Technique rudiments, hand positions, pedaling, dampening, stick/mallet control,
intonation ... SOLO RATING Table ---- 30 pts 6 categories --- Do not round up.
IHSA Music PERCUSSION SOLO/ ENSEMBLE Adjudication Form Program/Event # _________ Room________ Event _____________
Order of Appearance _________ Time_________ Student Name ______________________________
School Name __________________________________ Class_____________
School Code _____________
AREA OF CONCERN AND COMMENTS Tone Quality balance, head tension,
stick choice
___.___ Technique rudiments, hand positions, pedaling, dampening, stick/mallet control, intonation
___.___ Interpretation
dynamics, tempo, accents, style, phrasing, expression, finesse and articulation
___.___ Accuracy
number of stops, correct rhythm, correct tempo, pitch (tympani)
___.___ Performance Factors choice of literature, appropriate appearance, poise, posture, general conduct, mannerisms
___.___ ENSEMBLE RATING Table -- 25 pts 5 categories --- Do not round up ___.___ Ensemble Total Circle rating
Division Division Division Division Division
I (Superior) = 25 to 22.0 II (Excellent) = 21.9 to 18.0 III (Good) = 17.9 to 13.0 IV (Fair) = 12.9 to 9.0 V (Poor) = 8.9 to 5.00
= 5 - A superior performance - outstanding in nearly every detail = 4 - An excellent performance — minor defects = 3 - A good performance -lacking finesse and/or interpretation = 2 - A fair performance — basic weaknesses = 1 - A poor performance — unsatisfactory
Mallet Scales from memory Snare/Multi-Perc. Rudiments from memory Tympani Scale and Intervals from memory
SOLO RATING Table ---- 30 pts 6 categories --- Do not round up ___.___ Solo Total Circle rating
Division Division Division Division Division
I (Superior) = 30 to 27.0 = 5 - A superior performance - outstanding in nearly every detail II (Excellent) = 26.9 to 22.0 = 4 - An excellent performance — minor defects III (Good) = 21.9 to 15.0 = 3 - A good performance -lacking finesse and/or interpretation IV (Fair) = 14.9 to 10.0 = 2 - A fair performance — basic weaknesses V (Poor) = 9.9 to 6.00 = 1 - A poor performance — unsatisfactory
Signature of Adjudicator____________________________________________________________________________
IHSA Music PIANO-HARP Adjudication Form Program/Event # ___________ Room______________ Event __________________
Order of Appearance ____________ Time_________
Student Name _____________________________________
School Name ___________________________________
School Code _________
AREA OF CONCERN AND COMMENTS General effectiveness, beauty, tone/touch-control
___.___ Technique finger dexterity,
note accuracy,
___.___ Interpretation, Musicianship style, tempo, phrasing, dynamics, sensitivity, balance-melody to accompaniment
Rhythm accuracy of note and rest values, duration, pulse, steadiness, correctness of meters ___.___
Performance Factors Choice of literature, appropriate appearance, poise, posture, general conduct ___.___
Scales by memory ___.___
___.___ Total Circle Rating Do Not Round Up
Division Division Division Division Division
I (Superior) II (Excellent) III (Good) IV (Fair) V (Poor)
= 30 to 27.0 = 26.9 to 22.0 = 21.9 to 15.0 = 14.9 to 10.0 = 9.9 to 6.00
= 5 - A superior performance - outstanding in nearly every detail = 4 - An excellent performance — minor defects = 3 - A good performance -lacking finesse and/or interpretation = 2 - A fair performance — basic weaknesses = 1 - A poor performance — unsatisfactory
Signature of Adjudicator______________________________________________________________
IHSA Music SMALL ENSEMBLE Adjudication Form Program/Event # _________ Room______________ Event _________________________
Order of Appearance ____________ Time_________
_____________________ Student Name _______________________________
School Name ______________________________________
School Code ____________
AREA OF CONCERN AND COMMENTS Tone Quality resonance,
___.___ Intonation accuracy to printed pitches
___.___ Rhythm accuracy of note and rest values,
correctness of meters
___.___ Balance, Blend likeness of qualities, awareness of ensemble, accompaniment
___.___ Technique (facility/accuracy) artistry, attacks, releases, control of ranges, musical and/or mechanical skill
___.___ Interpretation, Musicianship style,
dynamics, emotional involvement
___.___ Diction - Vocal
Bowing – Strings
Articulation – Winds/Keyboard
___.___ Performance Factors Choice of literature, appropriate appearance, poise, posture, general conduct, mannerisms, facial expression ,vocal memory
___.___ Total Circle Rating Do Not Round Up
Division Division Division Division Division
I (Superior) II (Excellent) III (Good) IV (Fair) V (Poor)
= 40 to 36.0 = 35.9 to 28.0 = 27.9 to 20.0 = 19.9 to 12 = 11.9 to 8.00
= 5 - A superior performance - outstanding in nearly every detail = 4 - An excellent performance — minor defects = 3 - A good performance -lacking finesse and/or interpretation = 2 - A fair performance — basic weaknesses = 1 - A poor performance — unsatisfactory
Signature of Adjudicator______________________________________________________________________
IHSA Music SOLO Adjudication Form Program/Event # _________ Room______________ Event _________________________
Order of Appearance ____________ Time_________
_____________________ Student Name _____________________________________________________
School Name ______________________________________
School Code _____________
AREA OF CONCERN AND COMMENTS Tone Quality resonance,
___.___ Intonation accuracy to printed pitches
___.___ Rhythm accuracy of note and rest values,
Technique (facility/accuracy) artistry,
correctness of meters
___.___ releases, control of ranges, musical/mechanical skill
___.___ Interpretation, Musicianship style,
dynamics, emotional involvement
___.___ Diction - Vocal
Bowing – Strings
Articulation – Winds
___.___ Performance Factors Choice of literature, appropriate appearance, poise, posture, general conduct, mannerisms, facial expression, vocal memory
___.___ Scales
Fingerings, Key, Tone, Intonation-, Rhythm, Tempo, ( Memory-EVERYONE)
Instrumental and Strings
___.___ Total Circle Rating Do Not Round Up
Two Scales
One Chromatic
One Major Scale - One form of Natural/Harmonic/Melodic Minor One Major Triad - Two from the forms of Min./Dim./Aug.
Division Division Division Division Division
I (Superior) = 40 to 36.0 II (Excellent) = 35.9 to 28.0 III (Good) = 27.9 to 20.0 IV (Fair) = 19.9 to 12 V (Poor) = 11.9 to 8.00
= 5 - A superior performance - outstanding in nearly every detail = 4 - An excellent performance — minor defects = 3 - A good performance -lacking finesse and/or interpretation = 2 - A fair performance — basic weaknesses = 1 - A poor performance — unsatisfactory
Signature of Adjudicator____________________________________________________________________________