The Development of the CityGML GeoBIM Extension for Real-Time Assessable Model (Integration of BIM and GIS) A. Jayakody, L. Rupasinghe, K. A. M. S. Perera, H. H. P. M. Herath, T. M. A. Thennakoon and, S. U. Premanath Abstract — In this paper authors present an approach to merge both Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Geospatial Information Systems (GIS).There is an increasing interest in the integration of BIM and GIS. However, the ‘BIM people’ and the ‘GIS people’ still seem to live in different worlds. They use different technology, standards and syntax descriptions. BIM is seen as an essential data source for built environments by GIS users. GIS is seen as a crucial data source for design and integration of new BIM models. In this research paper demonstrate a mix of strong parts from both GIS and BIM are integrated in a single project. This paper properties the development of a CityGML extension called GeoBIM to get semantic IFC data into a GIS context. The conversion of IFC to CityGML is going to implement in the open source Building Information Model server. CityGML is a common information model for the representation of sets of 3D urban objects. It defines the classes and relations for the most relevant topographic objects in cities and regional models with respect to their geometrical, topological, semantically and appearance properties. Included are generalization hierarchies between thematic classes, aggregations, relations between objects, and spatial properties. That can be applied for accessible information for indoor navigation. Keywords — BIM, GIS, GeoBIM, CityGML, IFC, XML, OpenCV, OSM, 3D, OGC, AEC, BIM Server
In today‘s world there is requirement to get building information to navigate the indoor environment. In this research the authors‘ main emphasis is on providing best service to those people within the indoor environment. Building Information Models (BIM) [1] is producing models and Building Information Modelling as a process which supports information management. Throughout the life cycle of a building are becoming more widely used in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry [2]. In order to facilitate various urban management tasks and several processes of the construction life cycle through better automation. The other related area is the Geospatial Information System (GIS) [2]. It has a server-focused approach. GIS data obviously have a strong focus on the geolocation. The relation between geospatial objects is based on the coordinates. The GIS modeller typically models existing data or policies. GIS is strong on 2D geometry and is just starting to experiment with 3D. Most of the BIM and GIS people work on different technologies, standards and syntax descriptions and today the two worlds have not really integrated .This paper demonstrates the integration of both BIM and GIS to help indoor navigation by providing accessible information. There is a need to develop technology to integrate both technologies and create a synergy between the strong (technology) parts of both worlds. BIM support Industry Foundational Classes (IFC) [3] and GIS support CityGML [4].
Figure 1: CityGML Object Properties [3].
The basic idea, of this paper is the modeling an accessible building information model by merging these two technologies(BIM & GIS). The (Figure 1.1) identification of CityGML 1 Object types is describing from the diagram.
Figure 2 : System Architecture 1
CityGML is an open data model and an XML-based format for the storage and exchange of data. It is A. Jayakody, L. Rupasinghe, K.A.M.S Perera, H.H.P.M. Herath, implemented as an application schema for the Geography T.M.A Thennakoon. and S.U Premanath are with the Sri Lanka Markup Language 3 (GML3), the extendible international Institute of Information Technology, Malabe, Sri Lanka (email: standard for spatial data exchange issued by the Open
[email protected]) Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the ISO TC211. 109
The IFC semantics and relations should be available in a GIS context. But it has decided to use CityGML for this integration. It is not possible to integrate IFC semantics into CityGML by default. Hence, it uses the extension mechanism for CityGML. The open source BIM server will be able to export IFC data to CityGML (Figure 1.2), including the IFC geometry, but more important also the semantics and properties. We call the extension on CityGML for IFC data the ―GeoBIM‖ [5] extension. II.
This research project the authors have attempted to solve many problems in relating the criteria. The main problem specification describes as follows.
How to merge BIM and GIS technologies?
This is the main problem under this research project. To spend that issue authors have to use open source server. It is identify as BIM server. The BIM server is supporting only Industry Foundational Classes. It is very complex to define IFC class for one object. III.
This section describes how the past researchers have performed their research to integrate BIM and GIS. According to Berlo, L. van main emphasis is to develop a proper methodology in obstacle detection and obstacle identification for the BIM and GIS people.[3] In the literature review, the main aim has been to create a meaningful System for BIM and GIS users. To date there are no existing systems for the integration of BIM and GIS.[3] But there has Separate BIM and GIS systems. Building Information Model, in essence, is a technology platform on which professional from AEC industry could work and share data collaboratively and efficiently. [1] According to Joe Davis, P.E., LEED AP, CEO of Custom Engineering, an Independence, Mo.-based mechanical and electrical engineering firm, mechanical and electrical subcontractors have two choices when it comes to adopting BIM software and processes. [1]The first choice is to adopt BIM and bring it in-house by investing in the hardware and software, as well as hiring a BIM technician.[6] According to the McGraw-Hill report, general contractors are increasingly mandating BIM from key trades, and owners are demanding it from entire teams.[7] Considering on past researches Fritz Zobl and Robert Marschallinger says, in most geotechnical or construction projects architects and civil engineers have to consider both technical subsurface objects and natural bedrock objects conscientiously. As from a civil engineer‘s perspective, there is urgent need to extend the Building Information Model concept to the subsurface realm, incorporating the surrounding natural environment. [8] Benner, J. A. Geiger and K. Leinemann.
They investigate the possibility of integrating the 3D BIM utilities network data into a GIS based on user cases defined for water utilities maintenance operations and management. IV.
The proposed solution is integrating these two (BIM & GIS) technologies. For achieving the above task, the authors have used the open source BIM server. For defining CityGML object types it is using IFC Classes. IFC Class is the main class and core of the research. It store inside the server as a notepad. The main server calls as BIM server as shown in the figure. (Figure 1.3) For store the object classes it should be in the IFC file format .In here the authors use IFC Classes and it is saved as ―.ifc format‖. The IFC Class is very complex to handle when it is converting to the .ifc extension. For one object there are many lines of ―codes.IFC‖ Class as three ways. The authors categorized them as construct, architecture and map. These three classes are merged and build one IFC Class. To full fill the class converting purpose hears it uses the openBIM Server. And it is doing the merging part. But it could not view any model from C# or .net framework. By considering all the issues the authors wrote an algorithm to achieve the target purpose. From that it can identify the indoor navigation path. The authors implement it as normal application for testing purpose but in future plan to developed as an android application. It is complex to display and store 3D models in android phone. The authors proposed to use gaming engine to overcome the recourse limitations. But it is very complex to use gaming technologies. Because of that problem authors implement it as 2D model it is using for the smart phone. But it also has some limitation. It needs to enter current location and destination manually. Then only it shows the current short path to the destination.
Figure 3 : System Architecture.
This section discussed the methodology that can be used to identify the objects of the indoor environment by using given data. As a sample data it has used different types of objects such as door, window, roof, and also building furniture‘s, etc. In here considered the properties of the objects such as height, width, thickness, length, and colour, etc. Most virtual 3D city models have been
realized as purely graphical or geometrical models [4], neglecting semantic and topological aspects. These models are mostly used for visualization purposes but not for thematic queries, analytical tasks, or spatial data mining. Consequently, the City Geography Mark-up Language is developed in order to reach a common definition of the basic entities, attributes, and relations that can be shared across different applications.[4.5,6,9] Features of CityGML are for example digital terrain models, buildings, vegetation, water bodies, transportation facilities or city furniture. Going one step further, BIM technology enables detailed virtual models of complete buildings. A BIM contains the preposed precise geometry and attribute data needed to support the construction, fabrication and procurement activities needed to realize the building. BIM also accommodates many of the functions for modelling the lifecycle of a building, providing the basis for new construction capabilities and changes in the roles and relationships with classes. BIM facilitates a more integrated design and construction process that results in better quality at lower cost and reduced project duration.[1] Architects, engineers as well as owners and facility managers can realize significant benefits on projects by using BIM processes and tools to streamline the delivery of higher quality and better performing buildings[1] .Currently, BIM and virtual 3D city models mostly imply technical objects and related properties above top ground surface.[4] Most of the IFC classes are not of use in a practical GeoBIM use case.[5] For example Ifc Structural Point Action is typically used for structural calculations and therefore has no use in a GeoBIM [5]use case. In this research it used seventeen IFC classes such as ―ifcwindow‖, ―ifcdoor‖, ―ifcwall‖ etc where CityGML classes as ―windoor‖,‖door‖ and ―wall‖ with an arguments of length width and thickness and colour. The properties of these classes can also be transformed to CityGML attributes. Some classes from IFC map direct to a corresponding CityGML type. The author stores those data in separate three ifc files. Those are plane, architecture and structure. Those three classes giving sub model of an original model and sever generate the single model using integrate both models. Using model viewer: shows 3D model of the giving data. Those models can view using simulator called ―solibri viewer2‖. The Solibri model viewer supports for view the 3D model using .ifc file format.
In this project other research mainly focused the indoor navigation. Subsequently the authors create the indoor navigation system for mapping. There are many number of navigation system used in outdoor environment using GPS (Global Positioning System). Some other indoor navigation systems used Wi-Fi or Bluetooth facility. In here creates the indoor navigation system. User wants to give the current position and end position. Automatically algorithm is running and it show the shortest path and giving map it is generate. IFC Class is the main class of our research. It store as note pad to the main server. It should be in the IFC file format. In here author use three IFC classes. It saved as ―.ifc‖ format. The author use those three because of one IFC classes is very complex. These IFC classes are construct, architecture, and map. From merging these three IFC classes it build one IFC class. For that purpose authors use the open source BIM server. It is done the merging part. But authors cannot view anything from that C# language or .net framework. Because of that limitation authors invented new algorithm to identify the foot path. By using that algorithm it can get the shortest path. The authors implement it as normal application and plane to develop in an android application. But it is complex to display and store those 3D models in android phone. If it wants author proposed to use gaming engine. But it is very complex. Because of that problem it implements as 2D model as a prototype. And it used for in an android phone. Limitation is it needs to enter current location and destination manually. During that situation it shows the current shortest path current location to destination. The main logic is implemented, So that any developer or researcher can be used to implement foot path inside the building. VI.
A. 3D Modeling There are many advantages of using 3D model right from the start. Architects and building owners could appreciate the design visually in computer to foster confidence of the final outcome. Engineers can do analysis and design using computerized methods that usually require 3D models to base on. Last but not least, adding attributes to the 3D model, quantity sheets of building materials can be generated by computer to assist QS in tender preparation. [4,5,6,9]
Solibri Model Viewer is free software built for viewing Open
Standard IFC files and Solibri Model Checker files. Solibri Model Viewer brings BIM files from all IFC compatible software products Available for you in a single environment. It is available for 64 and 32 bit Windows, and Macintosh operating systems.
Figure 4 : Prototype: Testing With 3D Modelling.
merged and build one IFC Class. By using accessible information model it can be get real time information to navigate indoor environment. This type of research can be used to help vision impaired people to navigate the hospitals, shopping malls ,universities as well as unknown indoor areas without human interaction. And also it is an added advantage to this kind of model which can easily be accessed by using smart phone or tablet PCs. VIII.
Prototype: Testing With 3D Modeling. Design tasks will not stop when building projects enter construction stage. Contractor's proposal, design and build items, provisional items, detail design of specific building component, choice of propriety products, to name just a few, are the reasons why BIM is useful to contractors in the way designers do during design stages. [6, 9] Moreover, adding time and resource data into BIM, contractors can simulate construction activities inside computers to testify the workability and or streamline the production processes. [6] By referring literature relevant to BIM and 3D in this project authors mange to demonstrate prototype as seen in the figure 1.4 using industry foundational classes and generated the 3D model structure.
The authors would like to thank all the academics students and volunteer participants (students of Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, Malabe, Sri Lanka) for their participation in the experiments conducted.
B. Indoor Navigation The main research part is going on indoor navigation system. It is proposed map based application to get most appropriate information within the building. Most of the user wants to upload the map to the system as well as received map through the protocol available to reach the destination .Localization proposed based on Wi-Fi, such as collect the identities and signal strengths of the Wi-Fi access points in the vicinity at various points in the covered area.[12] This calibration war driving is time consuming, and easily becomes invalidated when physical conditions change, e.g. the number of people in the vicinity or new office equipment, thereby requiring new measurements to keep the database up to date. While efforts to reduce the required positions are promising, they still depend on exact 3D-models and are rather laborintensive to set up. However, a systematic drawback remains: There needs to be an adequate number of access points in the vicinity. This may be problematic in protected environments like historic buildings, archaeological sites or hospitals. [12] Hence the proposed real time model implemented accessible information model to support indoor navigation using given data. VII.
IFC Class is the main class and core of this research. It created using notepad and stood into the main server. The main server calls as BIM server. For store that it should be in the IFC file format .In here the authors use IFC Classes and it is saved as ―.ifc format‖. Then it builds IFC Class as three ways. The authors categorized it as construct, architecture and map. These three classes are 112
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