Apr 6, 2016 - 8:00. Registration. 8:30. NH Comprehensive Cancer Collaboration Update. Robert Gerlach, MPA. Chair, NH CCC
New Hampshire Comprehensive Cancer Collaboration 11th Annual Meeting
Cancer Care in New Hampshire: Understanding the Patient Experience Wednesday, April 6, 2016 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Grappone Conference Center Courtyard by Marriott Concord, NH
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiii Gold
iiiiii iiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii iiii iiiiii iiiiii Silver
Catholic Medical Center, Concord Hospital, Genomic Health, Merck & Co., Inc., Minuteman Health New Hampshire Oncology-Hematology PA, NH Prostate Cancer Coalition, Northern New England Clinical Oncology Society, Parkland Medical Center, St. Joseph Hospital Cancer Center, Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Cheshire Medical Center/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene, Concord Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Exeter Hospital, NH Area Health Education Center
The NH CCC is a dedicated partnership of individuals and organizations committed to eliminating cancer in the state
NH CCC 11th ANNUAL MEETING Cancer Care in New Hampshire: Understanding the Patient Experience Agenda
Meet our Keynote…
NH Comprehensive Cancer Collaboration Update Robert Gerlach, MPA Chair, NH CCC Board of Directors
Improving Outcomes in Cancer Prevention and Cancer Care: The Role of Health Equity Neil Maniar, PhD, MPH Vice President, Health Systems New England Division, ACS
Networking Break/Exhibits
Understanding Who Our Patients Are Trinidad Tellez, MD Director Office of Minority Health and Refugee Affairs NH-DHHS Ashley Conley, MS, CPH, CHEP Infection Preventionist St. Joseph Hospital
Adapting Health Care System Approaches to Meet Patient Needs Moderator: Neil Maniar, PhD, MPH Meredith Kolodze, LICSW Oncology Social Worker Center for Cancer Care, Exeter Hospital
Neil Maniar, PhD, MPH Vice President, Health Systems American Cancer Society As the VP for Health Systems, Dr. Maniar oversees the Division’s work with health systems across New England. Prior to joining ACS, he served as Director of Health Equity Programs at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Center for Community Health and Health Equity. In that role, Dr. Maniar focused on leveraging resources within the health care system to address health disparities and improve outcomes among individuals and families in some of Boston’s most underserved neighborhoods. Dr. Maniar co-led a highly successful patient navigation program that brought together collaborative partners, community health centers and medical institutions to increase colonoscopy completion rates. In addition, he developed a community grant program to support breast cancer prevention and provide resources to low-income women undergoing breast cancer. Dr. Maniar brings significant experience developing and implementing strategic collaborations to advance public health outcomes. Dr. Maniar currently serves as an adjunct faculty member at Northeastern University, Bouvé College of Health Sciences. He received his PhD from John Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health; his Master of Public Health from Yale University; and his Bachelor’s degree from Connecticut College.
Christine Howard, LICSW, OSW-C Oncology Resource Coordinator Elliot Regional Cancer Center Ken Gordon, MSW Chief Executive Officer Coos County Family Health Services 12:00
Hot Topic Breakout Sessions Select one (See details on following page) A. Shared Decision Making B. Patient and Family Engagement C. Immunotherapy D. Advocacy Opportunities: Zip Codes Should Not Impact Cancer Outcomes
Hot Topic Breakout Sessions Repeated - Select one
Compassionate Care in Oncology Konstantin Dragnev, MD Medical Oncologist Norris Cotton Cancer Center
Closing Remarks & Evaluations Robert Gerlach, MPA
Plenary Objectives • Describe the impact that social determinants of health have on cancer care outcomes • Identify access to care challenges faced by patients with cancer in NH • Describe successful adaptive solutions of health care systems to optimize cancer care outcomes
NH CCC 11th ANNUAL MEETING Cancer Care in New Hampshire: Understanding the Patient Experience Hot Topic Breakout Sessions Two Repeated Sessions: 1:00 - 2:00 and 2:00 - 3:00 Please select two: A.
Shared Decision Making Rudolph Fedrizzi, MD, Director of Community Health Clinical Integration, Cheshire Medical Center/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene Manish K. Mishra, MD, MPH, Asst. Professor, Geisel School of Medicine Clinical Researcher, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice
Shared decision making (SDM) is a collaborative process that allows patients and their providers to make health care decisions together, taking into account the best scientific evidence available, as well as the patient’s values and preferences. This session highlights how the Cancer Collaboration’s SDM Task Force member’s efforts to increase access to shared decision making for lung and prostate cancer screenings evolved into a partnership with The Dartmouth Institute’s Preference Lab to offer hands-on, experiential training opportunities and tools to providers and patients in NH to enhance SDM. B.
Patient and Family Engagement Tanya Lord, PhD, MPH, Director of Patient and Family Engagement, Foundation for Healthy Communities Lisa Bonneau, MSED, Patient and Family Experience, Quality Specialist, Southern New Hampshire Medical Center
Engaging patients and families, both at the bedside and within healthcare organizations, has become a valued and effective method to improve patient care. In NH, hospitals and other healthcare organizations are increasingly including patients in many areas. This session focuses on how to effectively include the patient and family voice in the work that we do. Southern New Hampshire Health System representatives discuss the journey and lessons learned from including a patient family advisor on their cancer committee. C.
Immunotherapy Elizabeth Buchbinder, MD, Medical Oncologist, Melanoma Center, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Immunotherapy in oncologic treatment has been used for many years but has really advanced recently with the development of novel immune checkpoint blockers. This talk addresses the indications for immunotherapy, toxicities and efforts for better patient selection. In addition, the future of immunotherapy including novel agents in development and combinations will be discussed. D.
Advocacy Opportunities: Zip Codes Should Not Impact Cancer Outcomes Mike Rollo, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, NH Government Relations Director Marie Mulroy, NH Public Health Association
Where people live, learn, work, and play affects a wide range of health risks, including cancer. To ensure that everyone with the same diagnosis are afforded the same prognosis - we need to go further upstream and advocate for those issues that affect both health equity and social justice for those with cancer. Learn about current legislation that is addressing these issues and ways to advocate to level the playing field for everyone living with cancer.
An initiative of the Foundation for Healthy Communities
The New Hampshire Comprehensive Cancer Collaboration (NH CCC), an initiative of the Foundation for Healthy Communities, was established in 2004 to address the leading cause of death in New Hampshire (NH). The NH CCC is a dedicated partnership of individuals and organizations committed to eliminating cancer in the state. The NH CCC developed the New Hampshire Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan to foster communities and systems that support and reinforce healthy lifestyles, prevent and detect cancer at its earliest stage, and optimize quality of life for those affected by cancer. For more information about the NH CCC and the NH Cancer Plan, visit www.NHCancerPlan.org.
NH CCC 11th ANNUAL MEETING Cancer Care in New Hampshire: Understanding the Patient Experience Education Credits NURSING: Southern New Hampshire Area Health Education Center is an Approved Provider of continuing nursing education by the Northeast Multistate Division, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. 5.75 contact hours. Activity Number: 1162 PHYSICIANS: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint sponsorship of the Southern NH AHEC and the NH Comprehensive Cancer Collaboration. The SNHAHEC is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. CERTIFIED HEALTH EDUCATION SPECIALISTS (CHES): Sponsored by Southern NH Area Health Education Center, a designated provider of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. This program is designated for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) and/or Master Certified Health Education Specialists (MCHES) to receive up to 5.75 total Category I continuing education contact hours. SNHAHEC Provider Number MEP3658. SOCIAL WORKERS: This activity is pending approval from the National Association of Social Workers. Please contact Gina Savinelli at (603) 895-1514 x2 for more information about National Association of Social Workers (NASW) credit designation for this activity. CANCER REGISTRARS: Application has been made to the National Cancer Registrars Association for approval of continuing education credit.
Please register by March 26th online at https://nhccc-11th-annual-conf.eventbrite.com/
Registration Information Fee: Includes lunch, break refreshments, and continuing education credits. Limited scholarships are available upon request. No refunds are offered for cancellations or non-attendance. Substitutions are accepted. $60 Early bird fee- Register by Friday, February 26 $70 Registration February 27 - March 26 $75 Walk in Photo Release: From time to time NH CCC uses photographs of meeting events in its promotional materials. Unless this permission is revoked in writing to the NH CCC, by virtue of their attendance all meeting visitors agree to the use of their likeness in such materials. Name (for name tag):______________________________________________________________________________________________ Credentials (for continuing education credit): ___________________________________________________________________________ Title:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone number: ______________________________________________ Email:______________________________________________________ Please note any special needs, dietary or otherwise: _____________________________________________________________________ Please select a breakout session at 1:00 p.m.: A B C D Please select a breakout session at 2:00 p.m.: A B C D How did you learn about this annual meeting (please circle)? Email, website, friend/colleague, newsletter, other: ______________________ Please register and pay by Saturday, March 26th online at https://nhccc-11th-annual-conf.eventbrite.com/ Registration or scholarship inquiries can be addressed to Cindy Morse by email at
[email protected] or phone (603) 415-4251. For directions to the Grappone Conference Center/Courtyard by Marriott, go to http://www.grapponeconferencecenter.com/contact.aspx or call (603) 225-0303.