European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.32 No.1 (2009), pp.48-58 © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2009
Image Encryption Using DCT and Stream Cipher Lala Krikor Faculty of Information Technology, Applied Science University Amman 11931, Jordan E-mail:
[email protected] Sami Baba Faculty of Information Technology, Applied Science University Amman 11931, Jordan E-mail:
[email protected] Thawar Arif Faculty of Information Technology, Applied Science University Amman 11931, Jordan E-mail:
[email protected] Zyad Shaaban Faculty of Information Technology, Applied Science University Amman 11931, Jordan E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract In this work we present a new method for image encryption by selecting specific higher frequencies of DCT coefficients that taken as the characteristic values, and encrypting them, and the resulted encrypted blocks are shuffled according to a pseudorandom bit sequence. Selective encryption is a recent approach to reduce the computational requirements for huge volumes of images.
Keywords: DCT, Image Encryption, Stream Cipher
1. Introduction Nowadays, information security is becoming more important in data storage and transmission. Images are widely used in several processes. Therefore, the protection of image data from unauthorized access is important. Image encryption plays a significant role in the field of information hiding. Image hiding or encrypting methods and algorithms range from simple spatial domain methods to more complicated and reliable frequency domain ones. It is argued that the encryption algorithms, which have been originally developed for text data, are not suitable for securing many real-time multimedia applications because of large data sizes. Software implementations of ciphers are usually too slow to process image and video data in commercial systems. Hardware implementations, on the other hand, add more cost to service providers and consumer electronics device manufacturers. A major recent trend is to minimize the computational
Image Encryption Using DCT and Stream Cipher
requirements for secure multimedia distribution by “selective encryption” where only parts of the data are encrypted. A classification of the proposed schemes from the open literature is given in Table 1 [1]. There are two levels of security for digital image encryption: low level and high-level security encryption. In low-level security encryption, the encrypted image has degraded visual quality compared to that of the original one, but the content of the image is still visible and understandable to the viewers. In the high-level security case, the content is completely scrambled and the image just looks like random noise. In this case, the image is not understandable to the viewers at all. Selective encryption aims at avoiding the encryption of all bits of a digital image and yet ensuring a secure encryption. The key point is to encrypt only a small part of the bitstream to obtain a fast method [2]. With the rapid progress of Internet, in recent years, to establish the transmission of images, highly reliable and high-speed digital transmission is required. Besides this, Internet applications have to deal with security issues. Internet users exasperate potential security threats such as eavesdropping and illegal access. They want to be protected and to ensure their privacy. Network security and image encryption has become important and high profile issues. Most traditional or modern cryptosystems have been designed to protect textual data. An original important and confidential plaintext is converted into cipher text that is apparently random nonsense. Once the cipertext has been produced, it is saved in storage or transmitted over the network. Upon reception, the ciphertext can be transformed back into the original plaintext by using a decryption algorithm. However, images are different from text. Although we may use the traditional cryptosystems (such as RSA and DES-like cryptosystems) to encrypt images directly, it is not a good idea for two reasons. One is that the image size is much greater than that of text, so the traditional cryptosystems need much time to directly encrypt the image data. The other problem is that the decrypted text must be equal to the original text. However, this requirement is not necessary for image; a decrypted image containing small distortion is acceptable due to human perception[3]. Table 1:
Classification of selective encryption schemes
Type of data
Frequency domain
Encryption Algorithm
Cheng & Li, 2000
No algorithm is specified.
Droogenbroeck & Benedett, 2002
DES, Triple DES and IDEA
Pommer & Uhl, 2003
Cheng & Li, 2000 Droogenbroeck & Benedett, 2002 Podesser, Schmidt & Uhl, 2002
No algorithm is specified.
Spatial Domain
What is encrypted? Pixel and set related significance information in the two highest pyramid levels of SPIHT Bits that indicate the sign and magnitude of the non-zero DCT coefficients Subband decomposition structure Quadtree structure Least significant bitplanes Most significant bitplanes
Several selective encryption methods have been proposed for DCT compressed images. Droogenbroeck and Benedett [4] selected AC coefficients from compressed images for encryption. In their method the DC coefficients are not ciphered because they carry important visible information and they are highly predictable. The compression and encryption stages are separated in this approach and this requires an additional operating cost. Fisch et al. [5] have proposed a partial image encryption where the data are organized in a scalable bitstream form [6]. The variety of applications for secure multimedia requires either full encryption or selective encryption. However, there is a huge spectrum of applications that demands security on a lower level,
Lala Krikor, Sami Baba, Thawar Arif and Zyad Shaaban
as for example that ensured by selective encryption (SE). Such approaches reduce the computational requirements in networks with diverse client device capabilities. The goal of SE is to encrypt a well defined range of parameters or coefficients. The security level of SE is always lower when compared with the full encryption. However, SE decreases the data size to be encrypted and consequently requires lower computational time. Confidentiality is very important for lower powered systems such as for example wireless devices. Always, when considering image processing applications on such devices we should use minimal resources. However, the classical ciphers are usually too slow to be used for image and video processing in commercial low powered systems. The selective encryption (SE) can fulfill the application requirements without the overhead of the full encryption. In the case of SE, only the minimum necessary data are ciphered [7]. In [8] a technique was proposed, called zigzag permutation applicable to DCT-based videos and images. On one hand this method provides a certain level of confidentiality, while on the other hand it increases the overall bit rate. Combining SE and image/video compression using the set partitioning in hierarchical trees was used in [9]. However, this approach requires a significant computational complexity. A method that does not require significant processing time and which operates directly on the bit planes of the image was proposed in [10]. An approach that turns entropy coders into encryption ciphers using statistical models was proposed in [11]. In [12] it was suggested a technique that encrypts a selected number of AC coefficients. The DC coefficients are not ciphered since they carry important visual information and they are highly predictable. In spite of the constancy in the bit rate while preserving the bitstream compliance, this method is not scalable. Moreover, the compression and the encryption process are separated and consequently the computational complexity is increased[7]. In this work, we propose a new method of selective encryption for 256-colors and gray color images that is based on encrypting of (Discrete Cosine Transform) DCT coefficients. In the following sections we present the main idea, and discuss its strengths and weaknesses.
2. Discrete Cosine Transform The DCT is a mathematical transformation that takes a signal and transforms it from spatial domain into frequency domain. Many digital image and video compression schemes use a block-based DCT, because this algorithm minimizes the amount of data needed to recreate a digitized image. In particular, JPEG and MPEG use the DCT to concentrate image information by removing spatial data redundancies in two-dimensional images [13]. In the standard JPEG encoding, the representation of the colors in the image is converted from RGB to YCbCr, then the image is decomposed in 8×8 blocks, these blocks are transformed from the spatial to the frequency domain by the DCT. Then, each DCT coefficient is divided by its corresponding constant in a standard quantization table and rounded down to the nearest integer. After this step, the DCT quantized coefficients are scanned in a predefined zigzag order to be used in the final step, the lossless compression as illustrated in fig. 1. In each block the 64 DCT coefficients are set up from the lowest upper left corner) to the highest frequencies (lower right corner) [14]. The most important visual characteristics of the image are placed in the low frequencies while the details are situated in the higher frequencies. The HVS (Human Visual System) is most sensitive to lower frequencies than to higher ones [15].
Image Encryption Using DCT and Stream Cipher
Figure 1: JPEG Compression Algorithm Original Image
Image Division in 8 x 8 block
JPEG Image
Entropy Encoder
Quantizer Matrix
3. Pseudorandom Bits and Sequences A (true) random bit generator requires a naturally occurring source of randomness. Designing a hardware device or software program to exploit this randomness and produce a bit sequence that is free of biases and correlations is a difficult task. Additionally, for most cryptographic applications, the generator must not be subject to observation or manipulation by an adversary [16]. So pseudorandom bit generator is used to create a sequence of bits that appears to be random. Linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) are used in many of the keystream or bit sequence generators that have been proposed in the literature. There are several reasons for this [16]: 1. LFSRs are well-suited to hardware implementation; 2. They can produce sequences of large period; 3. They can produce sequences with good statistical properties; and 4. Because of their structure, they can be readily analyzed using algebraic techniques. As an improvement, Non-Linear Feedback Shift Registers (NLFSRs) are used to overcome the linear complexity of the LFSR, as well as the basic statistical tests. In this work, we used a NLFSR that consists of two 8-bits Shift Registers, with certain feedback functions, and the output of these two registers and XORed to give the pseudorandom bit sequence, as shown in fig. 2. The proposed NLFSR pass four out of the five basic statistical tests to prove the randomness, these tests were: 1. Frequency test (Passed). 2. Serial test (Passed). 3. Poker test (Not Passed). 4. Runs test (Passed). 5. Autocorrelation test (Passed). Figure 2: NLFSR as a Pseudorandom Sequence Generator Pseudorandom Bit Sequence
Pseudorandom Sequence Generator
Bit Sequence Key
4. The proposed Method The proposed method based on the idea of decomposing the image into 8x8 blocks, these blocks are transformed from the spatial domain to frequency domain by the DCT. Then, the DCT coefficients correlated to the higher frequencies of the image block are encrypted using Non-Linear Shift Back
Lala Krikor, Sami Baba, Thawar Arif and Zyad Shaaban
Register (stream cipher). The concept behind encrypting only some selective DCT coefficients (the coefficients [0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [2,0], [1,1], [0,2]) based on the fact that the image details are situated in the higher frequencies, while the human eye is most sensitive to lower frequencies than to higher frequencies [2]. Figure 3, shows the general block diagram of the proposed method of image encryption. Figure 3: Block diagram of the proposed method.
Original Image
Image decomposing in 8 x 8 blocks
Encrypted Image
Selection of some DCT coefficients
Stream Cipher
The proposed algorithm is lossless; hence the images used in such applications are of highly important information, and loosing any amount of information is not allowed. In the followings, we illustrate the encryption, decryption and shuffling of the images. Algorithm Encrypt Color Image Input: Target Image to be encrypted and the stream NLFSR Key values. Output: Encrypted Image Begin Step 1: Read the image header, save the height of the image in variable height & the width in variable width and save the body image in an array imagbody Step 2: Obtain how many blocks exist in an image Row and how many ones in the column, by dividing the width and Height of the image by N, where N is equal to 8 (the required block size). NoRowB = Image Height / N; NoColB = Image Width / N; Step 3: For all blocks in the image perform the following: • Get_block(row_no, col_no) • Perfom a DCT on the block and save the resulted coefficients in an array. • Round the selected coefficients, convert the coefficient [0,0] to its corresponding 12 bits and the other selected coefficients to 11 bits, the 12th bit is used to save the sign of the coefficient. • Encrypt the selected coefficients by XORing the generated bit stream from the NLFSR + Key with the coefficient bits, the sign bit of the selected coefficients will not be encrypted.
Image Encryption Using DCT and Stream Cipher
Perform an Inverse DCT (IDCT) and got the new block values, noting that the resulted values could be positive or negative values, and this due to the encryption step. • Convert the resulted values into its equivalent 9 bits where the first bit is the sign bit (assign 0 for positive pixel value and 1 for negative pixel value) and the remaining bits are the IDCT result values. Noting that this step will construct a 64 x 72 bits map, and this will extend the image block to size 8 × 9 bytes for each block. Step 4: Apply the proposed shuffling algorithm on the resulted blocks. Step 5: Reconstruct the image by having a new width which will increase as a result of adding an additional bit which is the sign value of the pixel End Algorithm Decrypt Color Image Input: Target Image to be decrypted and the Encryption Key Output: Original Image Begin Step 1: Read the image header, save the height of the image in variable height & the width in variable width and save the body image in an array imagbody Step 2: Obtain how many blocks exist in an image Row and how many ones in the column, by dividing the width and Height of the image by N, where N is equal to 8 (the required block size). NoRowB = Image Height / N; NoColB = Image Width / N; Step 3: For all blocks in the image perform the following: • Get a block 8 × 9 from the image by calling the function get_block(row_no, col_no) • Convert the 8 × 9 block into its real 8 × 8 block values, where each 9 bits in the row coverted to its corresponding signed decimal value of the pixel (where 0 bit is a positive and 1 is the negative). • Perfom a DCT on the block and save the resulted values in an array. • Round the selected coefficients, convert the coefficient [0,0] to its corresponding 12 bits and the other selected coefficients to 11 bits, the 12th bit is used to save the sign of the coefficient. • Decrypt the resulted bits by using the generated bit stream from the NLFSR + Key, by performing an XOR operation, the sign bit of the selected coefficients will remain. • Convert the resulted bits into integer values, and join the sign (from the step above) with each integer, if the coefficient is negative multiply it by -1 • Perform an Inverse DCT and got the new blocks Step 4: Reshuffle the block by sending the shuffling keys (K1, K2) which are implicit in the main decryption key, since the shuffling algorithm generates the same row and column numbers, return the shuffled blocks into their original locations. Step 5: Reconstruct the image to get the original Image. End Algorithm: Shuffling Blocks Input: Two primary Keys(K1 & K2), number of blocks in the row(NoRows), number of blocks in the column (NoCols) and the resulted encrypted image saved in an array. Output: A new shuffled image Begin • For I =0 to NoRows • NewRow[I] = (K1 × I) mod NoRows • EndFor
Lala Krikor, Sami Baba, Thawar Arif and Zyad Shaaban • • • • • • • • • • • •
- For I =0 to NoCols NewCol[I] = (K2 × I) mod NoCols EndFor k=0 For I=0 to NoRows For J=0 to NoCols // where the function Move block will move all the contained of block ImageBlock to NewImageBlock MoveBlock (NewImageBlock[I, J], ImageBlock[NewRow[k], NewCol[k]]) K++ EndFor J EndFor I
5. The ciphering KEY In the proposed algorithm the key is composed from 6 bytes where the first 4 bytes is used to generate the pseudo-random sequence to be used in stream cipher of the image, the other two bytes will be two prime numbers used to generate the row and column shuffling numbers, where these numbers will be used later to shuffle the image.
6. Results To prove the performance of the proposed encryption method, a system has been built to implement the proposed algorithms. This system was built using VC#.NET with a simple and friendly user interface. Two experiments will be presented in this section to show the implementation and the results of the proposed method. Figure 4 is a (366 x 248) bmp image, which is used as input to the system in order to be encrypted. Figure 5 shows a (378 x 248) bmp encrypted image resulted from the system. The second experiment deals with another image. Figure 6 is a (368 x 288) bmp input image, and Figure 7 shows a (414 x 288) bmp encrypted image resulted from the system.
7. Discussion In the proposed algorithm the images is highly encrypted since the encryption is done by encrypting the basic frequencies of the image, and the operation is done not by encrypting all the bytes in the image but only special frequencies in which when it return to its corresponding pixel values all the bytes of the image will be affected. Note that the image size will increase in width, since for each byte needs an extra bit for the sign of the pixel value. This will lead to a bigger size of the encrypted image that the plain original image. The main reason of not hiding the sign in LSB for palette color images is the by changing the value of the pixel will effect the resulted decrypted image since each value have different Red, Green, Blue component, while in Gray images the change of the color value will not have the same effect since the pallet of the gray scale have a smooth change from one level to another.
Image Encryption Using DCT and Stream Cipher Figure 4: A (366 x 248) bmp plain image
Figure 5: A (378 x 248) bmp encrypted image
Lala Krikor, Sami Baba, Thawar Arif and Zyad Shaaban Figure 6: A (368 x 288) bmp plain image
Figure 7: A (414 x 288) bmp encrypted image
Image Encryption Using DCT and Stream Cipher
8. Conclusion The proposed encryption method uses the Selective Encryption approach where the DC coefficients and some selective AC coefficients are encrypted, hence the DC coefficients carry important visual information, and it's difficult to predict the selective AC coefficients, this give a high level of security in comparison with methods mentioned above. The algorithm will not encrypt bit by bit the whole image but only selective DCT coefficients will be encrypted, and extra security has been added to the resulted encrypted blocks by using Block Shuffling method depending on two prime numbers, where these two primes will generate sequences or row and column numbers to be used in shuffling. The algorithm considered as a fast image encryption algorithm, due to the selective encryption of certain portion of the image (the DC and some AC coefficients).
Acknowledgement This paper received financial support towards the cost of its publication from the Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies at Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan.
Lala Krikor, Sami Baba, Thawar Arif and Zyad Shaaban
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