IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

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Call for Papers. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. Special Issue on Wireless Power Transfer, 2014. Scheduled Publication ...
Call for Papers

IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics Special Issue on Wireless Power Transfer, 2014 Scheduled Publication Time: June, 2014 Wireless power has been an increasingly attractive topic since it is quite convenient, clean, and safe. Its applications include industry clean rooms, electric vehicles, mobile phones and smart pads, medical and defense equipment, and robots, wherever ‘energy hungry’ problems or battery problems such as heavy, expensive, and short operating time exist. Its power level ranges from several hundred kW for wireless electric vehicles (WEV) to a few W for wireless mobile charging (WMC) and to a few mW for medical implants. Charging range varies from sub mm to several m while application areas are persistently expanding. Recently we witness increasing demands for the electrification of public transportations and convenient charging of mobile devices. The purpose of this special issue is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss the latest developments in wireless power transfer techniques. Prospective authors are invited to submit original contributions or survey papers for consideration for publication in this special issue. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:       

Stationary charging of electric vehicles (PHEV, HEV, PEV, etc.) Dynamic charging of electric vehicles (RPEV) High power converters for WEV (inverters, rectifiers, PFC, etc.) Medium power converters for WMC (resonant & high freq. converters, on-chip power) Low power converters for medical implants or instrumentations and wireless sensors Design issues on WEV system (power, data communications, mechanical/thermal, MMI) Design issues on WEV infra system (power distribution, control, road construction, etc.)

Deployment issues on WEV (reliability, integration, economics, regulations & policy, etc.) Magnetics and coil designs Components and EMC designs Modeling, simulation, and control Wireless power for mobile smart devices (smart phones, tablet PC, etc.) Wireless power for medical applications (implanted devices, etc.) Wireless power for defense applications Wireless power for robotics applications Wireless power for industry applications Wireless power for home appliance applications

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All manuscripts must be submitted through Manuscript Central at Submissions must be clearly marked as “Special Issue on Wireless Power Transfer, 2014” on the cover page. When uploading your paper, please select your manuscript type as “Special Issue on Wireless Power Transfer.” Refer to for general information about electronic submission through Manuscript Central. Manuscripts submitted for the special issue will be reviewed separately and will be handled by the guest editorial board noted below.

Deadline for Submission of Manuscript: January 15th, 2014 Guest Editors: Chun T. Rim, KAIST ([email protected]), and Chris Mi, University of Michigan-Dearborn ([email protected]) Guest Associate Editors:  Grant Covic, Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand  Jason Lai, Virginia Tech, USA  Jurgen Meins, Technical Univ. of Braunschweig, Germany  Yoichi Hori, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan  Michael Tse, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hongkong Proposed Timeline:  November 1, 2013  January 15, 2014  March 15, 2014  May 15, 2014  July 15, 2014

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Mohamad Sawan, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada John M. Miller, ORNL, USA Chunbo Zhu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

– Call for Papers to IEEE JESTPE Editorial Office – Manuscripts Submission Deadline – Acceptance Notification – Manuscripts Forwarded to IEEE for Publication – Special Issue Appears in IEEE JESTPE