ILCA 2017 Convention Agenda FINAL.pdf - Google Drive

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9:00am – 10:30am Featured Plenary: Confronting Right-to-Work and Building a Workers'. Movement. Gateway A. Moderator:
INTERNATIONAL LABOR COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION Marriott St. Louis Grand Hotel – 800 Washington Avenue St. Louis, MO October 19-21, 2017 AGENDA

Thursday, October 19 8:00am – 3:00pm Executive Council Meeting Benton Room

1:00pm – 6:00pm

3:30pm - 5:30pm

Registration Gateway A Plenary: Welcome and Open of ILCA Convention Gateway A

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5:30pm - 7:00pm

Friday, October 20 7:00am – 9:00am

8:30am – 9:30am

Howard Kling & Lisa Martin – ILCA Executive Officers Mike Louis – President, Missouri AFL-CIO Pat White – President, Greater St. Louis Labor Council Nora Loreto, Editor, Virginia Ridley, Coordinator – Canadian Association of Labour Media

Reception Gateway Foyer

Registration Gateway A Continental Breakfast Gateway A

Friday, October 20 9:00am – 10:30am

Featured Plenary: Confronting Right-to-Work and Building a Workers’ Movement Gateway A Moderator: Richard Trumka – President, AFL-CIO §

David Cook – President, UFCW Local 655, St. Louis

Stopping Missouri’s New Right-to-Work Law: How ‘We Are Missouri’ Organized a Successful Petition Campaign to Put a People’s Veto Referendum on the November 2018 Ballot


Nora Loreto – Editor, Canadian Association of Labour Media (CALM) NAFTA Negotiations: American’s Need to Eliminate Right-to-Work Laws’ Unfair Competition to Canadian Labour


MaryBe McMillan – President, North Carolina AFL-CIO

What the South Can Teach Us About Living and Organizing Under Right-to-Work

Megan Parke – Director of Field Services, AFSCME Council 28, Washington State The Koch Brothers and Others: Fighting the Corporate Campaign to Eliminate Worker Rights and Power

10:45am – 12:15pm

10:45am – 12:15pm

Registration Gateway A Practical Skills Workshops A. Digital Campaigns to Organize and Mobilize Landmark Ballroom 5

This workshop will explore strategies for using social media, micro-targeting, tele-town halls and more to move members and allies to action, advocacy and engagement. Presenters: Moderator: Laura Reisdorph – Public Affairs Assistant AFSCME Council 28, Washington State Olympia, WA

Chuck Westover – Founder and President of Next Level Digital Former Online Mobilization Coordinator, AFSCME Washington, DC

Yanick Ruiz-Ramon – Digital Campaigns Director, Blueprint Interactive Former Senior Digital Strategist, AFSCME Washington, DC


Friday, October 20 10:45am – 12:15pm

Practical Skills Workshops (continued)

B. Taking a Print Publication into the Digital World Landmark Ballroom 6

This workshop provides a step-by-step guide for going digital with your print publication with tips and best practices to make any on-line publication more effective.

Presenter: Braxton Payne – Creator and Social Media Manager of Show Me Victories, The Kelley Group

C. Exploring Virtual Reality and Union Storytelling

Landmark Ballroom 7

How can virtual reality be a part of your next campaign? This interactive workshop offers a hands-on opportunity to try virtual reality headsets and 360-degree cameras. Participants will discuss technology and its usefulness in union communications.

Presenters: Ian Renz – Founder and Director of Experience, ShowMeVirtual

Daphne Valerius – Community Outreach Coordinator for the Media & Diversity Center, Department of Communication, University of Missouri 12:30pm – 2:30pm

ILCA 2017 Labor Media Awards Luncheon

Parkview/Aubert Room

Honoring the Work of Labor Communicators from the U.S. and Canada

Political Action/Organizing General Excellence Multimedia Writing Awards Saul Miller Awards Electronic Media Max Steinbock Award Visual Communications

Luncheon Sponsor: Amalgamated Transit Union _________________________



Friday, October 20 2:45pm – 3:45pm Practical Skills Workshops

D. Managing Mainstream Media Landmark Ballroom 5

Effective ways to build relationships with mainstream media and create third-party validation in the digital age, including pitching stories, prepping for interviews, holding successful press conferences, and using digital tools.

Presenters: Moderator: Tim Welch – Director of Public Affairs, AFSCME Council 28, Washington State; ILCA Executive Council Member Olympia, WA

Laura Reisdorph – Public Affairs Assistant, AFSCME Council 28 Olympia, WA

Chuck Westover – Founder and President of Next Level Digital Former Online Mobilization Coordinator, AFSCME Washington, DC

E. Social Media for Social Activism Landmark Ballroom 6

Amplify your union’s voice and create new advocates. This workshop will cover digital media tools and strategies to communicate, mobilize and activate.

Presenter: Braxton Payne – Creator and Social Media Manager of Show Me Victories, The Kelley Group

F. Getting into It: Race, Class, Immigration and the Conversations We Need to Have Landmark Ballroom 7

There is an increase in the number of people who respond to white nationalist goals and language. This training demonstrates how to use a values perspective to talk about the economy, immigration and race to shift the conversation.

Presenters: Dania Rajendra – Co-director, Union Communication Services, The Worker Institute, Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations Past ILCA Secretary

Howard Kling – Director of Worker Action Media, Labor Education Service, University of Minnesota; ILCA president


Friday, October 20 4:00pm – 5:45pm Plenary: Fighting Fascism and Building Working Class Unity and Power Gateway A

Moderator: Jennifer Bryant, ILCA Membership & Communications Coordinator •

Mark Dimondstein – President, American Postal Workers Union

Rev. Traci Blackmon – Activist, Pastor and Teacher, Christ the King United Church of Christ, Florissant, MO

Rasheen Aldridge – Democratic Committeeman, 5th Ward, St. Louis; Student Co-chair of Missouri Jobs with Justice; Ferguson Commission

Dania Rajendra – Co-director, Union Communication Services, The Worker Institute, Cornell ILR School; Past ILCA Secretary

Tim Paulson – Executive Director, San Francisco Labor Council, AFL-CIO

Saturday, October 21 8:30am – 9:30am Continental Breakfast Landmark Ballroom 7

9:00am – 10:30am

Practical Skills Workshops G. Creating a Communications / Social Media Plan Landmark Ballroom 7

We will explore the steps and strategies for creating an effective social media and communications plan including setting goals, assessing your community, analyzing your capacity, deciding on the best tools, creating content and evaluating success through metrics and other results.

Presenter: Chauncey Robinson – Social Media Editor, People’s World

H. Creating Video! Lindell Room

This workshop will cover the essential elements for creating effective video and measuring success. Topics include equipment choices, editing options, conception and message, creating a script, deciding on footage to capture, logos and images, using music, and best practices for key platforms – (IG, Twitter, FB, YouTube), including the hot new AJ+ style videos for Facebook.

Presenter: Earchiel Johnson – Program Support / Technical Advisor Chicago Newspaper Guild


Saturday, October 21

9:00am- 10:30am

Practical Skills Workshops (continued)

I. Message and Action: A Case Study in Building Labor/Community Alliances Pershing Room

The unique St. Louis Workers’ Education Society educates and trains St. Louis residents – especially people of color, women and youth – to become community leaders. The Society acts as a small business and grassroots organization incubator. Is it a model for your town?

Presenters: Members of the St. Louis Worker Education Society

10:45am - 12:30pm

Plenary Roundtable: The Challenges Ahead Gateway A

Labor and allied communicators discuss perspectives, initiatives and the challenges we face in the era of Trump and Koch.

Amaya Smith – Communications Director and Special Advisor to the President, AFL-CIO

Collin Reischman – Director of Communications, United Food & Commercial Workers Local 655

Tony Pecinovsky – President, St. Louis Worker Education Society

Frank Emspak – Founder, Workers Independent News

Michael Kelley – President, The Kelley Group

12:30pm - 1:30pm

ILCA Business Meeting & Elections / Adjourn Gateway A