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Jul 11, 2008 - ... 'Project' for researching, developing, applying and commercializing Biomedical ... The objectives of. deNuo Sdn. Bhd. is to perform “Outsource Operate ..... d=1 and also
Biomedical Engineering Instrumentation Research Collaboration between Universiti Kuala Lumpur, deNuo Sdn. Bhd. and Flinders University, Australia S.R. Mukhtar1, N.H. Harun1, R. Jaafar1, Z. Abdul Kadir Bakti1, M.N. Talib2, M.A. Roselan2, Z. Ibrahim2 1

Universiti Kuala Lumpur - British Malaysian Institute, Gombak, Selangor, Malaysia 2 deNuo Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Abstract— This report presents the discussion on research collaboration between Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL), deNuo Sdn. Bhd. and Flinders University of Adelaide, Australia. The main objective of the discussion was to collaborate on Biomedical Engineering Instrumentation research activities for clinical application in Malaysian hospitals. It was also aimed at potential paradigm shift to contribute to new approach of Biomedical Instrumentation particularly for educational purpose. As a result, a Biomedical Engineering Instrumentation Research Working Committee (BEI-RWC) has been established between UniKL and deNuo Sdn. Bhd. as a medium to initiate biomedical products invention and innovation that are able to be commercialized and contribute to the healthcare industry. Keywords— Biomedical Engineering Instrumentation Research Working Committee, Collaboration, Memorandum of Understanding, Centre of Research in Educations and Industries Development.

in the area of Medical Devices, with high-quality and innovative research in priority areas [5]. The Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH) [6] and ECRI Institute [7] refer expertise to FMC and FU for their streamline activities in solving complex tribulations. In order to carry out a technology management model for the provision of Biomedical Engineering Services, Radibems Sdn. Bhd. has affiliated with ECRI and FMC to form a joint venture company called deNuo Sdn. Bhd [8]. The objectives of deNuo Sdn. Bhd. is to perform “Outsource Operate Transfer” (OOT) objective which is to achieve service standards beyond the delivery of a maintenance service meeting the challenges of cutting edge clinical practices and a continuing technology resource to the hospital. The scope of services would include Equipment Maintenance Management, Equipment Risk Management, Technology Assessment and Advisory Services [8].

II. I.



A memorandum of understanding (MOU) [1] was signed between Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) [2] and Radibems Sdn. Bhd. [3] on 11th July 2008 to initiate an exclusive collaboration ‘Project’ for researching, developing, applying and commercializing Biomedical Engineering Instrumentation (BEI) devices to various hospitals, clinics and pharmacies in South East Asia (SEA)[1]. An establishment of Biomedical Engineering Instrumentation Research Working Committee (BEI-RWC) between the two intended parties will encapsulate the above intentions via various activities as dim-fit in the MOU objectives [1]. Radibems Sdn Bhd is an established company specializing in Biomedical Engineering Management Services (BEMS) providing vital cost-effective solutions and reliability in the operations and maintenance of hightech hospital equipment [3]. Radibems Sdn. Bhd. has a long partnership history with Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) and Flinders University (FU) Adelaide, Australia [3,4]. FMC and FU have achieved international recognition

In order to carry out research, development and innovation activities in the field of BEI, to further discuss on technical approach for applying and commercializing research product, research collaboration visit to FMC and FU, Adelaide, Australia has been planned with the following objectives [9].

x To seek possibility on new technique in improving on


x x

available or existing technologies for the betterment of BEI, this later can be commercialized locally as a solution based. To discuss on new discovery process or/and technologies applicable to BEI which will nationally cater the needs of clinicians and the demands of industry and academic. To set up world class BEI research laboratory or centre at the Universiti Kuala Lumpur – British Malaysian Institute (UniKL-BMI) campus. To exchange information and views regarding technical requirement and standard in complying with medical

O. Dössel and W.C. Schlegel (Eds.): WC 2009, IFMBE Proceedings 25/XII, pp. 196–199, 2009.

Biomedical Engineering Instrumentation Research Collaboration



devices act that will bring together study on social, health and economic impacts. To encourage creative minds within the Universiti and Industry in general explore the possibility of developing genuine ideas and turning them into workable solutions for the improvement of patient care in Malaysia. To come up with new technologies derived from the vast experience gathered either academically or through the industry.



This paper documents the activities conducted towards achieving the above research collaboration objectives and planned activities for the BEI-RWC with FMC and FU of Adelaide, Australia. The objectives can be achieved when the signed MOU between UniKL and Radibems Sdn. Bhd. [1] is transferred to UniKL and deNuo Sdn. Bhd. The proposal was agreed by all attendees as Radibems Sdn. Bhd. would likely to focus on their current business operation and development. The research and development work were also supported by the Centre of Research in Educations and Industries Development (CENREID) [10] of UniKL-BMI [11], where all research activities were carried out in the CENREID laboratory [10]. The introductory presentation by FMC and FU to welcome and persuade the delegation of BEI-RWC for an international collaboration has prompt a bigger impact on research and development activities in the field of BEI. Presentations on current research and development issues were presented by FMC and FU teams for marketing strategy, trades of interest and investigation and also to trigger curiosity among the BEI-RWC team members. An issue was brought up by the BEI-RWC regarding good research practices and best place to perform product clinical trial and performance test. The FMC and FU representative recommended that the best code of practice to perform the above mentioned is in the Hospital environment. In addition, simulator products can be tailored to meet the expectation of industrial needs as well as academic needs. The FMC and FU representatives were curious if there is/are fund provided by any agency under the Malaysian government or allocated fund by UniKL for research work. This will impress academicians to involve in research rather then teaching orientate. Moreover, in order to stimulate research activities, a centre of excellent mainly for research activities must be setup with sufficient facilities, equipment,


tools, accessories and etc for the benefit of the Universiti, specifically UniKL. The benefits are; 1. 2. 3. 4.

Intakes of postgraduate students Conduct courses and workshops BEI research development new or/and revive References and consultants for others and etc

The BEI-RWC also expressed their intention to setup the mentioned centre of excellent specifically for BEI research activities as mapped and illustrated in figure 1. The team presented some of the current research development undertaken by the postgraduates in the area of biosensor network which leads to Bio-telemetry or Telemedicine. However, these projects development are still at initial stage. The Universiti has no appropriate Biomedical Instrumentation laboratory that can fulfill the needs for research activities to begin with. Therefore, the FMC and FU representatives strongly urge the BEI-RWC to persuade top management level to provide a Biomedical Instrumentation Centre so that a number of projects can be implemented in provision with the University mission and vision. Figure 1 illustrates the projection requirement for a centre of excellent in BEI proposed to be applied in the UniKL-BMI campuses.

Fig. 1 Technical approach of mind mapping for setting up the Centre of Excellent in BEI

The FMC and FU representatives expressed that plan of action for at least one year must be implemented immediately in order to achieve the BEI-RWC target of interest which will finally contribute as a return to the Universiti (UniKL), industry and also the society. This will definitely stimulate the University economic and financial

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S.R. Mukhtar et al.

plans, which at the same time helps to improve the human capital and national economic growth. Figure 2 shows the proposed time-line for at least one year active work in research and academic programme development to be implemented by the BEI-RWC.

“Computerized Hand Grip Measurement System” has won the bronze medal. This shows that the research collaboration efforts produced positive outcomes. This definitely stimulates more target oriented projects in the near future. MOU Signed between UniKL and Radibems Sdn. Bhd. to collaborate in Biomedical Engineering Instrumentation on RnD activities.


Proposed to visit and discuss with expert in Biomedical Engineering at Flinders Medical Centre and Flinders University of Adelaide, Australia.

Visit to Flinders University and Flinders Medical Centre

Set up a CoRBIE at UniKL-BMI campuses for RnD activities and at the same time developed a Biomedical Devices that will suit for education purpose.

Three (3) academic training kits where developed based on research for local invention and innovation that will fulfill the needs of areas in Therapeutic and Diagnostic devices.

Fig. 2

The proposed project time-line

The BEI-RWC team urged a collaboration which leads toward joint venture (JV) company between UniKL, deNuo Sdn. Bhd. and FU. The team again requested to shift Radibems Sdn. Bhd. to deNuo Sdn. Bhd. for the MOU commitment on exclusive research project collaboration. The BEI-RWC team was advised by the FMC and FU to encourage Medical Engineering Section staffs from UniKLBMI to participate in research activities which will result in project invention and innovation which will later lead to accreditations and recognition.



The BEI-RWC is currently receiving strong support and commitment from the FMC and FU. This covers in terms of identifying commercial and value added research projects based on their vast experiences. Figure 3 shows the progression of research outputs as a result of the collaboration between BEI-RWC and CENREID team of UniKL-BMI and also FMC and FU. Three research and development completed projects have been selected to enter the Malaysian Technology Expo (MTE) 2009 which was organized by the Malaysian Association of Research Scientists (MARS), for the 8th Global Invention and Innovation 2009 awards, which won two silver and one bronze medals. The “Pediatric Intravenous Therapy Training Kit” and “Spray-Coagulation Technique for Electrosurgical Unit” have won the silver medals and the

Centre of Research in Biomedical Instrumentation Engineering (CoRBIE)

Computerised Hand Grip Measurement System

Research and Development on Biomedical Devices

Pediatric Intravenous Therapy for Training Kits

SprayCoagulation Technique for ESU

Requesting the Section budget allocation for R&D activities on Biomedical Devices development. Budget utilization less than RM 3000.00.

Medical Engineering Technology Section research activity budget

Developed the Biomedical Devices based on R&D project development and to meet the challenge visioned by the BEIRWC in accordance to the stipulated objectives.

Prototype Development and Fabrication Computerised Pediatric SprayHand Grip Intravenous Coagulation Measurement Therapy for Technique for System Training Kits ESU

Participated in the 8th Global Invention and Innovation 2009 awards of Malaysia Technology Expo 2009 at PWTC, KL. To evaluate the prototype design.

Entry into the 8th GI2 2009 of the MTE 2009

The Prototypes designed won 2 Silver Medals (Pediatric Intravenous Therapy for Training Kits and Spray-Coagulation Technique for ESU) and 1 Bronze Medal (Computerised Hand Grip Measurement System)

Bronze Medal Computerised Hand Grip Measurement System

Winning Awards Silver Medal Pediatric Intravenous Therapy for Training Kits

Require product security and securing ownership as a benefit to the MOU signed between UniKL and Radibems Sdn. Bhd.

Register for IP and product Patent

To be marketed for the benefit of learners who involved in Biomedical areas as Training kits

Products Commercialisation and Segmentation

Silver Medal SprayCoagulation Technique for ESU

Fig. 3 Flow chart of research collaboration progression

These three awarded Biomedical Instrumentation products are currently undergoes the University Intellectual Property (IP) and Patent processes for security purpose before an Industry-University security contract is sign between the parties involved. Currently, the BEI-RWC is looking into research and business opportunity and also University and social contribution. In which a joint applied scheme will be created between UniKL, deNuo Sdn.Bhd. and FU. This

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Biomedical Engineering Instrumentation Research Collaboration

could be the best platform and solution as BEI-RWC will take part in FMC and FU project completion in Malaysia and to provide ways for securing product ownership and market segmentation. In addition, the product testing and clinical trail at government hospital under the supervision of Radibems Sdn. Bhd. such as Selayang Hospital, Putrajaya Hospital and also Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL) can be set up and performed to evaluate the quality and meeting the compliance test as stipulated in the Malaysia Medical Devices Acts.



The BEI-RWC strongly believe and agreed that the signed of MOU has tremendously create an opportunity for researchers between UniKL, deNuo Sdn. Bhd., FU and FMC to collaborate further and seek possible research product that can be commercialized and gain benefit from it. The trends of current BEI products are focusing on development of simulation and also academic training kits. In which, these are the trends for market segmentation for both developed and developing countries. The three won products developments are basically economic, futuristic, meet expectation level for novelty and academic usage and also user friendly. It also able to perform as what offered by other similar equipments produced overseas. The BEIRWC has set a 5 years strategic planning to develop more BEI research product which has commercial value that can penetrate local and oversea markets. In order to ensure that this can be realized, a new collaboration will be established between the parties involved and the alumni of UniKL for marketing strategy.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors wish to thank the President of UniKL Prof. Dato' Dr. Abdul Hakim Juri for his kind approval to release sufficient budget. This appreciation also goes to respective lecturers from the clusters under the Medical Engineering Section of UniKL-BMI and Centre of Research in Educations & Industries Development (CENREID), Hisham Mohamad Desa and Mohd Zaki Ayob, respectively, for their brilliant ideas and commitment to make things happened. Not to forget, the gratitude is extended to Dato Dr. Mohd Shaari Ahmad Jaabar of Radibems Sdn. Bhd. and Mr. John Robson of deNuo Sdn. Bhd. for excellent partnerships to reap the harvest of difficult years towards the success of research collaboration in BEI. Lastly, our deepest appreciation goes to Mr. Tony.Carlisle of FMC and FU for his continuous support, commitment, guidance and


motivation to keep us continually doing the right things during the development of the three won research products. REFERENCES [1] The Memorandum of Understanding between Radibems Sdn. Bhd. and Universiti Kuala Lumpur (British Malaysian Institute), (2008), Universiti Kuala Lumpur Chancellery City Campus, Malaysia. [2] Universiti Kuala Lumpur website at, [3] Radibems Sdn.Bhd. website at, [4] The Memorandum of Agreement between Radibems Sdn. Bhd. and Flinders Medical Centre, August 2007, Radicare Sdn. Bhd., Head-quarters, Malaysia. [5] Flinders Medical Centre website at, htm [6] Ministry of Health, Malaysia website at, d=1 and also ontent&task=view&id=38&Itemid=95 [7] ECRI Institute website at, [8] deNuo Sdn. Bhd. website at, [9] Mukhtar SR, (2008) The approved proposal documentation on visit to Flinders University for research collaboration between UniKL, Radibems Sdn. Bhd. and Flinders University, Universiti Kuala Lumpur (British Malaysian Institute) Campus, Malaysia, pp 3. [10] Mukhtar SR, (2006), The approved proposal on setting up research and development team at UniKL-BMI, UniKL-BMI, pp 1-9 [11] Universiti Kuala Lumpur (British Malaysia Institute) website at,

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