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April - May - June Issue 22 Spring Summer Year: 2016 ... women in Parliament in every election, still the ratio is very ..... In 2003, the Turkish National Assembly.


THE POLITICS OF GENDER REPRESENTATION: THE CASE OF TURKEY1 Meltem INCE YENILMEZ1, Ceyhun Çağlar KILINÇ2, Alper ATEŞ3 Yaşar University, Department of Economics, Izmir / Turkey Selçuk University, Department of Tourism Management, Konya / Turkey 3 Selçuk University, Travel and Tourism Management Program, Konya / Turkey 1


Abstract: This research tries to analyze the framework of the selection process of candidates across parties and the limitations that women face both in municipal and general elections. It is aimed to explore the relationship between gender quotas and political establishments. Gender equality is the key driver of any democratic society and socio-economic growth. There is always a close relationship between countries that have eliminated the gender gap and those that are economically stable. The most developed countries in the world are also the best in implementing gender policies in every sector. Currently, it is vital to come up with the measures to help fight against the discrimination of the women in Turkey. One of such measures is through the establishment of the gender quotas. Countries such as Turkey, which is ranked close to the bottom of gender gap by the world Economic Forum, can only become world’s largest economy by developing its gender equality. On the other hand, Turkey has gained ground in enhancing gender balance, for example, through the annulment of gender brutality and the strengthening of women in the family by setting up new regulations. Regardless of these huge endeavors, women representation in legislative issues is still low and genuine moves must be made. At first, Turkey had permitted women to take part in the nation’s advancement. The gender quotas set up in the parliament stayed informal. In addition to this, religion is still a major factor of politics among women with its patriarchic rules, political and economic uncertainties. So it is impossible to expect sustainable development in enhancing the number of women in political representation. Therefore, this research paper aims to establish the relationship between socio-economic and demographic factors while considering the gender quotas and the reasons for the few women in political parties in Turkey. The data used in this analysis is gathered from the local, regional and national statistical data of World Values Survey (WVS) and Turkish Statistic Institute (TUIK), and a thorough analysis of party documents from each of four major parties. Previous researches on women’s representation in politics has stressed on the differences of their social structure, politics, and ideology. In this paper, it is demonstrated that gender quotas by political parties strongly affect the number of women in political arena in Turkey if implemented effectively acutely. What is found as a result of analysis is that; when measured more precisely; religion, education, party quotas and marriage strongly predicts women’s decision-making in political participation. Key Words: Gender Quotas, Democracy, Equality, Turkey and Logistic Regression

Doi: 10.17364/IIB.20162216497

(1) Corresponding Author: Meltem İNCE YENİLMEZ, Yaşar University, Department of Economics, Izmir/Turkey

[email protected] Arrival Date 18.11.2015 Date of Admission: 11.03.2016 Article Type: (Research and Practice) Conflict of Interest No “Ethics Committee No”


IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal Researches on Economy Management April - Refereed May - June Issueof22 Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) & (Economy) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)



and people will achieve equality between sexes. The previous studies suggest that Murat women KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ Turkey has young, enthusiastic individuals politicians, deputies and ministers Güven haveGrup supeA.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni with aspirations to live in an economically rior priorities over men. They are more pro1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü stable, developed country (Waylen, 2013: fessional, result-oriented, polite and inclined 56-59). It is, therefore, necessary to enhance Özet : 2012-2014 arasındakiagreeTUİK verileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi to cooperate across politicalYılları divisions, ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik tüketiminin analiz edilmesi genderistatistiksel equalityolarak to help women contribute to ments and regulations (Bochel Briggs, şeklindedir. Farklı analiz and teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli in Turkey, as well as to avoid Ayrıca 1996; hipotez testleri uygulanarakdevelopments araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. 2000; Childs uygulanmıştır. 2004; Norris, Thomas Sanayi ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit future discrimination andedilmesi to help the country 1994). The differences in bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde yönünde hareketbetween edilmiş olup, sexes yapılan istatistik on important developmental issues. On bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz political stanceedilen may be explained by party focusaralığı fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim the meydana other side of the coin, women’s participaaralığı Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, gelmektedir. structure or patriarchal political culturefiyatlarda of theda azalma tion in politics has certain benefits not only Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat country. Therefore when women areDoğalgaz, elected as parliamentary representative, they will to women but also to the general society as a whole. At national level, regulations that enconstitute a difference whichever the country ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION RANGES IN TERMS OF INDUSTRY courage women to be in AND political arena should is (Kanter, 1977). However, gender equalHOUSES ity in politics has been articulated in many be adopted by a number of parties, either in Abstract: In this study prepared by using data ofmicro-scale TSI belonging toor the years of 2012-2014,This will have macro-scale. governments and parties although of gas used the consumption of electricity many and natural in industry and houses is statistically in govanalyzed.the ANOVA model was to the an studyimpact prepared on withwomen’s the use of contributions different them are still under influence of applied patriartechniques for analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis were applied and the research was ernance.electricity Historically, theprices drive to promote more comprehensive. was to determine and natural gas chal structure. made Globally, the levelThe of purpose women participation in politics varies from coun- women’s decision-making in politics started try to country. Andorra, one of the smallest and gained momentum by Kemal Ataturk countries in Europe has the highest percent- in the 1920s. Women in Turkey were grantage of women deputies with 54 percent, then ed voting rights and the opportunity to be Scandinavian countries follows with 40 per- elected members of the parliament years becent, Europe without Scandinavian countries fore of many developed countries. However, has 22 percent while the USA, a country of Turkey is a rich case study for investigating democracy, has only 18 percent women rep- factors influencing women‘s representation resentatives in Parliament (IPU, 2015). The either in politics or economic life along with only way to increase the number of women gender equality. The level of women’s politiin politics is to reach gender equality. There- cal participation is very crucial for Turkey’s fore, gender equality is a significant pillar democratic development process. Although for the realization of economic stability and attempts and discourses are the main policies democratization. It can also be implemented of Turkish parties to increase the number of 2

IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal of 22 Researches on Economy Management April -Refereed May - June Issue Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & & (Economy) ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


women in Parliament in every election, still it would be against AÇIDAN nature for men to assume ELEKTİRİK VE DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ EKONOMETRİK İNCELENMESİ the ratio is very low compared to developed equality between men and women (Dearden, Murat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ countries. The lack of women’s empower2014:1-2). Güven Grup A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni ment in politics lies behind the patriarchal and 1 It is evident that the current political enviKilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü cultural traditions that have not been evolved ronment demands the adoption of measures with revolutionary or liberation movements. Özet : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verilerithat kullanılarak çalışma, sanayi will hazırlanan enhancebu equality between women ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmesi Nevertheless, the onsetFarklı of the century men inçalışmada politics, as well as public and prişeklindedir. analiz21st teknikleri kullanılarakand hazırlanan ANOVA modeli uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarak araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. has witnessed increased discrimination and vate institutions. Politics of the 21st century Sanayi ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi gender inequality. Such measures are a threat yönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre equality de sonuca gidilmiştir. enhanced betweenElde men and women edilen bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz to democracy, fiyatlarının economic development, and in Turkey (Celis, 2008:74). However, the atgenel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda meydana gelmektedir. the well-beingaralığı of women. Women must be da azalma tention to this issue in the last decades has Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik,to Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat given the opportunity to contribute the denot implemented in practical considerations. velopment of the welfare of families and of Still combinations of societal, political and the country as a whole. Leaders should OF avoid ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES individual conditions provide a challenging ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION RANGES IN TERMS OF INDUSTRY AND practicing discrimination against women HOUSES environment for women’s access to politics. since they are servants to all. For instance Although more gender-balanced legislative In this study prepared by using data of TSI belonging to the years of 2012-2014, in 2010 RecepAbstract: Tayyip Erdogan, the former the consumption of electricity and natural gas used in industry houses is statistically policies andandlaws have been generated to the ANOVApresident model was of applied to the study prepared with the use of different prime ministeranalyzed. and current Turissuewere of applied women’s participatechniques for analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis and theequal researchpolitical was made more The purpose was to determine electricity and natural gas prices key, uttered words thatcomprehensive. were discriminatory tion, they are not efficient to ensure a change to women (Sevinç, 2012:1-2). He said that in Turkish male political high-majority. men could not be said to be equal to women, Therefore it is vital to come up with measures and that all women must give birth to at least to fight discrimination against women in Turthree children. The reason behind three chilkey. One of these measures is the establishdren is to increase the youth population. As ment of gender quotas. This research paper the population is aging and youth rate is staaims to establish the relationship between ble in Turkey, in order to have a young gendemocracy and equality, as well as consider eration, making the population younger today gender quotas and the reasons why few womwill increase the youth people in the future. en are involved in politics in Turkey. On the other side, considering that he is the Based on the descriptions above, this paper current president of Turkey, there arise nutries to examine the recognition of gender merous questions about the pursuit of gender equality in politics and the consequences of equality under his regime. In fact, as the current president, he was quoted as saying that gender quotas if applied efficiently by politi3

IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal Researches on Economy Management April - Refereed May - June Issueof22 Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) & (Economy) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


cal parties. The results are ofVEvalue not only Turkey is located inAÇIDAN southeastern Europe. It ELEKTİRİK DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ EKONOMETRİK İNCELENMESİ because national politics data are gathered has a secular democracy with a Muslim popuMurat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ correctly, but also because they show there lation of approximately 75 million. However, Güven Grup A.Ş. Finans has been gender inequality in political life it isYönetmeni ranked 124 out of 135 countries based on 1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü It scored 0.6 in the gender both in micro and macro level. The findings gender equality. are consistent with the arguments discussed gap where 1.0 represents total equality. In the Özet : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi through the paper and support the hypothesis last sixistatistiksel years, Turkey hasedilmesi always been ranked ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik tüketiminin olarak analiz şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli of increasing gender quota within the parties between 121 and 129. This does not mean that uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarak araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. Sanayi ve konutlarda tüketim göre elektrik doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi will increase their participation inaralıklarına national the vecountry never makes any improvement; yönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde level politics. edilen bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim instead, it shows that other countries are faster aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim at closing the gender gap. Arat (2010) states Equality and Democracy aralığı Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydana gelmektedir. Turkey is functioning through a democratic Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat inconsistency where the development of reliGender equality is the key driver of demogious freedom brings threats to gender equalcratic society and socio-economic growth. ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY ANDgovernment NATURAL GASis PRICES ity. The Islamic and does not There is always aACCORDING close relationship between TO CONSUMPTION RANGES IN TERMS OF INDUSTRY AND HOUSES support gender equality. Women are therefore countries that have eliminated the gender gap given fewer opportunities in all fields. The and that are economically stable (MüftülerAbstract: In this study prepared by using data of TSI belonging to the years of 2012-2014, the consumption electricity and natural gas used in industry and housesRecep is statistically Turkish president, Tayyip Erdogan, in Baç, 2013:133-135). The ofmost developed analyzed. ANOVA model was applied to the study prepared with the use of different a meeting saidand that countries in the worldforare alsoMoreover, the best techniques analysis. tests at of hypothesis were applied the promoting research was gender equalmade more comprehensive. The purpose was to determine electricity and natural gas prices ity goes against nature. He said that it was implementing gender policies in every secnot possible to make men and women equal. tor. Countries that do not invest in educating He gave an example of a pregnant woman, women so that they can become involved in claiming that such a woman cannot work in economic and political realms always lag bethe same conditions as a man. He continued hind economically (Inglehart et al. 2002:324by saying that, according to Islam, the major 326). Therefore, investing in women is equivrole of women involves motherhood and he alent to investing in the economy of a councondemned feminists who have not accepted try in a competitive word. Countries such as the idea of parenthood. He said that equivaTurkey, which is ranked close to the bottom lency should be embraced rather than equalin terms of the gender gap by the World Ecoity (International New York Times 2014). nomic Forum, can become the world’s largest economy only by developing its gender Bozkurt (2013:1) argues that gender equality equality. This paper will focus on equality is a human right and a requirement for ecoand democracy in Turkey. nomic development. He also says that equal4

IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal of 22 Researches on Economy Management April -Refereed May - June Issue Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & & (Economy) ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


ity between men and womenVE promotes social the inclusion of women in both politics and ELEKTİRİK DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ EKONOMETRİK AÇIDAN İNCELENMESİ justice. Women’s rights in Turkey are very the labor market. The report also gave sugMurat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ paradoxical. The ratio of educated women gestions as to how to solve existing problems. Güvenalmost Grup A.Ş. Finans is about 30%, while in some areas TheYönetmeni second report in 2007 monitored the find1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji half of women are illiterate (Barro and Lee ings of theBölümü previous report and improvements 2001:347). Around 80 years ago, women enmade in terms of women’s rights issues. It Özet : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi joyed equal rights with men in the Republic also analyzed whatanaliz stilledilmesi needed to be done. ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel olarak şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli of Turkey. Theyuygulanmıştır. started voting in 1934 before The report outlined developments and areas Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarak araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. Sanayi vecountries. konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz tespit edilmesi women in European Today the rawhere effortfiyatlarının was needed by clearly describyönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde tio of women edilen who bulgular participate in politics is ing the status of women’s rights in Turkey. sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının genelbelow seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. olarak tüketim in the Europe4.4 percent, which is far the world’s The report wasSonuç implemented aralığı Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydana gelmektedir. standard. Until the 1980s and 1990s, no move an Parliament; this indicated that respect for Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat had been taken to improve women’s rights. women’s rights was an absolute necessity for However, a new phase started at the end of membership in the EU. ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES the 1990s. The issue of women’s rights was ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION RANGES IN TERMS OF INDUSTRY AND tremendous progRecently, Turkey has made HOUSES deeply affected by the improvement in the reress in improving women’s rights in legal lationship between Turkey and the European Abstract: In this study prepared by using data offrameworks. TSI belonging to the years of 2012-2014, The changing legislative framethe consumption of electricity natural Union. The Helsinki Summit in 1999and was the gas used in industry and houses is statistically analyzed. ANOVA model was applied to the study withissue the use of different workprepared on the has been successful, and major turning point during whichMoreover, Turkeytests was techniques for analysis. of hypothesis were applied and the research was the government shown a lot of commitmade more comprehensive. The purpose was to determine electricity andhas natural gas prices issued candidate country status. After this, ment. However, Turkish women are still exthere was a drastic improvement in women’s periencing various problems, such as illiterarights (Waylen, 2013:14-15). cy, domestic violence, and low participation Women’s rights became a key issue in accessin jobs and politics. The process of establishing the European Union. Bozkurt (2013:2) ing gender equality is quite challenging and discusses two reports of women’s rights in calls for social transformation. The main rethe European Parliament in the Republic of quirement for the implementation of gender Turkey. The two reports played a great role equality is political will, while its effectivein making the issue an important agenda item ness depends on how the implementation is in the country. The first report was in the year organized and imposed. The average woman 2005; it monitored the progress of women’s in Turkey does not completely benefit from rights in Turkey. It emphasized areas such as legislative amendments. Therefore, the coundomestic violence against women, the purtry must speed up the implementation process pose of civil society, women’s education, and and take more steps. Legislation should be 5

IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal Researches on Economy Management April - Refereed May - June Issueof22 Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) & (Economy) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


supported using well-built firm instipaigns, namely ‘Hey girls, let’s go to school’ ELEKTİRİKplans, VE DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ EKONOMETRİK AÇIDAN İNCELENMESİ tutions, and adequate resources. To instituand ‘Stop violence against women,’ which Murat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ tionalize gender equality and strengthen the had a great impact because they helped creGrup A.Ş. Finans commitment of different parties, Güven a strategy ateYönetmeni awareness. Educating women about their 1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü consisting of various components should be rights contributed to gender equality. A lack used. The components consist of data collecof knowledge prevents women from exercisÖzet : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi tion, the application of effective policies, and tüketiminin ing their rights, which in turn makes them ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmesi şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli the creation of uygulanmıştır. institutional mechanisms held dormant. Educating individuals about gender Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarak araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarınaregöre elektrik ve doğalgaz tespitimportant, edilmesi by a solid legalSanayi framework and adequate equality is, fiyatlarının therefore, and necesyönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde sources. Effective coordination and cooperasary funds to do this should be generated. edilen bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarınınto genel seviyesinde gözlendiği varılmaktadır.(2013:137) Sonuç olarak tüketim tion are also essential reach highdüşüş levels of sonucuna Müftüler-Baç identifies the major aralığı Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydana gelmektedir. society (Gelb and Palley, 2009:38-41). areas in which Turkey has tried to establish Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat gender equality. These include: In Turkey, data on the situation of women is inaccurate andECONOMETRIC does not communicate the • The family ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES TO rights. CONSUMPTION problems related ACCORDING to women’s ActualRANGES IN TERMS OF INDUSTRY AND HOUSES The civil code is usually the basis of gender data should be gathered covering aspects policies in family matters. The former civil In this study preparedwomen, by using data of TSI belonging to the years of 2012-2014, such as the rateAbstract: of illiteracy among the consumption of electricity and natural gas used in industry and houses statistically code in Turkey was isnot firm in terms of genanalyzed. ANOVAinmodel applied the involvement of women the was labor mar-to the study prepared with the use of different der equality. A and new code techniques for analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis were applied thecivil research was was adopted in ket, and domestic A lack of madeviolence. more comprehensive. Theaccurate purpose was to determine electricity and natural gas prices 2001 and was largely influenced by the EU. data is a hindrance to examining the scope of The new civil code embraced processes that the problem. The data collected aids in the complemented the constitutional changes by determination of the problematic area, and strengthening the place of women in the famthe right policies could be established. The ily. For example, it increased the marriage national mechanisms and women’s organizaage from 17 for men and 15 for women to tions, therefore, must be strengthened. Finan18 for the two sexes. It also introduced the cial support should be offered to help estabequal sharing of assets in the family in caslish gender equality, and resources should not es of divorce, and equal inheritance to chilbe misused. dren. In January 2003, family courts were Turkey has established important programs made to impose the civil code and enhance that are being used to tackle domestic violence gender equality. A related aspect is the issuagainst women and to increase the number of ance of surnames for married women. Turgirls who attend school. There were two camkey respects the fact that married women


IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal of 22 Researches on Economy Management April -Refereed May - June Issue Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & & (Economy) ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


should carry their ELEKTİRİK surnames VE andDOĞALGAZ not thoseFİYATLARININ of the state is not able to curb domestic violence. EKONOMETRİK AÇIDAN İNCELENMESİ their husbands. However, the practice is still Research shows that around 26 percent to 57 Murat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ problematic because those rights are often igpercent of married women in Turkey have Güven Grup A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni nored. been exposed to domestic violence at one 1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü time in their lives. • The abolition of gender violence Özet : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verileriHonor kullanılarak hazırlananare bu çalışma, sanayi problem being killings a major In Turkey, violence takes different ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz forms, ile elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmesi in Turkey, and can be elimişeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarakexperienced hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli such as domestic violence and honor killings. uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanaraknated araştırmaonly daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. by using legal changes. The peSanayi ve tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi Domestic violence iskonutlarda experienced in many nal code in charge yönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göreisde usually sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde of honor killparts of Turkey and has a great impact on edilen bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz ings. In 2003, the Turkish National Assembly genel seviyesinde gender policies.fiyatlarının From 2002 to 2009,düşüş the gözlendiği num- sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim adopted package that changed some parts aralığı Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydanaagelmektedir. ber of killings of women increased, with 953 the Konut, penalAnova, code, leading Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim,of Sanayi, TUİK, Fiyat to increased punwomen murdered in 2009. Gender violence ishments for honor killings and the eliminahas been an issue of concern in Turkey, and tion of any clause that reduces sentences. In ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES substantive measures were introduced by the ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION RANGES IN TERMS INDUSTRY 2004, a newOFpenal codeAND was incorporated; it HOUSES 2005 penal code to tackle the violence. The was put into practice in June 2005. The penal penal code brought about a breakthrough, and Abstract: In this study prepared by using data ofcode TSI belonging the years of 2012-2014, statedtothat there should be no discrimithe time consumption of electricity andwomnatural gas used in industry and houses is statistically for the very first violence against analyzed. ANOVA model was applied to the study prepared with the of use race, of different nation regardless nationality, sex, or en was considered a crime against a person. techniques for analysis. Moreover, tests A of hypothesis were applied and the research was any other social that no one was made more comprehensive. The purpose was to determine electricity and status, natural gasand prices paradigmatic shift was shown in the legislato be privileged when implementing the petion of Turkey regarding gender policy. Turnal code. The code brought life imprisonment key began taking measures to fight domestic for any person convicted of an honor killing. violence in 1990. The law of protecting the It also introduced stricter punishments for family was adopted to fight violence against anyone involved in sexual assault within or women. It gave every victim a right to apoutside marriage. The Turkish government peal a petition in a prosecutor’s office that established a commission that was supposed was supposed to protect him or her. The best to investigate the factors that lead to violence way to help victims is to give them shelter. against children and women and to introduce The first shelter was built in 1990 in Istanways to prevent it. The findings were pubbul. However, there are not enough shelters lished as a circular (Rubin, 2010:8-12). Pubin Turkey, and those who are in control of lic officials were also trained to recognize them try to reunite the victims with those who signs of gender violence; the training began abused them. This shows that in some way to be productive in 2011. 7

IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal Researches on Economy Management April - Refereed May - June Issueof22 Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) & (Economy) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


• Decision-making and VE equal political only EKONOMETRİK 22.8% of women work (57.2 percent ELEKTİRİK DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ AÇIDAN İNCELENMESİ representation of them in the agricultural sector), and 50% Murat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ are not paid because part of what they do is Despite the fact that women in Turkey had Güven Grup A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni family work. Their involvement in the prothe right to vote—and to be voted for—since 1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü does not seem to be a probfessional ranks 1934, their representation in politics and their lem, although it is still below the European Özet :making 2012-2014 is Yılları arasındaki access to decision very low. TUİK Dur-verileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi Union’s goal ofolarak 60%. The country has 27.4% ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel analiz edilmesi ing the 2011 elections, 78 women received şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli women professors, 39% architects, 36% lawuygulanmıştır. Ayrıcawhen hipotez testleri araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. votes, compared to 2007, onlyuygulanarak 50 Sanayi ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi yers, and 50.2% bankers. The main obstacle women were elected MPs.edilmiş Today the counyönünde hareket olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde to women’s success in the labor market is the bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz try has only oneedilen minister who is a woman, in fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim traditional belief that men are the breadwinthe Ministry ofaralığı Family and Social Policies. Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydana gelmektedir. ners while women are the homemakers. FamIn the municipal government, only 27 out of Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat ily responsibilities and a lack of education 2,948 mayors are women. In 2004 and 2010, are also barriers to women in terms of gainwomen’s organizations wanted Article 10 of ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES ingINaccess toOFthe labor market. The civil code ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION RANGES TERMS INDUSTRY AND the Constitution to be revised so that women HOUSES (article 192) grants married women the right could be given access to decision-making and to work outside their homesteads. NevertheAbstract: In this study prepared using data of TSI belonging to the years of 2012-2014, to ensure that the government took thebynecesthe consumption of electricity and natural gas used and houses statistically less,in industry their access is isstill controlled by their analyzed.the ANOVA modelofwas applied in to the study prepared with the use of different sary steps to increase number women spouses, especially in less-developed areas techniques for analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis were applied and the research was politics. The organizations demanded the made more comprehensive. The that purpose was to determine electricity and natural gas prices (Engelstad & Teigen 2012:68-71). Therefore, elections should have at least a 30% gender to improve gender equality in the labor marquota system. The system has not yet been ket, women from less-developed areas must accepted, but discrimination against women be educated a goal that could be achieved is currently an agenda in the country. through campaigns. The appropriate way to • Equality in employment increase women’s participation in the labor force is to balance their parenting duties and Article 5 of the Constitution clearly shows work responsibilities. The Turkish governthat there should be no discrimination in emment is coming up with measures that can be ployment regardless of one’s gender or any used to increase women’s employment. other social status. Regarding equal pay, the Constitution states that in equivalent jobs, pay In the last two decades, Turkey has taken imshould be the same for both men and women. portant measures to promote gender equality, Despite this, the participation of women in with the main goal being to bring its legislathe labor market is still very low. In Turkey tion closer to the EU Acquis. Constitutional 8

IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal of 22 Researches on Economy Management April -Refereed May - June Issue Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & & (Economy) ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


amendments and ELEKTİRİK the penal VE and civil codes en inEKONOMETRİK Turkey. Nevertheless, the number of DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ AÇIDAN İNCELENMESİ have played a significant role in bringing women in the parliament remained very low, Murat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ about gender equality, although its impleas quotas established at that time manifested A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni mentation has become problematicGüven due Grup to the a low representation of women. From 1935 1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü prevailing social norms and practices in the to 1950, the unofficial quota of 4.5% was country. The country, therefore, needs a somaintained. To enable the number of women Özet : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi cial transformation. necessary to reach targeted ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel olarakthe analiz edilmesi quota of 4.5%, şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli the parliament allowed seats to be reserved Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarak araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. Gender quotasuygulanmıştır. in Turkey Sanayi ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi for vewomen (Mencütek 2013). In the years yönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde that followed, the number of women in the Turkey is among the countries that have edilen bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüşin gözlendiği varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak parliament remained verytüketim low since the quota the lowest representation of women the sonucuna aralığı Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydana gelmektedir. that had been established before 1950 was not fields of politics and economics. Initially, Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat officially recognized and could not be implethe country had allowed women to particimented further. From 1951 to the 1990s, the pate in its development in an effort to make ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES representation of women in the parliament reTurkey modern and secular. Women at that ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION RANGES IN TERMS OF INDUSTRY AND HOUSES mained below 2% except in 1983, when the time were involved in economic and politinumber of women in the parliament reached cal developments (Marshall, 2010:579-580). Abstract: In this study prepared by using data of TSI belonging to the years of 2012-2014, consumption of electricity and natural gas used industry andhad houses is statistically 3%.in Women been under-represented in For instance, inthe1934 women were formally analyzed. ANOVA model was applied to the study prepared with the use of different politics the recognized as techniques citizens for in analysis. Turkey. Moreover, Moreover, tests of hypothesis were despite applied and the revolutions research was over the emmade more comprehensive. The purpose was to determine electricity and natural gas prices powerment of women. For instance, in 1999, twelve women in the Republican Peoples out of 550 elected deputies, there were only Party (CHP) were elected to parliamentary 22 women. The table below shows how the seats in 1935. number of deputy women has increased over The develoments at that time were great steps the years (Sevinç, 2012:1-2). that would ensure the empowerment of womTable 1. Women in Parliament from 2002 to 2015 Year of elections

AK Party























2015 (June, 7)











2015 (November, 1)


IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal Researches on Economy Management April - Refereed May - June Issueof22 Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) & (Economy) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


Source: The Grand National Assembly FİYATLARININ of duce gender quotasAÇIDAN in the provision of elecELEKTİRİK VE DOĞALGAZ EKONOMETRİK İNCELENMESİ 1 Turkey (2015). tions. The quota was established as a result Murat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ of pressure from party alignments. Therefore, The campaign for the promotion Güven of gender Grup A.Ş. Finans theYönetmeni party agreed to establish a gender quota of quotas began in the 1990s. Pressure for the 1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji 35 percentBölümü initially. government and the political parties to es: 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verileriOnce kullanılarak bu çalışma, sanayi tablish quotas Özet to promote the participation the hazırlanan SBP established a gender quota of ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmesi of women in şeklindedir. politics increased, especially percent, other ANOVA partiesmodeli started thinking of Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarak35hazırlanan çalışmada uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarak araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. from civil societies and NGOs that supported obtaining gender quotas, too. For instance, Sanayi ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi women’s welfare. Crucially, the olup, Association CHP addressEldethe under-repreyönünde hareket edilmiş yapılan istatistik the bulgulara görestarted de sonucatogidilmiştir. edilen bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz for Education and Supporting Women Cansentation of women in their in 1993. At that fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim didates (KA-DER) greatly the da azalma time, onlygelmektedir. two representatives of forty-four aralığı Kw cinsindenlobbied yükseldikçe,for fiyatlarda meydana political partiesAnahtar to establish quotas. General Executive Committee Kelimeler : gender Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim,members Sanayi, Konut,atAnova, TUİK, Fiyat The organizations have also prepared reports (GYK) were women. The party adopted a and presented inECONOMETRIC the parliament to establish gender quota of 25 percent to decision-makANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES TOMoreover, CONSUMPTION TERMSwhile OF INDUSTRY ANDto adopt the quota the significance ofACCORDING the matter. theRANGES ingINbodies it refused HOUSES NGOs have organized panels that questioned to Central Executive Committee. There was Abstract: In this study prepared by using data of TSI belonging to the years 2012-2014,the quota to the and pressured leaders to understand the sigalso a restriction on ofapplying the consumption of electricity and natural gas used in industry and houses is statistically analyzed. ANOVA model was applied to the list studyof prepared with the Party use of different nificance of increasing the number of women candidates. leaders provided pertechniques for analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis were applied and the research was in politics (Mencütek, tinacious arguments ongastheprices issue of women’s made more2013:132-134). comprehensive. The purpose was to determine electricity and natural participation in the party. The main reason of Much attention has been devoted by political their determination was to foster interest of parties on this low political representation of women into politics and to increase their share women and tries to avoid gender stereotypes in the national assembly. They were successin political parties. They try to reinforce the ful and spotlighted of many women’s interest number of women in the political list at highto be a part of the party. In 2005, women in est in political parties. Tremendous progress the CHP parliamentary question of asking an has been witnessed, and some of the parties increase in the lists of party contestants both have already adopted gender quotas to fastin local and national elections to 33 percent track women’s participation. The Socialists (Dilekçi, 2012: 1-2). Nevertheless, the party Unity Party (SBP) was the first party to introrejected the proposal. There are other parties in Turkey that have demonstrated the effective use of quotas. The

1 Retrieved from https://biruni.tuik.gov.tr/yayin/views/visitorPages/index.zul and http://www.tuik. gov.tr/UstMenu.do?metod=temelist


IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal of 22 Researches on Economy Management April -Refereed May - June Issue Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & & (Economy) ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


2 pro-Kurdish partiesELEKTİRİK had the VE ability to implepresidential post held by a man. This new DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ EKONOMETRİK AÇIDAN İNCELENMESİ ment quotas in their parties successfully. The gender quota regulation took the public atMurat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ quotas in those parties have benefited women tention after 2007 general elections when 8 Güven places Grup A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni through their applications in different women deputies were elected among 20 male 1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü in Turkey. One of the most significant parcounterparts. It was very critical and strong ties that have implemented the 20% quotas psychological turn in supporting women’s Özet : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi is the People’sveDemocracy Party (HADEP). movement in olarak political arena. Regrettably, konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel analiz edilmesi şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli The party introduced the quota during the the participation of women in general was 9 uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarak araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. konutlarda tüketim göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının edilmesi 1999 elections.Sanayi Thevereason was to aralıklarına empower percent while it wastespit nearly 40 percent among yönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde women and to edilen increase the number of female BSP deputies (Tamer, 2011:1-2). bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz genel seviyesinde düşüş2013). gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim representativesfiyatlarının in the party (Mencütek Crucially, there are other parties that have aralığı Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydana gelmektedir. The parties had faced difficulties in adoptobjected to theFiyat application of gender Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim,largely Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, ing the quotas. Ayşe Gökhan, a woman in the quotas in the parties and in Turkey. The AK HADEP, had noted that the men in the party partyAND is aNATURAL critical GAS example that has been asECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY PRICES had opposed to an increase in the number of ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION RANGES IN TERMS OF objections INDUSTRY AND sociated with against applications HOUSES women in the party. In the elections of 1999, and the introduction of quotas. Women in inHADEP didn’t secure any seats in the parliaAbstract: In this study prepared by using data ofterviews TSI belonging to thebeen years of 2012-2014, have quoted as saying that the consumption of electricity ment. The menthe insisted on saying thatand thenatural rea- gas used in industry and houses is statistically analyzed. ANOVA model was applied to the study prepared withparty the useviews of different leader of the quotas as dangerson for this failure behind was the huge numtechniques for analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis were applied and the research was ous to party progress. leaders of the party made more comprehensive. The purpose was to determine electricity and naturalThe gas prices ber of women in the party list. Later HADEP believed that the application of quotas would agreed on the adoption of the 25 percent quointerfere with the merit of the individuals ta in the annual convention during 2000, and who had been selected as the candidates of the agreement was put in party’s manifesto. the party. They objected to the selection of Engrossingly with the pressure of the party’s women without consideration of their abilifemale branch, the gender quota became 35 ties to lead. It was required that women be percent with DEHAP and 40 percent with given the opportunity to practice so that they DTP in 2002 (Çağlayan, 2005). Furthermore, could gain the vital knowledge required for DEHAP obtained a new rule and agreed on leadership. It had been proven that women in a female co-presidential position for each the party who had served more than once performed better in the elections that followed. 2 The names of the pro-Kurdish parties in a historical perspective are HEP (People’s Work Party), DEP The huge hindrance of the quotas is the belief (Democracy Party), HADEP (People’s Democracy that females are largely dependent on their Party), DEHAP (Democratic People’s Party), DTP (Democratic Society Party) and BDP (Peace and male counterparts in the party to be selected

Democracy Party).


IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal Researches on Economy Management April - Refereed May - June Issueof22 Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) & (Economy) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


as leaders in both the partiesVE and the national to empower women, the provisions of baELEKTİRİK DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ EKONOMETRİK AÇIDAN İNCELENMESİ elections (Mencütek, 2013:134-137). sic rights and freedoms should be provided Murat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ by the constitution. Women have been adThere have been several efforts toGüven introduce Grup A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni hered to the family responsibilities and roles, quotas to the party. The major move was 1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümütheir decision-making in joinwhich restricts the proposal for the introduction of a quota ing the political era. On the other side, when Özet : 2012-2014 amendment. Yılları arasındaki TUİK through a constitutional Theverileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi they are involved politics ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel olarakin analiz edilmesithey might find change of Article 10 has been debated. şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri The kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli very little time to stay with their families. uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarak araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. CHP in 2004 requested a change in the Article Sanayi ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi have contribFamily-based responsibilities and inserted a yönünde clausehareket that stated thatyapılan women edilmiş olup, istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde uted significantly to the lack of women’s edilen bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz and men are equal (Franceschet, Krook and fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. participation inSonuç the olarak labortüketim market and politics Piscopo, 2012).aralığı Women and NGOs supported Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydana gelmektedir. (Marshall, 2010:576-577). In addition to this, the move in the parliament through adAnahtar Kelimeler and : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat from legislative point, low level of female dresses to the media. The members of the participation in politics is a result from the CHP party agreedECONOMETRIC to the change, but described ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GASof PRICES supply and demand female candidates in ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION RANGES IN TERMS OF INDUSTRY AND the change in the constitution as insignifiHOUSES Turkey. From supply side, if there is a lack cant. Nevertheless, the quota was partially of access to educational and financial opporAbstract: In thispart studyof prepared by using data of TSI belonging to the years of 2012-2014, voted in because another the motions the consumption of electricity and natural gas used in industry and houses is statistically tunities between sexes, than it is inevitable ANOVA model waswas applied related to the analyzed. privileges of women notto the study prepared with the use of different to have level of research womenwasdeputies in politechniques for analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis werelow applied and the voted for. Due to themore failed supportThe from CHP made comprehensive. purpose was to determine electricity and natural gas prices tics. On the other side of the coin, the limitaparty members, the amendment to the constitions of women’s access in allowing to be a tution failed. A second effort to introduce the part of political party is demand side effect quota in Turkey was made in the year 2002. manifested by political parties or government In the effort of writing the new constitution, (O’Regan, 2000:86). The huge consideration Erbatur made a proposal to the parliament on of the empowerment of women is the recogthe significance of introducing the quota. She nition of equality before the law. Moreover, proposed that the quota of 25% should be insocieties should allow women to participate troduced partially. She considered that the efin economic developments without being refort to introduce the quota in earlier years had stricted in any manner. The major obstacles failed (Mencütek, 2013:134-137). placed in society against women cannot give women the chance to develop in economics The low representation of women in poliand politics. tics has been associated with a culture that is highly oriented towards the family. In order


IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal of 22 Researches on Economy Management April -Refereed May - June Issue Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & & (Economy) ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


The pressure for the empowerment of women and the incorporation of the gender quota beELEKTİRİK VE DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ EKONOMETRİK AÇIDAN İNCELENMESİ came evident. has been increasing on a daily basis despite Murat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ the huge challenges in Turkey (Marshall, To begin, there are different quotas that poGüven Grup A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni 2010:586-587). Crucially, the current presilitical parties in Turkey adopt. One of these 1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü dent of Turkey has been saying openly that quotas is the statutory legislative quota that it would be difficult to equate women and Özet : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verileriprovides kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma,should sanayi constitute at that women ve konutlarda kullanılan ile elektrik men. He believes that men anddoğalgaz women are tüketiminin istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmesi a minimum of the legislature. şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarakleast hazırlanan çalışmada proportion ANOVA modeli naturally different and any effort totestleri promote uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca hipotez uygulanarakSecond, araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. there is the reserved seat quota that ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi their equality isSanayi doomed to failure. Nevertherequiresgöre thedepreservation ofElde a specific number yönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara sonuca gidilmiştir. edilen bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü less, huge progress has been made, and it isiçin tüketim aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz of seats for women. In this case, only selected fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim expected that aralığı efforts for the empowerment Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydana gelmektedir. women would fill the specific positions. The of women will Anahtar soon be realized easily. In the Kelimeler : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim,other Sanayi,quota Konut, Anova, TUİK, relates to aFiyat voluntary party. In this current period, it is seen that women and civil quota, one or more political parties in Turkey societies have increased the pressure on the voluntarily adopt GAS the PRICES gender quota. The poECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION IN TERMS OF INDUSTRY AND government to empower women into politics.RANGES litical parties in Turkey can use the adopted HOUSES

Current Quotas in Turkey

gender quotas in different ways so long as (Turkish Re-

nificant tools used to promote the presence of women in the political arena (Turkish Review, 2013:1-2). National governments, female activists, and international institutions have advocated for the development of gender quotas in the political systems of specific countries. In this case, many countries have adopted some form of gender quota in the selection of female candidates over the last few decades. As the Turkish Review notes, by the year 2013 Turkey had not fallen among the countries that have adopted such concepts. However, as time passed different reforms took place in the country’s political system,

Current Political Systems

Abstract: In this study prepared by using data of TSI belonging to the years of 2012-2014, theyin meet political desires the consumption of electricity and natural gas used industrytheir and houses is statistically In the current situation in the model political world,to the study analyzed. ANOVA was applied prepared with the use of different view, 2013:1-2). techniques for analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis were applied and the research was gender quotas made remain one of the most sigmore comprehensive. The purpose was to determine electricity and natural gas prices

In June 2015, there were general elections held in Turkey (Çolakoğlu, 2015:1-2). In the elections, the governing party, commonly referred to as AKP, lost the outright majority in parliamentary votes for the first time in around thirteen years. Over the past and present, the system of elections in Turkey has allocated 550 seats in the parliamentary elections. The country has been recognized as having the highest election threshold. All parties that do not register at least 10% of the popular vote are barred from the legislature (Çolakoğlu, 2015:2-3). The long-lived pros13

IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal Researches on Economy Management April - Refereed May - June Issueof22 Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) & (Economy) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


perity of AKP can be attributed the election also found spots inAÇIDAN the legislature); and the ELEKTİRİK VE to DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ EKONOMETRİK İNCELENMESİ threshold adopted by the nation. Although HDP, the People’s Democratic Party, which Murat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ there are numerous parties that vie for elecgathered approximately 40%, 25%, 16%, and Güven Grup A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni tions in Turkey, only a few can meet the 10% 13% of the votes in that order (Çolakoğlu, 1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü threshold. The threshold has therefore helped 2015:2-3). The party, therefore, passed the the ruling party to a great extent. The con10% threshold. In this regard, the AKP has Özet : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi stitution provides that the threshold ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgazapplies ile elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel of olarak analiz edilmesi 258 members parliament, the CHP has 132 şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli only to the parties and not to the independent both MHP and HDP have uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarakmembers, araştırma dahaand kapsamlı halethe getirilmiştir. ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi countries. The Sanayi Kurdish candidates have for 80 members. In the current political system in yönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde decades run independently, sincesanayi thesektörü can-için tüketim edilen bulgular sonucunda; aralığıthe arttıkça, elektrik veplays doğalgaz Turkey, president both a symbolic fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim didates who won the majority seats in their andmeydana political role. The president immediately aralığı Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma gelmektedir. respective regions are automatically able to takes office; he or she stops being affiliated Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat enter parliament. However, in 2015, the canwith any specific political party. He or she didates of the Kurdish party and the People’s is required by the law to be neutral. In that ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES Democratic PartyACCORDING were ableTOtoCONSUMPTION run togetherRANGES IN TERMS OF of INDUSTRY AND case, the role the president is much more HOUSES under Selahattin Demirtaş’s leadership. Dediplomatic and administrative as opposed to spite the fact that theIn People’s Democratic Abstract: this study prepared by using data ofgovernmental TSI belonging to the yearsexecutive. of 2012-2014, and the consumption of electricity and natural gas used in industry and houses is statistically Party participated in the 2014 general elecanalyzed. ANOVA model was applied to the study prepared with the use of different Datawere andapplied Methodology techniques for analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis and the research was tions in Turkey, the 2015 elections marked made more comprehensive. The purpose was to determine electricity and natural gas prices its first efforts to win parliamentary seats Progressions of binary logistic regression (Çolakoğlu,, 2015:2-3). As the 2015 election models are utilized to inspect the relationship approached, Demirtaş organized a campaign between religious, financial, demographic that advocated for peace and minority rights variables and mentalities regarding women set out by the People’s Democratic Party. In representation in governmental issues in Turthat case, votes were secured not only for the key. This model was utilized to dissect the Kurdish people, but for women in different net impacts of control variables and different regions. indicators on the chances of Turkish women. Concerning the way of logistic regression, Following the 2015 elections, there were four every single variable are coded so that a one parties that found spots in the legislature. The (1) connotes concurrence with unequal feAKP was among these four parties. The other male political representation in Turkish poparties were: the CHP, which is the main oplitical way of life. Hence, odd proportions position party in Turkey; the MHP, which is the nationalist party in Turkey (and which that is over an estimation of one (1) mean a 14

IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal of 22 Researches on Economy Management April -Refereed May - June Issue Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & & (Economy) ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


positive relationship between the indicator The most obvious idea to make it linear ELEKTİRİK VE DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ EKONOMETRİK AÇIDAN İNCELENMESİ function of X, logarithms of the two sides variable and the indigent variable. By differMurat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ must be taken. As a result, the logistic reentiation, odd proportions that are underneath Güven Grup A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni gression model is: an estimation of one (1) imply a negative re1

Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü

lationship between the indicator variable and the subordinateÖzetvariable. weverileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi : 2012-2014For Yıllarıexample, arasındaki TUİK ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmesi can characterize:

şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarak araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. yi= {1 if the ithSanayi women are willing to be in ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi yönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde political life in edilen Turkey 0 otherwise bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim yi can be viewed asKwrealization of a random aralığı cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydana gelmektedir. in equation (4) represents the

odds ratio for variable Yi thatAnahtar takesKelimeler the values ofDoğalgaz, “0” and : Elektrik, Tüketim,empowerment, Sanayi, Konut, Anova,while TUİK, Fiyat log represents the log“1” with probabilities Πi and 1-Πi. Note that odds. if yi = 1, Πi is obtained, if yi=0, 1-Πi OF is obECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES Logit map OF probabilities from the range (0,1) ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION RANGES IN TERMS INDUSTRY AND tained. Therefore, HOUSES to the whole genuine line. Note that if the chances are even and Abstract: In this study prepared by using data ofprobability TSI belonging toisthe1/2, yearsthe of 2012-2014, the consumption of electricity and natural gas used in industry and houses is statistically the Logit is zero. Negative Logit speak to analyzed. ANOVA model was applied to the study prepared with the use of different Pi = E (Y=1, Xitechniques ) = β1+ βfor2Xanalysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis were appliedunderneath and the researchone was half and posii probabilities made more comprehensive. The purpose was to determine electricity and natural gas prices tive Logit compare to probabilities above one Eq (1) half.

Eq (2)

Eq (3)

Binary logistic regression models are utilized to investigate the relationship between women political representation and a few control variables in Turkey. These regression models are utilized to test for the net impacts of religion and other control indicators on the chances of Turkish women in political way of Where Zi = β1+ β2Xi life and how they influence women representation. This paper also analyzes the financial, demographic, religious and also logical variables and their impact the rate of women representation in political life. The World Values 15

IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal Researches on Economy Management April - Refereed May - June Issueof22 Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) & (Economy) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


Survey (WVS) hasELEKTİRİK been utilized which incorforce,EKONOMETRİK education, marital status, religious parVE DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ AÇIDAN İNCELENMESİ porates a representative arbitrary probability ticipation, political interest, age, income and Murat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ test of people with the age of 15 years or more, party quotas, three dependent variables that Güven Grup A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni furthermore gives an one of a kind chance to identify with each of these sections to test 1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü answer the inquiries of this exploration. This women political investment were utilized. review started in 1981, with the latest wave The primary dependent variable in this examÖzet : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi gathered in 2014. The wave of 2005-2008 for tüketiminin ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik olarak analiz inationistatistiksel is “Education is edilmesi essential for women şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli Turkey is utilized since it is the main given in hale governmental issues”. In uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarakrepresentation araştırma daha kapsamlı getirilmiştir. Sanayi konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespithas edilmesi extensive variety of vereligious association and the vestudy, this variable five reaction clasyönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde gender state ofedilen mind variables accessible iniçin tüketim sifications as taken after: “firmly concur”, bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim this wave of the study. The example utilized “concur”, “neutral”, “disagree” and “emphataralığı Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydana gelmektedir. as a part of the research examination is conically disagree.” The reactions are sorted into Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat fined to just Turkish women. Despite the fact 2 bunches as “disagree” (= 0) and “concur” that the WVS offers extensive information on (= 1). This variable measures Turkish women ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES popular supposition and political investment ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION RANGES IN TERMS OFtoward INDUSTRY AND dispositions political representation HOUSES for different nations, the types of political where 65.9 percent of respondents concurred support incorporated Abstract: into In this the study present prepared bystudy using data ofwith TSI belonging to the years of 2012-2014, this announcement. The second depenthe consumption of electricity and natural gas used in industry and houses is statistically are essential segments of public engagement. variable utilized as different a part of the exploraanalyzed. ANOVA model was applied to the dent study prepared with the use of techniques for analysis. tests of hypothesis were applied and the research was The sample was intended to beMoreover, illustrative tion is electricity “Men are preferable made more comprehensive. The purpose was to determine and natural gas pricespolitical leaders of the grown-up populace of Turkey. Along over women.” This variable has five reaction these lines, the subsample of women utilized classes indistinguishable to those featured is illustrative of Turkish women. Be that as it previously. The first five reaction alternatives may, the first dataset had a few missing cases. are changed over into two classes: “disagree” In this way, to handle missing qualities, dif(= 0) and “concur” (= 1). This variable meaferent ascriptions are acquired to eliminate sures Turkish women demeanors toward eamissing qualities from the information set. gerness to be in political time, and 58.3 perThis strategy attributes missing qualities by cent of respondents concurred with the statetaking the dependent and independent variment. The last dependent variable utilized as able as indicators (Allison, 2002; King et al., a part of this study is “women position in the 2001). general public strongly affects their support in legislative issues.” The response options As the main focus of research exploration is for this are comparable to those recorded preto inspect Turkish women political representation as for presence of women in the work viously. The two classes are “disagree” (= 0) 16

IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal of 22 Researches on Economy Management April -Refereed May - June Issue Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & & (Economy) ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


and “concur” (= 1). RoughlyVE82.6 percentFİYATLARININ of elevated amounts ofAÇIDAN political interest: “not in ELEKTİRİK DOĞALGAZ EKONOMETRİK İNCELENMESİ respondents concurred with this announcethe slightest degree imperative” (= 0) to “very Murat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ ment. critical” (= 9). Güven Grup A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni

Financial Control Variables1Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Demographic BölümüControl Variables The major independent variable of the examVarious demographic control variables are Özet : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel into olarak the analiz research edilmesi ination; religion, is a dichotomous variable incorporated exploration. şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli with 0 alludinguygulanmıştır. to not a Ayrıca religious status is hale coded to distinguish rehipotezindividual testleri uygulanarakMarital araştırma daha kapsamlı getirilmiştir. Sanayi ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgazas fiyatlarının tespit and 1 alluding to a religious individual. Since spondents “single” (=edilmesi 0); “married” (= 1) yönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde Religion strongly andiçin tüketim or “other” (e.g.,elektrik separated, divorced or widedilenaffects bulgular Turkish sonucunda; society sanayi sektörü aralığı arttıkça, ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim a great many people shape their lives as per owed) (= 2). Age is a continuous variable aralığı Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydana gelmektedir. the tenets of Islam. The financial logical attriwhere the respondents are recognized as “15– Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat butes for the gender crevice in political invest29” (= 0), “30–44” (= 1), “45–64” (= 2), and ment that are presented are education, marital “65 or more” (= 3). In conclusion, number of ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION IN TERMS is OFdealt INDUSTRY status, work status, wage, age, party quotasRANGES youngsters withAND as a continuous variHOUSES and political premium. Income is a ceaseable, extending from “no kids” (= 0) to “four Abstract: In this by using data ofor TSImore belonging to the(=years less variable and alludes tostudy theprepared respondents’ kids” 4).of 2012-2014, the consumption of electricity and natural gas used in industry and houses is statistically impression of their profit. It model ranges analyzed. ANOVA wasbetween applied to the study prepared with the use of different Results techniques for analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis were applied and the research was (=0) most minimal and comprehensive. (=9) most astounding. made more The purpose was to determine electricity and natural gas prices Model 1 contains just religious indicator, Education alludes to the finished education while Models 2 highlights financial and delevel and it is measured by four categories: mographic control variables into the regres(=3) primary; (=2) secondary; (=1) higher; sion. In conclusion, Model 3 looks at all inand (=0) tertiary. Work status is a trivalent dicator variables incorporated into the study. variable showing whether an individual is as Table 2 demonstrates the relationship between of now (=2) not employed; (=1) housewife; or religions, financial and demographic control (=0) employed. A few parties in Turkish povariables, and concurrence with the statement litical lifestyle just embrace party quotas; in that education is imperative for women reprethis manner, it is coded to recognize responsentation in legislative issues. By evaluations dents as “concurred” (= 0) and “disagree” (= in Model 1 of Table 1, the chances of con1). Political premium is another vital variable currence with this announcement are three to figure out how intrigued respondents are times more noteworthy for religious women in legislative issues. It is recoded in a manner that higher qualities demonstrate more than for non-religious women (OR= 3.02, p 17

IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal Researches on Economy Management April - Refereed May - June Issueof22 Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) & (Economy) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


< 0.01). Model 2 ELEKTİRİK shows thatVEthe chancesFİYATLARININ of variables are included in Model 3, with a DOĞALGAZ EKONOMETRİK AÇIDAN İNCELENMESİ support for women representation in legislaslight decrease in the chances of assertion and Murat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ tive issues are very identified with advanced criticalness level for the religious individual Güven Grup A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni education (OR = 3.20 p < .05). These discovvariable (OR = 1.95, p < .05). 1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü eries by and large continue when all control Özet : 2012-2014 arasındaki TUİK verileri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışma, sanayi is Important Table 2. Estimated EffectsYılları of Control Variables on Support forbu“Education ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmesi for Women’sşeklindedir. Representation Politics”, Logistic Regression Odds Ratios, N = 1.185 Farklı analiz in teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarak araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. Sanayi ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının Model 1 Model tespit 2 edilmesi Model 3 yönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde 3.02***   ve doğalgaz 1.95* Religion (omitted = notsonucunda; a religious person) edilen bulgular sanayi sektörü için tüketim aralığı arttıkça, elektrik fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim Demographic measures aralığı Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydana gelmektedir.


Age 15–29 (omitted = 65-older)



Age 30–44 (omitted = 65-older)



Age 45–59 (omitted = 65-older)



Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat



Married (omitted= Other)


0.84 0.783

to the years of 2012-2014, 1.09 Children Abstract: In this study prepared by using data of TSI belonging   1.34*** the consumption of electricity and natural gas used in industry and houses is statistically analyzed. ANOVA model was applied to the study prepared with the use of different Socioeconomic Measures techniques for analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis were applied and the research was natural gas prices5.16*** Income made more comprehensive. The purpose was to determine electricity and9.25***

Primary education (omitted = tertiary)



Secondary education (omitted = tertiary)



Higher education (omitted = tertiary)



Unemployed (omitted = employed)



Housewife (omitted = employed)



Party quotas (omitted= disagreed)

















Political interest   Likelihood ratio X-square (-2 log likelihood) Weighted N * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001


IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal of 22 Researches on Economy Management April -Refereed May - June Issue Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & & (Economy) ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


Model 1 affirms the positiveVE relationship beliticalEKONOMETRİK interest andAÇIDAN party portions variable, ELEKTİRİK DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ İNCELENMESİ

tween party standards and women represen-

with the chances of assertion expanding by

tation in legislative issues (see Table 2). The

86 percent for religious women when con-

model predicts that the rate of women in par-

trasted and non-religious women (OR = 1.86,

ties with higher shares have centrality levels.

p < .01). These chances of understandings

Murat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ Güven Grup A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni


Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü

Then again, table shows Yılları results for asserlower however hugesanayi for political interÖzet :32012-2014 arasındaki TUİK verileriwere kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmesi tion of men are preferred political pioneers est (OR = 1.54, p < .05) and (OR = 1.62, p < şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli

Ayrıca hipotezresults testleri uygulanarak araştırma kapsamlı over women. Inuygulanmıştır. this table, critical are .01). Indaha Model 4, hale nogetirilmiştir. other control variables Sanayi ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi

watched just for the religious individual, producegöre noteworthy affiliations. yönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılanpoistatistik bulgulara de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde Table 3.

edilen bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna Sonuç“Education olarak tüketim Estimated Effects of Control Variables on varılmaktadır. Support for aralığı Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydana gelmektedir.

is important

for women’s representation in politics”, Logistic Regression Odds Ratios, N = 1.185 Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat


Model 1

Model 2

1.86**   Religion (omitted = not a religious person) ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES

Model 3 1.93*


Age 15–29 (omitted = 65-older)




Age 30–44 Abstract: (omitted In = this 65-older) 0.615** study prepared by using data of TSI belonging to the years of 2012-2014, 0725*

consumption of electricity and natural gas used in industry and houses is statistically Age 45–59 the (omitted = 65-older) 0.782** 0.891* analyzed. ANOVA model was applied to the study prepared with the use of different

techniquesSingle) for analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis were applied and the research was Married (omitted= 1.18* made more comprehensive. The purpose was to determine electricity and natural gas prices

Married (omitted= Other)









Primary education (omitted = tertiary)



Secondary education (omitted = tertiary)



Higher education (omitted = tertiary)



Unemployed (omitted = employed)



Housewife (omitted = employed)



Party quotas (omitted= disagreed)



Political interest

















Socioeconomic Measures

  Likelihood ratio X-square (-2 log likelihood) Weighted N * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001


IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal Researches on Economy Management April - Refereed May - June Issueof22 Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) & (Economy) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


Model 1 in TableELEKTİRİK 4 uncovers that, by and figures, that are critical, political interest (OR VE DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ EKONOMETRİK AÇIDAN İNCELENMESİ large, women are essentially more averse = 1.24, p < .05) and not a religious individual Murat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ to partake in legislative issues contrasted to (OR = 1.76, p < .01). Consequently, this paGüven Grup A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni men in view of religion element. Therefore, a per gives further proof to either sociological 1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü(such as Burns et al., 2001) or significant gender crevice in political particimethodologies pation rises on account of women undetectpost-modernization hypothesis (like IngleÖzet : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi able position invethe general public. As ileTable hart, 1997) to olarak look analiz into edilmesi how religion and fikonutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli 3 shows resultsuygulanmıştır. for understanding of women nancial indicators have an enormous effect Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarak araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. Sanayi ve konutlarda aralıklarına göre elektrik doğalgaz political fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi position in the general public tüketim strongly affects for ve women representation and addiyönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde their support inedilen legislative issues, sanayi the control tionally balance. bulgular sonucunda; sektörü için tüketim aralığıgender arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim

aralığı Kw cinsindenof yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma gelmektedir. Table 4. Estimated Effects Control Variables onmeydana Support for “women’s position in the Anahtar Kelimeler Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Sanayi, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat Regression Odds society has a strong impact: Elektrik, on their participation inKonut, politics”, Logistic Ratios, N = 1.185 ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND 1NATURAL GAS PRICES   Model Model 2 Model 3 ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION RANGES IN TERMS OF INDUSTRY AND 1.02   1.76* Religion (omitted = not a religious person) HOUSES Demographic measures Age 15–29Abstract: (omittedIn=this 65-older) 0.715 study prepared by using data of TSI belonging to the years of 2012-2014, 0.737 the consumption of electricity and natural gas used in industry and houses is statistically 0.883 Age 30–44 (omitted = 65-older) 0.892 analyzed. ANOVA model was applied to the study prepared with the use of different Age 45–59techniques (omittedfor = 65-older) 1.04research was 1.13 analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis were applied and the made moreSingle) comprehensive. The purpose was to determine electricity and natural Married (omitted= 1.35 gas prices 0.986 Married (omitted= Other) 0.803 889 Children   0.907 0.947 Socioeconomic Measures Income 1.26 1.14 Primary education (omitted = tertiary) 0.918 0.927 Secondary education (omitted = tertiary) 0.703 0.694 Higher education (omitted = tertiary) 0.861 0.815 Unemployed (omitted = employed) 1.21 1.18 Housewife (omitted = employed) 1.23 1.26 Party quotas (omitted= disagreed) 0.674 0.499 Political interest 1.13 1.24*         Likelihood ratio X-square 3.167 18.893 26.989 (-2 log likelihood) 1108.875 1078.609 1057.338 Weighted N 1185 1185 1185 * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001


IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal of 22 Researches on Economy Management April -Refereed May - June Issue Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & & (Economy) ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)



states that, patriarchy is one reason behind the present unWomen have been underrepresented Tur- Hakan AÇIKGÖZ Murat in KORKMAZ, derrepresentation of women in the Turkish key; however there lies a brilliantGüven future for Grup A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni parliament. Patriarchy alludes to an arrangethem. Political gatherings assume a critical 1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü ment of social structures and methodologies part in the strengthening of women. They in which men have a tendency to rule, misÖzetobligation : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK have an essential to guarantee thatverileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi use, and abuseolarak women. It is hard to have a ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel analiz edilmesi women have picked upFarklı the analiz capacity to join şeklindedir. teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli noteworthy number of women in legislative Ayrıca hipotez testleri This uygulanarak araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. higher positionsuygulanmıştır. in governmental issues. Sanayi ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi issues and the economy without getting the is proven by the 2015 parliamentary deciyönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde way aralığı to explain the real inconveniences that sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz sions in Turkeyedilen thatbulgular changed the perception fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim face women. Significantly, women have posaralığı Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, of the country’s governmental issues fiyatlarda and its da azalma meydana gelmektedir. sessed the capacity to unite and battle for their Kelimeler : Elektrik, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat relationship toAnahtar gender quotas. The Doğalgaz, election rights when their rights have been questioned, denoted a notable change in the country as or when approaches have been betrayed their it broadcasted aECONOMETRIC conclusion to single-party ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES rights. The OF present solidarity among women ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION RANGES IN TERMS INDUSTRY AND principal in the nations, and the quantity of HOUSES will require that leaders in power surrender to women chosen to the parliament altogether requests. Muslim nations are Abstract: In this study prepared by using data oftheir TSI belonging to theRegularly years of 2012-2014, expanded. Around ninety-six women were gas used the consumption of electricity and natural in industry and houses is statistically portrayed aswith countries with low levels of maanalyzed. parliament, ANOVA model which was applied the use of different chosen to the Turkish con-to the study prepared techniques for analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis were applied and the research was equity (Ciftci, jority rules system and gender made more purpose was to determine electricity and natural gas prices tains five hundred and comprehensive. fifty seats. The The num2010; Norris and Inglehart, 2002; Rizzo et ber constituted 17.5 percent of the aggregate al. 2007, Spierings et al. 2009) gender eqparliamentary seats, a sensational increment uity and political interest is very important. from the 14.4 percent that had been recorded In more detail, inequalities in political interin the past parliament. Notwithstanding the est are an indication of evacuation of diorisway that the year 2015 experienced an expantic voices and subsequently merit proceeding sion in the quantity of female parliamentary with insightful consideration. seats, the number is still beneath the worldwide average of 22.5 percent. Along these The discoveries demonstrate that women are, lines, women are still underrepresented in by and large, more averse to effectively take the present parliament in Turkey. The fundaan interest in governmental issues than men mental reason is that there is no backing for in Turkey. Moreover, investigations show women in the political framework and that that, gender contrasts in financial and dethere are patriarchal structures embraced by mographic assets are especially influenced male reps that tend to keep women in their by religion. The discoveries of this exami21

IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal Researches on Economy Management April - Refereed May - June Issueof22 Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) & (Economy) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


nation not just shows that religious without party EKONOMETRİK quotas and incorporating more women ELEKTİRİK VE DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ AÇIDAN İNCELENMESİ anyone else has a somewhat solid and meaout in the public-decision making might likeMurat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ surably noteworthy positive effect on women wise supplement to women political interest. Güven Grup A.Ş. Finans Yönetmeni political representation, however it additionLed by national and global women’s activ1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü ally demonstrates that religion cooperates ist associations, worldwide associations and with different variables in the women repthe making of parliamentary commissions on Özet : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi resentation mathematical statement, ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgazincludile elektrik tüketiminin analiz genderistatistiksel issues olarak inside ofedilmesi Turkish parliament şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli ing women vocation status, training, marhave solid impact on the ascent of quantiuygulanmıştır. Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarakwill araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. Sanayi ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi riage, party quotas, and additionally women ties of women representatives either by party yönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde political interest. Bebulgular that sonucunda; as it may, edilen sanayiwomen sektörü için tüketim aralığı ve doğalgaz quotas or arttıkça, takingelektrik the consideration of women fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim in high-salary nations have entry to betterenthusiasm to government. aralığı Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydana gelmektedir. paid positions, without a doubt. Along these Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat References lines, women representation in both full-time work and proficient vocations may serve as a ARAT, Y., (2010). Religion, Politics and ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES springboard for women political professions. ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION RANGES INGender TERMS OF INDUSTRY Equality in AND Turkey: Implications HOUSES Conversely, either financial and demographic of a Democratic Paradox? Third World indicators or theAbstract: way ofIn life itselfprepared for the this study by most using data of TSI belonging to the31(6): years of 869-884 2012-2014, Quarterly, the consumption of electricity and natural gas used in industry and houses is statistically part limits women presence in the political analyzed. ANOVA model was applied to the study prepared with the use of different BARRO, R. J.,and&theJONG-WHA, L., (2001). techniques for analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis were applied research was front play in Turkey. Furthermore, majority made more comprehensive. The purpose was to determine electricity and natural gas prices International Data on Educational Attainrule of a legislature ought to cultivate women ment: Updates and Implications. Oxford representation since democracy system can’t Economic Papers, 53(3): 541-563 naturally trigger a law based and libertarian political atmosphere for women. BOCHEL, C., & BRIGGS. J., (2000). Do Women Make a Difference? Politics, 20 (2): 63-68

It is astute, then, regarding the future representation of women in political lifestyle, this study predicts that women political interest will keep on developing in the next years. As Turkey builds up, women occupational status will assume an expanded role in encouraging political representation. The improvement in political, monetary and individual opportunity might bring about more women in parliament. Great universal pressures by activating

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IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal Researches on Economy Management April - Refereed May - June Issueof22 Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) & (Economy) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


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IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal of 22 Researches on Economy Management April -Refereed May - June Issue Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & & (Economy) ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)



Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji Bölümü

Öz: Bu araştırma partilerde adayların seçim sürecinin ve kadınların hem genel hem de belediye Özet : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verileri kullanılarak çalışma, sanayi seçimlerinde karşılaştığı sınırlamaların çerçevesini analiz hazırlanan etmeyebuyönelik olarak yapılmıştır. ve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgaz ile elektrik tüketiminin istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmesi Çalışmada, cinsiyet kotaları siyasi kuruluşlar arasındaki amaçlanmaktadır. şeklindedir. Farklı ve analiz teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan ilişkiyi çalışmadaaraştırmak ANOVA modeli uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarak araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. Cinsiyet eşitliği herhangi bir demokratik toplumda ve sosyo-ekonomik büyümede anahtar itici Sanayi ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi güç durumundadır. eşitsizliğini kaldırmış olan ülkeler veElde ekonomik açıdan yönündeCinsiyet hareket edilmiş olup, yapılanortadan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. edilen bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz istikrarlı olan ülkeler arasında her zaman yakın bir ilişki bulunmaaktadır. Dünya’da en gelişmiş fiyatlarının genel seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tüketim Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda dacinsiyet azalma meydana gelmektedir. uygulanmasını da en iyi ülkelerin aynı aralığı zamanda her sektör içerisinde politikalarının Anahtar Kelimeleranda : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat biçimde yapmaktadırlar. Şu Türkiye’de kadın Sanayi, ayrımcılığına karşı mücadelede yardımcı önlemler ve tedbirler almak hayati önem taşımaktadır. Bu tür tedbirlerden biri cinsiyet kotalarının kurulmasıdır. Türkiye gibi Dünya Ekonomik ForumuAND tarafından farkının dibe yakın ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY NATURALcinsiyet GAS PRICES ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION RANGES IN TERMS OF INDUSTRY AND sıralarda görüldüğü ülkeler ancak cinsiyetHOUSES eşitliğini geliştirerek dünyanın en büyük ekonomisine sahip ülkeler haline gelebilirler. Öte yandan Türkiye cinsiyet dengesinin artırılmasında Abstract: In this study prepared by using data of TSI belonging to the years of 2012-2014, örneğin cinsiyet düzenlenmesi içinde ile ilgili theeşitsizliğinin consumption of electricity and natural ve gas aile used in industrykadınların and houses isgüçlendirilmesi statistically analyzed. ANOVA model was applied to the study prepared with the use of different yeni düzenlemeler yaparak buna zemin sağlamıştır. Özellikle son zamanlarda, Türkiye yastechniques for analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis were applied and the research was made more comprehensive. The purpose was to determine electricity and natural gas prices al çerçeveler içinde kadın haklarının iyileştirilmesi açısından ilerleme kaydetmiştir. Yasalar üzerinde yapılan değişimler başarılıdır ve birçok taahhütü de beraberinde getirmektedir. Ama ne yazık ki Türk kadınları hala aile içi şiddet, taciz, tecavüz, okuma yazma bilmeme, emek piyasasına ve siyasete katılımda yaşanan azalma gibi çeşitli sorunları yaşamaktadır. Toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğinin oluşturulması oldukça zordur ve toplum içerisinde dönüşüm gerektirmektedir. Lakin toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğinin sağlanabilmesinin ilk şartı siyasi iradedir ve etkin olarak uygulaması içinde organize olmak gerekmektedir. Türkiye’de kadınlar yasalarda yapılan mevzuat değişikliklerinden yararlanamazlar. Bu nedenle ülke içerisinde uygulama sürecini hızlandırmak ve daha fazla bilgilendirme yöntemleri izlenmelidir. Mevzuat; firmalar, iyi tasarlanmış planlar ve yeterli kaynaklar kullanarak desteklenmelidir. Cinsiyet eşitliğini kurumsallaştırmak ve farklı partilerin bu eşitliği olan isteğini güçlendirmek için çeşitli stratejiler uygulanabilir. Fakat yasal uygulamalar yetersiz kalmıştır ve bütün bu çabalara ragmen hukuki konularda kadın temsilinin oranı hala düşüktür. Yasal düzenlemelerin dışında da Pratik hayatta bu uygulamaların harekete geçirilmesi gerekmektedir. İlk başta Türkiye ulusun ilerlemesinde kadınlara izin tanımıştır. Mecliste kurulan cinsiyet kotaları gayriresmi olarak kalmış, buna ek 25

IIB INTERNATIONAL REFEREED ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ EKONOMİ YÖNETİMİ ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ www.iibdergisi.com International Journal Researches on Economy Management April - Refereed May - June Issueof22 Spring Summer Year: 2016 Ekim Kasım / C35-D72-D78-J12-Z12 Aralık 2014 Sayı: 02 Cilt:ID: 01 Sonbahar Kış GEL/ CODE: 492 K: 623 October / November / December 2014 Issue: 02 Volume: 01 Autumn Winter (Management and Organization) ID:13 K:02 (ISO 9001-2008 Document No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Document No: 12880) (Ekonomi) & (Economy) (TRADEMARK-PATENT) www.uheyadergisi.com (2015/03945- 2015-GE-17301) (ISO 9001-2008 Belge No: 12879 & ISO 14001-2004 Belge No: 12880)


olarak hala dinin ataerkil kuralları ile siyasi ve ekonomik belirsizlikler kadınlarda siyasette ELEKTİRİK VE DOĞALGAZ FİYATLARININ EKONOMETRİK AÇIDAN İNCELENMESİ geride kalmasında neden olmuştur. Bu yüzden siyasi temsilde kadın sayısını arttırmak, sürdürülMurat KORKMAZ, Hakan AÇIKGÖZ ebilir kalkınmayı beklemek mümkün değildir. Yapilan araştırmalar göz önüne alındığında, ülGüven Grupbir A.Ş.siyasi Finans Yönetmeni kemizde siyaset hayatında veya herhangi konuda kadınların erkeklere kıyasla daha 1 Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, Elektrik-Enerji çekimser olduğu görülmektedir. Aynı zamanda cinsiyetlerinBölümü mali ve demografik özelliklerini din etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada dinin kadınların siyasi temsili üzerinde etkisinin yanı sıra Özet : 2012-2014 Yılları arasındaki TUİK verileri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma, sanayi evlilik, parti kotaları, meslek grupları, vetüketiminin siyasal ilgileri üzerinde deedilmesi etkisi olduğunu gösve konutlarda kullanılan doğalgazeğitim ile elektrik istatistiksel olarak analiz şeklindedir. Farklı analiz teknikleri kullanılarak hazırlanan çalışmada ANOVA modeli termektedir. Öte yandan mali ya da demografik değişkenler ve hatta bazen hayatın kendisi bile uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca hipotez testleri uygulanarak araştırma daha kapsamlı hale getirilmiştir. Sanayi ve konutlarda tüketim aralıklarına göre elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının tespit edilmesi kadınların siyasi hayatta yer almasını olumsuz etkilemektedir. Bu nedenle bu araştırma Türkiyönünde hareket edilmiş olup, yapılan istatistik bulgulara göre de sonuca gidilmiştir. Elde yedeki siyasi partilerde az sayıda bulunan kadınların gerekçeleri ile sosyoekonomik ve demoedilen bulgular sonucunda; sanayi sektörü için tüketim aralığı arttıkça, elektrik ve doğalgaz fiyatlarının genelkotaları seviyesinde düşüş gözlendiği sonucunageliştirilmesini varılmaktadır. Sonuç amaçlamıştır. olarak tüketim grafik faktörlerin cinsiyet göz önüne alınarak Bu analizde aralığı Kw cinsinden yükseldikçe, fiyatlarda da azalma meydana gelmektedir. kullanılan veriler Dünya, yerel, bölgesel ve ulusal istatistik verilerinden toplanan anket (WVS) Anahtar Kelimeler : Elektrik, Doğalgaz, Tüketim, Sanayi, Konut, Anova, TUİK, Fiyat ve Türk İstatistik Enstitüsü (TÜİK) ile dört büyük partinin herbirinden gelen belgelerin tam bir analizini içermektedir. Kadınların siyasetteki temsili üzerine yapılmış olan önceki çalışmalar ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICES kadınların sosyalECONOMETRIC yapıları, siyasi ve ideolojik farklılıklarını vurgulamıştır. Bu çalışmada siyasi ACCORDING TO CONSUMPTION RANGES IN TERMS OF INDUSTRY AND HOUSES partilerin cinsiyet kotalarının Türkiye’de siyasi arenada yer alan kadın sayısını kuvvetli bir şekilde etkilediği gösterilmiştir. Bu analiz sonucunda; durum daha açık olarak din, eğitim, parti Abstract: In this study prepared by using data of TSI belonging to the years of 2012-2014, the consumption of electricity and natural gas used in industrykarar and houses is statistically kotaları ve evlilik durumlarının kadınların siyasal katılıma vermesini kuvvetle etkilediği analyzed. ANOVA model was applied to the study prepared with the use of different değerlendirilerek ortayaforkonmuştur. techniques analysis. Moreover, tests of hypothesis were applied and the research was made more comprehensive. The purpose was to determine electricity and natural gas prices

Anahtar Kelimeler: Cinsiyet Kotaları, Demokrasi, Eşitlik, Türkiye ve Lojistik Regresyon