British Geological Survey, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3LA, United Kingdom. ([email protected]),. I utilises the BGGM and the harmonic properties of.
magnetic fields from airborne or marine surveys to estimate the combined core ... North Sea with Tech21 and have carried out land surveys for operations in the.
More in APP: o o _ ... Bulimia APP nervosa is 10 times ..... Wonderlich SA, Swift WJ, Slotnick HB, Goodman S. DSM-Ill-R personality disorders in eating disorder.
PUBLISHED BY. IFFI SYSTEMS, INC. WICHITA, KS 67215. Cepyrlght (erase by
IFH ere'reme, me. All rlghle reeenred. Printed In the Unlled Steiee nf Amerlce.
Prepared by Budget Department. 1. Plattsburgh State. Income Fund
Reimbursable (IFR). Budget Preparation Packet. Contents. Page. 1. IFR Budget
Process. 2.
erosion (GO) and 864 workers with no or mild erosion grades, GO-2, .... Grade. Labial and Lingual Surface. Cervical Area*. Incisal Area and Occlusal Surface*.
struktur organisasi digambarkan dalam bagan organisasi (organizational chart)
... mendeskripsikan lima bentuk organisasi yang diidentifikasikan oleh Mintzberg:
IFR Enroute Low/High Altitude (U.S. & Alaska Charts) ... Symbols shown are for
the Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Enroute Low and High Altitude Charts.
The project report has been approved as it satisfies the ... B.E. M.Tech, (Ph.D)
MISTE, AMIE ... We express our deep sense of gratitude to our project guide.
by her failure to recapture and kill the traitorous Drizzt. ... "The last we heard of
Drizzt placed him on the surface," Jarlaxle said to Vierna, ..... The legend of yer.
Jakarta kepada orang tua dan wali murid kelas X SMA Negeri 84 Jakarta melalui
makalah ..... 129. 151. 280. XI. IPA. XI. IPS. XI. IPB. 3. 3. 1. 35. 49. 17. 84. 71. 11.
119. 120 ... 4. 4. Bahasa Inggris. 4. 5. 4. 5. 5. Matematika. 4. 5. 4. 5. 6. Fisi
Major-Languages and Business. Best thing to happen since high .... Occupation-Business Analyst .... Occupation-Owner-Sof
IFR Communication Procedure. Copy Right Nice Air 2575 Robert Fowler Way,
San Jose, CA 95148 Phone(408)729-3383. 1. IFR Communication Procedure.
While every effort has been made to provide an accurate summary of NHS.
England's IFR policy and operating procedures, readers should consult the full.
Weight and Balance. 4. Alternates : IFR alternate required (123 rule). 5. File IFR
flight plan and finish flight planning procedure. 6. Call GROUND (or appropriate.
IFR CHECKLIST PRIOR TO TAXI 1. Airports - Review in AFDM, AOPA Diagrams, Approach plates, Departure Procedures, SIDS, STARS 2. Weather – Options (Go, NoGo, Go Elsewhere, Go another route) – NOTAMS – Route and altitude. 3. Airplane - Certified IFR for approaches, runway length and other airport information Weight and Balance 4. Alternates : IFR alternate required (123 rule) 5. File IFR flight plan and finish flight planning procedure 6. Call GROUND (or appropriate CLEARANCE DELIVERY) and ask “…GROUND, WE ARE AT …, IFR FLIGHT PLAN TO … AND WE WOULD LIKE TO PICK-UP OUR CLEARANCE” 7. Annotate the clearance (CRAFT): o Cleared to o Route of flight o Altitude of flight o Frequency of departure o Transponder 8. CALL GROUND AND TAXI
o o o
o o o o o
±5° error Vertical Speed Indicator – “0” or note for the error Altimeter – read airport elevation ± 75 feet Turn-coordinator – little airplane goes direction of the turn, ball goes opposite Heading Indicator – makes left turn & right turn Alternate air – checked (if installed) Marker Beacon – check Transponder – set the code and ALT (before take-off) Com radios – set the proper frequencies for TOWER and DEPARTURE
• • • • •
Organize the charts Set the appropriate navaid (TUNE – IDENTIFY – SET the course) Visualize the flight Lean the mixture above 3,000ft Check the temperature for ice Check the engine instruments Confirm any uncertainties with ATC
• DURING TAXI Check the following instruments: o Airspeed Indicator – should read “0” o Attitude Indicator – stabilized within 5 minutes; no more than IFR_checklist.doc
PRE-APPROACH (5-A's) ATIS Altimeter Airspeed
Approach speed Avionics HOLDING PROCEDURES (5T’s) T ime T urn (start a standard rate turn crossing the fix : TO/FROM indication) T wist (set the OBS to the inbound course) T hrottle (reduce power to save fuel) T rack the proper inbound/outbound headings T alk (report to ATC when “established on the inbound course of the published holding” or other holding instructions) SET UF FOR THE APPROACH (MGFIAT) M iss procedure to review G uide with navaids and course guidance F requencies I nitial approach fix A ltitude T ime 10 minutes prior to IAF (Initial Approach Fix) Nav radio - set for the approach Familiar with Approach Arrival at IAF Slow down at approach speed GUMMPSS check Missed approach Pitch and power Climb rate Flaps and gear
Page 1
When to turn Call missed CLEARANCE SHORTHAND Airway _______________ V36 J6 Arrival__________________ ARR As Filed _________________ AF At (maintain)___________ @5000 At or above______________5000 At or below ______________5000 Clearance Void____________ CV Cleared ________________ CLR Climb _________________↑5000 Departure __________ (name)DP Descend_______________↓2000 Direct ___________________D→ DME fix ________________ D28 East _____________________ E Expect Further Clearance __ EFC Expedite ___________________!! Heading 330______________330 Hold _____________________ H Hold East ________________H-E Holding pattern____________ ⊂⊃ Inbound __________________ IB Maintain ______________ @5000 North ____________________ N Northwest________________NW Outbound ________________ OB Outer Marker _____________ OM Radar Vectors ____________ RV Radial 330 _____________ R330 Report __________________R--Report passing 5000 ___RP-5000 Report ProcTurn Inbound_ R-PTIB Right Turn _______________ RT South ____________________ S Southwest _______________ SW Squawk _______________T1269 Turn Left 330 ____________L330 Turn Right 330 __________ R330 West_____________________ W Williams Pontel, CFII – Aug 2006