IDP Council Meeting for August 2014.pdf - Google Drive

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Page 1 of 2. 1. Interpreters with Deaf Parents. Member Section of RID, Inc. Meeting of Officers and Regional Representat
Interpreters  with  Deaf  Parents   Member  Section  of  RID,  Inc.  

Meeting  of  Officers  and  Regional  Representatives   August  28,th.,8:00PM  EST      


Minutes   Council  Members  in  Attendance:         Chair  –  Kelly  Decker       Vice  Chair  –  Suzanne  Nace       Secretary  -­‐  Karen  Lefebvre   Region  III-­‐Jeffrey  Palmer   Region  IV-­‐Larry  Barnett         Agenda  and Tele-Conference access information e-mailed prior to meeting     Mission  of  IDP     To  promote  greater  understanding  and  awareness  of  the  values  of  the  Deaf  Community  as  well  as  the   skills,   dedication   and   sensibilities   that   interpreters   with   Deaf   parents   continue   to   offer   to   the   interpreting  profession.      

Regional Conference Updates Main take aways from your region IDP member section meeting. Doable actions that the membership would like IDP to be working on (see below). Region I - Naomi Caselli (Berlove) -Kelly reported on behalf of Naomi Region II - Jeffrey Palmer reported for Region II Region III - David Stuckless - Sue reported on behalf of Jeff Region IV - Pamela Prail Duncan - no report given Region V - Helen Young - Kelly reported on behalf of Region V Vacant IDP council positions Naomi Caselli has stepped down from the IDP council due to her other obligations within RID. Doable Actions IDP to write a letter to NCIEC (National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers) to include Deaf Parented Interpreters on next survey. This was agreed upon unanimously by the council. Kelly will work on this and report back to the council during the next call. IDP reaching out to the BOD and Shane about adding Coda/Deaf Parented Interpreter question to demographics. This was agreed upon unanimously by the council. It was also mentioned that CODA International was also working on this Doable Action and IDP should connect with them as well. Kelly will work on this and report back to the council during the next call. Sponsoring a Deaf Parented Interpreter ITP student for 2015 RID Conference. Sue Nace agreed to do the leg work on this, reach out to existing Deaf parented interpreter types of scholarships and will report back to the council during our next call.


IDP 2015 RID Pre-Conference event. The council discussed working with ITOC and Deaf Caucus for this pre-conference. Kelly will work on this and get back to the council during the next call. Power and Privilege training for HQ and BOD - update from Jeffrey Palmer The group working with the BOD was unsatisfied with the responses to our follow-up questions from the RFP applicants. It was decided that we would re-write the RFP and Dawn would secure someone to provide a training at the September Board meeting. Donations to IDP We have noticed a drop in the number donations to IDP since the format of donating has changed this year on the RID website. In the next vlog from IDP we will ask for the IDP membership to consider donating to IDP as the ability to donate is year round.