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Feb 6, 2007 - Keywords: Alzheimer's disease; auto-antibodies; cerebrospinal fluid; immune ... biology, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University ... course of the experiments. ..... We thank our technician S Paul for expertise.
Molecular Psychiatry (2007) 12, 601–610 & 2007 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 1359-4184/07 $30.00


Immune complexes of auto-antibodies against Ab1-42 peptides patrol cerebrospinal fluid of non-Alzheimer’s patients AW Henkel1, PS Dittrich2, TW Groemer1,3, EA Lemke3, J Klingauf3, HW Klafki1, P Lewczuk1, H Esselmann1, P Schwille4, J Kornhuber1 and J Wiltfang1 1

Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany; 2Department of Miniaturization, ISAS – Institute for Analytical Science, Dortmund, Germany; 3Department of Membrane Biophysics, Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Go¨ttingen, Germany and 4Institute of Biophysics, BioTec, Technical University Dresden, Dresden, Germany The diagnostic potential of large Ab-peptide binding particles (LAPs) in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) patients and non-AD controls (nAD) was evaluated. LAPs were detected by confocal spectroscopy in both groups with high inter-individual variation in number. Molecular imaging by confocal microscopy revealed that LAPs are heterogeneous superaggregates that could be subdivided morphologically into four main types (LAP1–4). LAP-4 type, resembling a ‘large chain of pearls’, was detected in 42.1% of all nAD controls but it was virtually absent in AD patients. LAP-4 type could be selectively removed by protein A beads, a clear indication that it contained immunoglobulins in addition to beta-amyloid peptides (Ab1-42). We observed a close correlation between LAPs and immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration in CSF in controls but not in AD patients. Double labeling of LAPs with anti-Ab and anti-IgG antibodies confirmed that LAP-4 type consisted of Ab and IgG aggregates. Our results assign a central role to the immune system in regulating Ab1-42 homeostasis by clustering this peptide in immunocomplexes. Molecular Psychiatry (2007) 12, 601–610; doi:10.1038/; published online 6 February 2007 Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease; auto-antibodies; cerebrospinal fluid; immune globulins; beta-amyloid peptides

Introduction In view of novel therapies that may enter clinical trials in the near future, early and reliable diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases is gaining more and more importance. Any changes in biochemical composition of the brain metabolism should be predominantly reflected in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), because of its direct contact with the extracellular fluids of the central nervous system.1,2 Therefore, determination of biomarkers in CSF, including beta-amyloid peptides (Ab), tau and phospho-tau, proved to be very important for differential diagnosis of dementias.3,4 Commonly, Ab peptides are quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique for Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) diagnosis. Decrease of Ab1-42 in the CSF of AD patients was reported by different groups; Correspondence: Dr J Wiltfang, Laboratory for Molecular Neurobiology, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Schwabachanlage 6, 91054 Erlangen, Germany. E-mail: [email protected] Received 13 July 2006; revised 15 November 2006; accepted 16 November 2006; published online 6 February 2007

however, this decrease is not AD-specific but is also observed in Lewy-body dementia and Creutzfeldt– Jakob disease (CJD).5–7 Precipitation of Ab into amyloid plaques has been proposed as one potential mechanism for reduction of Ab in CSF;8 however, as CJD patients with decreased CSF Ab1-42 levels do not have brain b-amyloid plaques, mechanisms other than plaque-mediated precipitation may be responsible.5 Such mechanisms could be high-avidity binding to carrier proteins, immunoglobulin Gs (IgGs) or formation of detergent-stable soluble oligomers, conditions that would result in decreased CSF concentrations of the monomeric fraction owing to epitope masking.5 There is evidence that Ab peptides exist in several structural conformations, one of these being the bsheet structure.9 This form which tends to have strong aggregation potency, is considered to be the pathological form, occurring in AD patients. In 1998, Pitschke et al.10 reported that exclusively CSF of AD patients, but not of controls, contained large amounts of large Ab1-42 binding particles (LAPs). Detection of LAPs in CSF by confocal spectroscopy (ConSp) was therefore interpreted as a positive diagnosis for AD. This method was based on ‘seeded aggregation’ of fluorescent synthetic Ab

Ab1-42 peptide binding particles in cerebrospinal fluid AW Henkel et al


peptides on pre-existing Ab aggregates and fibrils in the CSF of AD patients. These kinds of aggregates are supposedly the main component of amyloid plaques that are associated with Alzheimer’s disease.11 In the optical setup, the fluorescence of labeled molecules was detected as they entered a small illuminated confocal volume of approximately 1 fl.12 Large, single aggregates deliver high intensive fluorescent flashes (peaks) when they pass through the confocal volume, making them easy to detect against the much lower background of monomers. In the present report, we evaluated the potential of this technique for clinical AD standard diagnostics. The detection sensitivity was improved about 20-fold by means of a microchannel flow-through system. Surprisingly, we found that LAPs were not specific for AD but were present in both AD patients and controls. To gain insight into molecular details of LAPs, we used confocal microscopy for molecular imaging. We were able to differentiate between four types of LAPs and to identify a type of IgG containing LAPs that bound very tightly to aggregated Ab1-42 peptides (LAP-4 type). LAP-4 type is virtually absent from the CSF of AD patients. Recently, antibodies against Ab peptides were found in CSF of AD patients but also in nondemented individuals.13 Immune responses and auto-antibodies directed against aggregated forms of Ab peptides may not only be of diagnostic interest but may also have therapeutic potential. Schenk et al.14 reported striking effects of Ab vaccination in transgenic mice and, shortly after, a clinical trial was launched.15 We found evidence that a potential Ab1-42-clearing system that involves immune complexes patrols the CSF of some non-AD (nAD) controls and is absent in all AD patients.

Materials and methods Patients The study was approved by the ethics committee of the University of Erlangen and experiments were performed as double-blind trials. All patients gave their informed consent. CSF was obtained from all patients by a lumbar puncture. CSF was centrifuged (1600 g, 15 min, room temperature (RT)), aliquoted, immediately frozen and stored at 801C until assay. The patients (n = 33) were diagnosed according to the criteria of ICD-10 and National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and StrokeAlzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association.16 The diagnostic work-up included either cranial computed tomography or predominantly magnetic resonance imaging and routine blood assays. The extensive neuropsychological characterization of the dementia patients followed the diagnostic criteria of the German Competence Net Dementias.17 Only patients with early dementias (Mini Mental State Examination X20) were included in the study. The Molecular Psychiatry

patients were divided into three subgroups: (1) AD (n = 14) – this group comprised patients with AD (n = 8) and AD of mixed type (n = 6); (2) oD (n = 13) – a group of patients with dementia of other origin, including Morbus Pick’s disease (n = 3), Lewy-body dementia (n = 3) and vascular dementia (n = 4); (3) Co (n = 6) – non-demented disease controls, comprising patients with heterogonous neurological or psychiatric diseases but without memory complaints. The patient groups 2 and 3 were summarized as ‘nAD’ in the course of this study. CSF dementia markers Ab140, Ab1-42, total tau and phospho-tau181 were measured in all patients. CSF aliquots for the analysis of IgG-bound Ab peptides were available in nine of the AD patients, 13 of the oD patients and five of the Co patients. The results are presented in Table 3. Fluorescence labeling of synthetic Ab1-42 The peptide was dissolved in water-free dimethyl sulfoxide to a final concentration of 400 mM, and centrifuged for 10 min at 14 000 r.p.m. at RT to remove large insoluble particles and kept on ice during the course of the experiments. One milligram of FluorX GE Healthcare (Freiburg, Germany) was dissolved in a total volume of 1 ml reaction buffer (50 mM NaPO3, pH 9.2, 0.2% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)), and 20 mg of peptide (11 ml) was added to 100 ml FluorX solution and 9 ml reaction buffer for 30 min at RT. FluorXlabeled Ab1-42 was used in all experiments on the ConSp setup. For confocal imaging (ConIm) of LAPs, 20 mg Ab142 were labeled with Cy3 GE Healthcare according to the manufacturer’s instruction. Fluorescent Ab1-42 was indicated as ‘Ab1-42*’ in this article. The conjugated Ab1-42* was separated from free fluorescent label by NAP5 column from GE Healthcare. The sample (120 ml) was allowed to sink into the gel bed and was eluted with 5 ml elution buffer (10 mM NaPO3, pH 7.2, 0.2% SDS, 200 mM NaCl). The fluorescence in the fractions was determined by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) by mixing of 2 ml Ab1-42* with 20 ml physiological buffer. Ten FCS curves were recorded for 1 min each. By means of this technique, the free fluorescent molecules could be clearly discriminated from Ab1-42*, based on different diffusion coefficients. Self-aggregation of the Ab1-42* probe could be greatly reduced by filtering it through a 0.22-mm-membrane spin filter, just before usage in the experiment. Fractions containing only conjugates were pooled and centrifuged through Micropore Ultrafree MC (BioRad Laboratories GmbH, Mu¨nchen, Germany) sterile spin filter (0.22 mm) for 5 min at 14 000 r.p.m. to remove the majority of Ab1-42* auto-aggregates. Labeling of supermolecular particles in CSF with Ab1-42* CSF was collected according to the standardized guidelines for CSF collection and storage of the German Competence Net Dementias,17 centrifuged (1600 g, 15 min, RT), aliquoted in 16 portions of a

Ab1-42 peptide binding particles in cerebrospinal fluid AW Henkel et al

250 ml and immediately frozen (801C); it was used in all experiments. After thawing, samples were kept on ice and were used within 2 h. Twenty microliters of CSF was mixed with 2 ml of Ab1-42* and allowed to bind to LAPs for 15–25 min at RT. In all ConSp experiments, 20 ml was filled in the reservoir of the silicon elastomer microstructure, which was connected to a microstructured channel. The confocal spot was centered 2–4 mm from the reservoir outlet of the channel in the middle of the channel. All experiments were performed as double-blind trials in triplicate, and baselines were normalized for analysis. The velocity of the sample (0.7270.20 mm/s) was controlled and recorded by FCS for each measurement.18 All recorded data were normalized for different flow speeds by dividing the number of recorded fluorescent counts by the corresponding values from the FCS measurements. Fast-flow ConSp measurements Fabrication of microstructures for fast-flow measurements was described in detail earlier.18,19 In brief, the microstructures were cast from a silicone mold comprising the channel geometry and topology in the negative (upstanding) form. The silicon wafer was partly custom-made by GeSiM (Gesellschaft fu¨r Silizium-Mikrosysteme mbH, Groerkmannsdorf, Germany), coated with a thin 200-nm Teflon layer. The lengths of all microchannels were 1.5 cm. Disposable microstructure channels could then easily be obtained by imprinting the complementary mold topology into silicon elastomer. In this routine, 2–3 ml of viscous elastomer kit Sylgard 184 from Dow Corning (Midland, MI, USA) was poured onto the silicon wafers and hardened on a heating plate for 30 min at 1101C. The hardened silicon elastomer could then easily be peeled off the wafer, cut to the desired sizes and punched at the end of the microchannels for filling-in of the Ab-spiked CSF. Finally, it was sealed to a thin glass plate by manually pressing a coverslip of 170 mm thickness to the channel top and mounted on an inverted microscope Olympus IX 70 from Olympus (Hamburg, Germany). The fluorescence from the flowing sample was detected in a self-made confocal setup. The 488 nm line of an argon laser from Lasos (Jena, Germany) was adjusted into the microscope and focused through an objective (Olympus UplanApo  60 NA, 1.2 W). Epifluorescence was collected by an optical fiber and detected by an avalanche photodiode SPCM CD3017 from EG&G (Vaudreuil, Canada). Optical filters were introduced into the beam path (dichroic mirror 496 DCLP and band pass filter 525 DF 50, both from AHF (Tu¨bingen, Germany). FCS was performed with the correlator card ALV-5000 from ALV (Langen, Germany). ConIm and quantification of LAPs Twenty microliters of CSF sample was spiked with Ab1-42*, as described above and transferred onto a coverslip. The spiked CSF drop was scanned by a confocal laser microscope Leica TCS SP2, Leica

Microsystems (Bensheim, Germany) in the two-line scan average mode, using the 543 nm line of the argon laser. A water immersion objective Fluotar  63, a long-pass filter LP 570 was used, the digital zoom was set to 8 in all experiments and the pinhole was set to one airy. Fifty image planes, separated by 1 mm in the Z-direction, were collected at two different areas of the drop, resulting in two image stacks that measured 30  30  100 mm. The image planes were processed and low-pass-filtered with Metamorph imaging software from Universal Imaging (Molecular Devices Corporation, Downingtown, PA, USA). The ‘Integrated Morphology Analysis’ routine from Metamorph determined automatically the area, shape, brightness and texture. The algorithm for quantification in brief: LAPs were detected by thresholding the image to a sensitivity of 10% above the average background. Detected objects were then masked and the brightness (Sgray value/no. of pixels) was calculated. The brightness was proportional to the amount of Ab1-42* bound to the LAP. The area of an object represented the sum of all pixels in calibrated units. The shape factor (4pA/P2), a value from 0 to 1, allowed to characterize an object as elongated ( = 0) or as a perfect circle ( = 1). The texture measured the uniformity of the gray levels in an object: N X N X ði  jÞ2 PL ði=jÞ


i¼1 j¼1

Objects with uniform gray level have a texture difference moment (TDM) close to 0, whereas objects with greater variation of gray level have a larger TDM value. These four parameters were recorded for every detected LAP, and types of LAPs were characterized by setting specific parameter limits; examples are shown in Table 2. These classifications were performed by our self-written software ALDES, Version 4.6, available from AWH on request. Fluorescence labeling of antibodies Antibodies AB 1E8 against Ab peptides were purchased from Nanotools (Teningen, Germany), diluted to 1 mg/ml with PBS and labeled with Cy2, using an antibody labeling kit from GE-Healthcare (Freiburg, Germany), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Accordingly, anti-human IgG antibodies were purchased from Sigma (Taufkirchen, Germany) and labeled with Cy3 by the same method. Antibodies were mixed with 20 ml CSF, resulting in a final antibody concentration of 3 nM, and incubated for 45 min at RT. Twenty microliters of the mixture was transferred onto a coverslip to the holder and sealed to avoid evaporation during the measurement. The experiments were performed as described above. Depletion of IgG from CSF Magnetic microbeads (12.5 ml) precoated with protein A Dynabeads Protein A (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany) were transferred to a 1.5 ml reaction tube, briefly centrifuged and placed in a magnetic stand for Molecular Psychiatry

Ab1-42 peptide binding particles in cerebrospinal fluid AW Henkel et al


1 min. The resulting supernatant was removed and 50 ml of CSF was added to the semi-dry beads. Samples were incubated at RT under rotation for 30 min, briefly centrifuged and collected magnetically. Bead-bound complexes were drawn to the side of the tube facing the magnet. The supernatant, containing all proteins that were not bound to the beads was spiked with fluorescently labelled Ab1-42* as described above. CSF supernatant was removed with a pipette and used for further analysis. Quantification of routine CSF parameters and conventional neurochemical dementia markers CSF concentrations of immunoglobulins, albumin and total CSF-protein were measured, according to the manufacturer’s instructions by means of the following commercially available assays: albumin, IgG, IgA and IgM were quantified by nephelometry with the Immunochemistry System IMMAGE, Beckman–Coulter (Krefeld, Germany), and total protein quantification was performed with the Tina-quant assay Roche/Hitachi (Basel, Switzerland). The neurochemical dementia markers Ab1-42 and Ab1-40 were determined by ELISA from The Genetics Company (Schlieren, Switzerland) and total tau and phospho-tau by ELISA from Innogenetics (Gent, Belgium). Data analysis and statistical calculation Non-parametric statistical tests (rank correlation, Mann–Whitney U, Kruskal–Wallis) were calculated with the statistical software package SPSS for Windows 12 from SPSS Inc. (Chicago, IL, USA). Additionally, the significance of the correlation coefficients was adjusted for multiple testing by the Bonferroni method (P-values multiplied with number of parameters tested, i.e. 17). All tests were two-sided. The level of significance was set at a = 0.05.

Results LAPs in CSF are not specific for AD Synthetic Ab1-42 was fluorescently labeled with CY3 or FluorX (referred to Ab1-42* in this paper) and used for binding studies. Analysis by ConSp revealed that incubation of Ab1-42* with CSF showed binding of the probe to particles, pre-existing in CSF and produced many bright fluorescent peaks, as shown in Figure 1a and b. We used ConSp and additionally ConIm to analyze LAPs in CSF of AD patients and nAD controls. Confocal images of LAPs were analyzed by autonomic working computer algorithms, which determined LAP properties such as area (size), brightness, shape and texture. The concentration of LAPs, determined by ConSp alone, varied considerably among individual patients but was not specific for AD. Self-aggregation of fluorescent Ab1-42 probe In ConSp, the frequency of dim peaks with less than 1000 kHz brightness varied among different Ab1-42* Molecular Psychiatry

preparations, pointing to auto-aggregation of the fluorescent probe. To exclude Ab1-42* auto-aggregates from ConSp analysis, only bright LAPs of greater than 3000 kHz photon counts were included in the analysis, a value three times the threshold used by Pitschke and co-workers. ConIm of Ab1-42* auto-aggregates (Figure 1c) showed that the majority consisted of small, irregular structures with low brightness. By contrast, pre-aggregated synthetic Ab1-42, which was not fluorescently labeled, formed large super-auto-aggregates in vitro that bound Ab1-42*. These structures were much larger than Ab1-42* auto-aggregates, which usually measured less than 1 mm and consisted of flat, punctuated structures that sometimes contained elongated tube-like fibrils. Figure 1d gives an example of such structures that were also rather dim but nevertheless quite large. Auto-aggregates of Ab1-42* could easily be identified by ConIm analysis because they were very inhomogeneous in texture. Figure 1e shows that virtually all Ab1-42* auto-aggregates had texture values of more than 2, indicating a very heterogeneous brightness distribution, and were smaller than 4 mm2 when texture was plotted against area. By contrast, when the fluorescent probe was mixed with CSF (Figure 1f) of a patient or control person, many homogeneously bright LAPs became visible, which were clearly no auto-aggregates, because they had texture values of less than 2. Frequency of LAPs varies among individual patients Figure 2a illustrates that large individual differences in LAP frequency were found when patients were analyzed by ConSp. Although there were striking and consistent inter-individual variations (triplicate determination), no significant differences (Kruskal– Wallis test, P = 0.51) were found in LAP frequency between diagnostic groups, as shown in Figure 2b. It was clearly apparent that CSF of some individual patients contained a large number of bright particles whereas others had virtually none that could surpass our strict criteria for LAP brightness. Close correlation between LAPs and immunoglobulins ConSp was used to determine the correlation between LAPs and other CSF parameters. We compared several neurochemical parameters with the LAP frequency in individual patients (Table 1). LAP frequency was significantly correlated to Ab142 and tau only in nAD controls but the AD-specific CSF biomarker phospho-tau showed no correlation at all. Significant positive correlations were found between LAP frequency and IgG concentrations in nAD subjects only, whereas AD patients showed no correlation at all. In particular, the specific IgG concentration (IgG/protein), which corresponded to the relative contribution of IgG to total protein, was correlated (r = 0.83; P < 0.0001) to LAP frequency in nAD controls (Figure 2c) but not in AD patients (Figure 2d).

Ab1-42 peptide binding particles in cerebrospinal fluid AW Henkel et al


Figure 1 Identification of auto-aggregated Ab1-42*. (a) ConSp: fluorescence peaks resulting from LAPs in CSF of a nAD patient that bind Ab1-42*, (b) peaks of Ab1-42* in physiological buffer, (c) confocal microscopy: four examples of LAPs, formed from auto-aggregated Ab1-42* in physiological buffer (scale bar = 2 mm), (d) synthetic Ab1-42, pre-aggregated for 24 h in physiological buffer, incubated with Ab1-42* (scale bar = 2 mm), (e) LAP area versus LAP texture plot of auto-aggregated Ab1-42* shows two groups of auto-Ab1-42* aggregates, (f) low LAP-texture values discriminate auto-aggregates from other LAP types.

Individuals with normal or only slightly elevated IgG concentrations of less than 50 mg/l in CSF had a significantly (P < 0.0001) lower LAP frequency (10.477.9) than patients with pathologically (more than 50 mg/l) high IgG (28.7710.7). In line with this result, the only patient in the nAD group, who was positive for oligoclonal bands, had the highest IgG concentration and also the highest LAP frequency. Structural analysis of LAPs by confocal microscopy To gain insight into structural details of LAPs, all samples were analyzed by the ConIm technique. LAPs were detected in all CSF samples investigated, and in

agreement with the results from ConSp, we observed large inter-individual variations in LAP frequency. ConIm allowed us to differentiate between autoaggregates of Ab1-42* and at least four structurally distinct LAP types (Figure 3). Auto-aggregates comprised 46–56% of all detected fluorescent particles. They were clearly defined by heterogeneous texture, low brightness and small size (Tables 2 and 3). LAP-1 type, rarely found in CSF, resembled structures that were observed when fluorescent Ab1-42* was added to pre-aggregated synthetic, not labeled, Ab1-42 seeds in vitro. The LAP-2 type consisted of probably protein-bound Ab1-42* aggregates, which were also small and heterogeMolecular Psychiatry

Ab1-42 peptide binding particles in cerebrospinal fluid AW Henkel et al


Figure 2 LAP frequency is AD-independent but correlates with IgG concentration. (a) Frequency of LAPs above 3000 kHz photon count in individual patients. ICD-10 diagnoses are specified: patient 14 comprise the patient group ‘AD’ and patients 15–33 comprise ‘nAD’, 10 = AD, 114 = AD of mixed type, 15 = dementia with aphasia, 16 = dementia with Parkinson’s disease, 17–18 = vascular dementia, 19 = dementia, not specified, 20 þ 21 = fronto-temporal dementia, 22–24 = Lewy-body dementia, 25–27 = Morbus Pick’s disease, 28–32 = personality disorders, 33 = alcohol dependence. (b) Mean values7s.d. of three diagnostic groups show no significant differences at a threshold of 3000 kHz photon count. (c) ConSp: linear correlation between LAP frequency and specific IgG concentration shows a highly significant correlation in nAD controls, but (d) no significant correlation in AD patients.

Table 1 Linear correlation between LAP frequency and CSF parameters Parameter

Ab1-42 Ab1-40 Protein Albumin Tau Ptau IgG IgM IgA Ab1-42/1-40 Ab1-42/protein Ab1-40/protein pTau/protein IgG/protein IgG/albumin IgM/protein IgA/protein

nAD patients

AD patients





0.50 0.43 0.29 0.35 0.53 0.07 0.56 0.48 0.60 0.27 0.15 0 0.03 0.83 0.49 0.43 0.62

0.031* 0.073 0.223 0.137 0.021* 0.794 0.012* 0.037* 0.007** 0.283 0.540 0.987 0.893 < 0.001*** 0.033* 0.069 0.005**

0.21 0.28 0.14 0.16 0.09 0.07 0.13 0 0.06 0.02 0.13 0.10 0.30 0.03 0.20 0.15 0.37

0.464 0.364 0.642 0.578 0.765 0.830 0.670 0.988 0.850 0.957 0.648 0.748 0.316 0.923 0.503 0.615 0.199

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; LAP, Ab-peptide binding particles; nAD, non-Alzheimer’s dementia; P, probability, calculated by Mann–Whitney U-test; r, correlation coefficient. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. Molecular Psychiatry

neously textured but round-shaped particles of variable brightness. It resembled particles, generated in vitro by adding Ab1-42* to physiological buffer, containing 1% albumin as a seed. The third and the fourth type comprised very bright LAPs that were either ellipsoid (LAP-3 type) or round-shaped (LAP-4 type). The fourth type did also comprise superaggregates that appeared as chains of large (B10 mm2) round pearls (Figure 3d). Only a minute portion of these chains were expected to reveal this pearl chain-like structure, as the LAPs were imaged by confocal microscopy. This technique retrieves image series, consisting of narrow optical Z-sections. The ‘chain of pearls’ is not visible unless it is oriented exactly in the same orientation as the confocal layer. Therefore, images of LAP-4 type were usually observed as large, bright and round spheres. Figure 4a and b shows that LAP-3 type was found in AD patients and nAD controls. LAP-4 type was found in some nAD controls (Figure 4a and c) whereas all AD patients had LAP-4 frequencies in the background level. Figure 4b shows that LAP-3 type was removed by protein A precipitation in the majority of individuals but there was no significant difference between AD and nAD groups. LAPs of type 4, only found in nAD controls, were also removed by protein A precipitation.

Ab1-42 peptide binding particles in cerebrospinal fluid AW Henkel et al


LAP-3 and -4 contain Ab1-42-binding IgGs LAPs that were grouped into either LAP-3 or the LAP-4 type resembled immune complexes that are observed in autoimmune diseases.20 To test if LAP-3 and LAP-4 types contained immunoglobulins, we

Figure 3 ConIm discriminates four different LAP types in CSF. (a) Ab1-42, 24 h pre-aggregated, labeled with Ab1-42*; (b) 1% albumin in PBS forms aggregates with Ab1-42*, which correspond to LAP-2 type; (c) IgG-containing LAP-3 type; (d) IgG-containing LAP-4 type; (e) single confocal image, showing examples of LAP types. Scale bars: (a–d) = 2 mm, (e) = 3.5 mm.

Table 2

Figure 4 Protein A-based depletion of IgG reduces LAPs. (a) Box plots show LAP-3 type frequency does not discriminate between diagnostic groups. LAP-4 type was detected only in a subgroup of nAD controls while AD patients had this type only within the background level; (b) patient-specific changes in LAP type counts. LAP counts in individual patients before (solid bars), and after (shaded bars) protein A precipitation (AD = Alzheimer’s dementia, Co = non-demented controls, oD = other dementias, nAD = Co and oD combined); (c) LAP-4 type is found in a subgroup of nAD controls only (solid bars). Protein A precipitation (shaded bars) reduces LAP-4 type in these subjects.

LAP definition by image-morphometry parameters

LAP type

Area (mm2)

Brightness (100)

Shape (0–1)

Texture (0–20)

Ab-auto-aggregates Type 1: pre-aggregated Ab Type 2: protein/albumin Type 3: IgG-Ab1-42 Type 4: IgG-Ab1-42

0.01–0.20 3.40–6.80 0.07–0.34 0.34–4.10 0.34–4.10

1–25 1–25 5–25 2–100 15–100

0.2–1.0 0.0–0.5 0.5–1.0 0.1–0.7 0.7–1.0

2–20 0–4.5 2–4.5 0–1.3 0–2.0

Abbreviation: LAP, Ab-peptide binding particles. Molecular Psychiatry

Ab1-42 peptide binding particles in cerebrospinal fluid AW Henkel et al


Table 3

Clinical diagnostic parameters

Parameter AD Ab1-40 nAD Ab1-40 AD Ab1-42 nAD Ab1-42 AD Ab1-42/1-40 nAD Ab1-42/1-40 AD Tau nAD Tau AD pTau nAD pTau AD age nAD age



8042.4 (pg/ml) 6705.1 (pg/ml) 439.2 (pg/ml) 733.4 (pg/ml) 0.054 0.116 697.92 (pg/ml) 273.73 (pg/ml) 93.48 (pg/ml) 41.21 (pg/ml) 70.6 (years) 58.8 (years)

2785.19 2037.29 211.14 291.93 0.0237 0.0466 334.85 203.55 40.07 22.72 6.55 15.21

P-value 0.167 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.012

AD men: six; AD women: eight; nAD men: 10; women: nine.

performed protein A precipitation of IgG and IgGbound antigens. IgGs were almost completely removed from aliquots of CSF samples by protein A precipitation (data not shown). The IgG-depleted CSF was spiked with Ab142* subsequently and ConIm images were taken. Both LAP-3 and LAP-4 type counts were substantially decreased in all individuals who had shown high LAP counts before IgG depletion (Figure 4b and c). To confirm that LAP-3 and -4 consist of Ab-IgG aggregates, antibodies against Ab (AB-1E8) and human IgG were fluorescently labeled with CyDye 2 and CyDye 3, respectively. CSF of five nAD subjects with the highest Ab1-42*-labeled LAP-4 concentration was analyzed to demonstrate the close association between Ab and IgG. Figure 5a and c presents examples of double-labeled LAP-4 type particles in top view (5a) and side view (5c). These LAPs show that the antibodies did not completely overlap, but rather showed a partial colocalization, an additional specific characteristic of LAP-4 type. By contrast, LAP-3 type particles, displayed in Figure 5b, showed an almost perfect colocalization of the two antibodies; 6.5%71.46 of all AB-1E8-labeled LAPs were colabeled with anti-IgG. These double-labeled LAPs comprised both LAP-3 and LAP-4 types. In comparison, Ab 1-42*-labeled LAP-4 type made up 3.29%70.39 of all LAPs. Figure 5d shows that LAP3 and LAP-4 types, visualized by antibody double labeling, correlated significantly (r = 0.90, P = 0.03) with Ab 1-42*-labeled LAP-4 type.

Discussion Biomarkers in the CSF have become valuable tools in the early and reliable diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, which is of importance to initiate suitable treatments. The levels of total tau protein, phospho-tau and Ab1-42 in CSF were shown to be of diagnostic value, in particular when evaluated in combination with each other.4 Novel therapeutics for AD with strong disease-modifying Molecular Psychiatry

Figure 5 Double labeling of LAP-4 types with anti-IgG and anti-Ab. Representative examples of LAPs were labeled with AB 1E8 antibody against Ab (first column images) and with antihuman IgG antibody (second column images). The third row image shows an overlay of the corresponding two images. (a) Top view of LAP-4 type, scale bar = 2 mm, (b) top view of LAP-3 type, scale bar = 1 mm, (c) side view of LAP-4 type, scale bar = 1 mm. (d) Correlation plot of LAP-4 type of five individual nAD subjects shows a significant (P = 0.03) correlation (r = 0.91) between the percentage of particles labeled with Ab1-42* and double labeling with anti-Ab antibody and anti-IgG antibody.

properties are expected to become available in the future (for review see Citron21), and this will further emphasize the importance of accurate early diagnosis of AD and the predictive diagnosis of incipient AD in MCI patients. In 1998, Pitschke and co-workers reported the detection of Ab-binding particles in CSF of AD patients by ‘seeded aggregation’ of fluorescently labeled synthetic Ab1-42* probes by ConSp. Importantly, these particles were claimed to exist exclusively in CSF from AD patients but not in samples

Ab1-42 peptide binding particles in cerebrospinal fluid AW Henkel et al

from age-matched controls, suggesting that they might be of diagnostic value. To our knowledge, these highly promising findings have never been confirmed by other groups so far. Using an improved dynamic ‘flow through’ setup, we increased the detection probability for Ab-binding particles substantially and we were able to detect 5–10 LAPs/min, a frequency about 20 times higher than that reported in the original study. However, we could not confirm the exclusive confinement of LAPs to AD patients reported by Pitschke and co-workers. Instead, we observed large inter-individual variations in the quantity of LAPs in CSF, independent of diagnosis. To exclude auto-aggregates of synthetic Ab1-42* probes, we raised the threshold threefold over background level but again we found virtually no difference in average LAP frequency between AD and nAD patients. In conclusion, in our hands, analysis of LAPs by ConSp does not seem to be suitable for AD diagnostics. Confocal microscopy for single molecular imaging (ConIm) was used to classify distinct types of LAPs, based on brightness, area, shape and texture. Accordingly, we analyzed the total population of CSF-LAPs in all patients of our collective by fully automated quantitative computer-assisted morphometry. This way, four different LAP types were identified in CSF samples. Images of LAP-3 and LAP-4 types showed large multicentric supermolecular structures, composed of multiple smaller core units, which were secondarily attached to each other. These structures resembled immune complexes which have been observed in autoimmune diseases and in antigen-antibody aggregates generated in vitro.20 LAP-3 and LAP-4 particles were substantially reduced after treatment of CSF samples with protein A-coated magnetic beads, a finding that suggested the presence of immunoglobulins. The elongated LAP-3 types could not be used for diagnosis because they were present in nAD and AD patients. LAP-4 types were particularly interesting, because they were virtually absent in AD patients, whereas they were detected in 42.1% of all nAD subjects. It is likely that LAP-3 types contain antibodies against a non-pathogenic conformation of Ab1-42, which occurs in all humans, whereas LAP-4 types consist of IgGs and pathogenic, aggregated Ab142 as suggested by an earlier study.15 The association between Ab peptides and human IgGs was also demonstrated by double labeling of LAPs with anti-Ab and anti-IgG antibodies. Here, we found that LAP-4 was characterized by a partial overlap between both proteins, pointing toward a very heterogeneous structure of these aggregates. The elongated LAP-3, however, showed a very close and homogeneous association between the Abs and IgGs. This observation supports the idea that LAP-4, which is exclusively observed in non-AD controls, is composed of a different structured form of Ab than Ab in LAP-3.

Further support for the involvement of immunoglobulins in the composition of LAP-3 and LAP-4 types came from the observation that LAP frequencies in CSF of nAD controls, but not of AD patients, were positively correlated to immunoglobulin concentration. In addition, significant correlations were observed between Ab1-42, tau and LAPs in nAD controls. However, after Bonferroni correction that accounts for multiple testing, only the specific IgG/ protein parameter remained significant. Several other CSF proteins and peptides did not show any significant correlations (Table 1), suggesting a high specificity. Naturally occurring auto-antibodies directed against Ab peptides were detected preferentially in CSF of nAD controls and with significantly lower titers in CSF from AD patients, however, without diagnostic value because of considerable overlap between diagnostic groups.13 Recently, Hock and coworkers22 showed that the presence of auto-antibodies against Ab1-42 was not correlated to the therapeutic benefit of active Ab1-42 immunization, but a specific subfraction of auto-antibodies against aggregated plaque-derived Ab1-42 was. Further evidence for a protective role of Ab1-42 auto-antibodies came from a large, long-term epidemiological study, which demonstrated that these auto-antibodies were commonly detected in plasma of AD patients and agematched healthy subjects. The authors suggested that in those cases where auto-antibodies did not prevent the outbreak of AD, this might have been because of low antibody titers and inadequate avidity of the antibodies to their antigens.23 Moreover, immune senescence was also frequently observed in aged people.24 In summary, our findings provide evidence for a putative circulating IgG-based clearance system for soluble amyloidogenic proteins/peptides patrolling the central nervous system. A deficiency of this circulating IgG-clearance system in neurodegenerative disorders might result in increased tissue concentrations of soluble and finally precipitated amyloidogenic proteinaceous compounds, but reduced concentrations of these amyloidogenic species within the clearing pool, for example, IgG-bound Ab1-42 in human body fluids. Future experiments should be directed toward a more detailed characterization of anti-Ab auto-antibodies and the evaluation of their use for differential diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders. Furthermore, our findings may also be of interest in view of potential novel immunological therapeutic approaches for AD.


Acknowledgments This work was supported by grants from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Competence Net Dementia, grant 01 GI 0420 to JW, JK, Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease Net, grant JK 01 GI 0301 to JW, JK and HBPP-NGFN2 01 GR 0447 to JW, PL). Experiments were conducted by AWH and PSD at Experimental Biophysics Group (head: P Schwille) Molecular Psychiatry

Ab1-42 peptide binding particles in cerebrospinal fluid AW Henkel et al


and at Membrane Biophysics Group (head: E Neher), both at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Go¨ttingen, Germany. We thank G Beck from the Laboratory of Clinical Neurochemistry of the University Hospital of Erlangen-Nuremberg for the quantification of immunoglobulins and proteins in CSF. We thank our technician S Paul for expertise comments to the experimental setup and U Reulbach for valuable assistance on statistical calculations.

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