visiting in the browser you want to use with our ... Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edg
If you are using Firefox, Opera Browser or Safari you should first install or update Flash Player by visiting in the browser you want to use with our activities. Follow the instructions below. Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge and Chrome users can skip this step.
Now follow the specific instructions below for your browser.
Internet Explorer: Flash Player is pre-installed into Internet Explorer and is updated as part of your normal Windows Updates. To enable Flash Player you will need to open a with one of our activities and follow the step-by-step instructions below Changing them is quick and easy. You will only have to do this once as your browser settings will be saved.
(1) While on this page with the activity, click the settings icon (small cog) in the top left hand corner of the window and choose 'Manage Addons' from the menu. A new window will open
(2) Click 'Shockwave Flash Object' and click the 'ENABLE' button at the bottom of the window. Close the options window and restart your browser to apply the new settings. Refresh the page or restart your browser and all of our activities should now work as expected.
Microsoft Edge: Flash Player is pre-installed into Microsoft Edge and is updated as part of your normal Windows Updates however it may not be enabled. To enable Flash Player, follow these step-by-step instructions. Changing them is quick and easy. You will only have to do this once as your browser settings will be saved. When you have completed the steps it's best to restart your browser.
For most users this will enable Flash however occasionally this fails. If this happens to you try this. In step one navigate to a page that contains one of our online activities.
If you choose ‘Always Allow’ - our activities will always work in your browser. Refresh the page or restart your browser to continue.
Chrome: There is currently a bug in Chrome Browser which makes it difficult to enable Flash however many people have succeeded by following the steps below. We are hoping that this bug is corrected very soon. If you have difficulty please try one of the other browsers on this page in the meanwhile.
Chrome comes built in with it's own version of Flash, you are not required to install a separate plugin to enable Flash in Chrome. Follow the steps below for enabling flash. To enable Flash open your Chrome browser and type chrome://settings/content in the address bar, then press enter.
On the Content Settings page, scroll down to Flash and select the button next to 'Allow sites to run Flash'
It can sometimes help to specifically allow our web site to use Flash. You can do that by clicking the 'Manage Exceptions' button. With the cursor on the new Flash exception entry type either [*.] or [*.] depending on the web site you are using under the 'Hostname Pattern, select the behavior 'Allow' and click 'Done'.
[*.] If you are using Ian Bean’s web activities
Restart your browser to activate the new settings. Please note: There is currently a bug in Chrome Browser which means that for some people, even after making these changes, Flash files will still not run. If you experience this, we suggest you choose a different browser until Google corrects the bug.
Firefox users must first install Flash into their browser by visiting the link on the first page of this guide. When this is installed, restart your browser and follow the instructions below.
Click the three lines at the top right of your browser window to open the settings menu and choose 'Addons'.
Select 'Shockwave Flash' from the list of addons and use the drop down menu and select 'Always Activate'. Close the settings window and restart your browser to use the new settings.
Opera users must first install Flash into their browser by visiting the link on the first page of this guide. When this is installed, restart your browser and follow the instructions below.
In the address field, type opera://settings
Type the address of our web site into the box, select 'Allow' and click Done.