IE Plans were reviewed and discussed at the Nursing Faculty ...

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May 2, 2012 ... Offer NCLEX review course on site for students yearly. Hurst NCLEX review offered at Moore, McMinnville, and Smyrna sites (via ITV, ...
IE Plans were reviewed and discussed at the Nursing Faculty Meeting on May 2, 2012. Faculty present: Teresa Boyer, Cheryl Cross, Kimberly Hackney, Pat Hendrix, Amy Holder, Amy Huff, Janice Pearsall, Jayna Reyes, Rachel Rivers, Melissa Russell, Cathy Simpson, Reba Walters. This summary will become part of the minutes of that meeting. NURS-01: Nursing Licensure Pass Rate Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: •

Administer and monitor results of HESI standardized subject exams and RN Exit HESI exams. Spring 2012 – The following HESI standardized tests were administered: Level I: pediatric and OB Level II: pharmacology and exit Offer NCLEX review course on site for students yearly. Hurst NCLEX review offered at Moore, McMinnville, and Smyrna sites (via ITV, originating from Moore County) May 14-16, 2012.

Create exam questions utilizing the NCLEX blueprint and format. Exam questions written and categorized by Bloom’s taxonomy; alternative format questions included on tests as well.

Require each student to create a plan for NCLEX preparation in NURS 2130. Completed by students as a required assignment in NURS 2130.

Evidence of Success: •

All HESI exams will be administered as scheduled through the testing center; results will be compiled and reviewed by faculty. Exams administered as noted above. Each student received his/her individual results of the exams which identified strengths and areas needed to improve and received the benefit of participating in computerized testing prior to taking the computerized NCLEX-RN. Results were received at the end of the Spring semester and distributed to faculty for review and for use in planning content/lesson plans for AY 2012-13. Content areas in which students averaged less than recommended scores may be strengthened. Points were awarded in NURS 2420 for HESI exit exams as follows: 850-899 – students receives 1 point; 900-999 – 2 points; > 1000 – 3 points. Because this plan was created and implemented during AY 2011-12, the initial effects of this plan will not be able to be assessed until Level II students take the NCLEX during the summer months of 2012. Effects on NCLEX results for current Level I students will be evaluated after summer 2013.

The NCLEX review course from a reputable company will be offered by May 31, 2012 for graduates interested in participating.

Fifty-four students out of seventy registered to take the Hurst Review course offered at Motlow on May 14-16, 2012. Effectiveness of action will be assessed after students have taken the NCLEX-RN during summer 2012. This year there are 2-3 students who will be out of the country during the scheduled Hurst review; next year students will be notified that there are other NCLEX preparation courses in addition to the one scheduled on the Motlow campus. Several students identified this already and chose other options. 

Analysis of each exam will be created and reviewed immediately after each core nursing clinical course exam. Level faculty reviewed examinations, particularly high-miss questions, after exams in the core nursing courses were administered and scored with a test-item analysis performed. Questions are reviewed for clarity, accuracy, and appropriateness. 100% of students enrolled in NURS 2130 will submit an individualized plan for NCLEX preparation. All students enrolled in NURS 2130 completed an individualized plan for NCLEX preparation

Current Status: January – December 2012 Seventy students graduated in May 2012. Final NCLEX results will not be available until December 31, 2012. Of this number, 44 scored > 850 on the exit HESI examination; 16 scored between 750-850 on the exit HESI examination; 54 took the NCLEX review from Hurst offered May 14-16, 2012; 100% of students enrolled in NURS 2130 created an NCLEX study plan; test item analysis was performed on each exam in the core nursing courses – faculty are given the opportunity to review high-miss questions for clarity, accuracy, and appropriateness. January – December 2011 Of the 62 graduates from May 2011 who tested for the NCLEX, 61 passed on the first attempt for a pass rate of 98.4%. Tennessee’s state pass rate is 92.03%. The national average pass rate is 87.9%. The one student who did not pass on the first attempt did pass on the second attempt.

NURS-02: Nursing Program Completion Rate Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: 

Assign full-time nursing faculty program-of-study advisors to all Level I students. This was begun Fall 2011. To clarify, the intent of the assigned FT faculty for advising was specifically to assist students with following the program of study and review of courses to make sure that students were completing requirements. This practice, as clarified, will be implemented in Fall 2012. Provide remediation as required for students for Campus Nursing Lab and Clinical Field Experience when they are deemed to be in jeopardy of receiving a final unsatisfactory

evaluation within the clinical portion of the course, making them ineligible to progress within the program. This typically occurs prior to the last evaluation in CNL return demonstrations or clinical day in which one more unsatisfactory evaluation would result in the student’s expulsion from the nursing program. Remediation may also be recommended at any time for a student when deemed necessary by the instructor or level coordinator. Remediation is offered to every student in clinical jeopardy. Not all students choose to participate. Students will receive written mid-term deficiency notifications if deficient in either the theory or clinical portion of any nursing course from the Nursing Director. All Level I and Level II students in jeopardy at midterm were mailed a notification of their status. A student test review will be conducted by faculty after each test in a core nursing clinical course, with the exception of final exams. Test reviews were conducted by FT faculty after each test, except the final examinations, in each nine-credit-hour core nursing course. Particularly high-missed questions were reviewed with students; students had the opportunity to review the test questions and their answers; students had the opportunity to ask questions. Readmission policies will be reviewed with the student by the Nursing Director (or designated Level Coordinator) at the Exit Interview. As noted on each Exit Interview, readmission policies were reviewed with students exiting the program. They were also encouraged to request readmission into the program.

Evidence of Success: 

Students enrolled in the first year nursing courses will be assigned and notified of their programof-study advisors in the Fall semester 2011 via their Motlow email accounts. Students were notified of their advisors via Motlow email. Some verbally commented to the director on how they appreciated the assistance. Remediation recommended to each student in clinical jeopardy as documented on counseling forms, maintained in student files. Most students opt to participate in the remediation, particularly in CNL; however, not all choose to complete recommended remediation for CFE. All students below 75% theory average and/or with a greater percentage of “needs improvement” than “satisfactory” evaluations in any one objective for clinicals will be sent a mid-term deficiency letter. Letters of notification were mailed to each student in jeopardy. In addition, they met with faculty to discuss their status and to review steps for success. Student test review will occur after every nursing clinical core course exam, with the exception of final exams. Test reviews were completed on the following dates: Level I – 02/06/12, 02/27/12, 03/26/12, and 04/25/12; Level II – 02/20/12, 03/26/12, and 04/26/12.

100% of students attending an Exit Interview will receive a review of readmission policies, as documented on Exit Interview forms. There were a total of eight students who exited the program in Spring 2012 and all received a review of readmission policies at their Exit Interviews.

Current Status: Spring 2012 66 out of 91 students admitted in Fall 2009 and Summer 2010 completed within 6 semesters – program completion rate is 73%. Incoming Level I students are in the process of being assigned advisors. Remediation will continue on an ongoing basis for those students who become at-risk for exiting the program. The total number of students exiting the program in AY 2011-12 is 33. Exiting from Level I, Fall 2011 (13 total) – 5 withdrawals due to various reasons, 3 for CNL, 4 for theory, 1 for CFE (also CNL), 1 for NURS 1070; Level I, Spring 2012 (6 total)– 3 for CNL, 1 for CFE, 2 for theory, 1 for other reasons. Exiting from Level II, Fall 2011 (12 total) – 6 for theory and 6 for other reasons; Level II, Spring 2012 – one total for theory.

NURS-03: Nursing Program Accreditation Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: 

The nursing department director and faculty will review the Systematic Program Evaluation Plan (SPEP) annually in May to assess for any needed changes in the plan and to review results, in accordance with NLNAC standards. Meeting held May 2, 2012. Updates and changes made to SPEP as needed. In the process of updating and rewriting portions of this document. NLNAC standards and criteria will be distributed by that organization in 2013. The Nursing Director will complete the annual report for NLNAC and report any substantive changes. Report completed and sent. Pay annual dues to NLNAC as required. Dues paid; receipts on file. Letter received from NLNAC regarding an increase in fees for accreditation. This was forwarded to the business department for budgeting purposes. Recruit and hire qualified, MSN-prepared nurses to use as clinical adjuncts to meet the NLNAC criteria 2.1.1 – “The majority of part-time faculty are credentialed with a minimum of a master’s degree with a major in nursing; the remaining part-time faculty hold a minimum of a baccalaureate degree with a major in nursing.” Place ads specific for MSN-prepared nursing adjuncts. Send recruitment letters to community nursing leaders at clinical facilities and universities.

Over the past year, ads were placed for nursing adjuncts and needs were made known to clinical liaisons/professional contacts. Two new clinical adjuncts were hired – one with an MSN; one enrolled in a BSN to DNP program, scheduled to graduate in May 2012. One will not be able to return due to moving out of state. Two consistently-used BSN clinical adjuncts were encouraged to return to school, but at this time have no solid plans to do so. Evidence of Success: 

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An SPEP review will be conducted every May and updated as needed. Minutes of this meeting will be kept. Minutes and SPEP update in progress. The annual report will be completed and submitted by November 18, 2011. Completed and submitted prior to deadline. The NLNAC dues will be paid from the nursing budget and receipts kept on file. Paid and receipts on file. > 50% of part-time faculty will be Master’s prepared nurses for the academic year 2012-13. Forty percent of part-time faculty were Master’s prepared; however, one will graduate from a bridge program to a DNP in May 2012.

Current Status: 2012 No change in status. SPEP meeting held May 2, 2012. Annual report submitted November 2011. NLNAC dues paid – receipt on file. 40% of part-time faculty had MSN for AY 2011-12; 60% held BSN degrees; however, one with a BSN was enrolled in a BSN-to-DNP degree program which was completed in May 2012. The next accreditation visit is scheduled for Spring 2015.

NURS-04: Internationalization of Nursing Courses The first two nursing QEP modules were implemented in Spring 2012 (NURS 1420 and NURS 2420). Two additional modules have been approved and will be implemented in Fall 2012 (NURS 1410 and NURS 2410). Student Perception Survey Results and Grading Rubric Summary have been emailed to nursing faculty for review. Both NURS 1420 and 2420 modules met objective benchmarks. During curriculum planning for Spring 2013, occurring in Fall 2012, the modules will again be reviewed for needed changes.