IMLA Honors Attorney Alan Bojorquez - Bitly

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of the Texas Open Meetings Act and the Public. Information Act. Alan holds it all together and in his own unique way ins


IMLA Honors Attorney Alan Bojorquez Congratulations to attorney Alan Bojorquez on

ents a concurrent session each year at the Annual

format in addition to the traditional hard copy.

winning the International Municipal Lawyers

TML Conference. For the last three years Alan has

The new sixth edition covers a variety of mu-

Association’s Marvin J. Glink Private Practice

served as a moderator for the panel session, which

nicipal topics including but not exclusive to open

Local Government Lawyer of the Year Award!

is comprised of municipal officials serving and

records, open meetings, economic development,

discussing the practical and legal implementation

human resources, municipal court, and municipal

of the Texas Open Meetings Act and the Public

finance. It also includes duties and responsibilities

IMLA states: “In addition to the traditional qualities of excellence in the practice of law, the award seeks to recognize a private law practitioner who

of governing bodies, mayors, municipal clerks,

has provided outstanding service to the public

finance directors, municipal judges, human re-

and who possesses an exemplary reputation in the

source directors, and boards and commissions

legal community, the highest of ethical standards,

members. The Manual is an important resource for

and who revels in maintaining a life that balances

city officials, law firms specializing in municipal

a passion for professional excellence with the joy

law, and other governmental entities. It is also a

of family and friends. In addition, the award seeks

textbook for TMCA’s certification program.

to recognize a person who exhibits qualities of openness and humility, coupled with a sincere

In 2011 Alan established a TMCA scholarship in

concern for the interests of others, including the

honor of the late Susan Rocha, a fellow attorney

professional development of newer practitioners.”

and frequent speaker for the TMCCP Legislative

Alan Bojorquez, principal, Bojorquez Law Firm,

Information Act. Alan holds it all together and in

PC, has dedicated himself to serving Texas

his own unique way inserts bits of practical legal

municipalities. Alan is a friend and supporter

advice during the presentation.

of municipal clerks/city secretaries throughout Texas, and has partnered with TMCA to provide

Most importantly, Alan authors the Texas Munici-

continuing education for municipal clerks. Alan

pal Law and Procedure Manual published by TMCA.

is a frequent speaker at TMCCP educational semi-

He has revised and supplemented the Manual on

nars, including the biennial TMCCP Legislative

an annual basis for the past 10 years. In 2014 Alan

Update Seminar following each Texas legislative

expanded and reorganized the Manual, and for the

session. As an affiliate of TML, TMCA also pres-

first time the Manual was published in electronic

Update Seminars. Alan continues to sponsor the Susan Rocha Scholarship on an annual basis, and in so doing he continues to contribute toward the continued education and professional development of Texas municipal clerks.