julie Smith, Director of Marketing, 503-725-4467, smithju@

PROPER USE OF ® AND ™ FOR MERCHANDISE Whether for sale or not, all merchandise produced with a University trademark must carry the appropriate mark: ® PSU logo PSU logomark Portland State University (verbiage)

™ PSU seal Portland State (verbiage) (verbiage) Let Knowledge Serve the City (verbiage) Oreogn is our classroom All Athletic logos and marks (helmet, rose mark) Portland State Vikings (verbiage) Go Viks (verbiage) PSU Vikings (verbiage) Viking Gear (verbiage) Our Town, Your Team (verbiage)


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Identity Reproduction Logo Structure

Primary Signature – Horizontal

The Portland State University logo is a signature consisting of two components: the logomark and the logotype. These two components are always placed in a fixed relationship and should never be altered, modified, or redrawn. The horizontal signature is the preferred format for most applications. When space limitations or size of reproduction preclude the use of the primary configuration, the alternate vertical configuration may also be used. Any other configuration of the signature is not authorized for use. The logomark can be used alone in certain limited circumstances (mainly for apparel and promotional items). The logotype can never appear without the logomark. Any use of the single logomark must be approved by the Office of University Communications. Email [email protected] for questions or approvals.



Alternate Signature – Vertical



Single Logomark – Limited use Note: This usage requires approval from University Communications and may require trademark registration.


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Minimum Clear Space m i n i m u m C l e a r S pa c e


To ensure its integrity and visibility, the Portland State University logo should be kept clear of competing text, images, and other marks. It must be surrounded on all sides by adequate clear space—a space equal in size to the cap height of the logotype (the height of the capital ”P” in Portland State). This is a minimum clear space. Ideally the logo should be surrounded by additional white space whenever possible.


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Size Requirements recommended size

recommended print size

The suggested size for the Portland State University logo is 2.25" on a typical 4" x 9" rack brochure, and 2.5" on larger (e.g., 8.5" x 11") publications. For electronic applications, the suggested size for the logo is 2.5" in PowerPoint, and 3" on the Web.

2.5" width (on 8.5" x 11" publications)

Minimum Size Minimum size refers to the smallest dimensions allowed for the Portland State University logo. It is stated at minimum width. The minimum size for the horizontal logo is 1.75" and the minimum size for the vertical logo is .625". For electronic applications, the minimum size for the horizontal logo is 2.5" (180 pixels) and the minimum size for the vertical logo is .85" (60 pixels).

minimum print size

1.75" width

m i n i m u m s c r ee n s i z e

Certain circumstances may require that the logo be reproduced smaller than the specified minimum size. In this case, the special-use logo may be used at a minimum size of 1" and maximum size of 1.75". The special-use logo has a modified logomark, logotype, and configuration that will reproduce better at a smaller scale.

2.5" width


1"–1.75" width


.625" width

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.85" width

Logo Usage Choosing the correct logo The preferred usage of the Portland State University logo is the two-color version on a white background. Use the horizontal rather than the vertical logo when possible. Use the two-color version rather than the one-color version when possible. The reverse logo treatment may be used on a dark background if sufficient contrast exists (see Contrast Recommendations, page 12).

Preferred Usage

a c c e p ta b l e U s a g e

reverse Usage


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Logo File Names and Types Logo File names Use this naming convention guide to select the appropriate logo for reproduction. The following file types are available for download at EPS—These files can be imported into or opened through page layout and illustration software such as InDesign, QuarkXPress, Freehand, Illustrator, or Photoshop. Since EPS files are vector art, they offer the highest possible resolution and should be used for high-quality print applications and posters or large scale graphics. TIFF or JPEG—These images can be placed in applications such as Microsoft Word, Publisher, and PowerPoint or used online. Since these are bit-map files, they can lose resolution when used at larger sizes and may not be able to display with transparent backgrounds in all applications.

horiz (horizontal) vert (vertical)

ko (knock out) ac (accent green)

EPS (Adobe Illustrator 8.0 EPS) FH (Macromedia Freehand 10) TIFF, JPEG

psulogo_horiz_4cp_ko_small.eps PSU logo


bw (black + white) 4cp (four-color process) spot (Pantone spot)

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small (special-use size)

Contrast Recommendations L o g o OV E R VAL U E S OF BLACK For sufficient contrast, reference the diagrams below. For light backgrounds (0-20%), use the primary two-color logo. For a solid black background (100%), use the two-color logo with reverse (knock out) text. If the two-color logo lacks contrast against the background (30-90%), use a one-color logo to maximize legibility.

PREFERRED TREATMENT The horizontal logo over a white background is the preferred treatment













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Background Guidelines ACC E PTABL E CONTRAST Background colors and images can easily overpower or compete with the Portland State University identity.

Acceptable Usage

Unacceptable Usage

White is the preferred background color for the logo.

Never use the primary logo over a color that renders it unreadable.

The logo may be used over light solid backgrounds.

Never use over a background that renders the logo unreadable.

The reverse (knock out) version of logotype should be used when placed over dark colors.

Never use over a background color that renders the logo unreadable.

Always position the logo over an image in a way that maintains its legibility.

Never use the logo over an image in a way that renders it unreadable.

The preferred treatment of the Portland State University logo is the two-color horizontal logo over an open, white background. If the logo must be placed on a dark background, you may use a reverse (knock out) version of the logo. Please refer to the Contrast Recommendations (page 12) to view acceptable ranges for using a reverse version of the logo. The logo may be placed over a background image or pattern only if there is sufficient contrast to distinguish the logo from outside elements.

Special-use “Accent” Logo

The “accent” logo may be used only over a solid field of PSU Green. The accent green logo cannot be used over any other background color.


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Unacceptable Uses PROT E CTING TH E LOGO Always use original Portland State University logo artwork. It should never be edited, recreated, or combined with other graphic or typographic elements. Below are some examples of unacceptable usage:

Never alter the colors in the logo.

Never outline elements of the logo.

Never change the size relationships or positioning of the logo elements.

Never use the horizontal lock-up to create a vertical lock-up.

Never flip or reposition elements of the logo.

Never resize any portion of the logomark or logotype.

Never use the PSU logotype alone.

Never alter the logomark in any way.

Never add effects such as bevels, textures, or drop shadows.

Never add effects such as a glow.

Never fill in the interior of the logo.

Never substitute type in the logo.

Portland State


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Color Palette A p p r o v e d P o r t l a n d S tat e U n i v e r s i t y C o l o r s It is important that Portland State University maintains consistency of visual communications across various media types and materials. Using approved colors in all communications will strengthen Portland State’s identity, create impact, and help differentiate information. PSU Green should be used as the dominant color on the first or main publication for a department or school. Other colors in the palette can be used as accent colors on the primary piece or as primary colors on related collateral.

P r i m a ry C o l o r

PSU Green Pantone 7496 U C:40 M:0 Y:100 K:38 R:106 G:127 B:16 Hex: #6A7F10

Se c o n d a r y C o l o r s

PSU Accent Green

PSU Brown

PSU Sienna


Pantone 583 U C:23 M:2 Y:98 K:12 R:168 G:180 B:0 Hex: #A8B400

Pantone 469 U C:0 M:52 Y:100 K:62 R:96 G:53 B:29 Hex: #60351D

Pantone 1675 U C:3 M:70 Y:100 K:20 R:163 G:63 B:31 Hex: #A33F1F

Pantone 173 U C:0 M:72 Y:94 K:4 R:210 G:73 B:42 Hex: #D2492A

PSU Orange

PSU Yellow


PSU Gray

Pantone 7408 U C:0 M:31 Y:95 K:0 R:220 G:155 B:50 Hex: #DC9B32

Pantone 460 U C:4 M:5 Y:44 K:0 R:230 G:220 B:143 Hex: #E6DC8F

Pantone 7502 U C:0 M:8 Y:35 K:10 R:232 G:211 B:162 Hex: #E8D3A2

Pantone 7497 U C:40 M:30 Y:60 K:28 R:71 G:67 B:52 Hex: #474334

PSU Purple

PSU Blue

PSU Light Blue

Pantone 261 U C:48 M:100 Y:0 K:40 R:101 G:3 B:96 Hex: #650360

Pantone 7468 U C:95 M:10 Y:1 K:25 R:0 G:117 B:154 Hex: #00759A

Pantone 629 U C:32 M:0 Y:10 K:0 R:161 G:216 B:224 Hex: #DFF2F5

The colors shown on this page have not been evaluated by Pantone, Inc. for accuracy and may not match the PANTONE Color Standards. PANTONE® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.


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color families A range of colors have been provided in the secondary palette for use on both internal and external visual applications. Used singly or in combination, the secondary colors may be applied to graphic elements on brochures, promotional materials, or PowerPoint charts and graphs. Below are some recommended color combinations from within the palette. Never use PSU Green and PSU Yellow as a two-color combination. Never use PSU Orange and PSU Gray as a two-color combination.

two color suggestions PSU Green

PSU Green

PSU Green

PSU Accent Green

PSU Accent Green

PSU Light Blue

PSU Brown

PSU Gray

PSU Green

PSU Green

PSU Accent Green

PSU Green

PSU Accent Green

PSU Light Blue

PSU Purple

PSU Sienna

PSU Sienna

PSU Brown

PSU Light Blue


PSU Green

PSU Green

PSU Green

PSU Accent Green

PSU Accent Green

PSU Accent Green

PSU Accent Green

PSU Gray

PSU Gray

PSU Brown

PSU Light Blue

PSU Light Blue

PSU Orange

PSU Light Blue

PSU Blue


PSU Green

PSU Green

PSU Green

PSU Accent Green

PSU Accent Green

PSU Accent Green

PSU Light Blue

PSU Gray

PSU Gray

PSU Purple

PSU Accent Green

PSU Light Blue

PSU Orange

PSU Light Blue

PSU Gray

PSU Sienna

PSU Sienna

PSU Blue


PSU Yellow

t h r ee c o l o r s u g g e s t i o n s

four color suggestions

five color suggestions


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Approved PSU Seals and Logos U n i v e r s i t y Se a l The University seal is limited to use on official University documents such as diplomas and certificates and for Commencement and some communications from the President’s Office. When the seal is reproduced, it must not be reversed, combined with another logo, or surrounded by type, photography, illustration, or other devices.

At h l e t i c s The PSU Viking head and X-line Viking logos should only be used as specified by the Collegiate Licensing Company guidelines as approved by the Athletics Department. The green Viking head should be used on white or black backgrounds and the black Viking head should be used on green backgrounds. The Viking head is meant to always be right-facing. For all other questions regarding usage of any Athletics Department logos and wordmarks, please contact the Athletics Department.

Note: The old Portland State University wordmark is discontinued. Please do not continue to use materials with the old mark.


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Viking head

X-line Viking

sub-branded logos The use of too many logos diminishes the collective strength of the University’s identity. Any unit that is supported by the University must use the University logo or appropriate school/college logo treatment. Portland State University Athletics, the PSU Alumni Association, and the PSU Foundation are the only units approved to carry a unique visual identity. For access to sub-branded logos, contact University Communications at [email protected].

2.3" wide

2.25" wide

2.25" wide


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s c h o o l / C o l l e g e L o g o t r e at m e n t s Schools and colleges may use these approved logo treatments in communications where the school or college identity is essential. When deciding whether or not to use these treatments, please consider whether or not a cleaner or stronger impression could be achieved using the regular Portland State logo instead.

These logo treatments cannot be used on websites or stationery. Individual departments or offices should not use or create their own logo treatments. Departments that fall under the units below may use either the Portland State University logo or the appropriate school/college logo treatment if needed. Offices and departments that are not part of one of these larger units should use the

Preferred size

Portland State University logo only, unless they have received an exception from University Communications These logos should be used no smaller than 1.825” wide. These treatments are available by contacting the Office of University Communications and should not be altered, modified, or redrawn in any way.

Unacceptable usage

Department of Anthropology 2.25" wide

Approved variations


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Typographic Style official fonts Portland State University typographic style consists of two typefaces: Frutiger (sans serif) and Adobe Garamond (serif). These fonts are used in all printed works to ensure continuity in the visual image of the University. Use ol these fonts requires purchase of a site license for each computer. Contact [email protected] for more information. Substitute fonts (see page 21) are available on all computers.

p r i m a ry s a n s s e r i f t y p e fa c e Frutiger is the primary sans serif typeface for Portland State. Use Frutiger for titles, headlines, and subtitles. Frutiger is always left aligned. Do not justify or center Frutiger. The Frutiger font family comes in several different weights. The light version is recommended for most uses including headlines, display type, etc. The roman and bold versions should be used only where additional emphasis is needed.

p r i m a ry s e r i f t y p e fa c e Adobe Garamond is the primary serif typeface for Portland State University. Adobe Garamond complements the Frutiger typeface and reproduces well at both large and small sizes. Use Adobe Garamond as body text in letters, brochures, catalogs, and newsletters. The OpenType font, Adobe Garamond Pro, may also be used.


Portland Sta Frutiger Light Frutiger Roman Frutiger Bold

Portland Sta Adobe Garamond Regular

Adobe Garamond Semibold Adobe Garamond Bold

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Su b s t i t u t e f o n t s The recommended typefaces for any electronic or other non-published communications are Verdana (in place of Frutiger) and Garamond (in place of Adobe Garamond). These fonts are available and preloaded on all Mac and PC computers and will display consistently on all platforms.

Verdana Verdana is the substitute font for Frutiger.

Note: Verdana should be used 1 point smaller than its Frutiger equivalent at body copy text size.

Verdana Regular

Verdana Bold


Garamond is the substitute font for Adobe Garamond. Use Garamond unless Georgia is specified in the template. Note: Garamond should be used 1 point smaller than its Adobe Garamond equivalent at body copy text size.

Garamond Regular

Garamond Bold


G  eorgia is an acceptable substitute for Adobe Garamond. Use standard Garamond unless Georgia is specified in the template.

Georgia Regular

Georgia Bold

Additional fonts Additional fonts may be acceptable when used as large display type or headline type, especially for special event collateral. Generally a long-term communication piece representing Portland State should use the official fonts, while a special event piece or piece targeting a very specific audience might utilize an additional display font.


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Image Style photography Image style plays a critical role in developing a vivid and meaningful identity for Portland State University. Dynamic cropping, natural lighting, candid, spontaneous (rather than posed or contrived), purposeful subject matter—these are the attributes of successful photographic imagery. Strive to use imagery that supports the Portland State personality.



Black-and-white photography is recommended for two-color brochures. Generally keep the photographs trueto-color and avoid duotones or other. stylized treatments. Resolution guidelines: 300 dpi for print 250 dpi for newsprint 72 dpi for Web/e-mail


i l l u s t r at i o n

at Portland State cited to be leading an earch university in one e United States.

president of PSU as th the University— ursuing partnerships, d promoting engages, businesses, and ns. I have outlined five that will shape our ward to sharing my ut the future of

Clean line-art illustrations can also be used to enhance the creativity of projects. Avoid the use of generic clip art.

Restoring stream banks with plants and people.


Office of the President Post Office Box 751 Portland, Oregon 97207-0751 503-725-4419 tel 503-725-4499 fax [email protected] >>>

Printed on recycled paper.


Installing plants along stream banks helps keep storm water runoff from polluting our waterways. That’s just what 27,000 Community Watershed Stewardship Program volunteers have done to restore 50 acres of our region’s watersheds. For professor Barry Messer, who leads this partnership with the city of Portland, the project cultivates both healthy environments and civic responsibility for students and community alike.

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Publication Guidelines The following pages contain templates and guidelines to help you quickly put together a publication that reflects the look and feel of Portland State. Whether you are creating your own publication or using an outside designer, keep the following design tips in mind:

Green is more than our school color it’s our school spirit Portland State’s brand personality is innovative, active, urban, engaged, and sustainable. Pieces should convey a look of confidence and quality reflective of our status as a university, but balanced with a creativity that makes it clear that Portland State is “not your grandfather’s university.”

Portland State University PO Box 751 Portland Oregon 97207 503.725.3511

lIVe leaRn lead Open ImmedIately



Important admIssIon

InformatIon EnclosEd


native KNOWLEDGE Challenging students to think critically about history and cultural identity. As a Native American, Cornel Pewewardy tells his students, “Columbus didn’t discover us.” For the director of PSU’s Native American Studies program, it’s a way of teaching students to think critically about U.S. history, tribal sovereignty, identity politics, and negative ethnic stereotypes. Pewewardy’s efforts were recognized by the National Indian Education Association, which named him its 2009 Teacher of the Year.

Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science

It’s a great time to be at Portland State University, and I am excited to be leading an outstanding urban research university in one of the best cities in the United States.

Keep things off-center

I see my tenure as the president of PSU as part of a continuum with the University— providing leadership, pursuing partnerships, preparing students, and promoting engagement with governments, businesses, and community organizations. I have outlined five themes as my priorities that will shape our work at PSU. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you about the future of Portland State.

Portland State’s logo is not designed to be centered and therefore in most cases headlines, subheads, and copy of the President blocks should not beOffice centered, and Post Office Box 751 Portland, Oregon 97207-0751 tel body type should not503-725-4419 be justified. 503-725-4499 fax


[email protected]

White space is your friend >>>

Wim Wiewel Printed on recycled paper.

Keep it green


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Strategy for internationalization

Compatible with the University’s value of sustainability, PSU print pieces should be printed on uncoated, white stock with the highest percentage of post-consumer fiber possible and should be FSC certified and/or process chlorine free when available.

portland state university bulletin

portland state university Bulletin post office Box 751 portland, oregon 97207-0751

Generous white space is preferred, particularly around the logotype, but throughout the publication as well. Ignore the urge to fill up the entire page.

bulletin 2009 2010

Brochures For identity purposes and increased recognition, all departments should use PSU Green (Pantone 7496) for their primary or first-issued brochures. Subsequent brochures may use an approved secondary color if differentiation is required. Brochures can be printed in black and white, two-color, or four-color. However, colors of the Portland State University logo may never be altered. When printing two-color or one-color, the black-and-white logo should be used.

Side bar

PSU Green or other approved color

Examples shown here are from the professional InDesign templates, available by contacting University Communications at [email protected]. Simplified Microsoft Word templates are available for download at www.pdx. edu/ucomm.

Headline Frutiger Light, 20 pt left align

Subhead Frutiger Light, 12.5 pt left align

Photographic image

White space



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Students First Mentoring Program Helping first-generation college students succeed

Brochure, 4"x 9" Side bar .155" width on right page edge Fill: 60% tint of spot color, 50% transparency Stroke: .5 pt, dashed line (3 pt dash, 2 pt gap), white Stroke should be placed over fill

.75" clear zone

.125" paragraph space between headline and subhead (preset in paragraph style)

Division of Public Administration Master of Public Administration

To determine height of header block, add .75"

Master of Public Administration: Health Administration

above titling and .3125"

Master of Public Health: Health Management and Policy

height of header is 1.9".

below titling. Minimum

.3125" clear zone

3.25" white space for horizontal image or 2.25" logo in bottom right corner, 2.25" white space

placed .375" from page edge on 4" x 9"

for vertical image

Optional department header treatment

.25" clear zone Mark O. Hatfield School of Government

.75" clear zone

Students First Mentoring Program .3125" clear zone


Helping first-generation college students succeed

p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

inside Brochure, 4"x 9"

.75" top margin When headline is black, make subsequent subheads green

B.A./B.S. in health studies at Portland State University The undergraduate program in health studies at Portland State University contains more common core courses with four separate concentrations: community health education, health sciences, physical activity/ exercise, and school health.

The undergraduate program in health studies at Portland State University contains more common core courses with four separate concentrations: community health education, health sciences, physical activity/exercise, and school health.

ß The common degree requirements ß O  ne of the four concentration areas, from which a plan of study is developed with an academic adviser Common Degree Requirements

Use rules sparingly, when separation is desired

In addition to meeting the general University degree requirements, students earning a B.A./B.S. degree in health studies must successfully complete:

Community Health

The community health education concentration prepares students for entry-level careers in health education.

Stat 244 Intro to Probability and Statistics


PHE 250 Our Community, Our Health


PHE 295 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention


PHE 350 Health and Health Systems


Health Sciences

PHE 443U Environmental Health


The health sciences concentration is intended for students seeking admission into professional programs in medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, or occupational therapy. It provides students the opportunity to learn health education content and methods while completing specified science prerequisites. Physical Activity/Exercise

The physical activity/exercise concentration is designed for students with interest in physiological and programmatic aspects of exercise, nutrition, fitness, and physical activity.


PHE 450 Epidemiology


PHE 404 Internship




Concentrations Community Health Education


Health Sciences


Physical Activity/Exercise


School Health


The school health concentration is intended for students interested in teaching health education within a public or private school setting. Upon completion of their bachelor’s degree, they are eligible to apply to the fifth year Graduate Teacher Education Program (GTEP) in the Graduate School of Education at PSU. After completion of GTEP, they will be certified to teach in the state of Oregon.

Community Health

The community health education concentration prepares students for entry-level careers in health education. The health sciences concentration is intended for students seeking admission into professional programs in medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, or occupational therapy. It provides students the opportunity to learn health education content and methods while completing specified science prerequisites. The physical activity/exercise concentration is designed for students with interest in physiological and programmatic aspects of exercise, nutrition, fitness, and physical activity. The undergraduate program in health studies at Portland State University contains more common core courses with four separate concentrations: community health education, health sciences, physical activity/exercise, and school health.

SUBTITLE. Com zzriurem dolor iure do coreetum et lor at, volenis nullut lor sequisim iliquis nulla alis aliscil laortio odiat venim nonsed delismo dipsusc iduipisl in veliquam, sed te verci blandreet ad doloborpero dolorper sum euisci te velesectet vullaor sim ver am zzrit ad eumsandre min el dolorero consenibh er autat. Ed dui praesed tem diam ad tatismolor augiamcommy nos nim zzriure exeratio

.5" bottom, left, and right margins

B . A . / B . S . I N H E A LT H S T U D I E S

When headline is green, make subsequent subheads black

The undergraduate program in health studies at Portland State University contains more common core courses with four separate concentrations: community health education, health sciences, physical activity/exercise, and school health. The community health education concentration prepares students for entry-level careers in health education.

In addition to meeting the general University degree requirements, students earning a B.A./B.S. degree in health studies must successfully complete:

Health Sciences

ß The common degree requirements

The health sciences concentration is intended for students seeking admission into professional programs in medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, or occupational therapy. It provides students the opportunity to learn health education content and methods while completing specified science prerequisites.

ß One of the four concentration areas, from which a plan of study is developed with an academic adviser

Community Health

Use green subheads for additional emphasis

Common Degree Requirements Stat 244 Intro to Probability and Statistics

The physical activity/exercise concentration is designed for students with interest in physiological and programmatic aspects of exercise, nutrition, fitness, and physical activity.

PHE 250 Our Community, Our Health


PHE 295 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention


PHE 350 Health and Health Systems


PHE 443U Environmental Health


The school health concentration is intended for students interested in teaching health education within a public or private school setting. Upon completion of their bachelor’s degree, they are eligible to apply to the fifth year Graduate Teacher Education Program (GTEP) in the Graduate School of Education at PSU.

PHE 404 Internship

PHE 450 Epidemiology Total


4 8 32

Concentrations Community Health Education Health Sciences

44 16

“The undergraduate program in health studies at Portland State University contains more common core courses with four separate concentrations” Health

The community health education concentration prepares students for entry-level careers in health education. The health sciences concentration is intended for students seeking admission into professional programs in medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, or occupational therapy.

Physical Activity/Exercise


Health Sciences

School Health


Community Health Education


The health sciences concentration is intended for students seeking admission into professional programs in medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, or occupational therapy. It provides students the opportunity to learn health education content and methods while completing specified science prerequisites.

Health Sciences



Physical Activity/Exercise

The undergraduate program in health studies at Portland State University contains more common core courses with four separate concentrations: community health education, health sciences, physical activity/exercise, and school health.


Physical Activity/Exercise


School Health


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

Brochure, 8.5"x 11"

Side bar .1875" width on right page edge Fill: 60% tint of spot color, 50% transparency Stroke: .5 pt, dashed line (3 pt dash, 2 pt gap), white Stroke should be placed over fill

PSU Green or other approved color

Headline Frutiger Light, 34 pt

Subhead Frutiger Light, 18 pt

Headline Goes Here Subheadline Goes Here

.4" clear zone

Photographic Image

2.5" white space

Logo 2.5" width, in bottom right corner, placed .5" from page edge on 8.5" x 11" or larger


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

New s l e t t e r c o v e r , 8 . 7 5 " × 1 1 " Contact [email protected] for InDesign template. Microsoft Word template available for download at Side bar .5" from page edge Stroke: .5 pt, dashed line (3 pt dash, 2 pt gap), white Stroke should be placed over masthead and photo

PSU Accent Green or other approved color .25" white margin

Masthead Frutiger Light STD, 53 pt/55

Publication Information Frutiger Roman, 10 pt/14

College of Urban and Public Affairs 2006 Spring Spring Newsletter Newsletter 2011

Photographic Image Bleeds off right side of page

Adobe Garamond Italic, 13 pt/11.5

What’s Inside Center for transportation studies reCeives funding

National designation $16 million in federal funding to the program.

Frutiger Bold 7.5 pt/9

Adobe Garamond 8.75 pt/11

Leave clear zone along

Bonner endoWs sCHoLarsHip fund

Fund will provide scholarships for Urban Studies students. neW direCtor for tHe sCHooL of Community HeaLtH

Carlos Crespo is appointed. sustainaBLe Community food systems CanaL restoration in vietnam

City Commisioner’s Office Invites MURP Students to Dig In. AS INTERIM CHIEF of staff to a Portland

city commissioner, Brendan Finn often sees imaginative proposals consigned to the limbo of unbudgeted good ideas. So, to avoid the shelving of promising proposals, Finn looks for opportunities to involve Portland State University in public projects in the areas which he oversees—environment, sustainable development, and urban planning. Last year, Finn, who works for Commissioner Dan Saltzman, found just such an opportu-

bottom 1.25" of document.

nity, and invited PSU on a mission to expand urban agriculture. Having earned a Master of Urban and Regional Planning at Portland State University, Finn says, “I’m a proud MURP, and I’m aware that there is a worldclass planning program right up the street from City Hall.” The idea for the urban agriculture project started with one city-owned corner lot, vacant except for a small pump station, and surrounded by single-family houses. (continued on page 10)

Headline Adobe Garamond, 24 pt/28

Body Copy Adobe Garamond, 10 pt/12

Logo 2.25" width Align bottom right


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

i n s i d e n ew s l e t t e r , 8 . 7 5 " × 1 1 "

Section Header Frutiger Roman, 10pt

A l U M N I F E AT U R E

pointed to the munity Health



Headline Adobe Garamond, 28 pt/32

Gelmon to Chair International Body Copy Conference

adigna facilit irit prat, veliquis alismodipsum nit ipiscinim eu feu feuguercin ulputpatuer susto od magna am, quat lortinim amcorpero Adobe Garamond, eugiatu ercidunt iure ea feugiam iurer sum quatummodit am, quismod magna faciliquat pt/12 Hatfield 10 School of governacip endiamcor in ulputpat vel ute modoment landipis nos exeros noslore consecte minit lumsandreet, quismol to od te dolupta tissis nullam essisciduip eumsand reriureet utat ver sim vel iliscilla feui blam veliquat. nonsendreet nos ate tat la faccum dolesse Ugue dolore dion utat, consed quisim dignibh ex eugue tionsed modiam, mod min vent numsandion sed modionulla feugue consequisci blaorem utat praessed modit lutet dolorer iusciliquis nim vel ulputpat. Henibh praestrud minisl ullam iure exercin estrud te etummy nim volobore corcommy niamcommy nosto. erostin ut ad euguer ipit dolor se eu feugue Mommy nostrud modolore faccum velenisi et, sustrud mincip et, cortin tatue commolor iliquamet utatue magnim iuscidunt lumsandre dolor lore mod do do conse faci adipit nullam digna autatue rcidunt velessis el ing eum quat. Duismod et dolore dolorperat lor ilit wisci tisi. oloborp erilit, vulluptat. Ci Sustin volenit lum nullupt atummy nonullan exerilisl do doloborpero od ut niatum verit lummodolum dolor sum adit minibh ex enim ipit ver iure volorperit wissenit ut aliqui blam eummy facillut nsequismod exerci num dolum do od magna feu feugue tio ea blaortie dolestrud magnim autatiscilit prat. Put velese cortisc iliquat vendre eliquate exercip eum luptat nonsed tisci erostrud dolesto commovolorer. do erat accum duisit, consequismod The exerci following colors aretie feu feummoVinim eui blaortie dolestrud magnim vendre eliquate lore dolut amet amet nisi tat. recommended for newsletters. exercip eum volorer inim eui tie feu feumrcipis erostionse vendio ent molore dolut amet amet nisi tat. Exeriuscilit dunt lore contrast dipit verat praesThey allow sufficient for praesequisl eu facincinim quatetue commy senisim do odolumsan elit nos alisim velis dipsum ex exercillaor ing loborem irit volorem ipit ulboth black and reverse text. enibh eu feuguercipis erostionse vendio ent lamet iriurer acil dolor si etum dunt lore dipit verat praessenisim do odozzril ing erci tie. lumsan elit loborem irit volorem ipit ullamet Nommy nostrud modolore PHOTO BY Leeann gautHier

PSU Sienna tatue commolor iliquamet Pantone 173 75% tint loreat mod do do conse faci

el ing eum quat. Duismod oloborp erilit, vulluptat. Ci

PSU Accent Green exerilisl do doloborpero od

Center for Transportation Studies Receives National Designation Hoc terum horavenem nonsule gerdit, ade poensunt L. Laribultura am o esidem te omandio niquonv erfernices! Ditus prisse et ni furnum utempor atorae quam hori sultus ella sent? Gerionsul tantere consum te in seni fex sentestium hebus ex sulia? Ignos ina, consulibut que auc faudem, Catus nost que actus, norei pulices simaiors condac in duc re, quius senintem in Itampra L. Ad coendam nequerem, que ponsimoena, conem la consulvirio ne actum dem saturbissim ditra temus seninari pri inprari pimurox senterniu cupplii temnihi. Btis audam sigilii sa L. Ehenductus avoltum dient efac oma, ocavoc, creo, nulium, ta re demurae, ver ublius estem nitil horae morit; niquam ego periori ssupio con Itanter eorionsilius face adductuis Mariusc reorissim dicatus sit, ant, Paliis bon vis, vidinate munte, C. Satius, quem hui pritam habem cupertebus. Upiondu cturnia sulius, cla revidem silius, dem diisse iam etilicae me moenteat. Bena, sultu se nonsimod fuis viconfectuit quonemque is pre ad inaris. Gerit dem, cotiquem o utem quo abes bontia con dendiendac fortus furs comni porissuntrum forum es, Catum interfecre, cepere noncleris . CAS, norei pulices simaiors condac in duc re, quius senintem in Itampra L. Ad coendam nequerem, que ponsimoena, conem la consulvirio ne actum dem saturbissim ditra temus seninari pri inprari pimurox senterniu cupplii temnihi, CaViveribul virmis omprem in in in tus; ego tum auctussim tebenirmissa se condenterox mei tuusa poere dem men diu que ca.

Nos ad magna facilit wis nit autpat wisis nibh elesto eugiamet, commy nulluptat adit lum quisisit, velismo digniamet, sum digna faccum vent lum dolor aliquat lobore tie dolenibh ex et lobor aliquis nis dit iniatet ad miniamconse tat iure ex erit wisi el ute tionull amconsequam zzriuscin henisci eugait et, consed tionsenis doluptat augait num ea adit vulput velit utpat. Faccummy nullutat iusto odo dolesto dolor sisci te magna consequ isisis eum augue ex eu faccum inim dolorperat, consenis num amet, vel ing et, quam, consecte tatinis nulput venibh eraessi el utpat. Em quam vulputpat. Feuip ea feugait autet vullum dolor sim do ea conse enissi. Nit exercil del dolore dolore dolobor susciduis nonse dolore dolobore feugait inibh ex er senim do dolor sustie feuisi blaore tem quat, conulpute tat. Nit, consectem nim dipit nis at, con ea consenim quisit iureet la facilit, quatio od do exerostie consequisi. Putem vullutat. Ut dignibh er ip ex elessed dolum ing eum dolorperil ex et, venis dolor sim iriusto odolore tet dolent alit nulla feuisit vullum et. lum quisisit, velismo digniamet, sum digna faccum vent lum dolor aliquat lobore tie dolenibh ex et lobor aliquis nis dit iniatet ad miniamconse tat iure ex erit wisi el ute tionull amconsequam zzriuscin henisci eugait et, consed tionsenis doluptat augait num ea adit vulput velit utpat. Faccummy nullutat iusto odo dolesto dolor sisci te magna consequ isisis eum augue ex eu faccum inim dolorperat, consenis num amet, vel ing et, quam, consecte tatinis nulput venibh eraessi el utpat. Em quam vulputpat.

“The success of our alumni provide enormous gratification for our faculty and staff. Their success is our success.” -Lawrence Wallack, Dean

minibh ex enim ipit ver iure Pantone 583 facillut nsequismod exerci blaortie dolestrud magnim

PSU Light Blue Pantone 629

Share your news with fellow alumni! Contact us at 50-725-5209 or [email protected].

PSU Blue

Pantone 7468


Call out

Pull Quote

Frutiger Roman, 8.5pt/10

Adobe Garamond Italic, 15pt/20

p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

F ly e r , 8 . 5 " x 1 1 "

Not to scale.

Side bar .08" width Fill: 5% black, 100% “Soft Light” in the InDesign Layers palette Stroke: .5 pt, dashed line (3 pt dash, 2 pt gap), 40% black

Solid Black Headline Adobe Garamond

Graduate! Celebrate!! 2006

left align

Photographic image optional

Subhead Frutiger Bold

Copy Frutiger Light left align

For a complete listing of all year-end and graduation events, go to: May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

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May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



IO = Invitation Only, T = Ticketed Event, GS = Events for graduating Seniors

Logo 2.5" width


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

Advertising Guidelines A p p r o va l s MBA+ students Allison Knowles, sustainability/ supply and logistics (left) , and Ritsuko Yogo, finance/international business (right) , exemplify the program’s strength in leadership.

All advertising must be approved by the Office of University Communications. We recommend contacting us in the planing stages of your advertising project. We can advise you on strategy and placement and possibly offer you design ideas and resources. If you are already developing an ad, we recommend sending us a pdf copy of your rough layout so we can give you feedback at the beginning of your process when any changes or suggestions will be cheaper and easier to implement. For approvals contact [email protected].

MORE POWER TO YOU OUR MBA+ PROGRAM prepares students to lead in a way

that is uniquely Portland. The MBA+ is built on values that have made Portland a model city, a source of inspiration for people not just here, but around the globe. Our curriculum integrates applied leadership into business and forges new paths through innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. The result? Leaders of tomorrow who are principled and practical. Engaged. Qualified beyond compare.

vibrant. forward-thinking. sustainable. We’re Portland State University, and we’re hiring. Located in PortLand, oregon, one of the nation’s most LivabLe cities, the University’s innovative approach to

education combines academic rigor in the classroom with fieldbased experiences through internships and classroom projects with community partners. We are always looking for qualified individuals seeking personal and professional growth who will enhance our students’ educational experience. Come join us.

fisc aL officer s New positions have been created to oversee the fiscal activity in the School of Social Work and the School of Fine and Performing Arts. These unique positions will be responsible for the reporting, analysis, budgeting and forecasting of all financial matters. PaYroLL accoUntant s New positions have been created to oversee the fiscal activity in the School of Social Work and the School of Fine and Performing Arts. These unique positions will be responsible for the reporting, analysis, budgeting and forecasting of all financial matters. PSU is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action institution and welcomes applications from diverse candidates and candidates who support diversity.

Visitors to PSU say you don’t notice where the city stops and the campus starts. We like it that way. Our classroom is the community, our research and teaching shape the region, our graduates are its future. Make a planned gift to Portland State University and help shape Portland’s future. Contact Mary Anne Rees, Director of Gift Planning at 503-725-5086, [email protected].

BENEFITS INCLUDE > Fully paid family healthcare coverage > Generous retirement and vacation packages > Reduced tuition at Oregon University System institutions for employees and their dependents

INTERESTED? > Visit for employment opportunities.

LEARN TO GROW. What could you achieve—if you never stop learning?

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER Courses and certificate programs taught downtown as well as customized training brought onsite to your company.

EXTENDED CAMPUS Partnerships with community colleges throughout Oregon with degrees available in-class or online.

WESTSIDE CAMPUS Convenient master’s degree programs designed for technology professionals working in Washington County.

INDEPENDENT STUDY Online high school and college courses to help you get a jump on your future.

AT THE SCHOOL OF EXTENDED STUDIES, we serve and empower lifelong learners by offering non-traditional courses and easy access to education. We deliver programs that are flexible, innovative and practical for the real world. We provide the tools you need to enrich your life, advance your career or help your company excel in today’s environment and beyond.


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

BASIC AD T E MPLAT E , 4 " x 5 " All Portland State University display and broadcast advertising must be approved by University Communications before it is scheduled to run in media outlets. Side bar .08" width on right edge Fill: 5% black, 100% “Soft Light” in the InDesign Layers palette Stroke: .5 pt, dashed line (3 pt dash, 2 pt gap), 40% black

Solid Black Headline Adobe Garamond left align

Graduate! Celebrate!! 2006

Single headline option.

Photographic image

Subhead Frutiger Bold

Copy Frutiger Light left align

Option Sub Head Bor sed a tiecomplete conullumsan ullaor alit vulputpat et velendreetand ipis For listing of all ip year-end nostie eui eros do dolestrud tat, ver sis del illa faciliq uamet, velis go to: am lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. To learn more, call 503-555-5555 or e-mail [email protected]. May 11 Th Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks Clear space



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park This areaBlocks must be free of IO


May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

ad content. Minimum clear Stott Center/Park Blocks IO


May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

space determined by cap Stott Center/Park Blocks IO


May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m. Logo 3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May Th around Dept. ofadETM Hooding Ceremony .5 pt 11 black rule entire


graduation events,

height of logo

Stott Center/Park Blocks



3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks




Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks


May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks




3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

May 11


May 11

p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   | May  iD E11 N T I T YThstanDept. d ar dof s v2.0 (2/11) ETM Hooding

1.875" width

May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



BASIC AD T E MPLAT E , 8 " x 1 0 " Not to scale.

Side bar .1875" width on right edge Fill: 5% black, 100% “Soft Light” in the InDesign Layers palette Stroke: .5 pt, dashed line (3 pt dash, 2 pt gap), 40% black

Solid Black Headline Adobe Garamond left align

Graduate! 2006 Lorem ipsum dolor sitCelebrate!! amet conullum ullaor alit.

Photographic image

Subhead Frutiger Bold

Copy Frutiger Light left align

Option Sub Head

For a complete listing of all year-end and graduation events, go to: Bor sed tie conullumsan ullaor alit vulputpat ip et velendreet

quip eu feum quisi etuercil utat. Ut inibh exeraesequam.Tat.

ipis nostie eui eros do dolestrud tat, ver sis del illa faciliq

Ore ex eugiat adignim eu feu facil utat aliquat. Am, quipit

uamet, velis am inim velit lorer inciniam quat. Nulputpat,

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3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



To learn more, call 503-555-5555 or email [email protected] or visit

May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park ClearBlocks space



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

This area must be free ofIO Stott Center/Park Blocks


May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks

ad content. Minimum clear



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park heightBlocks of logo.



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m. Logo

Stott Center/Park Blocks



.5 pt black rule around entire ad


space determined by cap

May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

2.5" width 3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



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Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks


May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



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3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



May 11


Dept. of ETM Hooding Ceremony

3:30 p.m.

Stott Center/Park Blocks



PowerPoint Guidelines A basic template has been created to incorporate the Portland State University identity into Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. It assumes a basic level of proficiency with the application (such as using Master Slides and placing images) and is meant to be a basic guide. Presentations will most likely need to be customized for specific content. Template available at t i t l e pa g e

Headline Georgia, 42 pt left align

Subhead Verdana Roman, 25 pt

Convocation September 19, 2011

left align

Main Image 3.5" height

Align Logo Bottom Right

t w o - I m a g e t i t l e pa g e c o l o r r e c o m m e n d at i o n s Background Bar PSU Green

R=106 G=127 B=16

PSU Brown

R=96 G=53 B=29

PSU Blue

R=0 G=117 B=154

Subheads Subhead Black R=15 G=15 B=15

Subhead Brown (PSU Sienna) R=163 G=63 B=31

Subhead Blue (PSU Light Blue) R=163 G=63 B=31s


First Image

Second Image

Allow a 6.35" wide

allow a 3.65” wide space

space for first image

for second image

p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

P o we r p o i n t Su b - pa g e

PSU logo Knock out 2.5" width top right corner

Headline Georgia, 42 pt left align

Body Copy Verdana, 28pt left align

The “Guillemet” Key Command: Alt + 0155 or use “>” symbol, 20 pt

Key Messages › › › › ›

Urban. Sustainable. Diverse. Opportunity for all. Research. Partner. International. Surrounded by beauty.

Space should be reserved for a pull quote or table. Refrain from stretching body copy entire width of page.

A lt e r n at e s u b - pa g e o p t i o n s School/College optional

s u b - pa g e C o l o r O p t i o n s Light Blue

R=216 G=235 B=239


R=234 G=234 B=205


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

Website Guidelines W E BSIT E D E SIGN MINIM U M R E Q U IR E M E NTS PSU header/footer and instructions for use available at

Required PSU Header Image Option (preferred)

Required PSU Header PSU Green Option

LOCAL W E BSIT E CONT E NT Portland State websites are required to include one of the PSU header options shown above and the PSU footer shown below. The PSU header and footer are designed to provide a consistent University identity online and give users global standard navigation to central online resources. They should never be modified on local websites. Beyond the PSU header and footer, website design should follow Portland State’s general identity guidelines for colors, fonts, the use of photography, etc. The easiest way to meet the general identity guidelines is to use the standard Portland State website template (following). Designers for student organization and individual faculty/staff/student websites are encouraged, but not required, to use the PSU header/footer and standard website template. All Portland State websites should follow general identity guidelines (e.g., when using the University logo). For more information about website design guidelines and resources, please contact University Communications at, [email protected] or 503-725-3711.

Required PSU Footer


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

STANDARD W E BSIT E t e m p l at e Template and instructions for use available at

Required PSU Header

Site Header Main Site Navigation Quick Links Call out box for popular or important links.

Page Content Channel Windlets Teasers for ancillary content related to page or website.

Site Footer

Required PSU Footer


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

e-Newsletter Guidelines E - N E W SL E TT E R t e m p l at e Contact [email protected] for the template..

University Branding Publication Title

Table of Contents

Serial Information/ Dateline



Additional Links

Footer (e.g., subscription management) 38

p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

Video guidelines We recommend using the PSU logo intro clip (available by emailing [email protected]) at the start and end of each video. The logo can fade in/out, but should be clearly readable for at least four seconds. Also, be sure to check that your logo card is the same dimension as the video format you are using. For example, if you are using 16x9 video footage, use a logo card with those relative dimensions. You can either incorporate the logo card into the introduction of your video, or edit your video and then use the logo card as bookends. At this time, there is no audio requirement while the logo card is displayed. In general use Frutiger or Garamond fonts for any type in your movie. If you are using an editing program with limited font options you can also use Verdana or Futura Medium. When uploading your video to YouTube or other sites please include this tag set: Portland State University, PSU, Education, Sustainability, Engagement. Along with these standardized tags, include anything that is featured in your video. Add at least a one-line description of your video and include Portland State University in the sentence.

Filming on campus Please contact University Communications if you are approached by an outside company or organization interested in filming on campus.


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

Electronic Signature Guidelines e - m a i l S i g n at u r e s The use of the University’s e-mail system is subject to the University’s e-mail, voicemail, and network access policy. E-mail correspondence is the electronic version of the University’s stationery system. E-mail signatures should contain the following information: name, professional title, department name, Portland State University, phone number, fax number, e-mail, and Web address. E-mail signatures should not include links to non-University-sponsored websites. Recommended typeface is Verdana. Background should remain white. Download the e-mail signature logo at


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

Stationery System L E TT E RH E AD , B U SIN E SS CARD , E NV E LOP E Not to scale. Information on ordering stationery is available at

Letterhead: 8.5" × 11"

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of English | Center for Excellence in Writing Post Office Box 751 Portland, Oregon 97207-0751

503-725-5034 tel 503-725-4499 fax [email protected]

Business card: 3.5" x 2"

Julie L. Smith Director of Marketing

503-725-4467 tel 503-725-4465 fax [email protected]

Office of University Communications Post Office Box 751 Portland, Oregon 97207-0751 730 Market Center Building 1600 SW Fourth Ave. Portland, Oregon 97201

No. 10 envelope: 9" x 4.125"

College of Urban and Public Affairs Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning Post Office Box 751 Portland, Oregon 97207


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

NOT E CARD , n a m e ta g , m a i l i n g l a b e l Notecards and nametags can be purchased through the Smith Union Market. Clean Copy can set and print mailing labels from our template. Note card: 6.25" × 9" flat

School/College optional

Adobe Garamond, 11 pt Adobe Garamond, 22 pt Frutiger Light, all caps, 7 pt Adobe Garamond, 11 pt

Frutiger Light, all caps, 7 pt

Name tag: 3.75 " × 2.5"

Mailing label: 4.5" x 3.25"

Office of University Communications Post Office Box 751 Portland, Oregon 97207


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

Letterhead Guidelines PR i n t e d l e t t e r h e a d t e m p l at e Template available at Letterhead: 8.5" × 11"

Body of letter should begin 2.25" from the top of the page. Leave 7 blank lines at top of Word document.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of English | Center for Excellence in Writing Post Office Box 751 Portland, Oregon 97207-0751

Line 8

January 1, 2007

Line 10 Line 11 Line 12 Line 13

Recipient Title Address City, State, Zip

503-725-5555 tel 503-725-5555 fax [email protected]

Lines 14–15: Space Line 16: Begin Letter

To whom it may concern, Hendigni smodipisi blam quam ex ese molore commole ndigna faccum veraestrud doloreet amet acinibh ero con vent veliqua tumsan henit la faccum ver sed magnism olummy nulluptat nulla faci eriure tincil eum quisi. Ing etue commodit alis delit velestrud essismo dipsum dip ea faccum ipsum venibh eugueros ad tin volortio diatum quat lor iurer si. Adit ing eugait ute dolutpat alis adio od dionsequis nonum ad eum dolor adigna feu feuisl delisl et nisi. Put la at ulput loreet lore vullan volore tisit lorem ipsummodo er ad do dunt wisi bla alit do ero dolore conumsandiam accum veliquis digna feugiam, vulpute magna consed magniam doluptat adit la facidunt acilla amcon volobore magna faccum er sim dunt autpatue del elit ulputat. Vent eugiam, sendionullum diamcon ullandre consequat, vel ing euisciduis aute faccum nulluptat. Cum delit, sequamcore velendr ercilla ad te doloreet lobore volor irit wisim dolupta tionsequatie faci blam autatet lum nit dit nummodion henim ad tie tat praesto eriusto dipsumsan henibh etum nisi. Raessim ip eui tat nibh el in ex er adit alis dolum volestisim ero corerae sectet lut nummolum quat autpatem in et lorpercil delestrud dolorti onullan hendreet num irit nullaore tat irit iriusto odionsecte ero dolenit acillam nismod elit praesed ting elit ipit ad magnim euisit acil ipsumsan eugait, sit, conulput ut ing eugait, quat. Consend ipsustrud modolenim irilisit am ipit nim in ut luptat, quisl diam, sectetummy nim ilis eliquipit prat. Usto core tatum vel exero ent dolum zzrit, vullum dolesto dunt dolortio od tem velis nim iriusto conulla facilit nis ad dolor si. Init at luptat amconul lutpat. Ut vel etum quatin verat. Perostisit, ver sed ex eu faccum eummy nos exercilis nonsequissim iure tisit am, quismodit nulla faccum dolore del ilis nosto odolorerilit wis num ipis ex endrero eum augait praeseq uatumsa ndreet eniamco mmodit velit nonsed essit veniamcommy nullum illuptat ip er adit ad dolobortisci blaorpe rcidunt ut at. Sincerely,

Sender 1" margin from bottom of the page

1" margin from left side of page


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

1.38" margin from right side of page

p r i n t e d l e t t e r h e a d t e m p l at e : w i n d o w e n v e l o p e Template available at

Letterhead: 8.5" × 11"

Body of letter should begin 2.25" from the top of the page. Leave 7 blank lines at top of Word document.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of English | Center for Excellence in Writing Post Office Box 751 Portland, Oregon 97207-0751

Line 8 Line 9 Line 10 Line 11

503-725-5555 tel 503-725-5555 fax [email protected]

Recipient Title Address City, State, Zip

January 1, 2007

Lines 12–13: Space Line 14: Begin Letter

To whom it may concern, Hendigni smodipisi blam quam ex ese molore commole ndigna faccum veraestrud doloreet amet acinibh ero con vent veliqua tumsan henit la faccum ver sed magnism olummy nulluptat nulla faci eriure tincil eum quisi. Ing etue commodit alis delit velestrud essismo dipsum dip ea faccum ipsum venibh eugueros ad tin volortio diatum quat lor iurer si. Adit ing eugait ute dolutpat alis adio od dionsequis nonum ad eum dolor adigna feu feuisl delisl et nisi. Put la at ulput loreet lore vullan volore tisit lorem ipsummodo er ad do dunt wisi bla alit do ero dolore conumsandiam accum veliquis digna feugiam, vulpute magna consed magniam doluptat adit la facidunt acilla amcon volobore magna faccum er sim dunt autpatue del elit ulputat. Vent eugiam, sendionullum diamcon ullandre consequat, vel ing euisciduis aute faccum nulluptat. Cum delit, sequamcore velendr ercilla ad te doloreet lobore volor irit wisim dolupta tionsequatie faci blam autatet lum nit dit nummodion henim ad tie tat praesto eriusto dipsumsan henibh etum nisi. Raessim ip eui tat nibh el in ex er adit alis dolum volestisim ero corerae sectet lut nummolum quat autpatem in et lorpercil delestrud dolorti onullan hendreet num irit nullaore tat irit iriusto odionsecte ero dolenit acillam nismod elit praesed ting elit ipit ad magnim euisit acil ipsumsan eugait, sit, conulput ut ing eugait, quat. Consend ipsustrud modolenim irilisit am ipit nim in ut luptat, quisl diam, sectetummy nim ilis eliquipit prat. Usto core tatum vel exero ent dolum zzrit, vullum dolesto dunt dolortio od tem velis nim iriusto conulla facilit nis ad dolor si. Init at luptat amconul lutpat. Ut vel etum quatin verat. Perostisit, ver sed ex eu faccum eummy nos exercilis nonsequissim iure tisit am, quismodit nulla faccum dolore del ilis nosto odolorerilit wis num ipis ex endrero eum augait praeseq uatumsa ndreet eniamco mmodit velit nonsed essit veniamcommy nullum illuptat ip er adit ad dolobortisci blaorpe rcidunt ut at. Sincerely,


1" margin from bottom of the page

1" margin from left side of page


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

1.38" margin from right side of page

Line 8 right align

E L E CTRONIC l e t t e r h e a d t e m p l at e Template available at

School/College: Verdana Bold, 7.5 pt or Frutiger Bold, 8.5 pt Department: Verdana, 6.5 pt or Frutiger Light, 7.5 pt Body of Letter: Garamond, 10 pt or Adobe Garamond, 11 pt Letterhead: 8.5" × 11"

Body of letter should begin 2.25" from the top of the page. Leave 7 blank lines at top of Word document.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of English | Center for Excellence in Writing Post Office Box 751 Portland, Oregon 97207-0751

Line 8 Line 10 Line 11 Line 12 Line 13

503-725-5555 tel 503-725-5555 fax [email protected]

January 1, 2007 Recipient Title Address City, State, Zip

Lines 14—15: Space Line 16: Begin Letter

To whom it may concern, Hendigni smodipisi blam quam ex ese molore commole ndigna faccum veraestrud doloreet amet acinibh ero con vent veliqua tumsan henit la faccum ver sed magnism olummy nulluptat nulla faci eriure tincil eum quisi. Ing etue commodit alis delit velestrud essismo dipsum dip ea faccum ipsum venibh eugueros ad tin volortio diatum quat lor iurer si. Adit ing eugait ute dolutpat alis adio od dionsequis nonum ad eum dolor adigna feu feuisl delisl et nisi. Put la at ulput loreet lore vullan volore tisit lorem ipsummodo er ad do dunt wisi bla alit do ero dolore conumsandiam accum veliquis digna feugiam, vulpute magna consed magniam doluptat adit la facidunt acilla amcon volobore magna faccum er sim dunt autpatue del elit ulputat. Vent eugiam, sendionullum diamcon ullandre consequat, vel ing euisciduis aute faccum nulluptat. Cum delit, sequamcore velendr ercilla ad te doloreet lobore volor irit wisim dolupta tionsequatie faci blam autatet lum nit dit nummodion henim ad tie tat praesto eriusto dipsumsan henibh etum nisi. Raessim ip eui tat nibh el in ex er adit alis dolum volestisim ero corerae sectet lut nummolum quat autpatem in et lorpercil delestrud dolorti onullan hendreet num irit nullaore tat irit iriusto odionsecte ero dolenit acillam nismod elit praesed ting elit ipit ad magnim euisit acil ipsumsan eugait, sit, conulput ut ing eugait, quat. Consend ipsustrud modolenim irilisit am ipit nim in ut luptat, quisl diam, sectetummy nim ilis eliquipit prat. Usto core tatum vel exero ent dolum zzrit, vullum dolesto dunt dolortio od tem velis nim iriusto conulla facilit nis ad dolor si. Init at luptat amconul lutpat. Ut vel etum quatin verat. Perostisit, ver sed ex eu faccum eummy nos exercilis nonsequissim iure tisit am, quismodit nulla faccum dolore del ilis nosto odolorerilit wis num ipis ex endrero eum augait praeseq uatumsa ndreet eniamco mmodit velit nonsed essit veniamcommy nullum illuptat ip er adit ad dolobortisci blaorpe rcidunt ut at. Sincerely,


1" margin from bottom of the page

1" margin from left side of page


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

1.38" margin from right side of page

Style Matters An editorial style guide brings consistency to non-scholarly mass media publications and correspondence written for and about Portland State University. The Office of University Communications utilizes a house style that incorporates rules from the Associated Press Style Guide and the Chicago Manual of Style for guidance on issues of word usage, spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. For help on issues ranging from rules on spelling out numbers to appropriate listing of degrees, visit


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

Affirmative Action Statement A Portland State University statement on affirmative action and equal opportunity should appear in publications produced by the University for off-campus distribution, in all classifieds ads and position announcements. A statement is not required for publications intended primarily for on-campus distribution, with the exception of position announcements. A statement is also not required for correspondence of a personal nature (e.g., letters, memos, invitations) whether intended for on- or off-campus distribution.

S tat e m e n t f o r Pu b l i c at i o n s “Portland State University supports equal opportunity in admissions, education, employment, and use of facilities by prohibiting discrimination in those areas based on age, color, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion or creed, sex or gender, sexual orientation, or veteran status. This policy implements local, state and federal laws (including Title IX); inquiries about it should be directed to the Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Office, 122 Cramer Hall, 503-725-4417; TTY: 503-725-6503.” Two acceptable shortened versions of the complete affirmative action statement may be used when space is limited: “PSU promotes equal opportunity for all individuals without regard to age, color, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion or creed, sex or gender, sexual orientation, or veteran status.” “PSU is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution.” The following variation is acceptable only in classified advertisements: “An AA/EO institution.”


p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

Ads and Position Announcements This statement must be placed in all search ads and position announcements, whether for on- or off-campus distribution. “Portland State University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity institution and, in keeping with the President’s diversity initiative, welcomes applications from diverse candidates and those who support diversity.” A slightly shortened version may be substituted when space is an issue. “PSU is an AA/EO institution and, in keeping with the President’s diversity initiative, welcomes applications from diverse candidates and those who support diversity.” Exception: The extremely abbreviated statement below may be used for ads for limited-duration positions, where the person will not be considered “staff” or “faculty” of the University (e.g. individuals hired on personal services contracts). For any other exceptions, please contact the Affirmative Action Office, 503725-4417: “An AA/EO institution.”

Re s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r p l a c i n g t h e s tat e m e n t The head of the department or office originating the publication, or the chair of the search committee that creates an ad or position announcement is responsible for ensuring that the appropriate affirmative action statement is used. The director of creative services is authorized to place an affirmative action statement in a publication without permission or approval of the head of the department or office originating the publication.

Glossary Baseline



An invisible grid line upon which type or

Photos, illustrations, or other graphic elements

Any of the short lines stemming from, and at

used to provide visual information and to

an angle to, the upper and lower ends of the

evoke an emotional response.

strokes of a letter.

imagery rests.

Brand A trademark owned by an organization that

Knock out


creates a distinctive set of expectations in the

The removal (knock out) of the color in an

The specified arrangement of the logomark

minds of customers.

area, allowing the background or page color

and logotype.

to show through.

Brand identity

Spot color

The visual representation of a brand in all



The result of arranging text, imagery, and/or

ink rather than the mix of inks (CMYK) used in

graphic elements on a page.

process color.

The height of a capital letter, such as the “P”


Tag line

in Portland State University.

The measurement in typography of the vertical

The specific phrase, used in advertising

space between lines of text measured from

and other communications, that reinforces

baseline to baseline.

a particular message.

of other graphic elements to ensure that the



logo is given prominence.

A distinctive, proprietary symbol used to

An electronically formatted file used to

identify a company or brand and express

structure information and key graphic

its unique attributes.

elements in a consistent manner for a

Color printed with its own custom individual

Cap height

Clear space The space around a logo that is kept free

CMYK An acronym used in offset printing that stands

particular type of communication.

for cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. Also


known as four-color process.

PANTONE® is a color-matching system that


provides more than 700 color swatches to

The overall understanding or perception of


designers and gives printers the formulas

the institution’s communications conveyed

Printed marketing communications delivered

needed to accurately reproduce each color.

to the audience.



to customers and prospects by sources other than the media.

(Portable Document Format) A cross-platform

Indicates that an organization or individual

Color palette

document formatting application that allows

legally owns a name. It restricts the use

The set of approved colors to be used across

documents to be displayed exactly how they

or sale of the name to that organization/

all communications. This applies to color fields,

looked when created in the original software.

graphic elements, and type, but not to color photographic imagery.

individual. The ™ symbol is used to identify a trademarked name, while the ® indicates a


federally registered trademark.

The unit of measure for type size. Equals 1/72

Four-color process

of an inch, or .35 mm.

A printing term referring to the method of

The use of type in creating communications,

reproducing full-color artwork by separating

Process color

including its selection, specification, and usage

the image into four colors: cyan, magenta,

Color printed with a mix of inks (CMYK) rather

in a particular format.

yellow, and black.

than each color with its own individual ink (spot color).


Web-safe hexadecimal colors The result of RGB colors being converted for

The commonly used acronym for “hypertext


markup language,” which is used to create

A color model used in electronic media that


stands for red, green, and blue. All color computer monitors are RGB monitors.

Identity system



All of the identity elements used in a specified

Sans serif

relationship to each other.

A letter or typeface with no serifs.

p o rtlan d state uni v ersit y   |  iD E N T I T Y stan d ar d s v2.0 (2/11)

Web-safe use.

The Portland State University logo is a trademark, copyrighted design, and other form of intellectual property of Portland State University and may not be used, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Portland State University. All rights reserved.