Club Contacts can bulk upload classification match scores or upload individual
scores at IDPA Classification Match Score Sheet. Breakdown of ...
IDPA Classification Match Score Sheet
Breakdown of Classification Scores CDP ESP SSP CCP
String 1 ___________ String 2 ___________ String 3 ___________ String 4 ___________ String 5 ___________ String 6 ___________ String 7 ___________ Procedural s x 3 ___________ STAGE ONE (30 Rounds Total, 10 Hits per Target Required) Points Down x 0.5 ___________ Hits per Target Stage One Total T1 T2 T3 Points Down per Target Master (MA) Expert (EX) Sharpshooter (SS) Marksman (MM) Novice (NV)
92.00 ‐ 89.00 ‐ 91.00 ‐ 96.00 ‐ 92.01 to 89.01 to 91.01 to 96.01 to 111.00 109.00 110.00 116.00 111.01 to 109.01 to 110.01 to 116.01 to 142.00 138.00 140.00 149.00 142.01 to 138.01 to 140.01 to 149.01 to 195.00 190.00 192.00 204.00 195.01 + 190.01 + 192.01 + 204.01 +
102.00 ‐ 102.01 to 124.00 124.01 to 158.00 158.01 to 218.00 218.01 +
STAGE TWO (30 Rounds Total, 10 Hits per Target Required)
T1 T1
Hits per Target T2 T3 Points Down per Target T2 T3
String 1 __________
String 2 __________ String 3 __________ String 4 __________ Procedurals x 3 __________ Points Down x 0.5 __________
Stage Two Total
STAGE THREE (30 Rounds Total, 10 Hits per Target Required)
String 1 __________
String 2 __________ Hits per Target String 3 __________ T1 T2 T3 Procedurals x 3 __________ Points Down per Target Points Down x 0.5 __________ T1 T2 T3 Stage Three Total Name: ______________________________ IDPA # ________________ Address: ___________________________________________________ City: _______________________ State: ______ Zip: ________________ Match Total E‐mail: ____________________________________________________ CDP ESP SSP CCP REV MA EX SS MM NV Club Contacts can bulk upload classification match scores or upload individual scores at