Pre -reading Activitie s. Mr. Popper's Penguins. Before you begin reading Mx
Popper's Penguins with your students, do some pre-reading activities to stimulate
A Guid.efor Using
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This guide written by RebeccaPaigen
Teacher Created Resources.Inc. 6421Industry Way Westminster,CA 92683 www. teachercreated. com ISBN: 978-1-55734-549-3 O1997 TeacherCreatedResources,Inc. Reprinted,2007
Edited by DonaHerweckRice Illustrated by Barb Lorseyedi Cover Art by Kelly McMahon
Madein U.S.A. The classroom teacher may reproduce copies of materials in this book for classroom use only. The reproduction of any part for an entire school or school system is strictly prohibited. No part of this publication may be transmitted, stored, or recorded in any form without written permission from the publisher.
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Pre-reading Activitie s
Before you begin reading Mx Popper's Penguinswith your students,do some pre-reading activities to stimulate interest and to enhancefuture comprehension. Here are some activities that may work well in your class.
1 . Predict what the story might be about by hearing the title. 2 . Predict what the story might be about by looking at the cover illustration. 3 . As a meansof prediction, choosean illustration from each section. Have the studentsattempt to arrrangethem in the correct order to ueate a storyboard for the entire book.
4. Discuss what the studentsalready know about . pengums . pets . painting . Antarctica
. theaters/plays 5. Answer thesequestions: . Would you ever -leave your family? -write a letter to someonefamous? -go to Antarctica? -take your pet on a bus? . Ate you interestedin -stories about animals? -exotic pets? -traveling acrossthe United States?
6 . Discuss the responsibility of caring for a pet.
7 . Discuss the fiction geme and its characteristics. /\^5.a"
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#549 Literature Unit
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Lists VocabularY grouping of chapters. vocabulary are vocabulary lists that correspondto each sectional on this page ^id"u, .un be found on page 9 of this book' activity
Section1 expedition pompouslY calcimine erect
suitable bungalow heathen regret
debris solemnly admiral spattered
authority inquisitive bore
Section2 rookery intention ordinance derby
spectacle stubborn dignity reluctant
boric humble idle municipal
astonishment dodo determined
Section3 cease sulk curator tremendous
portable rotogravure sympathetic blizzard
spar refreshing droll stupor
sleek fond
Section4 necessary indulgence prostrate delicate
terrns exhibit unforeseen discipline
unique shrill rehearsal vigorous
squawking sensation novelty
Section 5 burly haggard apparent gangplank
#549 Literature Unit
furnish vexed familiar advantage
lack extraordinary breed hoarse
climate fierce influence
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Mr, Popper's Penguins
Vocabulary Activity ldeas You can help your studentslearn and retain the vocabularyin Mr. Popper'sPenguinsby providing them with interestingvocabularyactivities. Here are a few ideasto try. tr Challengethe classto a vocabulary bee. In addition to spelling eachword conectly, they must also give the correctmeaning. Give one point for spelling the word correctly and anotherfor the definition. D Have the studentscreatea classbook of crosswordptzzles and word finds. They must also include the answerkey. tr Challengethe studentsto rewrite a pageof the story using synonyms and antonyms of the vocabularywords.
D In groups,have the studentscreatea picture dictionary for one or all of the sections.
tr tr
Challengestudentsto write an original story using as many of the vocabularywords as they can. Play charades,using the vocabularywords as clues.
E Challengestudentsto write a fable that explainshow three words got their meaning. D Use the words to play bingo. Have the studentsmake their own Bingo cardsand randomly write someof the words in the squares.Beansor buttonscan be used as markers. Readthe word definitionsbut not the words. Studentsmust determinethe word basedon the definition onlv.
Play hangman in pairs or as a whole classwith the vocabularywords.
I Make vocabulary journals in which the studentslist words with which they are unfamiliar but do not appearon the teacher-supplied list. tr The book itself was translatedinto many different languages.Tfanslate the vocabulary words and post them aroundthe room. D Play vocabulary concentration. The purposeof the gameis to match the definition with the correctwords. Divide the classinto groupsof approximatelyfour. Then instructthe groupsto make the cards. On one set of cards,they shouldwrite the words. On anotherset of cards,they shouldwrite the definitions. Al1 cardsare then shuffled and placedface down on the table. On his or her turn, eachplayer drawstwo cards" If they go together,the player gets anotherturn. The gameis played until all matchesare made. A superconcentrationgamecould be played by combining vocabularyfrom all the sections. The game also makesa good review at the end of the book. E Have the studentscreate a board game that usesthe vocabularywords. This can be done in cooperativegroupsover a period of a few days. When the boardsare complete,the classshould have the opportunity to play each game. tr Keep a word wall in your room. When studentsfind a new vocabularyword in their reading, have them write the new word, its definition, and a sentenceusing the word on an index card or sentencestrip. Stapleit to a bulletin board set asidefor this purpose. There are many more ways to practicevocabularyskills. Add your own ideas! Be creative!
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#549 Literature Unit
Section7: ChnPters74
Mr. Popper'sPenguins
QuizTime summary of the section' 1. On the back of this paper, write a one-paragraph he not working? 2. What does Mr. Popper do for a living? Why is
he like it so much? 3. What does Mr. Popperread about? Why does
4. How doesMr. Poppergethis penguin?
5. How does Captain Cook get his name?
6. How does Mrs. Popper react to Captain Cook?
a new pet? 7. How would your parentsreact if you brought home
8. Why does Captain Cook sleepin the refrigerator?
like to write' Why did you choosethat Person? 9. Name someonefamous to whom you would
why' 10. What place would you like to read about? Tell
#549 Literature Unit
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Section 1: Chapters I-4
Mr, Popper's Penguins
Writinga NarrativeStory A narrative story describesthe way in which eventshappen. An important aspectof a narrative is called point of view. The point of view refers to who is telling the story. Mr Popper's Penguinsis a narrative becauseit describesthe eventscausedby the arrival of Captain Cook. It is told in the third person (he, she,it, they) by a naffator, someonewho is not involved in the story but is able to seewhat everyoneis doing and thinking. A third person is someonewho is not involved in the story but is able to seewhat everyoneis doing and thinking. Another type of point of view is called frrst person. In first person, a narrator tells the story from personalexperienceas it is happening (or happened)to him or her. In a first-person story, the narrator uses"L" For this section,you will write a short, narrative story. Selecta point of view and use it to describe Captain Cook's journey from Antarctica to Stillwater. Before you write your rough draft, it will help to brainstorm. Point of View: 1. What is CaptainCook's mode of transportation?
2. How long doeshis journey take?
3. How does he feel on the different parts of his journey?
4. Are there any problems on the trip?
Once you have gatheredyour thoughts, write your story.
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#549 Literature Unit
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Section I: Chapters I-4
InteriorDecorating, Mr.PopperStyle Mr. Popper unintentionally createsa decoratingfad when he accidentally paints a kitchen green and yellow. Based on this principle, imagine that you and a group of friends have createdan interior decoratingcompany. Your first customerhasjust come to you, wanting to decoratehis entirehousein the samemanner. The color combinations of the home are up to you. However, there are two restrictions:eachroom must have a different color combination.and the customerwants to seea model before you start painting. So, where do you begin? A color wheel will help. Color the two wheelsbelow as indicated. Cut out the wheels and assemblethem together at the center dots by attaching the smaller wheel to the larger with a brassfastener. You can then turn the top wheel and view the different color combinations. You will needa total of six combinations. Write the combinationson which your companydecidesin the spacesprovided on page 13. You will also needto determinehow eachof the rooms connectsto the hal1way.
#549 Literature Unit
e Teither CrearedResources.Inc.
Section I: Chapters l-4
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Color Combinations: 1 Kitchen and Dinine Room 2. LivingRoom 3. Bathroom 4. Bedroom 1 5. Bedroom2 6. Hallway Now, you must build your model to show your customer. use boxes of proportionate size to construct a three-dimensionalmodel basedon a floor plan similar to the one below. paint the walrs accordins to your color combinationchoices.
Kitchen and Dining Room
Finally, answerthesequestionsin preparationfor your presentationto your customer. use the back of this paper. 1. How much will you chargefor the job? 2. How long will it take to complete? 3. Why did you choosethesecolor combinations? 4. Why shouldthe customerchooseyour company? @ Teacher Created Resources,Inc
#549 Literature Unit
Section l: Chapters 7-4
Mr. Popper's Penguins
ls a Penguina Bird? When you think of a bird, you usually think of flight. A penguin does not fly through the air, but it is still a bird. Think of the penguin as a bird that "flies" through the water. In order to seehow a penguin has adaptedtraditional bird characteristicsto the cold Antarctic climate, you will do three experiments.After eachexperiment,there will be a discussionaboutyour observations.
1zguoyancy Experlment Materials: . 2 coffeecans a
sandor rocks
Procedure: Place two coffee cans in a sink full of water. Fill one can halfway with sand or rocks. Observewhat happens. Think: How might the tin with sand representa penguin?
2zWingo Experiment Materials: . 2 sheetsof white paper
. large sink or tub with water
Procedure: Take one piece of white paper and drag it through the water. What did you observe? Now, take a secondpiece of paper and fold it along its length five or six times. Drag this Piece of paper through the water. What did you observe? Think: What conclusioncan You make about the wings of a penguin?
#549 Literature Unit
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Section7: Chapters7-4
Mr. Popper's Penguins
ls a Penguin a Bird? @on,) Nests Experlment,3z Materials: . beachballs Procedure: Many birds use twigs to build nestsin trees. However, thesematerials are not availablein Antarctica. How do penguins incubate their eggs? They take turns sitting on them! Experiencewhat it is like for penguinsto incubatetheir eggsby using the beachballs to representpenguineggs. Can you balance the ball on the top of your feet like a penguindoesits eggs? Can you tradethe "egg" with a partner? Make sure everyone gets a chanceto try incubating the egg. Recordyour responsehere:
Discusswith your teacherhow the penguin has adaptedother traditional bird characteristics.Use encyclopediasand trade books. Then use the pattern on this page to createyour own penguin rookery. In the penguin'sstomach,write one fact about penguinsthat you find interesting. Color the penguin and cut it out. Place it somewhereon Antarctic ice.
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#549 Literature Unit
Mn Popper's Pengains
Section 1: Chapters 1-4
ReadingResponseJournals A great way to keep track of the students'comprehensionof Mr Popper''sPertguirtsis the use of readingresponsejournals. You can incorporatethem into your daily plans or use them less often, if you prefer. You can also encourageyour studentsto use them on their own when they read. Here are a few ideasfor how to make the most of them. D Createthe journal as a classactivity. Studentscan assemblethe journals using both lined and unlined paperfastenedwith brassfastenersin a constructionpaperfolder. Studentsshouldhave time to personalizethe front cover, D Explain the purposeof the journal. Studentsshouldknow they can record their thoughts, responses,and questionsas they read eachchapteror section. D The journals can be usedto respondto critical thinking questionsthat promotethought and writing. Thesecan be given orally or written on the board for reference. Samplequestionsfor Section 1 include the following: t) Describea time you went someplacenew. Include your feelings. I How might the life of the Popperschangewhen CaptainCook arrives? What problems might they have? tr Ask studentsto use their imaginationsand descriptionsin the book to draw picturesof certain scenesor characterson the blank pagesof their journals. Below the picturesthey can write captions. Studentsshouldknow from the beginningof the project how the journals will be evaluated,if at all. There are many evaluationmethodsone may use. Here are a few suggestions. tr All entrieswill be read by the teacher,but no subjectivegradewill be given. A participation credit will be awardedto thosewho put forth appropriateeffort. E For a"grade," one can evaluatethe quantity and effort put into the entries. Give studentsa scale similar to the following so that they are the onesto decidetheir grades. 7 entries= A 6 entries= B 5 entries = C and so forth E Have the studentsdo a self-evaluation.On the last pageof their journal. thel can describehow they think the journal did or did not help them while readingthe book. Do ther think they put forth enougheffort? What did they like best aboutit? and so forth.
#549 Literature Unit
Mr. Popper'sPenguins
Section 2: Chapters 5-9
QuizTime 1 On the back of this paper,write a one-paragraphsummary of the section. 2 . What does Mr. Popper want the service man to do and why?
3. Does Mr. Popperget a licensefor CaptainCook? Explain.
4. List the kinds of things (at leastfive) that CaptainCook picks up aroundthe housefor his nest.
5. List three things that CaptainCook could pick up in your room.
6. What doesMr. Popperwear on the walk?
7. What happenson the walk Mr. Popper and Captain Cook take?
8. If you were the reporter in the book, write one question that you would ask Mr. Popper.
9. How would you react to a strangepet on a leash?
10. Supposeyour parentstold you to get dirty. How would you like to do it?
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#549 Literature Unil
Section2: Chapters5-9
Mr. Popper's Penguins
TownOrdinance Hear ye! Hear ye! Rules are everywherein society. Can you list three rules from your home, school, or community that affect you? 1.
2. 3.
Mr. Popper is affected by rules, too! However, he is not always sure what the rules concerning penguins are. Help him by making a class book of Stillwater Penguin Ordinances. Everyone in the class must write an ordinancefor a different place. Suggestedplaces include restaurants,movie theaters,shopping malls, and parks. Write your ordinancein outline form like the one below.
StillwaterPenguinOrdinance# l. The place ll. Whatthe penguincan do A. B. lll. Whatthe penguincan not do A. B. lV.What happensif the penguinbreaksthe rules V. Whenthe law is in effect Here are some things to consider before you begin writing. 1. For what place are you writing your law? 2. How will the other people feel about the penguin? 3. What may the penguindo? not do? 4. Does Mr. Popperhave to do anything special to the penguin? 5. Are there time limits involved? #549 Literature Unit
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Mr. Popper's Penguins
Section2: Chapters5-9
as Drama lmprovisation Improvisational skits in the classroom allow studentsto relieve stressand excess energy. They can also add a bit of humor to brighten a stressfulor rainy day. The only preparationneededfor this activity is a discussionof emotionsand relatedbody language. With your class, list different emotions on the board. Once this is done,ask for volunteersto o'looks." demonstratehow eachemotion The next step is to explain improvisation as an acting technique. Then divide the class into small groups. Each group will go to the "stage." Give each group a situation from chapter sections I or 2 to act out' Their only directions will be to perform the skit, showing the different emotions. You may want to allow a short period of time to let the studentsassignparts and gather props. This activity is particularly good becauseit will assessthe students'overall comprehension. Remember,it is improvisation! There is not a greatdeal of preparationthat goes into an improvisational performance. Here are Somesuggestedscenesto perform from chaptersectionsI and2:
r Mn ?opperand CaPtainCookmeet'a neighboron thelr walk' o Ca?tainCookis in t'he barbereho?, o Theeervace man aomeeto lhe house. o Janieand bill meet CaptainCookfor the first lime, o The policemant'alkslo Mn ?opper, portrayed After each sceneis performed, ask studentsin the audienceto identify which emotions were to allwho award "Quick Thinking" and how. For a little fun, the teachermay considerhandingout a participated.
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#549 Literature Unit
Section2: Chapters5-9
Mr. Popper's Penguins
"Eggs"traordinary! Like all birds, penguins lay eggs in order to reproduce. Everyone knows that eggs have a shell on the outside to protect the developing chick, but do you know what is on the inside to help the baby bird? A. Read the description below telling about the parts of an egg. Then write the egg parts on the correct lines of the diagram. Albumen, usually the white part, createsa protective layer around the chick. Chalaza is a rope-like structurethat acts as an anchor. Membrane is two skin-like layers that form an air pocket near the shell. Shell is a strong covering that protects the chick but lets in air. Yolk servesas a food sourcefor the developing chick.
B. Now that the parts are labeled,look at an egg cracked open into a dish. Can you identify all the parts?
C. Try these "eggs"tensionexperimentswith everydayhouseholditems. Amazeyour parentswith the impossible! 1. Will an egg float? Materials: 2 glassesof water, 1 measuringteaspoon,1 raw egg, salt Procedure: Gently place the egg in each glass of water. Watch what happens. Next, add a teaspoon(5 mL) of salt to one glass and stir completely. Add more salt, a teaspoon(5 mL) at a time, until the egg floats. How many teaspoons(mL) did it take? 2. Can you see through an eggshell? Materials: 1 raw egg, vinegar,bowl Proceduie: Soak a raw egg in vinegar overnight. There should be enough vinegar to cover the egg completely. The vinegar will take the calcium out of the eggshellwhile it soaks. Take the egg out of the bowl and rinse it off. What do you notice? Record your observationsbelow.
#549 Literature Unit
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Mr. Popper'sPenguins
Section 2: Chapters 5-9
WhichOneWouldYouBuy? Mr. Popper'spet is sentto him as a surprise. Most families, however,spenda greatdeal of time picking out the perfect pet. Supposeyour family was thinking about getting a new pet. You would need to think carefully about everything involved before purchasingyour new friend. Next to eachanimal on this pageis a set of two questions. Answer the questions,using your prior knowledge,books aboutthe animals,and encyclopedias. 1. How much doesa dos eat eachdav?
2. Can a dog be dangerousto anyone? How?
1. What medical bills misht a cat incur?
2. Will a cat causeany damageto your home?
1. Are there any veterinarianbills involved with a mouse?
C? 2. How much doesmousefood cost?
1. Is there any cleaninginvolved with a snake?
2. What can you feed a snake?
1. Can fish get sick?
2. How expensiveare fish and aquariums?
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#549 Literature Unit
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Section3: Chapters10-13
QuizTime 1. On the back of this paper,write a one-paragraphsummary of the section. 2. How do the Poppersknow that somethingis wrong with CaptainCook?
3. Does CaptainCook get better? Explain what happens.
4. If you were sick, what would you do to get better?
5. What doesMrs. Popperpredict? Is sheright? Explain.
6. If you could renameall the penguinbabies,what would you namethem?
7. Describewhat Mr. Popperdoesto the basement.
8. How are the Poppersgoing to solve their money problems? Be specific.
9. What is anotherway the Popperscould get money?
10. What is on Mr. Popper'smind?
#549 Literature Unit
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Mn Popper's Penguins
Section 3: Chapters 10-13
WritingCinquains Not all poemsmust rhyme. One kind of poem that doesnot rhyme is a cinquain. Thesefive-lined poemsare written accordingto the number of syllablesin eachline. While readingthe cinquainbelow, clap along to count the syllablesin eachline. Count the number of syllablesin eachline. Can you trnd the pattern?
Tenguino funny, playful waddling, flapping swimming, millingabout,their rookery ?en6uino
You shouldhave found that the syllablepatternrs 2, 4,6, 8, and 2. However,a cinquainalso has a secondpatternto follow. Each of the five lines has a speciflcpurpose.
Line 1 - One word that namesthe subject Lrne 2 -
o adjectivesthat describethe subject
Line 3 - Three verbsthat expresswhat the subjectdoes Line 4 - Four-word phraseabout the subject Line 5 - A synonymfor the subjector the subjectrepeated In the spacebelow, write your own cinquainabout somethingor someonetn Mr. Popper'sPenguins. Be sureto count your syllablesand to follow the cinquainpattern.
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#549 Literature Unit
Section3: Chapters10-13
Mr. Popper's Penguins
So You'reMakinga Newspaper A newspaperis not easy to produce. It takes time and cooperationfrom the entire staff. To make a class newspaper,you will have to work cooperatively to get the job done, and everyonewill need to pitch in to get it done well. You are going to createa class newspaperabout Mr Popper's Penguins. Here are some helpful tips to get you started. 1. Decide what parts you want your newspaperto have. You must have a story about Mr' Popper, weather,sports, and entertainment. However you can add anything else you want, as well. 2. Rememberthat a news story must include who, what, when, where, why, and how in order to get all the information to the reader. 3. Decide on a name for your Paper' 4. Decide on a format for your paper. Consider thesequestions: . Where are you going to put everything? ' How many pagesare you going to have? . How will you qeate the final copy? . Will you have illustrations? 5. Newspapersshould be free of spelling and punctuation errors, so be very careful when you make your final copy. 6. Decide who is going to write which parts. Remember,you ale atearn.
Note: If you have any questions,ask the editor in chief (teacher). #549 Literature (Jnit
@ Teacher Created Resources,Inc.
Section3: Chapters10-13
Mr. Popper's Penguins
What'sIt Like Outside? Mr. Popper leavesthe windows open during the winter so the penguinswill be more comfortable. However, by doing so, the Popperfamily is cold and must wear their coatsinside the house. Penguinslive in Antarctica where it is cold all year long. They have alayer of fat to keep their bodies warm. Humans also have fat to insulate their bodies, but our seasonschange and so does the temperature. In the spacebelow, describe what the weather is probably like at the given temperature.
73'F (23'C)
91"F( 33"C)
118"F( 48' C)
Color the thermometerwith red to indicate the temperatureoutside today. On the back, describethe weather. @ Teacher Created Resources,Inc.
#549 Literature Unit
Mr. Popper'sPenguins
Section3: Chapters10-13
MusicAppreciation Different kinds of music make the penguins act in certain ways. List their reactionsto three kinds of music.
Why do you think the penguinshave thesereactions?
With your eyesclosed,listen to a music selectionthat your teacherplays. When the music stops,write how you felt and what you visualized. Can you namethe type of music played?
On the back, describewhat kind of act Popper'sPerformingPen-euins might do to the music selectionyou just heard.
#549 Literature Unit
A Teacher Created Resources,Inc
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Secti.on4: Chapters1+17
QuizTime l . On the back of this paper,write a one-paragraphsummary of the section. 2 . What happenson the bus?
3. How doesMrs. Popperplay the piano? Why?
4. How does Columbus win the sparring match? Is it fair?
5. How much is Mr. Greenbaumgoing to pay the Poppers? What do they do with the first check?
6. How would you spendthe money?
7. What kind of ice cream do the penguins get?
8. Why are the Popperslate for the train?
9. Why do you think the penguinshave to ride in the baggagecar of the train?
10. Describe how the penguins interfere in one other act.
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#549 Literature Unit
Section 4: Chapters 14-17
Mr. Popper's Penguins
You Be the Critic Teacher Note: Collect a variety of reviews (movies, books, etc.) from the newspaperand bring them to into class. Then distribute the assignmentbelow. ..: Before many people seea play, movie, or opera,they read a review in the newspaperto find out if a critic thought it was good. A critic is someonewho reviews theseeventsand writes about the good and bad parts for the newspaperor television. Read the reviews your teacherbrought into class. Discuss with your classmateswhether or not the critic thought the object of the review was any good. How can you tell? Now, use your imagination to pretend you are a newspaper critic. Your assignmentis to review Popper's Performing Penguins. Here are somethings to consider: 1. What did you like about the performance? 2. What didn't you like about the performance? 3. How did you feel during the performance? 4. What suggestionsdo you have? Brainstorm your ideas here. Write your review on the back.
When your review is ready,it will be collectedwith everyoneelse'sreview to make a classanthology. Discussyour findings and the consensusof the class. #549 Literature Unit
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Section4: Chapters14-17
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Popper'sPenguins:Take1 Welcome to Hollywood! You are in chargeof making a commercial for a product, using Popper's Performing Penguinsas your "spokes" penguins. You have one week to prepareyour commercial. If done right, you could make millions. Good luck!
Helpful tips to get you started: 1 . Decide on a product. 2 . Come up with a sloganor jingle. a J.
Decide on how you are going to presentyour commercial. You may act it out or draw it on storyboards. If you act it out, be sure to have props ready. Note: Everyone in the group must have a part in the presentationor take part in creating and presenting the storyboards.
4. You are trying to sell a product, so rememberto look your audiencein the eye when you give your presentation.
5 . lf you have any questions,ask the producer (teacher). Group Members: 1. 2. a
5. Product: Slogan or Jingle:
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#549 Literature Unit
Section4: Chapters14-17
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Mappinglt Out The Poppersare on the road for ten weeks. In that time, they go to nine different cities. List the cities on the lines below and mark each one with a small dot on the map. Then connect the dots.
El Paso San Angelo.
An l o n o .
h o u sb n '
Use the scaleto figure out the miles (kilometers) traveled from one city to the other as askedbelow. Be sureto include the miles (kilometers)traveledto get through all the cities betweenthe two given places. 1. Seattleto Milwaukee 2. Chrcagoto Detroit 3. Philadelphiato Boston 4. Minneapolisto Cleveland 5. Seattleto Boston #549 Literature Unit
@ Teacher Created Resources,Inc.
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Section 4: Chapters 14-17
Let'sTalk \Ir. Popperhas agreedto do an interview with your class this week. In order to do a good interview, r ou must prepareyour questionsaheadof time. In the spacesbelow, write five questionsthat you n ould like to ask Mr. Popper about himself, his family, the penguins,or his trip to the North Pole. 1.
On the day of the interview,everyonewill be able to ask one question. Star the questionyou would most like to ask. On the back, discussyour feelings and thoughts about the entire interview. Teacher Note: A staff member,parent volunteer, or friend must play the role of Mr. Popper. This person needsto be familiar with the eventsof the book and Mr. Popper's characteroverall. @ Teacher Created Resources,Inc.
#549 Literature Unit
Sectinn5: Chapters18-20
Mr. Popper's Penguins
QuizTime 1. On the back of this paper,write a one-paragraphsummary of the section. 2. What mistake does Mr. Popper make?
3. What happensas a result of his mistake?
4. Name one mistake you have made and tell what happened.
5. What happensto the penguins while they are in jail?
6. Who pays Mr. Popper'sbail?
7. What are Mr. Popper'schoicesfor the penguins?
8. Why is Mrs. Poppergetting$25,000?
9. Does Mr. Poppermake a wise decision? Why or why not?
10. Name three things Mr. Popper should take on the trip with him. Tell why they are needed.
#549 Literature Unit
@ Teacher Created Resources,Inc.
Section5: Chapters18-20
Mr. Popper'sPcnguins
Acrose of a region 4. weatherconditions 5. to produceoffspring or chance 7. betterposition 10. obvious 1 1 . to s uppl y 12. wornappearance 13. be withoutsomething @ Teacher Created Resources,Inc.
Down 1. powerto changesomething 2. lowand huskyin sound 3. meanor violent 5. strong 6. common 8. irritated 9. usedas a rampon a ship #549 Literature Unit
Section5: Chapters18-20
Mr. Popper'sPenguins
Debate We make many decisionseveryday: what to wear, buy, do, and so forth. Before we make any of our decisions. Somedecisions decisions,however,we think aboutthe advantagesand disadvantages are more complicated than others and require more thought. Mr. Popper has a very hard decision to make at the end of the book. What decision does he make?
Which option do you think he should have chosen?
You will be put in a group with those who made the samechoice as you. As a team, you will have a debatewith the other team to determinewhich decision is better. In order for the debateto work, both sideshave to prepareargumentsfor their choice. Use the back of this paper to list all the advantages and disadvantagesof your team's decision. Your teacherwill monitor the debateand serve as the judge. After the debate,list at least three argumentsthe opposite team made in defenseof their decision. l.
Now that you have heard both sides,how do you feel about the subject?
#549 Literature Unit
@ Teacher Created Resources,Inc.
Section5: Chapters18-20
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Makea BalloonGlobe You will have the world in your hands when you finish this activity! Here is what you will need: . 9" (22.5 cm) blue balloon . 4" (10 cm) squarepiece of posterboard . black permanentmarker . green permanentmarkert . globe (as a reference) Directions: 1. Blow up the balloon and tie the end. Be careful not to overfill the balloon. You want to keep a round shape. The knot will representthe South Pole.
2 . Use the marker to mark the North Pole. a
Draw all sevencontinentson the balloon. Be careful not to presstoo hard or the balloon may
4. Cut a smallX in the middleof the posterboardsquare.Insert the knot of the balloon throush the opening so that the balloon will stand up straight. Fill in the continentswith sreen marker.
6 . When the balloon is dry, draw the prime meridian and equator with the black marker. Answer thesequestions: a. What continentsdoes the equator passthrough?
b. What continents does the prime meridian passthrough?
c. Where do the prime meridian and equator intersect?
d. Use the marker to indicate your city on the globe. How far east is it from the prime meridian?
How far north is it from the equator? @ Teacher Created Resources,Inc.
#549 Literature Unit
Section 5: Chapters 18-20
Mr. Popper's Penguin
LettersHome For this activity, you must pretend that you are a crew member on Admiral Drake's expedition to the North Pole. Before you left, your family askedyou to write a letter that tells them about your trip.
Before you begin writing, you may want to brainstorm answersto some of the following questionsand include the information in your letter: What eventshave occurred? How do you feel? Are there any problems? What does the North Pole look like? When you are ready, use the friendly letter format above to write your letter. #549 Literature Unit
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Mr. Popper's Penguins
After the Book
Any Questions? When you finishedreadingMr Popper'sPenguins,did you have somequestionsthat were left unanswered?Write someof your questionshere.
Work in groupsor by yourself to preparepossibleanswersfor someor all of the questionsyou have askedaboveand thosewritten below. When you have finished your predictions,shareyour ideaswith the class. Does Mr. Popperreturn home? How? When? How has Stillwater changedsincehe left? Is the expeditionto establisha penguincolony at the North Pole successful?Why or why not? How doesMrs. Popperspendthe $25,000? What will Mr. Popper read about now? Why? To whom willMr. Popperwrite next? What will he write? How are Janie and Bill received at school after being away for so long? What happensto the penguin familY? On what expedition will Admiral Drake go next? Give details. What doesMrs. Popperdo while Mr. Popperis away? . Does the family get anotherpet? If so, what kind? Why do they choosethis type of pet? @ Teacher Created Resources,Inc.
#549 Literature Unit
After the Book
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Book Reportldeas There are many ways to sharea book you havejust finished reading. Chooseone activity from the list below or create one of your own to shareMr. Popper's Penguinswith the school and your family.
Performance With a parlner, act out your favorite scenefrom the book for another class. Be sure to affange a time with the other teacher. Consider whether or not you will read cards, memorize, or improvise. You may want to considercostumes.
Book Review Write a critical review of the book for the school newspaper. Be sure to include your responses to questionssuchas these: Would you recommendit? Why or why not? What do you like most about it?
Book Jacket Design a new cover for the book. Rememberto include the author's name, the title, and a short summary on the back. Do not forget the spine of the book. Get suppliesfrom your teacher.
Diorama Make a three-dimensionalpicture of your favorite scenein a small box and display it in the library with a short summary of the book. Be sure to ask your librarian if there is a special spot in which your project can be displayed.
Interview With a partner,pretend that you will be interviewing a characterfrom the book on a television show. One person should be the host, and the other should be the character. You can conduct the interview live for the class or tape it and show it at a pre-arrangedtime. Write a radio or television commercial advertising the book. Record it on tape or perform it live at a pre-arrangedtime for your class or another class. You may want to consider the use of props, costumes,and samplesof the product.
Penguin Performance In a group of three or four, createa fourth act for the penguins to perform on their tour. Perform it for your class. You must pick the music and decidehow the penguinswould react to it. Explain this to the class after your performance.
Sequel Write an introduction for the sequelto the book. It should be at least five typed pageslong. You might considerthesetopics: Mr. Popper'sexperienceat the North Pole; the boat ride; how the penguins liked the north; what the rest of the Popper family did in Stillwater while Mr. Popper was away; what happenedwhen Mr. Popper returned.
#549 Literature Unit
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Mr. Popper'sPenguins
After the Book
Researchldeas What are three things fuom Mr. Popper's Penguinsabout which you would like to learn more?
2. a
Decidewith your teacherwhetheryou will do an individual or group project. Then decideon a topit-. Use a suggestionfrom the list below or use one of your own. (Use the spacebelow to write your topic ideas.) Shareyour researchwith your classin any appropriateform that you have discussedwith l our teacher. . Antarctica - Exploration - Scienceat the SouthPole - Animal Life - Ice Formation . Explorers - Admiral Byrd - Marco Polo - Hernan Cortes - Lewis and Clark - Robert Scott - Matthew Henson - Leif the Lucky - Ferdinand Magellan - Henry Hudson
. Circuses (Animal Acts) - History - Ringling BrothersCircus . Climates of the World - Differences - Animal Adaptation Theaters - History - FamousTheaters - A FamousPlay or Musical - Role of Agents . Painting - Typesof Paint - TechniquesUsed - FamousArtists or Paintings
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#549 Literature L tttt
Culminating Activity
Mr. Popper's Penguins
CreateYourOwnAnimalAct The Poppershave a successfulpenguin act becausethey plan their act with great care and spendmuch time practicing. Eventually,it pays off and they make $5.000a week. In this culminating activity, you will createyour own animal act. Each step is describedbelow and on pages4I and42. A. Choosean animal speciesto use in your act. Use the diagrambelow to brainstormideas.
Animal ldeas
B. Chooseone animal from above and explain why you are going to use it for your act.
C. Answer thesequestions: . How many of theseanimalswill you use? . What and how much do these animal eat? . Where will you keep them? #549 Literature Unit
@ Teacher Created Resources,Inc.
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Culminating Activity
CreateYour Own Animal Act (con,) D. Choosethe music you will use in your act. Circle three types of music from the list below. country waltz rap
classical rock blues
Jazz oldies children's
march opera alternative
E. For eachof your three selectionsabove,list a songtitle if you have one in mind. If not, simply write down the type of music. Then describethe act you could develop, using that song or type of music. Remember,the actions must resemblenatural movementsand behaviors of your animal specles. 1.
F. What about practice? In the spacebelow, describewhen, where, and how long you will rehearse.
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#549 Literature Unil
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Culminating Activity
CreateYour Own Animal Act (con ) G. The next step is to choosecities in which to tour. Your agent wants you to tour in ten cities on the continent to which your animal is native. List the continent and the cities in order on the following lines. Continent: l.
2. 3. 4.
5. 6.
8. 9. 10. H. How many weeks will it take you to complete the tour? I. Now, you needa catchynamefor your animal act. The Poppersused an alliteration:Popper's Performing Penguins. Brainstorm an idea and write it in the box below.
Why is this a catchyname?
J. Now you need to think about money.
1 . How much will you chargefor tickets? 2 . How much is your agentgoing to pay you per week? a J.
When the tour is much will vou have made?
4 . What expenseswill you have along the way? 5 . What will you do with your profits? #549 Literature Unit
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Unit Test:Option I
Mr. Popper's Penguins
UnitTest Matching: Match the name of each characterwith his or her description. 1. Admiral Drake
A. a painterin Stillwater
2. CaptainCook
B. two penguins
3. Janieand Bill
C. penguin who lives in the refrigerator
4. Mr. Popper
D. explorer of the Antarctic
5. Mr. Greenbaum
E. agentwith a contract
6. Scott and Jenny
F. Mr. Popper's children
True or False: Write true or false next to each statement. 1. Mr. Poppercreatesan act basedon the penguins'reactionsto music and because he needsmoney. 2. Popper's Performing Penguinstour Europe. 3. The story is told from CaptainCook's point of view. 4. Becausethe penguinsare popular,they are usedin a commercialfor dog food. 5. Mrs. Popperplays the piano during the penguins'act. 6. There are three parts in the penguins' act. Short Answer: Provide a short answerfor eachquestion. l. How doesMr. Popperget CaptainCook?
2. Why does Greta arrive? 3. How doesMr. Poppermake the penguinsfeel at home? 4. Why do the penguinsget off the bus?
5. Why doesMr. Popperleavehis family?
Essay: Answer eachof thesequestionsin detail on the back of this paper. Use additionalpaperif you needmore room. 1. Is a penguina good pet? Why or why not? 2. How would the end of the story changeif Mr. Popperdid not go to the North Pole? 3. Would you have gone with the Admiral? Explain why or why not. @ Teacher Created Resources,Inc.
#549 Literature Unit
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Unit Tbst:Option2
Response Explain the meaning of each of thesequotationsfrom the story. Chapter L:
"But what womiesme is the money. I have saveda little, and I daresaywe can get along as we have other winters."
"Perhaps," thought Mr Poppe4 "all that white tiling reminds him of the ice and snow at the SouthPole. Poor thing, maybehe's thirsty."
"I supposenow youwant me to take the door offits hingesto let in a little more ain"
"Takeyour SouthPole gooseawayfrom me at once."
Chapter 10:
"I will leaveyou somepills. Give him one everyhour. Thenyou can try feeding him on sherbetand wrapping him in ice packs. But I cannotgive you any encouragement becauseI am afraid it is a hopelesscase."
Chapter 13:
"I have a better idea. Wewill keepthepenguins. Mamma, you have heard of trained seals,acting in theaters?"
Chapter 14:
"Well, if I hear any complaints,off theygo ot the next corner."
Chapter L5:
"The other penguinsaII like Columbusto win, and so they all say 'Gook!' at the end. That always makesNelson look away,so Columbuscan sock him good."
Chapter 16:
"And you must remembermy love, . . . that travel is very broadening."
Chapter L8:
"Bill, you run out of the theaterand call thepolice to comeand try to savesomeof our penguins."
Chapter L9:
"You'refree, Mr Popper There'safriend of yours here."
Chapter 20:
"I want you to know how much I appreciateyour offer of putting my birds in the movies. But I am afraid I have to refuse."
#549 Literature Unit
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Unit Test:Option 3
Mr. Popper'sPenguins
Conversations Work in size-appropriategroups to write and perform the conversationsthat might have occurred in eachof the followinssituations. Janieand Bill are home when CaptainCook arrives.(2 people) Mrs. Popperdoesnot let Mr. Popperkeep CaptainCook. (2 people) Admiral Drake deliversthe penguinin person.(4 people) The repairmanwants to buy CaptainCook. (3 people) The family discusseswhat to do when Greta and CaptainCook do not get along. (6 people) Neighborsconfront Mr. Popperaboutthe penguins.(5 people) Someonewants to buy a penguinegg. (3 people) The penguinsdiscusstheir feelingsaboutthe Poppers.(12 people) Friendsof Bill and Janiewant to seethe penguins.(5 people) A bill collectorcomesto collect overduepayments.(3 people) A penguingetslost in the crty.(5 or 6 people) During the act, a penguinfalls and getshurt. (7 people) Mr. and Mrs. Popperdiscussgetting a tutor for the children. (2 people) Bill and Janieare upsetaboutMr. Popperleaving. (3 people) Mr. Popperdoesnot go with the penguinsand has to say goodbyeto each one.(13 people1 Admiral Drake asksthe entire family to go on the trip. (5 people) Additional idea: Perform one of your own conversationsusing the charactersfrom Mr Popper's Penguins. Write your conversationidea here.
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#519 Literature L-rtir