The English Research Express
ISSN: 2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print)
IJELL-International Journal of English Language and Literature
Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal run by Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India
Volume: 4th & Issue: 13th (January –March’2016) PP: 64-72 Date: 25-03-2016
THE NEED OF THE HOUR TO CHANGE THE METHOD OF ELT: A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS’ LANGUAGE ACQUISITION By: Ms. S. Sreelekha* and Dr. G. Mohana Charyulu** Authors’ Particulars: Ms. S. Sreelekha*, Research Scholar, Department of English, K L University, Guntur - 522 502, Andhra Pradesh, India. & SGT, Atkinson Senior Secondary School, Tarapet, Vijayawada - 520001, Andhra Pradesh, India. E-Mail:
[email protected] Mobile: 0091 9293458758 Dr. G. Mohana Charyulu**, Associate Professor, Department of English, K L University, Guntur - 522 502, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Available in on line at Copyright @ 2016 Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India. All rights reserved. Title of the Paper: THE NEED OF THE HOUR TO CHANGE THE METHOD OF ELT: A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS’ LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Authors: Ms. S. Sreelekha* and Dr. G. Mohana Charyulu**/ Pages: 64-72 / Date of Publication: 25/03/2016
Authors’ Introduction: Ms. S. Sreelekha* is presently a research scholar from the department of English at K.L University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh in India. She has equipped herself with B. Ed. from Montessori College, Vijayawada and M. A. English from Acharya Nagarjuna University. Right now she placed herself in Atkinson Senior Secondary School in Vijayawada as a S G T (Secondary Grade Teacher). So far she has 9 years of experience in teaching field which gave her a boosting to take part in ELT sector, where as a part of her research, she has given 2
[email protected] Mobile: 0091 9440354879
The English Research Express
ISSN: 2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print)
IJELL-International Journal of English Language and Literature
Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal run by Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India
paper presentations, one in 2nd National Conference on Translation, Language and Literature in 2015 and the other one in International Conference on Advances in English Studies and Women Empowerment 2015. She has also added an important certificate from Central Board of Secondary Education on Capacity Building Programme and another certificate from Central Library of KL University in two day national workshop on Intellectual Property Rights and Scholarly Publishing Tools for Qualitative Research. From summing up all these, now she puts forward herself for her first publication in this esteemed publication. Dr. G. Mohana Charyulu**, is the Chairman, Research Progress Assessment Committee & Associate professor in the Dept. of English at K L University, Vijayawada A.P. in India. He is a well Known Trilingual Scholar who is awarded with Doctor of Philosophy for his thesis A study of Concepts: New Criticism in the light of Indian Poetics. So far he has presented 23 research papers on ELT, Comparative Literature, IWE, British and American Literature in International and National Conferences. There are 36 publications to his credit published in various journals and newspapers along with two minor projects with the University and one major project with ICSSR, New Delhi. He is very much interested in Comparative Study of Languages, Translation, and Literary Criticism in addition to Linguistics and Literature. Best Teacher Awards are to his credit from Govt. of AP, District Level and some Voluntary Organizations. He has been extending his services in teaching for the last 22 years at graduate, post graduate and research levels.
in ones teaching and assigning home works to the students. It also paves a way for the professionals to design the curriculum, keeping students preferences in mind and to have curriculum of their choice. Keywords: traditional teaching, student centred education, assigning tasks, students preferences, improvement of language skills.
systematic preparation of imparting English language is always a confrontation for the
present day generation teachers. . The
he present paper focuses on the techniques followed by the ELT experts to meet the needs of the students to acquire English Language proficiency. It is the major issue for the present day students to overcome the barriers of English Language Learning. The paper titled: “The Need of the Hour to change the method of ELT: A Descriptive analysis of the students’ language acquisition” studies the curriculum framed from the student’s point of view. It also examines the acquisition of the LSRW skills by the students when they are limited to classroom situations and also to home atmosphere. An observation is also made on how the students finish of their home work and which capacities are involved in the successful completion. This paper aims to throw light on the changes in the transmission of tasks assigned to the students and how the educational system is modifying from a traditional method of teacher centred approach to student centred learning in order to suit the present educational scenario. The paper describes the preferences of students in learning English language and their assessment about their English language acquisition. Finally the paper concludes with the suggestions which could be incorporated
existing teachers and those covet teachers
to become successful are always the pioneers in the field of making language
Available in on line at Copyright @ 2016 Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India. All rights reserved. Title of the Paper: THE NEED OF THE HOUR TO CHANGE THE METHOD OF ELT: A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS’ LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Authors: Ms. S. Sreelekha* and Dr. G. Mohana Charyulu**/ Pages: 64-72 / Date of Publication: 25/03/2016
The English Research Express
ISSN: 2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print)
IJELL-International Journal of English Language and Literature
Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal run by Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India
study an easy task to all the categories of
student’s acquisition of language keeps on
the students. They strive to find out the
changing depending upon the stream they
various techniques to be followed in
have chosen. For example students who
making the concepts more familiar to the
are appearing to the IELT exams or IEO or
students to reach their goal. Present
TOEL at primary levels viz ELT, GATE,
TOFEL exams
at secondary education
command over the English language
levels need a lot of command over the
because it is modifying its tentacles into
vocabulary as well as on LSRW skills.
English for specific purposes (ESP),
The students from Engineering or the
Business Communication need to stress so
(ECP) and English as a second language
much on their levels of vocabulary. It is
related with public entrepreneurship. But
approach, communicative approach or
students who aspire to become a soft skills
presently the elective method, their main
trainee or an orator or a better placement
aim is to reach the students understanding
and their reciprocation effectively.
they follow
In order to meet the means learning,
pedagogy should
of be
assigned to plan each lesson in a unique manner by using the various methods of teaching like story telling method ,pictorial representations, ,floppy charts, role plays, group discussions, ,student participation in teaching the context, cartoons , stick diagrams, questionnaires etc. It gives the teachers a kind of refinement in teaching even in their succeeding years. (See Model Lesson Plan – 1) Lessons planned in different style will enable the students to remember their topics for a longer time. ( See Model Lesson Plan – 2) However the pedagogy aims at the comprehension and recollection of the language but the
Their language needs special training to meet
(cognitive levels). They also work a lot to focus on their vocabulary and structures of sentences. Therefore the aims and targets of English language Acquisition changes from one stream to another according to the age group also. Language acquisition at initial levels should focus on the memory of the child. At higher levels of competency, tasks should be planned for their understanding and at the end in the final stage students aspire their Language learning only for the sake of real life implications. At this state, students will have an intro in the issues of barriers of learning language and other skills. Hence
Available in on line at Copyright @ 2016 Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India. All rights reserved. Title of the Paper: THE NEED OF THE HOUR TO CHANGE THE METHOD OF ELT: A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS’ LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Authors: Ms. S. Sreelekha* and Dr. G. Mohana Charyulu**/ Pages: 64-72 / Date of Publication: 25/03/2016
The English Research Express
ISSN: 2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print)
IJELL-International Journal of English Language and Literature
Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal run by Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India
the work assigned to the students should
Interesting thing is they wanted to know
be planned according to their age and
what would be done to make their
stream what they belong to.
assignment look excellent rather than
students are asked to complete the assignment in the classroom which they did it with utmost care and interest. It may be due to the confidence for they have placed themselves in a group or may be due to the presence of the teacher. But when they are subjected to do the similar tasks to complete at home, naturally they exhibited reluctance. Students who have completed their tasks at home expected a feedback from the teachers immediately.
allowing a correction of their work. . The students showed interest to the home works planned in smaller units and which is useful for their examination purpose. They are likely to spare a very little time in doing their homework may be a maximum of 2 hours per day hardly. The reason for the long time homework resulted them in boredom
homework planned on full context may be difficult for the teacher to find out the gap where they lapse in their performance.
As a teacher of handful experience
are not ready to face this experience in the
with students’ psychology, I believe that
class room and bear this type of feed back
the teacher gives immediate results by
from the teachers. In one of the surveys
valuating the scripts submitted by them. It
conducted students showed much interest
will take place in the class room in
to know their performance levels and
presence of all the students. Suggestions,
marks awarded for their work. They are
modifications, elevating the mistakes and
ready to make any modifications needed
resorting to correct them in various
when compared to the work assigned to do
manners give distaste to the students. They
at home. One more captivating matter is
Available in on line at Copyright @ 2016 Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India. All rights reserved. Title of the Paper: THE NEED OF THE HOUR TO CHANGE THE METHOD OF ELT: A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS’ LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Authors: Ms. S. Sreelekha* and Dr. G. Mohana Charyulu**/ Pages: 64-72 / Date of Publication: 25/03/2016
The English Research Express
ISSN: 2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print)
IJELL-International Journal of English Language and Literature
Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal run by Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India
when the tasks are assigned related to real
Likewise the students complete 3-4 tasks
life implications they did it with great
related to the same context. Care should
interest. Some of them even tried to
be taken in the final stages to assemble the
exhibit their creativity in completing their
tasks which may sometimes lead to be
job. A notion of higher order thinking
shown as a great project work. For
(cognitive level) is observed to be on
example a teacher in a classroom situation
ascending mode because they really felt
may ask the students to create some
that the project what they made would be
pictures related to the prepositions to attain
useful for them in their later career. For
dexterity over the grammar topic. For this
this the tasks assigned should be planned
the teacher lists each preposition and asks
in a systematic manner so that the student
them to draw a picture relatively. She
should know why she/he is acquiring that
observes 2-3 tasks of the same manner in
particular subject knowledge over the
order to give them deftness over the topic.
topic. Tasks should be planned in smaller
Later, all the tasks will be assembled in
units to attain command over the themes.
one sheet which shows the project is
Once the students attain the mastery over
completed. This can be explained as multi-
that particular subject then he/she should
be assigned with next step of task.
Available in on line at Copyright @ 2016 Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India. All rights reserved. Title of the Paper: THE NEED OF THE HOUR TO CHANGE THE METHOD OF ELT: A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS’ LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Authors: Ms. S. Sreelekha* and Dr. G. Mohana Charyulu**/ Pages: 64-72 / Date of Publication: 25/03/2016
The English Research Express
ISSN: 2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print)
IJELL-International Journal of English Language and Literature
Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal run by Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India
Tasks can be stressed not only on
in their previous assignments. For
artistic works but can be formulated on
this multi-tasking should be taught
various aspects such as role plays of
right from early stages.
regular interactions such as handling a market situation./ conversation between friends ,
poster preparations on a
or for the upraise of a
company; a conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee; or a presentation
A perfect devise by the pedagogy essential
assignment which gives rise to complete a project at the end.
stating that language studied in the initial stages is only for the memory sake as it lays foundation on the basic concepts. In understanding of the subject. In the final the real life implication. My request to curriculum experts and syllabus designers while preparing a curriculum for various courses should keep in mind all these three levels
Assignments should be given with
Properly planned tasks with appropriate
a combination or conglamation of
parameters should be given to the students
real life implications.
in order to achieve the desired projects as
For this the assignments should be
per the age and stream they chose. A
also given with proper parameters
in order to make the assignment
assignments will definitely give rise to a
more clearly for the student about
full-fledged project which is explained as
where they have to lay more focus
multi-tasking. When multi tasking is done
on the topics.
it is easy to segregate the students of
similar ideas, skills and calibres. Thus it is
evaluations should be marked by
the need of the hour to change the teaching
the teacher so that the students
the stream they choose. I explained it by
ponder over the topics and analyse
Language for the smooth and effective
according to the age of the students and
level, their aim is to receive education for
through this research paper:
need of acquisition of language changes
the higher levels the student aims at the
Following findings are brought
Therefore my survey found that the
where they are finding a gap.
learning by the learners.
The final project assigned should be an assembling of the key points Available in on line at
Copyright @ 2016 Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India. All rights reserved. Title of the Paper: THE NEED OF THE HOUR TO CHANGE THE METHOD OF ELT: A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS’ LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Authors: Ms. S. Sreelekha* and Dr. G. Mohana Charyulu**/ Pages: 64-72 / Date of Publication: 25/03/2016
The English Research Express
ISSN: 2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print)
IJELL-International Journal of English Language and Literature
Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal run by Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India
Fundamental concepts of Language Teaching,
1. A Model Lesson Plan -1: Prepared
briefly on the basis of text book
class VII 2013-14 Xseed English
University Press.
Reader Grade 7; iDiscoveri
2. A Model Lesson Plan -2: Prepared
briefly on the basis of text book
R,1977,London, British Council
class V The
Teaching, Billows, F.L.,University of East Africa, Longmans, London and Harlow
Principles of Language Teaching, Brown,H.D.1980
Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall.
Model Lesson Plan 1: Class : VIII Name of the Lesson: “Kabuliwallah”
Motivation/Teacher’s Activity
Home Assignment
To enable the students to acquire LSRW Skills
Who has written our The Lesson: Whom did Read the text/ National Anthem? The story of Kabuliwallah How would Who started Kabuliwallah in compare Mini you react if Shanitniketan School at brief to? you were Calcutta Kabuliwallah? Generally most of the teachers follow the lesson plan as mentioned above. My request is to prepare an identical lesson plan based on the level and age of the students of the particular class. Available in on line at Copyright @ 2016 Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India. All rights reserved. Title of the Paper: THE NEED OF THE HOUR TO CHANGE THE METHOD OF ELT: A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS’ LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Authors: Ms. S. Sreelekha* and Dr. G. Mohana Charyulu**/ Pages: 64-72 / Date of Publication: 25/03/2016
Rabindranath Tagore
Name of the Writer:
The English Research Express
ISSN: 2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print)
IJELL-International Journal of English Language and Literature
Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal run by Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India
Model Lesson Plan 2: Class V: Name of the Lesson: “An Earth Day Carol” by Paula Thomas could be explained by setting up a role play. Name of the Lesson: “Keep a poem in your pocket” by Beatrice Schenk De Regniers in the form of student participation method.(asking them write a poetry by giving certain parameters) Name of the Grammar Point: VOICE (Changing sentences from Active to Passive) Method of Teaching: Explanation through a floppy chart as shown below.( for primary students whose syllabus is only related till past and present tenses); you may extend the chart according to your syllabus.
Identify the verb
Past tense (was/were)
(((fffffpppp Change the verb into v3 form
Present tense (is/are)
object takes the subjects position
Place “by” in front of the subject.
Available in on line at Copyright @ 2016 Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India. All rights reserved. Title of the Paper: THE NEED OF THE HOUR TO CHANGE THE METHOD OF ELT: A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS’ LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Authors: Ms. S. Sreelekha* and Dr. G. Mohana Charyulu**/ Pages: 64-72 / Date of Publication: 25/03/2016
subject comes to the object position
The English Research Express
ISSN: 2321-1164 (Online); 2347-2642 (Print)
IJELL-International Journal of English Language and Literature
Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal run by Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India
3. Samples of Questionnaire: Questionnaire Name of the Student: Name of the School:
Class: Native:
1. Which type of prose lesson do you prefer? a) Story type b) comic
c) adventurous
2. Do you like poetry with a) Rhyme b) meaning
c) beauty
3. Do you feel whether Grammar should be taught by a) Rules b) practise c) communication 4. Would you like to represent answers a) On own b) bookish
c) given by teachers
5. What do you feel Speaking English can be learnt from a) Teachers b) books c) newspapers and articles 6. Which accent do you like a) News readers b) British
c) American
7. In your opinion, A good teacher should posses ....... a) Vocabulary b) grammar c) accent 8. Is Home work easy in a....? a) Group b) individually
c) practise
9. When do you remember topics thoroughly .... a) Participation b) imposition c) drilling 10. Do you feel a successful one when you read better a) Than Your Friends b) by understanding
c) through by-heart
11. How much time do you like to spend on Home Work at Home.... a) Don’t like Homework b) two hours c) Four hours 12. If you like Home work, should it be planned a) Smaller units b) full content c) exam purpose
13. Do you like to read text books prescribed for you a) Yes b) No c) Neutral
15. While learning Grammar, you are interested to go through answers a. Immediately b. After a day c. Till the explanation
14. Do you attend classes regularly because a. You like classes b. Fear of punishment c) it is compulsory to attend
Available in on line at Copyright @ 2016 Dr. JK Research Foundation, Chennai, India. All rights reserved. Title of the Paper: THE NEED OF THE HOUR TO CHANGE THE METHOD OF ELT: A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS’ LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Authors: Ms. S. Sreelekha* and Dr. G. Mohana Charyulu**/ Pages: 64-72 / Date of Publication: 25/03/2016