graphi~ and Be. However, these studies were limited: to. {measurements in pure moderatOIs without voids. ;. :Local voids are created in ;he reacior coolant and ...
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PRLlMENARY STU!)¥, OF NEUTRON DIFFUSION PARAMETERS IN WATER FOR TWO DIIFERENT VOID - f~-~=-:-::-= - :::--~- ~ ---, :"-- ~,. "-'- - :- FRAcTIONS - --,~~'. -~ .::.-- • \
- -_-::-::=~siflfamid;S~kandar ~ . , M. M~ ~Ild NasirM: Mi~.~ ~~ ,' Pakistan Institute of Ei{9lneering and Applied Sciences.
ABSTRACT:Preiimlnary erperimenlal stUdies o/iJijfosion pMamelers/or A':;'~Be;"iutrons have 6een'done in" , , . . . ' Ci Am J8e has N,'eut.ron
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area were'determinei{ResuTtSsfidw that' is inci-e·tisedJ~o-;,;-mo·lo?roI Fo~ same i
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vOid fraction Change ' were also studied.
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. The eifea a/voidS an rertiXiifion length " I
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' " -ICriticatsystems based on fission reactiOi1S- require"e~n- ' -1+-L'"""'B", .. ltally determined diffusion parametelS to design optimum i}lel ' . lIattice structure and conlrol cells. These parametelS include The Diffusion area (1.') and Fermi-age(» appear in above ~age, Diffusion area, and Migrntion area A numbe r, of equation as part of non-leakage factolS. Here, Kro is infmit'l , ,;studies ' !ReL..L.L~] have been conducted to measUre multiplication factor for a system having zero leakage; The B . - ,diffUSion length~age in moderato IS 'including waier, is BUCkling incm ' , ;graphi~ and Be. However, these studies were limited: to 2.1 FERMI -AGE (» {measurements in pure moderatOIs without voids. ; :Local voids are created in ;he reacior coolant and moderator According 10 slowing-down theory, Fermi age is@ore-sixth the average of square of the crow flight distance from the point :when it undergoes a power or a fl ow-rale perturbation. The 'p resence of voids deform the moderation and slowing-down where the neutronentelS a system with ze~ age to a poiJ,lbyhere propenies of the system, It then affects the criticality o[ the it acquire the age 'C, Many studies@used this definition to h reactor. Thus, from reactor safety point of view, it is imponant e' pcrimentally determine the Fermi-age for moderato rs [Ref. 3 & 4]. In this work a simple approach based on relative neutron to know how (both quantitatively as well as qualitatively) the 'f lux measurements have been used , .1 n this ,approach only , 'd iffusion parameters are affecled as the voids are created in the neutron flu.x measurements along one-dimension is employed 'coolanl or moderator to calculate the Fermi-age using one-group neutron diffusion The dominant effect in water-moderated reactolS is the reactivmodel. ity changes arising 'from the creation of voids if local boiling Consider a plane source, emitting Sf neutrons per em::! per ","~urs: Ii@usually in the form o[ a decrement in moderation second next to a semi-infmite homoge neous medium. The aue 'to a decrease in moderator number 'of atorr.s per cmJ It further causes an increase in lhe rescnance abs-0-4 : 75iE·O'" 6.3lE+-04 $.31E·Q-4 J.9SE·o.t
U8£ ·().j 2.84E·00I 2.A.3E--GI~
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3.95E+e; experiment were perfonned at source position of 4 50 where Ule total flux has its max;mllm count rate. Next to the source and shield' geometry is a large aluminum tank (as shown Fig. 2) of dimensions 80 cm x 95 cm x 145 cm. 1lle tank is ruled with light water (H20) to provide a m'e dium for thermalization of fast neutrons. During these experiments the
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the diameter of the tubes. Two sets of tubes (36 in each set) having the inner diameter of3.7 cm, and 4.7cm were provided. 1l,us regular shaped vo ids were distributed unifonnJy through the mode rati ng medium. Block diagra m of the modular electronics useMarthe detection of neutrons is shmvn in Figure 4. A BF] -detector wiu1 an operating vo ltage of 1150 volts was used to detect the fast and thenna] neulfol1S. Facility was provided to move the detector away or toward s the SOUICe through any desired step manually or \ViU, the hel p of an electrolmechanical arrangement. The arrangement for neutron measurements is shown from the top of Ule PlEAS Neutron Transport Facility in Figure 5.
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, 2: Side vie;;mU?ifASffiew!>]fIrilnspcirt (J:NT) . - - ---:-- - - - -- . .}. 3.3 Diffusion Parameters for void fraction = 0.0 " fus,! step. cadmium covered BF3-