received: 14 January 2014 accepted: 15 January 2016 Published: 25 February 2016
Imaging trace element distributions in single organelles and subcellular features Yoav Kashiv1, Jotham R. Austin II2, Barry Lai3, Volker Rose3,4, Stefan Vogt3 & Malek El-Muayed5 The distributions of chemical elements within cells are of prime importance in a wide range of basic and applied biochemical research. An example is the role of the subcellular Zn distribution in Zn homeostasis in insulin producing pancreatic beta cells and the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. We combined transmission electron microscopy with micro- and nano-synchrotron X-ray fluorescence to image unequivocally for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, the natural elemental distributions, including those of trace elements, in single organelles and other subcellular features. Detected elements include Cl, K, Ca, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Cd (which some cells were supplemented with). Cell samples were prepared by a technique that minimally affects the natural elemental concentrations and distributions, and without using fluorescent indicators. It could likely be applied to all cell types and provide new biochemical insights at the single organelle level not available from organelle population level studies. The chemical compositions of organelles within cells, and the relationship of the chemical compositions to the organelle morphologies and functions, are key for understanding biochemical processes in healthy and diseased cells. Specifically, the study of the biological roles, buffering, trafficking and compartmentalization of elements, especially Cu and Zn, in eukaryotic cells, under normal and pathologic conditions, is an active area of research at the forefront of biochemistry1–7. However, progress in the field has been hampered by limitations of the techniques commonly used for chemical analysis. These techniques can be divided to two groups, macro-analytical techniques, which analyze aggregates of organelles, and micro-analytical techniques, which analyze single organelles. Macro-analytical techniques8,9 involve isolating a large number of organelles of a certain type from cells by lysis and fractionation. The chemical composition of the organelle aggregate is then usually determined by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). This analysis represents the average composition of a population of organelles and cannot reveal compositional differences between single organelles. In addition, chemical elements not covalently bonded to atoms in cell structures are especially susceptible to lysis and fractionation and their natural concentrations could be altered significantly in the process. Most relevant micro-analytical techniques lack the required spatial resolution and/or elemental detection sensitivity to measure the chemical compositions of single organelles, including trace elements, with the exception of the nucleus10,11. The most widely used technique in this category is fluorescence optical microscopy of cells loaded with fluorescent indicators (that fluoresce when binding to their target elements). In addition to the relatively low spatial resolution of optical microscopy, the technique is limited as well by two properties of the fluorescent indicators: They are not entirely specific to their target elements, and they bind primarily to the free or loosely bound fraction of the target elements in the cells. The latter means that by binding to their target elements, the fluorescent indicators potentially alter the natural elemental distributions. An example is the fluorescent indicators used for detecting the biochemically essential element Zn. They have moderate Zn binding affinities, which are significantly lower than those of typical Zn-binding enzymes, such as 1
Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556-5670, USA. 2Advanced Electron Microscopy Facility, Department of Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. 3X-Ray Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, USA. 4Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, USA. 5Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Molecular Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL 60611, USA. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Y.K. (email:
[email protected]) Scientific Reports | 6:21437 | DOI: 10.1038/srep21437
www.nature.com/scientificreports/ carbonic anhydrase12. Thus, the fluorescent indicators detect chelatable Zn that is loosely bound to intracellular Zn-binding proteins that have lower affinities for Zn. However, most cellular Zn is reported to be bound to metallothioneins and other proteins which have much higher affinities for Zn13 and therefore cannot be detected by Zn fluorescent indicators. While fluorescent indicators with higher Zn affinity are theoretically feasible, they are likely to scavenge Zn from Zn-binding and transporting proteins, thereby altering the natural distribution of Zn. Therefore, commonly used Zn fluorescent indicators are unable to detect cytosolic Zn, unless labile Zn concentrations exceed the buffering capacity of the abundant buffering proteins4,14,15. The situation is the same for many other biochemically essential elements in cells, e.g., Fe and Cu, which are tightly bound to buffering proteins as well. This property limits the utility of fluorescent indicators for many applications, especially as tracers of elemental distributions in single organelles. Additional micro-analytical techniques include conventional and scanning transmission electron microscopy (TEM and STEM), and nano-secondary ionization mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS). The former techniques have superb spatial resolution, at the sub-nanometre (nm) level, but their elemental detection limits are not sensitive enough to detect most trace elements. The latter technique has high spatial resolution, down to 50 nm, and high sensitivity, which enables the detection of some trace elements (e.g., P and S). At the subcellular level, it is primarily used to study metabolism in isotopically labeled cells16,17, hence it could be a complementary technique to the method presented here. Two limitations of NanoSIMS that need to be considered are potential isobaric interferences (i.e., interferences by atoms and/or molecules of the same nominal mass as the isotope of interest) and the fact that it is destructive. Synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (SXRF) chemical imaging, combined with appropriate sample preparation methods and high spatial resolution structural imaging techniques, is a promising micro-analytical technique for analyzing elemental distributions in single organelles. It measures the chemical compositions of samples without the need for using fluorescent indicators or isotopically labeling the cells, hence it avoids the limitations of biased fluorescent indicator binding and altering the natural elemental distributions. However, like with other analytical techniques, determining elemental concentrations with SXRF may be limited by background and/or elemental interferences. The mostly flat background is due to scattered primary X-ray photons (the tail of the Compton peak). Elemental interference is due to X-ray fluorescence peaks of other elements that partially or fully overlap peaks of the elements of interest. In order to improve elemental detection limits, one takes steps to decrease both sources of interference. Minimizing the scattering background is done by placing the detector in the plane of the synchrotron storage ring at 90° to the primary X-ray beam (scattering is minimized when the angle between the beam electric vector, which is the direction of the beam polarization vector, and the scattering vector is 0°, as in this configuration) and selecting the thinnest possible sample substrate, usually a few 100 nm thick (a thicker substrate would be a major source of scattered primary X-ray photons in thin samples). Minimizing elemental interference is done by using sample preparation procedures that reduce the concentrations of potentially interfering elements in the sample. Earlier studies with the SXRF microprobe, with spatial resolutions down to ~150 nm, of chemically treated and untreated, chemically fixed, whole cells (a few micrometre (μ m) thick) were able to image elemental distributions in some subcellular features18–21. Subcellular structures were imaged as well in thin (300 nm) sections of chemically treated and untreated cells that were prepared by high-pressure freezing22. The introduction of SXRF nanoprobes in recent years23, with spatial resolutions in the range of tens of nm, coupled with improved elemental detection sensitivity, brought researchers closer to imaging trace element distributions in single organelles. When nano-SXRF was combined with the relatively low spatial resolution of optical microscopy for structural imaging, the chemical compositions of organelles were imaged in thick (whole cell) sections of chemically treated cells prepared by freeze-drying24 or by chemical fixation25 (the primary X-ray beam is likely to transverse a number of organelles in thick samples). In a novel study that combined nano-SXRF with X-ray ptychography (for structural imaging), the chemical compositions of organelles were imaged in whole, frozen-hydrated, green algae cells at cryogenic temperatures26. In addition, the chemical compositions of isolated single, freeze-dried, melanosomes (organelles where melanin is synthesized, stored and transported) were imaged as well27. We present here, to the best of our knowledge, the first unequivocal imaging of natural trace element distributions in single organelles in cells. This was achieved by combining the highest available spatial resolution nano-SXRF with TEM and improved sample preparation protocol, of minimally chemically treated cells, that minimized the potential for altering the natural elemental distributions. The method opens up new possibilities in subcellular biochemistry for studying variabilities among single organelles and other subcellular compartments, which are usually analyzed at the organelle population level.
Analytical techniques. In order to map elemental distributions in single organelles and other subcellular features, we combined the high spatial resolution of TEM, for cellular ultrastructure imaging, with the high spatial resolution and high sensitivity of micro- and nano-SXRF, for chemical imaging. The hard X-rays commonly used in SXRF can detect Al and heavier elements with a detection limit of ~1 part per million (ppm), depending on experimental conditions. In addition, under normal operating conditions, these two techniques are non-destructive, which allows repeated analyses of the same samples. Cells and preparation. Cells of the insulin producing mouse pancreatic beta cell line MIN628 were grown
for 72 hours in a cell culture medium. For a subset of the cells, the medium was supplemented with 1 μ mole/l CdCl2 in order to introduce the biochemically non-essential element Cd and examine its intracellular distribution. The cells were then prepared using high pressure freezing, followed by freeze substitution. This technique is preferable to the commonly used chemical fixation in terms of superior preservation of both the cell’s original
Scientific Reports | 6:21437 | DOI: 10.1038/srep21437
www.nature.com/scientificreports/ ultrastructure29,30 and chemical composition30, especially with regard to elements bound to soluble compounds31. In order to minimize the possibility of altering the natural elemental distributions in the cells during preparation, especially with respect to biochemically important trace elements, we took a number of additional steps: (1) Cells were only fixed with glutaraldehyde. The commonly used fixer osmium tetroxide (OsO4) was specifically avoided to prevent Os Lα 1,2 lines, with energies 8.912, 8.841 keV, respectively, interfering with the Kα 1,2 lines of Zn, 8.639, 8.616 keV, respectively31. (2) Cells were stained only with tannic acid, which provided contrast for ultrastructure imaging, but does not contain any heavy elements, with potentially interfering elemental X-ray lines, as major components. The commonly used staining materials lead citrate and uranyl acetate were avoided due to interferences of the Pb and U Mα 1 lines, 2.346 and 3.171 keV, respectively, with the Kα 1,2 lines of biochemically important S, 2.308 and 2.307 keV, and the Lα 1,2 lines of Cd, 3.134 and 3.127 keV. (3) Cells were embedded in HM20 Lowicryl resin, which can be used at cryogenic temperatures, and better preserves ultrastructure and intrinsic chemical composition compared with most other resins30. (4) To prevent diffusion of atoms out of/into the cells, ethylene glycol was used in ultramicrotoming the cells instead of water31. Trace element concentrations in the chemicals used to prepare the samples are given in Supplementary Table S1. The cryo-fixed and plasticized cell samples were ultramicrotomed to a thickness of 350 nm. This thickness was chosen to optimize the requirements of SXRF and TEM, as well as the need to image single organelles. Thicker samples are preferable for SXRF imaging since the elemental X-ray signal intensity increases with sample thickness. At the same time, 350 nm is the maximum thickness that can be imaged by TEM and maintain spatial resolution. In addition, in order to chemically analyze single organelles by SXRF, the primary X-ray beam needs to traverse only one organelle at each point on the sample. Considering the tens to hundreds of nm size range and spatial distribution of organelles in the cells (Figs 1 and 2, S1), it is reasonable that this requirement was met in most cases.
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (SXRF) imaging. The cell sections were placed on Au TEM finder grids coated with carbon and Formvar. Whole sections
were imaged by TEM and suitable cells for SXRF analysis were selected. The criteria for suitable cells were good preservation of cellular ultrastructure, no ice damage, and presence of a variety organelle types and other subcellular features (Figs. 1, 2, S1). The chemical compositions of the selected cells were then imaged with a 10 keV primary X-ray beam using the microprobe32 at beamline 2-ID-D of the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). The microprobe has a 150 × 150 nm2 beam spot size on the sample and a flux of 4 × 109 photons/s/0.01% BW (at 10 keV). These properties enable one to image whole cell sections in relatively short time. The whole cell scans give the chemical compositions of the sections and reveal significant elemental distributions within the sections (Figs. 1b, d). Areas within the cell sections that met the criteria above and gave good SXRF spectra were then selected for high-resolution nanoprobe SXRF imaging (the whole cell scans also helped with navigation on the cell sections during the high-resolution scans). High spatial resolution and high sensitivity imaging of the preselected subcellular areas were performed with the ANL’s Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) nanoprobe33 (beamline 26-ID-C at the APS). The nanoprobe offers the highest available SXRF spatial resolution, with a 40 × 40 nm2 beam spot size and a flux of 1.8 × 109 photons/s/0.01% BW (at 9.75 keV) (work is currently being done to improve the spatial resolution even further34,35). Figure 1 shows complementary TEM, microprobe and nanoprobe SXRF Cu Kα images of the same cells. The Cu distribution in the micro- and nano-SXRF maps, with spatial resolutions of