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Shunl)' after this \·enture Arthur \\urray es- tabli\hcd his ...... bas been actor, autbor . composer, producer, manager. •.md ou. ..... Ihl' que,tion of mJke-up and \(1.
How to Dance The New Yorker Arthur Munay, Who H •• Taught Half a Million to Dance, Now Teaches Dancing Over the Air. Here I. a Full Description of Hi. Late.t BaUrOOm Dance Creation, Written by Him.. Turn on Your Radio, Tune in a Dance Band, F oUow the Diagram, and The New Yorker Is Y our. Forever TJ,p

fl/ustrations Were Posed B)' Dorothy and Dave Fitzgibbons, Premiere Ballroom Dancers Now Appearing in the Empire Room of the Palmer House, Chicago

01 peopre too timid to take their fir'a fancy steps in flU hlic. Shunl)' after this \·enture Arthur \\urray establi\hcd his now famous school. It hac; p,rown to ama/ing proportions. and justly so. ror he is not onlv :J dancer-he is a born teacher, and both 3 Jlsy·choICl~ist and a good busines~ m:m as well. IIi .. principles are Simple. 1 hey jrc hasetl on five fundamcntal ~teps: Walking, side-')tep, pivot, balance, and waltl.. "Anyone Gin learn them," says Mr. ,\turray. "And everyone ought to." And nO\\,.' that his instructioncicly name h;.I\e bc.:ome radio performer:-, .\\HS. JOCK Will r~EY hein~ amon~ them, though she went on the air with GERSHWIN under tht: name o( l.IZZIE HOPI""allu" .i'h VICKI CHASE and IIERB KINGSLEY, artl..,r... un that ...ho\\, '" ou'\'e heen on the radio quite 3. time now?" she a'iked. "\e:o.." 1\.lIlg~le}'

Words Without Music By Henry Bentinck Every Industry, Every Art, Has Its Individual Word. That Mean Something Clear and Definite Within Itself - Yet So Much Pig-Latin to Outsiders. Here Is the Language Behind the Scenes in Radio

"We couldn't cut," replies Roberts. U\Ve were feedthe round robin and getting ready for a hot ~wltch to ChH:ago_"Well, weren't the fax a bit off, lOO?'" a~ks George. "I think ~." opines Kenneth. "The. scratches iind hits were terrific. I'd like [0 see .the Jailing on the !o,g becau~ I'm afraid someone is gomg to DC on [ne oeacn if there's a repeat." _ " '" had an experience like that," recalls GIVOt. The other day we told the guy ~vith the cans that he was cranking ~ain OII-\ain. The kicks \\e~e up to 10 J? B. \\hen he went to ..,Ieep and faded It out f1gural1 vely. ("he boss \\.:cnt in to check peaks. lie wasJlt.nt y frothed. lie sent Ollt quick for another stude an told the guy to get back to m..ster control and ~it down.". "Remember the catastrophe one mornlO~ some months ago," says Kenneth. "Fa!, went hayWire and we missed two station breaks. B:1S1C and SliPS ",ere .getting the shows, but it was off local. 'I hey kept a plano stand-by going for thirty !TIinu~es.. " "Oh, you get trouble In thlS buslOess, moans Ken· neth, continuing. "I was out on a nemo recently lor a one-shot. We ~ave it a woof and t.hen a final s,hOl when the stude got on the P. L. and :oJld we wert'n t coming through, It wa\ important. too, hecau~ the ~ho'o\ was to be piped to the ag~ncy offices. Anyway, they put on a pi:lIlo stand-by," . "Well, I'd ralher stay off altogether than have It ~arbled with cro$~-talk." . .. "I was on a show with a band last OIght, c;~ys Roberts. "that was perfect. Nothing thick. nothll1g corny, The theme faded in t~'enty se~onds after System, and it was held down 111 the fight places an~ brought up perfectly. We were feeding It over a mOnlrOr to Philadelphia." Ing

Master·Control-room III which the main engineering units are located Mike-microphone MonItor-private line connecting two or more network stations Nemo-prognm originating outside station studio Old Se.xton-a bass with a sepulchral voice One·Shot-program which is on the air for one time only, nilt II series On the Beach-out of II job, unemployed On the Log-an entry in the studio record On the Nos~nding a program on schedule to the second Peaks or Kicks-galvanometer needle swing on a volume indicator Pipe or Patch-a temporary and removable connection in the equipment P. l.-private phone line to a remote control location Round Robin-network setup of private lines whereby a pro· gram can be sent from any given station to the system Scratches-noise caused by faulty equipment Stand·bys-emergency alternates lor programs on the air Station Breaks-ten or twenty seconds allowed for stilltion identification, such as "WASC, New York" Studt-studio engineer Sups-supplementary or regional network Synch-synchronize networks and use one set 01 chimes for both networks System-used by CBS to denote end 01 program-"This is the Columbia Broadcastill9. System." Cue for engineer to SWItch to another studiO Talking In His Beard-a muffled voice Thick-individulli instruments indistinguishable Town Crier-one who sings too loud Up 10 O. B_-indlcates II very high volume of reproduction Vee-eye-volume indIcator Woof-a meaningless word used to test microphones

ill and ;\1 ike, th~ v~sitors, _were looking consider~bly ill at ea~ by thiS lime. 1 hey knew \\hen they "'ere licked. They rose as one man and headed for the elevator. . ' "Glada metcha, fellac;," said BIll over hiS shoulder. I he elevator sped downward. In the street, ~hke linally regained his power of speech. . .. "Va gotteny idea wottose guyze wuz talkln about? asks ;\\ike. .. "t'\aw," replies Bill, "dey doooa howta talk yet. fhen he added as an afterthought: "Itz goodta here a guy speak in' English!". Other noo-technicians might be intere!'>ted In know1I1g that Givot and Robe.rts. were disc~ssing some of the major operations of radiO III the ordll1ary language of the studios. Radio III the last fourteen years has developed a slang of its own. The radio listeners of. the ~ountry, as well as H. T. Webster, the cartOOnist, might be intere~ted in a translation of the conversation between Kenneth and George. Anyway, here is a glossary of radio slang terms:


SalS George Ghot: ,,) thought your show ~as fuzzy. You had on a town crier trying to bust his pipes, and your speaker was too corny"


iya, J\1ike! Whereya goin'? Watch:... doin' inda radio ..ta5hun?" "Ilarya, Bill! Oh, fought I'd look around ata :itars. Wherya goin' yas:iclf?" "Oh, me? I knowa nouncer what nounces onna radio. I'm goill' uppen scum. Wanta cumma long?" "Sure, I gota yen fer nouncers. Lika be one musself. Where illis nouncer ya know?" "Here yiz now. Lemme introduce Kenneth Roberts. This, listeners, IS only a beginning. The worst i!l yet to come. Kenneth Roberts, he of I he educated radio voice, has been speaking with George Givot, the CBS Greek Ambassador. Kenneth introduces George to his '·friend" whom he has probably met on one of his rambles abollt lown. I hey sit down together and George and Kenneth carryon the conversation they were holding before they were Joined by their two admirers. "As I was saying," continued Kenneth, "I went out on nemo last night and ran into a show that was a honey. I got ready and woofed the mikes to AO on basic. got a good synch and we were off on the nose." "You don't say!" replies George. Away from the mike he talks his un-ambassadorial language. "I thought the show was fuzzy. You had on a town crier trxmg to bust his pipes, and your ~peaker was too corny.' "You're t~lJing me?" snaps Kenneth. "If that show wasn't down III the soup. it'll do until ...oup comes along."


he exponents at the New Yorkish language bend a couple of cauJiOowered ears. I hey turn slightly pale

~imulate under..,tanding. "I'm ~orry 1 heard it," declares Givot. "When you get an old "exton talking into his beard, System can·t come too soon."



GLOSSARV Announcer's Oelight-announcer's switching control box Basics-the basic or main network Bluty-a blasting sound due to too much volume Bring it up-an order to increase volume . Bug Juice-term describing carbon tetrachlonde Cans-headpieces Check Peaks-comparison of "peaks" on two or more programs ... Corny-lacki,ng culture, hick Cranking Gain-keeping program volume Within prutluJ limits or noise picked up from foreign source Cue-pre.arranged word which signals another part of a pro· gram to begin Down in the Soup-a very I,w reproduction volume Fade-in or Fade-out-9radual increase or reduction in volume Fax-facilities of the broadcasting company Feed-to wire a program Fighting ttte Music-lacking ease in singing Fill-In-those who stand by In cue ~ nemo program fails t. come through Final Shot-last test for a nemo program Frothed~ngry

Fuzzy-a program lacking darity Haywire-relates to equipment in poor condition Hits-stlort, cracking noises in a program Hold it Down-an order to reduce voJume Hop-power Hot Switch~ rapid program transfer from one point of origl. to another

Replies Kenneth Roberts: "You're telJinJ:" me? If that show wasn't down in the soup. it'll do until soup comes along"




Chief Ed Wynn , The Perfect Fool By Jack Banner After One "Daring Venture into Show Business, Youthful Ed Returned Home--and into His Father'. Commercial House. How Long He Stayed-His Reason for Quitting-Make This Phase of His Life Story the Most Absorbing So Far

Durrng 1m thirty years nI shcnc busitflSS Ed Wynn bas been actor, autbor. composer, producer, manager •.md ou.'1Itf 0/ tbree Broadkay sma!b bits. But Ed's c/Josnt carter tL"as jar from his latber's plans lor him. The lalbeT '[hn B. Kellllech. ulk; WEM WeSH WOES' WTAG WJAR WCY-Miners Quartt!1

NBC-Harry Reser's Orch. i Ray Heatherlon i Pel/; La Centr.t: WEAF WEEI WBES WJAR WC~H WTAG WGY wnc NIlC-\lortOIl Downey, tenor; Ray Sinatra's Orch_: \\'JZ WSYR \\H.Uf WBZ Drama: Arthur Puker Fennell): WEAF \\'GY WTIC WEEI WJAR WTAG

WABe WE.\~

7:15 P.M.

4:15 P.M. WHAM-MucicaJ Program WHEe-Variety Workchop tarL a search today for the microphone ~tar.s of the future. The ~eardl will continue through the winter in a .,eries of rcvi ..ed broadca~b O\'er an NB(;'W.lZ network at 9 p. m.




Friday, Dec. 21


Famous Composers


FOLK SIJ'GERS will ren-

der a special program over the CBS\VAGC network from 10:4; to II a. m.


with soloist and ..:horus. will be hC4:lrd o\'cr the CBS-W.\BC net\\ork from 3 to 4 p. m. in an international exchange program arranged by CBS o\"er ~hort "'a\'C from Stodholm. Sweden.










EXCELSIOR ACCORDION MFG_ CO. 333 6tb Ave. (At ttb 5t.)N.Y.C.

TYPISTS-EXTRA MOnEY Make your spare time at home pay you profits copying scripts for writers. Interesting work. Experience unnecessary. We show you how. FREE particulars. Send stamp. TYPISTS' ASSOCIATION, 1794 Hunter Bid,•• Chic.lgo



Calling All Cars

HI.ACI111 ..u'-••_ o_end , .. IL8 93031 O. ~o':.,··;.... delu." fo.' I ... .oe ••"" .... , _

~ ~.v

1.,. ......

I.,. ",....." ...


liond ," t.o .._ . t".... I mon~y H, (:, ·',Hle. w ,_. , , - - , I . ord~r or a bllOk drift will lJt plu6N to ~cnd your du. I . . . . .II•••" "Olio II. pol" . . , "Ieto Gluck's "Orfoo" {Jne of the memorable experiences in our musical existence. The ~teadfa~l devotion of the unrivalled bard of antiquity and his descent into the awewmc realms of Pluto was nenr more touchingly uttered by orchestral in'llfumenh than on last Sunday. .\IT. \\'alter\ conducting uf this music IS Illat':;1t

By Carleton Smith


HEINl{. who sinl'~ for u~ Sunday afternoon (December 23, N Be at 5 p. m.), could promise her listeners no ,grea'er Christmas Jlr~scnt than that she will he with them e"ery Sunday in the New Year.

Make Ready! .\lOS" l TSl \L IS the liturgical elvicc of the ancient Chri~tian mass that \\ill wme from the CalacClmhs oUhide the present site of Home. ~o one who has taken candle in han~l and traveled in these dark and mystcrious caverns will e\"fr for~et it. The music \\ hich we will hear (Dl:~embcr 2;, ~BC at I p. rn.) is inspired by the beliefs and ideals which were born in these vcry Catacombs. The Chri'amas Eve services from the lofty EimeJdon .\\ona...tery in the Swiss Alps will be re~broadcast here the night hefore Christmas. The Cleveland Sym-

phony under ARTlJR RODZI:-;SKI will play Chri~tl1las music and a program of 'ule-tide folk sonRs will come from a small villilge in Cze~hslovaki.3., after a

Program Notes

GlUSEPPE BENTONELLJ Sensational oJlcratic tenor of the ChicaJ{o G rand Opera Com pany, who on Sunday will sing the role of Pinkerton in Mme. Rulledly. near the excerills from this famous 0llera on the Opera Guild program at 8 I). m. EST (7 CST) N nc~ WEAJo' network presentation of J\\aunder's canlata, "Bethlehem." ju~t before miJnig;ht ushers in Chri ..tmas Day in , 'ew 'ork, the chimes of Old Trinity will :'>Ound out Ihe old hymns as they have done for the nation evcr ~ince radio came into existence.

A Radio First Night THE elLISE ,1:\lJ SA:-:BOIl:-; Opera Guild makes its debut . . . a fashionahly dressed audience crowds ~BC's world's largest sllHlio . . . sits Quietly and e"i.pect?-ntl,Y as "Ri~ole.u.o" goes on the ~ir In En~hsh . . . ROSe BA.I\ PTO:>!. ,,"h an orchid in her hlack veh'et cape, looks on interestedly from the first row of spectators ... GIOVAI' I ,1\ARTII'ELLJ. another spectator, throws back his pompadoured gray head to survey the scene . . . on the ~tage JOSEPH I:S:E :\, 'TOI:\E, preuy and youthful. sings her difficult role sensarion:lJly . . . the spectators whisper among themselves "Who i~

SUNDAY. DECEMBER 16 XBC, 9 a. m. Cleveland Heiehts A Capella Omir. \'iHoria's "Popular ~Ieu ..."; Mozilrt's "Lullaby"; Arkaneets....l·s "Dal· of Judgment." CBS, 3 p. m. "'("W York Philharmonic Sl·m. phony. Bruno Waller, conductinll: an AII·Wat!:ner program. Prelude .lnri Good Frid..)" Spell frum "Parl'ifal" j Paul Ahh(H.l.,e and Emanuel Li~t, ~oloi~t~. Sire:frirod hfd and Act I, Seen... til flOIll "Siedried," Paul Althouse and Marek Wind· heim, soloists. NBC, 4 p. Ill. Rh)thm S)mphony. Selections from "Mu~ic in 'he Air"; Chine~e Lullaby j ~Iarch of the :!'I1u"keteer~; Sari Willtt. NBC, 8 p. m. I'llccini'~ "\Iadamt' Bultrrfly" (ill Endish) with Elis_aheth Bethber~ and Giu~eppe Brntonrlli. Wilfred l'E>lIetier, fondurtinll:. CBS, 8 p. Ill. Ford SlJllphony. Elio Pil1za, stellar bass of !\letropolitan Olleril (ornJlilnl. NBC, 8 p. Ill. General Motors Symphony. Karl Krueger, guc,t conductor. Jo!!cph Lhevin· ne, pianist. NBC, 9:45 p. rn. Arm:HHI Girard, bas... baritune, "\Vhen a Man Comes Horne," "Betsy's Boy," "A F.. iry Talc," "Tr,lIrLp~ at Sea." MONDAY, DECEMBER 17 NBC, 1 :45 p. Ill. Mu~i\: Guill!. Brahms Quar. tel in G Millor. Haydn Divertimento in C Major. NBC, 8:30 p. m. Nelson Edlly, haritone, ,lIIrJ I\late Chorus. "Traumerei"; "Brindisi" from "Ham· let." "Pall" lIands I Love" (solos); "Gershwin Concerto, First Movement"; "Indian Love Call" from "Rose I'\hri(""; "Wat('r Boy," "When You're Lying Awake" from "Iolanthe" (solos); "The BrHs of St. Marys." NBC, 10 p. Ill. AII·Foster program arran~ell by John Ta,,-ker lIoward. "Dh Su! 9:30 A.M:. NBC-Eva T;l)'lor. song,: WEAF WBEN wnc ADS-Rbytbm Melodies: WPRO \\'CY-Little Jack Little's Orcb. WI(BW-Happy DIlY~ Revue (CBS)

9:45 A.M:. NBC-Allen Prescott, Wife Saver: WEAF WTlC WTAG WJAR WC'II ADS-Pat and Patty: WPRO WBES-Sally Work's Column WGY-Musical Proeu,m \\-HAM-Mary E. Freeman

10:00 A.A'. NBC-Ne"s; Jobnny Marvin. tf'nor: WEAF WEEI WTAG WBE~ CB5-New'i Mu~ic ~tasten; WADe WORC WFBL WORC WICC WKBW WAAB WFEA WLBZ NBC-Three WJl wDZ WSYR WGY-N_'s; Market 8a~ket \\'NAC-Gretchen Md\tullen, School


10:15 A.1\I, NBC--Clara, Lu 'n' Em; WEAF WEEI WGY WCSII WTIC WBEN CBS-Bill & Ginger: WABC WOKO \\'GR NBC-Edward Madlu(h: WJZ WHAM

WT. W("~H WTAG AH5-Will lIollanrler' .. Or~h.: WPRO \0\ BEN-Stocks & Commodities

1:00 P.M. CB5-Geo'1le Hairs Or~h.: W."-BC WORC WOKO W(in WFEA WORC WEAN WFHL NBC-Barnard Collece Glu Club: Co· lumbia U. Orch.; SPf'akf'r: WEAF \"ITiC WJAR WCY wesl-I WTAG \\BEN-Farm ~rvlI:~ WH.Ut-Rotary Club Spt>aker W~AC-~ews

1:15 P.l\t. !"iBC-Barnarri Colle e Glee Club; Co· lumbia U. Or~h,; SlWak..r; WEEI WBEN CBS-Radio Gos,jp Club: WSAC WGR AHS-Eddie Prior'~ Ort'h.: WPRO WGY-Tbe Southt'CIIers

1:30 P.l\L NBC-Muo;ic Guild; WEAt" wnc WGY WCSH WTAG WJAII C8S-Esther V.. la,' t;metl1ble WABC wone WOKO WHEC WFBL WGR WAAB NBC-Vic &; Sade: WJZ WBZ WSYR Y. N.-News: WNAC \\BEN-Oollan and !':Ierue WHA'l-School of Ihe Air


1:45 P.l\oL CBS-Pat Kenne(h; ..\rt Ka~~f'r, Orcb. WABC WCR \\tFIll W:\'AC NBC-Ranch Btl)!>: WJZ WHAM WSYR t\BC-~lu~ic Guild: WEEI \\'8£;\ AB5-The Ral:amuffins: WPRO \VBZ-Xe", En!l:land\lI:ri~u1ture

2:00 P .... C~~tarif',

Little frencb Prin~ess wABe WHEe WNAC NBC--eros"i Cut~ from Log of Oay: WJZ WSYR WBZ AB5-Dorothy Atkin, songs: WPRO WCY-H~ahh skf'tch WHAM-Rochester Ci"I~ Orchestra


8:30 P.:'!'I.

Indicates High Spot Selections t:15 P.tu. C85-Rtf'cs: WEAF WCSH WTIC" WJAR wn,c WEEI AB5--Cune Cald..r, baritone: WPRO \\'L1EN-Hurlalu III .. lollc;,1 Soclel\ Wey -\latinE'f' Planrs \VH,\M-Ro~hhlf'r ·Ci,·it' ()r~hf:Stra

3:30 P.M. "'Rf·-W, 11 Ih(ho Rnll'W WE.4.f WG Y weslI WTIC \\'FEI WT.\G WJAR WBt.~ SBC-\tu .. i~ \tuic WJZ W8Z WSYR A8~Tt>day·s Willn~r WPRO

3:45 P.I\I.


Ma!ic (SBC)

4:00 P.... 'iot-ehick Webb's Orch: WEAF WICC WOne WTlC America's Littlf' Hou~e; John Erskine, ~Ie t: WABC WSAC WOKO WHEC WCR WLBZ WEt\S WORC WFEA '\ICC wonC WFOL NBC-Betty & Dob, \VJZ WBZ WGY WHA;\1 WSYH WTAG WJAR W8E~

CO~Vi~iti.. g

4:15 P.M.

CPS-Poetic Strill~~ WADC WOKO W/\,AC WEAN "'tBZ WORC WFEA WI( r WORC WFBL NBC-East & Dumke. songs: WJI. WSYR WHZ WIlA~1 NBC-ehi~k Webh~ Orch.: WGY \\TSII WJ:\R WTAC WBEN-Stocks & Community Reports

4:30 PJ\l. NBC-Je!>lers Trif): WEAF WEEI Wey WTI(' WTAG WO£~' CDS-ScI.. n~e S~:t\'i~t' WADC WOKO \\'XAC WGR wnne Wt"EA W£AX WORC ""FHI. WLBl ~BC-Temple of Son~: WJZ W~YR WBZ-Ileahh ~te~~3t:e \\'HA~I-Mu iul I'ro..:ram

4:45 P.M. 'iRC-Lad,· ~ext Door WEAF WEEI WTAG "'JAR ('R"-Dick \1e~lIn.. r'~ Or~h. W.\BC WORC WOKO WOBC WFEA WEAN WLBZ \\ICC WKBW WXAC WBt:lIi-Unde Ben's Club WBZ-Temple of Sont: (NBC) WeY-StQ('k Reports WHAM-Stamp Club

5:00 P.M. NBC-Meredith Will~on'~ Ord1.: WE.4F WEEI W.IAH WBEN WTIC WTAG NHC-\"uur Health: SPf'aker: WJZ WHAM CRS-nit'k ~t ..noer's Orcb.: WFBL WHEC WGR AB~-Pan·Am"riC'an~ Orch.: \\'PRO WBl-:'if',,"' W(i\:'-~Iu~iul Proltram CB"""-SkIPP~·



W,\8e WOKO WEA'" WAAB WORe \\CR WFOL WHEC ~BC-Jackie Heller. tenor: "'JZ \\- BZ-Farm Markl't News WCY -Ja~k & Jill WI-IUt-llnde WiUil, \\' ~.\C-~lale Quartel

5:30 P.OL CBS-Ja~k

ArmSlranlt: WABC WF"BL WOKO wone \\ HEC WEAN Wr.R WNAC

Night 6:00 P.i\! ~BC-Xa,·i..r

ClIut·S Orch WEAf WTAG \\HIt WKBW CB--.Hud: R"'et'Ct W .\BC WFBl W"":C \\':\o\B WOliO VBC-.:\n2"I(O Ff'rdlnilndo'~ Orch. W.JZ WSlR AOS-Fi"hl'r's G~p , En-mbk: WPRO Y. X-Xl''''': WORC W:\".\C \\ ur"-:..oe"'. II'Juwhu!-lAon Snara's Or~h.; WABf WN,\C WOKO wlce WEI\.N WFOI ~BC-Harry So"nik's Orch.: WJZ Wal WSYR

1:00 A.M. CB5-Claude Hopkins' Orch.;




On Short Waves Time Shown Is Eastern


oming broadca'ilS 10 note on your calendar: The new ...hurt \\ a \ e station 11j:'\'. in Bogota, Colombia (41).3; l1leter~!60/9 kc 0.0;9 meg) will dedicate a :--pedal program to the filter· lla!i01UJl J):('ers Aliiallce on r-rIJ:lY morning, Dccemher 21. from"l to J a. m. EST. OUhlanding feature" to be heard ~oon from DJC, lee..en (6.01 meg) indude: December 16, 7:30 p. m., concerb from


German ma"ter:-.; December 18. 7: 1; p. m., prc\"icw of film ·'I.ove and the K.ailroad"'; December 19.8:30 p. m.. bra" wind music

of all peoples, played by i\:ational .hiation Sports Orchestra, December 20. 7:30 p. m., "Chri~tm:l" :":ight on J lallig hie"; December 21, 8:30 p. m., "Ad not Bells Are Ringing,~?bt.German C~.oral Soc,iety; ~e­ cember __ , 1.30 p.m., An AdHnt EH· ning in Black Fore:)t" and at 8:30 p.m.. dance music by the famous White Ravens. Three impending program:) from the fairly dependable Spaniard. EAQ (9.86 meg) are: Decemher I;, 7 to 7 :30 p. m.. musical program of great popular waltzes of all time; Deccmber 18, 7-7:30 p. m.. musical progralll, "The Party and .\fler"; Deccmher 22, 7-7 :30 p. m., llawaiian musicale.

Byrd Thrills MOST lJHAMATIC thc:-.e nights p. m.

personality of this friendly Cuban announcer is un:>urpassed by even the famous pioneer mikcman Pbil Start;, of PHI. lIui/cn, lIolLand (l1.7J meHL The program~ of COC radiale ....;mnlh and mtere:>t lhal m3kc Ihem oUblanding on the shorr \\;l\"e channels. And the indirect, yet appealinH manner in which IhJ: announcer ...elis Cuba 10 his audien,;e wuld \\ell he copied by American ad\'Crli'icr... "Come lO Cuba's 5unki ......cxl Caribbean 'ihores \\ here balmy brL'C/es bring the f ra~rance of tropical fl()\\crs in full bloom,' says this Latin mikeman and then the musi,; swings into a typical rhumba. For Cuban mu ...ic. don't mi:>s CDC's late Saturday :>how starting al 11 midnight. THIS PERIOD brought an improvement generally in s.hort \\3\'C re,;ejllion. The 49-meter band provided a number of South American programs of real entertainment \·alue. The European". howe\er, ha\c ~ell below seasonal a\"crage. During the t\\o mOl1th~' ab~ence of DjB, Zccsen, Germany (15.21 meg I from the 19·mctcr hand. GSI; in Oa\"l~l1lry. Eng· land (I;.I-t meg), hih Laken lir:>t honors. GSF's besl time is during their World • 'ews Bllllelin a[ 8:4; a. Ill. Pontnise, France (I ;.24 meA), rank'i a !)()or ~c,;ond. while PCj, Eindho\'l'n. 110 land (1;.22 meg), is heard irn'gularly. ON TilE 2;-~IETER BAND: GSE, Davcntry (11.86 mcg) is now nn from 6 to 9 a. m. simultaneou ... ly \\ ith GSr- and then continues with (he ncxt tr'lIlsmission until 10:45 a. m. GSE is a bit inferior to GSF and subject to rapid fading. PHI, Huizen, 1I01land (J 1.73 meg), is heard every morning except Tuesday and Wed· nesday hut ~eJdom has any program worth while. The carly afternoon trall\mi'isions on this band have been erralic and very poor. THE 31-~lETER band ha'i not shown any decided imprQ\.ement. GSB, Dnentry (951 meg) is seldom heard. PRF5, Rio de janeiro (95 mCA) is ~tilllon each e\'ening and EAQ has sho\\n a sight impronmenr.

Boake CarterCBS W-,\Be 7:45 p. m. Edwin C. HillCBS·WABe 8:30 p. m. Press Radio NewsY.:-O.WAAB 9:45 p. m. Y.N.-WXAe 11 p_ m.

FRIDAY Press Radio NewsY.X.·WNAC 7:15 a. m. LX.·WOIlC 8 a. m. CBS W.\8C 10 a. m. KBC·wEAr 10 a. In. l\BC-WJZ 10:45 a. m. \' .iII. WNAC 1:30 p. m. Y,:oi.·WAAB 2:45 p. III. Y.~. \\'OIlC 6 p. m. NBC·WEAF·WJZ 6:30 p. m. H. V. KaltenborncnS-WADC 6:30 p. m. lowell ThomJis:\BC "'JZ 6:45 p. m. Press Radio NewsCBS-WADC 6:55 p. m. Y.;';. WAAB 7 p. m. Boake CarterenS-WABe 7:45 p. m. Edwin C. HillCBS WA8C 8:15 p. m. March of Timeens WADC 9 p. m. Press Radio NewsY.N .·WAAD 9 :45 p. m. LN. WNAC 11 p. m.





TUESDAY 10:00 p.m. E. S.T. 9:00 p.m. C. S. T. 8:00 p.m. M.S. T. 7:00 p.m. P. S. T.


Press Radio NewsY.N.·\\'NAC 7:15 a. m. Y.N .. WAAU 8 a, m. CBSWABC 10 a. m. NBC·WEAF 10 a. m. NOC·WJZ 10:45 a. m. Y.N. WNAC 1 :15 p. m. Y.N.·WAAo 2:45 I). m. Y.N.·WNAC 6 p. m, Frtderic Wm. WileCBS-WA8C 12 !loon Press Radio NewsCBS·WABC 6:55 p. m. N8C·WEAF WJZ 6:30 p. m. Y.N.WAAB 7 p. m. Press Radio NewsY.N.·WAAB 9:15 p. m. Y.N.·WNAC 11 p. m.


THURSDAY 9:00 p.J1L E-S. T. 8:00 p.m. C.S.T. 9:30 p.m. M.S.T. 8:30 p.rn. P.S.T.



TilE 49-.\IETER band. a< may be expected at this time of the year, is best and provides \ery fine cnterrainment from a variely of stations up until around 10 p. m. when mo~l of [he South American ... ...ign ofT. The outstanding stations han been cae, Havana. Cub3 (6.01 meg): X EBT, ,\Iexico, D. F. (6 meg); Y\ me, Caracas, Venezuela (6.15 meg); RADIO DL'SA, Lima, Peru, OAX4D 0.78 meg); HJ IABB. Baranquilla, Colombia (644 meg); YV5R.\l0. Maracaibo, \'enelUela (5.85 meg); TI EP. San jose, Cmla Rica (6.71 meg); and YV4RC Caracas, Venezuela (6.38 meg). DjC. lee.. en. and GSA. Da\'Cntry, hne been un'iually poor, while I RA. Rome, Italy, has offered fair enter· tainment.


Th. Household Orchestra Jorel Koestner, Conducting, Charles Seors, Tenor; Tom, Dick and Harry, Trio. sponsored by

Tuning Chitchat INTERESTING AND LNL·Sl.AL ;lations heard at the Li . . tening PO'it during Ihe last week han been. December I. HCK, Quito, I~'cuador, on about 5.84 meg and ....gning off ;It 9'10 p: m. (This is an irregular ...tation seldom heard.) TGX, GuaLcmala. Guatemala. heard signing off in I~ngli~h on Saturday night at 12 midnight on a frequency of about 5.9; meg. They used three-toned chimes as a signal, and in signing off played "Taps" on bells. December J, HjJABJ-I. Bogota. Colombia, a seldom heard station on a new frequency of 5.98 meg. They u...ed chimes 5imilar to NBC's before an announcement in Spanish and one stroke on a gong after an announcement. Sign orr at II: 10 p. m. On the ~ame night TIX, "La Voz del Reina" of San Jose, Co~ta Rica, said "Tambio, tambio," and signed off at 11:18 p. m. with ical Program WHAM-Jack Foy. songs

WNAC-Walter Kidder, baritone

8:00 A.M. Reporter: WABC CUS-The Song WFBL .... BC-Mornine Devotions' WJZ waz







Y. N.-Ne.....s: WORC WCY-Musical Clock WHAM-Kindly


WNAC-Pep Time NBC-Wm. Meader, organiH; Ray lIl"atherton, baritone: WJZ \\'HZ

WHAM WNAC-Shoppine Around the Town \I BC-eheerio: WEAF WGY WEE I wnc WTAG WREN COSo-Lyric Serenade: WAUC WBZ-Weath('r reporh WSYR-Wm. Meader, organist




9:00 A.M.

organist: NBC-Richard Leibert, ,",'EAF WTAG CBS-The Joke Book: WABC WOKO WNAC WDRC WIce WLBZ wn:A WHEe WORC WKBW WEAN WGR NBC-Breakfast Club: WJZ WBl WSYR ABS-Top 0' the Morning: WPRO WBEN-News; Hollywood ImpressiOn! WGY-Kay Kyser's Orchestra WHAM-Tower Clock Proll:ram


• :15 A.M. NBC-Richard Leibert. organist: WEEI WJAR WREN WCSH ADS-Vaughn de Leath. songs: WPRO WFBL-Joke Book (CBS) NGY-Billy Rose, tenor WIlAM--Cookine School

9:30 A.M.


9:45 A.M. NBC-Southernaires: WEAl" WTAG WTIC WCSH ABS-Public School Assembly: WPRO WBEN-Salh Work'· Column WGY-Musical Pr~ralll NHAM-Mary Fr('f"man talk

10:00 A.M. NBC-News; JohnllY Marvin, tenor: \"lEAF WTIC l.ady CBS-News Sophisticated WABC NBC-Harvest of Sonl:!': WJZ WBl WSYR CB~News. Patterns in Harmony WAAB WORe WFBL WORe WFEA Wlce WKBW WEAN WBEN-Little Jark I.ittle son!::s WGY-News; Market Ba~ket \', NAC-Buddv Clark

10:15 A.M.

NBC--elara, tu 'n' Em: WI':AF WJAR WEEI WCSH WGY WTI( 'VTAG WBEN CBS-Bill & Gin~\ianiH: WPRO WIlZ-AllIl1Ials in tht' New6

4:00 P.M.

NBC-Marlha Mears. coutralto: WEAl' WTIC CB5--Nat'l Student Ff'd. PrglO.· WAllC WNAC WOKO WORC WEAN WFBL WLBl WICC WIIEC wonC \\'GR WFEA NBC-Betty &: Bob: WJZ Wal WGY WIIM1 WSYR WTAG WJ.l, R WBEN ASS-Today's Winners: WPRO

4:15 P.M.

NBC-Dr. Joseph ,Ia~trow. health talk: WEA F WEEr WCSH WGY \VJAR WTAC WTIC CBS-Institute of Mu.if:: WABe wcn WOKO WDRe WLBZ WEAN WFEA WFBL WNAC WORC NBC-Eddie Ea~1 & Ralph Dumke: W.ll \VBZ WHAM WBEN-Stocks & Commodities

4 :30 P.M. NBC-Jesti'rs Trio: WE.\F WTAG WREN WGY WEEI WTIC • NBC-Rochester Civic Orch.: WJZ WBZ WHAM WHEC-Institute of Mu~ir (C8S)

4:45 P.:\!.

NBC-Lad~' Next Door: WEAF NBC-Platt & r\ierman: WTIC WTAG WC51! WEEI W.IAR \\ IIF'Il--I-nt'1r. Bell' nut\\'SYR-Roche"fl'r CiVIC Orell. (NBC)

5:00 P.M. "'lRC--Chlck Wehl>· Orch WEEI WTIC WBEN WCSf! rB~-"Oc Son 01 Firp' WAAB WGR ABS-"Bi!!: Shots," Ted Zittel: \':B7-Vi"", ot Nt"w~ WCY-Lang Sisters WNAC-Hil.eball School. Jack


3:15 P.M. NBC-fom Mlx's ;,trail;ht Shooters WEAF WGY WTIC \YCSH WEEI WTAG WJAR WBEN ceS-Skippy: WABe WOKO WF'Bl WAAB WDRC WGR WEAN WHEC ABS-Stonewall Trio: WPRO WBL---(harles Little, viOlinist wNAC-The Yankee Singers. quartet

5:30 P.M. NBC-Alire ill Orche~tralia WEAt WTAG WBEN WTIC WEEl CRS-.lack Armstronll, WAB( WOKU wDRe WGR WHEC WEAN WNAC WFHL Lady: WJZ WBZ NBC-Sinll'inl!; WH,AM

6:45 P.l\!. NBC-Billy Batchelur. skit. WEAF WGY WTIC WCSH WEEI WTAG WJAR WBEN "BC-lowell Thomas· WJZ WBZ WHAM WSYR WNAC-Thl' Whisll"r and His Oog

7:00 P.M. NBC-Pickens Sisters: WEAl' (B5-Myrt & Marge: WABC WORC WEAN WFBL WGR WOKO WNAC • NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WJZ WBl. WHAM AUS-Stapleton & BoroH: WPRO Y. N.-News: WAAn r\ BEN-Advenl\lres of Jimmv "lion WGY-Jim Healey. current eveu,s


7:15 P.M. NBC-To be Announced: WEAl' WEEI WJAR CBS-JuS{ Plain Bill· WABC WGR WNAC NBC-Plantation Echoes: \\'JZ WHAM Wal WSYR AB~Screen Rt"\'ue: WPRO WBEN-Lloyd Huntley's Orchestra WG V-Miners Quartpt

7:30 P.M. NBC-Carl Ackerman, Deall of Schrool of Journalism, Columbia U.: WEAr WJAR WGY CBS-"Th(' O'Ncills," dramatic sketch: WABC WFBL WGR WIIEe wane WOKO WDRC NBC-Red Davis: \V,IZ WHAM \VBl WSYH WBEN ASS-Fisher's Gypsy Orch.: WPRO WNAC-Hou'!:h,oro < (.)ll"lrtN Hour

7:45 P.;\! * Uncle NBC-ALKA-SElTZER PRESENTS Ezrr;'ralure

8:45 A.l\I. flillC-Siulf'r, WBZ




9:00 A.I\-!

fliBC-Ricliard I.rihf'rl orcani!t WEAF WT.\C WBE~ :-.uJe rl'. WABC ",SAC WORe WOltC WIIE: CU~ro. II II'~ Orch.

WL\f WTll \U8C \\TF.A WKB\\ \\JAS \\'HP WJ~\' \\TAl WAAB \\'E.\~ WOKO ro;8C-!'-arm &: Hunlf' Ilour: WJZ \\ IIA:\1 WB7 \\'",YR AB~Bf'tty J3Jne, son>:~ WPRO WBE~-Se.... !>. Thf' Tall Texan WGY-Farm f'IOl!"rilln WNAC-The ~hopper's urltange !~:~5 P.iU. CB:---Georee H.Jlr, Orch.: WORC WLBZ \\'FBL \\'A.\B !\OC-~Ierr} "1'llkap~. WtSH WT.\(, ABS-Will Hollander's Orch. WPRO \·,'BEN-StUt·k Quotations

1:00 P.M. r\BC-:\1arket & Weather: \\-TU CH"l--Samuel Dl' J()Ilt"'~ Orch • WABC WORe. we;R WFE.\ \\OnC \\·FBI. WBEl'\-Coll~lIlT1l'r-.· lnformation WGY-Jan Grunesco's En~. e~IH') \\-'NAC-~e"

1:15 P.M NBC-Jan IlrullescQ' Ensemble: WEAF WEEI \\'TAG WCSH WBE:-'WJAR CB:-r-rrank Dailc,,'s Orch.: WABC' CBS-Radio Gossip Club: WNAC WGH ASS-Adv. Club I.uncheon: WPRO






\\-1::1:.1 "TAG AU;:,.-AJ ... euture~ 10 :'t(~ludy WPRO \\\.0\ - ft'''I.ehoJd Chal) Wh.\\I-:Khuol 01 tll~ Au \\:'\J:(-~I,. IC GUlln ~BCJ t:JU 1~_\1. KBC-\ r I..Jbru) Book eh,,1 \\UI.-JluIIlC !'orurn 0.lulr..iug :,.ht,MJ1 t:: \\f::.,\f \\ TIC \\ UEX WT..\G WJAR CB:i-SJhatlulI Arm} Be. Jr WABC \\'01\.0 \\ I\.UW \\ rBL \\ lifT ..... Bt -{)rph:.n '\' "'JI WSYR \\11-\'01 WBl CB~\full;alllrn ,\'OR( WSAC wn. \ \UBI WDUe \~BI::~-Hr!l:an lind Piano Duo \\c\ .Ja~k & Jd! W:o.,\( -Oollx·, III To}·land


6:U P.1\L

CBS-Hnhb) Hf'llwll and ~UIIIl) J,m WABC WAAB WOKO wnr:(" WEAN WHIL WI.IIZ \\-GU wm:c !\HC-Wm. I.unflell Int"nle"), Capt. Brur.. Ualrllsfalher' \\JI WUZ WS\'R AU~-'Jcrr} 8Iollll~'), Ort"h.: ''\"11HO ',III::\-,'o\('h~ l-.n-.eruhlp \\'Cr-Alr Advf'lIture~ of Jim,"}' Allen \\ II \M-C"hnlf'd\ "Ian \\N\C-T1u' M('lod} Limited

G:3a P.51.

N" Bf-.\' e....; ~1 ,In SllIall, vocali:.t: WEAF WT:\(; CBS---J~ 1I'-.\1lI(' Orch. W.\BC \\ORC wvo\r WOKOWORC \\HEC \\'1"\\ \HRI WLBl WI("C WFEA W""\\' WAAB XBC-Se"s; \rmand Girard. baritone: \\J7 WSYR AUS XI.'W"; :";bllhatll'rs Orch.: "'PRO \\ BF.\-Svurh Re,i.·..... WBZ-~"....-s; Wrathe-r; Tempe"ratur(' \\ (; Y-~:'-le...... ; E\ tiline Ilrl"' itit~ WH.\~1-Ad\s. of Jilnrn~ Allen



\!:il -!:iI.!, Bar ..hl"'f' ~kl!'l~t1 WEA,. \\'C"'H WCY WFEI WTIC \\'BES \\J \R \\T\G i:1l:-.-Be;\llty Pq:m. . . ·e" .. · WABC WOHe WA).B WEAN \\'KB\\ XBC-I.n"ell Thnmlls. nt'.... ~· WJZ \\ HAM WBZ \\ "'YR W~'\r-Will.. rrf -\Ie nv WH,\ \1 -Spurtc~»' .


I~ .."l.


~B5t-Jack Arnl~tronl;. \Y


8:15 P.M. cus-n'ust in Hunor of Dionne Quin. tuplt"t : \\'ABC \\,:\"AC WrEA \VGR WORC \\'01\.0 WE,\V WORC ABS-Five Star Filial: ,,"PHO


P.lI. * W..... CBS-Fred '1uring's Ord\.: W-\Bt \r \\"I>R( \\fBI \H \ ~\(JKO

WLBI WIl( WHEe \~t - \lu,lul WBl

WKB\\ \\tEA \\UHe Keu



9:45 P.M.

Alh-Holrr) WPRO Y. ~-.'l'''''


IIl'r hln·lel. W-\AU

11I:OU P.M. NBC-l~",lll

\\lulf'm.\I. ~lll i~ 11.111; Hl'leu JCjlVIIl. "upranrII:r Olsen's Orch· WJI \\'87 W.. Yfl

IZ::«I A.M. snC-JOo' R , hm n Of'(·h .. \\GY \\-"l.EI \\J.\R CB..-Le., I\i;(vna ~ Orcb \\. -\C \\,OKO WEAN WFBI \'8C-Dancrn. In tIlf' T"D WJZ WBl WSVR

WEAlWABI WIer Citl..,

1:00 A.M. 0rdL: WARI

C8s.-claude Hopkil1

Mr. Fairfax a'.l Garber can be heard on WGN, Chicago (720 kilocycles) at 11 :45 p.m. daily except Monday, also Sund