IMA 2017 Joint Conference Call for Session ... - AMM Conference

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Des Moines is often considered “the next Austin” for its vibrant arts ... companies. Des Moines is ... to support an
AMM - IMA 2017 Joint Conference Call for Session Proposals The Association of Midwest Museums and Iowa Museum Association are pleased to announce the Call for Proposals ​ for ​Strong Roots and Thriving Communities, the 2017 Annual Conference and Meeting to be held in Des Moines, Iowa on July 12-15, 2017. ⭑Online submission only at⭑ ⭑Proposals due December 16, 2016⭑

About the Theme All too frequently, museums are characterized - sometimes even by themselves - as being important principally as sites for informal education and/or self-directed learning....To conceive of museums in so narrow and constricted a way is to omit entirely - or, at least, to greatly obscure - the many other rich and important ways beyond the educational in which they are able to provide a range of public benefits. - Stephen E. Weil, Making Museums Matter Museums have great strength in the objects and works of art that they uphold and the stories of culture, innovation, and creativity that they share. Museums bring the world to the doorsteps of many who would not see it otherwise and have a role to play in developing the next generation of leaders and innovators. This year’s theme suggests that, as Stephen Weil stated, museums have endured for centuries, but not because they have remained as simply venues for exploring endless subjects. They have become community anchors in many urban areas, essential to quality of life for their communities and attractors for businesses. Museums have worked for decades to engage their surrounding communities through after-school programs, outreach, and exhibits. But the quest has not ended, as communities, demographics, and dynamics change. Strong Roots & Thriving Communities honors this long history of museums in the Midwest while challenging the museum profession to think about the future of museum-community relationships. ● ● ● ●

What have we accomplished as an industry to-date? What is our role in the future? What best practices exist in regard to understanding community dynamics, addressing needs of community members, and engaging diverse audiences? Museums have a range of assets; how are they or could they be using those resources to enhance quality of life, create a sense of place, address issues of social justice, etc.? In what ways can and have museums pushed beyond being essential resources for history and education to relevant spaces for meaning-making?

Get Inspiration from Des Moines “Des Moines is filled with hardworking, highly educated people who are accessible and willing to help. That doesn’t happen everywhere.” - Kuuku Saah Banks, INclusion magazine, 2014 Edition The theme ​Strong Roots and Thriving Communities was inspired by Des Moines, Iowa, our host city. Des Moines is often considered “the next Austin” for its vibrant arts community and it is now on every “top cities” list and a draw for more than big companies. Des Moines is growing steadily and has become home to many students, young professionals, entrepreneurs, families, and empty-nesters. Des Moines is booming with diverse communities, it’s people are engaged, and it’s leaders are committed to working together to ensure that this growth continues. In fact, all Iowans are encouraged and empowered to get creative and find new ways to support and sustain their culturally rich communities. In 2015, the Washington Post documented “​4 Maps that Show How Demographic Change Will Touch Every Corner of the Country​” featuring predictions from the Urban Institute of population densities of white, Hispanic, and black populations in the United States in 2030. Populations are shown to shift significantly, but one thing that doesn’t change across all four maps is the growth of ​every p ​ opulation in the city of Des Moines. Why? In short, Des Moines is teeming with creative, collaborative leaders who care about art, history, culture, education, and diversity. In particular, local museums have played an integral role in the development of Des Moines into the city we see today - culturally rich, modernly hip, full of life, and teeming with public art. Pictured Above: Papajohn Sculpture Park, Des Moines, Iowa; Courtesy of Des Moines Art Center, Photo by Cameron Campbell

Propose a Session, Poster, or Workshop We challenge you to bring community engagement and audience development ideas, solutions, direct experiences, and research to your colleagues. Let’s reflect on our past efforts, celebrate accomplishments, analyze challenges, and work together on a path forward. Consider these topics related to the conference theme, S ​ trong Roots and Thriving Communities: ● Culture building community vitality ● Inspirational community stories ● Groundbreaking collaborative projects ● Role of museums in social justice ● Audience research breakthroughs ● Innovative solutions for accessibility ● Audience impact and advocacy ● Interpreting and understanding demographics Broader topics have been requested in post-conference surveys and we encourage you to also consider preparing sessions that address the following needs in our professional community: ● Evaluation methodology ● Change management ● Financial sustainability ● Exhibit development and design ● Project management

Selection Criteria Proposals will be reviewed for their relevance to the conference theme, relevance to professional development needs in the industry, clarity of content and learning objectives, and diversity of perspectives and presenters. The program committee reserves the right to make suggestions to improve proposals. This might include adding or changing speakers, expanding your topic to include other examples, or merging your session with one that is similar. This is done in an effort to provide the best overall line-up for conference attendees.

Schedule Proposals are due by December 16, 2016. T ​ he 2017 Conference Planning Committee will send notifications in January 2017. Please note that selection notifications will be sent during the Early Bird Registration period. Session presenters are encouraged to take advantage of the lowest rates available.

How to Submit a Proposal Proposals must be submitted using the AMM online submission form: Please be prepared with the following information before completing the online form. The form does not allow you to save draft proposals. ● ● ● ● ●

Session Chair Information - name, company, address, email, and phone information Presenter Information - list of presenters, including name, company, and email address Format - select from a list of options (detailed below) Proposal Narrative - detailed description of the focus of your session Learning Outcomes - a few statements that capture what participants will know or be able to do as a result of your session; Limit 100 words Brief Description - Provide a short, punchy description of your session that can be used in conference promotions.

Session Chairs and Presenters Presenters can be a mix of museum professionals, students, and service providers. At least ONE museum representative must be on your panel. (Please note that corporate members have additional presentation opportunities in relation to exhibiting and sponsoring the conference.) Session Chairs are responsible for organizing the session and relaying session information. AMM maintains contact ONLY with the Session Chair. Once sessions are announced, Chairs will receive relevant schedule and setup information as it is available. Communications will come from ​[email protected]​. Please whitelist this email address to ensure receipt. Presenters must be confirmed and available to present any day of the conference July 12-15, 2017. Sessions are scheduled to provide an enticing and relevant conference program. There are many factors that go into scheduling sessions, such as topic, theme, and room availability. We ask that when you submit a session proposal, you are available the breadth of the conference dates. Presenters are required to register and pay the conference registration fee. A ​ ny changes to presenter lists must be sent to AMM before May 1, 2017.

Session Formats and Setup Sessions are 75 minutes (1 hour 15 minutes) long. Conference sessions may be structured in any of the following ways, or by another means of delivery that is well thought out and described: ●

Poster:​ Using poster-board sized displays, share research, case studies, and student projects. Posters will be located in a “free flow” space where attendees can engage one-on-one with presenters. AMM will provide easels or tables for displays.

Traditional Panel: ​In this more traditional format, multiple presenters share information using slideshow presentations in a theater setup. Panels will be limited to no more than 3 speakers plus a chair to ensure adequate time for presentations.

Roundtable Discussions:​ Facilitate discussions among small groups in a roundtable format. Rooms will be set up with multiple roundtables.

Debate: ​Encourage and demonstrate dialogue. Seek lively, knowledgeable speakers to present opposing views. Ensure that you have a strong debate moderator (session chair).

Pre-Conference Workshop:​ Consider proposing skill-building, hands-on workshops. Workshops must be accomplishable within 3-4 hours, though the committee is willing to consider proposals for all-day workshops. Workshop space is very limited. AMM will secure venues for workshops that can accommodate roundtable or classroom setups.

All breakout session rooms will be equipped with projector, screen, microphone, audio hookup, and 6 ft table. Presenters are expected to bring their own laptops and connector cables. AMM will connect you to hotel AV staff for additional technology needs.

Questions to Consider While Preparing a Proposal ●

Proposals must be clear, concise and fully describe the point of your session. W ​ hat is the focus or big idea?

Specify educational outcomes. ​What will attendees learn or accomplish during the session or workshop? What practical knowledge, industry advances, tools, or tips are presented?

Ideal presentations connect to the conference theme.​ Does your project, research, or lesson relate to topics such as audience development and community engagement?

Think creatively about your presentation format. W ​ hat format will best support your content? Will your presentation prompt dialogue?

Be clear about the relevance of your content to a variety of audiences. A ​ re key issues or trends addressed? Do you have innovative ideas, practices, or partnerships? Is your topic universally relevant, across disciplines and even roles?

Case studies should exemplify best practices, lessons-learned, or impact on community. What happened? How was it evaluated? What were key internal or external factors at play?