Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia tan Ahli Teknik ... - IATMI

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Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia tan Ahli Teknik ..... ta rt u p. E. S. P to p ro d u c e flu id. F ig u re. 7. Jo b. S e q u e n c e s o f R ig le s s. A c id iz in g in.
Ikatan Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia Simposium Nasional dan Kongres X Jakarta, 12 – 14 November 2008

Makalah Profesional IATMI 08 – 009 ACIDIZING IN ESP WELLS: AN EFFICIENT PRODUCTION OPTIMIZATION Noke Fajar Prakoso, Dendy Wicaksana Medco E&P Indonesia Abstract Many electric submersible pumps (ESPs) are being installed in Kaji Semoga Field, South Sumatra, Indonesia (operator: Medco E&P Indonesia) to change artificial lift method from gas lift. It is implemented in accordance with the waterflood project and decreasing produced gas as well. Until now, 15 ESPs have been installed and running. After ESPs installation, there were three wells suffered influx impairment so that the oil production did not meet the target. Therefore, stimulations were needed to restore the influx. In this case, the stimulations were acidizing to Baturaja carbonate formation. Acidizing without pulling ESPs out of hole have been done in three ESP wells in Kaji Semoga Field. HCl 15% were pumped thru annulus to solve formation damage problem, which were suspected to be caused by workover fluid quality and also loss circulation material (LCM). These give good results such as: influx improvement, oil gain more than 400 BOPD, and also save cost up to USD 35,000 per job since these jobs did not need any rig. As per November 2008 (3 months), those three ESPs are still running in good condition. It shows that the acidizing job without pulling ESPs out of hole does not give negative effect to the pump since the techniques are . This paper presents well performance analysis, acid risk analysis, acid recipe, acidizing technique, and cost justification. These three success stories can be implemented as best practice to other similar case.

or injectors. It was found and started to produce oil on 1997. This field produces oil from 3 formations: Telisa Sandstone (TLS), Baturaja Carbonate (BRF), and Talang Akar Sandstone (TAF). Most oil is produced from BRF since it has the biggest hydrocarbon reserve among all. Its porosity ranges from 13 to 20% and matrix permeability ranges from 20-150 md. Its productivity index (PI) is between 0.5 to 8 bfpd/psi. The depth is between 3000 to 4000 ft. The oil is relatively light, 38 degree of API. Average field properties are: 82% water cut and GOR of 700 scf/stb. Currently, the BRF’s pressure is about 800 psig. Waterflood project has been carried into this formation in order to maintain the pressure and to sweep the oil. It is observed that the associated gas is declining while the water cut is increasing. Therefore, Medco E&P Indonesia conducted studies on artificial lifts to replace existing gas lift since make-up gas for gas lift compressors declined and gas lift can not create maximum drawdown for current condition. The studies recommend changing gas lift with electric submersible pump (ESP). More than 50% of gas lifted wells will be changed to ESP wells. Until now, 15 ESPs are running.

ESP Installation, Influx Impairment and Rejuvenation In 2006, Medco started to convert 15 gas lifted wells into ESP with different optimum pump range. Unfortunately, three of them suffered influx impairment. They are: KS-38, KS-57 and KS-63.


Introduction Kaji-Semoga Field is in Rimau Block, South Sumatera, Indonesia. There are around 350 wells, which consist of oil producers and water injection wells. Most wells are gas lifted and deviated in a cluster system. Each cluster consists of 3 to 15 wells, either producers

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ESP was installed in KS-38 on March 12, 2008. All were normal during installation. But after the well was put on production, the rate did not meet the target and on the contrary was less than when it was gas lifted (see Figure 1). From pump intake pressure (PIP) and rate data those are converted to inflow performance relationship (IPR, see Figure 2), it was suspected that


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there was influx impairment. It may be caused by unfiltered killing fluid in ESP installation job and incompatible killing fluid to formation fluid. Therefore, acid wash was conducted in this well. The result is very satisfying since after acidizing, the oil production increased 472 BOPD (see Figure 1).

KS-57 ESP was installed in KS-57 on May 14, 2008. This well produces oil from 2 perforation intervals in BRF (flow unit 1 and 2). During the installation, loss circulation occurred so the LCM was pumped into the formation to stop loss circulation. But after it was produced, the same thing happened. The production dropped (see Figure 3). It was suspected that formation damage happened because LCM did not worked properly in the formation since killing fluid loss circulation happened to one well. After well service mechanical finished and the well was produced, the rate didn’t meet the design rate or pump range performance because of influx impairment. It was suspected the sealing of LCM which invaded to the formation didn’t break perfectly. The influx impairment happened as shown in its IPR (see Figure 4). Then, it was acidized. After acid wash, the rate is better than before, but it is still lower than when it was gas lifted. The damage may still exist in the formation.

KS-63 ESP was installed in KS-63 on May 10, 2008. All were normal during installation. But after the well was put on production, the rate was lower than when it was gas lifted (see Figure 5). From its IPR as shown on Figure 6, it is known that there was influx impairment. Therefore, acid wash was conducted here. After acid wash, the rate is better than before, but it is still lower than when it was gas lifted. The damage may still exist in the formation.

Economic At that time, there were two options to perform acidizing job: common procedure with high cost or trying the lower cost alternative. The common procedure with high cost means: prior to acidizing job, ESP must be pulled out of hole. While the lower cost alternative means: acidizing without pulling ESP out of hole at all. After several discussions and careful considerations, Medco decided to do rigless acidizing in order to study and to find the efficient way to do acidizing in ESP wells. Cost saving per job reached USD 35,000. Cost

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comparison between both options is presented in Table 1.

Acid Recipe The rigless acid washing in the ESP wells used 15% HCl, which is similar to common acid washing in this formation. Table 2 shows volume calculation of acid & formation water to be injected thru annulus.

Risk Analysis and Acidizing Techniques Formation damage in carbonate could be solved by acid stimulation. The main problem of acid in ESP well was damaging pump stages (impeller & diffuser), but this problem was mitigated by minimizing acid exposure time to ESP down hole equipment. Some risks which may occur as the impact of contacting with acid were: 1. Electrical short at downhole cable. 2. Damage on bag type protector. 3. Damage on other parts such as seals, bearings, impellers & diffusers. To minimize the risks, there are some job sequences to be performed in order to achieve the objective (figured out in Figure 7): 1 Prepare acid pumping equipment. a. Acid Pump Combo b. Water Tank c. Square tank for return fluid 2 Ensure that the ESP is running. 3 Hold pre-job safety/operations meeting and review job procedures and safety issues. 4 Rig up acid pump and connect to annulus. 5 Pressure test to maximum wellhead working pressure (2000 psig) and hold for 10 minutes. 6 Bleed off pressure to 0 psig and open the flow line. 7 Ensure the ESP is running 8 Open casing valve, kill well thru annulus with 78 bbls (filled up volume of 5½” casing, 3280 ft deep of well) 8.4 ppg of salt water. Pump in killing fluid until it is circulated to the surface to ensure wellbore is fulfilled with killing fluid. 9 Shut off ESP, close tubing valve at surface to trap killing fluid in the annulus and tubing, then performed injectivity test thru annulus. 10 Prepared 125 gallons (3 bbls) of 15% acid, open casing valve, spot 3 bbls 15% acid thru annulus, followed by 49 bbls 8.4 ppg of formation water (pump pressure = 500 psig and 2 bpm rate of injection)


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11 Stop pumped killing fluid thru annulus while 15% acid placement in formation (soak 15% acid for 30 minutes) 12 Open tubing valve and start up ESP to flush out acid mixture from the annulus until entire of acid come out to the surface and clean up well. 13 Measure the pH of return fluid from tubing. Once the acid is return, switch return line to square tank 14 Keep monitor the return pH. Once all of the acid already returned, indicated by normal return pH, switch return back to production line. 15 Close annulus valve. 16 Neutralize the spent acid with caustic soda. 17 Rig down acidizing equipment 18 End job. The question was how reliable the pump stages after exposed by acid? How much the pump’s acid tolerance level? The standard pump stages material supplied is ni-resist alloy. The vendor specified 4 hours maximum exposure with 15% acid threshold. Based on this allowance, it was decided to soak acid thru annulus to the formation without need rig due to pump doesn’t need long time exposure to acid, and our technique achieves less than 15 minutes of pump’s exposure, and acid placement for 30 minutes into formation. Then, pump out the acid thru tubing to the surface & clean up well.

Conclusion and Recommendation

1. Rigless acidizing in KS-38 ESP well is successful. This technique can be implemented in other wells. 2. Rigless acidizing in KS-57 and KS-63 wells can be considered successful because of influx improvements as shown on their IPR, although they have not been fully recovered. Authors recommend that rigless acidizing is repeated with larger acid volume, especially in KS-57.

Acknowledgement Authors would like to say thank you to Petroleum Engineering Division and Rimau Asset of Medco E&P Indonesia and also to Mr. Anwas Tanuwijaya.

References 1. Allen, O.Thomas and Roberts, Alan P.: “Production Operations 2”, OGCI and Petroskills Publications, Tulsa, OK (Chapter 5 and 7) 2. Brown.K.E.: “The Technology of Artificial Lift Methods”, Petroleum Publishing Co., Tulsa, OK (1980, vol 2A) 3. Ojukwu, K.I.: “Through Pump Stimulation: A Cost Effective Alternative”, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc (2008)

After reviewing the results of this job, authors concluded that:

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Ikatan Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia

Figures and Tables KS-38 Welltest

ESP after rigless acidizing


GL 3,000.00


95 2,500.00 90





WC (%)

Rate (BPD); PIP (psig)


70 1,000.00 65

60 500.00 55

0.00 1-Jan-08

50 20-Feb-08


30-May-08 Fluid






Figure 1 Production Performance KS-38

Figure 2 IPR Curve KS-38 (B)

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KS-57 Welltest GL

ESP after rigless acidizing 100











0.00 1-Jan-08

WC (%)

Rate (BPD); PIP (psig)



70 20-Feb-08


30-May-08 Fluid






Figure 3 Production Performance KS-57

Figure 4 IPR Curve KS-57

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KS-63 Welltest GL


ESP after rigless acidizing


100 95

2,500.00 90 85 80 1,500.00


WC (%)

Rate (BPD)


70 1,000.00 65 60 500.00 55 0.00 1-Jan-08

50 20-Feb-08

10-Apr-08 Fluid

30-May-08 Oil





Figure 5 Production Performance KS-63

Figure 6 IPR Curve KS-63

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Table 1 Cost Comparison

Job Acidizing

Cost for Rigless Acidizing (USD) 5,200

Cost for Acidizing with POOH ESP Acidizing with Rig (USD)

Replacing Bag Protector (USD)


+/- 30,000

+/- 10,000

+/- 40,000

Cost saving (USD) +/- 35,000

Table 2 Acid Recipe and Acid Volume Calculation 15 % Acid Recipe a. 32% Raw HCl b. AS-7 c. HAI-404 d. Losurf-259 e. Musol E Volume Calculation a. ID 5 1/2" Casing Size b. OD 2 7/8" tubing c. Perforation d. Bridge Plug Depth e. Downhole Equipment Depth f. Total volume of killing fluid g. Total volume of 15% Acid h. (1 bbls additional volume) i. Total volume of flush killing fluid (to flush out acid & clean well)

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= = = = =

442 5 5 5 50

= = = = = = = =

4.95 2.875 3198 3280 3099 78 2 3



gal/Mgal gal/Mgal gal/Mgal gal/Mgal gal/Mgal



inch inch ft ft ft bbls bbls bbls bbls


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Pump salt water through annulus

ESP running normal


Formation Fluid



Downhole Gauge


D Shut off ESP, perform injectivity test

Salt Water


Circulate salt water with ESP


Downhole Gauge


Gas Separator/ Intake



Downhole Gauge


Gas Separator/ Intake

E Pump 15 % acid through annulus, soak for 30 minutes

Figure 7 Job Sequences of Rigless Acidizing in ESP Wells





Motor Downhole Gauge


Downhole Gauge



Gas Separator/ Intake


Gas Separator/ Intake


Gas Separator/ Intake



Downhole Gauge

Start up ESP to produce fluid



Gas Separator/ Intake

Ikatan Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia